BSc Honours Projects in 2012: Please contact potential supervisors directly. In addition, you may contact other academics whose research could be interesting. Please see also 1. Resource-use efficiency in giant grasses and crops (Susanne Schmidt; ) Topic with focus on ecology, physiology or molecular biology of efficient nutrients and water use; in collaboration with Sugarcane industry and Charles Darwin University 2. Ecophysiology of rainforest mosses (Susanne Schmidt; ) Topic on fundamental bryophyte biology in context of climate change, but also possible uses of mosses in new environments - in collaboration with QLD Herbarium, and School of Architecture 3. The effect of organics on plant performance (Susanne Schmidt; Topic advances our research demonstrating the benefits of organic nutrients as signalling compounds and plant nutrients - in collaboration with industry partners 4. Understanding soil carbon stores and greenhouse gas emissions (Susanne Schmidt; ) Topic explores the role of vegetation on carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions (natural ecosystems, agricultural land) - in collaboration with DERM 5. Hormonal signals acting both locally and at long distances combine with physiological processes such as carbon allocation to control the growth of plants. (Jim Hanan and Christine Beveridge;; ). In this project the student researcher will use a computational modelling and visualisation tool based on L-systems to study how such processes are involved in controlling aspects of plant development such as branching and flowering. The project will consist of development of models of plant signalling systems, and their use to help explain experimental data and hypothesised mechanisms. 6. Strigolactones and plant development (Christine Beveridge; ) These new hormones control several important agricultural traits including as shoot number, adventitious rooting and wood production. Having discovered strigolactones and realised its broad role in plant development, we have developed several genetic tools and international collaborations that will allow us to dissect down to the molecular and physiological role of strigolactone. We will design honours projects to suit the interests and experience of enthusiastic students and will guide them through the honours process and hope they will contribute to publications from our lab in this rapidly advancing field. 7. Molecular taxonomy and evolution of negative-sense RNA viruses (Ralf Dietzken; ) Rhabdoviruses have enveloped, bullet-shaped particles and a single-stranded, negative-sense RNA genome. They can infect vertebrates, invertebrates or plants. Plant-adapted rhabdoviruses infect both monocot and dicot plants and are transmitted by planthoppers, leafhoppers and aphids in which they also multiply. There are ~60 putative plant rhabdoviruses that have so far not been classified into either genus, and some of them may not be rhabdoviruses at all, although they share similar genes. This project will include i) a detailed review of the literature to determine intracellular sites of virion accumulation, virion size & shape and insect vector ii) use of degenerate PCR primers to amplify conserved motifs of the polymerase gene for cloning and sequencing, and iii) comparative sequence alignments and phylogenetic analyses of available plant rhabdovirus sequences to assist in the classification of these diverse group of viruses. 8. Assessing the influence of silicon on abiotic and biotic interactions in plants (Elizabeth Aitken; ) Although silicon is not considered an essential plant element there is increasing evidence that it plays a significant role in plant nutrition and defence. We have shown that silicon application to banana plants causes enhanced resistance to Fusarium wilt; we have also seen similar results in Arabidopsis. The mode of action is unknown although there are indications that it is biochemical in nature, with defence genes up-regulated as well as enhanced physical defence barriers in the cells. Silicon has been demonstrated in other plant species to enhance resistance to various abiotic stresses such as salinity and drought. This is likely the case in banana, but has not been experimentally demonstrated. In this project you can apply silicon in different forms (eg potassium silicate, silicon dioxide…) and assess responses to different biotic and abiotic stresses. We can carry out experiments in banana but it might be easier to use tomato or Arabidopsis for some of the experiments. Examples of abiotic factors include cold, waterlogging, drought, nutrient deficiency, light deficiency, salinity, heat stress, and elevated CO2. Examples of biotic factors are: foliar necrotroph, foliar biotroph, nematodes, aphids. Effects on plant growth can be assessed such as: as height, dry/wet weight, disease severity (where applicable), root architecture, photosynthetic efficiency (PAM), gene expression etc. Outcomes include demonstrating that silicon can be used as a fertiliser to enhance the overall stress/disease resistance of pot and/or field grown bananas. 9. Is horizontal gene transfer occurring in Fusarium oxysporum in the field ? (Elizabeth Aitken; ) SIX (secreted in xylem) genes have been identified as pathogenicity genes located on a dispensable chromosome in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici , the causal agent of Fusarium wilt in tomato. We have also identified these genes in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc )the causal agent of Fusarium wilt in banana, but as yet their role in pathogenicity in banana has not been proven. Fusarium oxysporum is an asexual fungus, it can be typed into vegetative compatibility groupings and pathogenic race structure based on response to different cultivars is generally confined to specific VCGS. We have recently observed pathogenicity on a Cavendish cultivar from an isolate that is within a VCG only previously known to be race 1 type. Our initial studies indicated that this isolate contained a SIX gene only previously associated with race 4 VCGs. We have hypothesised that there has been somatic (horizontal ie non-sexual) transfer of genes in the field that has allowed this. Horizontal transfer has been previously shown in the lab but not the field (Ma et al. 2009). This project would entail collecting isolates and or using isolates already in the collection, establishing a phylogeny based on conserved gene analysis, screening for SIX genes, possibly undertaking some CHEF gel analysis to assess for mini chromosomes and conducting pathogenicity tests on banana. 10. Gene expression profiling of plant-microbe interactions in the roots (Peer Schenk and David Edwards;; ) A better understanding of the role of soil microbial communities and the potential discovery of new plant-microbe interactions will be vital in our aim to develop sustainable food sources. This project uses a next generation sequencing approach followed by bioinformatics analyses to unravel gene expression profiles of microbial communities associated with plants. 11. Can Brisbane burn? (Rod Fensham; ) Holocaust bushfires are a feature of the temperate Australia, but nis not a feature of the tropics. Why is this so? Brisbane is in a zone that is apparently unaffected by severe fires despite wet and dry forests and an apparently fire-prone urban-bush fringe. Is it a function of decomposition, weather or forest structure? 12. Germination ecology of artesian spring species (Rod Fensham; ) The distribution of plant species on the artesian springs would suggest that they are more mobile than the animals. Lets look at the germination ecology of these species to understand the possibility of longdistance dispersal. 13. What is the role of fire in the germination ecology of woodland eucalypts (Rod Fensham; ) Eucalyptus seedlings are cryptic in semi-arid woodlands. What is the cycle of fruiting? When is seed released? Is it prompted by fire? How long does seed last when it falls? These could be investigated with field trials and sequential soil sampling and seed-bank trials. 14. Forgotten springs in north Queensland: Relevance to biogeographic history and conservation (Rod Fensham; ) In north Queensland there are forgotten springs emanating from beneath basalt flows that have never been thoroughly surveyed. The little work that has been done has revealed endemic plants and animals. The biota in these habitats awaits discovery, and has the potential to unlock important stories about Australia’s biogeographic history. Unlike the springs of the Great Artesian Basin, the basalt springs can be accurately dated. They represent a sequence of flow systems varying in age from 10s to 100s of thousand of years old. The aging of the springs provides a unique opportunity to evaluate biogeographic history over evolutionary time-scales, in isolated stable environments. 15. Characterisation of flavour genes from mango (Timothy Holton; ) Mango is considered to be the “King of fruits”. Flavour is one of the most important factors driving consumer acceptability of mango fruit. A major component of fruit flavour is the production of volatile compounds such as terpenes. Next-generation sequencing of the mango genome has enabled the identification of candidate genes for the synthesis of flavor volatiles. This project aims to identify genes controlling the production of specific flavor compounds via the functional expression of mango terpene synthase genes in Arabidopsis and yeast, followed by the detection of flavour volatiles using analytical methods such as GC/MS. The outcomes of this work will support the development of gene markers for flavour quality in mango, which will enable a more efficient approach to mango breeding. 16. Artificial microRNA-mediated virus resistance in plants (Neena Mitter; ) RNA silencing in plants is a natural defense system against foreign genetic elements including viruses. This natural antiviral mechanism has been adopted to develop virus-resistant plants through expression of virus derived double-stranded RNAs or hairpin RNAs, which in turn are processed into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) by the host’s RNA silencing machinery. While these virus-specific siRNAs were shown to be a hallmark of the acquired virus resistance, the functionality of another set of the RNA silencing-related small RNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs), in engineering plant virus resistance has not been extensively explored. MiRNAs are expressed in the host plants from non- protein coding genes through formation of a precursor which when transcribed produce a fold-back, stem-loop RNA structure, with the stem usually being an imperfect inverted repeat sequence. The biogenesis of mature miRNAs is not affected if few nucleotides are changed in the mature miRNA sequence. By replacing natural mature miRNA sequences in the precursors with the virus specific sequences, resistance may be obtained against plant viruses. The project will involve making amiRNA constructs targeting plant viruses and using transient and stable expression in model plants for enhanced resistance. 17. RNA silencing based resistance to fungal diseases (Neena Mitter; ) RNA silencing has proven to be an emerging strategy to control plant viruses and nematodes in agricultural crops. Transgene- mediated virus resistance is a classical example of RNA silencing and its role in antiviral defence in plants. There have been many examples of transgene mediated resistance using viral sense, antisense or inverted repeat sequences for targeting RNA viruses, DNA viruses and viroids. In fungi, RNA silencing phenomenon was called Quelling when first described in Neurospora crassa in 1992. This technology of transgene induced RNA silencing can be exploited to control fungal diseases of economic importance. In simple terms, a host plant is typically transformed with a construct whose gene is obtained from the pathogen/pest of interest . When that gene is transcribed in the plant it produces a double stranded RNA (dsRNA) corresponding to the targeted gene. The plant recognizes that dsRNA as a foreign molecule and degrades it through a well-characterized process leading to formation of siRNAs. Pests feeding on the host plants ingest those siRNAs that subsequently trigger the pest to degrade the target gene within the pest. Thus, a pest gene critical to the functioning of the pest is “silenced” in the pest, rendering the plant resistant. The project will involve elucidation of the mechanism of RNA silencing based host delivered resistance against fungi. 18. Genetic transformation of Phytophthora species (Neena Mitter; ) Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands, is considered as one of the world's worst invasive organisms and all areas in Australia producing avocados are affected by this disease. It causes substantial damage to trees in Queensland and New South Wales. Phytophthora cinnamomi was first isolated from cinnamon trees in Sumatra in 1922 and has since been reported from over 70 countries. It has an extremely wide host range including 1000 varieties and species of plants. Major hosts include avocado, pineapple, chestnut, eucalyptus, several species of pine, sycamore, peach, pear, many ornamentals (including azalea, camellia and rhododendron) and many indigenous Australian and South African plants. The ability to genetically transform Phytophthora spp. would be an invaluable aid to studying the genetics and pathology of these pathogens. In recent years it has been shown that the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens which has been used for 30 years to transform plants, can also transform fungi with much greater efficiency than the traditional methods used to transform fungi (Nature, 2008). This project will investigate the conditions required for the transformation of P. cinnamomi with a reporter gene and use it as a tool to study its infection mechanism in the host. 19. Novel approaches for clonal propagation of avocado rootstocks (Neena Mitter; ) Avocado is a grafted crop and the yield and quality of the fruit is strongly influenced by the rootstock characteristics. Avocado seeds are not true to type and therefore seedling rootstocks result in significant variations in yield, fruit quality and disease susceptibility within cultivated populations as well as the length of time seedlings take to produce fruit. Clonal propagation techniques are labour intensive, arduous, time consuming and costly. One of the commonly utilised methods for clonal propagation to date is a modified technique pioneered by Frolich and Platt (1972). The Frolich and Platt method involves grafting of the material to be rooted on a nurse seedling, followed by etiolating the lower part of the growing scion and takes about 18 months. Micro RNA pathway has been identified as major regulator of endogenous gene expression and implicated in various growth development stages. The character and timing of the juvenile to adult transition vary widely between species. In Arabidopsis thaliana it is controlled by the sequential activity of microRNAs 156 and microRNA172 (Wang et al 2011). miR156 is highly abundant in seedlings and decreases during the juvenile to adult transition whereas miR172 has an opposite expression. Similar expression pattern for these genes have been shown in woody species like Acacia, Eucalyptus and Populus. In the current project, the miR156 and miR172 will be expressed in a suitable binary vector. A transient assay as well as stable transformation will be conducted to investigate its effect in model crop pea/Arabidopsis. The approach will be to either over express or target miR156 and /or 172 by RNA silencing and study the effect on root and shoot formation. We will also check for miR156 and miR172 constitutive expression in juvenile and adult avocado plants (leaves, roots, nodes, young shoots) in relation to its expression levels in A. thaliana to give us a better understanding of the translation of this approach to avocado. 20. Computational plant genome analysis (David Edwards; 21. Structure and relationships of wild and domesticated macadamia (Craig Hardner; ) 22. Understanding variability of macadamia quality (Craig Hardner; ) 23. Analysis of Australian wild rice genomes (Robert Henry; This project would explore variation in wild rice from northern Australia as a genetic resource for rice improvement globally. 24. Ecophysiology of key tree species used for reforestation in the Philippines (John Herbohn; ) 25. Competition and complementarity in mixed species plantations in the Philippines (John Herbohn; ) 26. Plant-soil relationships in mixed species plantations in the Philippines (John Herbohn; ) 27. Impact of reforestation on soil carbon in the Philippines (John Herbohn; ) 28. Investigating biochemical defences in several lines of citrus and their association with disease resistance or susceptibility (Elizabeth Dunn; The Australian citrus industry is under threat of incursion by Huanglongbing (HLB) or “citrus greening” disease. Work overseas has demonstrated that some lines may be more resistant to HLB, and attempts are currently underway to identify breeding material which may be more resistant to HLB, for inclusion into the Australian breeding program. Some preliminary research at DEEDI indicates the presence and activity of biochemical markers which may be linked to HLB resistance, although this association requires further testing with more breeding lines, and replicates than those in the initial study. Leaf material will be collected from several lines at the DEEDI citrus breeding site at Bundaberg. Tissue will be extracted and analysed for two or three biochemical markers, known to form part of the underlying defence mechanisms operative in plants. In addition, leaf and/or fruit will be assessed under controlled environment conditions for their resistance or susceptibility upon inoculation with a common pathogen. Correlations between the biochemical activity and relative pathogenicity will then be determined. The student would use the laboratory, glasshouse and office facilities at the Ecosciences Precinct, Dutton Park 29. Disease resistance in plants (Jimmy Botella; ) 30. Plant signalling (Jimmy Botella; ) 31. Genetic engineering for resistance to pathogens and pests (Jimmy Botella; ) 32. Woody and non woody weed biocontrol (Gatton campus) (Victor Galea; ) The focus will be on biocontrol of the following species: Parkinsonia, Gamba grass, Caliotrope and Athel pine 33. Effect of soil amendments (composted feedlot manures from various sources) on microbial activity/agronomic performance in pastures (Gatton campus) (Doug George; 34. Effect of soil amendments (composted feedlot manures from various sources) on microbial activity/agronomic performance of crops (Norwin, Darling Downs) (Doug George; 35. Toxicity of heavy metals to plants (Peter Kopittke; 36. Mechanisms of nutrient uptake by plant roots (Peter Kopittke; 37. Horticulture postharvest handling practices in the Solomon Islands – improving the livelihood of small rural farmers (Steven Underhill; Possible research questions associated with these and related topics: Quantify postharvest losses along the supply chain, involving documenting loss and defining physiological stresses. Can product be effectively pre-conditioned to reduce losses? Practical on-farm strategy to improve product robustness. How is the nutrition and food safety of the product impacted along the supply chain? The contributor effect of growers knowledge, skills, attitudes, and ethnicity. The role of traders in terms of resistors or promoters of change? 38. Horticulture postharvest handling practices in Fiji (Sigatoka Valley) – improving the livelihood of small rural farmers (Steven Underhill; Possible research questions associated with these and related topics: Quantify postharvest losses along the supply chain, involving documenting loss and defining physiological stresses. Can product be effectively pre-conditioned to reduce losses? Practical on-farm strategy to improve product robustness. How is the nutrition and food safety of the product impacted along the supply chain? The contributor effect of growers knowledge, skills, attitudes, and ethnicity. The role of traders in terms of resistors or promoters of change? 39. Testing a novel in vitro phytotoxicity bioassay - towards a reliable screening tool to advance soil carbon sequestration technologies (Jitka Kochanek; A rapid, routine and reliable phytotoxicity test currently does not exist to classify soil amendments manufactured from recycled waste as safe for plant growth. This study will determine whether a novel in vitro laboratory bioassay developed at UQ is useful as a screening tool to assess phytotoxicity for a range of biochar soil amendments by testing it against two currently utilised bioassays. 40. Elucidating the biochemical influence of novel carbon sequestering technologies on early plant development (Jitka Kochanek; In vitro bioassays will be used to test plant growth performance of individual extracts derived and purified (by column chromatography and/or high performance liquid chromatograpy) from a range of biochars and pyrolytic products. This study will thus provide the first steps towards understanding if specific chemicals produced during pyrolysis are responsible for some plant performance outcomes. 41. Improving macadamia seed germination (Bruce Topp; 42. Rapid estimation of yield and kernel recovery (Bruce Topp; 43. Comparison of nut and kernel morphology in three species of macadamia (Bruce Topp; 44. Functional Analysis of SYM-like genes in the Brassicaceae (Jacqueline Batley; Plants of the Brassicaceae (including broccoli, canola and Arabidopsis) are unable to form symbiotic associations with nitrogen fixing bacteria or mycorrhizal fungi in the soil. Nonetheless, many of the genes common to these pathways (SYM genes) are conserved between Brassicas and the legumes that form these associations. One hypothesis is that these genes function in other plant-microbe interaction pathways in Brassicas. This project will investigate the function of Brassica SYM-like genes through a combination of mutant phenotyping, microbe-response assays, gene expression analyses and gene complementation via genetic transformation. 45. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of blackleg resistance in Brassicas (Jacqueline Batley; The newly available genome sequence for Brassica spp. and L. maculans provide the resources to study the co-evolution of this plant and pathogen. Particularly, an understanding of the co-evolution of genes responsible for virulence and resistance will lead to improved plant protection strategies for Brassica canola and provide a model to understand plant-pathogen interactions in other major crops. This project provides the opportunity to validate predicted blackleg resistance genes, using sequence information, transformation, phenotyping and gene expression analysis. 46. Characterising genetic diversity across the Brassicaceae (Jacqueline Batley; This project will use 6000 SNPs to study genetic diversity in wild and cultivated Brassica species, to determine phylogeny and characterise genomic relationships 47. Evaluation of the antioxidant properties of purple wheat (Mark Dieters; Evaluation of the antioxidant properties of purple wheat, and evaluation of selection methods, and application of molecular markers and/or near infrared reflectance (NIR) for application in selection for enhanced functional properties of coloured wheat grains. Coloured grain is known to be high in antioxidants, and are used in a variety of applications due to perceived health benefits. The project will attempt to quantify chemical constituents of coloured grains, develop populations segregating for grain colour that will be used to develop NIR methods to identify and select for key active compounds, and so allow genetic selection for improved functional properties of coloured grains. 48. Use of genome wide molecular marker scans to identify regions of genome selection through three cycles of recurrent selection in wheat (Mark Dieters; This project will evaluate chances both in the genotype and the phenotype of lines resulting from three cycles of selection for yield, protein and disease resistance. Project will involve evaluation of lines in field trials at Gatton, genotyping of lines using DArT markers (approximately 1000 markers segregating in this population), and analysis of phenotype and genotype data to identify regions of genome that are under selection. 49. Validation of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) associated with resistance to leaf, stem and stripe rust resistance in wheat (Mark Dieters; Validation of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) associated with resistance to leaf, stem and stripe rust resistance in wheat that were identified in two sets of populations of recombinant inbred lines, in related introgression lines. This project will involve screening of lines for rust resistance both in the field and when grown under controlled conditions in the glasshouse, to validate effects of QTL for rust resistance that have previously between identified in related set of inbred lines. 50. Investigate the relationship between tolerance to crown rot and water-use efficiency in bread wheat (Mark Dieters; Project will evaluate water-use efficiency of set of double haploid lines grown under controlled conditions in the glasshouse at St Lucia. These lines have previously been genotypted and evaluated for crown rot tolerance, and the student will investigate relationship between QTL for water-use efficiency and those previously identified for crown rot resistance. Almost all current commercial varieties of bread wheat are susceptible to crown rot, and yield losses are most severe when the crop is under water stress after flowering. Some varieties that are known to be susceptible to crown rot, are still able to maintain yield even in presence of the disease. Yield losses from crown rot are typically manifested by death of tillers and shriveled grain. It is possible that genotypes with higher water-use efficiency, are less effected by crown rot because they retain more water in the soil profile at the end of the growing season, and so are able to maintain yield in presence of the disease. 51. Multiple QTL in barley for disease resistance, grain dormancy and malting quality (Mark Dieters; The student will be involved in development of population produced by crossing one a premium malting variety to multiple donors contributing disease resistance, improved grain size and grain dormancy. This population is similar to Nested Association Mapping populations that have been developed in maize. In particular the project evaluate the efficacy of marker assisted selection to pyramid multiple target QTL. 52. Systemic RNA silencing and transgenerational inheritance of regulatory RNA signals in Arabidopsis (Bernie Carroll; ) Gene silencing is a highly conserved process in plants and animals. It is of fundamental importance to the regulation of gene expression, virus defence, genome response to environment and genome evolution. Gene silencing is also of immense relevance to modern biotechnology. Recent publications: 1. Brosnan et al. (2007) Nuclear gene silencing directs reception of long-distance mRNA silencing in Arabidopsis. PNAS 104, 14741-14746. 2. Gursanscky et al. (2011) Mobile microRNAs hit the target. Traffic doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0854.2011.01253.x. 3. Christie et al. (2011) Intron splicing suppresses RNA silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 68, 159-167. Remarkably, when gene silencing is triggered in plants and nematodes it can spread throughout the organism. Using genetics and micro-grafting in Arabidopsis, we have identified several genes that are required for systemic transmission of gene silencing (Brosnan et al., 2007; Gursanscky et al., 2011). Many new mutants defective in systemic spreading of RNA silencing have been identified in our lab and we are currently using map-based cloning to clone the corresponding genes. We are also investigating whether intercellular regulatory RNA silencing signals can be transmitted through the germline to affect the phenotype of subsequent generations. 53. Intron splicing regulates gene silencing in Arabidopsis (Bernie Carroll; ) Transposons, viruses and transgenes are prime targets for gene silencing, and they usually lack introns. Recently, we have shown that intron splicing suppresses RNA silencing in Arabidopsis (Christie et al., 2011). Our discovery highlights an additional evolutionary role of introns and provides a mechanism for how endogenous genes avoid gene silencing. This project will further investigate the extent and mechanism of intron-mediated regulation of gene silencing in Arabidopsis. So far, we have identified several genes that are involved in intron suppression of RNA silencing. 54. Genetic engineering of pest resistance in plants (Bernie Carroll; ) Transgenes inducing gene silencing against essential genes in viruses, pests and pathogens can used be to engineer artificial resistance in genetically modified crops. We are using Arabidopsis as a model to optimize the design of these transgenes. Techniques used in these three areas of research will include gene cloning, analysis of mRNA and small regulatory RNAs, detection of DNA methylation, Green Florescent Protein (GFP) imaging of gene silencing, and genetic engineering of Arabidopsis. 55. Selection and domestication of starch biosynthesis genes in sorghum (Ian Godwin; ) By the end of Nov 2011 we will have complete genome sequence from 44 cultivated sorghum lines, landraces and wild relatives. This will allow us to study the selection pressures and domestication signatures in the 12 genes in the pathway. 56. Kafirin promoter analysis in GM sorghum (Ian Godwin; ) We have GM lines of sorghum with 4 different promoters (with and without signal peptide sequences) and we want to assess the levels and cell-specific expression of these promoters in selfed progenies, with GFP as the reporter gene. This will also allow us to choose the lines to go into the first field trial of transgenic sorghums in December 2012. 57. Agriculture extension and communications topics, connecting plant science with users (Helen Ross; Communicating knowledge, exploring growers’ knowledge needs, integrating knowledge... 58. Rural development types of topic, e.g. re developing countries (Helen Ross; Interdisciplinary supervision teams might also consider the environmental aspects of plant choices, e.g. crops that are less water reliant. 59. Pongamia trees for sustainable biodiesel production (Peter Gresshoff; ) 60. Signalling for biological nitrogen fixation in plants (Peter Gresshoff; ) 61. Investigating FT-NIR as a rapid screening method for fungal mycotoxins in individual maize kernels (Glen Fox; 62. Characterising the anti-oxidant properties of purple wheat and associated baked products (Glen Fox; School of Agriculture and Food Sciences - BSc Plant Science Honours program Title of course: BIOL6504 "Honours Research Project" (starting in Sem 1) BIOL6505 "Honours Research Project” (starting in Sem 2) BIOL6505 "Honours Research Project” (part-time) Honours is an interesting and challenging year in which you develop and demonstrate your capabilities for critical thought and independent research within the broad area of biology under the guidance of a supervisor. It allows you to gain experience in many practical aspects of science and its possible uses in applied research and industry. The Honours program is run across a full academic year, and may commence in first or second semester. The program provides an opportunity for eligible students to conduct high level research from a wide selection of projects on offer each year. Research is conducted in close collaboration with academic staff and is an unparalleled opportunity to prepare for a research higher degree (MPhil or PhD) and broadens your skill base for a range of scientific careers and other vocations. The current Honours Program Guides, which are made available to students in all Honours programs at the time of commencement of the Honours program, are a comprehensive guide to the program requirements. Further information about the entry requirements, application process and the Honours programs can be accessed by visiting the SAFS website or by contacting SAFS academic administration (undergraduate) Contact Information SAFS Academic Administration Email: Ms Marie-Louise Moore (Administrative Officer) Ph 07-336 52165 (ext52165) Room S320, Level 3 Hartley Teakle Building (83) St Lucia Campus Email: or A/Prof Peer Schenk (Honours coordinator) Email: Assessment statement: Research Proposal Seminar (compulsory attendance of Honours student cohort), Research Proposal (including a literature review) (20%), Mid-term student workshop (compulsory attendance of Honours student cohort; students will discuss experimental approaches and problems mid-term through their project), Final research report (50%), Research performance (judged by supervisor) (20%), Final seminar (10%)