Integrated Solid Waste Management
Chapter 4
Waste Collection
Chapter Overview
Plainning The Waste Collection
Layout Of Collection Route
Type Of Collection System
Collection Methods
Route Of Collection
Pneumatic Waste Collection
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Chapter 4
Integrated Solid Waste Management
After studying this chapter, students should be able to:
Explain the factors should be considered in planning waste collection
Describe the collection of waste in various type of dwelling.
Explain the type of collection system.
Layout the solid waste collection route.
The functional element of collection is includes not only the gathering of solid wastes and
recyclable materials, but also the transport of these materials, after collection, to the location
where the collection vehicle is emptied. This location may be a material processing facility, a
transfer station, or a landfill disposal site. In small cities, where final disposal sites are
nearby, the hauling of wastes is not a serious problem. In large cities, however, where the
haul distance to the point of disposal is often greater than 25 kilometer, the haul may have
significant economic implications. Where long distances are involved, transfer and transport
facilities are normally used.
The method of waste collection will significantly influence the quality and quantity of
recovered material, and the mode of disposal. Basically, there are four types of collection
systems employed in Asia.
Communal collection system (similar to the “bring systems used in most of
European countries)
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Block collection
Curbside collection
Door to door collection
Integrated Solid Waste Management
Chapter 4
Many factors need to be considered in planning the waste collection system in order to make
sure the effectiveness. Some of these factors are:
population distribution & density
topography & road layout
characteristic of the waste & quantity
disposal method used
weather condition
type & number vehicles available
number of location of transfer station
road design
Some of all of these factors would determine the frequency of collection. For example,
most of Asian countries being in the tropics where the climate is generally hot and
humid, so the putrescible has to be collected more frequently than in the cold counties.
Frequency of waste collection depends on the amount and nature of waste generated
and whether there is any sorting at source.
In Malaysia the frequency of waste collection depends on the municipal size, amount of
waste generated and percentage waste from commercial areas. The capacity of the
storage facilities also determines the frequency of collection. Wet market and sources
producing putrescible waste be cleared daily.
Additionally, the availability of labour and other associated factors such as wages, cost of
living, etc. need to be considered.
The general steps involved in establishing route include:
Preparation of location maps
Data analysis
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Chapter 4
Integrated Solid Waste Management
Preliminary layout of routes
Evaluation of the preliminary routes & the development of balanced route by
successive trials
Step 1
A large scale map of the commercial, industrial, or resident housing area to be served,
and the following data should be plotted for solid waste pickup points:
Collection frequency
Number of containers
For residential sources it is generally assumed that approximately the same average
quantity of waste will be collected from each source. Usually, for residential resources
only the number of home per block will be shown.
Depending on the size of the area and the number of pickup points, the area should be
subdivided into areas corresponding roughly to the similar land-use area into smaller
area, taking into account factors such as a waste generation rate and collection
Step 2
On the spreadsheet program enter the following heading:
Collection frequency, time/week ; number of pickup location; total number of container;
number of trips; trips/ week; and a separate column for each day of the week during
which wastes will be collected’
Second, determine number of pickup locations requiring multiple pickup during the week
and enter the information on the spreadsheet. Start the listing with the locations requiring
the highest number pickup per week.
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Chapter 4
Third, distribute the number of containers requiring once per week service so that the
number of containers emptied per day is balanced for each collection day. Preliminary
collection routes can be laid out once this information is known.
Step 3
Using the information from step 2, the layout of collection routes can be outlined as
Starting from the dispatch station or where the collection vehicles are park, a route
should be laid out that connects all the pickup points (containers) to be served during
each collection day. The next step is to modify the basic route to include the additional
containers that will be serviced on each collection day. Each daily route should be laid
out so it begin and end near the dispatch station. The collection operation should be
proceed in a logical manner; taking into account the guidelines cited previous and
specific local constrains.
Step 4
When preliminary route have been laid out, the average distance to be travel between
containers should be computed. If the routes are unbalanced with respect to the distance
traveled (>15 percent), they should be redesigned so that each route covers
approximately the same distance. In general a number of collection route must be tried
before the final ones are selected. When more than one collection vehicle are required,
collection route of each functional-use or service are must be laid out, and workloads for
each driver must be balanced.
Collection system has been classified according to their mode of operation into two
i. Hauled container systems (HCS)
ii. Stationery container systems
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Chapter 4
Integrated Solid Waste Management
Hauled Container Systems (HCS)
The hauled container systems are Suitable for the removal of waste from source where
the rate of generation is high because relatively large containers are used. The use of
large containers handling time as well as the unsightly accumulation and unsanitary
conditions associated with the use of smaller containers.
Another advantages of haul container system are the flexibility (many different size of
container are available for the collection off all types of waste) and the HCS only
requiring one truck and driver to accomplish the collection cycle. Disadvantage of HCS is
due the use of vary large containers because it can leads to low-volume utilization unless
loading aids provided.
Three types of haul container system:
Hoist truck
ii. tilt-frame container
iii. Trash trailer
Hoist truck systems
The hoist trucks were widely use with containers size from 0.2 to 10 m3 (2 to 12 yd3).
However, this system only applicable in limited number of cases which are:
For the collection of wastes who has a small operation and collects only from a
few pickup points at which considerable amounts of waste are generated.
ii. For the collection of bulky item and industrial rubbish such as scrap metal and
construction debris that are not suitable for collection with compaction vehicles.
Tilt-frame container
This type is suitable for collection of all types of solid waste rubbish from locations where
the generation rate warrants the use of large containers. Various type of large containers
are available for use with Tilt-frame collection vehicles. Open-top containers are used
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Chapter 4
routinely at warehouse and construction sites. Large containers in conjunction with
stationary compactors are common at apartment, commercial, and transfer station.
Trash trailer
The application of trash trailers is similar to tilt frame container system. Trash trailers are
better for the collection of especially heavy rubbish, such sand, timber, and metal scrap
and often are used for the collection of demolition waste at construction site.
Stationaary Container System
Collection of Solid Waste (Commingled)
The term collection included picking up of solid waste from the sources and hauling of
waste to the location where the contents of the collection vehicle are emptied. The
unloading of the collection vehicle is also considered of part of the collection operation.
The activities associated hauling & unloading are similar for most collection system. The
gathering or picking up of solid waste vary with the characteristic of:
The facilities.
Location where wastes are generated.
Method use for storage of accumulated wastes between collections.
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Integrated Solid Waste Management
Low-rise detach dwelling (commingled)
The most common types of residential collection service for low-rise detached dwelling
especially employed in Asia are include:
Communal collection
Block collection
Curbside collection
Door to door collection
Communal collection (high rise apartment)
This method is similar to the “bring” system used in most of Europe. In this system,
the households are responsible to bring the solid waste to the collection point. Sorting
of waste also has to be done by the household. The collector will collect the waste
from the communal storage. This system is commonly used in high rise apartment
and condominium. Hawker centers and commercial areas prefer this system.
Block collection
The household will deliver the waste to the collection vehicle at the predetermined
intervals. Usually collection will be done 2 to 3 times a week and the arrival of the
vehicles is inform by ringing a bell or playing a musical note.
Curbside collection
Curbside is the most common method used terrace or link houses in Malaysia. The
wastes are collected from the home by the collection crew. The home owner is
responsible for placing the containers to be emptied at the curb on collection day and
for returning the empty container to their storage location until the next collection.
Waste sorting is responsibility of the house owner. In most Asian countries sorting
may also in the curbside, especially by the wastes collectors.
Curbside collection which is commonly practiced in Asian countries, have many
disadvantages such as:
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Chapter 4
The bins are messed up by scavengers especially in the poorer nation like
India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Bins are being stolen especially if the bins are not provided by the
Animals such as dogs, cats and monkeys sometime mess up the bins
looking for food.
d. Door to door collection
Door to door collection could classified into five categories.
ii. alley
iii. setout-setback
iv setout
Curbside is the most common method used terrace or link houses in Malaysia. The
wastes are collected from the home by the collection crew. The home owner is
responsible for placing the containers to be emptied at the curb on collection day
and for returning the empty container to their storage location until the next
collection. The disadvantages of this collection method are sometime the bins
messed up by scavengers or animals and bins are being stolen.
Alleys collection method also called as back lane collection. It is a door to door
collection. Alleys are part of the basic layout of a city or given residential area.
Alley storage of containers used for solid waste is common.
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Chapter 4
Integrated Solid Waste Management
In setout-setback system, normally use two groups of collectors. The containers
are set out from the homeowner’s property and set back after being emptied by the
additional crews that work in conjunction with the collection crew responsible for
loading the collection vehicle. The advantage of this system of collection is faster.
Setout service is essentially the same as setout-setback service, except that the
homeowner is responsible for returning the containers to their storage location.
Commonly used for the collection from individual houses like detached bunglows.
The method of waste collection will influence the quality and quantity of recovered
material and the mode of disposal. The manual methods used for collection of
residential waste include:
The direct lifting & carrying of loaded containers to the collection vehicle.
ii. The rolling the loaded containers on their rims to the collection vehicle
iii. The use of small lifts for rolling loaded to the collection vehicle.
In other cases, collection vehicle are equipped with auxiliary container into which
the wastes are emptied.
ii. Low and medium-rise apartments.
Curbside collection service is commonly use for the most low and medium r-rise
apartments. The maintenance staff is responsible for transporting the containers to
the street for curbside collection. The municipal will collected the waste from the
communal containers.
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Integrated Solid Waste Management
Chapter 4
iii. High Rise Building
Typically, large containers are used to collect waste from large apartment buildings.
The contents of the containers may be emptied mechanically using collection
vehicles equipped with unloading mechanism or the loaded vehicle hauled to an offsite location where the containers are unloaded (materials recovery facilities).
Collection of Waste (Separated at source)
Waste materials that have been separated at the sources must be collected gathered
before they can be recycling. The principle methods used for the collection of these
materials include curbside collection by using conventional and special designed
collection vehicles.
Residential (curbside collection)
In a curb collection system, source- separated recyclable materials are collected
separately from commingled waste. Some programs require residents to separate
several different material and store in their own containers.
Commercial & industrial Facilities
Manual and mechanical means are used to collect wastes from commercial
facilities. To avoid traffic congestion during the day, many cities are collected the
waste in the early in the morning or late evening. If congestion is not a major
problem and space for storing containers is available, the collection service
provided to commercial facilities on the use of movable containers.
Routes of Collection
The collection routes must be laid out so that the equipments and the collectors are use
effectively. In general, the layout of collection routes involves a series of trails. There is no
universal set of rule that can be applied to all situations. Guideline should be taken in to
consideration when design the layout the collection routes:
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Chapter 4
Integrated Solid Waste Management
Existing policies and regulations related to such items as the point of collection and
the frequency of collection must be identify.
Existing system characteristic such as the number crew and vehicle type must be
Wherever possible, routes should be laid out so that they begin and end near
arterial streets,
In hilly area, route should start at the top of the grade and proceed downhill as a
vehicle become loaded.
Routes should be laid out so that The last container to be collected must be located
nearest to the disposal site.
Waste generated at traffic congested location should be collected as early in the
day as possible.
Sources at which extremely large quantities of waste generated should be serviced
during the first part of the day.
Scattered pickup points that receive the same collection frequency should, if
possible be serviced during one trip or on the same day.
More complex than hydraulic systems.
Use low pressure air and vacuum conduit system to transport rubbish through
underground pipe
transport wastes from high density apartments or commercial activities to central
location for processing.
Reduces traveling time & increases the waste collection efficiency & minimize
management cost.
Hydraulic transports is being used for the transport of food wastes
The major problem of this method is the / waste water used for transporting the
wastes must be treated.
This system practical in areas where proper processing facilities are incorporated
into treatment system.
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Integrated Solid Waste Management
Chapter 4
Describe the communal collection system.
Describe disadvantages of the kerbside collection method.
Explain the effects of storage materials on the waste components in term of the absorption
of fluids
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Chapter 4
Integrated Solid Waste Management
The systems of waste collection have been classified into two categories according to their
mode of operation. Explain the Hauled Container Systems (HCS) including the advantages
and disadvantages of the system.
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