Historical Criticism

Historical Criticism (aka Cultural Criticism) requires the reader to analyze the events of a text and explain how they relate to a given
time period. In Brave New World, Huxley satirizes (pokes fun at; criticizes) the decadent lifestyle of many Americans in the 1920s.
Textual elements concerning character names, fashion, entertainment, transportation, setting, plot and theme are all directly or
symbolically related to the 1920s and early 1930s. Huxley published Brave New World in 1932 as warning for all Americans. He
believed a self-indulgent era of consumers would ultimately result in a socialist dystopia. Citizens would become like infants relying on
the government for their knowledge, religion, morals and entertainment.
Complete the Webquest below to gain a better understanding of the era that inspired Huxley’s warning.
Historical Criticism: The 1920s
Step #1: Basic Overview of the 1920s
Visit: The Roaring 20s: http://www.learner.org/biographyofamerica/prog20/feature/index.html
1. Since most Americans experienced an increase in cash flow, how did they spend their extra money?
2. What type of financial state were agricultural workers experiencing in the 1920s?
3. How did the factual impact of prohibition differ from popular fictional accounts of the 1920s?
4. What advancements were made in the area of entertainment during the 1920s? How did this impact popular culture?
5. How did changes in fashion help liberate women?
6. What technological advancement created the largest change in American culture during the 1920s?
Step #2: Fashion
Visit: http://www.fashion-era.com/flapper_fashion_1920s.htm
1. What changes occurred in fashion? (List and explain at least 2)
Step #3: Music & Entertainment
Visit: Roaring 20s Concert: http://bestwebs.com/roaring1920/index.shtml
1. Review the list of song titles. What do most songs appear to be about?
2. How would you describe the tone, beat and theme of 1920s music?
3. Compare / contrast the music of the 1920s to today’s. How are they similar? How are they different? Which do you prefer and why?
Step #4: Important Political and Historic Events
Directions: Using your problem-solving & technology skills, respond to the following questions using a variety of web-sties
1) Explain the Red Scare in America after World War One? (http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/saccov/redscare.html)
2) Find an image and describe the events of the Sacco and Vanzetti Case? (http://www.angelfire.com/co/pscst/sandv.html)
3) Investigate the rise of racism and population control in the 1920s. Explain the National Origins Act?
4) Make a list of some of the new consumer appliances that Americans could purchase in the 1920s. Include at least 2 pictures.
5) Find a political cartoon or image surrounding the Scopes Trial. Summarize this court case in less than 20 words
6) What was the work force like for women in the 1920s? (http://www.msad54.org/sahs/socialstudies/finely/1920s/1920hk/women.html)
7) What was the role of the 1920s Gangster (fashion, work, cultural portrayal, etc…)?
8.) How do you think your life would be different if you lived in the 1920s? Record your answer in a perfect paragraph response.