STYLE NOTES FOR AUTHORS for preparation of Camera-Ready Copy HES – 16 International Conference on Heating by Electromagnetic Sources Induction, Conduction, Dielectric, Microwaves Heating and EPM (Electromagnetic Processing) May 24-27, 2016 - Padua (Italy) INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS In order to achieve rapid publication, the texts will be printed directly from your typescripts. You are therefore fully responsible for the printing quality of the paper and are kindly requested to observe the following instructions. Texts must be written in English. KEY DATE Texts for publication should reach the address below by February 1, 2016. Two original copies in electronic form files (both .doc and .pdf) should be uploaded in the web site: Only Microsoft Word or compatible .doc and .pdf (with embedded fonts) files will be accepted. If in doubt please contact the symposium secretariat. PRINT Typescript texts in A4 format, will be offset-printed from your original copy. The final volume size will be 17x24 cm. The overall length of the paper (photos and illustrations included) should be limited to 8 pages. Papers exceeding this limit will be rejected. Papers should be organised in the following sequence: 1)Abstract; 2) Introduction; 3) Main subject matter; 4) Conclusions; 5) Acknowledgements (where applicable); 6) References. TITLE, AUTHORS, ADDRESSES Title of paper, Name of Authors and Complete Addresses should be typed in the first page, in the space available below the top margin, as shown in the sample page enclosed. ABSTRACT Abstract should start on page 1 where indicated on the sample pages (i.e. 75 mm below the top margin). It gives the main lines of the article topics in 100-200 words. TYPESCRIPT Texts will come next, starting from page 1, under the abstract. For the following pages please start typing text right below the top margin. Each paragraph should have a 3-space indention. Text should be typed with single spacing and will undergo a 20% reduction. Times New Roman font 12 pts and exact spacing between lines of 13 pts are suggested (nothing smaller is acceptable); top margin: 30 mm; bottom margin: 25 mm; left margin: 25 mm; right margin: 25 mm). HEADINGS Section headings should be typed bold-face, in capital letters, flush with the left-hand margin. Section subheadings should be underlined, preferably in Italic, typed flush with the left-hand margin, and only the first letter of each major word is to be capitalised. Do not leave any space below headings and subheadings. Leave one space between sections. FOOTNOTES They should be avoided. When necessary they should be indicated with consecutive numbers, and given on the bottom of the page in the order of quotation. A black line should be drawn to separate footnotes from text. A single line-space should be left between text and footnote line. EQUATIONS Equations should be typed flush with the left-hand margin and numbered consecutively. Numbers should be written in brackets on the right. Leave single spacing above and below equations. ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLES Illustrations and drawings must be pasted in position on typed pages and must be individually captioned. Please remember that their sizes will be reduced along with the rest of the layout sheet.. Leave single spacing above and below illustrations and tables. COLOURED PHOTOS The cost of coloured photos must be directly discussed with the Publisher. UNITS AND SYMBOLS The use of SI units is required. Symbols used in equations should be explained directly below the equation in which they first appear. REFERENCES References should be listed at the end of the paper in numerical order by text citation. In the text, reference citations should be by reference number, typed on the line and enclosed in square brackets. Journal references should include: each author's surname and initials, year of publication between brackets, title of the article (where applicable), abbreviated journal title (underlined or preferably italic), volume number and page numbers. References to books should include: each author's surname and initials, year of publication in brackets, name of book and editor (underlined or preferably italic), place of publication. References to multi-author works should include: each author's surname and initials, year of publication in brackets, the title of the chapter (where applicable); "In": followed by the name of the book (underlined or preferably italic), initials and surname(s) of the editor(s) in brackets, volume and page number and place of publication. The references should appear in the following form: [1] Thorton, E.A., Wieting, A.R. (1980). Evaluating of finite-element formulation for transient conduction forced-convection analysis. Numerical Heat Transfer, 3, 281-295. [2] Mecholsky, J.J., Freiman, S.W. (1981). Fractographic analysis of delayed fracture in ceramics. In: Fractography and material science (L.N. Gilbertson, R.D. Zipp, Eds.), Vol. 2,124-198, Philadelphia. [3] Otaki, T. (1971). Holding refrigerant in refrigerant unit. Progress in Refrigeration Science and Technology, Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Refrigeration, Washington D.C. 1971, Avi Publishing Company Inc., 535-544. PLEASE SEE SAMPLE PAGES ENCLOSED. EXTRA COPIES The publisher will be pleased to receive orders for extra copies, at the prices indicated in the enclosed form. 30 mm EQUIVALENT WIND LOADING SPECTRUM TECHNIQUE Title and authors G. Piccardo(1) and G. Solari(1) (1) Complete adress of authors Istituto di Scienza delle Costruzioni, University of Genova, Via Montallegro 1, 16145 Genova, Italy 75 mm On page 1 start abstract 75 mm below the top margin and then carry on with text ABSTRACT. Wind forces on structures are usually schematized by the sum of their mean static part and a nil mean fluctuation generally treated as a stationary process randomly varying in space and time. The multi-dimensional nature of such a process gives rise to relevant numerical efforts in order to carry out the dynamic analysis of the structural response. With the aim of drastically reducing the above computational burden, this paper introduces a method by means of which the external fluctuating forces are schematized by an equivalent identically coherent process, rather than by the actual cross-correlated process. This process is identified by a power spectral density function, called the Equivalent Wind Loading Spectrum, whose expression is given in closed form. INTRODUCTION Wind action is usually schematized by a suitable distribution of forces applied on the structural surface. These forces are represented by the sum of their mean static part and a nil mean fluctuation generally treated as a stationary process randomly varying in space and time and schematized, in the frequency domain, by their cross-power spectral density function. 25 mm WIND LOADING MODEL Time domain analysis Using the model [3, 4], F , F' are given by: F z 25 mm 1 2 u z b Cu u z 2 (2) ' z; t F' z; t F (3) where C is the , component (=x,y,; =u,v,w,s) of the following matrix: cd cd c cos C c cd c cos c m c m cos cd c sin cd c sin c msin cds cs c ms (7) Figures 7 show the rms values of the x alongwind and y crosswind displacements (a) and of the torsional rotation (b) of model 2 in the middle of its span. The solid lines correspond to the rigorous solutions based on Eq. 16; the dashed lines are the obtained applying the PAGE N. (write in pencil on all the pages) TELEPHONE FAX 25 mm (only on the first page) IMPORTANT: NO NOT FOLD SHEETS Equation number on right margin From page 2 start typing below top margin EWLST. As shown by the diagram of figure (b) there is a fairly good correspondence between the two different solutions. Figure will be 20% reduced make sure of their quality Figure 7. Dynamic response of model 2. Ident in three strokes each new paragraph It is possible to verify that in the class of the usual mode shapes a suitable K value exists, depending on 1 (z), making Eq. 20 an almost exact approximation of Eq. 22. Table 1 gives a list of such values. Table 1. Noticeable values of K for horizontal structures ( = /2). 1(z) 1 sin(z/ ) sin(z/2 ) [1-cos(2z/ )]/2 (z/ )0.5 (z/ )1.0 (z/ )1.5 (z/ )2.0 (z/ )2.5 K(=u,v,w,s) 0.50 0.39 0.40 0.32 0.44 0.38 0.33 0.29 0.26 CONCLUSIONS Using the Equivalent Wind Loading Spectrum Technique proposed in this paper, the external fluctuating forces are schematized by an equivalent identically coherent process, rather than by the actual cross-correlated process. This process is identified by a power spectral density function, the Equivalent Wind Loading Spectrum, whose expression is given in closed form. REFERENCES [1] Davenport, A.G. (1961). The application of statistical concepts to wind loading of structures. Proc. Instn. Civ. Engrs., 19, 449-472. [2] Davenport, A.G. (1962). The response of slender, line-like structures to a gusty wind. Proc. Instn. Civ. Engrs., 23, 389-408. [3] Vellozzi, J., Cohen, E. (1968). Gust response factor. J.Struct. Div., ASCE, 97, 1295-1313.