Mass Transport of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Vapors to Fog Droplets Paper # 1006 Kalliat T Valsaraj1 and Suresh Raja Gordon A. and Mary Cain Department of Chemical Engineering Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7303 ABSTRACT The mass transfer of naphthalene vapor to water droplets in air was studied in the presence of ozone in the gas phase. A falling droplet reactor with water droplets of diameters 55, 91 and 182 m was used for the study. Ozone reacted with naphthalene at the air-water interface, thereby decreasing the mass transfer resistance and increasing the rate of uptake of naphthalene into the droplet. A Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction mechanism at the air-water interface satisfactorily described the surface reaction. The first order surface reaction rate constant, ks increased with decreasing droplet size. Three organic intermediates were identified in the aqueous phase as a result of ozonation of naphthalene at the surface of the droplet indicating both peroxidic and non-peroxidic routes for ozonation. The presence of an organic carbon surrogate (Fulvic acid) increased both the partition constant of naphthalene and the surface reaction rate of ozone. INTRODUCTION Organic vapors emitted to the lower troposphere are distributed horizontally by advection and vertically by diffusion. They are redeposited on land and water surfaces by dry and wet deposition processes. Wet deposition occurs mainly via rain, fog and snow. Near surface deposition by fog is especially important as a scavenger of organic molecules such as pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds resulting from anthropogenic activities. Fog is a near-surface cloud and composed mainly of water droplets condensed on sub-micron particles. The typical sizes of fog droplets vary from 1 to 100 m. Upon uptake of organic vapors by fog, it is redistributed between the water and colloids in fog. The presence of a large surface area distributed in a given volume of air makes the chemistry of fog droplets to be driven largely by surface (heterogeneous) and multiphase processes. Uptake of organic molecules on small droplets is dependent not only on the bulk equilibrium that exists between air and water, but also the surface equilibrium established between the large airwater interface and air. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous in the atmosphere and result from fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning and automobile emissions. They range in molecular size from 2-ring (naphthalene) to multi-ring compounds. PAHs possess low aqueous solubility, low vapor pressure and are hydrophobic. Hence PAHs accumulate in organic rich environments such as aerosol, sediment, soil, biota and animal 1 Author for correspondence. Phone: 2255786522, Fax: 2255781476, E-mail: 1 tissue. It has been shown that the air-water interfacial adsorption of these compounds is substantial and hence conducive to transport by air bubbles in water and water droplets in the atmosphere1,2. Several PAHs have been noted in fogwaters at concentrations much larger than that predicted by simple gas/liquid equilibrium3,4. Previously a hypothesis has been advanced that this is a result of increased surface area of fog droplets (due to their small size) and the presence of surface-active organic compounds in fogwater5,6. The overall mass transfer to a water droplet in the atmosphere is driven by a series of steps that include (i) gas phase mass transfer of reactants, (ii) surface accommodation and adsorption of reactants, and (iii) either a surface reaction or bulk phase diffusion (solubilization) followed by reaction within the droplet. Figure 1 represents these processes7,39. For compounds that do not undergo reaction, the processes of concern are gas phase mass transfer, surface accommodation and liquid phase diffusion (solubilization). Figure 1. Schematic of the steps involved in the mass transfer and multiphase reactions for a PAH vapor and oxidants at the surface of a falling water droplet in the atmosphere. The loss of PAH via surface reaction is represented by a pseudofirst order rate constant. Gas phase mass transfer and surface accommodation Surface reaction Bulk phase diffusion and reaction Oxidants Drop velocity, U We conducted several single droplet laboratory experiments for PAH vapor uptake in a falling droplet reactor in which a constant gas phase concentration was maintained8,9. As fresh droplets traversed the reactor the PAH vapors were incorporated into the droplets. The PAH concentration increased with droplet/gas contact time and decreased droplet radius. Because of the millisecond droplet/gas contact, equilibrium was not established at the reactor outlet. The kinetic data obtained were used to determine mass transfer coefficients and mass accommodation constants for individual PAHs. Since no other reactants were introduced into the reactor, the only fate process for the PAH compounds was dissolution into the droplet. These experiments showed that the partitioning of PAHs between the gas and a water droplet was larger for small droplets8,9. This was attributed to increased partitioning of compounds to the air-water interface through adsorption. As a consequence the equilibrium at the air-water interface required a modified partition constant given by 2 K *WA K WA Equation 1 where KWA is the conventional air-water bulk phase equilibrium constant (Henry’s constant, dimensionless molar concentration ratio). The parameter corrects for the enhanced partitioning due to surface adsorption, 6 K IA Equation 2 1 d D K WA where KIA (m) represents the air-water interfacial adsorption constant and dD (m) is the droplet diameter. Depending on the value of dD and KIA, the value of can range from 1 to several orders of magnitude. Values of KIA for a variety of PAHs were measured earlier in our laboratory using the inverse gas chromatography technique2. There have been numerous recent reports, which have shown that chemical reactions at the air-water interface can occur faster than homogeneous reactions in the bulk liquid or gas phase10-17. Recently Donaldson and co-workers18,19 used laser-induced fluorescence to provide direct evidence of the reaction of gas phase ozone with anthracene adsorbed to a planar, thick air-water interface. They also showed that the reaction was five times faster on an octanol-coated air-water interface. Ozone is reported to have variable mass accommodation coefficients (10-3 to 10-2) on pure air-water interface20,44. Similarly PAHs also show small mass accommodation coefficients8,9. However, the presence of a PAH at the interface may increase the PAH-ozone interaction at the air-water interface of a fog droplet19. In the natural atmosphere the primary oxidants are the hydroxyl radical, ozone and nitrate radical. For example, the environment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana has predominance of ozone21 with the presence of PAHs such as Naphthalene23, where in ozone can enter into heterogeneous reactions22. Reactions of PAH vapors with ozone can potentially be significant in fog droplets since fog not only provides a very high surface area but also is long lasting so that heterogeneous, multiphase reactions can transform the compounds. It has been suggested that oxidation products of PAHs are sometimes more toxic than the parent PAH. Most of the laboratory experiments on PAH-ozone interactions have been on planar, thick air-water interfaces in a batch reactor19 and cannot be directly translated to that of a highly curved surface such as a fog droplet for which a renewable air-water interface prevails as the drop falls through the atmosphere. Whereas a large concentration driving force for mass transfer can be maintained for a thick, planar air-water interface, the driving force will be smaller for a water droplet in the atmosphere due to its small size. With the above aspects in mind we undertook a laboratory study of gas-phase ozone reaction with a typical PAH (naphthalene) vapor on micron-size water droplets in a falling droplet reactor to elucidate the kinetics and mechanism of this potential reaction pathway. EXPERIMENTAL Compounds Studied The PAH of concern in this study was naphthalene which is a 2-ring compound and the first in the series of PAHs. It has a high vapor pressure, low aqueous solubility and is hydrophobic in nature. It also has a modest adsorption capacity at the air-water interface. It was obtained at 99% purity from Aldrich Chemicals, Missouri. It is the most prevalent 3 PAH in the Baton Rouge air23. The relevant properties of the compound are given in Table 1. Table 1. Physico-chemical properties of naphthalene8. All values are at 298K. Property Value Molecular weight Aqueous solubility, C* Sub-cooled liquid vapor pressure, P* Air-water interfacial adsorption constant, KIA Air-water bulk phase partition constant, KWA Surface accommodation coefficient, α Diffusivity in water, DL Diffusivity in air, DG Thermal velocity, Ĉ 128 0.241 mol.m-3 0.037 kPa (27.2 ± 1.8) x 10-6 m 53 ± 4 [dimensionless molar ratio] (2.2 ± 0.6) x 10-4 7.0 x 10-10 m2.s-1 5.7 x 10-6 m2.s-1 222 m.s-1 Experimental Apparatus The apparatus (Figure 2) used in this experiment was a modification of our earlier work8. In this work an aromatic hydrocarbon vapor stream along with ozone gas was fed into the falling droplet reactor. In order to study the kinetics and uptake in the droplet flow tube apparatus, the whole experimental apparatus was traced with heating coils and controlled by temperature controllers obtained from Omega Engineering Inc. The water droplets generated in this study passed through a cylindrical stainless steel reactor (0.0245m i.d., 1.06m long). The saturated vapor stream, as generated in our previous work8, was fed into the droplet flow tube apparatus using a perforated porous frit sparger. Ozone gas was generated using a unit obtained from Ozone Solutions, Inc. The ozone concentration was measured electrochemically, prior to introduction into the droplet flow reactor, using a handheld ozone sensor obtained from Ozone Solutions Inc. The pure ozone stream flow rate that was fed to the reactor was about 20mL/min. Figure 2. Schematic of the falling droplet reactor where the saturated gas phase naphthalene interacts with ozone on micron-size water droplets. M ass Flow Controller Helium gas Saturated vapor Generator W ires to pulse generator O 3 Destruct Unit Flow M eter Inlet gas stream Saturated Stream Inlet Droplet reactor (stainless steel) O 3 Generator W ater inlet Glass nozzle assembly for droplet generation Ozone inlet Gas sparger/distributor O 3 meter Gas stream for GC/M S He-Ne Laser Photodiode Optical glass Reactor outlet gas stream Liquid collection chamber W ater to GC/M S analysis 4 The droplet generation assembly comprised of a capillary glass nozzle embedded in a piezo-ceramic tube actuated by an electric pulse generator obtained from the University of Bremen, Germany. Droplets were generated using HPLC grade water fed to the capillary nozzle assembly using a syringe pump (KD Scientific, Model 210). Based on the settings in the electronic pulse generator, the desired droplet size was generated24. For some of the experiments water droplets were generated using a commercially available sapphire orifice assembly with different orifice sizes (20 to 100 microns). A piezo-ceramic crystal (American Piezoceramics Inc., PA) placed above the orifice was mechanically vibrated to generate the desired droplet size depending on the frequency of voltage modulation8,9. Methodology The flow of the carrier gas into the generator column produced the saturated aromatic hydrocarbon vapor stream. The gas phase ozone concentration obtained from the ozone generator was split and fed to the ozone sensor periodically until a steady ozone concentration was reached. The water droplet stream was first fed to the reactor without ozone and collected at the bottom of the reactor. While keeping all the reactor conditions same, the droplet stream was turned off and pure ozone was fed to the reactor at about 20mL/min. Analysis of gas phase PAH vapors in contact with ozone gases by GC/MS showed no significant reaction of ozone and PAH vapor phase in the absence of the water droplets. At this point, droplet stream was restarted and collected from the droplet collection chamber. The aqueous phase samples collected with and without the presence of the ozone in the reactor was extracted into dichloromethane and analyzed in the GC/MS to determine the reaction parameters and the associated reaction products. Aliquot of the aqueous phase samples reacted with ozone was subsequently analyzed for dissolved ozone concentration. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Analysis of Reactor Data Let us consider a single water droplet of diameter dD (m) that traverses the reactor through a height HR (m) with a velocity U (m/s). The assumption is made that at the droplet/air interface local equilibrium is established for PAH vapor between the bulk water and gas phases and given by Henry’s law. In the present case we must modify that approach by also considering the equilibrium at the air-water interface between adsorbed PAH and vapor. The overall driving force for mass transfer has to be corrected to account for this effect. The rate of mass transfer of PAH to the water droplet is given by1,25-27 dC d Equation 3 Vd K C A d C g C*g dt where Cg* = Cd/KWA* is the equilibrium gas phase concentration, Vd = dD3/6 is the volume of the droplet and Ad=dD2 is the surface area of the droplet. KWA* is the modified partition constant defined in Equations (1) and (2). Note that an overall driving force (Cg – Cg*) is used in this case and hence KC is the overall mass transfer coefficient28. Therefore 5 dC d C 6 Equation 4 KC C g *d dt dD K WA Solving the above equation with Cd=0 at t = 0, and a constant Cg, we get the following equation for the partitioning of the PAH between the droplet and the gas phase at the outlet of the reactor * C () Equation 5 K DV d K *WA 1 e Cg where τ is the residence time for a droplet in the reactor (=HR/U), and HR is the reactor length. τ* is a characteristic time given by 1 dD Equation 6 * K *WA KC 6 In the above equation, KC represents the overall mass transfer coefficient for the PAH vapor from the gas phase to the fog droplet which involves the three steps outlined in Figure 1. A general mass transfer expression was derived in the literature29-31 specifically for the case in which gas phase diffusion, mass accommodation with surface reaction and bulk solubility within the droplet controls the mass transfer. d 1 4 1 1 Equation 7 D K C 2 DG C * DL KW A k s K IA Each term on the RHS in the above equation represents a resistance to mass transfer. The first term represents the gas phase diffusion resistance, the second term is the mass accommodation term and the last term is the resistance in the liquid phase due to bulk phase diffusion (solubility) and surface reaction. In deriving the above expression two assumptions are made: (i) a Langmuir-Hinshelwood type reaction occurs on the surface and (ii) bulk liquid- phase reaction is negligible. There is support for these assumptions from recent work by Mmereki et al19 on planar water surfaces in which they showed that gas-phase ozone reaction with PAHs occurs on the surface of water and not in the bulk. In the above equation DG and DL (m2/s) are respectively the gas and liquid phase diffusivity of the PAH, C (m/s) is the thermal velocity of the molecule in the gas phase, and ks (s-1) is the overall pseudo-first order surface reaction constant for naphthalene on the droplet. KIA (m) is the partition constant for the compound between the gas-water interface and the gas phase as given in Equation (2). If, on the other hand, reaction is not limiting, the PAH uptake is only limited by the solubility in the droplet and KC is determined by the equation d 1 4 1 1 Equation 8 D * K C 2 DG C K W A DL Thus if uptake is solubility-limited, *sol limited *surf rxn d and if it is surface reaction6 DL d 1 K *WA are the corresponding characteristic times. The Hatta 6 k s K IA 6 number Ha k s K IA can be used to characterize the importance of the two domains. D L K *WA Hatta number is the ratio of the surface reaction rate to the mass transfer rate. Values of Ha > 2 indicates the reaction at the gas-liquid interface is fast and the mass transfer is diffusion controlled, whereas Ha < 0.02 corresponds to slow reaction on the surface that controls mass transfer. Ozone reaction with naphthalene vapor on water droplets Experimentally both the droplet concentration (Cd(τ)) and the gas concentration (Cg) at the reactor outlet are determined and hence the value of KDV() is known. Since the droplet diameter is determined experimentally we can calculate ξ and hence KWA* is also known. Utilizing Equation (5) one can obtain the value of the characteristic time, τ*. Further, we can use Equation (6) to get KC. All other parameters are given in Table 1. In the experiments the contact time, for the water droplet was between 0.17 to 0.2 seconds. The gas phase concentration of naphthalene varied from 50 to 150 ppmv in the experiments. All experiments were conducted at the reactor temperature of 299±2 K and reactor pressure of 760 Torr. Figure 3. The vapor-to-droplet partition constant of naphthalene on different droplet sizes with increasing gas-phase ozone concentrations. The solid lines are predicted values based on the ks estimated from Equation 9 using kmax and C1/2 obtained from Figure 4. Droplet-vapor partition coefficient 50 55m 40 91 m KDV / [-] 30 20 182 m 10 0 0.0 2.0e+14 4.0e+14 6.0e+14 8.0e+14 [O3]g / 1.0e+15 1.2e+15 -3 Figure 3 illustrates the effect of increased gas-phase ozone concentration on the experimental value of the droplet-vapor partition constant of naphthalene vapor from the gas phase. Note that this partition constant is not the equilibrium value but for the specified gas/liquid contact time used in this work. An approximate two-fold increase to an asymptotic value of 40 for KDV was observed for the smallest droplet size (55 m), 35 7 for 91 m and 15 for the largest droplet size (182 m). The clear influence of droplet diameter is seen in the figure. As indicated previously by us8 the partition constant is larger for small droplet size since the surface effect becomes dominant. The overall mass transfer coefficient for naphthalene vapor was obtained from Equations (5) and (6) as described in the previous paragraph. Kc increased with increasing ozone concentration in the gas phase. With increased reaction rate at the interface, the overall liquid phase resistance decreased and the mass transfer coefficient increased. The calculated Hatta number was greater than 2 indicating that reaction at the surface was much faster than diffusion into the bulk of the droplet. The gas-phase resistance and the mass accommodation resistance to mass transfer (per Equation 7) were smaller than the total liquid-phase resistance for the small droplet (55 m). However, the gas phase resistance became larger with droplet size and the overall resistance was larger for the 182 m droplet. Hence, the mass transfer coefficient became smaller as the droplet size increased. There are various lines of evidence pointing to the significance of the surface reaction in determining the overall uptake into droplets. There is evidence indicating that ozone concentration is ten times more at the air-water interface than in the bulk water phase32. This is attributed to a combination of its low solubility in water (KWA = 3.2) but significant polarizability (2.85 Å3). We observed negligible bulk phase uptake of ozone in the droplet even at the highest gas-phase ozone concentration. Our earlier work clearly showed that naphthalene accumulates at the air-water interface on small water droplets2 compared to the bulk phase. The non-linear dependence of the partition constant, KDV in Figure 3 and the rate constant, ks in Figure 4 (discussed below) on the gas-phase ozone concentration is another important evidence for the surface reaction of ozone with naphthalene. Figure 4. A Langmuir plot of Equation (9) with the values of kmax and C1/2 determined from in Equation (10) and given in Table 2. 1000 800 ks / s-1 600 55 m 400 91 m 182 m 200 0 0.0 2.0e+14 4.0e+14 6.0e+14 8.0e+14 [O3] / 1.0e+15 1.2e+15 -3 8 Table 2. Langmuir – Hinshelwood parameters for ozone at the droplet surface for various sizes. Droplet kmax/ s-1 C1/2/ N R2 size 55 µm 435 7.21 x 1013 4 0.81 91 µm 303 1.92 x 1014 10 0.85 182 µm 169 1.31 x 1014 3 0.80 1429 (with 0.029 g/L FA) 2.8 x 1013 (with 0.029 g/L FA) 3 0.96 1400 (with 0.021 g/L FA) 4.3 x 1013 (with 0.021 g/L FA) 4 0.98 Note: N is the number of data points. R2 is the correlation coefficient for the linear fit to Equation (10). From the values of KC obtained above and using Equation (7) we obtained the overall rate constant ks. This was done for different concentrations of ozone in the gas phase and for three droplet sizes (Figure 4). The rate constant increased with decreasing droplet size and increasing gas-phase ozone concentration and reached an asymptotic value at high ozone concentrations. The non-linear dependence indicated that surface reaction was the controlling process. This was also noted by Mmereki et al19 who observed that gas-phase ozone adsorbed first on the air-water interface according to a Langmuir adsorption isotherm and reacted with the adsorbed naphthalene via a Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism. The overall observed dependence of ks on gasphase ozone concentration was given by19,40 k max [O 3 ]g ks Equation 9 C1 / 2 [O 3 ]g where kmax is the maximum (asymptotic) value of the rate constant. It is given by k IIS0, the product of the second-order surface reaction rate constant (kII / cm2.s-1 ) and the surface concentration of ozone adsorption sites on the surface (S0 /cm-2). C1/2 is the ozone concentration in the gas phase at which ks= (½) kmax and is related to the rates of surface desorption to adsorption of ozone33. A Langmuir plot involves rearranging the above equation in the following manner [O 3 ] g C1 / 2 1 max [O 3 ]g max Equation 10 ks k k From the linear fit of [O3]g/ks versus [O3]g and the corresponding slopes and intercepts the values of kmax and C½ at 298K for each droplet size can be obtained (Table 2). The value of kmax increased and C1/2 decreased as droplet size decreased. We have reported earlier that smaller droplets carry a higher surface concentration of naphthalene8. As a result on smaller water droplets the surface is more conducive to the trapping of ozone. The first order surface rate constant is related to the reaction probability of a gas-phase ozone molecule per collision with adsorbed naphthalene on the surface through the following equation18,40: k s rxn 4 naph C O3 [O3 ] g , where Ωnaph is the collision cross 9 section of a naphthalene molecule (= 156.76 Å2) and CO3 is the thermal speed of an ozone molecule (= 3.6 x 104 cm/s). The reaction probability, rxn is a ratio of the rate of surface reaction to the total number of collisions with the surface41. For a given gas-phase ozone concentration, the rate of ozone loss to the surface remains unchanged. However, the number of collisions with the surface decreases as droplet diameter decreases. Hence the reaction probability will increase with decreasing droplet diameter. As a consequence, the overall surface rate constant will also increase. Extrapolating this behavior to very small droplets (10 μm as in fog), we can expect a large reaction rate at the surface. A planar interface will show a small surface reaction constant. The properties of aerosols and fog droplets can be altered substantially by the presence of surface-active organic carbon in them42,43. Fulvic acid (FA) is a known surrogate that exhibits properties similar to the surface-active organic carbon in fog droplets42. Previous work9 from our laboratory showed that the surface tension of water decreased from 70 to 51 mN/m with 0.029 g/L of FA indicating saturation of the droplet surface with fulvic acid. Figure 5 shows the effect of adding 0.021 and 0.029 g/L of fulvic acid (equivalent to 12 and 17 mg of Carbon/L respectively) to the water droplet on the naphthalene partitioning and ozone reaction for a droplet of 182 m size. The fact that FA-covered surface is conducive to the trapping of ozone and naphthalene and decreasing the mass transfer resistance at the surface is evident from the 2 to 3 fold increase in KDV and the 9 to10 fold increase in ks as seen in Figure 5. Similar increases in ozone and anthracene trapping efficiency on planar water surfaces have been noted by other researchers19. Approximately an order of magnitude increase in both kmax and C1/2 for ozone was observed in the presence of fulvic acid (Table 2). Thus, organic-coated surfaces of water droplets can show much higher ozone reactivity with adsorbed PAH molecules. Figure 5. The effect of added fulvic acid (FA) on (a) the vapor-to-droplet partitioning and (b) the pseudo first-order surface rate constant of naphthalene with ozone. (b) (a) 35 1600 with 0.029 g/L FA with 0.029 g/L FA 1400 30 with 0.021 g/L FA 1200 with 0.021 g/L FA 25 -1 ks / s KDV / [-] 1000 20 15 800 600 without FA 10 400 5 without FA 200 0 0 0 2e+14 4e+14 6e+14 [O3]g / molecules. cm 8e+14 -3 1e+15 0 2e+14 4e+14 6e+14 8e+14 1e+15 [O3]g / molecules. cm-3 10 As naphthalene is transferred to the droplet, its reaction with ozone at the air/water interface will lead to several reaction products that can be identified in the aqueous phase collected at the outlet of the reactor. Three main products were identified by GC/MS analysis. These were 1,2-benzenedicarboxaldehyde (2), 1-naphthalenol (3) and 1,4-naphthalenedione (4). These are also well known intermediates of ozone oxidation of naphthalene in the bulk aqueous phase34. As shown in Scheme 1, both 3 and 4 are produced as a consequence of a peroxidic route and 2 is produced via a nonperoxidic route. Both involve attack by ozone on carbon in position number 1 of the 1,2bond in the naphthalene molecule, which has the lowest bond delocalization energy. In the peroxidic route the elimination of oxygen molecule leads to 3 whereas the addition of water to the peroxide or the addition of ozone molecules leads to 4. In the non-peroxidic route the elimination of a hydrogen peroxide molecule leads to the product 2. Figure 6. Reaction mechanism for naphthalene with gas phase ozone. CONCLUSIONS The presence of ozone in the gas-phase increased the rate of mass transfer of naphthalene vapor into water droplets of diameters ranging from 55 to 182 microns in a falling droplet reactor. The psuedo-first order rate constant for the surface reaction of ozone with adsorbed naphthalene was modeled using the well-known Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism. The surface reaction products were the same as the bulk phase ozonolysis products. The heterogeneous reaction on water droplets was 15 times faster than the corresponding gas-phase homogeneous oxidation in the atmosphere. The heterogeneous oxidation of PAH vapor adsorbed at the air-water interface of fog droplets by ozone can be many times higher than that in the homogeneous gas phase. As a result, the fog droplets formed in oxidative environments can be expected to contain transformation products of PAHs. Some of these reaction products may be potentially more toxic than the parent PAH compound. 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (ATM0082836 and ATM-0355291). Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. REFERENCES 1. Valsaraj, K.T. Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon vapors at the airwater interface and its role in atmospheric deposition by fog droplets. 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