March Board Minutes

Michigan Affiliate Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting-Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Noon-5:00pm
Called to Order: The meeting was called to order at noon by President Shannon
Attendees: Suzanne Pish, Diane Fair, Shannon Lindquist, Ann Arnold, Lisa Treiber,
Beth Waitrovich, Joyce McGarry, Eileen Haramnac, JoAnn Pihlaja and Jane Hart.
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes from the February 19, 2010
executive board meeting conference call minutes by Diana Fair and seconded byEileen
Haramnac. Motion carried.
Committee to approve the minutes: Shannon Lindquist, Jane Hart and Diana Fair
Approval of the Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Jane Hart and
seconded by JoAnn Pihlaja. Motion carried
Moments with Dawn Contreras.
Officer’s Reports:
President: Shannon Lindquist
Prepared for March 9th meeting
Responded to national office emails and our membership emails
Sent information out to the membership
I am researching possible choices for State’s Night Out at September Conference
President –elect: Jane Hart
Jane will report on John Hanna Endowment and MECA meeting next MEAFCS
Secretary- Suzanne Pish
Suzanne typed up minutes from last conference call meeting. Will e-mail minutes to
Treasurer- Diana Fair
To date, dues paid for 56 members (additional dues for Ann Arnold 2009-total 57)
Paid AT&T 2/1/10 conference call bill
Reimbursed Shannon Lindquist JCEP expenses
Paid MCEA dues
Past-president- Lisa Treiber
There will be a conference call for the silent auction before National Convention
so you’re able to bid prior to the National Conference. We need to think about
sending unique things from Michigan for the auctions such a signed Basketball
from Tom Izzo.
Regional Reports:
North Region:
The North Region met March 2nd by conference call. Due to the challenging fiscal climate only 8
members have renewed their 2010 memberships. We hope this will again increase in 2011 as the
redesign is more fully implemented.
The members discussed the June 17th Summer Membership meeting and the professional development
component of the meeting. As discussed by the MEAFCS board on the last conference call an invitation
to Dr. Dawn Contreras, the new Health and Nutrition Institute Director seems of highest importance for
the association. We propose extending an invitation to Dawn so she can address the full membership
and also have a time of question and answer.
Future professional development ideas:
1. Handling change—“Who Moved my Cheese?”
2. Increasing technology use in Michigan’s FCS programming. *Could this be a possible topic for a
face to face meeting in the fall in lieu of Fall Extension Conference?
Examples: eXtension, facebook, twitter, google. docs and google. calendar
3. Understanding Native American Culture to enhance FCS programming
4. Overview of the survey done on “Challenges and Opportunities with Michigan’s Aging
Population” Cheryl Peters and Linda Cronk
Staff shared program updates.
Sheilah Hebert, NR campus linker, shared a short report from Dawn Contreras. Dawn stated the
statewide needs assessment will be conducted and completed by May. She met with Dr. Armstrong
and three areas of focus were discussed.
1. Increase the connection of MSUE and MSU Departments
2. Cross institute programming encouraged
3. Scholarship must be emphasized
The Southeast Region last met on December 14, 2009 and a report of that meeting was provided during
the January 7th conference call along with a written report that was sent to Suzanne Pish. The next SE
Regional meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2010. This meeting will be held at the Tollgate Conference
Center. Following the meeting, Ben Chamberlain, Associate Program Leader for SNAP-Ed and EFNEP,
will be providing members with an overview and a brief training on how to use the eXtension website.
Since the last conference call that was held on February 19th, I sent an e-mail (attached) to those
MEAFCS members, in the Southeast region, that had not renewed their membership for 2010. I heard
back from 4 out of the 7 that were sent a reminder:
2 members plan on sending in their membership for 2010.
1 member is thinking about retirement and that is why she hasn’t renewed her membership.
1 member notified me that her programming responsibilities will be changing and therefore
she will not be renewing her membership.
I have not heard back from the remaining 3 that received the e-mail.
I believe the follow-up e-mail was effective in reminding those who may have forgotten to renew their
Southwest Region:
Next meeting is April 23 and will be trained on Skype.
Central Region:
Nothing new will be meeting soon
UP Region:
The Upper Peninsula region met on March 5, 2010 to judge the
MEAFCS/NEAFCS award applications. Joanne has been sending reminder
messages to all MEAFCS members about the award process and encouraging
them to apply for awards.
Old Business:
Living Well Cookbooks: Do a press release for Mothers Day to try
to sell the cookbooks.
June membership ideas: Invite Dawn Contreras to talk to the
membership. Jane Hart is checking on rooms.
2010 Goals: We seem to be sticking to our goals and completing
National Office request for impact statements: Lisa Trieber
taking care of this and will be getting an impact from the Food Safety AOE
around the food safety work.
New Business:
Regional Meetings-membership issues: Take the non-members
off list serve. We should recognize the new members at the October meeting.
June Membership meeting: Reminder please invite new hires but
they do not have to pay their dues until they are due.
Doris Wetters: We should think about buying a table at the
September NEAFCS Conference to sell the cookbooks.
Next meeting will be a conference call on April 19, 2010 @10:00am.
Motion to adjourn by Jane Hart and seconded by Ann Arnold. Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned by President Shannon Lindquist at 3:44 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Suzanne Pish, Secretary
NEAFCS-Michigan Affiliate