Interpersonal Communication Speech Communication 120 College Of San Mateo 16-247 Instructor: Lisa Perry Office: Speech Lab: Speech Lab Website: Course website: Email: Mailbox: Building 15-163 18-110 Lab phone: 574-6257 available through webaccess Bldg 15 My office hours in 15-163 Speech Lab hours in 18-110 T: 5:45-6:30 M-F: TBA I teach four evening a week. If Tuesday nights are inconvenient you can try stopping by the office M-Th between 5:45 and 6:30. You can reach me by email and I will generally return your email within 24 hours (except on weekends) TEXTS, COURSE DESCRIPTION, SLO’s, AND POLICIES: Textbook: Looking Out/Looking In, Adler. Latest edition is preferred. If you opt for an earlier edition you are responsible for making sure that your readings and assignments match the latest edition of Looking Out/Looking In. Other assigned readings (those from classmates) will be online at webaccess. Course Description. This course is designed to increase your knowledge, skills, and abilities in interpersonal communication situations in a variety of two-person, small group, and public speaking situations. The information in lectures and text is important for your learning, and you will use that information as well as your own experiences, discussions, and experiential activities which will introduce you to both knowledge and behaviors regarding interpersonal communication. If you work hard, at the end of the semester you will have achieved the following outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s). SPCH 120 1. explain the basic elements of the communication process in interpersonal settings 2. recognize the self-concept development process, its multidimensional identity and its role in communication 3. analyze physiological, social, and cultural factors that affect perception and misunderstandings 4. analyze the nature of language and nonverbal messages as they apply to effective and ineffective encoding and decoding of messages 5. apply learned skills and communication theories in teamwork activities 6. evaluate relational theories in terms of students’ own experience Policies: Be Prepared. Since you have a syllabus providing due dates, completing the readings and assignments by the deadlines are your responsibility. One exam may be made up; however, you will need to contact me immediately about your emergency. Late Arrivals/Early Exits (General). I don't like to have people arriving late to class on a regular basis. If you’re substantially late or leave well before class is over, you are counted as absent. If you expect to be regularly late (or have to leave early) because of job, childcare or any other reason, don't take this class. In the past, people’s grades have dropped by one grade based on absences. Attendance. Students must be in class in order to participate and learn effectively. Two absences are allowed for evening classes, following what is specified in the CA State Education Code. After this, your grade will be affected. Please come to class when it begins and stay until it ends. The final class meeting is mandatory; be sure you include it among your responsibilities. People have dropped at least one grade based on absences. Attitude/Cell phones/Laptops. Yeah, electronic toys are fun and sometimes class gets a little dry. Part of being an adult is experiencing the dry times and deferring gratification. Multi-tasking is a farce. Therefore, I expect: 1. Turning off cell phones/not talking on cell phones during class 2. Refraining from texting or IMing during class 3. Using laptops during class to take notes only/not using laptops during speeches I will not tolerate discrimination of any protected class. Plagiarism. Dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College and its officials is prohibited and may lead to appropriate disciplinary action. Plagiarism is one form of cheating and is very serious. People lose jobs, students get expelled from university for cheating. Don't do it. Plagiarism is defined as: 1. To steal and pass off (the ideas or word or another), as one's own 2. To use a created product without crediting the source 3. To commit literary theft: to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source -- Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1983. Plagiarism is prohibited in this class during exams, in the interviewing assignment (this includes not participating as a group member) and the self-analysis and change paper. Participation. This means having a supportive attitude, contributing feedback to speakers, participating productively in class discussions. Speech Lab. Lab requirements (2 extra credit) Lab assignments are graded on a scale of 0-5 points, reflecting your effort and insight. ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Individual Assignments: A. Career goal: When we check into the speech lab, you will complete a survey available through web access. I will use the career goals to set groups for the interview assignment. B. Tests: The exams are designed to test your knowledge of student learning outcomes. C. Participation and attendance 2. Group Assignments: A. Presentation Each person will work in their interview groups to research, prepare, practice, and present a substantive presentation to the class on an aspect of interpersonal communication. This is designed to give you experience in researching, delegating, designing, and giving a training presentation to a group of professionals. I will provide appropriate topics the second night of class and a schedule when these topics will be presented. 1. Part of being a professional is learning to delegate. Thus I encourage you to delegate or outsource your project if you desire. To get credit, the presentation and handouts must meet the other requirements of the assignment (thus simply finding someone else’s assignment or presentation online will result in a failing grade for this assignment). 2 Grading criteria: An “A” presentation: fulfills all the requirements of the C grade plus the speakers are dynamic and energetic in delivery with appropriate clothing for a professional environment. A “B” presentation: The presentation must be on the topic selected, accurate, use the source provided as well as 4 other professionally reputable sources, the sources must be cited according to the instructions provided, the powerpoint presentation must be uploaded to webaccess and used during the oral presentation, the powerpoint must use the provided template and a handout for each member of the class. A “C” presentation is one which meets the requirements for the B grade but, for ANY REASON, is not given on the selected date. A “D” presentation is given but does not meet the above requirements. An “F” presentation is not given at all. B. Interview assignment: each person will be put into a group of students with similar career goals. Each groups will then act as “human resources” committees to 1. Working with your group: a. develop a job description you all will be applying and interviewing for (10) b. develop interview questions based on each person’s resumes (10) c. conduct the interview (10) (30 possible out of 80) 2. Evaluate other members of the group Getting along with others, doing quality work so others can rely on you, following through on commitments are all important parts of interpersonal relationships. You will rank order the other members of the group on a best-worst scale. Up to 5 points are possible based on your ranking. 3. Prepare your resume, STAR story, and list of questions for your interview and be interviewed. (45 pts out of a possible 80) B. Learning Team Charter Extra credit: You may write out answers to the questions in the textbook for extra credit, 5 points per chapter. There will be additional opportunities for extra credit points throughout the semester. Point values: Max Your Points Career track 5 points ____ Group Charter 5 points ____ Interpersonal Topic presentation 80 pts ____ Interview project a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. job description 10 ____ interview questions 10 ____ conduct the interview 10 ____ Evaluate other members of the group. ____ Up to 5 points are possible based on your ranking. Resume 10 ____ STAR story 10 ____ Interview 15 ____ Interview critique 10 ____ 80 pts ____ Test 1 40 pts ____ Test 2 40 pts ____ Test 3 40 pts ____ Extra credit: 20 pts ____ Grading Scale 270-300= A (90%) 240-269= B (80%) 210-239= C (70%) 180-209= D (60%) Below 180= F A = exceptional; substantive and original contribution to assignment B = very good; capable fulfillment of assignment C = good; acceptable work that omits or misconstrues some assignment criteria D = needs work—see instructor; work that omits or misconstrues most assignment criteria F = needs work—see instructor; unacceptable fulfillment of terms of assignment CLASS SCHEDULE Date 6/21 Topic Intro to course; course goals Everything you need to know for the exams Reading/Asst Due Ice breakers Career 6/23 Self-concept; self-fulfilling prophecy Labeling CH 2 work in groups 6/28 Perception CH 3 6/30 Nonverbal communication: paralanguage, CH 6 chronemics, kinesics, proxemics Bring copies of your organization’s position announcement; view positions as a class; continue interviewing work. 7/5 Test 1 7/7 Language CH 5 Resume due 7/12 Emotions CH 4 7/14 Interviews (videotaped) Interview questions due Star story due 7/19 Dynamics and relationships Debrief interview assignment CH 8 7/21 Test 2 7/26 Intimacy and distance CH 9 8/2 Improving Communication Climates analysis of interview due CH 10 8/4 Managing Interpersonal Conflict CH 11 8/9 Presentations 8/11 Test 3 7/28 DISABILITY POLICY STATEMENT If you have a documented disability and need accommodations for this class, please see me as soon as possible or contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) for assistance. The DRC is located in Bldg. 10, First Floor. (650) 574-6438; TTY (650) 574-6230 PLAGIARISM/CHEATING POLICY STATEMENT Dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College and its officials is prohibited and may lead to appropriate disciplinary action.