Ref:75 Title Gluten-free Ingredients and Low Sorghum Oryzoidum Gluten-free Abstract The diversification of gluten-free cereal sources is of high actuality due to the worldwide expansion of gluten intolerance-related public health problems. The present article presents information on a potential source of gluten-free ingredients and foods – Sorghum Oryzoidum, a hybrid cereal obtained in Moldova. County Credited MOLDOVA Author Details AUTHOR 1 Title of author Surname First Name Name of Institution Address of Institution PhD, Associate Professor DUPOUY Eleonora Technical University of Moldova 168 blvd. Stefan cel Mare, Chisinau, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova E-mail address of author Author biography Head of Food Science and Nutrition department, involved in research aimed at developing new foods with increased functionality based on Sorghum Oryzoidum - a new local hybrid of sorghum. At present working on the development of a Masters level program in Nutrition and Dietetics at the Technical University of Moldova. AUTHOR 2 PhD, Associate Professor Title of author COŞCIUG Surname Lidia First Name Technical University of Moldova Name of Institution 168 blvd. Stefan cel Mare, Chisinau, MD-2004, Address of Institution Republic of Moldova E-mail address of author Author biography Associate Professor at the Food Science and Nutrition department, involved in research aimed at developing new foods with increased functionality based on Sorghum Oryzoidum - a new local hybrid of sorghum. AUTHOR 3 Title of author Surname First Name Name of Institution Address of Institution MA, Senior Lecturer POPESCU Liliana Technical University of Moldova 168 blvd. Stefan cel Mare, Chisinau, MD-2004, 1 Republic of Moldova E-mail address of author Author biography Senior lecturer at the Food Science and Nutrition department. MA in Food Quality and Food Safety from the Technical University of Moldova, has finished the doctoral studies in 2007. Research is focused on technologies of dairy products with cereal ingredients. AUTHOR 4 MA, Doctoral student Title of author BULGARU Surname Viorica First Name Technical University of Moldova Name of Institution 168 blvd. Stefan cel Mare, Chisinau, MD-2004, Address of Institution Republic of Moldova E-mail address of author Author biography Graduate of the Technical University of Moldova BA program in Technology and Milk and Dairy Products, continued further studies at Masters level in “Food Quality and Safety” program. Currently a doctoral student, research are focused on soryz starch properties investigation.. Category Sustainable Development Theme Health Promotion Sustainable Consumption Type of Contribution Research Paper 2 Gluten-free Ingredients and Low Sorghum Oryzoidum Gluten-free Eleonora Dupouy, Lidia Coşciug, Liliana Popescu, Viorica Bulgaru Theme Sustainable development includes the search and processing into foods of new highly productive cereals with special benefits for health, particularly for treating and preventing a variety of worldwide expanding non-communicable chronic diseases. Finding such foods can treat and prevent many diseases, promote health and raise the overall population life quality. Introduction Cereals have been and continue to be major staples in many cultures around the world, representing the content of diets, different being only the form. But the main staple cereals, major sources of starch in the modern European diet, such as wheat and rye contain also gluten that cause metabolic disorders in persons intolerant to gluten. The epidemiological studies show that the coeliac disease proves to have higher incidence in the world than expected, the undiagnosed cases being the rule in many countries1. The most frequent consequence of the gluten intolerance condition is the malnutrition. Sustainable development includes the search for unique food stuffs that can be metabolized by people with a variety of non-communicable chronic diseases, including the inability to metabolize gluten. The investigation of the possibility to diversify the gluten-free and low glycaemic sources is of high actuality due to the worldwide expanding non-communicable chronic diseases, including gluten intolerance related public health problem. Finding such foods can treat these diseases and promote health and raise the quality of life of the afflicted individuals. The subject of studies of the present paper is the Sorghum Oryzoidum, a sorghum hybrid obtained in the Republic of Moldova, the ingredients and food on its basis. The preliminary investigations show that besides being a gluten-free cereal, foods from Sorghum Oryzoidum has an advantage to have rather low glycaemic index, the property that allow to recommend this cereal in preventive nutrition of groups of population susceptible to developing non-communicable chronic diseases. Finding C Catassi, ‘Epidemiology and Natural History of Coeliac Disease’ in Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages. Book of Abstracts of the First International Symposium, Cork, Ireland, 2007, p. 13. 1 3 new food sources that would contribute to malnutrition excluding in people who are not able to metabolize gluten, and increasing the availability of foods with low glycaemic index that are important in preventing and treating of many noncommuncable chronic diseases, are real ways of health promotion and raising the overall population life quality. Sorghum Orysoidum – a potential source of gluten-free ingredients and foods Sorghum Oryzoidum or soryz is a new annual cereal of hybrid origin obtained by the stepped cross-breeding of the yellow sorghum grains patterns with flour-like endosperm consistency and Sudan plant and savage varieties of sorghum. Initial lines and soryz hybrids are the priority of the Scientific and Research Institute of Maize and Sorghum of the Republic of Moldova. The Dr. in Agricultural Sciences, the Head of the Laboratory of Sorghum cultures selection, Gheorghe A. Moraru, conducted the works for soryz obtaining. Fig. 1. The view of soryz plant Fig. 2. Native grains of soryz The plants of Soryz have very high resistance to drought, are not pretentious to salted soils and like warmth. The plants can support high temperatures of the air and longlasting droughts, destructive, pernicious for all the rest of cereal cultures. Soryz plant spent 25-30 % less humidity that the maize for the formation of one weight unity of dry matter. Besides that the strong roots contribute to the utilization of an important amount of additional humidity from the soil unavailable to other cereals. Soryz is cultivated according to the traditional technology for grain sorghum. The average harvest of the soryz in competitive trials accounted 87.1 centners/hectare, higher that 4 for the sorghum with forage grain. The average harvest the last three years on the land plots in Moldova is of 61,1 centners/hectare. Grains of soryz are neat without pellicles, of light-yellow color and rounded shape. Depending of the conditions of cultivation and variety particularity the consistency of the soryz hybrid grains could be vitreous, or demi-vitreous. The weight of 1000 seeds is 32-36 g, the content of protein in the whole grain – 10.5-13.4%, the fat content – 3.7 – 4.05% and 65.278.1% of starch. Ingredients from Sorghum Orysoidum The potential exist for a wide variety of soryz derivatives, such as flour, bran, starch, malt. Some physicochemical characteristics of the wholemeals from soriz, wheat and rye are presented in the table 1. The content of minerals and cellulose in soriz flour is lower than in the wheat and rye flours, but it has higher level of starch and hydration capacity. Table 1. Physiocochemical Characteristics of the Wholemeals from Soriz, Wheat and Rye Flours Ash Acidity Starch Cellulose Hydration % o % % capacity % Soryz 0,41 3,2 59,54 1,2 60,0 Wheat 0,78 4,5 55,80 1,5 64,8 Rye 0,90 2,3 54,10 1,6 62,0 Table 2. Physicochemical characteristicsof soryz starch Physicochemical indices Value Dry matter, % 89.9 Acidity, o 1,6 Solubility, % 4 Swelling capacity, % 9.28 Ash, insoluble in 10% HCl 0.16 Total ash, % 0.66 Fig. 3. Soryz starch 5 Fig. 4. Germinated soryz grain Soryz malt was used in the production of fermented diary products in the university laboratory. The obtained results show that germinated products of Sorghum Oryzoidum have the potential to be used in fermented dairy functional foods due to their prebiotic action. Foods from Sorghum Orzyoidum A number of foods were prepared from Sorghum Oryzoidum dehulled grains and flour and were investigated at the department of Food Science and Nutrition of the Technical University of Moldova, such as soryz porridge, bread, sponge cakes. An assortment of sponge cakes were prepared with cocoa flavor as well as with incorporated vegetables purees of carrots and pumpkin. The investigation of the new gluten-free recipies opens the perspectives for the diversification and enlargement of foods designed for persons with intolerance to gluten by including in their diets a variety of gluten-free soryz -based foods. Soryz – a potential cereal to be used in the production of foods with low glycaemic index Starch hydrolysis in digested foods varies from quite rapid to very slow. In order to characterize soryz products from nutritional perspective hydrolysis index of three soryz dishes were determined by chewing method at the Food Chemistry and 6 Nutrition department at Lund University in Sweden. Hydrolysis index of starch is used as a predictor of glycaemic index of starchy foods. White bread was used as a reference food. Six volunteers participated in chewing soryz products. The hydrolysis indexes of the tested soryz-based products are presented in the table 4. The preliminary results on nutritional properties presented in the table 4, show that starch in soryz products is digested slower than from white bread used as a reference food. This result presents soryz products in a favorable light in terms of their use in dietetic nutrition for the Table 4. Hydrolysis index values of starch from soryz-based products Soryz products Hydrolysis index value White bread (reference) 100.0 Boiled soryz grits (kernel porridge) 84.1 Soryz bread (100 %) 59.2 production of foods with low glycaemic index2 – foods recommended by FAO/WHO3 to be used in the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders. This preliminary investigation indicates also to the importance to extend studies on nutritional properties of soryz products. Conclusions The data presented in the article show the capacity of Sorgum Oryzoidum grains to be used as a perspective cereal source of gluten-free ingredients and low glycaemic foods for a dietetic and preventive nutrition. The cereal presents a special interest both for dietetic nutrition due to its multiple nutritional advantages and also for being a perspective and reliable source of food due to its high productivity and resistence to drought, properties with a special importance in a particular context of global climate change. Processing soryz grains into a variety of foods would contribute to the treatment and prevention of many diseases, health promotion and raising the overall population life quality, principles that are consistent with the key concepts of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. I Bjorck, H Liljeberg & E Ostman, ‘Low glycaemic-index foods’, British Journal of Nutrition, 2000,83 (Suppl.1), pp. S149-S155. 2 3 FAO/WHO, Carbohydrates in human nutrition; report of a joint FAO/WHO expert consultation, FAO Food and Nutrition Paper, 1998, 66, pp.1-140. 7 References Bjorck, I, Liljeberg, H and Ostman, E ‘Low glycaemic-index foods’, British Journal of Nutrition, 2000,83 (Suppl.1), pp. S149-S155. Catassi, C, ‘Epidemiology and Natural History of Coeliac Disease’ In: Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages. Book of Abstracts of the First International Symposium, Cork, Ireland, 2007, p. 13. FAO/WHO. Carbohydrates in human nutrition; report of a joint FAO/WHO expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper, 1998; 66, pp.1-140. 8