UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI‘I AT MĀNOA (SCHOOL/COLLEGE/OFFICE) GUIDELINE FOR EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION POLICY AND PROCEDURE I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish and delineate the responsibilities and procedures that the (School/College/Office) will use to communicate to faculty, staff, students and general public during an emergency. II. OVERVIEW - In the event of a community level or campus wide disaster, the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) Emergency Response Plan will be implemented and the Emergency Response Center (ERC) activated. Upon notification, the (School/College/Office) will implement their Emergency Plan and activate their Incident Command Team as appropriate. The Chancellor or alternate will assume control of the UHM Emergency Response Center (ERC) as the Emergency Management Team (EMT) Executive and be responsible for the dissemination of information to the Schools, Colleges, Offices, the University’s Community, and the public at large. III. POLICY A. The emergency communication efforts will be directed by the (Dean/Department Head/Director). In his/her absence, the highest level available person in the (School/College/Office) chain of authority will assume this responsibility (Associate Dean/Associate Department Head/Associate Director). B. The (Dean/Department Head/Director) will appoint a Communications Coordinator and an alternate in writing to direct and maintain the emergency contact efforts. C. Each semester, all faculty, staff and student workers will provide and update their personal emergency contact information. (Attachment A). Emergency contact information shall be kept Confidential (For Official Use Only), stored in a secure container and area, and used ONLY for emergency contact situations. D. A master emergency contact list will be established and maintained by each (College/School/Department/Office) secretary. This emergency contact list will be sorted by functional groups and specific personnel will serve as group call down communication leaders. These leaders will be assigned to conduct and coordinate contact efforts for their specific group. (Attachment B). E. All media inquiries shall be directed to the UHM Public Information Officer. The (Dean/Department Head/Director) shall provide information to the media only when authorized by the UHM EMT Public Information Officer. 1 F. The primary method of communication for the EMT shall be the UH Emergency Notification System. This is an automated notification system that uses group email and telephone to communicate. In the event of a power outage at the receiver end, this system will be disabled and alternate methods of communication used. III. PROCEDURES A. The (Dean/Department Head/Director) or designee receives emergency/disaster advisories, warnings or directions from the EMT or the UHM Warning Point (Campus Security or Emergency Management Program). Depending on the type of advisory or warning and the situation, a decision is made on whether an emergency communication needs to be sent to faculty, staff, and students. Communication can be sent to some or all of the faculty, staff, or students. B. The methods of communication used may include the UH Emergency Notification System, telephone (land-line and cell), campus email, group email, posting on the University web site, radio or television messages, public announcement (PA) system or hand delivery. In the event specific information must be disseminated immediately to the (School/College/Office) staff, faculty or students, the following procedures will be implemented. 1. Indirect contact procedures will be used for mass distribution. a. The (Dean/Department Head/Director) will approve or craft the message to be posted on the mass communication system which may include the UH Emergency Notification System, University web site, group text message if available, memo posted on bulletin boards and doors, PA system, public radio or television announcement. b. A technical person and an alternate will be appointed to assist the Communications Coordinator in coordinating these efforts and posting messages. 2. Direct contact procedure. a. The (Dean/Department Head/Director) will approve or craft the message to be given to each person contacted. b. The (Dean/Department Head/Director) or designee will initiate the process for contacting the appropriate personnel. c. The Communication Coordinator will coordinate the direct contact procedure via telephone or other approved method. 2 3. Acknowledge receipt of message. a. Should the UH Emergency Notification System be used, it will generate a log of persons contacted, but only a limited number of personnel with access to the system can view these logs. b. The Group Call Down Communication Leader will provide contact status to the Communication Coordinator regarding who has and who has not been contacted. This information will be made available to the (Dean/Department Head/Director). c. Faculty, staff and student employees may be asked to call into a specific telephone number to ascertain need for their services and report their availability to work or assist the University community. This telephone number should be a different number used for outgoing notifications to prevent tying up the phone line. C. Based upon the number of persons to be contacted, an appropriate number of personnel will be assigned to begin contacting those on the list and deliver the approved message. The emergency Alert Roster (communication tree) will be used to organize the contact efforts and Group Call Down Communications Leaders will be assigned. People will be called on the telephone at home or work or may be contacted by cell phone, by email, or by another emergency contact number or route provided. APPROVAL: ____________________________________ (Dean/Department Head/Director) (School/College/Office) Approval Date: ___________________________ Review Date: ____________________________ Review Date: ____________________________ Revised/ Amended: ____________________________ Revised/ Amended: ____________________________ 3 ATTACHMENT A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (SCHOOL/COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT/OFFICE) EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET INSTRUCTIONS: This form must be completed upon initial employment in the (School/College/Office) or as directed and reviewed and where necessary updated each fall, spring and summer semester. NAME: __________________________ TITLE: ____________________________ CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS: HOME:____________________________________________ CELL: ____________________________________________ PAGER: ____________________________________________ OTHER EMERGENCY #:____________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESSES: UH: _______________________________ @HAWAII.EDU OTHER: ____________________________________________ ******************************************************************** PERSONAL CONTACT INFORMATION: IN THE CASE OF EMERGENCY, PRIMARY CONTACT: NAME: __________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO YOU: ________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________ IN THE CASE OF EMERGENCY, SECONDARY CONTACT: NAME: __________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO YOU: ________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________ DATE INITIALLY COMPLETED: _________________ DATE REVIEWED: ___________________ DATE REVIEWED: ___________________ DATE REVIEWED: ___________________ DATE REVIEWED: ___________________ DATE REVIEWED: ___________________ DATE REVIEWED: ___________________ ACTION: ACTION: ACTION: ACTION: ACTION: ACTION: 4 ___ NO CHANGE ___ NO CHANGE ___ NO CHANGE ___ NO CHANGE ___ NO CHANGE ___ NO CHANGE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ AMENDED AMENDED AMENDED AMENDED AMENDED AMENDED ATTACHMENT B FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (SCHOOL/COLLEGE/DEPARTMENT/OFFICE) COLLATED GROUP CALL DOWN LIST GROUP # DATE DATE DATE NAME* UH HOME/CELL EXTENSION TELEPHONE UH EMAIL UH OFFICE DEPARTMENT POSITION LOCATION INITIALLY COMPLETED: ____________ REVIEWED: ___________________ REVIEWED: ___________________ RESPONSIBLE PERSON: __________________ ACTION: ___ NO CHANGE ___ AMENDED ACTION: ___ NO CHANGE ___ AMENDED * = Those persons having an * next to their names will serve as the Group Call Down Communication Leaders. They will contact all persons on their group call down list. 5