2009 1. A man came to a pharmacy and asked to recommend him a

1. A man came to a pharmacy and asked to recommend him a drug for treatment of
allergic rhinitis that occurs in the period of linden flowering. What drug may be applied?
A. Adrenaline
B. Losartan
C. Anaprilinc
*D. Loratadine
E. Ambroxol
2. During an operation a dentist needs to reduce salivation in a patient. The dentist has to use a
drug of the following pharmacological group:
A. Adrenoceptor blocker
B. Adrenomimetics
C. Muscarinic and nicotinic cholinomimetics
*D. Muscarinic receptor blockers
E. Muscarinic cholinomimetics
3. A patient suffering from neurosis accompanied by anxiety and fear development was
prescribed diazepam. What pharmacological effect makes it possible to apply the drug for
this disease treatment?
* A. Anxiolytic
B. Anti-inflammatory
С Antiarrhythmic
D. Antianginal
E. Hypotensive
4. A patient with bronchial asthma was prescribed salbutamol that has led to relief of
bronchospasm symptoms. This is associated with stimulation of:
* A. 2-adrenoreceptors
B. Muscarinic cholinoreceptors
C. 1-adrenoreceptors
D.Acetylcholine synthesis
E. 1-adrenoreccptors
5. A patient got an injection of 0,25% novocaine solution for the purpose of anaesthetization.
Suddenly the patient has presented with red spots, intense sweating, tachycardia,
bronchospasm, edema of nasal mucous membrane. What is the cause of this complication?
A. Local irritation
B. Tachyphylaxis
C. Abstinence syndrome
* D. Immediate allergy
E. Delayed allergy
6. Which preparation from the group of laxative agents IS NOT to be administered in case of
intoxication with CNS-inhibiting substances?
A. Bisacodyl
B. Vaseline oil
C. Sodium sulfate
D. Guttalax
* E. Magnesium sulfate
7. A 52-year-old patient complains of having increased arterial pressure for a month. She has
a 5-year history of bronchial asthma. What group of hypotensive drugs should NOT be
recommended this patent?
* A. -adrenoreceptor blockers
B. Angiotensin receptor blockers
C. Diuretics
D. Calcium channel blockers
E. Tranquilizers
8. A patient suffering from ulcer disease was prescribed famotidine. What is the mechanism
of its action?
A. Block of cholinoreceptors of sympathetic ganglions
B. Block of Нг-histamine receptors
* C. Block of H2-histamme receptors
D. Inhibition of adenosine triphosphatase activity
E. Block of muscarinic cholinoreceptors
9. A 52-year-old patient had myocardial infarction and was discharged from the hospital
after the stationery treatment. What daily dose of acetylsalicylic acid should be administered
in order to prevent thrombosis?
A. 1000 mg
B. 50 mg
* C. 100 mg
D. 200 mg
E. 500 mg
10. A patient suffering from chronic cardiac insufficiency was prescribed a cardiac glycoside
from the foxglove (Digitalis) group. What drug is it?
A. Corvalol
B. Corglycon
* C. Digoxin
D. Cordiamin
E. Strophanthine
11. A hospital admitted a child with signs of poisoning with belladonna alkaloids. What drug
should be applied as an antidote?
A. Magnesium sulfate
B. Sodium caffeine benzoate
С Paracetamol
* D. Proserin
E. Sodium valproate
12. A pharmacy received a new-generation nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug "meloxicam"
that mainly blocks cyclooxygenase-2. What advantages does this preparation have in
comparison with other nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs?
A. Evident myospasmolytic action
B. Significant inhibition of protease activity
* C. Minimal side effect on alimentary tract
D. Interteronogenic properties
E. Minimal side effect on hematogenesis
13. A patient suffering from stomach 4 ulcer was prescribed almagel. Which of its
pharmacological properties is intended for treatment of this pathology?
A. Blocking the muscarinic choli-noreceptors
B. Local anaesthetization
* C. HCl neutralization
D. Anti-inflammatory action
E. Blocking the H2-histamine receptors
14. 52-year-old patient was diagnosed with systemic amebiasis accompanied by bowels, liver
and lungs affection. What preparation should be administered?
A. Chingamin
B. Tetracycline
С Phthalazol
* D. Metronidazole
E. Chiniofon
15. What drug may cause constipation in a patient undergoing combined therapy for arterial
* A. Verapamil
B. Panangin
С Furosemide
D. Trimetazidine
E. Acetylsalicilic acid in small dosages
16. A 33-year-old woman who has been treated for chronic polyarthritis for a long time
complains about arterial pressure rise, change of adipose tissue distribution, menstrual cycle
disorder. What preparation has she taken?
A. Diclofenac sodium
B. Butadion
* C Prednisolone
D. Synaflan
E. Indometacin
17. A 32-year-old patient takes antituberculous drugs. Some time later he has noticed that his
urine turned orange. What preparation is the most likely cause of this phenomenon?
A. Ethambutol
B. Pyrazinamide
* C. Rifampicin
D. Isoniazid
E. Streptomycin sulfate
18. A 26-year-old pregnant woman (III trimester of pregnancy) complains about body
temperature rise up to 39°C. What febrifuge may be recommended in this case?
A. Diclofenac
B. Analgin
C. GjAspirin
D. Indometacin
* E. Paracetamol
19. Examination of a patient who has been treated for rheumatoid arthritis for a long time
revealed hyperglycemia. It might have been caused by the following drug:
* A. Dexamethasone
B. Diclofenac sodium
С. Delagil
D. Levamisole
E. Ibuprofen
20. А patient who has taken phenobarbital for a long time was prescribed diclofenac sodium.
However the anti-inflammatory effect of diclofenac appeared to be less than expected due to
the pharmacokinetic interaction of these drugs. Such interaction might be the result of the
following processes:
A. Decelerated drag metabolism in liver
B. Change of receptor sensibility
* С. Accelerated drug metabolism in liver
D. Increased drug dosage
E. Reduced protein concentration in plasma
21. An internship doctor prescribed his patient nifuroxazid from the group of nitrofurans for
treatment of urinary tracts infection. The doctor made a mistake because:
A. It is excreted from the orghanism very slowly
B. It has nephrotoxic effect
* C. It cannot be absorbed from the digestive tract
D. It has bacteriostatic effect
E. It is excreted with urine in the inactive state
22. A 57-year-old female patient was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis; she has also a
history of stomach ulcer. What drug from the group of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs
may be recommended this patient?
* В. Celecoxib
Mefenamic acid
E. Aspirin
23. A 25-year-old patient has been taking antibiotics for 7 days. Antibiotic therapy has
caused a complication in form of bowel dysbacteriosis. This complication should be
treated with drugs of the following pharmacological group:
* A. Probiotics
B. Antacids
С Adaptogens
E. Spasmolytics
24. A patient suffering from arterial hypertension and chronic bronchitis suddenly presented
with dry cough and dyspnea. Body temperature remained unchanged. It "is known that the
patient takes captopril These symptoms can be explained by increased concentration of:
A. Natriuretic peptide
B. Angiotensin-1
* C. Bradyquinine
D. Renin
E. Aldosterone
25. A 48-year-old patient was given an intravenous injection of prednisolone in order to arrest a
severe attack of bronchial asthma. Prednisolone relates to the following group of hormonal
A. Estrogens
* B. Glucocorticoids
C. Mineral corticoids
D. Gestagenic drugs
E. Anabolic steroids
26. A 67-year-old patient who undergoes treatment for bronchial asthma presents with limb
tremor, headache, insomnia, extrasystole. What drug might have caused such symptoms?
A. Intal
* B. Theophylline
C. Tavegyl
D. Acetylcysteine
E. Prednisolone
27. A 46-year-old patient suffering from chronic bronchitis came to a pharmacy. What
expectorative drug may be recommended?
A. Salbutamol
B. Libexin
C. Glauvenl
D. Falimint
* E. Ambroxol
28. A 40-year-old patient suffers from bronchial asthma and cardiac rhythm disturbance in
form of bradyarrhythmia. Drugs of which pharmacological group should be administered
for bronchospasm elimination?
A. Muscarinic cholinomimetics
B. Muscle relaxants
С Anticholinesterase drugs
D. Beta-adrenoceptor blockers
* E. Muscarinic receptor blockers
29. A 56-year-old patient suffering from essential hypertension was prescribed an inhibitor of
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and a potassium-sparing diuretic. Such combination is:
A. Reasonable because it decreases risk of hyperkaliemia development
* B. Unreasonable because it increases risk of hyperkaliemia development
С Unreasonable because it increases risk of orthostatic collapse development
D. Unreasonable because it reduces hypotensive effect of ACE inhibitor
E. Reasonable because it potentiates hypotensive effect of ACE inhibitor
30. A patient suffering from stomach ulcer was prescribed an antiulcer drug that also reduces
secretion of hydrochloric acid and inhibits Chelicobactcr pylori. What drug is it?
A. Gastrocepine
* B. Omeprazole
С Maalox
D. Almagel
E. Famotidinc
31. A patient suffering from essential hypertension has increased concentration of renin in
blood plasma. Which pharmacological group should be preferred for this patient treatment?
* A. ACE inhibitors
B. -adrenoblockers
С. Sympatholytics
D. Blockers of calcium channels
E. Diuretics
32. A patient was warned that taking the prescribed preparation might cause cough. What
drug is it?
A. Clonidine
*B. Lisinopril
C. Dichlothiazide
D. Phenihidine
E. Metoprolol
33. A 34-year-old patient suffering from bronchitis was prescribed an antitussive drug of
central action. What drug is it?
A. Corglycon
* В. Glaucine
С. Enalapril
D. Fercoven
E. Furosemide
34. A patient suffering from allergic rhinitis was prescribed ephedrine in form of nasal drops.
The patient has significantly benefited from nasal instillation, and this stimulated him to use the
drug every 2 hours. But under these conditions the drug appeared to be ineffective. What is the
most likely cause of this phenomenon?
A. Cumulation
B. Idiosyncrasy
С. Allergy
* D. Tachyphylaxis
E. Drug dependence
35. During the sensitifity test for benzylpenicillin a patient developed anaphylactic shock.
The following preparation must be injected around the spot of antibiotic injection:
* A. Adrenaline hydrochloride
B. Ceftriaxon
C. Noradrenaline hydrotartrate
D. Atropine sulfate
E. Propranolol
36. A patient with arterial hypertensition was administered a non-prescription drug for
symptomatic treatment of rhinitis. What pharmaceutical form should be recommended the
patient in order to reduce as much as possible the likelihood of development of undesirable
systemic vasoconstriction?
A. Drops
B. Tablets
C. Aerosol
* E. Ointment
37. А patient who has been taking phenazepam for a month came to a pharmacy. He insisted
on buying another two packs of this drug. According to the patient, he feels unwell without
phenazepam. What is the mechanism of the developed side effect?
* A. Drug dependence
B. Cumulation
C. Idiosyncrasy
D. Aftereffect syndrome
E. Addiction
38. 6 months after treatment a patient with coronary heart disease developed tolerance to the
nitrates with prolonged action. What drug with nitrate-similar effect should be recommended in
this case?
B. Prasosine
С Metoprolol
* D. Molsidomine
E. Verapamil
39. A woman who has been treated for infiltrative focal tuberculosis for a long time
complains of acute hearing impairment. Which of the following preparations might be the
cause of such side effect?
* A. Streptomycin
B. Ethionamide
C. Isoniazid
D. Ethambutol
E. Rifampicin
40. Continuous taking of a drug results in reduction of its efficiency. This phenomenon is
A. Cumulation
B. Sensibilization
C. Dependence
* D. Habituation
E. Tachyphylaxis
41. During local anaesthetization novocaine solution is usually compounded with solution
of adrenaline hydrochloride. What is the purpose of this action?
A. Decrease in smooth muscle tone
B. Increase in smooth muscle tone
C. Vasodilatation
D. Algesthesia reduction
* E. Vasoconstriction
42. An 18-year-old patient was diagnosed with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. What
drug will provide etiotropic pharmacotherapy?
A. Metronidazole
B. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
* C. Isoniazid
D. Lincomycin
E. Trimethoprim
43. А patient with acute cardiac insufficiency and cardiac glycoside intolerance got an
injection of dobutamine. What is the mechanism of its action?
A. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity
B. Block of K+-, Na+-adenosine triphosphatase
* C. Stimulation of 1-adrenoreceptors
D. Stimulation of muscarinic cholinoreceptors
E. Stimulation of 1-adrenoreceptors
44. Choose an optimal antibacterial drug for the mycoplasmal pneumonia treatment:
A. Ampicillin
B. Gentamycin
C. Penicillin
D. Amoxyclav
* E. Rovamycin
45. During digitoxin therapy for chronic cardiac insufficiency, a patient developed signs of
intoxication with this preparation. The patient was prescribed unithiol. What is the
mechanism of unithiol action in case of intoxication with cardiac glycosides?
* A. Reduction of K+-Na+-adenosinetriphosphatase
B. Binding of calcium ions
С. Increased potassium permeability in the cardiomyocytes
D. Increase of sodium concentration in the cardiomyocytes
E. Binding of glycoside into the complex compound
46. A patient suffering from epilepsy has taken Phenobarbital for a long time and developed
drug tolerance. What is the mechanism of this phenomenon development?
A. Weakening of absorption
B. Inhibition of biotransformation
C. Increase of receptor sensibility
* D. Acceleration of biotransformation
E. Accumulation of the drug in the organism
47. Treatment course of essential hypertension includes diuretics. Which diuretic DOES NOT
NEED to be combined with potassium preparations?
A. Ethacrynic acid
B. Furosemidc
C. Clopamide
D. Dichlothiazide
* E. Triamteren
1. After a craniocerebral trauma a patient was administered pyracetam. This drug relates to
the following pharmacological group:
A. Nonnarcotic (nonopioid) analgetic
B. Tranquilizers
* C. Nootropic agent
D. Anesthetic agent
E. Neuroleptic
2. A patient with hypertension was administered metoprolol for the arterial pressure
reduction. What is its mechanism of action?
A. Angiotensinic receptors blockade
*B. Beta adrenoreceptor blockade
C. Indirect adrenomimetic action
D. Antispasmodic
E. Alpha adrenoceptor blockade
3. A patient being treated in the infectious disease ward for dysentery is administered
phthalazol. What is the reason for phthalazol being used only for treatment of enteric
A. The high degree of reabsorption in the kidneys
B. Rapidly excreted in unchanged form
* C. The drug is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
D. Slowly eliminated from the body
E. Rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract
4. Which of the below-listed drugs is used for thrombolytic therapy in case of myocardial
A. Ticlopidine
*B. Streptokinase
C. Acetylsalicylic acid
D. Phenylinum
E. Heparinum
5. A patient with hypertensive crisis received an injection of ganglionic blocker
benzohexonium. What side effect might be expected after the drug injection?
A. Diarrhea
B. Central nervous system depression effect
C. Withdrawal (abstinence) syndrome
* D. Orthostatic hypotension
E. Taste violation
6. 68-year-old female patient has been continuously taking furosemide for heart failure
treatment. What drug should be used to prevent hypokalemia in patients taking furosemide?
A. Mildronatum
* B. Panangin
С. Atp-long
D. Sustac forte
E. Trimetazidine
7. A patient fell ill with severe pneumonia was prescribed ceftriaxonum once a day.
Prescription of ceftriaxonum once a day connected with the fact that the drug:
A. Pluripotential
B. Has bactericidal effect
C. Accumulates in the lungs
* D. Slowly eliminated from the body
E. Poorly absorbed from the injection site
8. A patient with cholelithiasis was prescribed the following drug for the purpose of
cholesterol gallstone dissolution:
* A. Ursodeoxycholic acid
B. Citric acid
C. Gamma-amino-butyric acid
D. Acetylsalicylic acid
E. Mefenamic acid
9. Which preparation is the specific antidote in case of intoxication with iron preparations?
A. Penicillamine
B. Atropinum
* C. Deferoxamium
D. Bemegridum
E. Protamine sulfate
10. Which anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory, the least harmful for the stomach preparation can
be recommended to a patient with exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis?
A. Diclofenac sodium
* B. Celecoxib
C. Ibuprofenum
D. Indometacinum
E. Acetylsalicylic acid
11. A 24-year-old patient has been suffering for diabetes mellitus type I for 8 years. Diabetic
nephropathy provoked development of symptomatic arterial hypertension. Which of the
folowing drugs is indicated for long-term therapy?
A. Clonidine
* B. Enalapril
C. Dibazol
D. Dichlothiazide
E. Propranolol
12. Choose an optimal antibacterial drug for the mycoplasmal pneumonia treatment:
A. Amoksiklav
* B. Rovamycine
C. Penicillin
D. Gentamycinum
E. Ampicillin
13. Which of the following drug forms is produced in granules?
A. Revitum
B. Diazolinum
* С. Plantaglucide
D. Mucaltinum
E. Lincomycin hydrochloride
14. For thrombosis treatment a patient was prescribed a drug from the group of direct
anticoagulants. What drug is it?
* A. Heparin
B. Neodicumarin
С. Vikasol
D. Syncumar
E. Fenilin (phenylinum)
15. A patient has chronic pancreatitis with apparent presentations of pancreatic exocrine
hypofunction. Which of the following drugs would be the most appropriate in this case?
A. Drotaverine
B. Omeprazole
* C. Pancreatinum
D. Acidin pepsinum
E. De-Nol
16. In course of pharmacotherapy of Bronchitis a patient was found to have dyspeptic
disorders, photodermatitis, liver dysfunction. Which of the prescribed drugs might have
caused these manifestations?
A. Acetylcysteinum
* B. Doxycyclin
C. Ascorbic acid
D. Codeine phosphate
E. Paracetamolum
17. A patient who has been suffering from gastric diseases for a long time is found to have
hyperchromic anemia. Which of the following drugs is applied for this pathology treatment?
A. Ascorbic acid
B. Unitiol
C. Oxyferriscorbone
* D. Cyanocobalamine
E. Ferrum Lek
18. A 54-year-old patient who has been suffering from hyperacidic gastritis for several
years was prescribed Almagel. What pharmacotherapeutical complications on the part of
digestive organs may be expected in the first place?
A. Emesis
B. Nausea
* C. Constipation
D. Diarrhea
E. Anorexia
19. A 40-year-old patient suffers from bronchial asthma and cardiac rhythm disturbance in
form of bradyarrhythmia. Drugs of which pharmacological group should be administered for
bronchospasm suppression?
A. Beta-blockers
B. Cholinesterase inhibitors
C. Muscle relaxant
* D. M-cholinergic antagonists
E. M-cholinomimetics
20. A patient suffering from peptic ulcer was administered ranitidine. Gastric juice acidity
has reduced considerably. What mechanism underlies the action of this drug?
A. Autonomic ganglion H-cholinergic receptors blockade
B. M-cholinergic receptors blockade
C. H, K-ATPase activity inhibition
* D. N2-histamine receptors blockade (it’s mistake: H2-histamine receptors blockade)
E. N1-histamine receptors blockade(it’s mistake: H1-histamine receptors blockade)
21. Which of the following is the drug choice for bronchial asthma attacks prevention?
A. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
B. Salbutamol
C. Ambroxol
* D. Cromolyn sodium
E. Drotaverine
22. A patient suffering from epilepsy has taken Phenobarbital for a long time and
developed drug tolerance. What is the mechanism of this phenomenon development?
A. Substances accumulation in the body
B. Inhibition of biotransformation
C. Absorption process reduction
D. Receptor's sensitivity enhancement
* Е. Acceleration of biotransformation
23. Examination of a patient who has been treated for rheumatoid arthritis for a long time
revealed hyperglycemia. What drug might have caused it?
A. Chloroquine
* B. Dexamethasone
C. Levamisole
D. Diclofenac sodium
E. Ibuprofen
24. A 6-year-old child with pneumonia was prescribed an antibiotic. After the treatment the
child became death. Which antibiotic group might have caused this complication?
* A. Aminoglycosides
B. Cephalosporins
C. Macrolides
D. Natural penicillin
E. Semisynthetic penicillin
25. A patient consulted an ophthalmologist about scotopic vision impairment, cornea
dryness. What drug was prescribed?
* А. Retinolum
B. Pyridoxine
C. Tocopherol
D. Ascorbic acid
E. Cocarboxylasum
26. It is necessary to prescribe non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug for patient with
rheumatoid arthritis and concomitant duodenal ulcer. Which drug is the drug of choice in
this case?
* A. Celecoxib
B. Analgin
C. Paracetamol
D. Diclofenac sodium
E. Acetylsalicylic acid
27. Mother of a 2-month-old child came to a pharmacy and asked for a febrifuge. What
drug should be recommended for the child?
A. Nimesulide
* B. Paracetamolum
C. Diclofenac sodium
D. Indometacinum
E. Acetylsalicylic acid
28. A child has accidentally drunk a solution that was used by his grandmother for
glaucoma treatment. The solution turned out to be pilocarpine hydrochloride. What drug
can be used as an antidote?
A. Carbacholinum
B. Pentaminum
C. Aceclidinum
D. Benzohexonium
* E. Atropinum
29. Absorption of tetracycline preparations will be reduced when they are administered
simultaneously with antacids. This is an example for:
* A. Pharmacokinetic incompatibility
B. Pharmacodynamic incompatibility
С. Pharmaceutical incompatibility
D. Functional drugs antagonism
E. Drugs synergism
30. Which of the listed pharmacological groups of antihypertensive drugs is contraindicated the patients with bronchial asthma?
A. Angiotensin receptors blockers
B. Diuretics
C. АСЕ inhibitor
* D. Beta-adrenergic blocking agent
E. Calcium channel blockers
31. A gravida in her 20th week of gestation fell ill with pneumonia. What
chemotherapeutical drug may be administered with no risk for the fetus development?
A. Laevomycetinum
B. Gentamycin
C. Sulfalenum
D. Ofloxacinum
* E. Benzylpenicillinum
32. A patient suffering from allergic rhinitis was prescribed ephedrine in form of nasal
drops. The patient has significantly benefited from nasal instillation, and this stimulated
him to use the drug every 2 hours. But under these conditions the drug appeared to be
ineffective. What is the most likely cause of this phenomenon?
A. Drug dependence
B. Cumulation
* C. Tachyphylaxis
D. Allergy
E. Idiosyncrasy
33. Which of the listed preparations should be used as antidote and included into the first-aid
kit required at factories where acute intoxications with arsenic, mercury, chrome and
bismuth compounds are possible?
A. Adrenalinum
B. Droperidolum
C. Morphinum
D. Atropinum
* E. Unithiolum
34. When fenoterolum for inhalations not available in a pharmacy, it can be substituted by
the following drug from the group of bronchoselective beta-2-adrenomimetics:
A. Ephedrinum
B. Metacinum
* C. Salbutamolum
D. Euphyllinum
E. Isadrinum
35. А 25-year-old woman presenting with acute morphine intoxication was given an
injection of naloxone that caused rapid improvement of her condition. The mechanism of
action of this preparation is based on the block of the following receptors:
* A. Opioid receptors
B. Serotonin receptors
C. GABA-receptors
D. Dopamine
E. Benzodiazepine receptors
36. 6 months after treatment a patient with coronary heart disease developed tolerance to
the prolonged-action nitrates. What drug with nitrate-similar effect should be
recommended in this case?
A. Verapamil
* B. Molsidomine
C. Metoprolol
D. Prazosin
E. Nifedipine
37. A 60-year-old patient has essential hypertension stage II, coronary disease, bronchial
asthma. After pharmacotherapy correction the patient exhibited a bronchospastic attack,
intensified dyspnea. What drug provoked this complication?
A. Salbutamolum
B. Euphyllinum
* C. Propranolol
D. Nifedipine
E. Mucaltinum
38. A 26-year-old patient was diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia provoked by
mycoplasma. Choose the appropriate antimicrobial preparation for the patient treatment:
A. Amoksiklav
B. Benzylpenicillinum
C. Gentamycinum
D. Amoxicillin
* E. Rovamycine
39. Аn interhospital pharmacy got an огdег from a surgical department for a depolarizing
muscle relaxant for surgical interventions. What drug was ordered?
A. Hygronium
B. Nicotine
* C. Dithylinum
D. Methacin
E. Atropine sulfate
40. During a surgical operation the muscle relaxant tubocurarine chloride was used. What
antagonist drug should be injected in order to allow the patient to breath independently?
A. Cytitonum
B. Dithylinum
C. Aethimizolum
D. Benzohexonium
* E. Proserinum
41. А pregnant woman fell ill with severe pneumonia. What antibacterial drug may be
A. Co-trimoxazolum
* B. Cefotaxime
C. Gentamycin sulphate
D. Ofloxacinum
E. Tetracycline hydrochloride
42. A patient after bee's stings has angi-oedema (Quincke's edema). Which drug should be
immediately inject to eliminate this condition?
A. Atropine sulfate
B. Sodium chloride
C. Platyphyllini hydrotartras
D. Anaprilinum
* E. Epinephrine hydrochloride
43. A patient suffering from hypertension consulted a doctor about dry cough that was
presumably provoked by antihypertensive therapy. What anti-hypertensive drug had she
been taking?
A. Atenolol
* B. Lisinopril
C. Nifedipine
D. Hydrochlorthiazide
E. Furosemidum
44. A 70-year-old patient consulted a doctor about elevated arterial pressure. He has a
history of benign hyperplasia of prostate. What drug should be administered in this case?
A. Losartan
B. Diltiazem
C. Propranolol
D. Enalapril
* E. Doxazosin
45. Which of the listed antibacterial drugs should NOT be administered to a patient with
diabetes mellitus type II being treated with glibenclamid?
* A. Co-trimoxazolum
B. Doxycycline
C. Benzylpenicillinum
D. Midecamycin
E. Gentamycinum
46. A woman who has been treated for infiltrative focal tuberculosis for a long time
complains of acute hearing impairment. Which of the following preparations might be the
cause of such side effect?
A. Rifampicin
B. Isoniazid
* C. Streptomycin
D. Ethambutol
E. Ethionamidum
47. On the 4th day of treatment with indometacin a 55-year-old patient developed
gastrorrhagia as a result of gastric mucosa ulcer. Ulcerogenic effect of this drug is explained
by the lowered activity of the following enzyme:
* A. Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX -1)
B. Prostacyclin sintetaza
C. Thromboxanetin sintetaza
D. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX -2)
E. Lipoxygenase (LOG)
48. A 67-year-old patient with chronic heart failure takes digoxin. In order to reduce its side
effects the patient's doctor recommended to combine it with the followig drug:
A. Euphyllinum
B. Calcium gluconate
* C. Panangin
D. Calcium chloride
E. Hydrochlorthiazide
49. Which antiseptic preparation has bactericidal effect due to the formation of atomic oxygen?
A. Silver nitrate
* B. Potassium permanganate
C. Furacilinum
D. Aethonium
E. Chloraminum
50. Benzylpenicillin sodium is not used per os, because this drug:
A. Poorly absorbed in the intestine
В. Reduces formation of gastric HCl
* С Destroys gastric HCl
D. Irritates gastric mucosa
E. Is destroyed by penicillinase
Krok-2. Pharmacology
1. For what purpose did the patient with stenocardia recieve acetilsalicylic acid?
A.*Antiplatelet action
B. Reduction in fibrinolytic activity of the blood
C. Aggregant action
D. Anti-inflammatory action
E. Induction of fibrinolytic activity of the blood
2.A 32 year old patient is recieving antitubercular agents. After some time he noticed, that his urine
turned an orange-red color. Which preparation could have caused this?
B. Isoniazidum
C. Pyrazinamidum
D. Ethambutolum
E. Streptomycinum
3. Neuroleptanaesthesia was given to a patient with myocardial infarction.Which preparation from the
neuroleptic group is most frequently used along with phentaline?
A. *Droperidolum
B. Etaperazinum
C. Levomepromazinum
D. Clozapinum
E. Sulpiride
4.A 55 year old patient on the 4th day of Indometacine treatment, a gastral bleeding started as a result of
ulcer of mucous stomach membrane.
A. Reduction in the activity of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1)
B. Reduction in the activity of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)
C. Reduction in the activity of lipooxygenase (LOX)
D. Reduction in the activity of thromboxane synthetase
E. Reduction in the activity of prostacyclinsynthetase
5.A 45 year old patient who was, for 2 weeks taking Neodicumarinum for treatment thrombophlebitis.
During daily inspection, blood reduction in prothrombin was noted as well as microhematuria. Which
preparation should be used as an antagonist to Neodicumarinum?
A. *Vikasolum
B. Protamini sulfas
C. Natrii sulfas
D. Heparinum
E. Aminocapronic acid
6.A patient was delivered to the recieving department with complaints of hardened breathing, salivation,
acute abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vertigo, reduction of visual perseption. Phosphoorganic poisoning was
diagnosed. Which preparations is reasonable to include to pathogenic therapy?
A. *Atropini sulfas
B. Natrium Thiosulfate and Bemegride
C. Tetacinum Calcium and Unithiol
D. Nalorphini hydrochloridum and Bemegridum
E. Glucosa and Bemegridum
7.A patient was delivered to the recieving department with complaints of dry mouth, photophobia and
eyesight disfunction. Skin is red, dry, pupils are wide, tachicardia. Belladonna alcaloid poisoning was
diagnosed. Which preparation is reasonable to prescribe?
A. *Proserpinum
B. Aceclidinum
C. Pylocarpinum
D. Armine
E. Dipiroximum
8.Patient with hypertonia was prescribed Captopril. What is the mechanism of its action?
A. *Reduction of angiotensin-converting enzyme
B. Beta-adrenoceptors blocking
C. Alpha-adrenoceptors blocking
D. Blockade of angiotensin-2 receptors
E. Blockade of slow Calcium chanells
9. A patient with hypertension crysis was injected Clophelin (Clonidine). Which mechanism lies at the
base of its antihypertensive action?
A. *The stimulation of presynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptors
B. Blockade of peripherial alpha-1-adrenoceptors
C. Blockade of beta-adrenoceptors
D. Blocksde of N-cholinoceptors of the visceral ganglii
E. Direct myotropic action on vessels
10. Patient with ulcer disease Ranitidin was prescribed. The stomach acidity was significantly reduced.
Which mechanism lies at the base of this preparation's action?
A. *Blockade of H2-histaminoreceptors
B. Blockade of H1-histaminoreceptors
C. Blockade of M-cholinoreceptors
D. Reduction in H+/K+ ATPase activity
E. Blockade of N-cholinoreceptors of visceral ganglii
11. A patient with heart glycoside intoxication symptoms was prescribed Unithiol. What is the healing
mechanism of this preparation?
A. *Reactivation membraneus H+/K+ ATP-ase
B. Binding of ionised Ca2+
C. Increase K+ heart muscles
D. Increase the amount of Na+ in the myocardium
E. Induction heart glycosides metabolism
12.To remove delirium and hallucinations from a shizophrenic woman, the doctor used Aminasin. What
is the mechanism of its action?
A. *Inhibition of the dopaminergic processes in th CNS
B. Stimulates the adrenergic and dopaminergic processes in the CNS
C. Stimulates the holinergic processes in the CNS
D. Inhibition of the holinergic processes in the CNS
E. Inhibition of the adrenegic processes in the CNS
13. A 52 year old man was diagnosed with systemis amoebiasis with the damage of intestines, liver and
lungs. Which preparation should you prescribe?
A.* Metronidazolum
B. Chiniofon
C. Tetracyclinum
D. Chingaminum
E. Phthalazolum
14. As a result of myocardium infarction in patient ventricular arythmia has developed. Heart rate was
brought back to normal, upon recieving an antiarrhythmic drug with local anaesthetic activity. Which
preparation was used?
A. *Lidocainum
B. Novocainum
C. Verapamilum
D. Pananginum
E. Propranololum
15. A 38 year old patient was delivered to the recieving department in serious condition who was
poisoned by mercury. Which antidote should be imidiately given to the patient?
A. *Unithiol
B. Dipiroximum
C. Atropine
D. Nalorphine
E. Isonitrosine
16.A 33 year old woman, who was taking chronic polyarthritis and treating or a long time, complains
about rising blood pressure, different fat deposition areas, unregular menstrual periods. Which preparation does
the woman take?
A. *Prednisolonum
B. Indometacinum
C. Butadionum
D. Fluocinolone acetonide
E. Diclofenac sodium
17. A pregnant woman (20 weeks) has caught pneumonia. Which chemotherapy preparation can be
recommended without the risk to the foetus?
A. *Benzylpennicilin
B. Gentamicinum
C. Sulfalenum
D. Levomicetinum
E. Ofloxacinum
18. During a surgical operation, as a muscle relaxant, Tubocurarine choride was used. Which antagonist
preparation should be given to the patient, in order to renew breathing?
A. *Proserinum
B. Dithilinum
C. Cytisine
D. Etimizolum
E. Benzohexonium
19.A patient with alergic dermatitis was prescribed Suprastine. Which group of antialergic preparations
does it belong to?
A. *H1 histamine receptor blocker
B. Glucocorticosteroids
C. Inhibitors of mast cell degranulation
D. Leukotriene receptor antagonists
E. H2 histamine blockers
20. A child accidentally drank a solution from a bottle which contains grandma's glaucoma treatment. It
came out to be Pilocarpine hydrochloride. Which preparation could be used as an antidote?
A. *Atropine
B. Carboholine
C. Aceclidine
D. Benzohexonium
E. Pentamine
21. A woman who suffers from neurosis, doesn't sleep well. Which of the listed preparations should be
chosen to treat insomnia?
A. *Nitrazepam
B. Phenobarbital
C. Aethaminalum-natrium
D. Bromisoval
E. Tincture Valerianae
22.Drug addicts after the narcotic action resides, feel very serious psychic, neurotic and somatic
disfunctions. What is this complex of symptoms called?
A. *Abstinent syndrome
B. Tachyphylaxis
C. Sensibilisation
D. Cumulation
E. Tolerance
23. With which group of diuretics is it forbidden to prescribe hypotensive drugs from the angiotensin
converting enzyme group?
A. *Potassium- sparing
B. Thiazides
C. Digitalis
D. Xanthines
E. Osmotic
24. A patient came to the pharmacy, who was for a month taking phenazepam. The patient insisted on
buying two more packs, explaining that he doesn't feel well without it. What lies at the base of this side effect?
A. *Drug addiction
B. Idiosyncrasy
C. Hangover syndrome
D. Cumulation
E. Tolerance
25. A patient with alergic rhinitis was prescribed ephedrine in nose drops form. Using this preparation,
significantly improves the patient's state which made him use it every 2 hours, but the effect wasn't present.
What lies at the base of ephedrine's uneffectiveness?
A. *Tachyphylaxis
B. Drug addiction
C. Idiosyncrasy
D. Allergy
E. Cumulation
26.A patient with hypertensive crisis during complex treatment needs to be prescribed diuretics. Advise
the intern, which preparation should be used?
A. * Furosemidum
B. Diacarbum
C. Spironolactonum
D. Triamterenum
E. Amiloridum
27. Which antiprotozoal agent can be recommended to a woman, who suffers from Trichomoniaz.
A. * Metronidazolum
28. Recommend a patient with chronic bronchitis, which expectorant drug can be bought in the
pharmacy to ease the extraction of thick and viscous sputum.
A. * Ambroxolum
B. Falimint
C. Glauvent
D. Libexinum
E. Salbutamolum
29. Choose an antiseptic from the Halogenic group, which can be put in a child's first-aid kit, who is
going to summer camp?
A. * Iodine spirit solution
B. Brilliant green
C. Cupri sulfas
D. Methylenium blue
E. Formaldehyde solution
30. Which local anaesthetic is the best choice for anaesthetization during tooth extraction?
* Lidocainum
31. A drug from new generation of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs came to the pharmacy. Its name
is "meloxicam". What are its advantages as a COX-2 blocker, in comparison with other nonsteroid
A. * Minimum side ffects on the digestive tract
B. Significant miospasmolytic effect
C. Interferonogenic properties
D. Minimum hemotoxic effects
E. Significant inhibition of protease’s activity
32. In the absence of Fenoterol in the inhalator form, which preparation from the bronchoselective beta2-adrenomimetics can be used to replace it?
A. * Salbutamolum
B. Isadrinum
C. Metacinum
D. Ephedrinum
E. Euphyllinum
33. Consult the doctor, which preparation can be best used to replace Acetylcystein?
* Ambroxolum
Natrii chloridum
Codeini phosphas
Natrii hydrocarbonas
34. Answer the general practitioner's question- which modern antihistamine preparation is the best
choice for people who's work demands quick reactions?
A. * Loratadinum
35. In the absence of Strophantine in the pharmacy, which preparation from the heart glycosides group
should be used to replace it?
A. * Corglyconum
B. Isolanidum
C. Digitoxinum
D. Adonisidum
E. Celanidum
36. Name the most common symptom of atropin poisoning.
* Dilation of the pupil, without reaction on the light
Narrowing of the pupil without reaction on the light
Increasing of sweating
Decrasing of intraocular pressure
37. A patient has come to the doctor with complaints of loosing night sight, and dry cornea. Which
preparation did the doctor prescribe.
A. * Retinolum
B. Piridoxinum
C. Tocoferolum
D. Ascorbinic acid
E. Cocarboxylasum
38. A patient with hypertensia has a high level of renin in the blood plasma. Which pharmacological
group should be given privilege over the others.
A. * ACE-inhibitors
B. Alfa-adrenoblockers
C. Diuretics
D. Ca ions antagonists
E. Sympatolytics
39. A patient with stomach ulcer was prescribed Almagel. Which pharamcological property of the
preparation is used to treat this pathology?
A. * HCl neutralisation
B. Local anestetic activity
C. Blockade of H2-histaminoreceptors
D. Blockade of M-histaminoreceptors
E. Anti-inflammatory activity
40. After a long usage of phenobarbital, a patient with epilepsy has developed a tolerance to the
preparation. What lies at the base of this action?
A. * Acceleration of biotransformation
B. Weakening of drug absorbtion
C. Increasing of receptors sensitivity
D. Weakening of biotransformation
E. Cumulation of the drug in the organism
41. The doctor prescribed a preparation from the tricyclic antidepressants group for a patient with
depression. Name the preparation.
A. * Amitriptillinum
42. A patient with hypertension has consulted a doctor, complaining on dry cough, which appeared as a
result of treatment. Which hypotensive preparation did she use?
A. * Lisinopril
B. Atenololum
C. Nifedipinum
D. Furosemidum
E. Dichlothiasidum
43. A patient with ulcer was prescribed Famotidine. Explain which mechanism is in the base of its
A. * Blockade of H2-histaminoreceptors
B. Blockade of H1-histaminoreceptors
C. Blockade of M-cholinoreceptors
D. Inhibition of Н+К+АТP-ase activity
E. Blockade of cholinoreceptors of sympathetic ganglions
44. Explain what does the medical term period of half-excretion mean?
* The time required to decrease the drug concentration in the blood by one-half.
The plasma volume which is relieved from the drug during depend time
The time of total elimination of the grug from the organism
The speed of renal excretion of the drug
The ratio of the speed of excretion of the drug and its plasma concentration
45. Reduction in the absorbtion of tetracycline preparation group at their simultaneous usage, with
antacids is an example of:
A. * Pharmacokinetic incompatibility
B. Pharmaceutic incompatibility
C. Pharmacodynamic incompatibility
D. Sinergism of drugs
E. Functional antagonism of the drugs
46. An epileptic patient is prescribed a diuretic. Name the drug.
* Diacarbum
47. Help a medical student choose an adrenergic preparation to treat anaphylactic shock.
* Adrenalini hydrochloridum
48. Give an answer to a visitor of your pharmacy. What side effect is specific for Captopril?
* Dry cough
Disturbances of cardiac rhyth
E. Hypokaliemia
49. Consult, which antihistamine preparation does not have a soporific and sedative action?
* Loratadinum
50. Give an answer to an intern: which preparation is derived from the back of the pitiutary gland.
* Oxitocinum
51. Help the doctor choose the preparation for replacement therapy after the extraction of the thyroid
A. * L-thyroxinum
B. Insulinum
C. Prednisolonum
D. Parathyreoidinum
E. Mercasolilum
52. Treating hypertensia, a doctor has prescribed a preparation which blocks angiotensive receptors.
Name it.
A. * Losartanum
B. Nifedipinum
C. Prasosinum
D. Captoprilum
E. Apressinum
53. What is the mechanism of action of diclofenac sodium?
* Blockade of cyclooxygenase
Activetion of phosphodiesterase synthesis
Inhibition of cholinesterase
Activetion of adenilatcyclase
Inhibition of phosphodiesterase
54. A patient with ulcer was prescribed Omeprazole. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
* Inhibition of Н+К+-АТP-ase
Blockade of histaminic H2-receptors
Blockade of M-cholinoreceptors
Neutralisation of HCl
Stimulation of mucous secretion
55. Which anticeptic provides its bactericidic action by the formation of atomic Oxygen?
* Kalii permanganas
Argenti nitras
56. A patient with dyskinesia of the digestive tract was prescribed Metoclopramide. What is the
antiemetic action of this preparation related with?
* Blockade of D2-receptors
Blockade of M1-cholinoreceptors
Blockade of H1-cholinoreceptors
Stimulation of beta-adrenoreceptors
Stimulation of M1-cholinoreceptors
57. While treating chronic heart failure with digitoxinum, the patient started showing signs of
intoxication. The doctor prescribed Unithyol. Explain, the action of unitiol during heart glycosides intoxication.
A. * Restoration of К+-Na+АTP-ase activity
B. Binding of Ca2+ions
C. Increasing of Na+ level on cardiomyocytes
D. Increasing of permeability of cardiomyocytes for K+
E. Binding of glycoside into the non-active complex
58. The part of an administered dose of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation is called:
* Bioavaliability
Period of half-adsorbtion
Period of half-excterion
Volume of distribution
Period of half-elimination
59. A 67 year old patient with chronic heart failure is taking digoxin. To reduce the side effects of
digoxin, the doctor advices him to combine it with:
A. * Pananginum
B. Calcii gluconas
C. Euphyllinum
D. Dichlothiazidum
E. Calcii chloridum
60. As a resul of prolonged usage of heparin a stomach bleeding has occured in a patient. Name the
specific heparin antidote, which should immidiately be used.
A. * Protamini sulfas
B. Dipiroximum
C. Vicasolum
D. Bemegridum
E. Natrii citras
61. Which is the main mechanism of action of benzilpenicillinum which provides antibacterial effect
against the coccus flora?
A. * Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
B. Inhibition of protein synthesis
C. impairment the permeability of the cytoplamatic membrane
D. Activation of immine system of a macroorganism
E. Stimulation of fagocyte’s activity of leucocytes
62. A patient suffering from neurosis with fear and anxiety, was administered Diazepam. Which
pharmacological effect, allows it to be used to treat these symptoms?
A. * Anxiolytic
B. Antiarrythmic
C. Anti-inflammatory
D. Hypotinsive
E. Antianginal
63. A patient with disturbances of cardiac rhythm was given lidocain. Which pharmacological effect,
except local anaesthesia does this preparation have?
* Antiarrythmic
64. A patient with acute intoxication needs a forced diuresis. Which drug should be used?
* Furosemidum
Coffeini-natrii benzoas
Galantamini hydrobromidum
65. A patient who has suffered a brain trauma, was prescribed Piracetam. Which pharmacological group
does this preparation belong to?
A. * Nootropic drugs
B. Non-narcotic analgesics
C. Tranquilizers
D. Drugs for narcosis
E. Neuroleptics
66. A patient with hypertensia, a doctor rescribed Lisinopril. What is the mechanism of its action?
* Blockade of ACE (angiotensine-converting enzyme)
Blockade of alfa-adrenoreceptors
Blockade of beta-adrenoreceptors
Stimulation of beta-adrenoreceptors
Blockade of M-cholinoreceptors
67. For aterosclerosis treatment a patient in a pharmacy bought hypolipidemic agents from the fibrates
group. Name the preparation.
A. * Fenofibrate
B. Drotaverini hydrochloridum
C. Bisacodilum
D. Spironolactonum
E. Siliborum
68. To prevent stenocardiac attack, a patient is taking Nitroglycerine in capsules. Which is the rational
way of taking the medicine?
A. *Sublingual
B. Peroral
C. Rectal
D. Inhaled
E. Subcutaneous
69. A child is delivered to the hospial with signs of belladonna alcaloids intoxication. Which preparation
should be immediately used as an antidote?
A. * Proserinum
B. Magnesii sulfas
C. Coffeini-natrii benzoas
D. Paracetamolum
E. Natrii valproas
70. a doctor prescribed a patient with chronic constipation the preparation Bisacodyl. After 3 weeks of
treatment the patient noticed the laxative efeect diminished. Which side effect is this associated with?
A. * addictivion
B. Sensibilisation
C. Cumulation
D. Disbacteriosis
71. Advice a patient with acute bronchitis, a mucolitic preparation with expectorant action.
* Acetylsysteinum
Drotaverini hydrochloridum
72. You are an employee in a pharmaceutical warehouse. While entering recieved preparations into the
computer, name the category of preparations into which you would write Paracetamol?
A. * Non-narcotic analgesic
B. Hypnotic drug
C. Diuretic drug
D. Hypotensive drug
E. Antianginal drug
73. A provisor consulted a patient to buy a preparation that reduces stomach acid production, via
blocking of H2 histamine receptors of the stomach.
A. * Famotidinum
B. Omeprasolum
C. Almagel
D. Atropini sulfas
E. Pirensepinum
74. A patient with stenocardia recieved a prescription for Metoprolol. Which pharmacological effect
allows us to use this preparation for stenocardia treatment?
A. * Antianginal
B. Hypotensive
C. Antiarrythmic
D. Antiplatelet
E. Broncholytic
75. Due to lack of labour activity, a doctor prescribed the woman a hormonal preparation to stimulate
the delivery. Name the preparation.
A. * Oxytocinum
B. Glibenclamidum
C. Prednisolonum
D. Insulinum
E. L-thyroxinum
76. Answer a question of your collegue, the provisor. Which nonsteroid drug is related to the selective
COX-2 blockers?
A. * Celecoxib
B. Analginum
C. Paracetamolum
D. Diclophenac-sodium
E. Acidum acetylsalicylicum
77. Answer a nurse's question. Hypoglycemic action of which preparation is the result of stimulating the
beta-cells of the pancreas?
A. * Glibenclamidum
B. Prednisolonum
C. Adrenalini hydrochloridum
D. Retabolilum
E. Heparinum
78. An old patient developed post-opertive intestinal atonia. Which anticholinesterase drug does he
A. * Proserinum
B. Dithylinum
C. Pilocarpini hydrochloridum
D. Atropini sulfas
E. Metoprolol
79.A patient suffering from Parkinsonism was prescribed a preparation with dominante influence on the
dophaminergic system. Name the preparation.
A. * Levodopa
B. Zopiclon
C. Droperidolum
D. Aminazinum
E. Lorazepamum
80. A patient who had been suffering from urolithiasis was delivered to the emergency department with
kidney colic. Which preparation should be given to remove the colic?
A.*Drotaverini hydrochloridum
B. Silibor
C. Almagel
D. Aethymisolum
E. Proserinum
81. Patient N. 56 years old who is suffering from ishemic heart disease was given Metoprolol. What is
the mechanism of beta-adrenoblocker's action on ishemic heart disease?
A. *Decrease oxygen demands of myocardium
B. Increase oxygen demands of myocardium
C. Dilate coronary blood vessels
D. Decrease tone of peripheral vessels
E. Constrict coronary vessels
82. A patient who is suffering from allergic dermatitis came to the hospital. Which preparation, with
antiinflammatory properties should be prescribed?
A. * Prednisolonum
B. Etamidum
C. Oxytocinum
D. Insulinum
E. Retabolilum
83. A patient with atherosclerosis was given an antiatherosclerotic preparation. Name it.
* Phanofibrate
Ascorbinic acid
84. A patient after bee bites developed Quincke's edema. Which preparation should be immidiately
injected to remove the allergic reaction?
A. * Adrenalini hydrochloridum
B. Natrii chloridum
C. Plathyphyllini hydrotartras
D. Atropini sulfas
E. Anaprillinum
85. A 55 year old man is complaining on insomnia, irritation, and weakness. Which of the preparations
listed below is reasonable to give to the patient in this case?
A. * Nitrasepam
B. Aminasinum
C. Triftasinum
D. Droperidolum
E. Amitriptilinum
86. A patient with hypertonia, was given Metoprolol to reduse the blood pressure. What is the
mechanism of its action?
A.* Blockade of beta-adrenoreceptors
B. Blockade of alfa-adrenoreceptors
C. Indirect adrenomimetic action
D. Spasmolytic action
E. Blockade of angiotensine receptors
87. A patient with bronchial asthma, in order to arrest the onset, was given a preparation, which works
on the base of beta-2-adrenoreceptor stimulation. Name the preparation.
A. * Salbutamolum
B. Adrenalini hydrochloridum
C. Droperidolum
D. Clophellinum
E. Isadrinum
88. A patient with parkinsonism to remove the muscle rigidity was prescribed a preparation, which is a
precursor of dophamine. Name the preparation.
A. * Levodopum
B. Aminazinum
C. Paracetamolum
D. Scopolamini hydrobromidum
E. Atropini sulfas
89. A patient with neurosis was given an anxiolitic, derivative of benzodiazepine. Name the preparation.
* Diazepam
Atropini sulfas
90. A 34 year old patient, who has bronchitis, the doctor prescribed an antitussive preparation with
centrl action. What is the preparation?
A. * Glaucinum
B. Corglyconum
C. Enalapril
D. Furosemidum
E. Fercovenum
To patient with insulin independent diabetes the synthetic antidiabetic drug of sulfonylurea group was
appointed. Product name is:
*A. Glibenclamid
B. Insulin
C. Anaprylin
D. Prednisolone
E. Furosemide
Help physician to choose the drugs of NSAID, which is an inhibitor of COX-2 and does not damage the
*A. Celecoxib
B. Acetylsalicylic acid
C. Indomethacin
D. Paracetamol
E. Diclofenac sodium
Explain the doctor, what is correctly call the phenomenon of reducing the drug effectiveness in long term
*A. Habituation
B. Sensitization
C. Accumulation
D. Dependence
E. Tachyphylaxy
The patient was warned that taking of the drug may cause cough. Name this drug is:
* A. Lizinopryl
B. Clophelinum
C. Fenihidyn
D. Dihlorthiazydum
E. Metoprolol
To patients with acute poisoning for forced diuresis the loop diuretic was appointed. What is this medicine?
* A. Furosemide
B. Mannit
C. Hydrochlorothiazide
D. Triamteren
E. Spironolactone
Lisinopril was appointed to patients with hypertension. What is a typical side effect inherent in it?
*A. Dry cough
B. Constipation
C. Increased appetite
D. Insomnia
E. Vomiting
Recommend to patients with glaucoma drugs of M-cholinomimetics group:
*A. Pilokarpine hydrochloride
B. Ephedrine hydrochloride
C. Sulfate sodium
D. Atropine sulfate
E. Laevomicetin
Physician said to pharmacist: "Remind me, my colleagues, what so called phenomenon that one drug enhances
the effect of the other":
*A. Potentiation
B. Antagonism
C. Sensitization
D. Abstinence
E. Tachyphylaxy
Consult medical interns why Antacids should not use together with iron preparations?
* A. Deceleration of absorption of iron preparations
B. Increases binding to blood proteins
C. Violated deposition of iron in the body
D. Amplifies iron intoxication drugs
E. Accelerated elimination of iron preparations
Patients assigned to treat pneumonia Doxyciclini hydrochloride. Which group of antibiotics includes this drug?
* A. Tetracyclines
B Aminoglycosides
C. Macrolides
D. Cephalosporins
E. Penicillins
You are the pharmacist of the pharmacy. Which group of broncholitics should order to pulmonology
department for treatment of patients with asthma?
* A. Beta2-adrenomimetics
B Beta-blockers
C. M-cholinomimetics
D. N-cholinomimetics
E. Anticholinesteraze drugs
Dobutamine was introduced to patient with acute heart failure and intolerance to cardiac glycosides. What is the
mechanism of action of this drug?
*A. Stimulation of beta 1-adrenoceptors
B. Stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors
C. Blockade of K +, Na + ATPase
D. Inhibition of an activity of phosphodiesterase
E. Stimulation of M-cholinoreceptors
The doctor has prescribed the drug to the patient for the treatment of thrombosis. The drug was from the group
of anticoagulants of direct action. Name this drug.
*A. Heparin
B. Pheniline
C. Syncumar
D. Neodicumarine
E. Vicasol
A doctor has appointed a cardiac glycoside from a group of digitalis to the patient with chronic heart failure.
Name this drug:
*A. Digoxin
B. Strophanthin
C. Corvalolum
D. Corglycone
E. Cordiaminum
Anaphylactic shock was developed in the patient after vaccination. What was the drug of choice?
*A. Adrenaline (epinephrine) hydrochloride
B Anaprylin
C. Naphtizyn
D. Salbutamol
E. Dytylinum
Elderly patients suffering constipation, which is based on hypotonia of a thick intestine. Which drug should be
appointed to the patient for treatment of constipation?
*A. Bisacodyl
B. Sodium sulfate
C. castor oil
D Atropini sulfate
E. Novocainamide
A doctor has appointed mucolitic drug to the patient with acute bronchitis. Name it
*A. Acetylcysteine
B. Glaucine
C. Codeine phosphate
D. Ethymizol
E. Bemegride
Woman has a bad sleep after suffering a stress. Which of these hypnotic drugs should be preferred to treat
* A. Nitrazepame
B. Phenobarbital
C. chloral hydrate
D. Aminazynum
E. Barbitalum
In the addicts after the expiration of drug acting the severe mental, neurological and somatic disorders arise.
What is the name of this symptom?
* A. Abstinence syndrome
B. Idiosyncrasy
C. Sensitization
D. Cumulation
E. Tolerance
Woman is 65 with mandibular fractures. She takes narcotic analgesic. Name of this drug is:
*A. Promedole
B. Pyracetamum
C. Heparin
D. Cinnaryzyne
E Furosemide
Patient with hypertensive disease takes the drug of the nonselective beta-adrenoblockers group. Name the
* A. Anaprylin
B. Prazozyne
C. Proserin
D. Epinephrine hydrochloride
E. Labetalol
Which drug should enter as the antidote to the patients with acute morphine poisoning?
*A. Naloxone
B. Lobelini hydrochloride.
C. Bemehryd.
D. Atropini sulfate
E. unitiolum
For the treatment of glaucoma a doctor decided to direct cholinomimetic drug of direct action. What is this
*A. Pilocarpini hydrochloride
B. Zinc sulfate
C. Sulphacil sodium
D. Platyfillini hidrotartrat
E. Atropini sulfate
In process of pharmacotherapy of bronchitis dyspeptic disorders, photodermatitis and liver dysfunction arise
in the patient. Which drug is designed to the patient could cause these effects?
* A. Doxycycline
B. Paracetamol
C. Ascorbic acid.
D. Acetylcysteine.
E. Codeine phosphate
Patient suffering gall-stone disease. Which drug should be appointed to removal of hepatic colic?
*A. Magnesium sulfate
B. Amalgel
C. Contrical
D. Bisacodyl
E. Pancreatin.
Help the doctor to choose the narcotic analgesic that can be used for anesthesia delivery?
*A. Promedol
B. Paracetamol
C. Codeine phosphate
D. Fentanyl
E. Analgine
A patient with a diagnosis of stomach ulcer in the acute phase was hospitalized. Consult medical intern, what is
the drug reduces the function of stomach glands by blockade of H2-receptors:
*A. Famotidine
B. Belladonna dry extract
C. Metacynum
D. Atropini sulfate
E. Platiphyllini hydrotartrat
Choose on the pharmacy stock anticholinesteraze drug of reversible action for the surgery department for
patients with intestene and urinary bladder atonia in the postoperative period
*A. Proserin
B. Phosphacol
C. Benzohexonium
D. Atropini sulfate
E. Dytylinum
Came the order from the surgery department to the hospital pharmacy to receive the drug of the group of
depolarizing myorelaxants for surgical interventions. What medicine was ordered?
*A. Dytylinum
B. Nicotine
C. Atropini sulfate
D Metacynum
E. Hygronium
The patient asked the pharmacist to give the drug that treats the headache that has antiplatelet action. Name
this medicine is:
*A. Acetylsalicylic acid
B. Codeini phosphate
C. Promedol
D. Tramadol
E. Fentanyl
Patient who suffered acute myocardial infarction a doctor recommended to take acetylsalicylic acid during 3-4
months. What is the action of acetylsalicylic acid the doctor calculated?
*A. Antiplatelet
B. Antipyretic
C. Analgesic
D. Antiinflammatory
E. Antispasmodic
The doctor-intern asked the pharmacist for advice, which drug is better to take the patient with the diagnosis of
amebic dysentery.
*A. Metronidazole
B. Pirantel
C. Levomizolum
D. Bicillinum -5
E. Benzylpenicillinum sodium
During the surgical interference with the application of neuromuscular blocking agent tubocurarine the
respiratory violation is developed in the patient, and this violation was eliminated after the introduction of
Proserinum. What is the name of this interaction between the drugs?
*A. Antahonyzm
B. Accumulation
C. Incompatibility
D. Tachyphylaxy
E. Synergism
in patient that a long time suffered diseases of stomach The hypercromic anemya was revealed in patient
that a long time suffered diseases of stomach. What the drug is used for treatment of this disease?
* A. Cyanocobalamine
B. Ascorbynic acid
C. Unytyolum
D. Ferrum Lek
E. Oxyferryscabone
There is the woman of 25 years with the phenomenon of acute morphine intoxication. Naloxone was
introduced her and it caused the improving of her condition. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
*A. Blockade of opioid receptors
B. Blockade of GABA receptors
C. Serotonin receptors blockade
D. Blockade of dopamine receptors
E. Blockade of benzodiazepine receptors
To narcological department a patient with morphinism was hospitalized. The doctor appointed the reduction
of pharmacological activity of morphine. What is the phenomenon of reducing the effect of morphine in the reintroduction?
*A. Habituation
B. Material cumulation
C. Functional cumulation
D. Antagonism
E. Summation
Drug of choice for treatment of trichomoniasis are:
*A. Metronidazole
B. Oletetryn
C. Norfloxacinum
D. Nystatin
E. Claforan
Select a drug for treatment of bronchial asthma from the group of α2-Adrenostymulators.
*A. Salbutamol
B. Euphylin
C. Atrovent
D. Ketotifen
E. Beclometasone
The antipsychotic drug was assigned to the patient with schizophrenia. Which of the following drugs belongs
to this group?
*A. Aminazynum
B. Celecoxib
C. Anaprylin
D. Morphine
E. Pyracetamum
A student with a request addressed to a pharmacy to advise the drug for elimination of manifestations of
allergic rhinitis, which occurs in during of the flowering limes. Which drug you can apply?
* A. Loratadine
B. Adrenaline
C. Anaprylin
D. Ambroxol
E. Losartan
There is the patient with the stomach ulcer. The drug which of these groups need to use in complex therapy of
the patient?
*A. H2 blockers of histamine receptors
B. H1 blockers of histamine receptors
C. β-blockers
D. α–adrenoblockers
E. α- adrenomimetics
Patient with rheumatoid arthritis and concomitant peptic ulcer of duodenum should be appointed NSAID drugs.
Which drug is the drug of choice in this case?
*A. Celecoxib
B. Aspirin
C. Paracetamol
D. Analgene
E. Diclofenac sodium
To the patient with ischemic heart disease for a quick withdrawal of angina attack a doctor appointed a
medicine that should be taken under the tongue. Specify this preparation.
*A. Nitroglycerin
B. Corglycon
C. Isosorbide mononitrate
D. Lisinopril
E. Amiodarone
In a test for sensitivity to benzylpenicillin the patient was developed anaphylactic shock. Which drug should be
introduced to place of direction of antibiotic?
* A. Adrenaline hydrochloride
B. Norepinephrine
C. Atropine sulfate
D. Propranolol
E. Ceftriaxon
Name the drug of tetracyclines, which was appointed to the patient with bronchitis for treatment
* A. Doxycycline hydrochloride
B. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
C. Acyclovir
D. Isoniazid
E. Chingaminum
For the treatment of atherosclerosis, the patient acquired in the pharmacy lipid-lowering drug fenofibrate.
Which pharmacological group is this drug?
*A. Fibrates
B. Nitrofurans
C. Calcium channel blockers
D. β-blockers
E. M-cholinoblockers
Remind your colleague as a pharmacist called the phenomenon, when one drug attenuates the effects of
*A. Antagonism
B. Habituation
C. Sensibilization
D. Potentiation
E. Tachyphylaxis
Explain to your colleague, who is the pharmacist, what the indication for the use of naloxone?
*A. Acute narcotic poisoning
B. Heavy metal poisoning
C. Poisoning by cardiac glycosides
D. Poisoning by ergot alkaloids
E. Poisoning by atropine sulfate
Patient for the treatment of bronchial asthma, a doctor has prescribed the drug from the group of αadrenoagonists. Specify this drug.
*A. Salbutamol
B. Diazepam
C. Doxycycline hydrochloride
D. Nitroglycerin
E. Digoxin
Which of the following drugs for sublingual application quickly relieves angina pectoris?
*A. Nitroglycerin
B. Digoxin
C. Amiodarone
D. Lisinopril
E. Corglycon
Thanks to what pharmacological effect of diazepam is used to treat neuroses?
* A. Anxiolytic
B. Analgesic
C. Diuretic
D. Antipyretic
E. Antidepressant
You are pharmacist, passing an internship. At the time the test examination select the pharmacological effect
of Chlorpromazine which allows to treat psychoses?
* A. Antipsychotic
B. Hypothermic
C. Anti-inflammatory
D> Antiemetics
E. Spasmolitic
Answer the question of his colleague pharmacist What the mechanism of action of NSAIDs
*A. Selective inhibition of COX-2
B. Blockade of ACE
C. Stimulation of the M-cholinergic receptors
D. Blockade of H2-histamine receptors
E. Stimulation β2-adrenoceptors
Answer the question the young doctor: What is name the ability of drugs to accumulate in the patient body?
*A. Cumulation
B. Antagonism
C. Synergy
D. Habituation
E. Allergies
You are the pharmacist of the hospital. Select from the received drugs in your pharmacy the drug, which refers
to the fat-soluble vitamins
* A. Retinol acetate
B. Oxytocin
C. Acyclovir
D. Heparin
E. Diphenhydramine
Help a young doctor to choose from available in your pharmacy chemotherapeutic drugs the medicine for the
treatment of a patient suffering Herpes
*A. Acyclovir
B. Rifampicin
C. Doxycycline hydrochloride
D. Hingamin
E. Metronidazole
What is the pharmacological effect of acetylsalicylic acid can be used in patients with ischemic heart disease to
prevent thrombosis?
* A. Antiplatelet
B. Analgesic
C. Antipyretics
D. Ulcerogenic
E. Anti-inflammatory
Patient with glaucoma doctor has ordered Neostigmine methylsulfate in the form of eye drops. To what
pharmacological group is this drug?
*A. Anticholinesterase of reversible action
B. M-holinoblocker
C. N-cholinomimetik
D. α-adrenoblocker
E. α -adrenoceptors agonists
Which drug from the group of local anesthetics is used in patients with irregular heartbeat?
*A. Lidocaine
B. Paracetamol
C. Morphine hydrochloride
D. Caffeine-sodium benzoate
E. Nitrazepam
Patients with renal colic takes the complex therapy with one added spasmolytic from cholinoblocker. group.
Name this drug is:
*A. Aatropine
B. Neostigmine methylsulfate
C. Galantamine
D. Dytylin
E. Benzohexonium
The nonselective β-adrenoblocker was used in treating of extrasystolia:
* A. Anaprylin
B. Atenolol
C. Fentolamin
D. Prazozin
E. Reserpine
Antipsychotic was appointed to patient with psychosis:
* A. Aminazyn
B. Diazepam
C. Cyclodol
D. Caffeine
E. Phenobarbitalum
The fear, emotional stress in a patient with neurosis allowed the doctor to pick up drug reducing these
*A. Diazepam
B. Lithium carbonate
C. Sydnocarbum
D. Nootropil
E. Caffeine
Salbutamol was appointed to patient with bronchial asthma. After that the symptom of bronchospasm was
disappeared. This is due to stimulation of:
*A. beta2-adrenoreceptors
B. Alpha1- adrenoreceptors
C. M-cholinoreceptors
D. Synthesis of acetylcholine
E. Beta1- adrenoreceptors
After long-term receiving of Isosorbite to prevent attacks of angina pectoris the patient noted a significant
reduction of its effect. What phenomenon occurred?
*A. Tolerance
B. Accumulation
C. Physical dependence
D. Allergies
E. Potentiation
During the weakness of delivery was prescribed:
*A. Oxytocin
B. No Spa
C. Progesterone
D. Vikasol
E. Fenoterol
The drug of NSAID group was assigned to patient with chronic coronary disease to prevent thrombosis.
*A. Acetylsalicylic acid
B. Ibuprofen
C. Piroxicam
D. Mefenamic acid
E. Indomethacin
The anticoagulant of direct action was injected intravenously to patients with myocardial infarction:
*A. Heparin
B. Neodicumarinum
C. Vikasol
D. Thrombin
E. Calcium gluconate
Specify antibiotic for treatment of syphilis is:
*A. Benzylpenicillin
B. Streptomycin
C. Kanamycin
D. Amphotericin
E. Nystatin
The diagnosis is trichomoniasis. What antimicrobial agent should be appointed for treatment of this disease?
* A. Metronidazole
B. Ampicillin
C. Chloroquine
D. Nystatin
E. Gentamicin
Herpetic rash was appeared in the patient. What drug should be appointed for treatment?
*A. Acyclovir
B. Gentamicin
C. Clotrimazolum
D. Benzylpenicyllin
E. Biseptol
For individual prevention of malaria the drug was appointed:
*A Chingaminum
B. Rifampicin
C. Ampicillin
D. Gentamicin
E. Biseptol (Co-trimoxazolum)
On what typical side effect of Glaucinum hydrochloricum should notify the patient with chronic bronchitis?
* A. Reducing blood pressure
B. Excitation of the central nervous system
C. Destroy of cardiac rhythm
D. Increased intraocular pressure
E. Allergic skin rashes
Patients with allergic dermatitis after bee stings was designed Loratadine. for treatment. What is the
mechanism of this anti-allergic drug?
*A. Inhibition of histamine H1-receptors
B. Inhibition of histamine H2-receptors
C. Blockade of D4 -leucotrien receptors
D. Reducing of leukotriene releasing
E. Antiserotonin activity
A doctor in case of suspicion of cholera appointed to patient Doxycycline hydrochloride. What
group of antibiotics includes this drug?
*A. Tetracycline
B. Penicillins
C. Cephalosporin
D. Cyclic polypeptides
E. Macrolides and Azalides
Which cholinotropic drugs are used in glaucoma to reduce intraocular pressure?
* A. Pilocarpinum
B. Atropine
C. Platyphyllinum
D. Skopolaminum
E. Methacinum
There is the patient of 30 with sleep disorder and neurosis. The doctor appointed him Diazepam. What caused
the psycho-sedative effect of the drug?
*A. Activation of GABA system
B. Inhibition of the limbic system
C. Inhibition of reticular formation
D. Reducing of norepinephrine in the CNS
E. Inhibition of opioid receptors
Why Benzylpenicillin sodium salt isn’t used inside (per oral)?
*A. Is destroyed by HCl of stomach
B. Has bad absorbtion in the GIT
C. Irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach
D. Reduces the formation of gastric HCl
E. Is destroyed by penicillinase
Advise to doctor the drug which is an antagonist of Neodicumarinum in case of bleeding is caused by
prolonged use of this drug.
*A. Vikasol
B. Aminokapronovaya acid
C. Etamzylat
D. Fibrinogen
E. Ascorbic acid
Which drug in overdose of narcotic analgesics should be used as an antidote to relieve inhibition of the
respiratory center?
* A. Naloxone;
B. Cordiamin;
C. Etymizol;
D. Camphora
E. Solutio Ammonii caustici
Women has a protracted period of delivery. Select the drug from the list which has physiological action for
stimulation of uterus.
* A. Oxytocinum
B. Proserinum
C. Pachycarpinum
D. Progesteronum
E. Estronum
Patient is 48. For removal of heavy attacks of asthma the solution of Prednisolone was entered intravenously.
To which hormonal group Prednisolone belongs?
*A. Glucocorticoids
B. Gestagen preparations
C. Estrogenic preparations
D. Mineralocorticoid hormones
E. Anabolic steroids
You work in a pharmacy, which is located in the Skin -Venereal Diseases Dispensary. Consult medical interns:
what is the antibiotic which is the drug of choice (the best drug) for treatment of syphilis?
* A. Benzylpenicillinum sodium salt
B. Lincomycin hydrochloride
C. Levorynum sodium salt
D. Streptomycin sulfate
E. Polymyxin M sulfate
You work in pharmaceutical firm in the market department. Explain intern: which of pharmacological groups
Phenofibrate belongs:
*A. Hypolipidemic drugs
B. Fibrinolysis inhibitor
C. Soporific means
D. Antihypertensive drugs
E. Anticoagulant of indirect action
You are an pharmacist-informator and work at the pharmacy. Advise patient with acute rheumatoid arthritis
anti-inflammatory analgesic drug, that is less than the whole stomach hurts.
*A. Celecoxib
B. Diclofenac sodium
C. Acetylsalicylic acid
D. Ibuprofen
E. Indomethacinum
You are pharmacist. For window dressing of Pharmacy select the loop diuretics of emergency, strong and
short-term actions:
*A. Furosemide
B. Clopamide
C. Diacarbum
D. Spironolactone
E. Triamterenum
During local anaesthetization novocaine solution is usually compounded with solution of
adrenaline hydrochloride. What is the purpose of this action?
A Vasoconstriction
B Vasodilatation
C Increase in smooth muscle tone
D Decrease in smooth muscle tone
E Algesthesia reduction
TESTS for training
1. A patient with symptoms of phosphorganic poisoning was taken to emergency department. Which of the
following drugs must be used as a drug of first aid?
A. Unithyolum
B. Potassium chloride
С. Atropine
D. Chlorpromazine (Aminazine)
E. Glucose
2. After abdominal surgery performed under general anaes thesia with non-depolarizing myorelaxant
spontaneous respiration was not restored. Which of the following drugs is to be used as an antidote of nondepolarizing myorelaxant?
A. Aceclidinum
B. Pilocarpin
C. Neostigmine (Proserin)
D. Hyascine
E. Isonitrosine
3. A 5 years old child was taken to toxicological department with Belladonna poisoning. Alongside with
peripheral manifestations the CNS symptoms were manifested. Which of the following agents has to be
administered as an antidote?
A. Aceclidin
B. Pilocarpin
C. Neostigmine (Proserin)
D. Adrenaline
E. Galantamine hydrobromide
4. A patient suffering from insomnia addressed his doctor. The main problem was in the difficulties with sleep onset.
Doctor prescribed zolpidem. Which of the following characteristics is true for this agent?
A. It belongs to benzodiazepine derivatives
B. It belongs to barbiturates
C. It has the ability to cause quick onset of sleep
D. It's poorly absorbed from GIT
E. It poorly binds to protein
5. A 67 year-old male patient suffering from arthritis was treating himself with acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin).
In 2 weeks patient addressed doctor complaining of pain in epigastric area. On examination of the patient doctor
prescribed anti-inflammatory agent, selectively inhibiting COX-2. Point out this drug.
A. Paracetamole
B. Diclophenac-sodium
C. Celecoxib
D. Metamisole (Analginum)
E. Indomethacine
6. In complex treatment of a patient with angina pectoris non-narcotic analgesic exerting antiplatelet activity
was included. Point out this agent.
A. Meperidine
B. Morphine
С. Tramadol
D. Metamizole
E. Aspirin
7. A patient was treated for psychosis for 2 weeks. The psychic patient's condition improved but rigidity, tremor,
and hypoki-nesia developed. Which of the drugs can cause such complications?
A. Diazepam
B. Chlorpromazine (Aminazinum)
С. Amytriptiline
D. Piracetam
E. Chlordiazepoxide
8. For treatment of hypertensive patient doctor prescribed antiadrenergic drug, first administration of which
in therapeutic dose caused "first dose syncope". Which drug was most probably used?
A. Metoprolol
B. Atenolol
C. Prazosin
D. Reserpin
E. Propranolol
9. A 43 year-old male patient is suffering from hypertension. His blood pressure was successfully controlled by
monotherapy with adrenoblocker. With time treatment was complicated with diarrhoea and impotence. The
patient addressed his doctor and the drug was changed for another adrenoblocker. Which of adrenoblockers can
cause above listed side effects?
A. Metoprolol
B. Salbutamol
С Propranolol
D. Dobutamine
E. Prazosin
10. Which of the listed drugs is usually added to local anaesthetic to prolong its action and to decrease toxicity?
A. Noradrenaline
B. Ephedrine
C. Adrenaline
D. Reserpine
E. Atropine
For testing refraction of eye atropine was instilled into conjunctival sac. On completion of the procedure
another cholinergic drug was used to counteract mydriasis and cycloplegia, caused by atropine. Point out this
A. Pilocarpine
B. Lobeline
С Hyoscine (Scopolamine)
D. Phenylephrine (Mesatonum)
E. Pirenzepine
12. In complex treatment of a child, suffering from cerebral palsy, a doctor decided to include anticholinesterase
drug moder ately improving mental development. Choose this drug.
A. Physostigmine
B. Neostigmine (Proserinum)
C. Galanthamine
D. Pilocarpine
E. Lobeline
13. Administration of pirenzepine in patients with gastric peptic ulcer is not accompanied by numerous side effects
characteristic for atropine and other M-cholinoblckers due to
A. Inability to penetrate through blood brain barrier
B. Selective inhibition of Mi-cholinoceptors
С. Inhibition of all types of M-cholinoceptors
D. Inhibition of cholinesterase
E. Significant protein binding
14. It is known that administration of tubocurarine during surgery can enhance the development of postoperative
paralyticileus. What is the mechanism of this side effect of tubocurarine?
A. Inhibition of M-cholinoceptors
B. Inhibition of cholinesterase
С. Ganglion blocking activity
D. Stimulation of M-cholinoceptors
Stimulation of both M- and N-cholinoceptors
15. A 56-year-old patient with chronic alcoholism became aggressive. To abolish aggression chlorpromazine
(aminazimim) was administered. What is the mechanism of antipsychotic effect of this drug?
A. Blockade of reticular formation
B. Blockade of dopamine D2-receptors
С. Blockade of M-cholinoceptors
D. Blockade of a-adrenoceptors
E. Blockade of [3-adrenoceptors
16. To perform fundoscopy ophthalmologist instilled in the eye an agent capable of causing mydriasis without
cycloplegia. Point out this agent.
A. Phenylephrine (Mesatonum)
B. Noradrenaline
С. Atropine
D. Pilocarpine
A. Isoprenaline (Isadrinum)
17. A young woman with breast cancer after surgery was treated with a chemotherapeutic complex. At the very
beginning of treatment the patient experienced much distressing nausea and vomiting. Choose the best agent to
relieve patient's condition
A. Hyoscine (Aeronum)
B. Diphenhydramine (Dimedrolum)
C. Validolum
D. Chlorpromazine (Aminazinum)
E. Metoclopramide
18. Due to inhibition of COX aspirin exerts all the following effects except
A. Anti-inflammatory
B. Antiplatelet
C. Increase in warfarin efficacy
D. Antipyretic
E. Analgesic
19. Which of the following antiadrenergic drugs used in the treatment of hypertension is contraindicated in
patients prone to bronchospasm?
A. Prazosin
B. Metoprolol
C. Reserpine
D. Atenolol
E. Propranolol (Anaprilinum)
20. Characteristic side effects associated with sulfa drugs are all the following except
A. Allergic reaction
B. Hypokalemia
C. Crystallurea
D. Agranulocytosis
E. Kernicterus
21. Patient with gastric peptic ulcer was treated with omeprazole. This agent is capable of decreasing in HCl
production because it
A. Neutralizes gastric acid
B. Blocks Eb-histamine receptors
C. Inhibits the H+, K+-ATPase proton pump
D. Coats gastric mucosa
E. Blocks muscarinic receptors
22. In the presence of a beta-blocker administration of adrenaline is most likely to cause:
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hypokalemia
C. Hypertension
D. Hyperglycemia
E. Hypotension.
Very painful uterine contractions have been occurring in a pregnant woman at normal term. To relieve the
woman's condition during labour, a doctor decided to use opioid (narcotic) analgesic. Which of the listed drags can
be used in this case?
A. Trimeperidine (Promedolum)
B. Morphine
C. Metamizole (Analginum)
D. Papaverine
E. Codeine
24. Point out antihypertensive agent that increases salts and H2O excretion and can cause hyperglycemia and uric
acid retention?
A. Nifedipine
B. Propranolol
С. Prazosin
D. Hydrochlorothiazide
E. Acetazoleamide (Diacarbum)
25. Which of the following conditions is alleviated by centrally acting anti-cholinergic drugs?
A. Depression
B. Multiple sclerosis
С. Mania
D. Parkinsonism
E. Psychosis
26. Which of the following drugs is most likely to produce positive inotropic and negative chronotropic effects?
A. Nitroglycerin
B. Furosemide
C. Diltiazem
D. Procainamide
E. Digoxin
A hypertensive patient was treated with the drug suppressing the formation of angiotensin II and preventing
degradation of bradykinine. Point out the drug realizing antihypertensive effect by these mechanisms.
A. Nifedipine
В. Guanethidine
C. Clonidine
D. Enalapril
E. Propranolol
28. A hypertensive patient was fond of meat dishes and did not keep proper diet. In the course of complex
antihypertensive treatment an acute attack of gout developed. Which of the following agents is responsible for
worsening of patient condition?
A. Hydrochlorothiazide
B. Prazosin
C. Allopurinol
D. Acetazolamide
E. Propranolol
29. A 46-year-old patient with a history of epilepsy (grandmal) developed status epilepticus. Choose the
drug to arrest convulsions.
A. Sodium valproate
B. Diazepam
C. Levodopa
D. Chlorpromazine
E. Droperidol
30. A 67-year-old man treated with hydrochlorothiazide for control of mild hypertension visited his doctor
complaining of pains in joints. Which of the listed side effects is the most probable cause of patient's complains?
A. Hyperglycemia
B. Hyperuricemia
C. Drug hypersensitivity
D. Hyperkalemia
E. Hypokalemia
31. A 45-year-old woman presents to the emergency room with severe epigastric pain. On the base of patient
examination and laboratory findings an acute pancreatitis is diagnosed. Which of the drugs is to be administered in
this case?
A. Pancreatin
B. Mezym forte
C. Contrycal
D. Morphine
E. Fentanyl
32. On discontinuation of heparin treatment of patient with myocardial infarction administration of warfarin
was started. This drug exerts its anticoagulant effect by
A. Blocking calcium binding to clotting factors
B. Forming a complex with clotting factors
C. Breaking down thrombin
D. Inhibiting of pro-clotting factor synthesis in the liver
E. Depolymerization of fibrin
33. A patient with angina pectoris was helping himself with nitroglycerin. One day the patient used
nitroglycerin several times because of frequent episodes of pain. So as the last sublingual administration of
nitroglycerin did not relieve pain, the patient addressed his doctor. Doctor advised him to withdraw nitroglycerin
for 8 hours and prescribed another drug. After 8 hours the effect of nitroglycerin was restored. Which phenomenon
did take place in this case?
A. Increase in nitroglycerin metabolism
B. Increase in protein binding
C. Decrease of absorption
D. Drug dependence
E. Tolerance
A patient in an unconscious state was admitted to the emergency room. Diabetic coma was diagnosed.
Intravenous administration of regular insulin was performed. Which of listed agents in addition to insulin is
commonly used intravenously to normalize patient's condition?
A. Acarbose
B. Tolbutamide
С. Glibenclamide
D. Metformin
E. Sodium bicarbonate
35. A patient with toothache was relieving his pain with help of metamizole (analginum). Point out another
useful effect of this drug that contributes to the improvement of patient's condition
A. Sedative effect
B. Anti-inflammatory effect
C. Antlplatelet effect
D. Antioxidative effect
E. Antimicrobial effect
36. The usage of acetylsalicylic acid resulted in occurrence of epigastric pain in patient. On examination
of the patient gastric ulcer was revealed. What the mechanism is responsible for ulcerogenity of this drug?
A. Stimulation of pepsin secretion
B. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis
С Increase in bile production and its refluxr
D. Spasm of vessels
E. Spasm of gastric smooth muscles
37. A patient with bronchial asthma addresses his doctor with complaints about unpleasant palpitations
that occur after usage of inhalation form of isoprenaline (isadrinum). What is the cause of this side effect?
A. stimulation of ai-adrenoceptros
B. stimulation of аг-adrenoceptros
C. stimulation of pVadrenoceptros
D. stimulation of p2-adrenoceptros
E. inhibition of M-chlolinoceptors
38. A patient with poisoning caused by carbon monoxide was administered directly acting analeptic
drug. What medicine was used?
A. Codeine
B. Ephedrine
C. Caffeine
D. Atropine sulfate
E. Lobeline
39. A patient with pinpoint pupils, sweating, salivation, abdominal cramps, disturbances in respiration
was admitted to the emergency room. Poisoning with what substance is the most likely occurred?
A. Non-narcotic analgesics
B. Sedatives
C. Narcotic analgesics
D. M-cholinergic antagonists
E. Muscarine
40. A teenager with a fracture of the hand was taken to the emergency room. To perform reposition of
fractured bones it was necessary to relax skeletal muscle. For this purpose myorelaxant causing
depolarization of the post synaptic membrane was administered. Which of the following agents was
A. Pancuronium
B. Atracurium
C. D-tubocurarine
D. Succinylcholine
E. Neostigmine (Proserinum)
41. In the treatment of a patient suffering from congestive heart failure resistant to digitalis an
adrenomimetic was used as an inotropic agent. Point out which of the following drugs was
A. Phenylephrine
B. Partusisten
C. Dobutamine
D. Adrenaline
E. Noradrenaline
42. A premature newborn was apnoic. Directly acting analeptic drug was given to restore breathing. What medicine
was most probably administered to the patient?
A. Aethimisolum
B. Phenylephrine (Mesatonum)
C. Adrenaline
D. Atropine
E. Lobeline
43. A 72-year woman suffering from angina pectoris was treat ed by propranolol (anaprilinium). On the
background of the treatment cough with bronchospastic components was developed. Doctor replaced propranolol
with metoprolol. This resulted in abolishing of respiratory disturbances. What is the reason for the beneficial effect of
A. Block of M-cholinoceptors
B. Absence of upon pYadrenoceptors
C. Stimulating of M-cholinoceptors
D. Inhibition of m-cholinireceptors
E. Absence of action on a-adrenoceptors
44. Doctor prescribed selective ai-adrenoceptor blocker for treatment of hypertensive patient. Which of the
following drugs belongs to this group?
A. Metoprolol
B. Phentolamine
С. Amiodarone
D. Tropaphenum
E. Prazosin
45. A patient with angina pectoris was treated with a drug decreasing oxygen demands of myocardium. During
treatment, the patient started to complain of coldness of extremities especially fingers. Which of the drug was used?
A. Atenolol
B. Propanol (anaprilin)
C. Reserpine
D. Prazosin
E. Labetalol
46. A patient, after the stroke, developed paralysis of the hand and leg. To restore movement of the paralyzed
extremities the patient was treated with cholinomimetic. Which of the listed drugs was used for this purpose?
A. Aceclidinum
B. Pilocarpine
C. Physostigmine
D. Neostigmine (proserinum)
E. Lobeline
47. A patient suffering from gastric peptic ulcer was treated with cholinotropic drug selectively blocking Micholinoceptors of parietal cells of gastric glands. Point out this drug?
A. Atropine
B. Plathyphylline
C. Methacinum
D. Pirenzepine
E. Hyoscine (Scopolamine)
48. A 63 years patient with symptoms of collapse was admitted into emergency department. The doctor chose
noradrenaline to overcome collapse. What mechanism is responsible for therapeutic effect of this drug?
A. Activation of ai-adrenoceptors
B. Activation of (32-adrenoceptors
C. Activation of dopaminergic receptors
D. Blockade of M-cholinoceptors
E. Activation of serotonin receptors
49. A 60 year-old woman addressed her doctor complaining of side effects, which appeared while treatment with
chlorpromazine (aminazinum). She was troubled with tremor and disturbances of movements. What is the
mechanism of these side effects?
A. Activation of hyppocampus
B. Inhibition of reticular formation (ai-adrenoceptors)
C. Inhibition of neostriatum (D2 receptors)
D. Inhibition of hypothalamus
E. Inhibition of hyppocampus
50. A 50 years old patient with chronic alcoholism became aggressive. To abolish aggression, chlorpromazine was
administered intramuscularly. The patient's attempt to rise soon after an injection resulted in loss of consciousness.
What is the probable cause of such complication?
A. Blockade of reticular formation
B. Disturbance of coronary blood circulation
С. Blockade of a- adrenoceptors
D. Inhibition of hypothamus
E. Blockade of M-cholinoceptors'
51. To lance abscess a doctor performed local anaesthesia with a therapeutic dose of Procaine (Novocainamidum), but
it was not sufficient. What was the cause of decrease in anaesthetic effect?
A. Quick absorption of drug
B. Quick metabolism of anaesthetic
C. Alkaline medium
D. Acidic pH of tissues
E. Neutral medium
52. A patient with Raynaud disease was treated with niphedipme. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Blockade of p-adrenoceptors
B. Blockade of a-adrenoceptors
C. Decrease in neurotransmitter amount
D. Calcium channels' blockade
E. Blockade of central M-cholinoceptors
53. A patient with initial form of hypertension complains of pain in heart and tachycardia. Which of the
following drugs has to be used in the treatment of this patient?
A. Phentolamine
B. Dihydroergotamine
C. Propranolol (Anaprilin)
D. Prazoscin
E. Guanethidine (Octadinum)
54. Patient having episodes of bronchial asthma in the past addressed his doctor with heart pains. An angina
pectoris was diagnosed. The doctor decided to treat the patient with β-adrenoblocker. Which of βadrenoblocker is not contraindi-cated in this case?
A. Propranolol (Anaprilinum)
B. Metoprolol
C. Oxprenolol
D. Pindolol
E. Nadolol
55. A surgeon is going to perform the operation under local anaesthesia. The probable duration of operation is
more than 2 hours. In the past the patient was complaining for ventricular extrasystole. Which anaesthetic is
reasonable to chose for local anaesthesia?
A. Tetracaine (dicainum)
B. Procaine (novocainum)
C. Benzocaine (anaesthesinum)
D. Lidocaine
E. Cocaine
A dentist revealed that his patient is suffering from hyper-sensitivity to procaine. Which of the following
agents may be used for local anaesthesia in this case?
A. Benzocaine (anaesthesinum)
B. Tramadol
C. Tetracaine (Dicainum)
D. Lidocaine
E. Cocaine
57. A psychiatrist was invited to a patient who made an attempt to commit suicide. Doctor diagnosed
endogenous depression. Choose the most suitable drug for treatment of this patient.
A. Nootropil (piracetam)
B. Amytriptyline
C. Sydnocarbum
D. Ethymisolum
E. Caffeine
58. A patient had a stroke. Which of the listed drugs is necessary to include in the complex therapy in order to
improve mental performance?
A. Caffeine
B. Piracetam
C. Diazepam
D. Phenazepam
E. Amitryptiline
59. What is the main mechanism by which amitriptyline in creases amount of catecholamines in CNS synapses?
A. Increase in catecholamines release from presynaptic membrane
B. Increase in catecholamines synthesis in presynaptic membrane
C. Prevention of catecholamines degradation in the synapse
D. Inhibition of neuronal re uptake of catecholamines
E. Inhibition of MAO
60. After emotional stress patient was permanently in a condition of nervous tension and had poor sleep. Doctor
prescribed him diazepam. Which of the listed effects of this drug is responsible for its clinical use?
A. Hypotensive effect
B. Analgesic effect
C. Anticonvulsant
D. Tranquilizing
E. Anti psychotic
61. Antiepileptic drug, which prevents metabolism of GAB A, was included in complex therapy of patient with
epilepsy (grand mal). Point out this drug.
A. Phenytoin
B. Phenobarbitone
C. Carbamazepine
D. Ethosuximide
E. Sodium valproate
62. A 60-year-old male is brought to emergency room. He is comatose and his pupils are constricted.
Physician suspects opium overdose. What is the best drug to be administered?
A. Flumazanil
B. Calcium carbonate
C. Sodium bicarbonate
D. Naloxone
E. Atropine
A young boy with dislocation of shoulder joint is brought to emergency ward. It is necessary to relax
skeletal muscles to set dislocated bone. For this purpose succinylcholine (dithylinum) is comonly used. But doctor
avoids this agent due to his tory of death of one of patent's relatives after succinylcholine administration. What
was the cause of death connected with succinylcholine?
A. Hyperkalemia
B. Hepatotoxicity
C. Cardiac insufficiency
D. Triggering of malignant hyperthermia
E. Severe bronchospasm
64. A patient given succinylcholine for skeletal muscle relaxation during an operation has not restored
spontaneous respiration after operation. What must be used to restore the respiration?
A. Carbogen
B. Lobelin
С Neostigmine
D. Blood transfusion
E. Caffeine
65. A 59-year-old man develops excessive salivation and sweating, diarrhea, and bradycardia while being treated
with neostigmine for myasthenia gravis. Choose the drug to abolish above-mentioned side effects.
A. Atropine
B. Carbachol
С Edrophonium
D. Adrenaline
E. Pralidoxime
66. The blood pressure of hypertensive patient is successfully controlled by administration of enalapril. Which
mechanism is responsible for antihypertensive effect of this drug?
A. Inhibition of peripheral ai-adrenoceptors
B. Blockade of angiotensin II receptors
C. Inhibition of renin release
D. Inhibition of ACE
E. ACE inhibition and stimulation of kallikrein–kinin system
67. Metabolism can render pharmacological activity to some initially inert substances (pro-drug). Point out the
substance, which is pro-drug, used for treatment of hypertension.
A. Levodopa
B. Enalapril
C. Verapamil
D. Reserpine
E. Propranolol
68. A 62-year-old patient, prone to bronchoconstriction, addressed his doctor with complaints of
tachyarrhythmia troubling him several times a day. The doctor prescribed anaprilin (propranolol).
Administration of this drug provoked severe attack of bronchospasm. What is the mechanism of this side
A. Stimulation of Mi-cholinoceptors
B. Inhibition of a-adrenoceptors
C. Inhibition of P2-adrenoceptors
D. Increase in n. vagus tone
E. Stimulation of leukotriene release
69. A pregnant woman developed rhythmic uterine contractions at the physiological term of delivery. But
contractions were not progressing in force and frequency. Choose the drug for stimulation of uterine contraction.
A. Oxytocin
B. Ergometrine
C. Partusisten
D. Physostigmine
E. Castor oil
70. In complex therapy of bronchial asthma myotropic spasmolytic drug was added. Soon after its usage,
nervousness and sleep disturbances occurred. Which of the following drugs can cause above-mentioned side effect?
A. Papaverine
B. Platyphilline
C. Aminophylline
D. Drotaverine
E. Ephedrine
71. To maintain normal sinus rhythm in a patient with atrial fibrillation the doctor prescribed an antiarrhythmic
drug. After laboratory testing of thyroid function administration of this drug was withdrawn. What drug was
initially prescribed?
A. Verapamil
B. Amiodarone
C. Quinidine
D. Procainamide
E. Lidocaine
72. A car driver has got involved in an accident and was admited to emergancy department. Surgical invasion in
abdominal cavity was successfully performed, but postoperative period was complicated by peritonitis. Bacterial
analysis revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For treatment of this patient any of antibiotics leasted below can be
used with axception of
A. Azlocillin
B. Genamycine
C. Cefotaxim
D. Imipenem (Tienam)
E. Doxycycline
73. A 6-year boy was admitted to hospital with pneumonia. Treatment with amoxicillin was not effective.
Bacterial analysis revealed Micoplasma pneumoniae. Choose the most suitable drug for treatment of this child.
A. Tetracycline
B. Azithromycin
C. Bicillin-5
D. Nystatin
E. Oxacillin
74. A 20 years old man with gonorrhea was treated with preparation of natural penicillin. His condition
improved, but 1 week later the patient was still complaining of a persistent urethral discharge and pain on
urination. Laboratory test revealed chlamydia in discharge. Which of the listed drugs effective both in case of
gonorrhea and chlamidial infection must be used for further treatment?
A. Amoxicillin
B. Doxycycline
C. Oxacillin
D. Gentamycin
E. Streptomycin
75. A 5 year-old child was suffering from bronchitis, accompanied by a productive cough with thick sputum. In
addition to antimicrobial treatment a mucolytic drug was prescribed. This drug was especially beneficial for the
child due to its ability to stimulate production of surfactant. Point out this drug.
A. Codeine
B. Ambroxolum
C. Oxeladine
D. Ethylmorphine
E. Potassium iodide
76. Patient suffering from tuberculosis was treated with isoniazid. In the course of treatment peripheral neuritis was
developed. What is the mechanism of this side effect?
A. Direct toxic effect of drug on peripheral nerves
B. Inhibition of myoneural junctions
C. Interference with pyridoxine metabolism
D. Interference with folic acid synthesis
E. Inhibition of sodium channels
Patient with tuberculosis was on the complex treatment including antibiotics. At the end of the first
course the doctor noticed significant decrease in patient hearing. Which of the following drugs can cause such
side effect?
A. Isoniazid
B. Rifampicin
С Streptomycin
D. Paraaminosalicylic acid
E. Pirazinamide
78. Patient with phenobarbital poisoning was presented to emergency department. To promote kidney
excretion of poison sodium bicarbonate was administered intravenously. What mechanism is responsible for an
increase in barbiturate excretion?
A. Increase in polarity of barbiturate
B. Increase in fat solubility of barbiturate
C. Increase in barbiturate reabsorption
D. Increase in rate of glomerular filtration
E. Decrease in protein binding
79. Hypertensive patient was treated with the drug that decreases vascular tone. His treatment was
complicated by persistent dry cough. Which drug most probably was used?
A. Papaverine
B. Phentolamine
С. Lisinopril
D. Prazosin
E. Clonidine
80. One of the problems in the treatment of tuberculosis is caused by existence of metabolically dormant
forms of myco-bacteria. Which of the drugs is effective against all subpopu-lations of Mycobacteria
tuberculosis and causes sterilizing effect?
A. Streptomycin
B. Isoniazid
C. Kanamycin
D. Rifampicin
E. Paraaminosalicylic acid
81. A patient suffering from hypertension was treated with hy-drochlorothiazide. With time he addressed doctor
complaining of worsening of his condition. On examination of the patient hypokalemia was diagnosed. Choose
the drug, which has to be added aiming at enhancement of diuretic effect and abolishing of hypokalemia.
A. Acetazolamide
B. Furosemide
C. Ethacrynic acid
D. Spironolactone
E. Chlorothiazide
82. A 7-year-old boy with bacterial meningitis was treated with long acting cephalosporin of the III generation.
What the drug was used for treatment of this child?
A. Carbenicilin
B. Ceftriaxone
C. Cefalexin
D. Gentamycin
E. Doxycycline
83. A patient with moderate hypertension was treated with the drug that realizes its effect by decrease in
noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerve endings. While treatment patient experienced drowsiness. What the
drug was used?
A. Prazosin
B. Reserpin
C. Drotaverine
D. Atenolol
E. Dichlorothiazide
84. The tuberculous patient was treated with combination of antituberculous drugs, including isoniazid. Which
drug must be added to prevent neurological side effects of isoniazid?
A. Streptomycin
C. Rifampicin
D. Pyridoxine
E. Ascorbic acid
85. The patient with arthritis was treated with prednisolone for a long period. Doctor decided to discontinue
prednisolone administration and change it by another drug. What is the right way of this drug
A. It must be preceded by corticotropin administration
B. It must be done in a vary short time
С. It must be preceded by administration of ADH
D. It must be performed on the background of mineralocortcoid administration
E. It must be preceded by growth hormone administration
86. A little boy of 7 years old was complaining of thirst and frequent urination. On examination hyperglycaemia
was revealed and diabetes mellitus was diagnosed. Which of antidi-abetic drugs most probably can be used for
treatment of this patient?
A. Acarbose
B. Chlorpropamide
С. Insulin
D. Metformin
E. Glibenclamide
87. The treatment of a patient suffering from pneumonia with ciprofloxacine was not effective, due to this the
drug was changed for potent aminoglycoside antibiotic. Point out this antibiotic
A. Ampicillin
B. Amikacin
C. Azithromycin
D. Ceftriaxone
E. Tetracycline
88. An 11 year-old boy with pneumonia was treated with amoxicillin. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Disturbances of structure and function of cell membrane
B. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
С. Inhibition of protein synthesis
D. Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis
E. Inhibition of folic acid metabolism
89. Patient suffering from tachyarrhythmia was treated with calcium channel blocker. What drug was used?
A. Niphedipine
B. Verapamil
C. Labetolol
D. Alprenolol
E. Nicardipine
90. Choose the inotropic drug for treatment of patient suffering from congestive heart failure, not responding to
A. Phenylephrine
B. Dobutamine
C. Clonidine
D. Noradrenaline
E. Salbutamol
91. Severe attack of bronchospasm and cough occurred in a patient with bronchial asthma. Choose the best drug
for quick relief of the patient condition.
A. Ipratropium bromide
B. Orciprenaline sulfate
C. Atropine
D. Adrenaline
E. Noradrenaline
92. A 52-year-old patient with supraventricular tachyarrhythmia was using antiarrhythmic drug of class III. For a
long period it maintained the normal cardiac rhythm, but with time dispnoe started to occur while going upstairs.
Patient addressed doctor. The examination revealed pulmonary sclerosis. Which of the antiarrhythmic drug can
cause such side effect?
A. Verapamil
B. Amiodarone
C. Bretylium
D. Lidocaine
E. Procainamide
93. A patient addressed doctor with complaints of heartburn often troubling him. On examination ulcerative
esophagitis was diagnosed and inhibitor of proton pomp was prescribed. Which of the following drugs was
A. Cimetidine
B. Ranitidine
C. Omeprazole
D. Misoprostol
E. Metronidazole
94. A patient with acute poisoning was admitted to emergency department. It was established that poisonous
substance was excreted by kidney. Choose the best diuretic for forced diuresis.
A. Acetazolamide
B. Amiloride
C. Spironolactone
D. Furosemide
E. Hydrochlorothiazide
95. For treatment of hypertensive patient doctor prescribed captopril, but soon patient addressed doctor,
complaining of dry cough and rashes. Doctor substituted captopril for losartan. What is the mechanism of the
last drug action?
A. Inhibition of renin release
B. Inhibition of ACE
C. Inhibition of angiotensinogen conversion to angiotensin I
D. Blockade of angiotensin II receptors
E. Increase in bradykinin level
96. A 60 year-old patient with angina pectoris visited her doctor for routine examination. Blood sampling revealed
elevated level of cholesterol in the plasma. Due to this antisclerotic drug was added to antianginal therapy. This
drug enhanses lipopro-tein lipase synthesis and dicreases hepatic synthesis of triglyc-erides. What the drug was
A. Nicotinic acid
B. Probucol
C. Lovastatin
D. Fenofibrate
E. Colestipol
97. A patient with clinical manifestations of malaria was prescribed erythrocytic schizontocidal fast acting drug,
which in addition to antimalarial effect has anti-inflammatory property and is used in the treatment of
rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erhythematosus. Point out this drug.
A. Pyrimethamine
B. Chloroquine (Chingaminum)
C. Trimetoprim
D. Chloroguanide
E. Sulfadimethoxin
98. To prevent the onset of myocardial infarction in a patient with angina pectoris aspirin was used. Due to which
of listed effects aspirin is beneficial in this case?
A. Antiinflammatory
B. Antiplatelet
C. Analgesic
D. Antipyretic
E. Ulcerogenic
99. A young women with 6 months pregnancy visited her doctor complaining of periodical slight contractions
of uterus To prevent premature labour doctor prescribed partusisten (fenotrrol). What is the mechanism of action
of this drug?
A. Stimulation of pYadrenoceptors
B. Inhibition of p2-adrenoceptors
С. Stimulation of ai-adrenoceptors
D. Inhibition of ai-adrenoceptors
E. Stimulation of M-cholinoceptors
100. Antiprotozal agent of wide spectrum was included in complex treatment of patient with gastric peptic ulcer.
Doctor warned patient about prohibition of alcohol usage during treatment with this drug. What the drug was
A. Chloramphenicol
B. Metronidazole
C. Cotrimoxazole
D. Chloroquine
E. Praziquantel
101. A young women was diagnosed atopic dermatitis. She asked her doctor to prescribe the drug, which does
not interfere with driving her car. The doctor prescribed the drug that belongs to 2nd generation of
antihistaminics. Point out this drug
A. Cromolin-sodium
B. Diphenhydramine (Dimedrolum)
C. Loratadine
D. Famotidine
E. Prednisolone
102. Digoxin in tablets was prescribed to patient with chronic congestive heart failure. After 1 month of
treatment decrease in heart rate was noted; doctor advised the patient to continue treatment with lower dose of
digoxin. In spite of this the bradycardia was soon transformed into A-V-block. Choose the necessary drug for
abolishing of this manifestation of glycoside toxicity.
A. Potassium chloride
B. Phenytoin
C. Atropine
D. Lidocaine
E. Propranolol
103. A patient with myocardial infarction was treated with intravenous infusion of heparin. What is the goal of
this drug administration?
A. To cause the lysis of thrombus directly
B. To transform plasminogen into plasmin
C. To prevent further thrombosis
D. To prevent platelets activation
E. To decrease the area of necrosis
104. A patient with a history of angina pectoris and high plasma cholesterol level was prescribed phenofibrate.
What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. Activation of lipoprotein lipase
B. Inhibition of lipoprotein lipase
C. Inhibition of hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
D. Inhibition of LDL oxidation
E. Bile acid sequestration
105. A 40 year-old woman addressed her doctor complaining of frequent and painful urination. Uretritis was
diagnosed and fluorinated quinolone derivative was prescribed. Point out this drug.
A. Ceftriaxone
B. Ciprofloxacin
C. Nitroxoline
D. Furazolidone
E. Cotrimoxazole
106. It is known that morphine can cause a shift of blood from pulmonary to systemic circuit. It results in
lowering of resistance in pulmonary vascular bed. In which case it may be used?
A. Bronchitis
B. Pneumonia
C. Pulmonary oedema
D. Bronchiectatic disease
E. Emphysema
107. A 72 year-old patient addressed doctor complaining of decrease in appetite, episodes of nausea and
vomiting, poor sleep. These disturbances started to trouble him for last 2 weeks. Analysis revealed
ascariasis. Doctor prescribed the drug, which in addition to anthelminthic action exerts immu-nostimulating
effect. Point out this drug.
A. Mebendasole
B. Pyrantel
C. Levamisole
D. Piperazine
E. Praziquantel
108. Regular medical examination of schoolchildren revealed a 7-year boy infected with Enterobius
vermicularis. For his treatment mebendazole was prescribed. What is the mechanism of this drug action?
A. It causes persistent depolarization and spastic paralysis of worm
B. It blocks carbohydrate metabolism and inhibits p- tubulin polymerization
C. It causes leakage of intracellular calcium and paralysis of parasite
D. It causes hyperpolarization of worm's muscle and its relaxation
E. It alters the surface structures of parasite and kills it
109. Surgical treatment of benign tumor of prostate in 67-year patient was postponed; instead
pharmacotherapy with adrenergic drag was started. Point out which of the drugs was most probably used.
A. Adrenaline
B. Ephedrine
C. Prazosine
D. Propranolol (Anaprilinum)
E. Atenolol
110. A young man was taken to emergency department with numerous traumas of chest and head.
Anesthesiologist proposed to inject morphine to relieve patient's condition, but traumatologist rejected
proposition of his colleague. Why morphine is contraindicated in this case?
A. It increases intracranial pressure
B. It stimulates vagal center
C. It decreases intraocular pressure
D. It causes miosis
E. It depresses center of cough reflex
111. Point out the neuroleptic that is most commonly used in neuroleptanalgesia.
A. Chlorpromazine
B. Droperidol
C. Diazepam
D. Chlorprotixene
E. Sulpiride
112. Patient with gastric peptic ulcer addressed his doctor. After examination doctor prescribed famotidine
aiming at inhibition of gastric acid secretion. What is the mechanism of this drag action?
A. Inhibition of proton pump
B. Neutralization of gastric acid
C. Prevention of histamine release
D. Blockade of Hi histamine receptors
E. Blockade of H2 histamine receptors
113. Doctor visited a 5-year-old child with fever and complaints of headache. Doctor suspected the onset of viral
infection. To relieve patient's condition doctor prescribed non-opi-oid analgesic, which additionally exerts
antipyretic effect but lacks anti-inflammatory action. Point out the prescribed drug
A. Metamizole (Analginum)
B. Celecoxib
С. Aspirin
D. Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)
E. Diclophenac-sodium
114. Deficiency in dopamine production by neurons of strio-pallidal system is considered to be one of the main
causes of Parkinson's disease. Point out the drug used for replacement therapy of this disease
A. Atropine
B. Dopamine
C. Levodopa
D. Carbidopa
E. Amantadine
115. Patient suffering from pernicious anemia is treated with folic acid. Which agent is to be added to make
effective the treatment of this disease?
A. Retinoli acetas
B. Cyancobalamin
С Thiamine bromide
D. Retabolil
E. Insulin
Answers to "Step-2"
1 - C ; 2-C; 3-Е; 4-C; 5-C; 6-Е; 7-B; 8-C; 9-Е; 1 0 - C 11-A; 12-C; 13-B; 14-C; 15-B; 16-A; 17-Е; 18-С; 19Е; 20-В; 21-C; 22-C; 23-A; 24-D; 25-D; 26-E; 27-D; 28-A; 29-B; 30-B; 31-C; 32-D; 33-E; 34-E; 35-B; 36-B; 37- C;
38-C; 39-E; 40-D; 41-C; 42-A; 43-B; 44-E; 45-B; 46-D; 47-D; 48-A; 49-C; 50-C; 51-D; 52-D; 53-C; 54-B; 55-D; 56D; 57-B; 58-B; 59-D; 60-D; 61-E; 62-D; 63-D; 64-D; 65-A; 66-E; 67-B; 68- C; 69-A; 70-C; 71-B; 72-E; 73-B; 74-B;
75-B; 76-C; 77-C; 78-A; 79-C; 80-D; 81-D 82-B; 83-B; 84-D; 85-A; 86-C; 87-B; 88-B; 89-B; 90-B; 91-D; 92-B; 93-C;
94-D; 95-D; 96-C; 97-B; 98-B; 99-A; 100-B; 101-C; 102-C; 103-C; 104-A; 105-B; 106-C; 107-C; 108-B; 109-C;
110-A; 111-B; 112-E; 113- D; 114- C; 115 -B.
Тести для англомовних студентів
During local anaesthetization novocaine
solution is usually compounded with
solution of adrenaline hydrochloride.
What is the purpose of this action?
A Vasoconstriction
B Vasodilatation
C Increase in smooth muscle tone
D Decrease in smooth muscle tone
EAlgesthesia reduction
A 32-year-old patient takes
antituberculous drugs. Some time later
he has noticed that his
urine turned orange. What preparation is
the most likely cause of this
A Rifampicin
B Isoniazid
C Pyrazinamide
D Ethambutol
EStreptomycin sulfate
On the 4th day of treatment with
indometacin a 55-year-old patient
developed gastrorrhagia
as a result of gastric mucosa ulcer.
Ulcerogenic effect of this drug is
explained by the lowered
activity of the following enzyme:
A Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1)
B Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)
C Lipoxygenase (LOG)
D Prostacyclin synthetase
EA 45-year-old patient has been taking
neodicumarinum for thrombophlebitis
for two weeks. The regular blood test
revealed a decrease in prothrombin
concentration, microhematuria.
Which drug should be used as
neodicumarinum antagonist?
A Vicasol
The correct answers with an explanation
Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1)
B Protamine sulfate
C Sodium citrate
D Heparin
EAminocaproic acid
A patient complaining of dry mouth,
photophobia and blurred vision has been
delivered to the admission ward.
Objectively: the skin is hyperemic, dry,
mydriatic pupils and tachycardia are
present. He has been diagnosed with
belladonna alkaloids intoxication.
Which of the drugs
should be given as an antidote?
A Neostigmine
B Aceclidine
C Pylocarpine
D Armin
A patient suffering from peptic ulcer
was administered ranitidine. Gastric
juice acidity has reduced considerably.
What mechanism underlies the action of
this drug?
A H2-histamine receptors blockade
B H1-histamine receptors blockade
C M-cholinergic receptors blockade
D H,K-ATPase activity inhibition
EAutonomic ganglion H-cholinergic
receptors blockade
A 52-year-old patient was diagnosed
with systemic amebiasis accompanied
by bowels, liver and lungs affection.
What preparation should be
A Metronidazole
B Chiniofon
C Tetracycline
D Chingamin
A 33-year-old woman who has been
treated for chronic polyarthritis for a
long time complains about arterial
pressure rise, change of adipose tissue
distribution, menstrual cycle disorder.
What preparation has she taken?
A Prednisolone
B Indometacin
H2-histamine receptors blockade
C Butadion
D Synaflan
EDiclofenac sodium
A gravida in her 20th week of gestation
got ill with pneumonia. What
chemotherapeutical drug may be
administered with no risk for the fetus
A Веnzylpenicillinum
B Gentamycin
C Sulfalenum
D Laevomycetinum
During a surgical operation the muscle
relaxant tubocurarine chloride was used.
antagonist drug should be injected in
order to allow the patient to brief
A Neostigmine
B Dithylinum
C Cytitonum
D Aethimizolum
A child has accidentally drunk a
solution that was used by his
grandmother for glaucoma
treatment. The solution turned out to be
pilocarpine hydrochloride. What drug
can be used as an antidote?
A Аtropinum
B Carbacholinum
C Aceclidinum
D Веnzohexonium
E Реntaminum
Choose an antiseptic from the group of
halogen containing drugs that can be
included into the first-aid kit for a child
going to a summer camp:
A Alcoholic iodine solution
B Brilliant green solution
C Copper sulfate solution
D Methylene blue solution
E Formaldehyde solution
A pharmacy received a new-generation
nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug
"meloxicam" that mainly blocks
Alcoholic iodine solution
Minimal side effect on alimentary tract
cyclooxygenase-2. What advantages
does this preparation have in
comparison with other nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs?
A Minimal side effect on alimentary
B Evident myospasmolytic action
C Interferonogenic properties
D Minimal side effect on hematogenesis
E Significant inhibition of protease
When fenoterolum for inhalations is not
available in a pharmacy, it can be
substituted by the following drug from
the group of bronchoselective beta-2adrenomimetics:
A Salbutamolum
B Isadrinum
C Metacinum
D Ephedrinum
E Еuphyllinum
A patient consulted an ophthalmologist
about scotopic vision impairment,
cornea dryness.
What drug was prescribed?
A Retinolum
B Pyridoxine
C Тосоpherol
D Ascorbic acid
E Сосаrboxylasum
A patient suffering from essential
hypertension has increased
concentration of renin in blood
plasma. Which pharmacological group
should be preferred for this patient
A ACE inhibitors
B α-adrenoblockers
C Diuretics
D Blockers of calcium channels
E Sympatholytics
A patient suffering from stomach ulcer
was prescribed almagel. Which of its
pharmacological properties is intended
for treatment of this pathology?
A HCl neutralization
B Local anaesthetization
ACE inhibitors
HCl neutralization
C Blocking the H2-histamine receptors
D Blocking the muscarinic
E Anti-inflammatory action
A patient with depression has been
administered a drug from the group of
tricyclic antidepressants. Specify this
A Amitriptyline
B Phenazepam
C Droperidol
D Aminalonum
E Caffeine
A patient suffering from hypertension
consulted a doctor about dry cough that
was presumably provoked by
antihypertensive therapy. What
antihypertensive drug had she been
A Lisinopril
B Аtеnоlоl
C Nifedipinе
D Furosemidum
E Hydrochlorthiazide
A patient suffering from ulcer disease
was prescribed famotidine. What is the
mechanism of its action?
A Block of Н2-histamine receptors
B Block of Н1-histamine receptors
C Block of muscarinic cholinoreceptors
D Inhibition of adenosine triphosphatase
E Block of cholinoreceptors of
sympathetic ganglions
Which antiseptic preparation has
bactericidal effect due to the formation
of atomic oxygen?
A Potassium permanganate
B Chloraminum
C Furacilinum
D Aethonium
E Silver nitrate
During digitoxin therapy for chronic
cardiac insufficiency, a patient
developed signs of
intoxication with this preparation. The
patient was prescribed unithiol. What is
Block of Н2-histamine receptors
Potassium permanganate
Reduction of К+-Na+-adenosine triphosphatase
the mechanism of unithiol action in
case of intoxication with cardiac
A Reduction of К+-Na+-adenosine
B Binding of calcium ions
C Increase of sodium concentration in
the cardiomyocytes
D Increased potassium permeability in
the cardiomyocytes
E Binding of glycoside into the complex
A 67-year-old patient with chronic heart
failure takes digoxin. In order to reduce
its side effects the patient's doctor
recommended to combine it with the
followig drug:
A Раnangin
B Calcium gluconate
C Еuphyllinum
D Hydrochlorthiazide
E Calcium chloride
A patient suffering from neurosis
accompanied by anxiety and fear
development was prescribed diazepam.
What pharmacological effect makes it
possible to apply the drug for this
disease treatment?
A Anxiolytic
B Antiarrhythmic
C Anti-inflammatory
D Hypotensive
E Antianginal
After a craniocerebral trauma a patient
was administered pyracetam. This drug
relates to the following pharmacological
A Nootropic agent
B Nonnarcotic (nonopioid) analgetic
C Tranquilizers
D Anesthetic agent
E Neuroleptic
In order to arrest stenocardia attacks a
patient takes nitroglycerin capsules.
What is the
rational way of the drug introduction?
A Sublingual
Nootropic agent
B Peroral
C Rectal
D Inhalation
E Hypodermic
A hospital admitted a child with signs
of poisoning with belladonna alkaloids.
What drug should be applied as an
A Proserin
B Magnesium sulfate
C Sodium caffeine benzoate
D Paracetamol
E Sodium valproate
Recommend a patient with acute
bronchitis a mucolytic drug that ease
difficulty in
A Acetylcysteine
B Glaucine
C Loratadine
D Diclofenac sodium
E Drotaverine hydrochloride
You are employed in a pharmaceutical
storehouse. When adding newly
preparations to the computerized
database, specify the pharmacological
group of
A Nonnarcotic analgetic
B Hypnotic
C Diuretic
D Hypotensive drug
E Antianginal drug
A patient with atherosclerosis has been
administered an anti-atherosclerotic
agent. Specify this drug:
A Phenofibrate
B Ascorbic acid
C Pyracetam
D Dexamethasone
E Phenylbutazone
A patient after bee's stings has
angioedema (Quincke's edema). Which
drug should be
immediately inject to eliminate this
Nonnarcotic analgetic
Epinephrine hydrochloride
A Epinephrine hydrochloride
B Sodium chloride
C Platyphyllini hydrotartras
D Atropine sulfate
E Аnарrilinum
A patient with hypertension was
administered metoprolol for the arterial
pressure reduction.
What is its mechanism of action?
A Beta adrenoreceptor blockade
B Alpha adrenoceptor blockade
C Indirect adrenomimetic action
D Antispasmodic
E Angiotensinic receptors blockade
A 34-year-old patient suffering from
bronchitis was prescribed an antitussive
drug of central
action. What drug is it?
A Glaucine
B Corglycon
C Enalapril
D Furosemide
E Fercoven
Continuous taking of a drug results in
reduction of its efficiency. This
phenomenon is called:
A Habituation
B Sensibilization
C Cumulation
D Dependence
E Tachyphylaxis
A patient was warned that taking the
prescribed preparation might cause
cough. What drug is it?
A Lisinopril
B Clonidine
C Phenihidine
D Dichlothiazide
E Metoprolol
A patient with acute cardiac
insufficiency and cardiac glycoside
intolerance got an injection of
dobutamine. What is the mechanism of
its action?
A Stimulation of β1-adrenoreceptors
B Stimulation of α1-adrenoreceptors
C Block of K+-, Na+-adenosine
Beta adrenoreceptor blockade
Stimulation of β1-adrenoreceptors
D Inhibition of phosphodiesterase
E Stimulation of muscarinic
For thrombosis treatment a patient was
prescribed a drug from the group of
anticoagulants. What drug is it?
A Heparin
B Fenilin (phenylinum)
C Syncumar
D Neodicumarin
E Vikasol
A patient suffering from chronic cardiac
insufficiency was prescribed a cardiac
glycoside from the foxglove (Digitalis)
group. What drug is it?
A Digoxin
B Strophanthine
C Corvalol
D Corglycon
E Cordiamin
A patient presents with morphine
intoxication. Which drug should be
injected as an antidote?
A Naloxone
B Lobeline hydrochloride
C Bemegride
D Atropine sulphate
E Unithiol
In course of pharmacotherapy of
bronchitis a patient was found to have
dyspeptic disorders,
photodermatitis, liver dysfunction.
Which of the prescribed drugs might
have caused these
A Doxycyсlin
B Paracetamolum
C Ascorbic acid
D Асеtуlсуsteinum
E Codeine phosphate
A patient who has been suffering from
gastric diseases for a long time is found
to have
hyperchromic anemia. Which of the
following drugs is applied for this
pathology treatment?
A Сyanocobalamine
B Ascorbic acid
C Unitiol
D Ferrum Lek
E Охуferriscorbone
A 25-year-old woman presenting with
acute morphine intoxication was given
an injection of
naloxone that caused rapid improvement
of her condition. The mechanism of
action of this
preparation is based on the block of the
following receptors:
A Opioid receptors
B GABA-receptors
C Serotonin receptors
D Dopamine
E Benzodiazepine receptors
A man came to a pharmacy and asked
to recommend him a drug for treatment
of allergic rhinitis that occurs in the
period of linden flowering. What drug
may be applied?
A Loratadine
B Adrenaline
C Anapriline
D Ambroxol
E Losartan
It is necessary to prescribe non-steroid
anti-inflammatory drug for patient with
arthritis and concomitant duodenal
ulcer. Which drug is the drug of choice
in this case?
A Celecoxib
B Acetylsalicylic acid
C Paracetamol
D Analgin
E Diclofenac sodium
During the sensitifity test for
benzylpenicillin a patient developed
anaphylactic shock. The
following preparation must be injected
around the spot of antibiotic injection:
A Adrenaline hydrochloride
Opioid receptors
Adrenaline hydrochloride
B Noradrenaline hydrotartrate
C Atropine sulfate
D Propranolol
E Ceftriaxon
A patient with bronchial asthma has
been administered a drug from the
group of
beta-adrenergic agonists. Specify this
A Salbutamol
B Diazepam
C Doxycycline hydrochloride
D Nitroglycerine
E Digoxin
A patient has been administered a
spasmolytic from the group of
muscarinic receptor antagonists as a part
of the complex treatment for renal colic.
Specify this drug:
A Atropine
B Neostigmine
C Galantamine
D Dithylinum
E Benzohexonium
A patient with bronchial asthma was
prescribed salbutamol that has led to
relief of
bronchospasm symptoms. This is
associated with stimulation of:
A β2-adrenoreceptors
B α1-adrenoreceptors
C Muscarinic cholinoreceptors
D Acetylcholine synthesis
E β1-adrenoreceptors
notes a significant decrease in the effect
of the drug. What is this phenomenon
A Tolerance
B Cumulation
C Physical dependence
D Allergy
E Potentiation
A patient with chronic bronchitis wants
to buy glaucine hydrochloride at a
pharmacy. What
typical side effect of the drug should the
patient be warned against?
Drop of arterial pressure
A Drop of arterial pressure
B Excitation of the central nervous
C Irregular heartbeat
D Rise of intraocular pressure
E Allergic skin rash
A 30-year-old patient with a sleep
disorder and psychoemotional
disbalance has been
administered diazepam. What is the
mechanism of its psychosedative
A Activation of GABAergic system
B Inhibition of the limbic system
C Inhibition of the reticular formation
D Reduction of noradrenaline amount in
the CNS
E Inhibition of opioid receptors
Benzylpenicillin sodium is not used per
os, because this drug:
A Destroys gastric HCl
B Poorly absorbed in the intestine
C Irritates gastric mucosa
D Reduces formation of gastric HCl
E Is destroyed by penicillinase
A female has prolonged labour. Select a
drug that stimulates labour activity due
to its
physiological effect from the listed
A Oxytocin
B Neostigmine
C Pachycarpine
D Progesterone
E Estrone
A 48-year-old patient was given an
intravenous injection of prednisolone in
order to arrest a severe attack of
bronchial asthma. Prednisolone relates
to the following group of hormonal
A Glucocorticoids
B Gestagenic drugs
C Estrogens
D Mineral corticoids
E Anabolic steroids
A patient who has been taking
Activation of GABAergic system
Destroys gastric HCl
Drug dependence
phenazepam for a month came to a
pharmacy. He insisted on buying
another two packs of this drug.
According to the patient, he feels unwell
without phenazepam. What is the
mechanism of the developed side effect?
A Drug dependence
B Idiosyncrasy
C Aftereffect syndrome
D Cumulation
E Addiction
A patient suffering from allergic rhinitis
was prescribed ephedrine in form of
nasal drops. The patient has
significantly benefited from nasal
instillation, and this stimulated him to
use the drug every 2 hours. But under
these conditions the drug appeared to be
ineffective. What is the most likely
cause of this phenomenon?
A Tachyphylaxis
B Drug dependence
C Idiosyncrasy
D Allergy
E Cumulation
Which anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory,
the least harmful for the stomach
preparation can be
recommended to a patient with
exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis?
A Celecoxib
B Diclofenac sodium
C Acetylsalicylic acid
D Ibuprofenum
E Indometacinum
Select a loop diuretic of strong,
emergency and short-term action from
the listed below:
A Furosemide
B Clopamide
C Acetazolamide
D Spironolactone
E Triamterene
A patient suffering from epilepsy has
taken Phenobarbital for a long time and
developed drug tolerance. What is the
mechanism of this phenomenon
Acceleration of biotransformation
A Acceleration of biotransformation
B Absorption process reduction
C Receptor's sensitivity enhancement
D Inhibition of biotransformation
E Substances accumulation in the body
Absorption of tetracycline preparations
will be reduced when they are
simultaneously with antacids. This is an
example for:
A Pharmacokinetic incompatibility
B Pharmaceutical incompatibility
C Pharmacodynamic incompatibility
D Drugs synergism
E Functional drugs antagonism
A patient being treated in the infectious
disease ward for dysentery is
phthalazol. What is the reason for
phthalazol being used only for treatment
of enteric
A The drug is not absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract
B The high degree of reabsorption in the
C Slowly eliminated from the body
D Rapidly absorbed in the
gastrointestinal tract
E Rapidly excreted in unchanged form
During an operation a dentist needs to
reduce salivation in a patient. The
dentist has to use a
drug of the following pharmacological
A Muscarinic receptor blockers
B Muscarinic cholinomimetics
C Adrenomimetics
D Adrenoceptor blocker
E Muscarinic and nicotinic
A consulting pharmacist informed a
patient about possible side effect of
metronidazole that is normally
provoked by alcohol intake. What is the
mechanism of this phenomenon?
Pharmacokinetic incompatibility
The drug is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal
Muscarinic receptor blockers
Enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase blocking
A Enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase
B Enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase
C Enzyme acetylcholinesterase blocking
D Enzyme acetylcholinesterase
E Enzyme glucose 6-phosphate
dehydrogenase activation
following drug combinations should be Fentanyl with droperidol
used in this case?
A Fentanyl with droperidol
B Droperidol with prednisolone
C Fentanyl with diazepam
D Diazepam with aminazine
E Promedol with amitriptillin
A 40-year-old patient suffers from
M-cholinergic antagonists
bronchial asthma and cardiac rhythm
disturbance in form of
bradyarrhythmia. Drugs of which
pharmacological group should be
administered for bronchospasm
A M-cholinergic antagonists
B Beta-blockers
C M-cholinomimetics
D Cholinesterase inhibitors
E Muscle relaxant
An interhospital pharmacy got an order Dithylinum
from a surgical department for a
depolarizing muscle
relaxant for surgical interventions. What
drug was ordered?
A Dithylinum
B Nicotine
C Atropine sulfate
D Methacin
E Hygronium
A patient who has taken phenobarbital
Accelerated drug metabolism in liver
for a long time was prescribed
diclofenac sodium.
However the anti-inflammatory effect
of diclofenac appeared to be less than
expected due to the pharmacokinetic
interaction of these drugs. Such
interaction might be the result of the
following processes:
A Accelerated drug metabolism in liver
B Decelerated drug metabolism in liver
C Reduced protein concentration in
D Change of receptor sensibility
E Increased drug dosage
Фармакологія 2013
A patient with stenocardia has been administered acetylsalicylic acid for:
A Antiplatelet effect
B Inhibition of blood fibrinolytic activity
C Aggregate effect
D Anti-inflammatory effect
E Increase in blood fibrinolytic activity
A patient with hypertensive crisis has been given an intravenous injection of clonidine. What
mechanism underlies the antihypertensive effect of clonidine?
A Stimulation of presynaptic central α2 adrenoceptors
B Blockade of peripheral α1-adrenoceptors
C Blockade of beta-adrenoceptors
D Blockade of N-cholinergic receptors
E Direct myotropic effect on blood vessels
A patient with hypertensive crisis should be administered a diuretic as a part of complex therapy.
What drug should be given the patient?
A Furosemide
B Diacarb
C Spironolactone
D Triamterene
E Amiloride
Consult a patient on which antihistamine drug DOES NOT have sedative and hypnotic effect:
A Loradatine
B Diphenhydramine
C Promethazine
D Suprastinum
E Tavegil (Clemastine)
A patient with hypertension has been prescribed a drug that blocks angiotensin receptors.
Specify this drug:
A Losartan
B Nifedipine
C Prazosin
D Captopril
E Apressin
A patient with gastric ulcer has been administered omeprazole. What is the mechanism of its
A Inhibition of H+, K+-ATPase
B Blockade of histamine H2-receptors
C M-cholinergic receptor blockade
D Neutralization of HCl
E Stimulation of mucus production
A patient with a heart rhythm disorder has been given lidocaine. Apart from the local anesthetic
effect, this drug has the following pharmacological effect:
A Antiarrhythmic
B Hypnotic
C Antipyretic
D Antidepressant
E Nootropic
A patient with acute heart failure and cardiac glycosides intolerance was given an injection of
dobutamine. What is the mechanism of its action?
A Stimulation of β1-adrenoceptors
B Stimulation of α1-adrenoceptors
C Blockade of K+-, Na+-ATPase
D Inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity
E Stimulation of M-cholinergic receptors
A patient with renal colic has been administered a spasmolytic from the group of M-cholinergic
antagonists as a part of the complex therapy. Specify this drug:
A Atropine
B Proserin
C Galantamine
D Dithylinum
E Benzohexonium
A pharmacy dispenses glaucine hydrochloride to a patient with chronic bronchitis. The patient
must be warned about the following typical side effect of the drug:
A Blood pressure fall
B Excitation of the central nervous system
C Arrhythmia
D Rise of intraocular pressure
E Allergic skin rash
A 40-year-old patient has a history of bronchial asthma and bradyarrhythmia. In order to
eliminate bronchospasm, the drugs of the following pharmacological group should be
A M-anticholinergics
B β-adrenergic blocking agents
C M-cholinergic agents
D Anticholinesterase agents
E Muscle relaxants