Western Odonata References - University of Puget Sound

These references are associated with the books Dragonflies and Damselflies of the
West, 2009, and Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East, 2011, by Dennis Paulson,
Princeton University Press.
The references will be primarily to publications on the natural history of the species, but
some recent taxonomic papers will be included, mostly at the generic level. The
references will furnish much more information than could be included in the book.
References to larval ecology are not included. Information about many species can also
be found in the general works cited in the List of References in the books themselves.
References added through 2007; updates planned.
Reference Johnson 1974.
Sparkling Jewelwing
References Waage 1984, 1988a.
Calopteryx dimidiata
River Jewelwing
Calopteryx aequabilis
References Conrad & Herman 1987, Henderson & Herman 1984.
Ebony Jewelwing
Calopteryx maculata
References Alcock 1979, 1983, Ballou 1984, Erickson & Reid 1989, Forsyth &
Montgomerie 1987, Johnson 1962c, Waage 1972, 1973, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1984, 1987,
References Garrison 1990, Johnson 1973.
American Rubyspot
Hetaerina americana
References Bick & Sulzbach 1966, Grether 1996a, 1996b, Grether & Grey 1996,
Grether & Switzer 2000, Johnson 1961, 1962a, 1963, McCafferty 1979.
Canyon Rubyspot
Reference Alcock 1982.
Smoky Rubyspot
References Harp 1986, Johnson 1961, 1963.
Great Spreadwing
Reference Bick & Bick 1970.
California Spreadwing
Reference Kennedy 1915.
Hetaerina vulnerata
Hetaerina titia
Archilestes grandis
Archilestes californicus
Chalky Spreadwing
Reference Johnson 1975.
Lestes sigma
Plateau Spreadwing
References Bird 1933, Larsen 2007.
Lestes alacer
Spotted Spreadwing
Lestes congener
References Cannings et al 1980, McMillan & Arnold 2004, Sawchyn & Gillott 1974a.
Northern Spreadwing
Lestes disjunctus
References Donnelly 2003, Sawchyn & Gillott 1974b, Walker 1952.
Southern Spreadwing
References Bick & Bick 1961, Donnelly 2003, Walker 1952.
Sweetflag Spreadwing
References Donnelly 2003, Walker 1952.
Lestes australis
Lestes forcipatus
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing
References Bick & Hornuff 1965, Sawchyn & Gillott 1974b.
Lestes unguiculatus
Slender Spreadwing
Reference Gower & Kormondy 1963.
Lestes rectangularis
Emerald Spreadwing
Reference Sawchyn & Gillott 1974b.
Lestes dryas
Prairie Bluet
Reference Sawchyn & Gillott 1975.
Coenagrion angulatum
Taiga Bluet
Reference Sawchyn & Gillott 1975.
Coenagrion resolutum
References Garrison 1984, May 2002.
Arroyo Bluet
References Johnson 1964b, 1964c.
River Bluet
References Kennedy 1917, La Rivers 1940.
Claw-tipped Bluet
Reference Garrison & May 1988.
Enallagma praevarum
Enallagma anna
Enallagma semicirculare
Familiar Bluet
Enallagma civile
References Bick & Bick 1963, Bird 1933, Johnson 1964b, Moss 1992.
Azure Bluet
Reference Bick & Hornuff 1966.
Alkali Bluet
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Northern Bluet
References Doerksen 1980, Garrison 1978.
Boreal Bluet
Reference Anholt 1992.
Hagen’s Bluet
References Fincke 1982, 1986.
Baja Bluet
Reference Manolis et al 2006.
Enallagma aspersum
Enallagma clausum
Enallagma annexum
Enallagma boreale
Enallagma hageni
Enallagma eiseni
Stream Bluet
Reference Bick & Hornuff 1966.
Enallagma exsulans
Slender Bluet
References Donnelly 1973, Robinson 1981.
Enallagma traviatum
Orange Bluet
Reference Bird 1933.
Enallagma signatum
References Chippendale et al 1998, Donnelly 1965, Robinson & Allgeyer 1996,
Robinson & Novak 1997.
Swift Forktail
Ischnura erratica
References Cannings & Doerksen 1979, Paulson & Cannings 1980.
Lilypad Forktail
Reference Robinson & Jordan 1996.
Ischnura kellicotti
Rambur’s Forktail
Reference Robertson 1985.
Ischnura ramburii
Pacific Forktail
References Dickerson et al 1992, Kennedy 1915.
Ischnura cervula
Plains Forktail
Reference Johnson 1964a.
Ischnura damula
Mexican Forktail
Reference Johnson 1966
Ischnura demorsa
Western Forktail
Reference Kennedy 1915.
Ischnura perparva
Eastern Forktail
References Fincke 1987, Grieve 1937.
Ischnura verticalis
Black-fronted Forktail
Ischnura denticollis
References Córdoba-Aguilar 1992, 1993, Kennedy 1917, Leong and Hafernik 1992.
San Francisco Forktail
Ischnura gemina
References Garrison & Hafernik 1981a, 1981b, Hafernik & Garrison 1986, Kennedy
1917, Leong & Hafernik 1992.
Fragile Forktail
Ischnura posita
References Novelo-Gutiérrez & Peña-Olmedo 1989, Robinson et al 1985.
Painted Damsel
Reference De Marmels 2002.
Hesperagrion heterodoxum
Western Red Damsel
Reference Pritchard and Kortello 1997.
Aurora Damsel
References Bick, Bick, & Hornuff 1976, De Marmels 2002.
Exclamation Damsel
References De Marmels 2002, Kennedy 1917.
Desert Firetail
Reference Robinson & Frye 1986.
Amphiagrion abbreviatum
Chromagrion conditum
Zoniagrion exclamationis
Telebasis salva
Duckweed Firetail
Reference Lounibos et al 1990.
Telebasis byersi
Sedge Sprite
References Forbes et al 1995, Hilton 1983c.
Nehalennia irene
Reference Garrison 1994b.
Blue-fronted Dancer
References Bick & Bick 1965a, 1965b.
Argia apicalis
Powdered Dancer
References Bick & Bick 1972, Borror 1934.
Argia moesta
Blue-ringed Dancer
Reference Robinson et al 1983.
Variable Dancer
Reference Gloyd 1968.
Argia sedula
Argia fumipennis
Aztec Dancer
Reference Bick & Bick 1958.
Argia nahuana
Yaqui Dancer
Reference Behrstock et al 2004.
Argia carlcooki
Pima Dancer
Reference Hoekstra & Smith 2000.
Argia pima
Sabino Dancer
Reference Hoekstra & Smith 2000.
Argia sabino
Springwater Dancer
References Bick & Bick 1958, 1968, 1971, 1972.
Argia plana
Vivid Dancer
Argia vivida
References Conrad & Pritchard 1988, 1989, 1990, Garrison 1978, Kennedy 1915,
Pritchard and Kortello 1997.
Emma's Dancer
Reference Kennedy 1915.
Reference Calvert 1931.
Desert Shadowdamsel
Reference Hoekstra & Garrison 1999.
Orange-striped Threadtail
Reference González-Soriano 2001.
Argia emma
Palaemnema domina
Protoneura cara
Gray Petaltail
Tachopteryx thoreyi
References Barlow 1991, Dunkle 1981, Walker & Smentowski 2003.
Black Petaltail
Tanypteryx hageni
References Clement & Meyer 1980, Meyer & Clement 1978, Svihla 1959.
Harlequin Darner
Reference Kennedy 1936.
Gomphaeschna furcillata
Fawn Darner
Reference Paulson 1999.
Boyeria vinosa
Cyrano Darner
Reference Paulson 1999.
Nasiaeschna pentacantha
Riffle Darner
Reference Johnson 1968.
Oplonaeschna armata
Reference Williamson 1923a.
Twilight Darner
References Paulson 1999, Williams 1937.
Bar-sided Darner
Reference Paulson 2006.
Gynacantha nervosa
Gynacantha mexicana
References Williamson 1923a, von Ellenrieder and Garrison 2003.
Regal Darner
Reference Paulson 1999.
Reference Walker 1912.
Coryphaeschna ingens
Variable Darner
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Aeshna interrupta
Zigzag Darner
Reference Cannings 1982.
Aeshna sitchensis
Walker’s Darner
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Aeshna walkeri
Persephone’s Darner
Reference Donnelly 1961.
Aeshna persephone
Reference von Ellenrieder 2003.
Blue-eyed Darner
Reference La Rivers 1938.
Rhionaeschna multicolor
Blue-spotted Comet Darner
References Geijskes 1968, Paulson 1966.
Anax concolor
Comet Darner
Reference Paulson 1999.
Anax longipes
Giant Darner
Reference Córdoba-Aguilar 1995.
Anax walsinghami
Common Green Darner
Anax junius
References Freeland et al 2003, Kennedy 1917, Paulson 1999, Trottier 1966, Young
Reference Carle 1986.
Gray Sanddragon
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Progomphus borealis
Common Sanddragon
Reference Reinhardt 2003.
Progomphus obscurus
Reference Garrison 1986.
Two-striped Forceptail
References Gloyd 1936, Paulson 1999.
Reference May & Carle 1996.
Pacific Clubtail
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Pronghorn Clubtail
Reference Reinhardt 2003.
Aphylla williamsoni
Gomphus kurilis
Gomphus graslinellus
Subgenus Hylogomphus
Reference Carle 1979.
Ozark Clubtail
Gomphus ozarkensis
Reference Susanke & Harp 1991.
Plains Clubtail
Reference Reinhardt 2003.
Tamaulipan Clubtail
Reference Dunkle 1992.
Columbia Clubtail
Reference Paulson 1983.
Gomphus externus
Gomphus gonzalezi
Gomphus lynnae
Olive Clubtail
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Stylurus olivaceus
Russet-tipped Clubtail
Reference Paulson 1999.
Stylurus plagiatus
Brimstone Clubtail
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Stylurus intricatus
Reference Garrison 1994a.
Reference Carle 1992, Kennedy 1917.
Great Basin Snaketail
References La Rivers 1946, Paulson 1998b.
Interior Least Clubtail
Reference Cook & Laudermilk 2004.
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Reference Carle 1983.
Ophiogomphus morrisoni
Stylogomphus sigmastylus
Octogomphus specularis
Pacific Spiketail
References Cruden 1969, Kennedy 1917.
Cordulegaster dorsalis
Apache Spiketail
Reference Alcock 1985.
Cordulegaster diadema
Reference Williamson 1909.
Swift River Cruiser
Reference Donnelly & Tennessen 1994.
Macromia illinoiensis
Gilded River Cruiser
Reference Williams 1979.
Macromia pacifica
Royal River Cruiser
Reference Paulson 1999.
Macromia taeniolata
Western River Cruiser
References Kennedy 1915, Walker 1937.
Macromia magnifica
Ebony Boghaunter
Reference Charlton & Cannings 1993.
Williamsonia fletcheri
American Emerald
Reference Hilton 1983a.
Cordulia shurtleffii
Reference Walker 1925.
Treeline Emerald
Reference Cannings & Cannings 1985.
Mountain Emerald
Reference Kennedy 1913.
Somatochlora sahlbergi
Somatochlora semicircularis
Plains Emerald
Reference Williamson 1922b.
Somatochlora ensigera
Mocha Emerald
Reference Williamson 1922b.
Somatochlora linearis
Texas Emerald
Reference Donnelly 1962.
Somatochlora margarita
Clamp-tipped Emerald
Reference Williamson 1922b.
Somatochlora tenebrosa
Orange Shadowdragon
Reference Williams 1976.
References Davis 1933, May 1995, Walker 1966.
Neurocordulia xanthosoma
Beaverpond Baskettail
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Epitheca canis
Prince Baskettail
Reference Paulson 1999.
Epitheca princeps
Common Whitetail
Plathemis lydia
References Campanella & Wolf 1974, Jacobs 1955, Koenig 1990, 1991, Koenig &
Albano 1985, 1987, McVey 1984.
References Bennefield 1965, May 1992.
Blue Corporal
Reference Paulson 1999.
Ladona deplanata
Chalk-fronted Corporal
Reference Hilton 1983b.
Ladona julia
References Artiss et al 2001, Carle & Kjer 2002, Kambhampati et al 1999,
Kennedy 1922.
Four-spotted Skimmer
Reference Convey 1989.
Neon Skimmer
Reference Williams 1977.
Libellula quadrimaculata
Libellula croceipennis
Flame Skimmer
References Alcock 1989a, DeBano 1993, 1996, La Rivers 1938.
Libellula saturata
Bleached Skimmer
Reference Beckemeyer 2004.
Libellula composita
Hoary Skimmer
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Libellula nodisticta
Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Reference Pezzalla 1979.
Libellula pulchella
Widow Skimmer
Libellula luctuosa
References Campanella 1975, Garrison 1976, Moore 1987a, 1987b, 1990.
Bar-winged Skimmer
Reference Dunkle 1985.
Libellula axilena
Slaty Skimmer
References Dunkle 1985, Paulson 1999.
Libellula incesta
Great Blue Skimmer
References Dunkle 1985, Paulson 1999.
Libellula vibrans
Golden-winged Skimmer
Reference Paulson 1999.
Libellula auripennis
Needham’s Skimmer
Reference Paulson 1999.
Libellula needhami
Carmine Skimmer
Orthemis discolor
References Novelo and González 1984, Paulson 1998a, Young 1980.
Roseate Skimmer
Orthemis ferruginea
References Novelo and González 1984 (may refer mostly to Carmine), Paulson 1999.
Reference Ris 1930.
Eastern Amberwing
Perithemis tenera
References Hardy 1966, Jacobs 1955, Paulson 1999, Schultz & Switzer 2001, Schiffer
1968, Switzer 1997, 2002a, 2002b, Switzer & Walters 1999.
Red-tailed Pennant
Reference Paulson 1999.
Brachymesia furcata
Four-spotted Pennant
Reference Paulson 1999.
Brachymesia gravida
Reference Williamson 1922a.
Ornate Pennant
Reference Paulson 1999.
Calico Pennant
Reference Waage 1986.
Celithemis ornata
Celithemis elisa
Banded Pennant
Reference Paulson 1999.
Celithemis fasciata
Halloween Pennant
References Miller 1982, Paulson 1999.
Celithemis eponina
References Hovmöller & Johansson 2004, Westmann et al 2000.
Dot-tailed Whiteface
References Wolf & Waltz 1984, Wolf et al 1997.
References Kennedy 1923, Williamson 1923b.
Pin-tailed Pondhawk
Reference De Marco et al 2002.
Great Pondhawk
Reference Paulson 1999.
Leucorrhinia intacta
Erythemis plebeja
Erythemis vesiculosa
Eastern Pondhawk
Erythemis simplicicollis
References Currie 1963, Donnelly 2004, Lounibos et al 1990, May & Baird 2002,
McVey 1985, McVey and Smittle 1984, Paulson 1999, Waage 1986.
Western Pondhawk
Reference Donnelly 2004.
Reference Borror 1942.
Erythemis collocata
Red-faced Dragonlet
Reference Paulson 2003.
Erythrodiplax fusca
Plateau Dragonlet
Reference Paulson 2003.
Erythrodiplax basifusca
Little Blue Dragonlet
References Paulson 1999, 2003.
Erythrodiplax minuscula
Seaside Dragonlet
Reference Paulson 1999.
Erythrodiplax berenice
Band-winged Dragonlet
Reference Paulson 1999.
Erythrodiplax umbrata
Filigree Skimmer
Reference Córdoba-Aguilar 2003.
Pseudoleon superbus
References Carle 1993, Pilgrim & von Dohlen 2007.
Variegated Meadowhawk
References Arnaud 1972, La Rivers 1938.
Sympetrum corruptum
Cardinal Meadowhawk
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Sympetrum illotum
Red-veined Meadowhawk
Reference Cannings 1980.
Sympetrum madidum
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk
Reference Schmidt 1987.
Sympetrum internum
Band-winged Meadowhawk
References Pilgrim & von Dohlen 2007, Walker 1951.
Black Meadowhawk
References Michiels & Dhondt 1989, 1990.
Autumn Meadowhawk
References May 1998, McMillan 1996.
Sympetrum semicinctum
Sympetrum danae
Sympetrum vicinum
Spot-winged Meadowhawk
Sympetrum signiferum
References Cannings & Garrison 1991, Pilgrim & von Dohlen 2007, Upson 2000.
Reference Paulson 1969.
Spot-tailed Dasher
References May 1977, 1980.
Micrathyria aequalis
Blue Dasher
Pachydiplax longipennis
References Baird & May 1997, 2003, Johnson 1962b, McKinnon & May 1994, Paulson
1999, Penn 1951, Robey 1975, Sherman 1983.
Red Rock Skimmer
References Alcock 1987, 1989b, 1990, Dunkle 1978.
Paltothemis lineatipes
Jade-striped Sylph
Reference Gallucci 2007.
Macrothemis inequiunguis
Masked Clubskimmer
Reference Alcock 1989b.
Brechmorhoga pertinax
Evening Skimmer
Reference Miller & Miller 1985 (related species).
Tholymis citrina
Hyacinth Glider
Reference Paulson 1999.
Miathyria marcella
Antillean Saddlebags
Reference Paulson 1999.
Tramea insularis
Red Saddlebags
Reference Young 1967.
Tramea onusta
Carolina Saddlebags
Reference Paulson 1999.
Tramea carolina
Black Saddlebags
Reference Kennedy 1917.
Tramea lacerata
Wandering Glider
Reference Paulson 1999.
Pantala flavescens
Spot-winged Glider
References La Rivers 1938, Paulson 1999.
Pantala hymenaea
Marl Pennant
Reference Paulson 1999.
Macrodiplax balteata
List of References
Alcock, J. 1979. Multiple mating in Calopteryx maculata (Odonata: Calopterygidae) and
the advantage of non-contact guarding by males. Journal of Natural History 13: 439446.
Alcock, J. 1982. Postcopulatory mate guarding by males of the damselfly Hetaerina
vulnerata Selys (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Animal Behaviour 30: 99-107.
Alcock, J. 1983. Mate guarding and the acquisition of new mates in Calopteryx maculata
(P. de Beauvois) (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae). Odonatologica 12: 153-159.
Alcock, J. 1985. Reproductive behavior of Cordulegaster diadema Selys (Anisoptera:
Cordulegastridae). Odonatologica 14: 313-317.
Alcock, J. 1987. Male reproductive tactics in the libellulid dragonfly Paltothemis
lineatipes: temporal partitioning of territories. Behavior 103: 157-173.
Alcock, J. 1989a. The mating system of Libellula saturata Uhler (Anisoptera:
Libellulidae). Odonatologica 18: 89-93.
Alcock, J. 1989b. Annual variation in the mating system of the dragonfly
Paltothemis lineatipes (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Journal of the Zoological
Society of London 218: 597-602.
Alcock, J. 1989b. The mating system of Brechmorhoga pertinax (Hagen): the
evolution of brief patrolling bouts in a “territorial” dragonfly (Odonata:
Libellulidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 2: 49-62.
Alcock, J. 1990. Oviposition resources, territoriality and male reproductive tactics in the
dragonfly Paltothemis lineatipes (Odonata: Libellulidae). Behaviour 113: 251-263.
Anholt, B. R. 1992. Sex and habitat differences in feeding by an adult damselfly. Oikos
65: 428-432.
Arnaud, P. H., Jr. 1972. Mass movement of Sympetrum corruptum (Hagen) (Odonata:
Libellulidae) in central California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 48: 75-76.
Artiss, T., T. R. Schultz, D. A. Polhemus, and C. Simon. 2001. Molecular
phylogenetic analysis of the dragonfly genera Libellula, Ladona, and Plathemis
(Odonata: Libellulidae) based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and 16S
rRNA sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 18: 348-361.
Baird, J. M., and M. L. May. 1997. Foraging behavior of Pachydiplax longipennis
(Odonata: Libellulidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 10: 655-678.
Baird, J. M., and M. L. May. 2003. Fights at the dinner table: agonistic behavior in
Pachydiplax longipennis (Odonata: Libellulidae) at feeding sites. Journal of
Insect Behavior 16: 189-216.
Ballou, J. 1984. Visual recognition of females by male Calopteryx maculata
(Odonata: Calopterygidae). Great Lakes Entomologist 17: 201-204.
Barlow, A. E., Jr. 1991. New observations on the distribution and behavior of
Tachopteryx thoreyi (Hag.) (Anisoptera: Petaluridae). Notulae Odonatologicae
3: 131-132.
Beckemeyer, R. J. 2004. Notes on the behavior and mechanics of scooping
oviposition in Libellula composita (Hagen) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae).
Odonatologica 33: 11-23.
Behrstock, R. A., D. Danforth, and S. Upson. 2004. Yaqui Dancer (Argia carlcooki,
Daigle 1995), new distributional records for northern Mexico and the U. S. Argia 16(2):
Bennefield, B. L. 1965. A taxonomic study of the subgenus Ladona (Odonata:
Libellulidae). University of Kansas Science Bulletin 45: 361-396.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1958. The ecology of the Odonata at a small creek in
southern Oklahoma. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 33: 240-251.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1961. An adult population of Lestes disjunctus australis
Walker (Odonata: Lestidae). Southwestern Naturalist 6: 111-137.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1963. Natural History and population structure of the
damselfly, Enallagma civile (Hagen) (Odonata: Coenagriidae). Southwestern
Naturalist 8: 57-84.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1965a. Color variation and significance of color in
reproduction in the damselfly, Argia apicalis (Say) (Zygoptera: Coenagriidae).
Canadian Entomologist 97: 32-41.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1965b. Demography and behavior of the damselfly, Argia
apicalis (Say) (Odonata: Coenagriidae). Ecology 46: 461-472.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1968. Demography of the damselfly, Argia plana Calvert.
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 70: 197-302.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1970. Oviposition in Archilestes grandis (Rambur) (Odonata:
Lestidae). Entomological News 81: 157-163.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1971. Localization, behavior, and spacing of unpaired males
of the damselfly, Argia plana Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington 73: 146-152.
Bick, G. H., and J. C. Bick. 1972. Substrate utilization during reproduction by Argia plana
Calvert and Argia moesta (Hagen) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 1: 3-9.
Bick, G. H., J. C. Bick, and L. E. Hornuff. 1976. Natural History of Chromagrion conditum
(Hagen) adults (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 5: 129-141.
Bick, G. H., and L. E. Hornuff. 1965. Natural History of the damselfly, Lestes
unguiculatus Hagen (Odonata: Lestidae). Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of
Science 75: 110-115.
Bick, G. H., and L. E. Hornuff. 1966. Reproductive behavior in the damselflies Enallagma
aspersum (Hagen) and Enallagma exsulans (Hagen). Proceedings of the
Entomological Society of Washington 68: 78-85.
Bick, G. H., and D. Sulzbach. 1966. Reproductive behaviour of the damselfly, Hetaerina
americana (Fabricius) (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Animal Behaviour 14: 156-158.
Bird, R. D. 1933. Dragonfly hunting in Oklahoma. Scientific Monthly 36: 371-377.
Borror, D. J. 1934. Ecological studies of Argia moesta Hagen (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)
by means of marking. Ohio Journal of Science 34: 97-108.
Calvert, P. P. 1931. The generic characters and the species of Palaemnema
(Odonata: Agrionidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society
57: 1-111.
Campanella, P. J. 1975. The evolution of mating systems in temperate zone
dragonflies II: Libellula luctuosa (Burmeister). Behaviour 54: 278-309.
Campanella, P. J., and L. L. Wolf. 1974. Temporal leks as a mating system in a
temperate zone dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera) I: Plathemis lydia Drury.
Behaviour 51: 49-87.
Cannings, R. A. 1980. Ecological notes on Sympetrum madidum (Hagen) in British
Columbia, Canada (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Notulae Odonatologicae 1: 97-99.
Cannings, R. A. 1982. Notes on the biology of Aeshna sitchensis Hagen (Anisoptera:
Aeshnidae). Odonatologica 11: 219-223.
Cannings, R. A., S. G. Cannings, and R. J. Cannings. 1980. The distribution of the genus
Lestes in a saline lake series in central British Columbia, Canada (Zygoptera:
Lestidae). Odonatologica 9: 19-28.
Cannings, R. A., and G. P. Doerksen. 1979. Description of the larva of Ischnura erratica
(Odonata: Coenagriidae) with notes on the species in British Columbia. Canadian
Entomologist 111: 327-331.
Cannings, R. A., and R. W. Garrison. 1991. Sympetrum signiferum, a new species of
dragonfly (Odonata: Libellulidae) from western Mexico and Arizona. Annals of the
Entomological Society of America 84: 474-479.
Cannings, S. G., and R. A. Cannings. 1985. The larva of Somatochlora sahlbergi
Trybom, with notes on the species in the Yukon Territory (Anisoptera: Corduliidae).
Odonatologica 14: 319-330.
Carle, F. L. 1979. Two new Gomphus (Odonata: Gomphidae) from eastern North
America with adult keys to the subgenus Hylogomphus. Annals of the
Entomological Society of America 72: 418-426.
Carle, F. L. 1983. A new Zoraena (Odonata: Cordulegastridae) from eastern
North America, with a key to the adult Cordulegastridae of America. Annals of
the Entomological Society of America 76: 61-68.
Carle, F. L. 1986. The classification, phylogeny and biogeography of the
Gomphidae (Anisoptera). I. Classification. Odonatologica 15: 275-326.
Carle, F. L. 1992. Ophiogomphus (Ophionurus) australis spec. nov. from the Gulf
Coast of Louisiana, with larval and adult keys to American Ophiogomphus
(Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Odonatologica 21: 141-152.pyl
Carle, F. L. 1993. Sympetrum janeae spec. nov. from eastern North America, with a key
to Nearctic Sympetrum (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 22: 1-16.
Carle, F. L., and K. M. Kjer. 2002. Phylogeny of Libellula Linnaeus (Odonata: Insecta).
Zootaxa 87: 1-18.
Charlton, R. E., and R. A. Cannings. 1993. The larva of Williamsonia fletcheri Williamson
(Anisoptera: Corduliidae). Odonatologica 22: 335-343.
Chippindale, P. T., V. K. Davé, D. H. Whitmore, and J. V. Robinson. Phylogenetic
relationships of North American damselflies of the genus Ischnura (Odonata:
Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) based on sequences of three mitochondrial genes.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 11: 110-121.
Clement, S. L., and R. P. Meyer. 1980. Adult biology and behavior of the dragonfly
Tanypteryx hageni (Odonata: Petaluridae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological
Society 53: 711-719.
Conrad, K. F., and T. B. Herman. 1987. Territorial and Reproductive Behaviour of
Calopteryx aequabilis Say (Odonata: Calopterygidae) in Nova Scotia, Canada.
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