Beyond Stipulative Semantics: Agent-Based Models of “Thick” Social Interaction David Sylvan Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva Paper prepared for conference on “Computational Modeling in the Social Sciences” May 8-10, 2003 University of Washington Abstract. Whatever their external referents, models need at least minimal intensional semantics so that different symbols can reliably be differentiated. A stipulative strategy will not work; instead, in large-N systems, this can be done through intentionality; for small-N systems, the conventions that govern “thick” social interactions (in the Simmelian sense) also need to be specified for differentiating symbols. This suggests that some kind of communication language be developed as a way for agent interaction to be modeled: certain languages in the multi-agent system literature are in this respect promising though as yet inadequate. Introduction. One of the recurring issues in the agent-based modeling literature is the “realism” of our models. This issue, which of course pertains in various ways to any modeling enterprise, takes several forms. At times, the concern is with endowing agents with properties that roughly correspond to their “real world” counterparts; at other times, the focus is on how the model’s performance can be evaluated against either a generalized sense of historical trends in particular systems, or against specific data. Conversely, and more generally, there has been considerable discussion about how models can be used heuristically, when they are avowedly non- (or anti-?) realistic. For the most part, these concerns have been acted on in an ad hoc and scattershot fashion. Typically, individual papers or monographs in which agent-based models are developed and presented contain a section on one or more of the above issues, even if the discussion in that section is often implicit as to the criteria being employed; typically, too, the notion of what realism means and how important it is in often varies considerably across studies. All of this is reasonable for an emerging field, even if a certain degree of systematization seems both inevitable and desirable at some point. However, even granting the value of avoiding premature closure, the lack of a more focused discussion has other consequences. One is that “realism” has failed to be placed in a broader methodological context; another is that the types of agents considered as (potentially) “realistic” are restricted to the exclusion of others. I wish to develop 2 both of these arguments in this paper, and then to propose modeling methods for investigating a class of more “realistic” agents. Semantics. At an abstract level, any model can be considered as an arrangement of symbols, with the symbols claimed to signify or stand for particular objects or relations. The symbols may be physical, as in the famous balls and rods that model the double helix of DNA; they may be verbal and/or numerical, as in the textbook presentation of comparative advantage in international trade; or they may be mathematical, as in the various formal models with which we are familiar. There are numerous questions that can be raised about the status of the signified objects or relations in the so-called real world, just as there are about the appropriateness, for this signification, of particular mathematical formalisms; I here bypass these issues, which have been dealt with at length in numerous other writings (for an introduction, see Robinson 1963; Chang and Keisler 1990; Sylvan and Majeski 2000; cf. Post 1943). What I wish to emphasize, rather, is simply the signification of the arranged symbols in a model. We can call this, following such disparate figures as Brentano, the pragmatists Peirce, James, and Dewey, and H. Garfinkel (1967), the “about-ness” of the symbols. Every model, no matter how abstract and formal, is a model of or about something. In this sense, there is always a mapping operation presumed in any model, in which its symbols are mapped onto some objects and relations. In the social sciences, we normally think of this mapping as one between the symbols and some external world, whether that world is the so-called real world, either actual or possible, or, as in certain versions of modeling, a theory of the real world. Typical concerns about the realism of models pertain to this mapping: for example, we observe that in the world, people often behave in such and such ways and ask whether our arrangement of symbols in a model adequately captures that type of behavior. However, in the above formulation, there is nothing that restricts us from looking only at mappings between symbols and external world. At the very least since Frege, it is well known that symbols (e.g., words) can map both onto an external world and some other world, say of thoughts or associations. This second type of mapping, for which we can somewhat loosely borrow the semantic term “intension” can be distinguished from the first (“extension”) via the kind of stylized example often resorted to by linguists and philosophers. Consider the following sentences: 3 1) The liberator of Baghdad was chopping wood on his ranch today. 2) The Florida election stealer was chopping wood on his ranch today. It is, I think, obvious that the external referent of 1) and 2) is the same person. This, though, does not mean that we can simply substitute (with minor synonymic modifications) that referent from 2) into 1), as in: 3) The thief of Baghdad was chopping wood on his ranch today. The individual referred to in 1) and 2), in other words, has a different intension in those sentences; to put it in some of the schoolbook semantics learned by many of us in English classes long ago, 1) and 2) have different connotations. Arguably, intension is every bit as important a kind of mapping as extension when determining the “about-ness” of a given model. In part this is because, for certain types of models, extension involves nonexistent referents, as when we simulate a counterfactual situation or extend a simulation far into the future. But intension is also important even when there is an unambiguous external reality, for precisely the reason implied in the above example: a model that merely refers to something out there in the world without some kind of intension fails to capture much of what we want to model in the first place. A case in point is the intension typically attributed to the moves in prisoners’ dilemma. Whatever the historical origins of the words “cooperate” and “defect,” the only way that PD models can have any resonance (including with human players) is because of the intensions of these words. For a move to be labeled as “cooperate” is, qua extension, simply indicative that it was a particular choice; but the intension of the word “cooperate” suggests that the move was undertaken with the aim of cooperating. One might, of course, argue that neither of the above two claims is terribly compelling. As long as there is some kind of extension, even if stylized and counterfactual, this is enough “aboutness” for the model to be interesting. The ideas that people have about symbols, the argument would go on, have no bearing on what we can do with the model; the latter is, after all, purely syntactic and there is no need to go any further. To answer this objection, it is necessary to back up a bit and look more carefully into the notion of intension. 4 In order for a symbol to map onto some world, whether external, cognitive, associative, and so forth (see the essays in Eco, Santambrogio, and Violi 1988 for a discussion of the alternatives), it is necessary that the symbol be distinguished from other symbols. Indeed, if such distinctions cannot be made, then there is no way for the syntax of the model itself to operate. These distinctions cannot be made simply by means of labels, such that one move by an agent is called “cooperate” and the other “defect.” At the very least, in computational terms, the moves must involve different procedures: different steps, perhaps, or incrementing or decrementing different registers, etc. In and of themselves, labels mean nothing, and no program would run without the labels being bound to nonequivalent procedures. But this binding, to the extent that it involves something, in this case procedures or register arithmetic, other than the external world, is precisely a mapping onto some non-external world, i.e., intension. (Technically, this is why Chomsky insists that what others call syntax could validly be called semantics.) Thus, even if one eschews any notion of mental or cultural signification, models, in order to function, must have what I would call a minimal categorial semantics. The question now becomes how that semantics can be provided. The simplest way of doing so is by stipulation. A researcher can bind labels to procedures by a declaration (in both a technical and nontechnical sense) linking the two. One procedure can be called “cooperation” and another “defection,” a third “move” and a fourth “stay put,” and so on. (Schematically, we can say that a symbol A, here depicted as SA, is distinguishable from other symbols B, C, and so forth if it is bound to a procedure pA not identical to other procedures pB, pC, and so forth; pA in turn can either be made up of, preceded by, or followed by, an ordered sequence of other symbols SP, SQ, SR, and so forth.) This kind of stipulation is the bread and butter of computer programming and is in any case unavoidable for a model to function. But a priori, there is no reason that it cannot bear the burden of intension. Readers who recall the debates over artificial intelligence of the 1980s will recall Searle’s “Chinese Room” argument; stipulation is Chinese Room-style intension. (Though of course Searle wanted to restrict semantics to a particular kind of intension, namely ideas in heads; but this presumed a distinction between semantics and syntax that is untenable.) Stipulative semantics is particularly well suited for the kind of large-scale systems modeling that first came into vogue in the 1970s. The symbols in such models refer to particular procedures, expressed as structural equations and linked together precisely through the substitutability of 5 symbols across equations. A particular symbol will have both an extension -- typically, a composite measure constructed from individual indicators -- and an intension, in which it is embedded in one or more structural equations. No other mapping is deemed necessary, even if from time to time, symbols will take the form of deliberately evocative labels. It is notorious, though, that some of these labels are highly recondite, being pulled out of an abstract theory the terms of which are numerous steps removed from the thoughts of the actors whose aggregated behavior they supposedly describe. The limitations of stipulative semantics stem from the mapping of its symbols onto procedures. If, as is not uncommon, we write down a system of equations, we can, by substitution, eliminate one or more of the symbols. Mathematically, this is unexceptional. Procedures, while distinct, have no immanent existence; they can be transformed into each other. The problem comes when the symbols refer, qua extension, not to aggregates of behaviors or to other large scale phenomena, but to actions of individuals or corporate entities, i.e., to actions of agents. Such actions, which have different extensions, we will often wish to model as being chosen by the actors. The fact that, from an abstract point of view, one action is, constitutively, as it were, transformable into another is of little or no use in helping understand the agents’ decision mechanisms. For the intension of an action to be stipulated as a procedure linked to other procedures is tantamount to saying that actions should be distinguished from other actions only by the actions or preconditions which spur them or which they in turn spur. This observation suggests a second way of providing a model’s semantics, one revolving around intention (note the letter t here in place of the s in intension). Symbols in a model can be distinguished from each other, not only by spurring procedures (as pointed out above, this is unavoidable) but by the intention of the agent in carrying out the action. This mode of reasoning is common in many agent-based models. In the Sugarscape world, for example, agents may carry out several actions, such as movement, trade, reproduction, and so forth; these are distinguished partly by spurring procedures but partly by intention: obtaining sugar, bequeathing sugar, etc. The intension of a particular symbol whose extension is a given action is then a tuple composed of the agent’s intentions in performing the action and the procedures that spurred this action. (Schematically, we can say that a symbol, SA, is distinguishable from other symbols B, C, and so forth if it is bound to a unique tuple comprised of a particular spurring procedure, pA, and a particular intention, iA.) If the intentions change but not the spurring procedures, then the action 6 is different; similarly if the spurring procedures change but not the intention. For example, an agent may be modeled as wishing to gain resources (intention) via trade, and also via warfare. These latter actions are then distinguished from each other not by the intention but by the spurring procedures: perhaps the agent’s power capabilities, perhaps the level of its neighbors’ armaments, and so forth. Alternatively (in a non-Sugarscape world), a choice between warfare and trade may be triggered not by spurring procedures (say, power configuration or a neighbor’s previous actions) but by differences in intentions (e.g., between wanting to gain resources or take revenge). It is clear that, if only in probabilistic terms, actions in this framework are less easily substitutable than are aggregate behavioral phenomena such as discussed above. In the social sciences, intension via intention is a common modeling strategy. Most of our models of action are of this sort in economics, and such models are also widely found in sociology and political science. (It is worth noting that they do not presume the action in question is necessarily an efficient or even effective way of achieving certain goals, but merely that the action is intentional.) Although it is difficult to do a systematic assessment of agentbased models, my impression is that most of them are also of this intention-plus-spurring procedure sort. Certainly some of the more well-known models, those of Axelrod, Epstein and Axtell, and several of the participants in this workshop, fall into this category. (See, in the references, Schelling 1971; Arthur 1988; March 1991; Epstein and Axtell 1996; Gintis 1996; Cederman 1997; Axelrod 1997; Padgett 1997; Ormerod 1998; Macy 1999; Majeski, Linden, and Spitzer1999; Bhavnani and Packer 2000; Lustig 2001; Watts 2003.) Nonetheless, intention is not a panacea for eliminating all semantic difficulties. Consider what happens when agents not only act but interact. In this case, the agents’ actions cannot be considered separately: since one is an input to the other, we then have to distinguish acts from each other when the acts may well be composed of different tuples across agents (and also across time; analytically, this is potentially very difficult). One might be tempted to make the distinction by scoping actions to agents, so that we would, say, speak of “defection-agent1,” “defection-agent2,” and so forth. This proliferation of intensions is clearly not a desirable solution, not only because it flagrantly violates Ockham’s Razor, but because it contains the seeds of an even worse regress: if an agent performs the same act differently toward different interlocutors (e.g., shaking hands; consulting diplomatically), then one would have to doubly 7 scope actions to both “receiving” and “originating” agents. How to tell these different actions apart? One way of dealing with the problem is to bypass it by ignoring differences between agents and treating them as essentially homogeneous with regard to intentions and spurring procedures. Interaction would then be glossed as actions, over a certain period of time, across a set (or entire population) of agents. This approach, which is quite common in economic analyses of markets, buys intensional tractability at the price of agent uniformity. It also means that interaction is reduced to pairs (or triples, etc.) of actions. If this is considered unacceptable, then we need a third way of distinguishing between actions. Thickness. An alternative way of proceeding is by considering what I will here call “thick” social interaction. Here I borrow from the work of both Simmel 1971 and Schutz 1967 (and for the term, if not the content, from Geertz). When we interact with someone else, we do more -or, in some cases, less -- than simply perform an action aimed at accomplishing some end. We behave in a coded, often highly stylized fashion that is mutually intelligible to both us and the other. Thus, if a friend says hello to us, we may respond in a variety of ways, most of them conventional, but without any particular intention in mind except to be friendly, an intention which is usually “generated” at the instant of the interaction. In carrying out these responses, we assume that our friend understands them and, further, that he/she understands that we are acting with this assumption in mind. When engaging in this interaction, there is an extensive and subtle interplay between the conventions (we can call this the “code”) of the actions performed, the intentions we have vis-à-vis our friend, and the particular spurring procedures that, at a given time and place, trigger our response. What I wish to stress here is that interaction involves a kind of attuning toward the other (this need not be gentle or cooperative) which, by its nature, must be carried out knowingly (even if not with great thought) by both parties to the interaction. A set of acts by one agent toward another is not in this sense necessarily indicative of an interaction; the latter goes well beyond a pair of dyadic actions. Even then, interaction can vary enormously depending on whether the parties to the interaction have dealt with other extensively for many years, or whether they are brief, passing acquaintances. I will return to this point below. 8 The parties to thick interaction, by dint of the code they employ, group and reduce the number of actions in which they engage. If we therefore add this code to the spurring procedures and intentions discussed earlier (cf. Barwise and Perry’s 1983 semantic equations, though their concern is principally linguistic), we have a means of distinguishing between actions while rendering more manageable their total number. For example, assume that we are trying to model certain diplomatic interactions between states, say attempts by powerful states to induce weaker states to align their behavior with that of the former. If we only had intentions to work with, then various “requests” (“demands”? “threats”? “ultimata”?) by the powerful could not be distinguished from each other (their spurring procedures would be the same, as would their intentions; a sense of the urgency of these requests could only be dealt with in an ad hoc fashion by affixing little tags for how many requests had been made). But if we also had a code by which to distinguish between different interaction contexts (e.g., ally vs. state in the same region vs. near stranger), then we could differentiate certain requests (e.g., a request in which support is assumed vs. a request that now is a call on friendship; and both of these vs. a business transaction) while grouping others as equivalent (e.g., a request made to the UN ambassador and another request several days later to the foreign minister). (Schematically, we can represent the code for an interaction of a particular type z between agents x and y, Izxy, as a set of action sequences m1...j,x,y:SA…N, in which the first action sequence, m1x, is carried out by agent x and consists of a choice among actions represented by certain symbols, such as SA, SC, or SF; the second action sequence, m2y, is carried out by agent y and consists of a choice among certain symbols, say SC, SH, SJ, or SM, and so on. There are j moves in the interaction and N possible actions. We then can say that a symbol, SA, used in an interaction Izxy, is distinguishable from other symbols B, C, and so forth if it is bound to a unique 3-tuple comprised of a particular spurring procedure, pA, a particular intention, iA, and a particular interaction code for the symbol, cA, where cA Izxy.) As can already be imagined, modeling of this sort is considerably more intricate than most of the agent-based models with which we are familiar. Thus, before proposing modeling strategies which use this third, code-based approach to intensionality, it is worth considering just which kind of phenomena seeem most appropriately dealt with by code, or, conversely, need only intentions. I would argue that the basic distinction revolves around what we can call large-N versus small-N systems. The latter -- for example, groups of states; parliamentary coalitions -are among the most important political phenomena; they are to be distinguished from large-N 9 systems, such as electorates, or mobs, and from micro-N systems, such as leaders and dyads. A principal characteristic of small-N systems is that they involve repeated interactions among interlocutors who expect to continue interacting in the future. This in turn makes it possible for the participants in the system to see themselves as forming a group with its own norms and memories, all of whose members are potentially relevant to each other, and among whom it is possible to envisage a division of labor. Small-N systems, in the terminology of this paper, are therefore marked by “thick” social interaction and ought ideally to have their intensions distinguished by code means; for large-N systems, intention alone should be sufficient. It is worth noting that until now, small-N systems have not been dealt with as adequately by agent-based modelers as have large-N systems. There are several reasons for this. First, interactions in agent-based models are usually seen as local: the agents are seen as “looking around” their immediate neighbors and interacting only with those neighbors. This local-ness in fact is what gives many of the more famous agent-based models their paradoxical quality: agents who care only about what is going on immediately around them turn out, when their behavior is generalized, to create global situations that are contrary to what they prefer. The defense of local-ness typically is cast in terms of Simon-like observations on bounded rationality: agents cannot and do not scan all agents; they satisfice rather than maximize; and so forth. Second, the interactions in most agent-based models are anonymous. By this I mean that the neighbors with whom agents interact are not distinguished from other, non-interacting neighbors except for the fact that the former are contiguous to the agent whereas the latter are not. Agents may, of course, “remember” how they interacted with certain interlocutors the last time around, but this memory is purely utilitarian: there is no social significance to certain interlocutors as opposed to others. Third, the interactions in most agent-based models are dyadic. By this I mean that when agents interact (of course, in some cases, they simply scan their neighborhood and, on that basis, alter one of their own characteristics), they do so one interlocutor at a time. (This in turn means that agent-based models must employ basic “housekeeping”rules for adjudicating among alternative dyadic moves.) None of these characteristics of typical interactions is well-suited to small-N systems. For one, agents in such systems interact across the membership of the system (i.e., globally), rather than 10 locally. A good example is military alliances, in which states regularly consult all of their allies, not just those nearby. Similarly, members of parliamentary coalitions can and do interact across the entire range of the coalition: a necessity, if one wishes to hold the coalition together. This is not to deny that agents in small-N systems are likely to be characterized by bounded rationality; but it is to suggest that their reference group is simply not restricted to their neighbors. Furthermore, agents in small-N systems interact non-anonymously. As pointed out above, states in a coalition expect to and do interact with each other repeatedly; this means that they get to know each other and modulate their interactions according to this knowledge. A state may learn, for instance, that it is pointless to ask a particular other state to engage in a certain policy; if that is the goal, then a third state may instead be contacted. Finally, agents in small-N systems interact multilaterally. Not only do they contact each other across the range of participants in the system, but they do so in clusters of two, three, four, or more agents at a time. Meetings with such numbers of agents regularly take place and are used at hammering out a common position; although this of course can be done via a series of iterated bilateral consultations, it is far more efficient for agents in small-N systems to work jointly. Communication. The above discussion makes it clear that “thick” social interaction presents two challenges for agent-based models. One is to solve the intensionality problem, i.e., to distinguish between different symbols in a model of such interactions. The other is to capture some of the basic small-N system properties of thick social interaction. Arguably, the solution to both of these problems would come from a way of modeling the code through which thick interaction occurs. The intensity of small-N contacts suggests strongly that some sort of code exists within the group; if this is the case, then interaction moves can be differentiated. How then can this code be represented? I would suggest, as a first approximation, constructing agent-based models which borrow from the computer science literature on multi-agent systems (MAS). A notable feature of such systems is an emphasis on the coordination of different agents by means of message-passing and a division of labor. There are various MAS means available for modeling these kinds of interactions, falling along a spectrum which stretches from synchronized turn-taking, through socalled “reactive” coordination, to decentralized and centralized planning operations (Ferber 1999, ch. 8). Not surprisingly, such means map nicely onto the classic March and Simon (1958) 11 discussion of organizational coordination, though they are, of course, considerably more developed from a procedural standpoint. Note that whichever type of MAS approach to coordination is chosen, it involves the agents interacting in considerably more intricate ways than in the more limited types of interactions in the kind of “classical” ABMs discussed above. This of course introduces complexity into the modeling, but at the same time permits the construction of more realistic models of small-N systems. (For literature, see Ferber 1999; Winograd and Flores 1986; for a good discussion of issues involved in various ways of modeling communications, see Labrou, Finin, and Peng 1999. For work on decentralized planning, see Durfee, Lesser, and Corkill 1987; more recently, see Cunha and Belo 1997; and Fitoussi and Tenenholtz 2000. On reactive coordination, see Hickman and Shiels 1991; a glimpse of current approaches can be obtained in the work most recently by Myers and Morley 2002.the interactions could be global, familiar, and multilateral. Institutionalization is thus a contingent empirical phenomenon which serves as an identifying characteristic of small-N systems.) Unfortunately, the kind of query languages available in MAS work on communication and coordination are simply inadequate for what we need. They permit information to be passed from one agent to another, but are too limited for extended exchanges such as occur in natural languages. 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