Theory Questions: Summer 2008

Theory Questions: Summer 2008
Choose two of these three questions to answer. You must show mastery of sociological theory through
these answers. You should take time to outline your argument. Be sure to indicate depth as well as
breadth of knowledge. Cite relevant authors. Use relevant examples.
1. The link between economic systems and inequalities has been analyzed within sociological
theory, sometimes in dramatically opposing ways. Describe how inequalities under capitalism
have been explained through the lens of two different theoretical frameworks.
2. More businesses are using what is termed “interactive personalities” to help them with their
customer service. These “personalities” have names, biographies and sometimes even animated
faces, but are simply computer-generated responses to consumer questions. Use two theoretical
frameworks to analyze this recent phenomenon, especially in light of what it might tell us about
the self and society.
3. The idea of the recent economic stimulus package was meant to encourage consumerism. The
choice of this particular solution might be viewed sociologically. Using one theoretical
framework, discuss the concept of consumerism as a cultural norm and ideology. Focus on the
belief in and practice of consumerism in general, not the stimulus package.
Theory Questions: Spring 2007
Question 1
Using the works of two theorists, define the concept of power and discuss one particular form of
manifestation of power in the United States.
Question 2
One can argue that we live in a society that is driven by consumption. Using the works of one
theorist, discuss the interconnections between identity formation and consumer culture.
Question 3
The process of modernization that occurred in Western societies during the late eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries has contributed to the development of fairly successful capitalist societies.
However, this process has also contributed to the emergence of a blaze attitude and sense of
alienation in Western society. Using the works of one theorist, discuss the negative effects of
modernization and the relevant concepts that explain the problems of modernization.
Theory Comp Questions: summer 2007
1) The division of labor in modern society is a major theme in sociological theory. Compare and contrast
two social theorist’s basic approach to the division of labor. In addition how do each of these theorists
work help explain the increasingly global division of labor?
2) The relationship between the individual and society is variously described by sociological theories.
Choose one major social theorist and present their view on what might comprise an individual and their
relation to society.
3) Some have argued that social order is the unifying theme in sociology. Argue the importance of social
order for the discipline of sociology as seen through the work of one social theorist. Why might some
social theorists argue against having a unifying theme for sociology?