Bluebook 101: Citing Books and Articles LR: Law Review Footnote style Memo: Court Documents and Legal Memoranda Style Books (R. 15) One author: LR: PETER NICOLAS, EVIDENCE: PROBLEMS, CASES & MATERIALS (2005). Memo: Peter Nicolas, Evidence: Problems, Cases & Materials (2005). LR: LOUIS WOLCHER, BEYOND TRANSCENDENCE IN LAW AND PHILOSOPHY (2005). Memo: Louis Wolcher, Beyond Transcendence in Law and Philosophy (2005). Pages within a book: LR: PETER NICOLAS, EVIDENCE: PROBLEMS, CASES & MATERIALS 15, 21-30 (2005). Memo: Peter Nicolas, Evidence: Problems, Cases & Materials 15, 21-30 (2005). Two authors: LR: ROBERT F. UTTER & HUGH D. SPITZER, THE WASHINGTON STATE CONSTITUTION: A REFERENCE GUIDE (2002) Memo: Robert F. Utter & Hugh D. Spitzer, The Washington State Constitution: A Reference Guide (2002) Three or more authors: LR: PENNY A. HAZELTON, ET AL., WASHINGTON LEGAL RESEARCHER’S DESKBOOK, 3D (2002). Memo: Penny A. Hazelton, et al., Washington Legal Researcher’s Deskbook, 3d (2002). Three or more authors if you want to emphasize them all: LR: JOSEPH C. DUPRIS, KATHLEEN S. HILL & WILLIAM H. RODGERS, JR., THE SI'LAILO WAY: INDIANS, SALMON, AND LAW ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER (2006) Memo: Joseph C. Dupris, Kathleen S. Hill & William H. Rodgers, Jr., The Si'lailo Way: Indians, Salmon, and Law on the Columbia River (2006) Shorter Works in Collection (R. 15.5) LR: Paul Steven Miller, Analyzing Genetic Discrimination in the Workplace, in RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES IN THE BIOTECH AGE: WHY WE NEED A GENETIC BILL OF RIGHTS (Sheldon Krimsky & Peter Shorett eds., 2005). Memo: Paul Steven Miller, Analyzing Genetic Discrimination in the Workplace, in Rights and Liberties in the Biotech Age: Why We Need a Genetic Bill of Rights (Sheldon Krimsky & Peter Shorett eds., 2005). LR: Louis Wolcher, Removal to Federal Court, in 3 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES 1315-16 (Paul Finkelman ed. 2006). Memo: Louis Wolcher, Removal to Federal Court, in 3 Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 1315-16 (Paul Finkelman ed. 2006). Legal Encyclopedias (R. 15.8) LR: 88 C.J.S. Trial § 192 (1955). LR: 17 AM. JUR. 2D Contracts § 74 (1964). Periodical Articles (R. 16) Typical law reviews (consecutively paginated)(R. 16.3): LR: Helen Anderson, The Freedom to Speak and the Freedom to Listen: the Admissibility of the Criminal Defendant’s Taste in Entertainment, 83 OR. L. REV. 899 (2005). Memo: Helen Anderson, The Freedom to Speak and the Freedom to Listen: the Admissibility of the Criminal Defendant’s Taste in Entertainment, 83 Or. L. Rev. 899 (2005). LR: Kathleen M. O’Neill, Against Dicta: A Legal Method for Rescuing “Fair Use” from the “Right of First Publication,” 89 CAL. L. REV. 369 (2001). Memo: Kathleen M. O’Neill, Against Dicta: A Legal Method for Rescuing “Fair Use” from the “Right of First Publication,” 89 Cal. L. Rev. 369 (2001). Student Notes and Comments (R. 16.6.2) LR: Kevin V. Tu, Comment, Extreme Policy Makeover: Re-Evaluating Current U.S.-Vietnam Relations Under the International Religious Freedom Act, 14 PAC. RIM L. & POL’Y J. 771 (2005). Memo: Kevin V. Tu, Comment, Extreme Policy Makeover: Re-Evaluating Current U.S.-Vietnam Relations Under the International Religious Freedom Act, 14 Pac. Rim L. & Pol’y J. 771 (2005). LR: Erik Van Hagen, Comment, The Not-So-Secret Ballot: How Washington Fails to Provide a Secret Vote for Impaired Voters as Required by the Washington State Constitution, 80 WASH. L. REV. 789 (2005). Memo: Erik Van Hagen, Comment, The Not-So-Secret Ballot: How Washington Fails to Provide a Secret Vote for Impaired Voters as Required by the Washington State Constitution, 80 Wash. L. Rev. 789 (2005). Not consecutively paginated (R. 16.4): LR: Helen Anderson, Are Citations on the Way Down? The Case Against Footnotes, WASH. ST. B. NEWS, Dec. 2001, at 28. Memo: Helen Anderson, Are Citations on the Way Down? The Case Against Footnotes, Wash. St. B. News, Dec. 2001, at 28. LR: Robert Anderson, Blurring the Boundaries of State Jurisdiction, WASH. ST. B. NEWS, Nov. 2002, at 24. Memo: Robert Anderson, Blurring the Boundaries of State Jurisdiction, Wash. St. B. News, Nov. 2002, at 24. Newspapers (R. 16.5) LR: Meade Emory, Stealth Amendment Shouldn’t Mean Death to the Estate Tax, SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, June 27, 2006, at B7. Memo: Meade Emory, Stealth Amendment Shouldn’t Mean Death to the Estate Tax, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 27, 2006, at B7. American Law Reports Annotations (R. 16.6.6) LR: William B. Johnson, Annotation, Use of Plea Bargain or Grant of Immunity as Improper Vouching for Credibility of Witness in Federal Cases, 76 A.L.R. FED. 409 (1986). Memo: William B. Johnson, Annotation, Use of Plea Bargain or Grant of Immunity as Improper Vouching for Credibility of Witness in Federal Cases, 76 A.L.R. Fed. 409 (1986).