Ppress release

Press Release
Continental and Tomas Bata University in Zlín,
Czech Republic, further strenghten cooperation
 Continental’s Prof. Dr. Jorge Lacayo-Pineda appointed as member of the Scientific
Board of the Faculty of Technology at Tomas Bata University
 Cooperation between Continental’s tire plant in Otrokovice and the Faculty of
Technology started in 2009 and focuses on compounding research
Hanover/Zlín, April 7, 2014. Effective February 2014 the Tomas Bata University in Zlín,
Czech Republic, has appointed Prof. Dr. Jorge Lacayo-Pineda, Head of Expert Field
Materials Evaluation at Continental’s Tire Division and honorary professor at Leibniz
University Hanover, as member of the Scientific Board of its Faculty of Technology. With this
appointment Continental and the university further strengthen their cooperation, which goes
back to the year 2009 and focuses on compounding research. The Scientific Board is the
advisory board that approves the strategic orientation of the faculty. In order to ensure the
independence of decisions, renowned scientists from external institutions are appointed into
this body.
“The most productive collaborations are built around a shared research vision and establish
close professional ties between academia and industry. Our faculty has made it a priority to
intensify the links between higher education, research and industry to drive innovation. As a
member of the faculty’s Scientific Board, Prof. Dr. Lacayo-Pineda will contribute to
transforming and modernizing the role of the research at the university“, said Assoc. Prof.
Roman Čermák, Dean of the Faculty of Technology.
“The close collaboration between Continental and the University of Zlín is very fruitful. What
we are trying to create is a strategic partnership which goes beyond the traditional
cooperation on research projects. It is exemplary how the university creates opportunities for
academics and companies with shared interest to come together and develop a dialogue“,
highlighted Prof. Dr. Lacayo-Pineda who, besides his functions at Continental and different
universities, also heads the ISO Working Group Chemical Analysis of Rubber.
Your contact:
Ildiko Kovacs, Phone: +49 511 976-36221
Press Release
With sales of around €33.3 billion in 2013, Continental is one of the world’s leading automotive
suppliers. As a provider of brake systems, systems and components for powertrains and chassis,
instrumentation, infotainment solutions, vehicle electronics, tires, and technical elastomers,
Continental contributes to enhanced driving safety and global climate protection. Continental is also an
expert partner in networked automobile communication. Continental currently employs around 178,000
people in 49 countries.
As one of the world's leading tire manufacturers with more than 44,000 employees, the Continental
Tire division achieved sales of more than €9.6 billion in 2013. Today, the division has 24 production
and development locations worldwide. The broad product range and continuous investments in R&D
make a major contribution to cost-effective and ecologically efficient mobility.
Continental’s Tire Division is an Official Sponsor of the German DFB Cup, 2014 FIFA World CupTM in
Brazil and the UEFA EURO 2016TM in France.
Tomas Bata University in Zlín (TBU) is a progressive and modern university following the current
trends of higher education. With a student population of more than 12,600, TBU ranks among
medium-sized universities in the Czech Republic. The University is comprised of six faculties offering
the possibility to study technology, natural sciences, informatics, economics, management,
humanities, art and health care. The University also puts strong emphasis on R&D activities carried
out in cooperation with universities and R&D institutions from all over the world. Internationally
renowned research outcomes are achieved at TBU particularly in polymer engineering, in automation
and control of technological processes, and in chemistry.
The Faculty of Technology (the TBU´s oldest faculty founded in 1969) was established to educate
students in the field of chemistry, chemical technology, process engineering, environmental
engineering, material, food and cosmetics engineering. Scientific disciplines at the faculty primarily
include chemistry and technology of polymeric materials, industrial process control and production
economics, and applications of information technology in industrial production control. In the field of
development, mutual cooperation between the Faculty on the one hand, and the industrial sphere and
foreign institutions on the other, plays a very important part.
The Tomas Bata University in Zlín (TBU) has fruitful collaborations with the Continental tire plant in
Czech Republic near Zlín, in Otrokovice, Continental in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm and also with
Continental in Slovakia, in Púchov. The University is therefore not only partner for research and
development, but is also a source of qualified engineers for Continental.
Ildiko Kovacs
Head of Locations Communications
Tire Division
Gesa Krüger
Pressesprecherin HR & Career
Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH
Jädekamp 30 , 30419 Hanover, Germany
Phone +49 511 976-36221
E-mail: ildiko.kovacs@conti.de
Continental AG
Vahrenwalder Straße 9, 30165 Hannover
Telefon: +49 (0) 511 938 1640
E-Mail: gesa.krueger@conti.de
Online Media Database: www.mediacenter.continental-corporation.com
Your contact:
Ildiko Kovacs, Phone: +49 511 976-36221