Lab 12 DNA FC

Lab 12 DNA Fingerprinting Flashcards
1) The separation of molecules by gel
electrophoresis is based on what characteristics?
2) What is a molecule’s morphology?
3) What does electrophoresis utilize to separate
molecules with different surface charges?
4) During electrophoresis, where is the molecular
mixture placed between?
5) What is the difference between a cathode and an
6) Opposite charges attract, so molecules with a
negative surface charge will migrate towards
7) To speed up or slow down the process of
electrophoresis, what can be done to do this
8) How do you separate a molecule by its size and
9) What carbohydrate is used as a molecular sieve
to separate molecules by their size and shape?
10) The speed at which the molecules passing
through the Agarose may be decreased or
increased by either decreasing or increasing
11) What is the technique that can be used to
separate DNA fragments of various lengths?
12) During Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, what
molecules pass quickly through quickly and
which molecules tend to pass through slowly?
13) What is charge of DNA molecules?
14) What specific substances can recognize specific
sequence of nucleotides and cut the DNA strand
at these sites?
15) What is the name of the difference in DNA
banding patterns?
16) Restriction enzymes evolved in bacterial cells as
a defence against what?
17) In what year were restriction enzymes first
identified and isolated from bacterial cells?
18) What is the name of the majority of these
restriction enzymes which are extremely specific
and work by recognizing short nucleotide
sequences in DNA molecules?
19) What is the name of result when double stranded
DNA fragments are cut with restriction
The molecule’s surface charge and morphology.
It’s size and shape.
An electrical current.
Between the cathode and the anode in a conductive
liquid environment
A cathode is a negative charge and an anode in a
positive charge.
The current between nodes may be increased or
By using a sieve or a filter.
Agarose Concentration
Agarose gel electrophoresis
Small molecules pass by quickly; large molecules pass
through slowly.
Negative charge
Restriction enzymes
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)
Bacteriophages (bacterial viruses)
Recognition sequences
Restriction fragments
Lab 12 DNA Fingerprinting Flashcards
20) What happens when the same DNA sample is cut
with different restriction enzymes?
21) What does the first letter of a restriction enzyme
refer to?
22) What does the second and third letter of a
restriction enzyme refer to?
23) What does the fourth letter of a restriction
enzyme refer to?
24) What does the last number of a restriction
enzyme refer to?
25) Since each organism has a unique nucleotide
sequence in their DNA, each individual will
differ in the overall number and location of
restriction sites. Name one exception.
26) True or False: A single restriction enzyme will
cut in the same locations in various individuals.
27) What happens when digested DNA (cut DNA) is
run on electrophoresis gel?
28) By comparing the distance traveled of each
restriction fragment with the distance traveled by
a fragment of a known molecular weight, what
can be determined?
29) Name some examples of evidence that may be
collected from a crime scene and subjected to
DNA analysis.
30) Which suspects’ ink matched that found on the
31) In which direction did each of the ink samples
travel? Briefly explain why? Draw your ink gel.
32) Which color constituent of the ink samples was
the largest molecule and which was the smallest?
33) If two different agarose concentrations were used
to separate the ink samples, 1% and 3%, which
concentration would the ink samples move
further in? Explain why.
34) Using the same dye samples, how could the
speed of separation have been increased?
35) During electrophoresis, toward which electrode
did the DNA move? Why did the DNA move in
this direction?
36) Which of the suspects committed the murder?
Explain your conclusion based on the results of
today’s experiment. Draw your DNA gel.
37) If the above segment is cut with ECO RI, how
many fragments will result?
Different restriction fragments will be obtained.
The first letter of the Genus name in which they were
first isolated.
The species name.
The strain of the organism.
A Roman number signifying the order of discovery.
Identical twins.
False. (A restriction enzyme cuts in different locations
in various individuals.)
The restriction fragments will separate from one
another based upon size.
The approximate molecular weights of individual
restriction fragments.
Hair, semen, blood, or other tissue.
Lab 12 DNA Fingerprinting Flashcards
38) If the above DNA segment is cut with HIND III,
how many fragments will result?
39) If the above DNA segment is cut with EcoRI and
BAM HI, how many fragments will result?
40) If the above DNA segment is cut with EcoRI,
Bam HI, and Hind III, and the resulting
fragments are run out on an agarose gel, which
fragment will travel the furthest? Which
restriction enzyme produces this fragment? Write
out the correct sequence of the fragment (as
41) If DNA from two different people is cut with the
same restriction enzymes and then run out on an
agarose gel, will the pattern of banding in the gel
be the same of different? Explain your answer.
42) Two separate agarose gels are made with
different concentrations. The concentration of
agarose in the first gel is 0.6% and the
concentration of agarose in the second gel is
1.6%. You’ve placed two samples of the same
DNA, which have been cut with the same
restriction enzymes into the wells in each gel and
allow the gel to run for 1 hour at 120 volts. In
which gel (0.6% or 1.6% agarose) will the
restriction fragments travel the farthest? WHY?