1 2 Electronic Supplementary Materials 3 Studying shape in sexual signals: the case of primate sexual swellings 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Authors: Elise Huchard 1, 2, *, Julio A. Benavides 1, Joanna M. Setchell 3, Marie J.E. Charpentier 4, 5, Alexandra Alvergne 1, Andrew J. King 2, 6, Leslie. A. Knapp 7, Guy Cowlishaw 2, Michel Raymond 1. 1 Université Montpellier II CNRS- Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier, Place Eugène Bataillon, CC 065, 34 095 Montpellier cedex 5, France. 2 Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, London NW1 4RY, UK 3 Evolutionary Anthropology Research Group, Durham University, 43 Old Elvet, Durham, Dh1 3HN, UK. 4 Department of Biology, Duke University, P.O. Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708, USA. 5 Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Unite Mixte de Recherche 5175, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1919 Route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier Cedex 5, France 6 Department of Biological Anthropology, University College London, Taviton Street, London WC1H 0BW, UK 7 Department of Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DZ, UK. * Corrresponding author. E-mail: Elise.Huchard@univ-montp2.fr Tel: 0033 4 67 14 46 32 Fax: 0033 4 67 14 36 22 Content: Supplementary Methods ................................................................................................... 2 Camera angle for pictures taken for shape analysis ..................................................... 2 Figure S1. ................................................................................................................. 2 Strategy of harmonic selection ..................................................................................... 3 Figure S2. ................................................................................................................. 5 Figure S3. ................................................................................................................. 7 Supplementary Results ..................................................................................................... 8 Analyses using the second and third principal components extracted from Fourier coefficients as shape estimators .................................................................................... 8 Table S4. ................................................................................................................... 9 Table S5. ................................................................................................................. 10 References ...................................................................................................................... 11 46 47 Supplementary Methods 48 49 50 Camera angle for pictures taken for shape analysis 51 52 53 Figure S1. Camera angle for swelling pictures taken for shape analysis. The pictures 54 were taken by the same photographer (within a given species) when the animal was 55 standing with its four feet on the ground (to limit biases introduced by the swelling 56 angle to verticality: angle φ = 90°) and from directly behind the animal (to limit biases 57 introduced by the swelling angle to the right or the left: angle θ = 90°). In contrast, 58 swelling rotation within the orthogonal plane determined by Y- and Z-axes, which is 59 perpendicular to the ground plane and parallel to the camera objective plane, has no 60 influence for the shape analysis: each swelling shape is analysed within an orthogonal 61 plane determined by the longest axis of ellipse of the first harmonic designated by the y- 62 axis (see Methods and Figure 1 for additional details). 63 64 65 Strategy of harmonic selection 66 When working on a set of outlines, the strategy of harmonic selection must be adapted 67 to the needs of the analysis (see e.g. Claude (2008) pp 216-219). Lower-order 68 harmonics alone can contain sufficient information to allow groups to be distinguished, 69 but the cut-off point between the higher and lower order harmonics needs to be 70 identified. Different methods have been proposed to select the optimal number of 71 harmonics depending on the analysis carried out. Qualitative methods can simply 72 consist of visualizing the contour reconstructions (using inverse Fourier transformation) 73 that are produced by increasing the number of harmonics used to build these contours, 74 and then comparing by eye these reconstructions to the original contour. Alternatively, 75 quantitative methods can be used, as described in Kuhl & Giardina (1982), Haines & 76 Crampton (2000) or Claude (2008). 77 In our case, the number of harmonics that described meaningful swelling shape 78 variation was guided by our research questions. First, we visualized the cloud of 79 swelling contour scores on the first two principal components extracted from Fourier 80 coefficients when using an increasing number of harmonics (from 2 to 20) to describe a 81 swelling contour. A subset of these graphs is displayed on Figure S2 for the PCA 82 involving both species (see Methods). Second, we analysed the spectrum of harmonic 83 Fourier power. The power of the nth harmonic is Powern = (an2 + bn2 + cn2 + dn2) / 2, with 84 an, bn, cn and dn the four elliptic Fourier coefficients of the nth harmonic. The power is 85 proportional to the harmonic amplitude and can be considered as a measure of shape 86 information. As the rank of the harmonic increases, the power decreases and contributes 87 progressively less information. The number of harmonics should be selected so that 88 their cumulative power gathers 99% of the total cumulative power (Claude 2008). The 89 cumulative power of the five first harmonics of the baboon and mandrill Fourier 90 coefficients are presented in Figure S2 (panel f.). Third, we calculated the cumulative 91 proportion of variance accounted for by the first five principal components extracted 92 from swelling shape coefficients when using an increasing number of harmonics (from 93 2 to 50) to describe a swelling contour. The resulting graph (displaying calculations 94 made from baboon Fourier coefficients) allows us to assess how quickly the proportion 95 of the total shape variation captured by the harmonics stabilizes as the number of 96 harmonics increases (Figure S3). 97 These three approaches consistently indicate that the use of more than four 98 harmonics does not bring additional information to this analysis. We therefore used the 99 first four harmonics only. 100 101 102 103 Figure S2. Graphical plots (a) to (e) showing the cloud of swelling contour scores on the 104 first two axes of the PCA (with PC1 on the x-axis and PC2 on the y-axis, following 105 Figure 2), performed on baboon and mandrill Fourier coefficients (respectively labelled 106 “B” and “M”), when using an increasing number of harmonics to describe a swelling 107 contour: (a) contours analysed using two harmonics, (b) contours analysed using three 108 harmonics, (c) contours analysed using four harmonics (same plot as Figure 2), (d) 109 contours analysed using five harmonics, (e) contours analysed using ten harmonics. (f) 110 The cumulative harmonic Fourier power in the baboon and mandrill swelling contours 111 analysed with 1 to 5 harmonics. 112 113 114 Figure S3. 115 principal components extracted from the baboon swelling shape Fourier coefficients, 116 using an increasing number of harmonics (from 2 to 50) to describe the swelling 117 contour. 118 The cumulative proportion of variance accounted for by the first five 119 120 Supplementary Results 121 Analyses using the second and third principal components extracted from Fourier 122 coefficients as shape estimators 123 The Fourier coefficients of the mandrill and baboon swelling contours were first 124 analysed together in a PCA to see if swelling shape differs between species (or at the 125 genus level). The proportion of the total shape variation accounted for by the first, 126 second and third principal components (PC) was 58%, 20% and 10%, respectively. The 127 first and second principal components of swelling shape both differed between species 128 (PC1: see Results; PC2: F1,31 = 8.85, P < 0.01). In contrast, the third principal 129 component of swelling shape did not differ among species (PC3: F1,31 = 1.63, P = 0.21). 130 The Fourier coefficients of each species were then analysed in separate PCAs. In 131 baboons, the first, second and third PC extracted from the Fourier coefficients (15 132 females and 27 cycles), accounted for 56%, 14% and 11% of the variance in shape, 133 respectively. The cumulative proportion of variance explained by the three first PCs was 134 thus 81%. Analyses using the first PC as a shape estimator are reported in the Results; 135 analyses using the second and third PC as shape estimators (i.e. fitted as the response 136 variable of the GLMMs instead of PC1) are presented in Table S4. 137 In mandrills, the first, second and third PC extracted from the Fourier 138 coefficients (18 females and 27 cycles), accounted for 60%, 22% and 7% of the 139 variance in shape, respectively. The cumulative proportion of variance explained by the 140 three first PCs was thus 89%. Analyses using the first PC as a shape estimator are 141 reported in the Results; analyses using the second and third PC as shape estimators (i.e. 142 fitted as the response variable of the GLMMs instead of PC1) are presented in Table S5. 143 144 Table S4. Results of the GLMMs carried out using the second and third principal 145 components (respectively PC2 and PC3) extracted from the baboon Fourier coefficients 146 as response variable. GLMMs were performed as described in the main text. 147 Response variable PC2 Statistic value Group X21 = 2.72 x 10-8 Random Female X21 = 53.24 factors cycle X21 = 11.24 Log(Age) F1,9 = 1.51 Fixed Dominance rank F1,9 = 0.31 factors BMI F1,9 = 0.47 148 149 150 P 1 < 10-3 10-3 0.25 0.59 0.51 PC3 Statistic value X21 = 1.27 X21 = 54.29 X21 = 96.29 F1,9 = 0.10 F1,9 = 1.17 F1,9 = 3.39 x 10-3 P 0.26 < 10-3 < 10-3 0.76 0.31 0.95 151 Table S5. Results of the GLMMs carried out using the second and third principal 152 components (respectively PC2 and PC3) extracted from the mandrill Fourier 153 coefficients as response variable. GLMMs were performed as described in the main 154 text. Response variable: PC2 Statistic value Random Group X21 = 6.88 x 10-9 factors Female X21 = 5.24 Log(Age) F1,6 = 0.07 Fixed Dominance rank F1,6 = 0.08 factors BMI F1,6 = 0.20 155 156 157 P 1.00 0.02 0.80 0.79 0.67 PC3 Statistic value X21 = 9.98 x 10-9 X21 = 1.72 F1,6 = 9.08 x 10-4 F1,6 = 1.03 F1,6 = 1.21 P 1.00 0.19 0.98 0.35 0.31 158 159 160 References 161 Haines AJ, Crampton JS (2000) Improvements to the method of Fourier shape analysis 162 163 164 165 166 Claude J (2008) Morphometrics with R. Springer as applied in morphometric studies. Palaeontology 43:765-783 Kuhl FP, Giardina CR (1982) Elliptic Fourier Features of a Closed Contour. Computer Graphics and Image Processing 18:236-258