Children`s Safeguards Manager

Children’s Safeguards Manager
Children’s Safeguards
Management Grade A
Merton Council’s vision is to make Merton a great place to live, work and learn. Underpinning
this vision are five strategic objectives which will drive the work of the Council in the coming
years: Education Merton – the achievement of standards of excellence in our schools and
colleges and inclusive access to learning, the arts and sports. Safe, clean and green Merton
– a safe and clean environment in our streets and opens spaces to improve the sustainability
and provide a high quality of life for residents. Caring Merton – support for vulnerable
children that equals the standards of the best and support for vulnerable adults that meets
their needs while maximising their independence. Thriving Merton – regeneration of town
centres and neighbourhoods to provide an attractive environment and in which to live, visit
and work. Equalities Merton – full and equal access to learning, employment, services and
cultural life and the celebration of diversity. Within this context, the Housing and Social
Services Department aims to meet these strategic objectives by delivering services of a
defined quality and which enjoy its customers’ approval and confidence.
The Children’s Safeguards Manager is responsible for ensuring the ongoing development,
quality assurance and effective management of Statutory, Regulatory and other processes for
the safeguarding and care of vulnerable children. This includes acting as the Borough’s
professional Child Protection Co-ordinator and as Custodian of the Child Protection Register.
He or she has lead responsibility for the development of Quality Assurance systems across
the Children’s Division: This includes development of management information processes,
and the analysis of management information, in order to monitor and improve service
delivery; as well as direct audit of casework.
There is a major role in the strategic management and development of multi agency
processes through the Area Child Protection Committee, and the development of Children’s
Safeguarding Boards.
Service Manager, Safeguards, Strategy and Development
5X Independent Reviewing Officers (PO4)
1xQuality Assurance Manager (PO4) [to be confirmed];
1x Safeguards Office Manager (SO1)
2x Register administrators (Scale 5)
3xConference Administrators (Scale 5)
1xLSCB Business Manager (Scale 5) [to be confirmed]
Management/setting of LSCB Budget
Budget Holder for Children’s Safeguards Team
In order to conduct your business within the framework of best value, you will be expected to
develop and maintain relationships with: Head of Service;
Service Managers; Team Managers, Senior Housing Personnel, IBS, Training, Legal Services
Senior Managers in LSCB partner agencies, particularly Education, Health Trusts, Police,
Probation, Senior Mangers in Social Services Departments, DfES; DoH
To understand and promote valuing diversity in the provision of service
delivery and management of staff.
Use computers and other items of information technology in the normal
performance of the duties of the post.
To be aware of and understand the Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy
and ensure that at all times the duties of the post are carried out in
accordance with the policy.
To ensure that the Corporate and Departmental Health and Safety Policies
are implemented at all times and to raise any concerns regarding their
operation, or any other health and safety matter with the appropriate senior
line manager.
To ensure that within the scope of the job purpose, the Council’s aims in
relation to customer service are achieved.
Undertake such other duties as may be required by, or on behalf of the
Director, provided they fall within the range and scope of the duties of the
post as set out in the proceeding paragraphs and are commensurate with
the grade of the post.
1. Responsibility for production of the Children’s Safeguards Team development Plan,
and that it is complementary to the Children’s Division Service plan and Merton’s
Strategic aims.
2. To manage, monitor and produce management information/reports about the
workload and performance of the Children’s Safeguards Team.
3. To manage the work of professional and administrative staff, including Independent
Reviewing Officers; professional Quality Assurance Manager, Office Manager; and
Administrative staff.
4. To provide supervision, appraisal, and development opportunities for managed
professional staff and to ensure that this is provided by the Office Manager for
administrative staff.
5. To manage and account for the Children’s Safeguards Team devolved budget.
6. To deploy appropriate staff resources, in order to ensure that Child Protection
Conferences and Looked After Children Reviews take place in accord with Statutory
and other requirements, including strict timescales.
7. To ensure that other meetings such as Foster Carer Reviews and Strategy Meetings
take place within appropriate time scales.
8. To ensure that effective processes are in place for communication within the
Children’s Safeguards Team including regular Team Meetings.
9. To address and resolve complaints about Team Members, including where
necessary, by using the Council’s Disciplinary processes.
10. To recruit staff including writing Job Descriptions and person Specifications.
11. To Deputise for the Safeguards, Strategy and Development Service Manager as
Quality Assurance:
1. To take lead responsibility in conjunction with Senior Managers, for devising and
operating a coherent, Division wide strategy for Quality Assurance.
2. To supervise and manage the workload of the Quality Assurance Manager.
3. To ensure the ongoing development of the Independent Reviewing Officers role in
identifying and addressing issues in practice or service delivery through operational
managers including Diversity and Equal Opportunity issues.
4. To ensure that appropriate Performance Indicators are developed for the Children’s
Safeguards Team, including self audit and evaluation.
5. To directly monitor and evaluate the performance of Independent Reviewing Officers.
6. To ensue and monitor collection and evaluation of key Performance Indicators with
regard to other Teams within the Children’s Division.
7. To develop and review the production and analysis of Management Information for
the use of the Area Child Protection Committee and provide it with regular written
reports identifying trends and issues..
8. To commission independent audit of cases and processes as necessary.
9. To supervise direct audit work undertaken by the Quality Audit Manager.
10. To undertake regular case audits, in order to contribute to the Divisional responsibility
for regular senior manager audit of cases.
11. To undertake Management Review of individual cases where there are concerns
identified about practice and/or processes, including the actions of staff and their
12. To act as Chairperson of the LSCB Audit Sub Committee, and ensure that service
delivery and practice issues arising form audit of cases is addressed within the
Housing and Social Services Department and within partner agencies.
13. To act as Vice Chairperson of the LSCB Training Sub Committee, and to assist the
Strategy and Development Service Manager in the identification of need for training
provision within Housing and Social Services.
14. To undertake investigations under the Council’s Disciplinary Process, as necessary
Policy and Procedure:
1. To take lead responsibility for establishing arrangements for, and developing, the
Merton Children’s Safeguarding Board.
2. To ensure in conjunction with the Strategy Team Manager that all Government
guidance relating to Safeguarding of Children and Looked After Children is
incorporated into policy and procedure.
3. To keep under continual review, Department policy and procedure in relation to
processes for Looked After Children, Children at risk of Harm and Foster Carer
4. To take lead responsibility for identifying and implementing changes in practice
arising from changes in the Regulations governing the Reviewing Arrangements for
Looked After Children.
5. To develop policy and practice in relation to the H&SSD contribution to Merton
Borough Multi Agency Arrangements for Public Protection, and to represent the
H&SSD on this forum.
6. To liaise with the local Mental Health Trust to develop policy and practice in relation
to joint working practices.
7. To work in close conjunction with the Strategy and Development Team Manager and
the Safeguards Development Officer, ensure that relevant policy, regulation and
procedure is brought to the attention of the LSCB and incorporated into multi agency
processes and arrangements.
8. To ensure that the Safeguarding Development Officer produces the LSCB Annual
Business Plan and budget.
1. To have lead responsibility for ensuring close working, liaison and development of
good practice in relation to Looked After Children and Children at risk of Harm; by
developing formal links and meetings between IRO’s and managers, and by ensuring
close liaison between the Children’s Safeguards Team and operational teams.
2. To take lead responsibility for development of multi-agency working, through the
Merton Children’s Safeguarding Board.
3. To represent the Housing and Social Services Department on the Merton MAPP.
4. To lead in development of good liaison and working practices with the Metropolitan
Police Child Protection Team, including resolving issues of practice and local policy.
5. To represent and promote the position of London Borough of Merton in London-wide
forums, such as London Child protection Co-ordinators meetings and London
Independent Reviewing Officer Meetings.
Specialist responsibility:
1. In accordance with the London Child Protection Procedures, to make decisions about
convening, and to chair, complex and highly sensitive Strategy meetings; including
those where there are allegations against staff and carers, and attended by senior
staff from other agencies, up to the level of Assistant Director; where there are
significant issues arising for the Department and Council, including adverse publicity.
2. To supervise and oversee the Strategy Meeting process in relation to management of
Factitious Illness and where there are issues of Child Prostitution.
3. To provide consultation, advice and information to Team Managers and other staff
within Housing and Social Services in relation to child protection issues and their
4. To provide consultation and advice to professionals from other agencies, including
Voluntary agencies, in relation to Child Protection.
5. To liaise with Child Protection Co-ordinators in other local authority’s, with regard to
contentious child protection issues, and to resolve disputes.
6. To provide direct training as necessary, to Housing and Social Services staff, and
staff from other agencies, in relation to child protection and children in need.
7. To act as Custodian of the Merton Child Protection Register, and as such, to ensure
that all critical functions in relation to the Register, such as notification to OLA’s, and
commissioning of risk assessments, are carried out efficiently.
8. To ensure that the CP Register is accurate, and that information is provided timeously
and appropriately to key partners, through Child Protection on Line and by other
9. To act as the focal point for information with regard to missing children and families
for OLA’s and to ensure that this information is disseminated and acted upon.
10. To ensure that information with regard to Schedule 1 Offenders is managed, and as
necessary, acted upon.
11. To provide professional advice to LSCB CP Conference complaints panel.
12. In accordance with the London Child Protection Procedures, to make decisions with
regard to the disputed transfer of responsibility between Local Authority’s for cases
where there are children on the Child Protection Register.
13. To attend on behalf of LB of Merton, and make written contribution to, inquiry’s
conducted by other local authority’s, under Chapter 8 of “Working Together to
Safeguard Children”, where death or serious injury has occurred, and to assist the
Head of Service in discharging this function in cases where Merton LSCB has lead
responsibility in this respect.
14. To manage Statutory Registers of Looked After Children placed in Merton by OLA’s
and placed by Merton outside of the Borough.
Job Title: Children’s Safeguards Manager
Social Work Qualification - CQSW/DipSW
Experience of managing staff including staff development within a large organisation
Experience of developing and using Quality Audit processes including user feedback
Excellent understanding of Management Information systems and their uses
Experience of developing policy and procedure in response to external factors such
as legislation and Regulation
Significant experience in the management of Child Protection and planning for
Looked After Children.
Significant experience of multi-agency working and project working
Experience of budget management
The competencies described reflect the level of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal
characteristics required for you to effectively perform the role of Children’s Safeguards
Leadership and Strategic Vision
Customer Focus
Delivering Services
Provides a clear sense of leadership and
direction and links strategic aims to policy
and procedure. Identifies continuous
improvement and motivates others positively
to achieve goals, within the organisation, and
with partner agencies. Links development of
people to Team business planning.
Creates mind set for customer focused
service delivery. Encourages quality and
excellence on a divisional and Team basis.
Constantly demands a strong customer focus
from all staff .
Accurately assesses capability to meet future
need. Ensures that services are delivered
appropriately, and in accordance with defined
timescales, taking cultural and ethnic
diversity into full account. Constantly
reassesses people and situations to ensure
Analytical thinking, Decision Making and
Problem Analysis
Managing People
Managing Resources and Implementation
Managing Diversity and anti-oppressive
Social Work
Enabling change
Conducts analysis taking into account
Divisional and Corporate issues. Translates
policy and regulation into departmental
processes. Effectively interprets information
and it’s implications for service delivery.
Ensures that Team environment and culture
recognises and supports achievement.
Facilitates ownership of processes and
objectives by actively encouraging staff to
contribute to their development. Delegates
responsibility effectively and appropriately.
Encourages development through learning
opportunity’s and through Investors In
Effectively monitors budgets and that they
are not overspent. Influences external and
internal stakeholders. Maximises the
resources available to meet goals and
objectives through the setting of performance
criteria. Defines requirements ensuring full
understanding of role and contributions
Promotes Equal Opportunities and
mechanisms for supporting these. Promotes
a culture of valuing diversity. Role models
commitment to the community and valuing
diversity for all. Promotes the establishment
of strategy and mechanisms for encouraging
good practice. Maintains and actively
develops corporate and team relationships
based upon mutual respect and trust.
Actively promotes diversity as a positive
business benefit.
Effectively considers ways to change the way
service is delivered to provide the best
service for the community. Seeks
continuously to improve the culture of the
organisation and team. Seeks to identify skills
needed and finds flexible solutions.
Demonstrates creativity in solving problems,
identifying new opportunities and producing
innovative proposals, ideas and structures.
Political Sensitivity
Is aware of the political dimensions of
corporate decisions and that this awareness
is translated appropriately and with sensitivity
through the division, team and in relations
with other key stakeholders and partner
agencies. Is aware of the political impact of
key decisions and service delivery decisions.
Project Working
Encourages a culture of shared working in
order to achieve goals. Demonstrates
understanding of project management
methodology. Contributes to, and facilitates
multi disciplinary project working.
Encourages and promotes commitment to
building effective partnerships. Makes links
across the Council and with other partner
agencies to build project teams working to
common purposes and goals. Encourages
and promotes commitment to building
effective partnerships.
Communicates goals and strategies clearly
and effectively across the organisation. Can
communicate in a way which recognises
diversity and adopts language appropriate to
the audience. Ability to communicate flexibly
to different stakeholders. High level written
and oral communication skills and the ability
to convey complex information in a readily
accessible form, including presentation to
large internal/external groups, Member
briefings, and Committee Report production.
Project Working (Cont)