Pratibha_Singh,April 2011

Pratibha Singh
B702, Sanmati Kunj, Plot no. 19 A, Dwarka, Sector-06, New Delhi-110075, India
Mobile: +91-9311090750, E-mail:
Work and excel in the field of agriculture by using my varied education and diverse skills in plant
biotechnology for help in creating sustainable solutions for better food and health for everyone.
I have a strong research interest on molecular basis of host-parasite interactions, genomics of fungal
plant pathogens, biotic, abiotic stresses and develop useful plants through genetic engineering
techniques, research and technology management including product stewardship of biotech products. I
am also interested in applied genomics by facilitating marker development and marker assisted breeding.
Technology Advancement Unit, Indo-Swiss Collaboration in Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
Position: Technology Advancement Manager.
Currently responsible for establishing a Technology Advancement Unit in India. This
will play a crucial role in taking newly developed products from development to the
market and will facilitate technology transfer and product development in the area of
agricultural biotechnology. Project management for various projects in the field of
agricultural biotechnology under ISCB programme. Technology management and
advancement of technologies developed from ISCB; such as transgenic crops,
biopesticide, biofertilizers in Indian market. Coordinating a bio safety consortium with
various stakeholders to share and develop bio-safety data packages as per the DBT
guidelines. In addition, coordinating the technology transfer in other developing
E.I. DuPont India Pvt. Ltd., India,
DuPont Knowledge Centre, ICICI Knowledge Park, Hyderabad, India
Position: Research Scientist, Regulatory Compliance and Stewardship.
Established a new Regulatory Compliance group to develop product stewardship and
research management for agricultural biotechnology products at DuPont Knowledge
Centre. In addition, I am also working as member secretary, Institutional Bio Safety
Committee, DuPont India Biotech Division, since it inception till date and responsible
for preparing and submitting reports and project applications to Indian agricultural
biotechnology regulatory authorities. Also working as Research Management System
(RMS), DuPont/Pioneer’s quality management system as process owner, which
incorporates US and Indian regulations, with aim for ISO9000 certification and BIOETS registration and working towards awareness for responsible management of biotech
product through the entire product development pipeline. The role is aligned with
company’s commitment towards responsible plant biotech product stewardship.
Pratibha Singh, 2011
E.I. DuPont India Pvt. Ltd., India,
DuPont Knowledge Centre, ICICI Knowledge Park, Hyderabad, India
Position: Research Scientist, Transgene analysis.
Worked as ‘Principal Investigator’ in Promoter discovery project (identification, cloning,
agrobacterium mediated transformation, transient assays and expression analysis of
putative regulatory elements in corn and rice, transgenic event characterization, copy
number studies by qPCR, GUS histochemical assays, MUG Fluorometry and Luciferase
assays). Studied expression profiles of about 1500 T1 plants in different tissues by GUS
histochemical analysis, MUG fluorometry and Luciferase assays generated by
Agrobacterium mediated transformation. In addition, worked as member secretary,
Institutional Bio Safety Committee, DuPont India AgBiotech Division, since it inception
and responsible for preparing and submitting reports and project applications to Indian
agricultural biotechnology regulatory authorities.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fredericton, Canada.
Position: Research Molecular Biologist.
Worked in a project entitled “Development and evaluation of innovative nucleic-acid
based approaches for safe fast tracking of variety entry testing program for nuclear stock
seed potatoes for diseases” at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fredericton, Canada.
(August 21st, 2006 to February 2nd, 2007). Developed and optimized a multiplex PCR
detection of PLRV, PSV, PVX, PVY and PVYO using FAM, TET, and NED in RTQPCR using Applied Biosystem for accuracy and increased detection limits in crude
lysates from infected leaves and tubers.
Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA.
Position: Postdoctoral Associate.
Worked in a project involved in understanding molecular basis of light regulation in rice
and rice blast interaction. I had been characterizing a blue light receptor gene, mgwc1
from Magnaporthe oryzae and its role in expression of pathogenicity and other down
regulated genes for the disease development. Also role of light in potato storage
conditions were studied. Effect of Penicillium spp. on storage of apples was also studied
at different light conditions.
Molecular Plant Pathology, USDA ARS, DB NRRC, Stuttgart, AR, USA.
Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate.
Worked in the project “Understanding molecular mechanisms of host-parasite interactions
of rice blast (Magnaporthe oryzae) and sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) diseases of rice
(Oryza sativa) at USDA-ARS, Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center, Stuttgart,
AR 72160, USA. Here I was responsible for structural and functional analysis of M.
gresea avirulent gene, AVR-Pita alleles from predominant races in southern United States.
Also molecular and pathological characterization of sheath blight pathogen (about 100
isolates) has been completed from major rice growing areas in Arkansas, United States,
and genes involved in early interactions of rice and R. solani has been identified from
subtractive cDNA library. During my postdoctoral work, I also had been associated to a
high throughput genomic core facility at DB NRRC involving sequencing and marker
assisted selection for rice breeding projects using ABI 3700 DNA analyzers. I had
experienced working robotic liquid handling systems for high throughput analyses.
Pratibha Singh, 2011
Plant Bacteriology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA.
Position: Research Associate (March 2001- June 2001).
Worked in a project on “Regulation of Bacterial Plant Pathogenesis” and was
responsible for screening Erwinia caratovora genomic library for genes involved in
pathogenesis I was able to learn basic bacterial transformation, cloning using traditional
electroporation technique, and some exposure with Arabidopsis and tomato plants.
Department of Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
Position: Research Associate.
My postdoctoral research experience also includes six months association in a project
entitled “Pathogenic variability and molecular markers in isolates of Dreschlera
sorokiniana, incitant of spot blotch of wheat”, in this project fungal DNA isolation
developed from different isolates of Dreschlera sorokiniana from northern parts of India
and development of random primers for determining molecular variability and
inoculation experiments for determining pathogenic variability among these isolates
were established.
Ph. D. in Agriculture, Tottori University, Tottori-680, Japan. 2000. (Advisor: Professor
Keisuke Kohmoto). Title: “Studies on Host-Specific Toxins Produced by Stemphylium
vesicarium Causing Brown Spot of European Pear”.
M. Sc. Ag. (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology), G. B. Pant University of Agriculture &
Technology, Pantnagar, India. 1995. (Supervisor: Dr. Uma Shankar Singh, Department of Plant
Pathology). Thesis Title: “Studies on Inheritance and Molecular Genetics of Host Specificity in
Pyricularia grisea, Blast Fungus”. (Overall Grade Point Average: 4.921/5.000).
B. Sc. (Agriculture & Animal Husbandry) Honours electives in Plant Breeding and
Genetics, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, India. 1992. (Overall
Grade Point Average: 4.927/5.000).
1. Recipient of Monbusho Scholarship awarded by Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture,
Govt. of Japan, 1996-1999.
2. Recipient of Fellowship awarded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, 1992-1995.
3. VICE-CHANCELLOR’S BRONZE MEDAL (for 3rd top ranking in a class of about 150 during
B.Sc. Agriculture & A. H. degree), 1992.
Master Research (2 years, 6 months), GB Pant Univ. of Ag. & Tech., Pantnagar, INDIA,
(Major supervisor: Dr U S Singh)
Pratibha Singh, 2011
1. Basic plant pathological techniques (isolation, purification and multiplication of fungus,
raring plants, inoculation, disease rating etc.)
2. Fungal genetics (identification of mating types of the fungus, crossing, back crossing,
isolation of ascospore progenies and inheritance analysis for various characteristics)
3. DNA finger-printing/RFLP (using DIG labeling)
Doctoral Research (4 years, 6 months), Tottori University, JAPAN
(Major supervisor: Professor K. Kohmoto, APS Fellow)
1. Fungal Morphological studies
2. Toxin bioassays
3. Isolation and purification of toxins (organic extraction, TLC, column chromatography,
HPLC using different detectors)
4. Effect of toxins in plant cells (Transmission electron microscopy under the supervision of
Professor Park, Kobe University, Japan)
5. Ultra structural studies on pear leaf extensively which included effect of toxins on isolated
chloroplasts from pear leaves.
Postdoctoral Research (~ 6 years, 5 months), USDA ARS, Dale Bumper National Rice Research
Center, Stuttgart, AR 72160, and Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850
(Major supervisors: Yulin, Jia (DBNRRC), Kwangwon, Lee and Kathy Hodge (Cornell))
Development of an in vitro inoculation assays for rice sheath blight and rice blast.
DNA (fungal & plant), RNA (fungal & plant), plasmid DNA extractions and PCR, RTPCR.
Construction and screening of genomic libraries for gene of interest and micro arrays.
Northern and Southern blotting using DIG labelling.
Construction of subtractive cDNA libraries (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA).
Cloning using different cloning vectors (pFORCE-Novagen, pDrive –Qiagen, pGEM
Promega, TOPO TA –Invitrogen) and making different constructs.
Sequencing using ABI3700 (Applied Biosystems) and real-time RT-PCR.
Sequence analysis using Vector NTI and database searching using NCBI and other sources.
Oligos, GCK, GeneTraffic (micro array analysis software) and QTL analysis.
Site-directed mutagenesis using PCR.
Agrobacterium-mediated and PEG-mediated transformations of Magnaporthe grisea.
Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (GeneRacer™ RACE-Ready cDNA Kit, Invitrogen).
Research Molecular Biologist and Scientist (~4 years), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and
E.I. DuPont India Pvt. Ltd.
1. Development Nucleic acid based detection techniques for pathogen (virus) in large scale
varietals testing program in a certification lab with good laboratory practices.
2. Expression analysis of transgenes in corn and rice generated by Agrobacterium mediated
3. Transient and stable gene expression assays in corn and rice by Agro strains.
4. Working knowledge of bio-safety issues related to GMOs in India and United States.
5. Export and import requirements related to biological materials within India and US.
6. Inventory management, Document management and sourcing for all the project needs.
7. Regulatory Compliance and stewardship experience in plant biotechnology from lab-field.
8. Document management and quality management system trainings to staff.
Technology Advancement Manager (~1 years), Indo-Swiss Collaboration in Biotechnology,
Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
Pratibha Singh, 2011
Technology management including IP, licensing, monitoring and compliance.
Coordinating various research groups for product development.
Organizing workshops and symposium.
Preparing market analysis reports and projections of product oriented research.
Developing modules and SOPs for product stewardship.
National Seed certification at Tarai Seed Development Corporation, India.
Rural Management at GB Pant University of Ag & Tech, Pantnagar, India.
National Service Scheme at GB Pant University of Ag & Tech, Pantnagar.
Practical Crop Production at GB Pant University of Ag & Tech, Pantnagar.
Japanese 4th Level Proficiency Course, Tottori University, Japan.
OSHA Training (Lab Safety), USDA ARS, DBNRRC, Stuttgart, AR, USA.
Worker Protection Standard Training, U.S. EPA, Cornell University, USA.
WHMIS Certificate, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fredericton, Canada.
Basic Fire Safety and Preparedness (LIFE SAVER Certificate), DuPont India.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Franklin Covey, DuPont India.
Document Management training (proprietary software), Pioneer USA.
Document Control system (SAP based proprietary software), Pioneer, USA.
Introduction to Quality Management Systems (proprietary course), Pioneer USA.
Process approach to Management System (proprietary course), Pioneer USA.
Shipping and handling biotech product (online training), Pioneer USA.
Phytosanitory and permit compliance (online training), Pioneer USA.
Research Management System (RMS) based on BIO-ETS modules, Pioneer USA.
1- Two toxins (named SV-toxin I and II) were found to be produced by pathogenic isolates of S.
vesicarium, and a procedure for purifying SV-toxins from culture filtrates of the pathogen was
(Recently the work has been cited in Plant Disease’s review article “Brown Spot of Pear: An
Emerging Disease of Economic Importance in Europe” by Isidre Llorente and Emilio
Montesinos. Pages 1368-1375. DOI: 10.1094/PD-90-1368.
Role of a photoreceptor, MGWC-1 (transcription factor) in mediating disease development in
rice plant.
Fungal Genetics and Biology, Volume 43, Issue 10, October 2006, Pages 694-706
4- “A decade of experience in R&D and technology management”
Pratibha Singh, 2011
List of publications (~ about 50 total)
1. Singh, P., Bugiani, R., Cavanni, P., Nakajima, H., Kodama, M., Otani, H., and Kohmoto, K.
1999. Purification and Biological Characterization of Host-Specific SVToxins from Stemphylium
vesicarium Causing Brown Spot of European Pear. Phytopathology 89, 947-953 (Cover story).
2. Singh, P., Bugiani, R., Cavanni, P., Nakajima, H., Kodama, M., Otani, H., and Kohmoto, K.
2000. Effects of Host-Selective SV-Toxins from Stemphylium vesicarium, Causing Brown Spot
of European Pear Plants, on Ultrastructure of Leaf Cells. J. Phytopathology 148, 87-93.
3. Jia, Y., Wang, Z., and Singh, P. 2002. Development of dominant rice blast Pi-ta resistance gene
markers. Crop Science. 42:2145-2149.
4. Lee, K., Singh, P., Chung, W., Ash, J., Kim, T., Hang, L., and Park, S., 2006. Light regulation of
asexual development in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and
Biology 43: 694-706.
5. Erxun Zhou, Yulin Jia, Pratibha Singh, James C. Correll, Fleet N. Lee. 2007. Instability of the
Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence gene AVR-Pita alters virulence. Fungal Genetics and Biology
6. Venu, R.C., Jia, Y., Gowda, M., Jia, M.H., Jantasuriyarat, C., Stahlberg, E., Li, H., Rhineheart,
A., Boddhireddy, P., Singh, P., Rutger, N., Kundra, D., Wing, R., Nelson, J.C., and Wang, G.
2007. RL-SAGE and microarray analysis of the rice transcriptome after Rhizoctonia solani
infection. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 278, 4:421-431.
7. Yeshi A. Wamishe, Jia Yulin, Pratibha Singh, Richard D. Cartwright. 2007. Identification of
field isolates of Rhizoctonia solani to detect quantitative resistance in rice under greenhouse
conditions. Front. Agric. China, 1(4): 361–367.
8. Soonok Kim, Pratibha Singh, Sohyun Park, Jaejin Park, Aaron Friedman, Yong-Hwan Lee,
Kwangwon Lee. 2010. A photoreceptor, MGWC-1, mediated disease development in rice plant,
1. Singh, U.S., Kumar, J., Sachan, A. and Singh, P. 1994. Use of DNA intercalating
Fluorochromes for Nuclear Staining in Fungi. In: Molecular Methods in Plant Pathology. U.S.
Singh and R.P. Singh eds. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, USA.
2. Jia, Y., Singh, P., Cartwright, R., Lee, F. N., and Eizenga, G. C. 2002. Molecular and
pathological characterization of the rice sheath blight pathogen Rhizoctonia solani in Arkansas.
Pages 151-156 in: B.R. Wells Rice Research Studies 2001. R.J. Norman and J.-F. Mullenet, eds.
Univ. of Arkansas Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. S 495.
3. Jia, Y., Singh, P., Wang, Z., Winston, E.M., Wamishe, Y., Redus, M. and Rutger, J.N. 2004.
Development of molecular strategies to control rice blast and sheath blight diseases.
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, SAAS online journal (accepted on May 23, 2004).
4. Jia, Y., Singh, P., Eizenga, G.C., and Lee, F.N. 2004. Identification of Rice Genes to Tag
Quantitative Resistance to Sheath Blight in Rice. B.R. Wells Rice Research Studies 2003. R.J.
Norman and J.-F. Mullenet, eds. Univ. of Arkansas Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. S 197.
5. Wamishe, Y.A., Jia, Y., Singh, P., Cartwright, R.D. 2005. Studies on Isolates of Rhizoctonia
Solani from Arkansas for Management of Rice Sheath. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment
Station Research Series 529. P. 142-148.
Pratibha Singh, 2011
6. Yulin Jia, Erxun Zhou, Eugenia Winston, Pratibha Singh, Jim Correll, Fleet N Lee, and Barbara
Valent. 2005. Molecular Co-evolution of the Rice Pi-ta Resistance Gene and Magnaporthe
grisea Avirulence Gene AVR-Pita. Biology of Plant-Microbe Interaction 4.
7. P. Singh, Y. Jia, E.J. Boza, J.C. Correll, and F.N. Lee. 2006. Development of a Molecular
Marker from the Rice Blast Avirulence Gene AVR-Pita for Surveillance of Durable Rice Blast
Resistance conferred by Pi-ta in Arkansas. B.R Wells RR Series.
1. Singh, P., Bugiani, R., Cavanni, P., Kodama, M., Otani, H., and Kohmoto, K. 1997. Production
of host-specific toxin by Stemphylium vesicarium causing brown spot of European pear. Ann.
Phytopathol. Soc. Japan. 63:232.
2. Singh, P., Bugiani, R., Cavanni, P., Nakajima, H., Kodama, M., Otani, H., and Kohmoto, K.
1998. Purification, biological and chemical characterization of a hostspecific SV-toxin from
culture filtrates of Stemphylium vesicarium causing brown spot of European pears. (Abstr.) 7th
International Congress of Plant Pathology, Edinburgh.
3. Singh, P., Park, P., Bugiani, R., Cavanni, P., Nakajima, H., Kodama, M., Otani, H., Kohmoto,
K. 1998. Effects of SV-Toxin(s) produced by Stemphylium vesicarium causing brown spot of
European pear on plasma membranes of susceptible cultivars. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Japan.
4. Jia, Y., Singh, P., Wang, Z., Cartwright, R., Lee, F.N., and Eizenga, G.C. 2002. Cytological and
molecular characterization of rice sheath blight pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Proc. 29th Rice
Tech. Working Group. Little Rock, AR.
5. Jia, Y., Wang, Z., Singh, P., Fjellstrom, R., Correll, J., Lee, F.N., Eizenga, G.C., Gealy, D.R.,
Gibbons, J., Moldenhauer, K., Rutger, J.N., McClung, A., and Marchetti, T. 2002. Opportunities
for the development of rice blast resistant cultivars/germplasm. 3rd International Rice Blast
Conference, Japan.
6. Singh, P., Jia, Y., Cartwright, R., Lee, F.N., and Eizenga, G.C. 2002. Molecular and
pathological characterization of rice sheath blight pathogen isolates from Arkansas using rDNAinternal transcribed spacer sequences. APS 2002 Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI.
7. Jia, Y., Wang, Z., Singh, P., Redus, M., Fjellstrom, R., Johnson, V., Correll, J., Lee, F.N., and
Rutger, J.N. 2003. Molecular interactions of rice blast Pi-ta resistance gene with the rice blast
fungus. Poster for XI-th Congress of International Molecular-Microbe Interaction July 18-26,
All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Podbelsky sh., 3, St. Petersburg,
Pushkin-8, 196608, Russia.
8. Singh, P., Jia, Y., Eizenga, G.C. and Lee, F.N. 2004. Cloning and characterization of induced
genes by the sheath blight pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Proc. 30th Rice Tech. Working Group.
New Orleans, LA.
9. Singh, P., Jia, Y., Eizenga, G.C. and Lee, F.N. 2004. Development of a detached leaf inoculation
method for rapid evaluation of rice cultivar response to sheath blight pathogen. Proc. 30 th Rice
Tech. Working Group. New Orleans, LA.
10. Jia, Y., Singh, P., Winston, E., Wamishe, Y., Correll, J., Lee, F.N., Moldenhauer, K.A.K.,
Gibbons, J. and Rutger, J.N. 2004. Development of molecular strategies to control major rice
fingal diseases in the United States. Proc. 30th Rice Tech. Working Group. New Orleans, LA.
Pratibha Singh, 2011
11. Jia, Y., Wang, Z., Singh, P., Rutger, J.N., Martin, R., and Pinson, S. 2004. Development and
characterization of rice mutant populations for functional genomics of host-parasite interactions.
Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress, Beijing, China.
12. Jia. Y., Wang, Z., Marc, R., Singh, P., Correll, J., Lee. F.N., Valent, B., Xia, Y., and Rutger, J.N.
2004. Development of rice blast Pi-ta resistance gene markers for markerassisted selection
breeding. Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress, Beijing, China.
13. Singh, P., Wamishe, Y., Eizenga, E.C., Lee, F.N., and Jia, Y. 2004. Development of molecular
strategies to control rice sheath blight disease. Phytopathology 94:S96.
14. Winston, E.M., Singh, P., Jia, Y., and Correll, J. 2004. Molecular characterization of
Magnaporthe grisea avirulence AVR-Pita. Phytopathology 94:S107.
15. Wamishe, Y., Jia, Y., Singh, P., and Cartwright, R.D. 2004. Characterization of Rhizoctonia
solani isolates from rice in Arkansas. Phytopathology 94 S:107.
16. Jia, Y., Singh, P., Winston, E.M., Wamishe, Y., Corell and Valent, B. 2004. Molecular evolution
of rice Pi-ta gene and fungal Magnaporthe grisea AVR-Pita gene. Phytopathology 94:S47.
17. Jia, Y., Rutger, J.N., Wang, Z., Singh P., Martin, R., and Pinson, S. 2004. Development and
characterization of rice mutant populations for functional genomics of host-parasite interactions.
Phytopathology 94:S47.
18. Correll, J.C., Y. Jia, E.J. Boza, P. Singh, and F.N. Lee. 2005. How does the rice blast pathogen
defeat a resistance gene? Proced. of the 30th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, Feb 29 March 3, 2004, New Orleans, LA, p104.
19. Singh, M. P., Singh, P., Singh, U., Awasthi, R. and Kolte, S. 2005. Exploration of
micronutrients and growth regulators for management of alternaria black spot, white rust and
downey mildew diseases of rapeseed. Phytopathology 95:S97
20. K. Lee, S. Kumar, Q. Sun and P. Singh. 2005. Establishing circadian clock-related syntenic
blocks in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea via a new global synteny mapping approach.
Phytopathology 95:S57.
21. K. Lee, P. Singh, W. Chung, J. Ash, and S. Park. 2005. Light regulation on the epidemiologyrelated phenotypes in rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Phytopathology 95:S57.
22. Jia, Y., Winston, E.M., Singh, P., Zhou, E., Wamishe, Y., Jia, M.H., Correll, J., Rutger, J.N.
2005. Molecular Coevolution of Rice Resistance Gene Pi-Ta and the Corresponding
Magnaporthe Grisea Avirulance Gene Avr-Pita [abstract]. In: Plant and Animal Genome
Conference Proceedings. P. 74.
23. Jia, Y., Zhou, E., Winston, E., Singh, P., Wang, Z., Correll, J., Lee, F., and Jia, M. 2005.
Translational genomics: A case study of rice Pi-ta resistance gene. Proced. 2005 International
Conference on Plant Molecular Breeding. P3-7.
24. Jia, Y., Zhou, E., Singh, P., Winston, E. and Jia, M. 2006. Molecular mechanisms of blast
resistance gene Pi-ta mediated defense response. Proc. 31th Rice Tech. Working Group. Texas.
25. Jia, Y., Singh, P., Jia, M., Wang, G., Wamishe, Y., and Zhu, L. 2006. Development of molecular
strategies to control rice sheath blight disease. Proc. 31th Rice Tech. Working Group. Texas.
26. Jia., Y., Lee, F., Correll, J., Singh, P. and Zhou, E. Progress in developing molecular markers for
tagging Magnaporthe griseas pathotypes in the USA. Proc. 31th Rice Tech. Working Group.
27. Lee, K., Singh, P., Chung, W., Ash, J., Kim, T., Hang, L., and Park, S., 2006. Light Regulation
In Magnaporthe oryzae. In: Plant and Animal Genome Conference Proceedings.
Pratibha Singh, 2011
28. R. Venu, Y. Jia, M. Gowda, M. Jia, M. Bellizzi, P. Singh, N. Rutger, G. WANG, 2006. RLSAGE analysis of the rice defense transcriptome during rice and Rhizoctonia solani interaction.
Phytopathology 96:S118.
29. K. Lee, P. Singh, W. Chung, J. Ash, T. Kim, L. Hang, S. Park. 2006. Disease-suppressing roles
of light in pathogenic interactions between Magnaporthe oryzae—Oryza sativa. Phytopathology
30. Y.Jia, M. H. Jia, P. Singh, K. Gubrij. 2006. A profile of expressed rice genes in response to the
sheath blight pathogen Rhizoctonia solani revealed by DNA microarray. Phytopathology 96:
31. Technology Advancement Unit: poster in International Conference on Bioremediation, 2011,
Delhi University, Delhi.
32. BioAsia, 2011: Participated as panellist in a panel discussion: Bio business; Asian Gateway, 23
February, 2011.
33. Technology Advancement Unit: poster ISCB International Symposium, 2011, New Delhi.
1. “A decade of experience in R&D and technology management” 2011;
2. “Market analysis for Biosensor in pesticide residue analysis in India” 2011; ISCB in progress.
Pratibha Singh, 2011
Dr Keisuke Kohmoto, (retired)
Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture
Tottori University, JAPAN
Fax and Phone:81-0857-31-5356 (O)
Dr Motoinchiro Kodama,
Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture
Tottori University, JAPAN
Fax and Phone:81-0857-31-5356 (O)
E-mail :
Dr U.S. Singh, Professor
South Asia Regional Project Coordinator, STRASA
(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Programme)
IRRI, Liaison Office for India,
2nd Floor, CG Block, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012
Tel: +91-11-25843347, 25841292; Cell: +91-9999429944;
Dr G. K. Garg, Director, Research
Krishidhan Seeds Limited
Krishidhan Bhavan, Plot No. D-3 to D-6,
Addl. MIDC, Aurangabad Road, Jalna-431213, India
Ph : +91-2482-222600, Fax : +91-2482-222611
Cell : +91-9422927499
E-mail : or
Dr Yulin Jia, Molecular Plant Pathologist
USDA ARS, Dale Bumper National Rice Research Center
2890 Hwy 130 E., Stuttgart AR 72160, USA
Phone: 1(870) 672-9300 ext.223
Cell: 1(870) 659-7021
Fax: 1(870) 673-7581
Dr Melvin Grundleger,
Compliance and Stewardship Manager,
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Iowa,
Cell: 1(515) 720-3389
Pratibha Singh, 2011