Programa de Pós-Graduação em Neurociência e Cognição
Rua Santa Adélia, 166. Bloco B, 8º Andar.
09210-170, Santo André, São Paulo, Brasil
Phone: (11) 4996-0047
General Information
Name of candidate:
Date of birth:
Undergraduate program:
Year of conclusion
Graduate program:
Year of conclusion
Reference names (optional)
If solicited to send a letter of recommendation, list the names of the professionals
Institutional email/phone:
Institutional email/phone:
Institutional email/phone:
I want to apply for a program scholarship (yes/no)?
Are you applying for a scholarship from funding agents
I was granted a scholarship for this program (yes/no)?
I Intend to work exclusively to the program activities (yes /no)?
In all cases, the dates and times will be chosen by the program Coordination
I request that the interview be conducted in person (yes / no) :
If you answer no, quote the account in Skype
General exam
I would like to replace the exam by the Graduate Record Examination
(GRE) (sim/não)
Date of completion of the GRE :
I would like to do the Engish version exam (sim/não)
Grade / classification
Name of test:
Standardized Examination of Proficiency in English
I f you have made one of the following tests: TOEFL, IELTS or equivalent .
I would like to take the test at the UFABC (yes/no)
Line of research sought (mark with x)
Cognitive Science Systems Neuroscience Mathematical and Computational Modeling
Describe the reasons why you want to do this program, please briefly describe your expectations, plans and areas of interest in research and development
- Complete all applicable fields of the form;
- The indication of reference names is optional;
- If you quote other information, such as specialization and graduate programs, use the available space in the latter camp.
The general proof can be taken in Portuguese or English, at the choice of the applicant. The candidate may also, at his choice, replace the written test with the GRE General Test. In this case, the candidate is not obliged to take the English proficiency test.
O candidato pode substituir, a seu critério, o exame de proficiência em Inglês por um dos testes padronizados, como o TOEFL.
The candidate may substitute, at his discretion, the English proficiency test by one of the standardized tests such as TOEFL.
The interview will be held by teleconference or in a UFABC facility, according to the choice of the candidate. When the applicant choose the teleconference modality, he our she must ensure the availability of the skype software, a broadband Internet connection and a webcam. The interview may be conducted in English.
The program Coordination does not require but encourages all applicants to come in contact with the laboratories and supervisors of the program, to visit the facilities and get to know the areas of interest and possible research projects. Candidates may also prepare a research project and apply for a scholarship to FAPESP, through mentors, even before they are accepted as students in the program. The request for a FAPESP scholarship does not reduce the chances of the student to receive a scholarship from CAPES institutions. However, the approval of an external scholarship increases the score of the applicant during the selection process.