Continuing Resolutions - Bethesda Lutheran Church

Bethesda Lutheran Church
1517 Northwestern
Ames, Iowa
Of the By-Laws of the Congregation (in editing to incorporate approved structure 11-16-2014)
p. 2
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Section A.
Section B.
Section C.
Section D.
Section E.
Section F.
p. 3
Past President
p. 3
p. 4
p. 5
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p. 6
p. 6
p. 8
Section A. General
Section B.
Section C.
Administration Network
p. 9
Section D.
Section E.
Section F.
Section G.
Personnel Ministry Team
Prayer and Spiritual Care Ministry Team
Communications Ministry Team
Budget Ministry Team
Contributions Ministry Team
Memorials and Gifts Ministry Team
Endowment Fund Ministry Team
Financial Oversight Ministry Team
Facilities Ministry Team
Staff Support Ministry Team
Governing Documents Ministry Team
Welcome and Hospitality
Outreach Network
Family Life Network
Discipleship Network
Worship Network
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p. 16
p. 17
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p. 18
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p. 22
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Section A.
Baptized Membership
1. Baptism is also a covenant with God. In the case of young children below the age
of discretion, this is expressed in the promises which the parents and sponsors
make on behalf of the child to be baptized. Before the Baptism, therefore, a
pastor is to meet with the parents to determine that the parents are informed and
serious about the commitment which they will make.
2. All baptismal actions described above, excluding emergency baptisms, shall be
done only after consultation with the pastor(s). All baptisms shall be recorded in
the Permanent Record of the congregation.
Section B.
Confirmed Membership
1. A baptized child of the congregation shall become a confirmed member through
the public Rite of Affirmation of Baptism.
2. All confirmations shall be recorded in the the Permanent Record of the
Section C.
Voting Members
1. The lead administrative support staff person shall keep the official record.
2. Voting members shall have the right to vote at legally called and conducted
meetings of the congregation.
Section A.
Approve the use of any gifts, memorials or bequests for expenditures which are part
of the current annual budget.
Section B.
Approve any new full-time staff position recommended by the Church Council.
Section C.
A group of thirty or more voting members of the congregation may propose
amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws or Continuing Resolutions. Proposed
changes must be submitted for review to the Governing Documents Ministry Team
not less than sixty days prior to the meeting of the congregation at which such
proposed changes shall be considered.
Section D.
A group of twenty-five or more members may require the president place an item on
the agenda of any semi-annual or special meeting of the congregation.
Section A.
The Lead Pastor
1. The Lead Pastor shall serve as head of staff and shall recommend to the Church
Council the hiring, promotion and dismissal of all staff.
2. The Lead Pastor shall be responsible to see that all employees are reviewed
annually according to the schedule approved by the Church Council. This is
located in the Personnel Policies Handbook. Copies of the written reviews shall
be given to the Lead Pastor for review and placed in the employee’s personnel
3. The Lead Pastor shall serve as staff advisor for the Outreach Network, the
Worship Director and the Administration Network.
4. The Lead Pastor shall provide the Church Council with a monthly summary of
pastoral acts and congregational statistics.
5. The Lead Pastor, along with the Past President, shall serve to mentor council
members in intentional spiritual formation and leadership development.
6. The Lead Pastor shall have further responsibilities as approved by Church Council
in the position description in the Personnel Policy Handbook.
Section B.
The Teaching Pastor
1. The Teaching Pastor shall serve as staff advisor for the Discipleship Network.
2. The Teaching Pastor shall serve as staff advisor for the Family Life Network and
supervise any of the Network’s paid personnel.
3. The Teaching Pastor, along with the Past President, shall serve as the mentor for
the Gifts in Ministry Team.
4. The Teaching Pastor shall have further responsibilities as approved by Church
Council in the position description in the Personnel Policiy Handbook.
Section C.
The pastors, in consultation with the Family Life Network and the Discipleship
Network, shall determine the curriculum to be used in the instruction of both children
and adults.
Section D.
Worship Director
1. Pastoral Staff will serve as mentors and spiritual guides to the Worship Director.
2. The Worship Director shall serve as staff advisor for the Worship Network.
3. The Worship Director shall have further responsibilities as approved by Church
Council in the position description in the Personnel Policy Handbook.
Section A.
1. Persons elected or appointed to an office of the congregation shall have the
following qualifications:
a. They shall be exemplary in regular worship and willing contributors to the
ministry and mission of the congregation in accordance with their abilities.
b. They shall possess abilities and interests in the areas of ministry to which they
are elected.
2. Paid staff members are ineligible to serve as elected Officers of the congregation.
3. No elected Officer of the congregation may hold concurrently any position on a
Network Coordinating Team.
4. Officers in certain circumstances may hold other positions if deemed appropriate
by the Church Council.
5. The officers shall interview pastoral candidates who are nominated to receive a
call from the congregation.
6. The Church Council may assign the administrative role of a pastor to an Officer.
7. Signature authority is given to the officers listed below to sign and execute deeds,
bonds, mortgages, contracts, or other instruments, once congregational
authorization has been given, as outlined in the By-laws. Two signatures
required: President or President-elect and the Secretary or the Treasurer together
shall have the authority in order that the congregation may carry on its business.
Section B.
The President
The President shall:
1. Preside over the meetings of the Church Council.
2. Designate a member of the Governing Documents Ministry Team to serve as
Team Leader.
3. Upon recommendation of the Gifts in Ministry Team and approval by the Church
Council, appoint each year in February:
a. One member to the Memorials and Gifts Ministry Team for a three-year term,
not to exceed two terms.
b. One member to the Governing Documents Ministry Team for a three-year
renewable term.
c. Two members to the Personnel Ministry Team for a three-year term, not to
exceed two consecutive terms.
d. The required number to fill the expiring terms of the Endowment Fund
Ministry Team.
e. A Financial Secretary, if necessary.
f. Members of the Budget Ministry Team as needed.
4. Appoint the members and team leaders of any task forces created by the Church
Council with the approval of the Church Council.
5. Appoint persons to fill vacancies in the unexpired or unfilled terms of elected
positions (excluding the President-elect), upon recommendation by the Gifts in
Ministry Team and approval by the Church Council. If a presidential appointee
fills an unexpired term of less than one year, that period of service shall not be
considered in determining eligibility for succession. Upon completion of the
initial term as a presidential appointee, the individual must then stand for election.
In the event this is a council appointment, the presidential appointee only serves
until the next election.
6. Call a special meeting of the congregation upon receipt of a petition signed by 25
or more voting members of the congregation.
7. Have the privilege of calling special meetings of the Network Facilitators.
8. Prepare the agenda for all meetings of the congregation in consultation with the
officers, pastor(s) and program staff.
9. Request agenda items for semi-annual meetings from the congregation.
10. Include on the agenda of congregational meetings items requested by:
a. A group of 25 or more voting members
b. A majority of the Church Council
c. A Network Team
d. Any member of the pastoral or program staff
11. Present a report to the congregation at the semi-annual meetings.
12. Contact any member of the Church Council who is absent from two meetings
without excuse before the office is declared vacant.
13. Appoint required number of delegates to the following organizations or meetings
of the Southeastern Iowa Synod of the ELCA:
a. Annual Synod Assembly
b. Annual Conference Gathering
Section C.
The President-elect
The President-elect shall:
1. If the President-elect should resign or be unable to serve, a replacement will be
recommended by the Gifts in Ministry Team, approved by the Church Council
and affirmed by the congregation at the next semi-annual meeting.
2. The President-elect shall serve as a member of the Governing Documents
Ministry Team.
3. The President-elect shall serve as team leader of the Memorials and Gifts Ministry
Section D.
The Past President
The immediate Past President shall:
1. Serve a one year term. In case the immediate Past President cannot serve, the most
recent available Past President will serve this role.
2. Serve as a member of the Governing Documents Ministry Team.
3. Serve as a spiritual formation mentor to members of the Church Council and the
Gifts in Ministry Team.
4. May serve as the team leader of the Gifts in Ministry Team.
5. Communicate to the Gifts in Ministry Team all vacancies to be filled by the
congregation and the eligibility for re-election of any incumbent.
Section E.
The Secretary
The Secretary shall:
1. Be responsible administratively to the President of the congregation.
2. Keep accurate, official minutes, in original form with all attachments, of all
meetings of the congregation and of the Church Council. Copies of the minutes
shall be submitted to the administrative specialist in the church office.
3. Conduct all official correspondence requested by the congregation, the Church
Council or the President.
4. Perform all duties customarily incident to the office of Secretary, including such
duties as may be assigned by the Church Council or the President.
5. Give all notices of meetings in accordance with the provisions of the governing
6. Facilitate the recording of attendance of congregational members at legally called
and conducted meetings of the congregation.
7. Facilitate the preparation of the published resources required for the semi-annual
and special meetings of the congregation.
8. Serve as a member of the Governing Documents Ministry Team.
9. Maintain a current roster of elected and appointed leaders and their terms of
Section F.
The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
1. Be responsible administratively to the President of the congregation.
2. Deposit or cause to be deposited, in the name of the congregation, all monies or
other valuable effects in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall
from time-to-time be designated by the Church Council.
3. Oversee the work of the Business Administrator, Financial Secretary and any
assistants appointed to assist the Financial Secretary as well as the work of the
Memorials and Gifts Ministry Team.
4. Review and sign checks for payment of invoiced goods and services.
5. Prepare written financial reports by the fifteenth of each month for the Church
Council. Business Administrator shall then distribute network-applicable sections
to Network Coordinating Teams.
6. Present all written financial reports to the Church Council.
7. Present to the congregation at its semi-annual meetings complete financial reports.
8. Ensure that accurate official records, in original form with all attachments, of all
financial transactions of the congregation are kept.
9. Monitor a petty cash fund, with limits established by the Church Council.
10. Review, sign and transmit all financial records information required by ELCA and
government agencies.
11. Give a fidelity bond in such amount as the Church Council shall designate for the
Treasurer, as well as for all others having access to funds, including the Financial
Secretary and any assistants that may be appointed. The premium on such bond
shall be paid out of funds of the congregation.
12. Perform all duties ordinarily incident to the Office of the Treasurer.
13. Provide general financial oversight to the Auxiliaries of the congregation.
14. Serve as a resource to the Memorials and Gifts Ministry Team.
15. Upon expiration of the term of office, turn over to the successor in office all funds
of the congregation in the Treasurer's possession, custody or control.
16. Be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Budget Ministry Team.
17. Be ineligible to serve on the Financial Oversight Ministry Team during the term
of office and for three years after leaving the office.
18. Serve as a non-voting member of the Endowment Fund Ministry Team.
Section A.
If a member is absent from two meetings without excuse, the Church Council may
declare the office vacant.
Section B.
The agenda for all meetings of the Church Council shall be circulated in advance to
the members, including items for discussion and/or action requested by the Network
Section C.
The Church Council shall approve appointments as proposed by the President to fill
vacancies in unexpired terms of appointed or elected positions. Should the term be for
less than one year, it shall not be considered in determining eligibility for succession.
Section D.
During the course of the year, the Church Council has the authority to adjust the
general budget appropriations to each Network Team or Task Force. This would
occur only in the event of significant deviations from estimated receipts or
unanticipated expenses. In such an event, authority to modify specific line items
remains vested in the respective Network Teams or Task Forces.
Section E.
In order to accomplish its duties, the Church Council may appoint task forces;
establish a purpose statement which shall be reviewed annually by the Church
Council; and name a staff liaison. A task force shall:
1. Shall be responsible to the Church Council.
2. Shall have all members serving one-year terms from July 1 to June 30 or less. On
task forces existing longer than one year, there is no limit to the number of terms
which a member may serve.
3. May include members of the Church Council as members. If no members of the
Church Council are included, the Church Council shall assign one of its members
as a liaison with the task force.
4. May have its own funds allocated in a line item by the Church Council from the
management and operations budget.
5. Shall be authorized to determine the use of the funds allocated to it by the Church
Council, within the guidelines established for the task force. These guidelines
shall include those Church Council-approved policies in the church’s Financial
Policies and Procedures Handbook, located in the Business Administrator’s
6. Shall be responsible for reports to the Church Council, including an annual report
which outlines the finances of the task force.
Section F.
The Church Council may authorize sabbatical leave for professional staff members
subject to the following policies:
1. Sabbaticals may be granted to those for whom it can be demonstrated that the
leave will increase their value to the church.
2. The length of a sabbatical leave will be from one to three months.
3. The professional staff member shall receive full salary and benefits during the
4. A professional staff member is eligible for sabbatical after six years of
employment and on the average of every six years thereafter.
5. Application and approval of sabbatical leave shall be made prior to the completion
of the budget process for the year in which the sabbatical is proposed to be taken.
6. The application to the Church Council for sabbatical leave shall include a
preliminary study plan.
7. A formalized study plan and arrangements for filling the church staff member’s
position during the proposed leave shall be submitted to the Church Council at
least two months in advance of the proposed start of the sabbatical leave.
Section G.
The Church Council may formulate alterations or additions to the Constitution,
Bylaws or Continuing Resolutions. However, the Church Council is obligated to
submit the proposed changes to the Governing Documents Ministry Team to check
for conformance with the other governing documents not less than sixty days prior to
the proposed meeting of the congregation at which time such proposed changes shall
be considered.
Section H.
A majority of Church Council members may require the president place an item on
the agenda of any semi-annual or special meeting of the congregation.
Section I.
The Church Council shall recommend to the congregation for final approval the
creation of any new full-time paid staff positions.
Section J.
The Church Council shall approve the description of each staff position.
Section K.
The Church Council may assign duties to the elected officers and appointed positions
in addition to the duties defined in the governing documents.
Section L.
The Church Council shall pre-approve any significant, permanent or enduring
changes that will impact the property’s appearance, structure or infrastructure.
Section M. The Church Council shall be responsible for the covenant relationship between
Bethesda Lutheran Church, Ames, Iowa and Shighatini Lutheran Parish, Ugweno,
Tanzania, formally established August 9, 2003.
Section N.
No Church Council member may serve on the Staff Support, Personnel or Financial
Oversight ministry teams.
Section A. In addition to the duties outlined in ByLaw VI, Section C, conduct the process of
nominations and elections in accordance with these Continuing Resolutions.
Section B. Make nominations for vacancies in the elected positions.
1. All persons nominated for elected position shall be voting members of the
congregation as defined in Bethesda‘s Constitution.
2. All nominees shall agree to serve prior to their nomination.
Section C. Proceed according to the following timetable:
1. Survey the elected positions to develop a list of vacancies by October 1.
2. Vacancies will be posted in the November congregation publications.
3. Identify eligible persons to serve in vacant positions.
4. Encourage members of the congregation to submit nominations by November 30th
for any of the elected positions using a form and process developed by Gifts in
Ministry Team.
Compile list of all nominees and to present at the December Church Council
meeting to include:
a. source of nomination
b. biographical information
Upon the Church Council’s approval, prepare the final ballot to be included in the
January annual report.
Biographical information for all candidates should be made available in
congregation publications.
Should a vacancy remain on the printed ballot for any elected position prior to the
January annual meeting, the Gifts in Ministry Team may nominate a candidate at
the January annual congregational meeting. In the event there are unfilled ballot
slots, nominations from the floor may be made by members of the congregation,
providing the nominees have agreed in advance to have their name placed in
nomination and a short presentation on their qualifications is given. This
nomination must be seconded.
Before the election at the January annual meeting, the names of all nominees shall
be read and those nominees present, introduced to the assembled voters.
There shall be no absentee ballots. (see By-laws Section II.E)
Only eligible voting members of the congregation (as defined in the Constitution)
may vote.
Members of the Gifts in Ministry Team shall supervise the tally of votes and
announce the results to the meeting.
a. In order for a person to be elected to any office, that person must receive a
simple majority of the vote cast for that office.
b. If a simple majority is not achieved, a runoff election will be held between the
two candidates with the most votes.
Section A.
1. The full Network Team shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
2. If a Network Team member is absent without excuse for two regular meetings, the
Network Facilitator shall contact and counsel the member prior to recommending
appropriate course of action to the Church Council.
3. The Church Council may request Network leadership to attend selected Church
Council meetings for discussion of plans or issues, or to report on progress or
4. The Network Facilitator shall prepare agendas of all regular meetings and share
them with Network Team members prior to the meeting.
5. The Network Facilitator and staff advisor shall notify the President of those
identified and appointed to serve as Communicator and Gift Specialist prior to the
first network meeting following the January elections.
6. Each Network Communicator shall record the minutes of all Network
Coordinating Team meetings. Copies of the minutes shall be submitted to the
congregation secretary and administrative specialist in the church office.
7. The Network Ministry Teams shall hold regular meetings, either monthly or on a
schedule to be determined by the Network Facilitator and its staff advisor.
8. No elected or appointed Network Team member may serve on the following
ministry teams: Staff Support, Financial Oversight, Personnel; nor as a memberat-large of the Call Committee.
9. All Network Facilitators will meet regularly as a group, to share stories of
ministry successes and challenges and to collaborate and coordinate future
Section B.
1. Cooperate and collaborate as a team with other Networks, being especially
mindful of areas where responsibilities overlap and where mutual goals may be
worked upon together.
2. Exercise good financial stewardship and give written authorization for all
budgeted expenditures within the Network. Meet designated budget submission
dates, as defined annually by church treasurer. It is the policy of Bethesda
Lutheran Church to solicit bids, quotations, or proposals for any purchases,
repairs, or services that are anticipated to cost more than $2,000. Further details
are included in the Church Council-approved in the church’s Financial Policies
and Procedures Handbook located in the Business Administrator’s office.
3. Provide general direction and support for ministry teams regarding designated
contributions and non-budgeted expenditures.
4. Submit reports for the semi-annual meetings of the congregation to the Business
5. Maintain an organized and thorough set of records, including minutes of Network
meetings, and any additional reports that will be passed on to future Network
Team members.
6. Submit in advance to the President any items to be discussed or acted upon at
Church Council meetings.
7. Participate in a new leader orientation session each year following the annual
8. Submit recommendations regarding possible changes to the congregation’s
governing documents to the Governing Documents Ministry Team.
9. May require the president to place a Network initiative on the agenda of any semiannual or special meeting of the congregation.
10. Initiate new ministry teams based on the Team’s interpretation of the
congregation’s mission, vision and values.
11. Affirm and provide support and counsel to newly chartered ministry teams formed
by congregational members that are closely related to the network’s mission.
12. Through its Gifts Specialist, assist the Gifts in Ministry Team by identifying
candidates for vacancies in elected positions, in a timely manner as set by Gifts in
Ministry Team deadlines. Assists its Network Ministry Teams in identifying
needed ministry team members.
13. Request on an annual basis charter updates from individual ministry teams
assigned to the Network Team. Charter update forms are available in the office
and are to outline ministry progress and outcomes, and to ensure accountability to
the congregation’s mission, vision and core values. The Network Teams shall
encourage and expect the ministry teams to share ministry stories on a regular
basis (see Appendix.)
Section C.
Administration Network
1. The general purpose of the Administration Network is to support, guide and
implement the fiscal, building, personnel, communications, care, and governance
aspects of the congregation’s mission, vision and values.
2. The Network shall develop and sustain a vision for prayer and spiritual care as a
central element of the administration of the congregation’s ministry and mission.
3. This Network includes, but is not limited to, the following ministry teams:
Budget, Communications, Contributions, Endowment Fund, Facilities, Financial
Oversight, Governing Documents, Memorials and Gifts, Prayer and Spiritual
Care, Personnel, Staff Support, and Welcome and Hospitality.
4. The Lead Pastor serves as mentor and spiritual guide for the Administration
Administration Network Teams are as follows:
5. Personnel Ministry Team
a. The Personnel Ministry Team shall consist of six members of the
congregation appointed by the President of the congregation for three-year
terms. Members of the Team will be encouraged to serve two terms. No
member may serve more than two consecutive terms.
b. Two members shall be appointed each year to three-year terms.
c. The Team shall:
Annually review job descriptions (including staff responsibilities),
personnel policies and reporting roles for all staff members. Such
updates are to be the Council.
ii) Review current compensation of Bethesda Lutheran Church staff in
comparison to synod and other guidelines. Collaborate with the Lead
Pastor and Budget Ministry Team in recommending changes in
compensation to the Church Council.
iii) Recommend to the Church Council any staff position revisions, new
staff positions, or the elimination of positions.
iv) Establish annual performance evaluation procedures for all staff. The
evaluations will be conducted in October with the results communicated
to the Church Council prior to December 31.
v) Establish and update as needed a Personnel Policy Manual.
6. Prayer and Spiritual Care Ministry Team
a. Provides prayer support to the ministries and leaders of the congregation
b. Exemplifies a faithful and appropriate approach to discipleship and leadership.
c. Discerns God’s will for this congregation through prayerful listening.
a. Receives prayer requests from the Church Council, the Gifts in Ministry
Team, the Network Teams and other leaders.
b. Offers support, affirmation and encouragement to congregational leaders
through various means.
c. Conveys specific prayer requests and/or petitions to worship leaders.
Duties and Responsibilities
a. Meets regularly to lift up in prayer specific prayer requests of congregational
b. Determines best methods for carrying out this ministry of support
7. Communications Ministry Team
a. The Communications Ministry Team shall include all Network
Communicators and a representative from the Gifts in Ministry team under the
leadership of the Administration Network’s team communicator.
b. The Church Council secretary and staff Communications Coordinator shall be
ex-officio members of the team.
c. Team meets as needed and no less than quarterly.
d. Minutes shall be taken and distributed according to current procedures.
e. Periodic updates are given to the Church Council, summarizing the team’s
goals, objectives, plans, progress, accomplishments and issues.
f. Purpose:
i. Builds up the body as a connected community, committed to and excited
about its shared mission, vision and values
ii. Enables everyone to know what is happening, become more invested in it
and celebrate how God is at work among and through us
iii. Builds a bridge of positive visibility into the surrounding community, who
will know us as a God-centered, loving, outward-focused people
g. Relationships:
i. Receives support, encouragement and strategic direction from the Church
Council, via the presence of the Council Secretary on the team
ii. Partners with staff Communications Coordinator and members of our
congregation to assist them in providing a clear, concise, coordinated
message that is aligned with the congregation’s mission, vision and values
h. Duties and Responsibilities:
i. Works with staff Communications Coordinator, through a broad set of
communication tools including print media, website, and other social media
to increase our faith community’s visibility to the wider community.
a. Provide a coordinated message, through ‘Bethesda branding’, that
reflects the congregation’s mission, vision and values.
b. Plan and carry out every communication intentionally, with the goal of
executing our God-centered, outward-focused strategy
ii. Works with network ministry teams, through network coordinating team
meetings and staff Communications Coordinator to enable transparent and
effective communication within and across ministries within the congregation.
Methods of communication may include in-house newsletters, dedicated
facebook pages, email blasts and so on.
a. Communicate opportunities for members of our faith community to be
positively involved in each other’s lives and the life of the church
b. Provide appropriate ways for sharing our ministry stories
8. Budget Ministry Team
a. Prepares and tracks the annual budget in order to enable the ministries of the
b. Consists of the Treasurer, plus at least four additional individuals appointed
annually by the President with a passion for this ministry.
c. The budget-making process shall include, but not be limited to, the following
During August – October, the congregation and its leadership teams will
be invited to submit goals, new ministries, programs and mission tasks
for the coming fiscal year.
ii) By seven days prior to the September Council meeting, the Budget
Ministry Team shall have received the initial funding requests from each
Network team.
iii) By seven days prior to the December Council meeting, the Budget
Ministry Team shall develop a preliminary draft of the budget, which
incorporates estimated revenues as reported by the Stewardship Ministry
Team and the proposed expenditures as submitted by the Network
Coordinating Teams.
iv) In early January the Budget Ministry Team shall present and solicit
feedback on a preliminary draft of the budget to members of the
Network Coordinating Teams and the congregation. [Each Network
Coordinating Team shall reserve the privilege of determining specific
disbursements within its overall budget allocation.]
v) At a meeting of the Council in January, the Budget Ministry Team shall
present a final draft of the balanced budget to the Council for its
approval, along with a complete set of the original proposals submitted
by all Networks.
vi) At least 10 days prior to the January semi-annual meeting, the proposed
budget approved by the Council shall be published for review by
members of the Congregation.
9. Contributions Ministry Team
a. The Contributions Ministry Team is responsible for the accurate counting,
recording and depositing of all contributions, fees and receipts for whatever
b. The Team shall consist of the Financial Secretary, who is appointed by the
President to serve as team leader. At least four other individuals, selected by
the Financial Secretary, will serve as Recording Assistants and Counting
c. Neither the Financial Secretary nor the assistants shall concurrently, or for
three years thereafter, serve on the Financial Oversight Ministry Team.
d. The Financial Secretary shall:
Be responsible administratively to the Treasurer of the congregation.
The Financial Secretary shall also work in close liaison with the
Business Administrator.
ii) The assistants shall be responsible to the Financial Secretary for
accomplishing the duties assigned to the office. The Recording
Assistants shall record all receipts counted by the Counting Assistants
each week. Contributions for whatever purpose shall be credited to
members and, whenever possible, to non-members.
iii) Furnish the Treasurer with a duplicate deposit slip for all deposits.
iv) Be responsible for regular contribution statements to all members,
reporting their contributions for whatever purpose to date. This may be
delegated to the Business Administrator in the church office.
10. Memorials and Gifts Ministry Team
a. The Team shall have three members, in addition to the President-elect and
either the Business Administrator or the Financial Secretary, the determination
of which will be made by the President-elect, in consultation with the
Business Administrator and Financial Secretary.
b. One of the three members shall be appointed each year in July for a three-year
term by the President of the congregation with the approval of the Church
Council. The tenure shall not exceed two terms.
c. A majority of the members constitute a quorum.
d. The Team shall be responsible for the process of accepting and designating all
gifts in cash or kind, memorials and bequests. The Church Council shall be
notified immediately of any memorial or gift of cash or item valued at $5,000
or greater.
e. The Treasurer of the congregation or a designee shall exercise responsibility
for the current investment of all funds on hand, including reserve funds,
restricted or unrestricted gifts of cash, memorials or bequests, or other forms
of investments as approved by the Church Council, or until such time as the
funds actually are disbursed.
f. It is the responsibility of the Team and the Church Council to make certain
that all gifts, memorials and bequests are disbursed as designated. Only the
congregation can approve the use of gifts, memorials and bequests to be used
for expenditures of the current annual budget. This vote is to be taken at a
legally called and conducted congregational meeting.
g. The Team shall submit both written minutes of all meetings and a monthly
financial report prepared by Financial Secretary or Business Administrator to
the Network Facilitator of the Administration Network.
h. The Team shall submit financial summary reports of the status of current and
distributed funds for the January and June Congregational Report booklets.
i. The Team shall maintain a record of the names of all donors, their gifts, their
designated use and dates received. A copy of this record shall be kept on file
with the lead administrative support person in the church office.
j. The Team shall maintain a current Bethesda Memorials and Gifts Ministry
List, a list of needs to which contributions may be designated. Items on the
list, compiled from Networks, Ministry Teams and staff, are expenditures not
included in regular budgets. The Team will provide a Memorial and Gifts
Ministry List to donors, potential donors, family members, congregation
members and Networks and Ministry Teams with each Semiannual report, via
the website and monthly newsletter.
k. The Team shall make disbursements according to the following procedures:
The Team will consider requests for disbursements that reflect the vision
and mission of the church; that help to meet the nonbudgeted resources
identified on the current Ministry List; and that help the Networks and
Ministry Teams to better carry out their goals and programs.
ii) The Team also may consider requests for disbursements following
guidelines established by a donor that advance the vision, mission,
ministries and programs of Bethesda.
iii) Family Memorial Restricted Funds less than $200.00 will automatically
be transferred to Unrestricted Memorial Funds after six months.
iv) If accounts of more than $200.00 remain undesignated after six months,
team members will contact families to designate a specific purpose (i.e.,
from the Ministry List) or to determine the funds should be transferred to
unrestricted status. Additional family contacts for these accounts shall
be made after 12 months. After two years, if a family has made no
decision, the Team shall transfer the funds to unrestricted status.
v) Some memorials or gifts may be given by a donor or family with a
designated purpose to benefit the goals or programs of a Network or
Ministry Team. The Team shall use its discretion, with the Lead Pastor
as mentor, in making these designated funds available for expenditure by
the appropriate Network or Ministry Team and without further approval.
vi) Funds may be withdrawn in direct payment for expenditures related to
designated use of a gift, memorial or bequest.
vii) Funds may be withdrawn to reimburse the general funds of the
congregation for expenditures for designated use of gifts, memorials or
viii) Funds contributed towards a specific ministry project will be held for
five years in a designated, restricted account. If, after five years the
money has not been spent as designated, the Memorials and Gifts
Ministry Team will request that the project be reviewed by the Church
Council as to whether it is still one of Bethesda’s long-term goals. If it
is determined that this project is still a goal, the funds will be held and
available for another five years. If it is determined that this project is no
longer a goal of Bethesda, Memorials and Gifts (project funds under
$5,000.00) or the Church Council (project funds of $5,000.00 or more)
will designate how these specific monies will be distributed to other
ministry priorities.
l. Acknowledge with thanks, to the receipt of all gifts of whatever kind on behalf
of the congregation.
m. Unrestricted gifts, memorials or bequests of $5,000.00 or more will be brought
before the Church Council for determination of their use.
11. Endowment Fund Ministry Team
a. The Team shall consist of five members, appointed by the president. The term
of each member shall be three years. Every three-year period, two members
shall be appointed the first year, two the second year, and one the third year.
No member shall serve more than two consecutive three-year terms. After a
lapse of one year following the serving of two three- year terms, a member
may be reappointed.
b. The Team shall meet at least semiannually.
c. A quorum shall consist of at least three members. When only three members
are present, a unanimous vote shall be required to carry any motion or
d. The Team shall choose from its membership a team leader and recording
secretary. The team leader or member designated by the team leader shall
preside at all Team meetings.
e. The recording secretary of the Team shall maintain summary minutes of all
meetings and supply a copy thereof to each member of the Team. Copies of
the minutes shall be maintained by the recording secretary and by the Team
leader and a copy shall be maintained in the church office. The recording
secretary shall also supply a copy of the minutes to the Network Facilitator of
the Administration Network.
f. The Team shall work with the Business Administrator and the Treasurer of the
congregation in maintaining and coordinating complete and accurate accounts
for the Bethesda Lutheran Church Endowment Fund and all other necessary
documents on behalf of the congregation in furtherance of the purpose of the
Bethesda Lutheran Church Endowment Fund.
g. The Team Leader shall include a report of the activities and the administration
of the Bethesda Lutheran Church Endowment Fund in the printed report to the
semiannual meetings of the congregation as well as to the Church Council.
h. The Team may request other members of the congregation to serve as advisory
i. No member of the Team shall engage in any self-dealing or transaction with
the Bethesda Lutheran Church Endowment Fund in which the member has a
direct or indirect financial interest and shall at all times refrain from any
conduct in which his/her personal interests would conflict with the interest of
the Bethesda Lutheran Church Endowment Fund.
12. Financial Oversight Ministry Team
a. The Financial Oversight Ministry Team shall consist of three members,
elected by the congregation. The members shall be elected for a renewable
three-year term on a rotating basis. The senior member shall serve as the
Team Leader.
b. Members of the Team should have knowledge of financial affairs and
understand the proper procedure for a review. Members shall not be Officers,
Network Facilitators or anyone handling funds of the congregation.
c. The Team shall:
Do a thorough, satisfactory review of the congregation's records and
funds each year, including those of the auxiliaries.
ii) Submit a written report for the January Congregational Reports booklet,
giving assurance that congregation records and funds are in order.
iii) Make recommendations as needed concerning improvements in
recording and financial practices.
iv) Be authorized to call on outside assistance if this is deemed appropriate
by the members of the Team. Any related expenses must be approved by
the Administration Network Team.
13. Facilities Ministry Team
a. The Team consists of at least five members with a passion for this ministry
and are appointed by the President in consultation with the Lead Pastor.
b. Enhance the congregation's mission and ministry by means of the building and
c. Care lovingly for the buildings and grounds as God's house.
d. Be wise stewards of all properties entrusted by God to the congregation.
e. Provide for the pleasure and comfort of everyone who uses the facilities.
f. Shall establish an inventory of all church property and update it annually.
g. The Facilities Supervisor shall serve as a resource to the team.
14. Staff Support Ministry Team
a. The Team consists of at least five members with a passion for this ministry
and are appointed by the President in consultation with the Lead Pastor.
b. Members of the Team shall have a genuine love for other people and a broad
understanding of the congregation, its mission and the role of the staff.
c. The Team shall name its own team leader.
d. The Team shall always be available to meet at the initiation of the pastors or
full-time program staff or individual members of the team.
e. A majority of the Team’s members shall constitute a quorum.
f. All meetings and conversations of the team shall be held in the strictest
g. The Team does not establish policy. It serves as a consultant. It can make
recommendations to the Church Council and, if necessary, to the congregation
assembled in a legally called and conducted meeting.
h. The Team shall have as its primary concern to affirm, equip and encourage all
staff, including support staff, in team ministry to carry on the functions and
ministries entrusted to them by the congregation and to ensure the spiritual,
mental, physical and financial well-being of the staff serving Bethesda.
Individual team members shall serve as liaisons and confidants with
individual members of staff in pairings which will be mutally agreed
upon. Meetings may be initiated by either member of the pair.
ii) The Team may meet without all or some staff present.
iii) The Team may consult with Officers and other members of the
iv) Recommendations involving staff should be shared with all staff before
being presented to official bodies of the congregation.
i. The Team shall consider staff morale as it relates to working conditions,
interpersonal relationships, professional and personal development and work
j. The Team may request information from the Church Council as necessary.
15. Governing Documents Ministry Team
a. The membership of the Governing Documents Ministry Team shall consist of:
The President-elect, Past President and the Secretary.
ii) Three members of the congregation appointed by the President, with one
member appointed each year in January for a three-year term. The
President shall appoint the Governing Documents Ministry Team
iii) The Lead Pastor or his/her designee.
b. The Secretary of the congregation shall serve as secretary of the Team.
c. Meetings shall be held as need requires; however, there shall be at least one
meeting held at least sixty days prior to each semi-annual meeting.
d. The Team shall:
Have the authority to formulate proposed alterations and additions to the
Constitution, Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions and to submit the
same to the Church Council for its consideration. The Team shall
submit a recommendation regarding proposals submitted by members of
the congregation, the Church Council or an Officer to the congregation
at the meeting at which the proposals are to be considered.
ii) Review annually the adequacy and consistency of the Constitution,
Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions.
iii) Take responsibility for implementing the procedures for additions or
alterations to the Constitution, Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions.
iv) Solicit annually recommendations from the Officers, the Church
Council, the Networks, members of the congregation, the pastor(s) and
the program staff regarding possible additions and alternatives.
v) Review any proposed alteration or additions to the constitutions of the
Auxiliaries and shall recommend appropriate action to the Church
Council insofar as the proposed changes relate to the Congregation’s
constitution, bylaws and continuing resolutions.
16. Welcome and Hospitality Ministry Team
Section D.
Outreach Network
1. The purpose of the Outreach Network shall be to:
a. Interpret and implement the congregation’s ministries of outreach, service and
mission, seeking to give balanced expression to ministries of mercy and
b. Enable persons to engage the Gospel through acts of compassion and
c. Enable persons to envision how they might be a blessing to the world and
empower them to do the same
2. This Network includes but is not limited to the following ministry teams:
Bethesda Community Food Pantry, Bread for the World Offering of Letters, Good
Samaritan, Prayer Shawl, World Hunger, CROP Walk, Care Ministries,
Fellowship, and the Bethesda Tanzania Ministry Team.
3. The Network also includes partnerships with various ministry organizations. The
Network is responsible for appointing representatives to the following ministry
a. Bethany Manor 9 representative(s) for terms of 1 year. Nine members to be
appointed each year.
b. Riverside Bible Camp 5 representative(s) for terms of 1 year. Five members to
be appointed each year.
c. Emergency Residence Project 1 representative for term of 1 year. One
representative to be appointed each year.
d. InterFaith Council 1 representative for a term of 1 year. One representative to
be appointed each year.
Section E.
e. Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance Cooperative 1 representative for a term
of 1 year. One representative to be appointed each year.
The Lead Pastor serves as mentor and spiritual guide and is an ex-officio, nonvoting member of all teams within the Network.
The Network provides general direction and support for the Bethesda Community
Food Pantry (an auxillary ministry of the congregation). The Network Staff
Advisor and the Network Facilitator serve as liaisons to the Food Pantry.
Fellowship Ministry Team
a. The Fellowship Ministry Team shall carry on ministry through the nurture of
Chrisitan community.
b. The Team shall build community through shared experiences in dining,
visiting, service and recreation.
c. The Team shall seek to promote groups which meet the needs of all people.
d. The Team shall encourage celebration to be central to the life of the
Bethesda Community Food Pantry
In response to the needs of our community at large, the Network will sponsor a
Community Food Pantry.
a. Its mission shall be: “to demonstrate Jesus’ love for others by providing
supplemental food to all who ask.”
b. It shall be governed by six to nine Advisors appointed by the Outreach
Network Team selected from Bethesda and from partner churches providing
financial or volunteer support.
c. Advisors’ terms shall be for three years with one-third of the membership
appointed to begin their terms July 1 each year. Advisors may be re-appointed
for a second term.
d. A staff liaison from Bethesda shall be an ex-officio Advisor and Advisors may
request Pantry volunteers to be ex-officio Advisors as well.
e. The Advisors shall be responsible for the total program of the Food Pantry
ministry in cooperation with the Bethesda staff liaison.
f. The Advisors shall make a written and, if requested, oral report each quarter to
the Network Team. This written report shall include a financial report.
g. The Advisors shall establish policies and procedures to govern the operations
of the Food Pantry.
h. The Food Pantry will function as an auxiliary of the congregation according to
the policies defined in CR IX, Auxiliaries.
Family Life Network
1. The purpose of the Family Life Network shall be to:
a. Interpret and implement the congregation’s ministries to, with and for
children, youth and families;
b. Strengthen families through intentional spiritual direction;
c. Incubate the developing faith of children and youth;
d. Equip and empower children, youth and families to live faithfully in daily life.
2. This Network may include, but is not limited to, the following ministry teams:
Sunday School, Confirmation, Lutheran Youth Finding Faith Together (LYFFT),
Bethesda Christian Preschool, Vacation Bible School, and Nursery.
3. The Teaching Pastor and Family Life staff serve as mentors and spiritual guides
for the ministries within this network.
4. Bethesda Christian Preschool
In response to the needs of our community, the Network is authorized to establish
the Bethesda Christian Preschool Board to govern the Bethesda Christian
Preschool. The preschool will function as an auxiliary of the congregation
according to the policies defined in CR IX, Auxiliaries.
Section F.
Discipleship Network Team
1. The purpose of the Discipleship Network shall be to:
a. Interpret and implement the congregation’s ministry of growing adult disciples
who are spiritual leaders in the church and in the world;
b. Develop and support a wide-ranging array of adult faith formation
c. Empower congregational participants to envision themselves as called and
sent disciples of Jesus Christ.
2. The Network may include, but is not limited to, the following ministry teams:
Small Groups, Adult Faith Formation, Library, Stewardship, Leadership
Development, New Members, Cool Congregations, InterFaith, and Women’s
3. The Network provides general support and oversight to the Women’s Ministries.
Women’s Ministries will function as an auxiliary of the congregation according to
the policies defined in CR IX, Auxiliaries.
4. The Teaching Pastor serves as mentor and spiritual guide for the Discipleship
Network and its ministry teams.
5. Stewardship Ministry Team
a. The Stewardship Ministry Team shall consist of at least five members with a
passion for this ministry or those appointed jointly, if necessary, by the
Network Facilitator and the Staff Advisors.
b. The team is responsible for:
i) affirming Biblical principles of stewardship;
ii) expanding Bethesda’s mission through increased support;
iii) enabling individual members and the corporate community to become
more effective servants and stewards;
iv) conducting an annual stewardship emphasis, challenging all members to
make financial pledeges in support of the mission and ministry of the
congregation; and,
v) submitting an estimate of the projected income from all sources for the
coming year to the Budget Ministry Team by December 1 of each year.
Section G.
Worship Network
1. Pastoral Staff will serve as mentors and spiritual guides to the Worship Director.
2. The Worship Director serves as staff advisor for the Worship Network.
3. The purpose of the Worship Network shall be to:
a. Partner with Worship Director and other teams in developing a vision for the
congregation’s worship life;
b. Support and sustain the worship life of the congregation;
c. Encourage and equip worshipers to fully participate in worship both
corporately and privately;
d. Cultivate music and the arts in service to God and for the enrichment of the
congregation’s worship life.
4. The Network may include, but is not limited to, the following ministry teams:
Ushers, Visual Arts, Lay Readers, Worship Planning Teams, Greeters, Choirs &
Ensembles, Assisting Ministers, Audio/Visual Technicians, Communion
Assistants, Saturday Evening Hosts and Saturday Evening Musicians.
Section A.
1. When a pastoral vacancy occurs, a Call Committee shall be formed, consisting of:
a. President of the congregation
b. President-elect of the congregation
c. Four At-large members elected by the congregation
d. Two At-large, confirmed high school youth elected by the congregation
e. Four congregation members ideally serving on the Network Coordinating
Teams (facilitator, communicator, gift specialist) or Gifts-in-Ministry Team.
These four members are to be appointed by the Church Council.
f. Pastor serving as administrative officer, as an ex-officio member
2. All at-large members shall be nominated by the Gifts-in-Ministry team and
elected, under the supervision of the Gifts-in-Ministry team, by the congregation
at an officially called meeting of the congregation. The election will be conducted
by written ballot, with the persons receiving the most votes in each category
selected. If there is a tie, a run-off election between the tied candidates will be
held immediately.
3. The Council will select the Call Committee Chair before the congregational
election and appoint the other three members after the election of the congregation
at-large members.
4. A recording secretary will be determined by the Call Committee once established.
5. If the call is a specialized one, at least two of the Church Council appointees and
two of the at-large members elected by the congregation shall represent areas
involved in the specialized call.
6. If an Associate in Ministry vacancy occurs, a Call Committee shall be formed
consisting of the President of the congregation, the relevant Network
Facilitator(s), two members from the Network(s) whose area of ministry is
involved in the staff call and two at-large members of the congregation appointed
by the President with the approval of the Church Council.
Section B.
1. The pastor serving as administrative officer may designate other pastoral staff to
serve as ex-officio, non-voting member of a call committees for rostered positions
within the program areas that they advise.
2. The tenure of the Call Committee will end after the installation of the rostered
a. The Call Committee may participate in the planning and leading of the
installation worship service.
b. The Call Committee may provide transition support to the newly called
rostered staff.
Section A.
Approved congregational auxiliaries are Women’s Ministries, Bethesda Community
Food Pantry, and Bethesda Christian Preschool.
Section B.
1. Auxiliaries support and extend the vision, ministry and mission of the
2. The Auxiliaries function within a specific ministry area as approved by the
congregation and identified in the Auxiliary’s governing documents.
Section C.
Operation and Relationship to the Congregation:
1. Auxiliaries are authorized to establish their own governing documents.
2. Any decisions, enactments or performances of Auxiliaries must be in compliance
with the Bethesda Lutheran Church governing documents.
3. At least one officer of each Auxiliary shall be a member of the congregation.
4. The Auxiliaries are authorized to maintain separate financial accounts and
records, maintaining checking and saving accounts and other investments in
depositories approved by the Church Council.
5. As part of their ministries, Auxiliaries may invite and involve the leadership and
participation of non-members of the congregation.
6. All permanent records of Auxiliaries shall be kept in the church office.
7. Auxiliaries shall relate to the Church Council through their respective Network
Coordinating Teams.
8. The staff advisor for an Auxiliary will be their respective Network’s staff advisor.
Section A.
The people of Bethesda Lutheran Church believe it is in the best interest of the church
and the children and youth (persons 18 or younger) for the church to protect the
physical, mental and emotional well-being of the children and youth who participate
in church-sponsored activities at Bethesda.
The purpose for determining and implementing policies and procedures for adults
who work with children and youth in the church is to protect the children and youth
from abuse and the adults from being unfairly accused of any form of child abuse.
Churches may be liable for incidents and injuries that result from "negligent
supervision"; that is, the failure to exercise reasonable care in the supervision of the
church workers and church activities. The risk of negligent supervision can be
reduced by adhering to certain policies. These policies and procedures also apply to
the rostered staff, recognizing special situations involving confidentiality in
performing their duties. The following policies and procedures will be in effect at
Bethesda Lutheran Church.
Note: All staff and volunteers working with children or youth must be able to provide
1. Prior-Record Rule
Adults who have been convicted of either child sexual or physical abuse should
not volunteer service in any church-sponsored activity or program for children or
2. Six-Months Rule
All volunteers working with youth or children must have participated in Bethesda
Lutheran Church activities for six months or more or have suitable references
from other churches in which they have participated.
Two-Adult Rule
For the purpose of this policy, “adult” is defined as a person age 19 or older.
It is our goal that a minimum of two unrelated adult workers will be in attendance
at all times when children are being supervised during our programs and activities.
Some youth classes may have only one adult teacher in attendance during the class
session; in these instances, doors to the classroom will remain open and there will
be no fewer than three students with the adult teacher. Exceptions to this rule may
include the confirmation mentor program, counseling young people, providing
transportation, and teen-age nursery assistants. Such exceptions will be handled
a. obtaining parental permission;
b. using an "open door" policy. (The door to the room where the youth and adult
are meeting is left open unless there is a clear window in the door or a clear
side window beside it. Doors will never be locked while persons are inside
the room.)
4. Parental Permission
Adults, paid staff or volunteers who have legitimate reasons to meet alone with a
child or youth should obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian before
spending time with the child or youth in an unsupervised situation. This
procedure could be used, for example, with the confirmation mentor program,
counseling or providing transportation.
If getting parental permission is a problem; for example, if a youth is having
problems in parental relationships and desires a visit with an adult in the church
about those problems, the person doing the counseling could ask the youth for
permission to involve a second adult or youth.
If the youth needs last minute transportation, such as a ride home after a church
youth group event, the supervising adult will follow the emergency contact
5. Emergency Contact Procedure
When parents enroll their child and/or youth, they are to provide contact
information and any necessary consent that staff or volunteers will need if there is
an emergency involving their child and/or youth. A "Child/Youth Care Emergency
Contact Information and Consent Form" is included in this policy document. The
form includes a statement of parental consent to administer first aid and get
emergency services for their child. The staff will request that parents update this
form at least once every year.
6. Adequate Personnel
It is our goal that programs and activities that involve children and youth should
always include adequate supervisory personnel. (Adequate supervision would
usually be a ratio of one adult to every ten youth.) Supervision will be maintained
before and after the event.
7. Teen Assistants
We encourage confirmed teens to participate as teaching assistants under the
direct supervision of an adult leader.
8. Church Nursery
Two or more supervisors will be in the church nursery any time children are left in
their care. The nursery will be closed when fewer than two supervisors are
present. Children will only be released to their parent or someone the parent has
9. Overnight Rule
Two or more adults must always be involved in any church-sponsored overnight
youth activity. All adult chaperones and supervisors will be cleared in advance by
the appropriate church leaders/staff.
10. Reporting Suspicious Behavior
Any inappropriate conduct or relationship between an adult worker and a child or
youth will be reported and investigated immediately using the procedure outlined
in the "Child Safety Response Plan".
11. Training in Child and Youth Safety
Through printed materials and training sessions, adults who work with children
and youth will be informed of the policies and procedures under which the church
operates. Supervisors will be made aware of the legal penalties of misconduct,
especially sexual relationships with minors. They will be made aware of the
extent and limitations of the coverage provided by the church insurance policy.
The parents of children in Bethesda programming will also be informed of the
child safety policies and procedures under which the church operates with the
emphasis on the safety and well-being of their children and youth.
These policies and procedures, when applicable, should apply to any group using
Bethesda facilities. Groups requesting use of Bethesda facilities will receive the
Child and Youth Safety Policy.
For all staff and volunteers working with children and youth, specific behaviors
that will not be tolerated include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Physically striking, hitting or spanking of a child or youth;
b. Touching, fondling or kissing a child or youth in an inappropriate or sexual
c. Using verbally or emotionally abusive or sexually suggestive language;
d. Placing yourself in a situation where you are alone with a child or youth
without parental permission;
e. Consuming alcohol or illegal drugs before, during or after any churchsponsored activity or program;
f. Smoking on the church premises or at any church-sponsored activity or
program involving children or youth; and,
g) Possessing and/or accessing obscene or pornographic materials at any church
The following steps will be followed when reporting an allegation of
inappropriate conduct:
a. All allegations of inappropriate conduct will be brought to the attention of the
pastoral staff or designated person.
b. Once reported orally, or to the pastoral staff, a brief written report will be
completed, (see Incident Report Form) including the following information:
 Name of the child or youth involved and the child’s parent’s name;
 Name of the worker/adult/other individual allegedly involved;
 A statement of the allegation of misconduct;
 Date, time and location of the alleged incident;
 Witnesses or other individuals with knowledge or information about the
allegation. (See Incident Report Form.)
c. The pastoral staff or designated person will call the Department of Human
Services Hotline at 800-362-2178 to report the incident to them.
Only the senior pastor or his/her designee or the appointed attorney will speak to
the media concerning a specific case. The following prepared statement may be
used initially:
This is a very difficult situation for the people involved in this allegation. Our
thoughts and prayers are with them. We contacted authorities when we
found out about the allegation and an investigation is underway. Because it
is under investigation, I’m not able to talk about the case specifically. What
I can tell you is that Bethesda has a formal child and youth safety policy in
place to screen all people working with children and youth at our church.
Part of that policy is the two-adult rule, which means that two adults are
present during any church activity that involves children and youth. We
implemented this policy in response to the wide range of activities we
sponsor. It is our deepest desire that this faith community is a safe place,
and ensuring that safety is the purpose of our safety policy.
The church shall provide regularly scheduled training focused on issues of child protection for those working with
children and youth. Attendance at this training or a district or conference sponsored training session shall be required of
all adults and youth helpers who will have direct contact with children or youth in the church’s ministry. The training
may include:
1. The definition and recognition of abuse.
2. The church’s policies on reporting abuse and appropriate forms.
3. The purposes of the policy as protection for children/youth and for church staff/volunteer workers.
4. The meaning and importance of confidentiality.
5. The maintenance of a positive learning classroom environment, including appropriate discipline and age-level
6. The appropriate behavior for teachers and leaders.
Child and Youth Safety Policies and Procedures
Primary Screening Form for Adults (age 18 years and older)
Bethesda Lutheran Church
1517 Northwestern Avenue
Ames, Iowa 50010-5299
(515) 232-6256
Bethesda Lutheran Church is committed to providing the safest possible environment for our youth. Therefore, this form is to
be completed by all applicants for any position (volunteer or compensated) involving the supervision and/or custody of children
or youth participating in Bethesda programming. This is not an employment application, but is part of a process to provide a
safe and secure environment for the children and youth who participate in our programs.
Date of Birth: (mo/day/yr) __________________________
Name: (Last)_______________________________________________ (First)________________________
Address: ___________________________________City/State: _______________ Zip Code: __________
Phone Number: (Home) ________________________________ (Cell) ______________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Current Employer: ______________________________________ Phone: __________________________
Do you have a current driver’s license? Yes _________ No _________
If yes, please list your driver’s license number: ________________________________________________
Have you ever been convicted and/or charged with child abuse or neglect? Yes _____ No_____
Have you been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony or been under the supervision of the corrections system
within the last 7 years? Yes _____ No _____
If yes to either, please explain: _____________________________________________________________
Emergency Information:
Do you have any medical conditions which may require the use of medications or emergency medical treatment; i.e.
diabetes, heart condition, epilepsy, allergies, etc.? Yes ______ No ______
If yes, please describe: ________________________________________________________________________
In an emergency notify: (Name/Relationship) _____________________________________________________
Phone: (Day) __________________________________ (Evening) _____________________________________
Physician’s Name: _______________________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Hospital Preference/City, State: ________________________________________________________________
Church History and Prior Experience Working with Children and/or Youth:
Current Church membership ______________________________________________________________
(Name of church / City, State)
Length of membership (months or years) ____________________________________________________
References familiar with you:
Name/Relationship: ________________________________________ Phone: _______________________
Name/Relationship: ________________________________________ Phone: _______________________
Applicant’s Statement:
By signing below, I certify that the information contained in this application is complete and true to the best of my knowledge. I
understand that discovery of misrepresentation or omission of facts could be cause for immediate dismissal. I authorize Bethesda
Lutheran Church to investigate all statements contained in this application for volunteer services, as well as my character and
qualifications. I authorize Bethesda Lutheran Church to contact any of my references for full information (including opinions) that
they may have regarding my character and fitness for work with children and youth. I hereby release these employers, references, and
others, including record custodians from all liability for providing information in good faith and without malice. I waive any right that
I may have to inspect any information provided about me by any person or organization identified by me in this application.
Should my application be accepted, I agree to be bound by the bylaws and policies of Bethesda Lutheran Church and to refrain from
abusive or inappropriate conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of the church.
Waiver to Participate/Medical Release:
In consideration of your acceptance of my participation, I hereby, waive any and all rights and claims for damages I may now or
hereafter have against individuals associated with this program and event(s), for any and all injuries suffered by me in said program
and event(s). I certify that: I have full knowledge of any risks involved; I’m physically fit and satisfactorily trained to participate; and I
have no medical or physical conditions that prevent my participation. Further, if I sustain an injury or become ill while on the premises
of, or while engaged in an activity associated with Bethesda Lutheran Church, I do hereby give my permission and/or consent to the
personnel of Bethesda Lutheran Church to secure and authorize such emergency medical and/or treatment as I might require.
This is a legally binding agreement, which I have read and understand all the information contained in this application.
Applicant’s Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________
Important: Please read carefully before signing.
A consumer report and/or investigative consumer report including information concerning your
character, employment history, general reputation, personal characteristics, police record,
education, qualifications, motor vehicle record, mode of living may be obtained in connection
with your application for and/or continued employment with the employer.
A consumer report and/or an investigative consumer report may be obtained at any time
during the application process or during your employment with the employer. A consumer
report containing injury and illness records and may be obtained after a tentative offer of
volunteer session has been made. Upon timely written request of the personnel department of
the agency, and within 5 days of the request, the name, address and phone number of the
reporting agency and the nature and scope of the investigative consumer report will be
disclosed to you. Before any adverse action is taken, based in whole or in part on the
information contained in the consumer report, you will be provided a copy of the report, the
name, address and telephone number of the reporting agency, and a summary of your rights
under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
You hereby authorize and request, without any reservation, any present or former employer,
school, police department, financial institution, division of motor vehicles, consumer reporting
agencies, or other persons or agencies having knowledge about you to furnish Safety Pros USA
with any and all background information in their possession regarding you, in order that your
employment qualifications may be evaluated.
Signature Date
Volunteer Information Form
DIRECTIONS: Complete all sections of this form for background screening and/or verification.
First Name: ____________________ Middle Name: ________________ Last Name: ____________________
Alias/Maiden Name_______________ Social Security #_______________________ Gender: M F
Date of Birth: month ____ day ____ year_______ Phone: ____________________ E-mail:__________________
Current Address: _________________________ City: ____________ State: _____
Zip: ________ County: ___________ Dates Lived at Address -- From: (mm/yy) ___________ To: _________
Previous Address: _________________________ City: ____________ State: _____
Zip: _______County: ___________ Dates Lived at Address -- From: (mm/yy) ___________ To: _________
Previous Address: _________________________ City: ____________ State: _____
Zip: _______County: ___________ Dates Lived at Address -- From: (mm/yy) ___________ To: _________
License # _________________ Issuing State: _____ Date Issued (mm/dd/yyyy): __________Expires:__________
I understand that in conjunction with my volunteer application, the Company may use the services of an outside
agency to research and verify the information I have provided. This agency will provide a written report of its
findings to the Company and may utilize various sources of information it deems appropriate including but not
limited to: Identity Search, Criminal Records Search including criminal conviction records, Sexual Offender/Predator
Search, Previous Employment Search including current and former employer, Military Records, Professional and
Personal References. I authorize and consent to the release and disclosure of any and all information including but
not limited to the above to the Company and this agency. This authorization and release shall remain in effect for
the term of my employment and shall be valid in original, Fax, or copy form. I give permission to screen, verify and
process records by signing below.
Volunteer Signature Date
Is this an:
specify): __________
Names(s) of child(ren)/youth:
How was the accident/incident brought to your attention?
Adults witnessing or present during accident/incident:
Person reporting the accident/incident: ______________________________________
Date, time and location of accident/incident:
Description of the accident/incident as reported or witnessed:
Did anyone else witness the event? If so, list names:
Were there visible injuries? If yes, please list:
How were the injuries treated?
Who treated the injuries?
Were parents/guardians notified?
List the date/time:
Is this an accident/incident requiring mandatory reporting to authorities? ___________________________________
Were any authorities notified?
Who? _____________________
Was the insurance company called?
When? _____________________
What other aspects or details do you need to include?
Name of Preparer (printed): _______________
Filled out by:
Reason for report:
Date of incident: Class/Place:
Name(s) of minor(s) and age(s):
Quote the minor’s first words verbatim:
Briefly describe what happened:
What action did you take?
Has the incident been resolved? Yes No, Explain:
Were there any witnesses? Yes No
Signatures (if possible):
Report submitted to:
Driver must be known to the designated leader of the event;
Driver must be at least 21 years old;
Driver must have a valid state driver’s license for the vehicle being operated;
Driver must have proof of insurance;
Driver must be accompanied by at least two children or youth; and
Driver must have read and signed an acknowledgment form indicating that the policy has been read and
will be followed.
Name of volunteer:
Reference or church contacted:
Date and time of contact:
Person contacting the reference or church: _______________________________________
Method of Contact:
 Telephone
 Letter
 Personal Conversation
Is the information provided by the volunteer correct? _______________________________
Summary of conversation:
Signature ______________________________________________
Print Name _____________________________________________
Position ________________________________________________
Date ___________________________________________________
Bethesda Lutheran Church
Suspected Abuse Incident Report Form
Completing this Suspected Abuse Incident Form will immediately activate an investigation by senior pastor or his/her
designee. All information on this form will be provided on a confidential basis to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
The Bethesda Child & Youth Safety Policy is applicable to all minors age birth to 18 years of age.
Name of person observing or receiving disclosure of child abuse:
Street Address of Reporter:
Phone Number of Reporter: (
Zip Code:
Date of Incident:
Time of Incident:
Minor’s Age:
Name(s) of Minor(s):
Name(s) of those Suspected of abuse or causing neglect:
Relationship of the accused to the minor:
Date/Place of initial conversation with/report from minor:
Minor’s statement (quote relevant statements made by the minor):
Describe the minor’s demeanor and/or appearance:
What immediate action was taken:
Does anyone else have relevant information?
Were there any witnesses?
Report Submitted to:
Reporter’s Signature Date:
Record of Reports of Incident of Suspected Abuse:
Reported to Senior Pastor or Designee:
By whom:
See reverse side of this form for follow-up by senior pastor or his/her designee on the reverse side of this form.
Report to minor’s parent/guardian:
By whom:
Call to local children and family service agency:
Spoke with:
By whom:
Call to local law enforcement agency:
Spoke with:
By whom:
Other contacts:
Spoke with:
By whom:
Other contacts:
Spoke with:
By whom:
Note: It is imperative that the person filling out this report be familiar with the state and local law reporting requirements
before taking action or completing this report.
Ministry Team Charter
“God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spirited gifts.
Manage them well so that God’s generosity can flow through you.”
1 Peter 4:10
Lutheran Church
Date: __________________________
Ministry Name _____________________________________________________________________
Ministry Team Leader (s), Preferred Phone #(s), and Email(s):
The following prompt is key in determining how this ministry relates to the whole of Bethesda, what will be
communicated about it to others, and how the congregation will provide support. The questions below illuminate how
the path you intend to pursue might impact other activities. Please answer as best you are able at this time, using the
back of this sheet if necessary.. Thank you!
This ministry team’s unique reason for being is:
Is this/will this be an ongoing, annual, or limited-time ministry?
What are the financial implications of this ministry for Bethesda?
Will any income be generated by this ministry or regular budgeted funds be needed?
What attention or resources from Bethesda’s staff might be needed?
Is any special use of the facility anticipated?
For Gifts in Ministry Team’s Use
Date Received: _______________________ Network Assigned: ________________________________
For Coordinating Network:
Charter Review Due: ________________________
Approved Budget: ______________________________
Anticipated Income: ___________________________
APPROVED July 1, 1994
REVISED September 1994
REVISED December 1995
REVISED April 23, 1996
REVISED March 12, 1998
REVISED May 14, 1998
REVISED July 6, 2011
REVISED August 2012
REVISED July 2013
REVISED April 11, 2001
REVISED July 16, 2002
REVISED January 20, 2004
REVISED January 11, 2005
REVISED May 19, 2009
REVISED September 28, 2010
REVISED March 2012
REVISED January 2013
REVISED June 2014