1 Running head: European nightjar home-range and habitat use 2 Home-range size and habitat use of European Nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus) nesting in a complex plantation-forest landscape 3 4 5 KATRINA SHARPS, 1* IAN HENDERSON,2 GREG CONWAY,2 NEAL ARMOUR- 6 CHELU3 & PAUL M. DOLMAN1 7 1 8 2 9 3 School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4-7TJ, UK. British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24- 2PU, UK. Forestry Commission, East England, Santon Downham, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27- 0TJ, UK. 10 11 *Corresponding author: 12 Email: katrinasharps1@gmail.com 13 1 14 In Europe, consequences of commercial plantation management for bird species of 15 conservation concern are poorly understood, in contrast to the strong evidence base for 16 farmland birds. The European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) is of conservation concern 17 across Europe due to population depletion through habitat loss. Pine plantation-forest is now a 18 key nightjar nesting habitat, particularly in North-Western Europe and increased 19 understanding of foraging habitat selection is required. We radiotracked 31 nightjars in an 20 extensive (185km2), complex conifer plantation landscape in 2009 and 2010. Home-range 95% 21 kernels for females, paired males and unpaired males were an order of magnitude larger than 22 song territories of paired males, emphasising the importance of habitats beyond the song 23 territory. Nightjars travelled a mean maximum distance of 747m from the territory centre per 24 night. Home range placement relative to study landscape composition was examined by 25 compositional analysis. Pre-closure canopy forest (aged 5-10 years) was selected at all scales 26 (MCP, 95% and 50% kernel), with newly planted forest (aged 0-4 years) also selected within 27 50% kernels. For telemetry fixes relative to habitat composition within 2 km of their territory 28 centre, individuals again selected pre-closure and newly-planted forest, and also grazed grass 29 heath. Open ungrazed habitat was not selected, with implications for open habitat planning for 30 biodiversity conservation within public owned forests. Despite nightjar habitat selection, moth 31 biomass was greater in older forest stands, suggesting that foraging site selection reflects ease 32 of prey capture rather than solely prey abundance. Within large plantation-forest landscapes, 33 a variety of growth stages is important for this species of conservation concern and we 34 recommend grazing of open habitats within and adjacent to forest to additionally benefit the 35 European Nightjar. 36 37 Keywords: habitat selection, foraging, radiotracking, moths 38 2 39 Commercial forest management has important implications but also potential for 40 temperate biodiversity (Peterken 1996; Wallace 2011). Forest age structure, structural 41 complexity and the availability of open habitats determine the species and trait composition of 42 invertebrate (Koivula & Niemelä 2003; Pedley et al. 2013) and plant assemblages (Eycott et al. 43 2006). But the implications of European forest management for bird assemblages are not well 44 understood, in marked contrast to the robust evidence base regarding effects of agricultural 45 management and mitigation measures on farmland birds (e.g. Donald et al. 2001). A body of 46 research has examined the effects of area and landscape context on forest bird assemblages 47 (reviewed by Dolman et al. 2007; Dolman 2012) and avian responses to coppice management 48 in semi-natural deciduous woodlands (e.g.Fuller et al. 2007; Holt et al. 2010). However, within 49 managed coniferous plantation forests, avian responses to landscape composition and stand 50 level management have received scant attention, (though see Donald et al. 1998; Fuller et al. 51 2007), despite their importance to numerous bird species of conservation concern, including 52 species otherwise associated with shrubland, heathland or farmland habitats. 53 During the 20th Century, the European Nightjar suffered a widespread population and 54 range reduction across Europe, primarily due to habitat loss, and was subsequently 55 categorised as a Species of European Conservation Concern (SPEC 2) (Burfield & Van Bommel 56 2004) and protected under Annex 1 of the EC Birds Directive (EC 1979). European Nightjars 57 breed in dwarf-shrub heathland and in pine plantation with sparse tree cover, particularly in 58 North-Western Europe (Tucker et al. 1994); however the extent to which populations breeding 59 in conifer forests also depend on other foraging habitats in the wider landscape is not clear. 60 Improved understanding of the foraging behaviour of forest-nesting nightjars, including home- 61 range extent, the relative importance of forest, heathland and other open habitats, and factors 62 driving habitat selection, will provide an evidence basis for conservation management. 63 Although nightjar song territories (including the nest-site) in plantation-forests have 64 been characterised (Ravenscroft 1989, Scott et al. 1998), home-range extent and habitat use 3 65 beyond this are less understood. Nightjars may forage short distances from the nest, 66 particularly when they have eggs or young (Schlegel 1967, Cross et al. 2005), but have also 67 been recorded foraging an average distance of 3.1km per night (Alexander & Cresswell 1990). 68 Animal home range size may vary between sexes, due to differences in behaviour (e.g. Gray et 69 al. 2009). Unpaired male birds can behave differently from paired males, for example 70 defending multiple territories (Amrhein et al. 2007). The female nightjar’s home-range has not 71 been quantified, results presented for males are based on few individuals (e.g. n = 3, Sierro et 72 al. 2001, n = 4, Spray 2007) and no study has distinguished between paired and unpaired birds. 73 Radiotracking studies of nightjars nesting in plantation forest have produced 74 contrasting results for habitat selection. Birds left mature coniferous plantations to feed in 75 deciduous woodland in Dorset, UK (Alexander & Cresswell 1990) and selected open oak 76 scrubland in preference to vineyards or dense pine forest in the Swiss Alps (Sierro et al. 2001). 77 In contrast, nightjars nesting in mixed age pine plantation foraged in young forest and 78 heathland in East Anglia (Bowden & Green 1991) and in South Wales, UK (Cross et al. 2005), 79 where they also utilised rough pasture. This suggests that nightjar foraging behaviour may vary 80 depending on the availability of habitats within the landscape and on the age structure of the 81 plantation-forest itself. However, previous nightjar radiotracking studies were limited by 82 sample size (n = 11 birds, Alexander & Cresswell, 1990, n = 3 Sierro et al. 2001) or difficult 83 terrain (Cross et al. 2005). 84 Nightjar foraging habitat selection may be based on prey abundance but also the ease 85 of capturing prey (Bowden & Green 1991, Sierro et al. 2001). As moths are a key nightjar prey 86 (Collinge 1920, Schlegel 1967), examination of moth biomass within different habitats, 87 particularly in plantations of different ages and heathland, would enhance current knowledge 88 of nightjar habitat requirements. In the UK, where the Open Habitats Policy aims to recreate 89 open areas within existing forest plantation to benefit species including the nightjar (FE 2013), 90 a clearer understanding of nightjar foraging habitat is crucial. 4 91 In order to increase the knowledge base on the importance of management in 92 coniferous plantations for bird species of conservation concern, we radiotracked male and 93 female nightjars in a complex plantation-forest, comprising a mosaic of tree growth stages and 94 patches of heathland in eastern England, UK. We examined: home-range extent of female, 95 paired males and unpaired males; distances travelled; nightjar habitat use within the 96 landscape and used moth trapping to determine the relationship between habitat selection 97 and available prey biomass. 98 Methods 99 Study site 100 The study was conducted in Thetford Forest (0˚40’E, 52˚27’N), the largest lowland 101 commercial forest in the UK, covering 185km2 of Breckland, East England (Fig.1). This region is 102 characterised by a semi-continental climate and sandy soils and supports many species 103 associated with heathland and ruderal land-uses (Dolman & Sutherland 1992). The forest 104 constitutes part of the Breckland Forest Special Protection Area (SPA), designated under the EC 105 Birds Directive (EC 1979) in 2006 for its internationally important breeding populations of 106 nightjar and woodlark (Lullula arborea). Thetford Forest held 349 males (c. 10% of the UK 107 nightjar population) in 2004 (Conway et al. 2007), representing a decrease from the 1998 total 108 of 420 males (Evans 2002). Numbers have subsequently continued to decline, with 240 males 109 counted in 2010 (Conway & Henderson 2010). 110 Thetford Forest is divided into discrete geographical blocks surrounded by 111 predominantly agricultural land and heathland. All designated heathland is grazed by 112 livestock. Additionally, restoration of seven previously forested areas (totalling 300ha) to 113 grazed heathland began in 2000. Corsican (Pinus nigra) and Scots pine (P. sylvestris) comprise 114 85% of the planted area of the forest (Forestry Commission GIS database). Management by 115 clear-felling (at economic maturity, currently 60-80 years) and replanting of even-aged patches 116 of trees creates a mosaic of growth stages (Eycott et al. 2006). Such contiguous areas of trees 5 117 planted in a single year are hereafter referred to as ‘stands’ (mean area 9.0 ha ±8.6 sd) 118 (Dolman & Morrison 2012). Forest growth stages, following Hemami et al. (2004) (Supporting 119 Information, Table S1), were classified as: restocked (0-4 years since planting); pre-thicket (5- 120 10 years); thicket (11-20 years); pole (21-44 years); and mature conifer (≥45). 121 Radiotracking 122 Nightjars were captured in three distinct areas (Fig. 1), containing similar 123 configurations of habitat, chosen to maximise the number of nightjars captured and based on 124 areas of suitable nesting habitat and accessibility. Birds were located through initial surveys 125 conducted one hour before and after sunset during late May 2009 and 2010. Where nightjars 126 were present, capture was attempted using playback lures (consisting of contact and courtship 127 calls, wing clapping display and male churring) placed at the mid-point of a mist-net. Radio 128 tags, (Biotrack Pip Ag-392) with an above-ground detection range of 0.5-1.2km, were attached 129 to the central tail feather following Bowden and Green (1991). Tags weighed 1.5g, within the 130 recommended threshold of 2% (Kenward 2001) of adult body-weight (mean = 74.25g ±7.14sd, 131 range = 65-95g, n = 33). All tagged birds were ringed, therefore birds were individually 132 recognisable. As females responded less than males to the lure, further attempts were made 133 to catch females in the vicinity of active nests. 134 Nightjars roost during daylight (Cramp 1985) therefore to investigate foraging habitat 135 use, tagged nightjars were tracked from sunset until sunrise between 25th May and 28th 136 August 2009 and 2010 using a Biotrack Sika receiver and 3-element Yagi antenna. Between one 137 and three independent tracking teams operated each night, each comprising two people. Each 138 team tracked one tagged bird per night, with information on the location of other tagged birds 139 in the search area recorded where possible. Birds were tracked using the burst sampling 140 method, following Barg et al. (2005) with bursts lasting approximately eight hours; from just 141 before individuals became active at sunset (c. 21.00) until sunrise (c.05.00) with the last fix 142 taken after the bird was roosting. Fixes were taken every ten minutes from sunset to dusk and 6 143 from dawn to sunrise, and reduced to every 30 minutes between dusk and dawn, when the 144 birds were generally stationary (with the exception of females provisioning chicks throughout 145 the night, which were sampled at a fixed rate of every ten minutes). The interval of ten 146 minutes was sufficient for a nightjar to cross its home-range, ensuring independence of each 147 fix (following Kenward 2001). 148 For each bird, fixes were triangulated sequentially by one person, using compass 149 bearings from three consecutive locations (recorded using hand-held GPS); from an open 150 position whenever possible to reduce signal reflectance (Kenward 2001). The average interval 151 between consecutive bearings was four minutes (±2sd). For each bearing, the time, signal 152 strength and additional clues to the bird’s location were noted (for example, if the bird was 153 sighted or heard). Fluctuations and changes in signal volume indicated that the bird was 154 moving. The bird’s activity was classed as stationary, churring, active or interactive (flying in a 155 group, wing clapping or pursuing another bird) (Supporting Information, (2)). Fix locations 156 were subsequently determined from bearings using LOCATE III (Pacer Co., Canada). Tracking 157 error was measured by comparing locations estimated from triangulation (using either two or 158 three bearings) to the known location of stationary tags (n = 32, measured using handheld GPS 159 with an error < 10m), held by a colleague at ground level in a variety of forest growth stages 160 (restocked, pre-thicket, thicket, mature; n = 8 per habitat). 161 Breeding status 162 Male status (paired or unpaired) was judged using multiple criteria (Supporting 163 Information, Table S4). Although behavioural observations are commonly used to identify the 164 breeding status of male birds (e.g. Van Horn et al. 1995, Guillemain et al. 2003), we 165 acknowledge that some males may have been misclassified or changed status during the 166 season. 167 168 Nightjar ranging and habitat use 7 169 Both male and female nightjars spend a large proportion of time stationary near the 170 nest (Cramp 1985). As home-ranges based on all tracking fixes would be defined by the nest- 171 site rather than foraging locations, only active fixes were used in the analysis. Although 172 criticised for failing to describe space utilisation within the range (Worton 1987), Minimum 173 Convex Polygons (MCPs) are considered comparable among studies (Kenward 2001). Male 174 song territory MCPs were created using fixes for churring locations. Home-range MCPs were 175 also calculated (n = 29, mean fixes = 37, ±16sd, range = 17-72 fixes), with three individuals 176 excluded due to an insufficient number of fixes. The Kernel Density Estimator (Worton 1989) is 177 now accepted as a more biologically meaningful method for home-range analysis (Seaman & 178 Powell, 1996) and was calculated for females, paired and unpaired males using fixed kernels 179 based on a constant proportion of href for all individuals (Bertrand et al. 1996, Kie et al. 180 2002)(see Supporting Information (4)). Females were not split by nesting status due to 181 insufficient sample size. Home-range kernels at 95% (outer range) and 50% (core range) were 182 calculated for all birds with at least 27 active positional fixes (n = 19, mean fixes = 44.6, 183 ±15.6sd, range = 27-72) following Seaman et al. (1999). MCPs and kernels were produced in 184 ArcGIS 9.2 using Hawth’s Tools and Home-Range Tool (Rodgers & Kie 2011). 185 Home-ranges analysed in this study were restricted to stable periods for individuals, 186 with consistent breeding status. For four male birds that changed from paired to unpaired 187 breeding status during the season, only one song territory and home-range (that with the most 188 fixes) was analysed. Multiple nesting attempts within the original song territory (n = 3, mean 189 distance from previous nest = 88m, ±76sd) were included in one home-range. One female 190 moved territory centre by 2161m, after fledging a first brood; two MPCs were created for this 191 individual but insufficient fixes were available to calculate two kernels, therefore one large 192 kernel was created. Birds excluded from the kernel analysis included two males that changed 193 breeding status, resulting in insufficient fixes per status class. 8 194 To investigate nightjar foraging distances, the distance between every active fix and 195 the territory centre (roost or nest-site) was calculated using Hawth’s Tools with ArcGIS 9.2. 196 Periods of absence (no signal) during tracking were also recorded. The longest distance 197 travelled from the roost/nest per night for each bird was calculated (excluding nights where 198 the bird had no signal for >10 minutes). Due to extreme values, both mean and median 199 distances are reported. 200 201 202 Moth trapping In order to compare biomass of a commonly exploited prey (moths) (Collinge 1920, 203 Schlegel 1967) between habitat classes, heath-type 15W actinic moth traps (Anglian 204 Lepidopterist Supplies) were placed in five habitats available to foraging nightjars: grass-heath; 205 ungrazed grassland; restocked; pre-thicket and old trees (including pole and mature trees, 206 range = 21-80 years) on five nights each week (where possible) between the beginning of June 207 to the end of August in 2009 and 2010 (n = 423 trap-nights). 208 The attraction radius for actinic traps is low with few moths recaptured when released 209 more than 40m away (Truxa & Feidler 2012); therefore to sample moths from the target 210 habitat only, traps were placed ≥ 50m from the stand edge. Traps were positioned at sunset 211 and emptied at sunrise, with moths inside the trap or on the box exterior recorded. 212 Temperature was recorded using data loggers (Lascar electronics, El-USB-1). In 2009, three 213 loggers (one each in un-grazed grassland, restock and pre-thicket forest) were placed in the 214 central forest block. In 2010, 20 loggers were deployed in three forest blocks, in five habitats, 215 (grass-heath, un-grazed semi-natural grassland, restock, pre-thicket and mature forest; n = 4 216 per habitat). 217 As moth abundance in Thetford Forest peaks at dusk (Bowden & Green 1991), the 218 daily time for the end of evening twilight (the final stage of dusk) was obtained from 219 www.timeanddate.com (Norwich, UK) and the mean dusk temperature from all data loggers 9 220 was used for the nightly temperature (Supporting Information, (4)). Dry weights of moths 221 collected from each family group were used to determine moth biomass (Supporting 222 Information, (4)). 223 224 Statistical analysis 225 Song territory size (square root transformed) was compared between paired and 226 unpaired males using a General Linear Model (GLM), with male breeding status as a fixed 227 effect, including ‘number of fixes’ as a covariate. Home-range size (square root transformed) 228 was compared among females, paired males and unpaired males using a GLM, again 229 controlling for number of fixes as a covariate. Differences among classes were examined using 230 pair-wise comparisons of estimated marginal means. GLMs were conducted in PASW Statistics 231 v. 17.0.3. 232 Compositional analysis (Aebischer et al. 1993) was used to investigate selection of 233 foraging habitat, initially considering all birds rather than splitting by sex or status, due to 234 limited sample sizes. Habitats within the study area were classified using GIS (Supporting 235 information, Tables S1 &2). Those with < 2% availability within the study area were excluded 236 (scrub; improved grassland; inaccessible (tourist complex); urban and water), retaining for 237 analysis: grazed grass-heath (including heathland within and adjoining the forest; referred to 238 as ‘grass-heath’ hereafter); ungrazed semi-natural grassland; restocked stands; pre-thicket; 239 thicket; pole stage; mature conifer; arable and mature broadleaf (referred to as ‘broadleaf’ 240 hereafter). 241 The female nesting habitat, and for male birds, the primary habitat ( > 80%) within the 242 song territory, were extracted using GIS. Nightjar foraging habitat selection was investigated at 243 two levels of spatial scale following Johnson (1980); considering home-range placement (MCP, 244 95%, 50% kernels) relative to habitat available within the study area and individual fix 245 locations, relative to the habitat available to that individual. 10 246 For the first level, as tagged birds were aggregated in different blocks of the forest, 247 three discrete study area MCPs were created based on pooled fixes across individuals from 248 both years (Fig. 1). To encompass habitat that was potentially available to the birds, each study 249 area MCP was buffered by 1.2km, based on distances travelled by nightjars in this and previous 250 studies (Alexander & Cresswell 1990, Bowden & Green 1991), resulting in a mean distance 251 from the individual territory centre to the buffered edge of the study area of 1.98km (±0.56 252 sd). 253 For the second stage of analysis, habitat available to each individual was considered as 254 that within a fixed radius (2km) of the territory centre. This was considered preferable to using 255 individual MCPs or kernels as: 1) home-range size varied more than tenfold among individuals; 256 2) h ref kernel estimators produced multi-modal home-ranges that delineated used habitat and 257 excluded much of the traversed habitat not used for foraging, thus precluding examination of 258 used vs. available at the scale of the fix. The distance chosen was consistent with the study 259 area buffers and encompassed 100% of fixes for 2009 and 98% for 2010. The percentages of 260 each habitat class available to birds and of fixes in each habitat were calculated using ArcGIS 261 9.2, excluding inaccessible areas. 262 Hierarchical habitat selection was examined using ‘Compos Analysis Version 6.2 Plus’ 263 (Smith Ecology 2004). A habitat preference index was created based on the sum of the 264 difference in log ratios between habitats produced from the compositional analysis (following 265 Holt et al. 2010). Habitat use values of zero were substituted with a number an order of 266 magnitude smaller than the values for available and used habitat (Aebischer et al. 1993) and 267 1000 iterations were chosen for data randomisation. Individuals were weighted according to 268 the number of fixes obtained (Aebischer et al. 1993). 269 As birds were not split by status for the analysis of home-range kernel placement 270 within the study area, two males excluded from the kernel home-range area analysis (due to 271 changed breeding status) were included. When considering individual fixes within a 2km 11 272 buffer, four birds were excluded as they had no access to ‘grass-heath’ and three further birds 273 were excluded as there were insufficient fixes to draw meaningful results (fewer than five). As 274 it was difficult to differentiate between male foraging activity and territorial behaviour, the 275 compositional analysis containing all birds may be biased towards habitats within the song 276 territory. Female birds were considered more likely to be foraging when active, due to 277 constraints of incubation and chick rearing, relative to territorial males; therefore analyses at 278 scales of MCP placement and individual fixes were repeated using female data only. Analysis of 279 female kernel placement relative to available habitat was not possible as the number of 280 habitats (n = 9) was greater than the number of female kernels (n = 7), violating compositional 281 analysis rules (Aebischer et al. 1993). 282 Moth biomass (square root transformed) was compared among habitats using a 283 General Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) with Gaussian error, including dusk temperature and 284 temperature2 as fixed effects, an interaction between habitat type and temperature, and 285 forest stand as a random effect. Model selection was carried out by examining the change in 286 the Akaike Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc) on variable removal, 287 following Burnham and Anderson (2002). To investigate the difference in moth biomass among 288 habitat types, we examined whether 95% confidence intervals of the habitat coefficient 289 estimates overlapped zero, sequentially changing the reference habitat to undertake pairwise 290 comparisons (following Boughey et al. 2011). Mixed models were conducted using package 291 lme4 in R (R Development Core Team 2012). 292 293 294 Results Thirty-six birds were radiotagged; 20 in 2009 (13 male and seven female) and 16 in 295 2010 (12 male and four female). In 2009, two birds shed their tags and three were lost, leaving 296 a total of 31 (21 male and ten female) for analysis. No individuals were tracked in both 12 297 seasons. The total recording effort (duration of nightly fieldwork) was 1518 hours. In trials with 298 stationary tags, mean tracking error was 26m (± 20sd, range = 2-99m) and did not differ with 299 bearing number (F1, 56 = 0.317, p = 0.576) or forest growth stage (F3,56 = 1.237, p = 0.305). This 300 error may vary depending on the distance and activity of the bird (Supporting Information (2)). 301 Of the tagged males, 11 were initially paired and ten were considered to be unpaired, with 302 four of the paired males becoming unpaired during the season. Two of the eight unpaired 303 males included in the analysis had extensive song territories, with one bird recorded churring 304 3.6km away from the territory centre (on one occasion) and a second bird increasing the size 305 of its song territory (fourfold) towards the latter half of the breeding season. Two females 306 moved territory, after the fledging (2161m) or failure (819m), of the first nest , the latter 307 before regular radiotracking began. 308 309 310 Ranging of nightjars Song territory size did not differ between paired males and those considered unpaired 311 (Fig. 2. a) and was positively related to the number of fixes (F1, 16 = 5.2, p = 0.03). Home-range 312 area for MCPs, 95% and 50% kernels increased with the number of fixes (F1, 25 = 8.9, p < 0.01, 313 F1, 15 = 12.5, p < 0.01, F1, 15= 14.6, p < 0.01 respectively). Controlling for fix number, home-range 314 MCP and 95% kernels for males were an order of magnitude larger than the song territories of 315 paired males (Fig. 2. b & c). Females had home-ranges twice the size of paired males in terms 316 of MCP and over three times the size for 95% and 50% kernels (Fig. 2) Home-range size (MCP 317 and kernels) for unpaired males was intermediate and did not differ from female or paired 318 male ranges (Fig. 2. b, c & d). While the 50% kernel for all birds included the nest/song 319 territory, females had multi-modal 50% kernels and paired males tended to have one central 320 50% range within the song territory (Supporting information, Fig. S1). 321 322 Active fixes (n = 1099 fixes) were a mean of 507m (± 482sd, range = 3-3225m), and median of 344m from the territory centre. Of the total number of attempted active fixes (n = 13 323 1350), 10% resulted in the bird recorded missing (i.e. no signal) for > 10 minutes. Birds were 324 also recorded missing for shorter periods ( < 10% of attempted fixes), considered unlikely to 325 represent foraging to remote locations. Of all missing signals, most (70%) were from just eight 326 of 27 birds. The most and longest absences where the location of the bird remained unknown, 327 but may have been external to the forest, were for unpaired males and two females that 328 ranged widely. the mean of the nightly maximum distance that birds were detected from the 329 territory centre was 747m (± 513sd, range = 72-2601m, n=111 nights) and the median nightly 330 maximum was 575m. Of the total bird tracking nights (n = 208), 34% were excluded from the 331 calculation of maximum distance travelled due to missing signals (25% with one or more 332 absences > 15mins, 9% with one or more absences of 11-15mins); 13% were excluded due to 333 other factors (e.g. the tracked bird was not the primary bird for the night). 334 335 336 Habitat selection Nest and song territories were recorded in pre-thicket (n = 15 birds), restocked (n = 9) 337 and thicket (n = 5) habitats. For home-range MCPs, relative to availability in the study area, 338 pre-thicket plantation had the highest habitat preference index and was used significantly 339 more than grass-heath, ungrazed grassland, arable, broadleaf and restocked stands. No 340 significant difference was found among pre-thicket, mature, pole and thicket forest stages (Fig. 341 3a). For 95% kernels, pre-thicket was again ranked the most selected, with no significant 342 difference among the forest habitats (except for mature), however pre-thicket was used 343 significantly more than grass-heath, ungrazed grassland, arable and broadleaf (Fig. 3b). Within 344 the 50% core range, pre-thicket was the most selected, followed by restocked stands, with 345 ungrazed grassland, arable and broadleaf being the least selected (Fig. 3c). For habitat use at 346 individual fixes within the 2km buffer, pre-thicket, restocked and grass-heath were selected 347 (no significant difference among these), while there was no difference between ungrazed 14 348 grassland, pole, thicket and mature, with arable and broadleaf ranked as the least selected 349 (Fig. 3d). 350 Compositional analysis restricted solely to females showed a similar pattern of habitat 351 selection (Fig. 3a &d), with pre-thicket the most strongly selected at all stages of analysis. 352 However, low sample size resulted in fewer significant differences among habitats. 353 354 355 Moth biomass among habitats Moth biomass in old trees was more than double that of young forest (both pre- 356 thicket and restock) and ungrazed open habitats, while biomass in grass-heath sites did not 357 differ from that in either old trees, or young forest (Fig. 4). More moth biomass was captured 358 on warmer nights (Δ AICi for model lacking temperature and temperature2 = 246). Old stands 359 had greater moth biomass than other habitats on nights with low temperatures (Δ AICi for 360 model lacking the interaction between habitat and temperature = 8). 361 362 363 Discussion The home-range of the European Nightjar in mixed plantation was an order of 364 magnitude larger than the song territories of paired males. However, the mean recorded 365 maximum foraging distances per night were shorter than those recorded in other UK nightjar 366 populations. Results show that a complex forest landscape can provide the nightjar with 367 habitat for both nesting and foraging and the outcomes of this study can be used to inform 368 habitat management. 369 370 371 Nightjar ranging behaviour The home-ranges in this study were based on active fixes, with the majority assumed 372 to represent foraging. However, social contact may have also influenced ranging behaviour. 373 These activities may not be mutually exclusive however, with territorial males recorded 15 374 occupying the song territory all night, only making short flights between churring posts, thus 375 birds were presumed to be foraging while defending the territory. While song territory size did 376 not differ between paired and unpaired males, two (of eight) unpaired males were recorded 377 churring outside of the song territory towards the end of the season. Thus, although unpaired 378 nightjars do hold a territory, they may leave or extend their song territory as the season 379 progresses, as do nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) (Amrhein et al. 2007). 380 The larger size of the home-ranges confirmed that nightjars are leaving the song 381 territory, it is assumed, to forage. Female 95% home-range kernels were larger than those of 382 paired males, with wide-ranging active fixes, which may represent travel to optimal foraging 383 grounds. One female had a large kernel primarily as a result of moving to a new territory. 384 Cresswell and Alexander (1990) document a case of a female nightjar swapping partners 385 between nesting attempts, therefore mate prospecting may account for some of the outer 386 home-range points of other females. While female 50% kernels were large due to their multi- 387 modal structure, for paired males, the core (50%) area was centred on the song territory. It 388 may be that while a priority for the male is to guard the territory, for females it is to find 389 optimal foraging sites. Unpaired males defended a territory but ranged further than paired 390 males, perhaps to increase the chance of locating a female. All birds, irrespective of sex and 391 status, were regularly active in the song/nest territory, suggesting that nightjars in plantation- 392 forest may choose a territory based on its suitability for both nesting and foraging. 393 While Alexander and Cresswell (1990) recorded a mean maximum distance per night 394 of 3.1 ±1.2 km, the mean maximum distance for nightjars in Thetford Forest was 747m±513sd. 395 Due to challenges of relocating birds within the forest and surrounding landscape when their 396 position was unknown, birds were recorded as out of range for > 10 minutes at 10% of 397 attempted active fixes, and on 34% of tracking nights. Such points may have been external to 398 the forest but mostly related to unpaired males and two females (one after moving nest 399 territory, another after the failure of the second nest); these birds may not have been solely 16 400 foraging. While these absences must be taken into consideration, nightjars nesting in mixed 401 pine-plantation were not found to leave coniferous forest on the majority of foraging trips, in 402 contrast to patterns found in other populations (Alexander & Cresswell 1990, Sierro et al. 403 2001). 404 405 406 Nightjar habitat selection For the placement of MCPs within the study area, there was no significant difference 407 in habitat selection among pre-thicket, thicket, mature and pole stage forest; however, this 408 may be because MCPs included areas alongside or between key habitats. Similarly, when 95% 409 kernels were considered relative to the study area, there was no significant difference among 410 the majority of forest growth stages. As the forest contains a mosaic of growth stages and 411 kernels represent the likelihood of locating the bird 95% of the time (birds were recorded 412 active at least once in all forest growth stages), it may have been difficult to distinguish 413 between forest habitats at this level of analysis. 414 Pre-thicket stage forest was found to be the most strongly selected habitat for all 415 stages of compositional analysis, with restock also selected within 50% kernels, relative to the 416 study area. The key foraging habitats in this study are similar to preferred nightjar song 417 territory habitats (young forest aged 0-10 years) (e.g. Ravenscroft 1989). The majority of 418 territories (nest and song) in the current study were based in restocked and particularly pre- 419 thicket habitats and it was difficult to separate foraging and male territorial activity. It is 420 therefore possible that the compositional analysis including all birds may be biased by song 421 territory location. However, when the females were off the nest and more likely to be foraging 422 (compared to male birds), they showed similar habitat selection. 423 Nightjars selected grazed grass-heath (relative to availability) when available within a 424 2km radius. Livestock dung in grazed habitats may provide beetle prey for nightjars (Schlegel 425 1967). In contrast, ungrazed grassland was one of the least selected habitats. Similarly, 17 426 Alexander and Cresswell (1990) recorded foraging nightjars avoiding ungrazed Calluna 427 dominated heathlands. Nightjars have been recorded ‘hawking’ for prey (Cramp 1985), which 428 involves swooping for flying insects from (or close to) the ground. This may be more difficult in 429 taller, denser ungrazed grasslands. 430 While nightjars have been found to regularly leave territories within conifer forest to 431 feed in atypical habitats (Alexander & Cresswell 1990, Sierro et al. 2001), these forests were of 432 uniform age and densely planted, in contrast to the mixed-age structure of Thetford Forest. 433 Broadleaf woodland was ranked as one of the least selected habitats in the current study, but 434 was the preferred nightjar foraging habitat in Dorset, UK (Alexander & Cresswell 1990). This 435 may be because broadleaf patches in Thetford Forest primarily comprised dense mature 436 sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) or beech (Fagus sylvatica) rather than mixed semi-natural 437 deciduous woodland. Overall, results suggest that habitat structure may influence the extent 438 to which nightjars forage in the wider forest landscape. 439 440 Moth biomass in habitats 441 Nightjars in Thetford Forest were not choosing habitats based solely on moth 442 abundance as stands containing old trees (pole and mature) had a greater moth biomass than 443 younger stands. Older forest growth stages were found to have relatively greater moth 444 biomass even on cold nights, presumably due to denser canopy cover keeping temperatures 445 higher than in other growth stages. This supports the inference that nightjars select habitat 446 based on the ease of prey capture rather than abundance, with older forest growth stages 447 avoided due to the difficulty of finding and capturing prey amongst dense branches (Bowden & 448 Green 1991, Sierro et al. 2001). 449 Habitats may also be selected due to the abundance of other prey types such as 450 beetles, another key component of the nightjar diet (Cramp 1985; Sharps 2013). Beetles may 451 be an important prey both in restocked and pre-thicket stands due to the abundance of 18 452 saproxylic beetles (e.g. Cerambycidae) emerging from cut stumps (Hedgren 2007), and in 453 grazed grass-heath, which supports dung-feeding beetles (Aphodiinae) (Menéndez and 454 Gutiérrez 1996), although abundant deer populations (Wäber & Dolman 2013) also support 455 dung-feeding beetles in forest habitats (Stewart 2001). 456 457 458 Conservation implications and recommendations Understanding of European Nightjar habitat use in plantation-forest provided by this 459 study has widespread application, particularly in North-Western Europe. While Gribble (1983) 460 and Morris et al. (1994) showed the importance of pine-plantations to nesting nightjars, this 461 study demonstrates that mixed age plantation-forest can provide both nesting and foraging 462 habitat for this species. Nightjars were found to be foraging in forest habitats exterior to the 463 song territory. Forest-nesting nightjars would therefore benefit most from a large forest 464 comprising a mosaic of growth stages, for which rotational clear-felling and replanting of 465 large, even-aged stands (rather than group selection) is ideal. The configuration of growth 466 stages within the forest mosaic may also be important for the nightjar; stands of young forest 467 clustered together would provide female nightjars with multiple foraging opportunities in close 468 proximity. 469 The results of this study suggest that the grazing of open habitats is important for 470 foraging nightjars, while creation or retention of ungrazed, unplanted patches within the forest 471 may not be beneficial. The introduction of further patches of grazed heathland reversion 472 within and adjacent to the forest would provide additional foraging resources for nightjars and 473 benefits for regional biodiversity (Dolman et al. 2012). In terms of breeding nightjars, the use 474 of grazing to maintain the vegetation structure of heathland will be beneficial as long as 475 sufficient nesting habitat is also provided within c. 2km. 476 477 In summary, this study demonstrates that the management of commercial plantationforest has important implications for maintaining populations of this species of conservation 19 478 concern. The creation of a heterogeneous forest mosaic is important for foraging nightjars, 479 reducing the need for birds to leave the forest to reach suitable foraging habitat and allowing 480 both foraging and nesting habitat for this species to be supported by one land 481 owner/manager. 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 20 497 We thank Alastair Feather, Vivien Hartwell, Kirsten Miller, Elwyn Sharps, Laura Wilkinson and 498 Isobel Winney for assistance with fieldwork. 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Mean area used by nightjars in Thetford Forest, showing (a) song territory MCP for 696 paired male (n = 11) and unpaired males (n = 8); (b) home-range MCP for female (n = 11), 697 paired male (n = 10), unpaired male (n = 8); (c) 95% kernel and (d) 50% kernel for female (n = 698 7), paired male, (n = 7), unpaired male, (n = 5). Model-derived means are back transformed 699 from square rooted data. Error bars represent 95% CIs . Within each plot, classes sharing a 700 lower case letter do not differ significantly (p>0.05). 701 27 702 703 Figure 3. Index of habitat preference for nightjars in Thetford Forest, (a) MCP home-ranges 704 (All birds, n = 29; Females, n = 11); (b) 95% home-range kernel (n = 21); (c) 50% core kernel (n 705 = 21), each compared with habitat availability across the study area; (d) fixes for each bird 706 compared with 2km buffers around territory centre (All birds, n = 25; Females, n = 10). Habitat 707 types: A = arable, G = grazed grass-heath, UNG = ungrazed semi-natural grassland, RS = 708 restocked forest (0-4 years), PTh = pre-thicket forest (5-10 years), Th = thicket forest (11-20 709 years), P = pole forest (21-44 years), M = mature conifer ( ≥ 45), Br = Broadleaf. Within each 710 plot, classes sharing a super-script do not differ significantly (p > 0.05; determined by 711 compositional analysis) (letters above bars = all birds, letters below the bars = female). 712 28 713 714 715 716 Figure 4. Model-derived mean moth biomass in different habitats. Habitat types: G = grazed 717 grass-heath; UNG = ungrazed semi-natural grassland; RS = restocked forest (0-4 years); PTh = 718 pre-thicket stage forest (5-10 years); Old =pole and mature forest (21-80 years). Means are 719 back transformed from square rooted data. Error bars are ± 95% CI. Classes sharing a super- 720 script do not differ significantly (p > 0.05). 29