SER-AMTA 2015 Conference Research Poster Session Deadline: February 16th Submissions are encouraged from both student and professional members. NEW UPDATED INFORMATION FOR 2015: Abstracts may be submitted for an Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation. Oral presenters will have 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes to answer questions from attendees. Usually the presentation is accompanied by PowerPoint slides to highlight information. Oral presentations will take place in a separate room during the conference. Poster presentations provides an interactive forum for researchers to discuss their work with conference attendees. Authors must submit research abstracts as “Poster Only”, “Oral Only”, or “Poster or Oral”. Researchers are encouraged to submit using the “Poster or Oral”, as those submissions will be considered for either option by the Research Committee. Submissions may include the following: A complete/traditional research proposal (historical, theoretical, descriptive, experimental, case study). This should include the following: 1) problem under investigation; 2) participants and pertinent characteristics; 3) data gathering procedures for quantitative and/or qualitative research (for a review or theoretical article describe the sources used), 4) the findings, including statistical significance levels for empirical research; and 5) conclusions and implications of findings. Brief submission, which includes a literature review and methodology. This proposal includes a fully developed literature review and methodology, but does not include a results or discussion. The research committee would like to encourage students to utilize this opportunity to share work that was developed in a research class or as thesis preparation. We also would like professionals to contemplate this option as they work on a study or if they would like to engage in dialogue before pursuing IRB or data collection for a study. Poster Submission Form SER-AMTA 2015 Conference Title of Research: Name of Researcher(s): Please provide the authors’ information, including work affiliation and credentials. Please list contact information for the lead author. Please use an X to indicate your status during the time of the research study: ____ professional ____ graduate student (MT-BC) ____ graduate student (equivalency) ____ intern ____ undergraduate student ____ other (please specify _______________________) Please indicate presentation format: ___ Poster only ___ Oral only ___ Poster or Oral presentation Please indicate the type of submission: ___ Complete/traditional submission ___ Brief submission, which includes a literature review and methodology Please include the following information for all submissions, on the next page of this document: Complete description of the study or the full paper. This should include the following: 1) problem under investigation; 2) participants and pertinent characteristics; 3) data gathering procedures for quantitative and/or qualitative research (for a review or theoretical article describe the sources used), 4) the findings, including statistical significance levels for empirical research; and 5) conclusions and implications of findings. Sections 4 and 5 may be omitted for submissions that involve the literature review and methodology. Send proposal by e-mail to: Andrea Cevasco-Trotter, PhD, MT-BC, Research Committee Chair Submissions are accepted in MSWord format only using this form. Please download/save this form to your computer, then save it as a new file, using the last and first names of the contact person. If submitting more than one proposal under the same contact person’s name, please add a number at the end of the file name to distinguish multiple proposals. Example: If contact person is John Smith, filename should be smithjohn1.doc; second proposal should be named smithjohn2.doc; etc. If, after 5 days from submission you have not received a confirmation of your abstract being received resend another email. DEADLINE FOR RESEARCH POSTER SESSION: February 16, 2015.