Proposals of (a) Seminars/conferences/workshops etc. (b) Travel Support (c) Exhibition (d) Popular Lecture considered by the Expert Committee on Promotion and Popularization of Biotechnology (ECPPB) in its 8thth Meeting held on 17th August, 2012 at 11.00 a.m. a) Seminars/conferences/workshops etc. S.No. Propos al Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C1 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 758 1st International Conference on Biotechnology-Environment and Sustainable Technologies 27-012013 - 30-01-2013 , at Arunai Engineering College, Velu Nagar, Then Mathur, Tiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu Mr. Praveen Kumar, Assistant Professor praveenramanujam ;aecbiotech@gmail. com 218000 C2 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 754 International Symposium on Food Security Dilemma: Plant Health and Climate Change Issues 07-12-2012 - 09-12-2012 , at Plant Health Clinic, Directorate of Research, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal Arunai Engineering College, Velu Nagar, Then Mathur, Tiruvannamalai , Tamil Nadu -606603 ; n Association For Advancement in Plant Protection Plant Health Clinic, Directorate of Research, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Kalyani, , West Bengal 741235 n ;drmrkhanbckv@gmail. com Prof Shantanu Jha, Professor of Agril Entomology aapp_bckv@yahoo. ; m 1800000 Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s 218000 None No Not Applicable --- 125000 "Ministry of Environment and Forestry" : Rs 100000; "National Horticultural Board" : Rs 100000; "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "ICAR" : Rs 350000; "DRDO" : Rs 50000; "Suppliers and Distributors" : Rs 50000; No Not Applicable --- Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs 0.75 Lakh. Reco mme nded Rs 0.75 Lakh. -1- S.No. Propos al Code C3 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 824 C4 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 691 C5 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 688 C6 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 759 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Bio India International Conference 2012 12-09-2012 13-09-2012 , at Grand Hyatt, Santacruz (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises 123/C, 16th Main, 5th Cross, 4th Block, Koramangala, , Bangalore , Karnataka 560034 Ms. Nandita Chandavarkar, Director Operations nandita@ableindia. org ; 3185000 Workshop on "Quest 2012 hands on training in Molecular Biological Techniques" 24-092012 - 28-09-2012 , at Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu Conference on TUBERCULOSIS 2012 11-09-2012 - 15-09-2012 , at c-2/201Sector-F, Jankipuram, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024 ; C.S.M.Medical University, Department of Microbiology, , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 m Calicut University P.O. Tenhipalam Kerala , Malappuram -673635 headbotanycu@gmail.c om ; Dr. K. Anbarasu, Assistant Professor m ; n Ms Pooja Singh, PhD Student somvanshispooja@ Prof. M. Sabu, Professor ;msabu9@rediffmail .com Symposium on 6th International Symposium on the Family Zingiberaceae 10-09-2012 - 1309-2012 , at Calicut University P.O. Tenhipalam 673635 Malappuram Kerala Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s 1650000 None Yes Pending 535000 500000 None Yes Submitted 78477 78477 None No Not Applicable --- 1300000 410000 "Ministry of Environment and Forests" : Rs 300000; "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "Department of Science and Technology" : No Not Applicable --- subject to clarifica tion that the venue is not a 5 star hotel. --- Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. Reco mme nded Rs 0.75 Lakh Reco mme nded Rs 2.00 Lakh. -2- S.No. Propos al Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Rs 300000; "INSA" : Rs 100000; C7 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 840 5th International Symposium on CTDDR-2013: Drug Development for Orphan/Neglected Diseases 26-02-2013 - 28-02-2013 , at Chattar Manzil Palace Lucknow Uttar Pradesh C8 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 723 Symposium on 22 SWADESHI SCIENCE CONGRESS 06-11-2012 08-11-2012 , at Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Kasaragod Kerala C9 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 791 International Interdisciplinary Science Conference-2012 on Protein Folding and diseases 0812-2012 - 10-12-2012 , at M. A. Ansari, Auditorium, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Delhi Central Drug Research Institute Chattar Manzil Palace , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 m Central Plantation Crops Research Institute , Kasaragod , Kerala -671124 georgevthomas@yaho Dr. Bijoy Kundu, Chief Scientist bijoy_kundu@yaho ;b_kundu@cdri.res.i n 5000000 800000 Dr. K. Muralidharan, HoD, Social Sciences kmurali.cpcri@gmail .com ;kmurali_cpcri@yah 1200000 100000 Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, , New Delhi , Delhi -110025 faizan_ahmad@yahoo. com ; Prof. Faizan Ahmad, Professor faizan_ahmad@yah ;rajanpatelpcy@gm 1500000 350000 "DST" : Rs 800000; "CSIR" : Rs 800000; "ICMR" : Rs 800000; "MoES" : Rs 800000; "KSCSTE" : Rs 100000; "ICAR" : Rs 200000; "DST" : Rs 100000; "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 100000; "UGC" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "DST" : Rs 200000; "DIT" : Rs 200000; "CSIR" : Rs 200000; "INSA" : Rs 100000; "Sponsors/Regi stration" : Rs 150000; Yes Submitted --- Reco mme nded Rs 2.00 Lakh. No Not Applicable --- Reco mme nded Rs 0.75 Lakh. Yes Submitted ---- Reco mme nded Rs 2.00 Lakh. -3- S.No. Propos al Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C10 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 783 C11 C12 Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT Conference on INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CHRONOBIOLOGY 03-10-2012 07-10-2012 , at University of Delhi Delhi Department of Zoology, University of DelhiDelhi-110007 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 801 GUHA RESEARCH CONFERENCE2012 28-11-2012 - 02-12-2012 , at NORTH EASTERN HILL UNIVERSITY SHILLONG , MEGHALAYA Pin- 793002 SHILLONG Meghalaya DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 800 Symposium on Blending Conventional and Modern Plant Pathology for Sustainable Agriculture 04-12-2012 - 06-122012 , at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (ICAR), Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore-560089 Karnataka Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4, Raja S C Mullick Road, Jadavpur , Kolkata , West Bengal -700032 ; Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (ICAR), Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore560089 , Karnataka 560089 Prof Vinod Kumar, CHAIRMAN/CONVE NOR drvkumar11@yahoo .com ;drvkumar11@gmail .com Dr. Susanta Roychoudhury, Chief Scientist m ; Dr P Chowdappa, Principal Scientist pallem@iihr.ernet.i n ; m UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs 2.00 Lakh. 3400000 1000000 "DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY" : Rs 350000; No Not Applicable --- 2500000 200000 "DST" : Rs 200000; "CSIR" : Rs 300000; "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "Other Organization" : Rs 900000; Yes Submitted -- Reco mme nded Rs 2.00 Lakh. 1450000 450000 "Council of Scientific and Industrial Research" : Rs 200000; "Department of Science and Technology" : Rs 200000; "Indian Council for Agricultural Research" : Rs 200000; "Indian Council for Medical Research" : Rs 200000; Yes Submitted -- Reco mme nded Rs 2.00 Lakh. -4- S.No. Propos al Code C13 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 795 C14 C15 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Conference on Theoretical Chemistry Symposium 19-122012 - 22-12-2012 , at IIT Guwahati Guwahati Assam Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati , Assam 781039 2100000 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 849 National Symposium on Nanoscience & Technology for Mankind 29-11-2012 - 01-122012 , at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University Registrar office, Central office , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh -221005 Dr Sandip Paul, Asst. Prof. sandipp@iitg.ernet.i n ;sandipiam@gmail.c om Prof MK Thakur, Professor mktian2007@gmail. com ;mkt_bhu@yahoo.c DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 803 Conference on 1st Annual conference of UP-UK APPICON 2012: DIABESITY-A BIG CHALLENGE 06-10-2012 - 07-102012 , at Dept. of Physiology, J.N.M.C, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP-202002. Aligarh Uttar Pradesh Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centre, J.N. Medical College Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP) 202002, India , Uttar Pradesh 202002 m ; m Prof. M. Mobarak Hossain, Professor drmmobarakhossain ;aquil2001@gmail.c om Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s 500000 "CSIR" : Rs 50000; "DST" : Rs 500000; "BRNS" : Rs 500000; No Not Applicable --- 2050000 200000 No Not Applicable --- 640000 170000 "CSIR" : Rs 200000; "DAE" : Rs 100000; "BHU" : Rs 100000; "NASI" : Rs 500000; "MNRE" : Rs 200000; "DRDO" : Rs 150000; "DST" : Rs 200000; "ICMR" : Rs 200000; "UP-CST" : Rs 150000; "INSA" : Rs 100000; No Not Applicable --- Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs 2.00 Lakh. Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. -5- S.No. Propos al Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C16 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 829 National Symposium on Computational Mathematics & Information Technology 07-122012 - 09-12-2012 , at Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh GUNA Madhya Pradesh Prof. Shishir Kumar, Professor & HOD dr.shishir@yahoo.c om ;shishir.kumar@juet 590000 C17 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 812 Mrs.Puniethaa Prabhu, Associate Professor spunitha156@gmail .com ; C18 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 794 Conference on Current Scenario in the Role of Computational Biology in Biotechnology 27-112012 - 29-11-2012 , at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode - 637 215, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu. National Symposium and Workshop on Best Practices in Clinical Embryology 01-12-2012 02-12-2012 , at Madhav Nagar, Manipal Karnataka Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Raghogarh, Guna (MP) 473226 ; in K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode - 637 215, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu. C19 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 802 Kasturba Medical college Madhav Nagar, Manipal , Karnataka 576104 dean.kmc@manipal.ed u Manipal Life Sciences Center, Manipal University. , Karnataka 576104 ksatyamoorthy@manip ;ksatyamoorthy@yaho Prof. Satish Kumar Adiga, Professor satish.adiga@manip ;adiga.satish@gmail .com Prof. Santhosh Chidangil, Professor santhosh.cls@mani ; .edu NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PHOTONICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 20-08-2012 - 22-082012 , at AC Seminar Hall, Academic Block-2, MIT Campus Manipal Karnataka Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. 160000 "DRDO" : Rs 45000; "DST" : Rs 75000; No Not Applicable -- 500000 200000 "College Management" : Rs 100000; Yes Submitted --- Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. 280000 225000 None No Not Applicable --- 625000 100000 "CSIR" : Rs 50000; "DST" : Rs 175000; "DRDO" : Rs 175000; "BRNS" : Rs 50000; No Not Applicable --- Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. Reco mme nded Rs 0.50 Lakh. -6- S.No. Propos al Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT C20 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 832 Workshop on Catalyzing excellence in Indian Universities 12-10-2012 - 14-10-2012 , at INSA, Bahadur shah Zafar Road, Delhi National Centre for Biological Sciences, , Bangalore Karnataka 560065 Athulaprabha Murthi, Director, IndiaBioscience athulaprabham@nc ; 1500000 1500000 C21 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 693 Symposium on Neurobiology of cognition 01-11-2012 - 02-112012 , at NIMHANS, Hosur road Bangalore Karnataka Dr. Laxmi T Rao, Associate Professor trlaxmi@nimhans.k ; 625000 C22 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 711 National Conference on Current Scenario and Emerging Trends in Hepatocellular Diseases 05-102012 - 06-10-2012 , at Kalapet ,Puducherry Tamil Nadu National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (Deemed University) Hosur Road , Bangalore , Karnataka -560029 dirstaff@nimhans.kar.n ;psatish@nimhans.kar. Pondicherry University Kalapet ,Puducherry , Tamil Nadu -605014 ; Dr. C. Thirunavukkarasu, Assistant Professor (Stage II) tchinnasamy@hotm ;tarasu.bbm@pondi 311000 UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s None No Not Applicable "ICMR" : Rs 50000; "CSIR" : Rs 25000; No Not Applicable The quantu m of amount to be decided by SBT --- 500000 166000 "UGC" : Rs 45000; "ICMR" : Rs 100000; No Not Applicable --- Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded. Reco mme nded Rs.2.0 0 Lakh. Reco mme nded Rs 0.50 Lakh. -7- S.No. Propos al Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C23 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 785 Prof. Arun Arya, Head Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara-39002 , Gujarat -390002 aryaarunarya@rediffm Prof. Arun Arya, Prof. and Head aryaarunarya@redif 850000 C24 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 730 35th all India Botanical conference on Role of plants and microbes for the welfare of Mankind in the changing climate 08-12-2012 - 10-12-2012 , at Prof. C.C. Mehta auditorium Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara Gujarat National Conference on Forest Resilience, Biodiversity and Climate Change 23-11-2012 - 2411-2012 , at Prof. A.J. Solomon Raju Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences Andhra University Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh Prof. A.J. Solomon Raju, Professor ;ajsolomonraju@ya C25 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 761 Prof. S. Ganapaty Principal A.U. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Andhra University , Vishakapatnam , Andhra Pradesh 530003 ganapatyseru@gmail.c om School of Life Sciences, Central University of Gujarat Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382030 382030 ; Prof. Rana P. Singh, Dean and Prof. m ; n 2nd Annual Conference of the Society for Mitochondria Research and Medicine-India (SMRM) Mitochondria in Health and Disease 02-11-2012 - 03-112012 , at School of Life Sciences Central University of Gujarat Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382030 Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs 2.00 Lakh. 400000 None No Not Applicable ---- 685000 225000 None No Not Applicable --- Reco mme nded Rs 0.50 Lakh. 925000 375000 "ICMR" : Rs 100000; No Not Applicable --- Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. -8- S.No. Propos al Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C26 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 698 22nd Annual Conference, Indian Society of Hypertension 02-112012 - 03-11-2012 , at SVKM NMIMS UNIVERSITY VL MEHTA ROAD, JVPD SCHEME, VILE PARLE (w), MUMBAI Maharashtra Prof. V. Addepalli, Senior Professor & Head v.addepalli@nmims. edu ;addepalliv@gmail.c om 1400000 C27 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 798 Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development 06-02-2013 - 0702-2013 , at ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE (PG), GORAKHPUR 273001, UP C28 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 753 Conference on Quest For Quality Generics 31-08-2012 - 31-082012 , at ASSOCHAM House, 47 Prithviraj Road New Delhi Dr. Dominic Rajkumar, Senior Lecturer dominicrajkumar1@ ;dominicraj_in@yah Mr. D.S. Rawat, Secretary General d.s.rawat@assocha ;ombeer.tyagi@asso C29 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 718 13th Indo-US Workshop on Application of Flow Cytometry 14-10-2012 - 17-10-2012 , at Centre for Research in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, JD-2 Sector III, Salt Lake Kolkata School of Pharmacy and technology Management SVKM's NMIMS University VL MEHTA ROAD, JVPD SCHEME, VILE PARLE (w), MUMBAI , Maharashtra -400056 varsha.parab@nmims.e du St. Andrew's College, Gorakhpur , Uttar Pradesh -273001 ;dominicrajkumar1@g The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India 1, Community Center, Zamrudpur, Kailash Colony , New Delhi , Delhi -110048 d.s.rawat@assocham.c om ; University of Calcutta 87/1 College Street , KOLKATA , West Bengal -700073 ;urmichatterji@gmail.c Dr Urmi Chatterji, Associate Professor urmichatterji@gmai Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs 0.50 Lakh. 200000 None No Not Applicable --- 275000 235000 "NO OTHER AGENCY HAS BEEN CONTACTED" : Rs 00; Yes Submitted -- Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. 1050000 300000 None Yes Submitted --- Reco mme nded Rs 1.00 Lakh. 1200000 200000 "DST" : Rs 200000; "DAE" : Rs 200000; No Not Applicable --- Reco mme nded Rs 0.50 Lakh. -9- S.No. Propos al Code C30 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 772 C31 DBT/CT EP/01/ 201200 782 Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistanc e requested from DBT Amount Requested/Rec eived/Committ ed from organizations other than DBT Previ ous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 700 098 West Bengal om International Conference on Research in Condensed Matter Physics (ICCMP-2012) 01-102012 - 03-10-2012 , at Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Madras, Maraimalai Campus, Guindy, Chennai. Tamil Nadu XXX Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurosciences 28-10-2012 - 3010-2012 , at Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar Punjab University of Madras Chepauk, Chennai , Tamil Nadu -600005 ;deanresunom@gmail.c om Dr Rita John, Associate Professor 470000 210000 "UGC" : Rs 200000; No Not Applicable -- Reco mme nded Rs 0.50 Lakh. XXX Annual Meeting of Indian Academy of Neurosciences Guru Nanak Dev University , Amritsar , Punjab 143005 kgurcharan.neuro@yah ;ian2012gndu@gmail.c om Prof. Gurcharan Kaur, Professor kgurcharan.neuro@ ;ian2012gndu@gma 2750000 800000 "DST" : Rs 300000; "DRDO" : Rs 200000; "CSIR" : Rs 300000; "ICMR" : Rs 800000; No Not Applicable --- Reco mme nded Rs 3.00 Lakh - 10 - b) Travel Support S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT T1 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 8 Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur West Bengal 721302 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2012) EXCO, Daegu South Korea Republic of Korea 16-09-2012 - 21-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Antiproliferative effect of sandalwood peptide on MCF-7 and B-16 melanoma cell line" No 48000 T2 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20068 6 Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur West Bengal 721302 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2012) EXCO, DAEGU, KOREA South Korea 16-09-2012 21-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Bioactive Extracellular Polysaccharide from psychrophilic fungus Thelebolus sp" No T3 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 4 Mrs Abheepsa Mishra , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow abhipsa05@gma ;abheepsa83@g Mr Sourav Kanti Mukhopadhyay , 25 years, Junior Research Fellow mukherjeesour ;souravkanti198 Kh. Dhanachandra Singh , 27 years, Ph.D Scholar dksingh130@gm ;khuraijamd@g Alagappa University, Department of Bioinformatics Karaikudi , Tamil Nadu 630003; InCoB2012 - 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok Chatuchak Bangkok Thailand 03-10-2012 - 0510-2012 Poster "Lead author" "3DQSAR, Density functional theory (DFT) calculation and Molecular dynamics simulation study of 1Amino-5H-pyrido[4,3b]indol-4-carboxamide derivatives as Jak2 kinase No Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None -- Reco mme nded. 48000 None None --- Reco mme nded. 30000 None None -- Reco mme nded. - 11 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e inhibitors" T4 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 6 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh , 37 years, Reader skysanjeev@gm ;sanjeevsky@red Alagappa University, Department of Bioinformatics Karaikudi , Tamil Nadu 630003; T5 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20076 3 Dr. Bivas Biswas , 32 years, Senior Resident bivasbiswas@gm All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi -110029 11th European Conference on Computational Biology Prof. Torsten Schwede SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Biozentrum University of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 50-70 CH 4056 Basel, Switzerland Tel: +41 61 267 15 86 Website: Klingelbergstrasse Basel Switzerland 09-10-2012 12-10-2012 ESMO 2012 Congress Vienna, Austria Vienna Austria 28-09-2012 - 0210-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Enrichment of virtual hits against HTLV-PR by progressive active site shape-matching, QM/MM docking and Molecular dynamics study" No 11219 6 None Alagapp a Universi ty - Rs. 39175.0 0Request ed Poster present ation by Senior Scientis t Not reco mme nded. Poster "Lead author" "Muscle invasive urinary bladder cancer: Response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy is predictor of improved No 46974 None None --- Reco mme nded. . - 12 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e progression free surviva" T6 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20074 4 T7 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20071 4 Dr SUDHIR CHANDRA SARANGI , 32 years, SENIOR RESIDENT (STUDENT OF D.M. IN CLINICAL PHARMACOLOG Y) scsarangi@gmail .com Mrs Rupa Joshi , 30 years, Ph.D student rupajoshiaiims@ ;rupa_joshi20@y All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi -110029 Safety Pharmacology Society 12th Annual Meeting Phoenix, Arizona, USA 01-10-2012 - 04-10-2012 Poster "Co-author" "Effect of Lamotrigine, Levetiracetam and Topiramate on Neurobehavioral Parameters and Oxidative Stress in Comparison with Valproate in Rats" No 82899 None None Poster present ation by Coauthor Not reco mme nded. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi -110029 10th European Conference on Epileptology , International Conference Centre, London UK 3009-2012 - 04-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Prescribing pattern of older versus newer antiepileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy attending outpatient department at a tertiary care centre in India" No 55643 None DST Rs. 106793. 00 Request ed ICMR Rs. 55643.0 0– Request --- Reco mme nded. - 13 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme T8 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20082 1 Mr Amit Kumar , 29 years, Ph.D Scholar amits52003@gm ;amits52003@ya All india institute of medical sciences,New Delhi AIIMS Ansari nagar , Delhi -110029 Poster "Lead author" "Association of beta-2 adrenergic receptor polymorphism in patients with ischemic stroke in North Indian Population" No T9 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 9 Ms Santhanam Shanmughapr , 27 years, Research Scholar shanmughapriya santhanam@gm Bharathidasan University Palkalai perur , Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu -620024; Society for Neurosciences Conference, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70130 New Orleans USA 13-10-2012 17-10-2012 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology Bella Center Copenhagen island of Zealand Denmark 19-082012 - 24-08-2012 Poster "Lead author" "In vitro actinomycetes biofilm development and biofilm inhibition by polyene antibiotic, nystatin on IUD copper surfaces" No Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 75160 None None -- Reco mme nded. 62400 "DST, New Delhi",17 -082008,Rs. 78000.00 ; "CSIR, New Delhi",17 -052009,Rs. 50000.00 ; None -- Reco mme nded. - 14 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T10 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 3 Bombay College of Pharmacy Sundernagar, Kalina, Mumbai: 400098 , Maharashtra; 2012 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition McCormick Place, Chicago, USA. 14-10-2012 - 18-10-2012 84137 None DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20069 9 Bundelkhand University, , Kanpur Road, , Jhansi , Uttar Pradesh -284128; No 60000 "CSIR (Under Student Category )",30-112010,Rs. 76000.00 ; T12 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20071 3 Mr.Shaswat Kansal , 30 years, ICMR-SRF shaswat_kansal ;shaswat0108@g Central Drug Research Institute Chattar Manzil Palace , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001 10th Joint Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine Society (ICS) And International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research (ISICR) International Conference Hall, Geneva, Switzerland, 11-09-2012 - 14-09-2012 XX International Conference on Bioencapsultion YMCA Geneva Park 6604 Rama Road R.R.#6 Orillia, Ontario, Canada 21-092012 - 24-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "ACE Inhibitor Trandolapril attenuates behavioral and biochemical alterations induced by Haloperidol and Rotenone" Poster "Lead author" "EFFECTS OF AZARDIRCHATA INDICA AND ACATIA NILOTICA EXTRACTS ON SPLENOCYTES PROLIFERATION AND IFNΓ CYTOKINE INDUCTION IN WISTAR ALBINO RATS." No T11 Mr. Dinesh Tikam Makhija , 26 years, Research Student makdin641@yah Mr. BALENDRA SINGH , 26 years, LECTURER risingsun.balend ;balendra_y@ho Poster "Lead author" "Doxorubicin Loaded Novel Core Shell Structured Nanocapsule using LbL assembly: Fabrication and its performance evaluation" No 83346 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources IPA - Rs. 125168. 00 Request ed ICMR, DST, ORGANI ZERS, CICS Rs. 80000.0 0Request ed COUNCI L OF SCIENTI FIC AND INDUST RIAL RESEAR CH - Rs. 83346.0 Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. Receive d grant in last 3 years Not reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. - 15 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme T13 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 0 Mr Shakti Deep Pachauri , 32 years, CSIR-SRF shaktideep@gm ;shakticdri@gma Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh -226001; XX International Conference on Bioencapsulation YMCA Geneva Park 6604 Rama Road R.R.#6 Orillia, Ontario, Canada 21-092012 - 24-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "The preparation of Morinda citrifolia “phospholipid complex and its pharmacokinetics study in rats." No T14 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20074 2 Dr Karuna Shanker , 42 years, Scientist k.shanker@cima ;kspklko@yahoo. com Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants P.O. CIMAP Lucknow-226015 , Uttar Pradesh -226015 4th International Conference on Medicinal Plants & Herbal Products Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,The George Washington University,School of Medicine and Health Oral "Lead author" "Pluchea lanceolata (Rasana): Chemical and Biological Potential of Rasayana Herb" No Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources 0Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 83346 None -- Reco mme nded. 90000 None COUNCI L OF SCIENTI FIC AND INDUST RIAL RESEAR CH - Rs. 83346.0 0Request ed CIMAPCSIR Rs. 10000.0 0Request ed perdie m - Rs. -- Reco mme nded. 50% actual airfar e. - 16 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Sciences, 2300 Eye St., NW,Ross Hall, Rm 232 Washington DC, 20037 USA 06-09-2012 - 08-092012 T15 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 9 Mrs Shirly Raichal Anil , 43 years, Scientist(SG) shirlyanil@yaho Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Sreekariyam P.O. , Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala -695017; 16th Triennial Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria 2309-2012 - 27-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Comparison between morphological and molecular markers in the analysis of genetic diversity in Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne." No 17090 0 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources 35000.0 0Request ed CIMAPCSIR Rs. 26000.0 0Request ed DST Rs. 170900. 00 Request ed Internat ional Society for Tropical Root Crops Rs. 140000. Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. - 17 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T16 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 6 Dr. Suja G. , 47 years, Senior Scientist sujagin@yahoo.c om ;sidhus4u@yaho Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Sreekariyam P.O. , Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala -695017; 16 th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Ogun State, Nigeria 23-09-2012 - 2809-2012 Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Lead author" "Organic Production of Yams: An Eco-friendly Strategy for Sustainable Yield,Tuber Quality and Soil Health" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme No Amou nt reques ted from DBT 17090 0 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources 00 Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e None Internat ional Society for Tropical Root Crops Rs. 141311. 00 Request ed Depart ment of Science and Technol ogy - Rs. 170900. 00 Request No hardcore researc h. Not reco mme nded. - 18 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme T17 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 1 Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai - 400076 , Maharashtra Nutrinet Removal and Recovery 2012: trends in NRR Sofitel Wanda, Harbin, China 23-09-2012 - 25-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Impact of cycle time on nitrogen removal in SBR for simulated fertilizer industry wastewater" Yes T18 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 7 Ms. Pranita Sonu Phatak , 29 years, PhD Student n ;pranita24@gma Ms Jublee Jasmine , 29 years, Ph.D student jubleejasmine@ ;jubleejasmine@ Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai - 400076 , Maharashtra SETAC ASIA/PACIFIC 2012 ANA Hotel Kumamoto New Sky, 2 HigasiAmidajicho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto Japan 24-092012 - 27-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Characterisation of Oily Sludge from an Oil Refinery in India and Biodegradability Assessment" No Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 90000 None None --- Reco mme nded. 12800 0 None None --- Reco mme nded. - 19 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T19 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20084 1 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics Moscone Center in San Francisco, 747 Howard Street, California (USA) 06-11-2012 - 10-11-2012 35th Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society Congress Corporation SakaeDaiichiseimei Bldg., 2-13 Shinsakaemachi, Naka-ku, Nagoya Japan 18-09-2012 - 21-09-2012 No 87860 None DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 0 CONSERVATION BIOLOGYZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT Bharathiar University Coimbatore - 641 046 Tamil Nadu, India -641046; CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh -226001; Poster "Lead author" "Identification of chromosomal aberration in fragile x syndrome patients in Tamil Nadu population, south India" T20 Mr. S. Arun , 27 years, PhDResearch Scholar asmarun@gmail. com ;asmarunabt@g Mr Abhishek Kumar Singh , 28 years, Senior Research Fellow aks84m@yahoo. ;aksingh@iitr.res .in Poster "Lead author" "3methylcholanthrene induces the expression of cytochrome P450s and apoptosis in differentiating neuronal cells derived from cord blood CD34+ stem cells" Yes 64000 "ICMR",2 8-082011,Rs. 68000.00 ; T21 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 5 Dr. Mrs Subhadra Garai , 48 years, Scientist subha@nmlindia .org CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory Burmamines, P.O.Burmamines, District-East Singhbhum , Jamshedpur , Jharkhand -831007; International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry and Materials University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis cedex France 03-10-2012 - 05-10-2012 Poster "Single author" "Novel biomimetic nanohydroxyapatite/polymer composite load bearing scaffolds for bone tissue engineering" No 72000 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Japan Neurosc ience Society - Rs. 7000.00 Request ed DST, ICMR, CSIR Rs. 105000. 00 Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e --- Reco mme nded. Receive d grant in last 3 years Not reco mme nded. - Reco mme nded 50% actual airfar e. - 20 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T22 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20071 0 Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma , 55 years, Professor vkcovas@yahoo. ;vkcovas@gmail. com CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalya, Palampur Deptt. of Animal Nutirtion, , Himachal Pradesh -176062; Poultry International Seminar to be held at Faculty of Animal Science, University of Andalas, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia 11-09-2012 12-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "EFFECT OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTATION OF PROBIOTICS ALONE AND IN COMBINATIONS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF IBL- 80 BROILERS." No 33939 None T23 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 8 CSM Medial University CSM Medical University, CHow, Shahmina Road , LUCKNOW , Uttar Pradesh -226003 TMJ bioengineering conference University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA USA 20-09-2012 - 22-092012 Oral "Single author" "Condylar reconstruction using hydroxyapatite/collagen Vs sternoclavicular graft" No 85185 None T24 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20080 8 DR DIVYA MEHROTRA , 44 years, Professor divyamehrotra@ ;mehrotra.divya Sunita yadav , 29 years, Senior research fellow sunitay5@gmail. com ;vivek_yadav26 Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 International Conference on Advances in Plant Sciences The Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai 199/42 Thailand Tel. +66 (053) 253 199, Fax: + 66 (053) 272 467 Chiang Mai Thailand 14-11-2012 - 1811-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Interaction of miRNA and Transcription factor in gene regulation" No 39007 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. DST Rs. 68973.0 0Request ed --- Reco mme nded. None --- Not reco mme nded. No hardc ore resea rch. - 21 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T25 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20078 7 Mr. Bibhas Roy , 27 years, PhD research scholar bibhas190185@ ;bivu_1985@yah Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2012) Okinawa Convention Center Ginowan City Okinawa, Japan 28-102012 - 01-11-2012 Poster "Lead author" "THE ROLE OF MEMBRANE LIPID RAFTS IN OSTEOBLASTIC SENSING AND PROPAGATION OF MECHANICAL FORCES: A MICROFLUIDIC-BASED SINGLE CELL ANALYSIS STUDY" No 94180 None T26 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20071 9 Mr. Bikram Kumar Nayak , 32 years, Senior Research Fellow biku.nayak@gm Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition 2012 EXCO, DAEGU Korea 16-09-2012 - 21-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Carbon dioxide sequestration from flue gas using Synechocystis PCC 6803 in different photobioreactors" No 58811 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Depart ment of Science and Technol ogy, Ministry of Science and Technol ogy, Govern ment of India Rs. 121062. 00 Request ed None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. - 22 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302. West Bengal -721302 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2012) EXCO,Daegu Distribution Complex Yeongnam Korea 16-09-2012 - 2109-2012 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, ISME14 ecolabelled Bella Center, Copenhagen,Denmark 19-08-2012 - 24-08-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Continuous mode of CO2 sequestration by C. sorokiniana and subsequent use of its biomass for hydrogen production by E. cloacae IIT-BT 08" Poster "Lead author" "Human papillomavirus, Cytomegalovirus and Chlamydia trachomatis Infections in Cervical Cancer Patients from Tiruchirapalli,Tamilnadu." Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e ;bikram.n@rediff T27 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20069 7 T28 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20078 4 Mr. Kanhaiya Kumar , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow k_kumar222@ya ;k.kumar17222@ Ms.Vinodhini , 25 years, Ph.D Student vinubiotech25@ Department of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University Dr. V. Rajesh Kannan Assistant Professor Department of Microbiology Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli 620 024 , Tamil Nadu -620024; No 58751 None None -- Reco mme nded. No 65900 None None -- Reco mme nded. - 23 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T29 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 6 Mr. Anshul Srivastava , 34 years, PhD Student (Senior Research Fellow) anshnbrc@gmail .com Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi Oral "Lead author" "Spatial effects of targets on Decision saccadic eye movements" No 62245 None T30 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20085 1 Prof. Manoj Sharma , 61 years, Professor of Radiotherapy profmanojsharm ;drmanojsharma Department of Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi-110002; ETVCE 2012 - 3rd International Conference on Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and Emotion Venue Auditorium Agostinho da Silva University Lusófona of Humanities and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal Campo Grande, 376 1749-024 25-10-2012 - 26-10-2012 14th Biennial International Gynec Cancer Society Conference , Vancouver Convention Centre 1055 Canada 13-10-2012 - 1610-2012 Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Abstract -1 CHALLENGE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES TO CURE THE INCURABLE BEYOND FIGO/ TNM CANCER CERVIX STAGE: BALANCED CHEMORADIATION TECHNIQUES, Abstract 2-TOLERANCE LEVELS TO POST“OP CHEMO MARTINEZ RADIATION IN STAGE III OVARIAN CANCER: IT No 86460 None None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. No hardcor e biotech compon ent Not reco mme nded. - 24 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e NECESSITY," T31 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 6 T32 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 9 Dr.Sudhesna Mohapatra , 27 years, Post graduate 3rd year sudhesna.moh@ ;sudheshna_200 Dr. Devendrasinh Jhala , 36 years, Assistant Professor ddjhala@yahoo. com ;ddjhala@gmail. com Department of Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi-110002; 2nd EFCC-UEMS Congress Hotel Rixos Liechtensteinov put 3 20 000 Dubrovnik Croatia 10-10-2013 - 13-10-2013 Oral "Lead author" "Vitamin D mediated inhibition of cancer: Do cytokines play a role?" No 60350 None None No hardcor e biotech compon ent. Not reco mme nded. Department of Zoology, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad -380009; The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics Moscone Center, 747 Howard Street San Francisco California United States 06-11-2012 - 10-11-2012 Poster "Lead author" "A novel mutation of the Nicastrin (NCSTN) gene in a large Indian family with autosomal dominant Hidradenitis suppurativa (or Acne inversa)" No 73199 None None -- Reco mme nded. - 25 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T33 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20080 7 Mr Bandi Hari Krishna , 29 years, PhD scholar hariphd.jipmer@ ;hariphysiologist Dept of Physiology, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research Dhanvantari Nagar , Puducherry , Tamil Nadu 605006 Oral "Single author" "Effect of Respiratory Rate on Spectral Analysis of short term Heart Rate Variability" No 45000 None T34 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20075 1 Ms Kalai Selvi. P , 27 years, PhD Student m ;santhinielango 62542 None DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20075 6 Dr. Frenny Sheth , 53 years, Scientist InCharge fshethad1@goog ;jshethad1@gma Poster "Lead author" "Eicosapentaenoic acid as an antidote against 2, 3, 7, 8- tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin induced oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in HepG2 cells" Poster "Lead author" "Identification of Cryptic genomic imbalance in congenital and development abnormalities “ An institutional experience" No T35 Enzyme Biotech Lab, Bharathiar University Department of Biotechnology Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641046 ; Foundation for Research In Genetics & Endocrinology FRIGE's Institute of Human Genetics Opp. Shraddha School Nr. Shubhada Colony Jodhpur Gam Road Satellite , Ahmedabad , Gujarat -380015; Annual Conference of International Medical Sciences Academy, is EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE (EBM) : SCOPE AND CHALLENGES Gulf Medical University Ajman, UAE. 06-10-2012 07-10-2012 SOCIETY FOR FREE RADICAL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,16TH BIENNIAL MEETING Imperial College South Kensington Campus London United Kingdom 05-09-2012 - 09-09-2012 62nd Annual Meeting of ASHG Moscone Center, 747 Howard Street San Fransisco California United States of America 06-11-2012 - 10-11-2012 No 82500 "ICMR",0 1-112010,Rs. 60500.00 ; Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e No hardcor e biotech Not reco mme nded. . CSIR Rs. 62542.0 0Request ed -- Reco mme nded. Foundat ion for Researc h In Genetic and Endocri nology [FRIGE] Receive d grant in last 3 years- Not reco mme nded. - 26 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T36 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 2 Dr Anil Kumar , 50 years, Professor and Head ak_gupta2k@red G.B.P.U.A & T, PANTNAGAR, DISTT-U.S NAGAR, UTTARAKHAND -263145 XIth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies (ICAFA) The Lbis Wein Mariahilf Hotel, Vienna Austria 03-092012 - 05-09-2012 T37 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 6 Ms Priyanka Sati , 27 years, Senior Research Fellow priyankasati3@g ;geminipriyanka GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development , Akmora , Uttarakhand -263643 International Conference on Antimicrobial Research University of Lisbon Portugal 21-112012 - 23-11-2012 Oral "Co-author" "Identification of Diagnostic Antigen(s) for Detection of Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) using Colloidal Gold based Rapid Lateral Flow Immuno-diffusion test" Poster "Lead author" "Antimicrobials from Ginko Biloba Leaves" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources - Rs. 20000.0 0Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Yes 63002 None None -- Reco mme nded. No 62774 None DST Rs. 93937.0 0Request ed No novelty Not reco mme nded. - 27 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T38 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 0 Dr Anita Pandey , 53 years, Scientist E anita@gbpihed.n GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development , Akmora , Uttarakhand -263643 Oral "Lead author" "Production of antimicrobials by roots of established tea bushes facilitates rhizosphere colonization by specific microbial communities" T39 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 3 Ms. Meenakshi Dangwal , 31 years, Research Scholar meenakshi.dang Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Kashmere Gate , Delhi 110403 II International Conference on Antimicrobial Research ICAR2012 Venue 1: The auditorium building of the Faculty of Dentistry “ University of Lisbon (Auditório da Faculdade de Medicina Dentária “ Universidade de Lisboa) Venue 2: ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute (Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa) Lisbon Capitol Portugal 21-112012 - 23-11-2012 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology International Convention Center, Jeju Korea 21-102012 - 26-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "DNA Methylation and Cytosine DNA Methyltransferases in Physcomitrella patens" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Yes 62774 "DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi",01 -011970,Rs. 82847.00 ; No 71088 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources CICS Rs. 50000.0 0Request ed INSA - Rs. 50000.0 0Request ed None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e No hardcor e biotech nology Not reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. - 28 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T40 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20084 7 Dr. DUNI CHAND , 43 years, Associate Professor dunichand_2000 ;dcdbthpusml@g Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla -171005 XX International Conference on Bioencapsulation YMCA Geneva Park 6604 Rama Road R.R.#6 Orillia, Ontario, Canada 21-092012 - 24-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Batch and fed-batch synthesis of butyrohydroxamic acid using alginate gel entrapped Bacillus sp. APB-6" T41 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20069 2 Mr. Vivek Gupta , 39 years, Ph.D. Student vivek_skgt@yah Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla 171005 ASME 2012 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS-2012) Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA 19-09-2012 - 21-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" " Influence of thermal strain and pyroelectric effects on active vibration control of a smart piezo structure" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs No 90000 "DBT",24 -092009,Rs. 40299.00 ; No 93485 "Depart ment of Science & Technolo gy, Govt. of India under ITS",10072011,Rs. 113155.0 0; "Centre for Internati onal Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Himach al Pradesh Universi ty - Rs. 93244.0 0Commit ted None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Receive d grant during last 3 years Not reco mme nded. Receive d grant during last 3 years Not reco mme nded. - 29 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T42 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 1 Dr Rajat Jain , 43 years, Fellow drrajat.ophth@g ;shalimar_rajat Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation, L V Prasad Eye Institute, Banjara Hills Road No. 2, Hyderabad 500 034 , Andhra Pradesh; Eucornea 2012 MiCo, Milano Congressi formerly Fiera Milano City), Milano Italy 06-092012 - 08-09-2012 T43 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20074 Mrs Sonia Goel , 29 years, S. R. F soniagoeliari@g Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012 11th International Gluten Workshop Fragrant Hill Empark Hotel in Beijing, China 12-08-2012 - 15-08- Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Clinical outcomes of Corneal Graft Infections caused by Multi-Drug Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Retrospective Case Series and Anatomical and Visual Outcomes of Descemetopexy in Post Cataract Surgery Descemetâ Membrane Detachment" Poster "Lead author" "DNA Sequence Polymorphism in Wheat Triticin Gene and its Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT No 10452 4 No 28500 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Cooperat ion in Science (CICS) – Chennai" ,10-072011,Rs. 30000.00 ; None None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e None No hardcor e experim ental researc h Not reco mme nded. CSIR Rs. 28500.0 0- Event over Not reco mme nded. - 30 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID 6 T44 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 5 Dr. SUNIL PABBI , 51 years, Principal Scientist sunil.pabbi@gm ;sunil_micro@iar Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012 Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper 2012 Relationship with BreadMaking Quality" ALGAE BIOMASS SUMMIT Sheraton, Downtown Hotel DENVER COLORADO USA 24-092012 - 27-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Bioprospecting cyanobacteria for Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulation" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme No Amou nt reques ted from DBT 78981 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Request ed NPTC Rs. 15000.0 0Sanctio ned CICS, Chennai - Rs. 50000.0 0Request ed Depart ment of Science and Technol ogy, Govt. of India Rs. 95000.0 0- Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. - 31 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme T45 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 5 Dr. Ravinder Kaur , 48 years, Project Director rk132.iari@gmail .com ;pd_wtc@iari.res .in Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012 Oral "Lead author" "Nutrient and trace metal removal efficiency of small scale (batch fed) vertical flow municipal wastewater treatment wetlands" No T46 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20078 0 Dr. Manoj P.Samuel , 40 years, Senior Scientist manojpsamuel@ ;manoj@naarm. Indian council of agricultural research complex for Northeastern hill region ICAR Research Complex for NorthEastern Hill Region , Shillong , Meghalaya -793103 ECO SUMMIT - 2012, 4TH INTERNATIONAL ECO SUMMIT, ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITYRESTORING THE PLANET'S ECOSYSTEM SERVICES Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, The Ohio State University Columbus Ohio USA 3009-2012 - 05-10-2012 International Conference on Urban drainage modelling Best Western Hotel M Belgrade Serbia 03-09-2012 - 07-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Performance Evaluation and Modelling Studies of Gravel-Coir Fibre-Sand Multimedia Stormwater Filter" No Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 75794 None None -- Reco mme nded. 65000 None None No biotech compon ent. Not reco mme nded. - 32 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T47 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20082 2 Indian Institute of Chemical TechnologyUppal Road, Hyderabad- 500 607 , Andhra Pradesh - 14th Biennial Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society Vancouver Convention center Vancouver BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA 1310-2012 - 16-10-2012 Poster "Co-author" "ROLE OF MnSOD AND IRON TRANSPORT IN STATINMEDIATED BREAST CANCER CELL DEATH" Yes 10000 0 None T48 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20079 7 Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (ICAR), Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore-560089 , Karnataka -560089 10 th EUCARPIA International meeting on cucurbitaceae 2012 Rixos Downtown Hotel, Antalya, ANTALYA TURKEY 15-10-2012 - 1810-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Mode of inheritance of bitterness and spine colour in Cucumber [Cucumis sativus (L)]" No 60000 None T49 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 5 Mr Anantha KoteswaraRao Kanugula , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow koteswararao2k anugula@gmail.c om ;koti2koti@gmail .com DR MOTTAIYAN PITACHAIMUTH U , 47 years, SENIOR SCIENTIST pitchaimth9@g ;muthu@iihr.ern Ms SREEJATA CHATTERJEE , 29 years, SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW sreejata@mbu.ii Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 2012 Bevill Conference on Glial Biology in Medicine University of Alabama at Birmingham UAB Alumni House 1301 10th Avenue South Birmingham, AL Poster "Lead author" "Corticosterone treatment leads to enhanced vesicular release in cultured rat hippocampal astrocytes" No 76886 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Poster present ation by Coauthor Not reco mme nded. IIHR, Bangalo re - Rs. 40000.0 0– Sanctio ned -- Not reco mme nded. Bevill Commit tee - Rs. 55000.0 0Sanctio ned --- Reco mme nded. - 33 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID ;sreejatach@gm T50 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20080 6 T51 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20079 9 Ms. SHAKUN SINHA , 27 years, PhD shakunmku@gm ;shakun@mrdg.ii Ms. Nambi Subhalaxmi Thirumalai , 27 years, Ph. D student subhalaxmi.nam ;subhalaxmi_n@ mrdg.iisc.ernet.i n Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA USA 05-11-2012 - 07-112012 Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 The 12th International Dendritic cell Symposium EXCO, Daegu, Korea 0710-2012 - 11-10-2012 Poster "Single author" "Targeting hormonal antigens to dendritic cell receptors: A new strategy for animal contraception" No 13200 0 None GARPIISc - Rs. 50000.0 0Request ed -- Reco mme nded. Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 Tuberculosis 2012 CONFERENCE CENTRE OF THE INSTITUT PASTEUR 28 RUE DU DOCTEUR ROUX, 75015 PARIS, FRANCE 11-09-2012 - 1509-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Cyclic AMP-regulated protein lysine acetylation in mycobacteria" Yes 78169 None Indian Institut e of Science - Rs. 50000.0 0Sanctio ned --- Reco mme nded. - 34 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T52 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20071 2 Mr. Vighneshvel Thiruppathi , 25 years, Project Assistant vighnesh@cns.iis ;vighnesh.neuro Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , Karnataka 560012 42nd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Boulevard, New Orleans Louisiana United States of America 13-102012 - 17-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Does linear separability really matter in visual search? Complex search is explained by its components." Yes 87793 None T53 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20071 7 Mr Karan Paul , 26 years, Senior Research Fellow karanpaul21@g Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Mohali Mohali Transit Campus: MGSIPAP Complex, Sector-26, Chandigarh -160019 EMBO Meeting 2012 Nice Acropolis Esplanade Kennedy 06302 Nice Cedex 4 France 22-092012 - 25-09-2012 Yes 59061 None T54 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 6 Ms. Guneet Kaur , 27 years, Research Scholar kaur.guneet07@ ;guneetkiitd@g Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi New Delhi -110016; 15th European Congress on Biotechnology The Grand Cevahir Hotel & Convention Center, Istanbul, Turkey 23-092012 - 26-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Exploring the role of different structural motifs in the structure-function mechanism of Vibrio cholerae cytolysin: implications for secretion, membrane binding, oligomerisation and cytolytic activity" Oral "Lead author" "Mathematical modelbased fed-batch cultivation of Clostridium diolis for concentration and productivity Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Depart ment of Science and Technol ogy - Rs. 104614. 00 Request ed None No 41294 None None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. - Reco mme nded. - 35 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T55 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 4 T56 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20080 5 Mr. Rahul Chaudhari , 28 years, Research Scholar rahulchaudhari ;rahul.chaudhari Mr. Atul Kumar , 23 years, PhD Student k.atul@iitg.ernet .in ;atul.kaushik7@ Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e enhancement of 1,3propanediol" Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Department of BioSciences and Bioengineering I, Mumbai , Maharashtra 400076 23rd Molecular Parasitology Meeting Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA 2209-2012 - 26-09-2012 Poster "Co-author" "A novel trafficking pathway in Plasmodium falciparum for the organellar localization of glutathione peroxidase-like thioredoxin peroxidase" No 97318 None None Poster present ation by Coauthor Not reco mme nded. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati , Assam 781039 EMBL Conference-Stem Cells in Cancer and Regenerative Medicine European Molecular Biology Laboratory Meyerhofstraße 1 Heidelberg BadenWürttemberg Germany 29-08-2012 - 01-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "CD90 expression in MSC from hematologic malignancies during different stages of the disease" Yes 95179 None None -- Reco mme nded. - 36 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T57 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20079 6 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati , Assam 781039 V International Symposium on Sourdough - Cereal Fermentation for Future Foods Hotel Hilton Strand Helsinki Finland 10-102012 - 12-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Potentials of dextran hyper-producing Weissella confusa Cab3 isolated from fermented cabbage for sourdough" No 69370 None T58 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20078 6 Ms Shraddha Shukla , 27 years, Research Scholar shraddha@iitg.e ;shraddha.mydre Dr A.K. Pattanaik , 48 years, Senior Scientist akpattanaik1@g ;akpattanaik1@r INDIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE,IZATNAGAR,BAREIL LY , Uttar Pradesh -243122 XI International Conference on Goats 2012 Hotel Sercotel Las Palmas Gomera Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain 24-09-2012 - 27-092012 Poster "Lead author" "Ameliorative efficacy of dietary selenium against high dietary asrenic" No 78210 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Organizi ng Commit tee, XI Internat ional Confere nce on Goats 2012 Gran Canaria, Spain Rs. 0.00 Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. Poster present ation by Senior scientist Not reco mme nded. - 37 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T59 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20076 7 Mr. Prakhar Gaur , 26 years, PhD Scholar prakhar@ganitla ;prakhar.aaidu16 INSTITUTE OF BIOINFORMATICS & APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY Bio-Tech Park Electronics City Phase I , Bangalore , Karnataka 560100; 2012 GMOD Summer School NESCent, 2024 W. Main Street Durham North Carolina United States of America 24-082012 - 29-08-2012 Oral "Single author" "Not Applicable" No 15838 9 None T60 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 1 Ms. Dhanashree Kelkar , 29 years, Ph. D. Student dhanashree.kelk ;dhanashree@ibi Human Proteome Organisation 11th Annual World Conference Hynes Convention Center, 900 Boylston Street Boston MA USA 09-09-2012 - 1309-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Annotation of the zebrafish genome through an integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analysis" No 96975 None T61 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20084 8 Ms. Sharmilee Mane , 24 years, Research Student sharmileemane8 ;sharmileemane Institute of Bioinformatics Unit I, Seventh floor, Discoverer Building International Technology Park , Bangalore , Karnataka 560066; Institute of Chemical Technology, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400019 International Symposium of Biochromatography and Nanoseparations SBCN 2012 IPB ENSTBB BORDEAUX 146 rue Léo Saignat - 33076 BORDEAUX CEDEX FRANCE 23-10-2012 - 2610-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Pearl Millet and Sorghum Prolamins- A Plastifiable and Celiac Safe Proteins" No 73608 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources GMOD (Organiz ers) Rs. 17400.0 0Commit ted ICMR Rs. 115735. 00 Request ed None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Summe r schoolNo paper present ation Not reco mme nded. --- Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. - 38 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T62 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 7 Mr. Vinod Amritkar , 27 years, Research Student amritkar.vinod@ ;vinod.amritkar Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400019 Oral "Lead author" "Preparative Scale Extraction and Chromatographic Purification of Ursolic acid from Apple Pomace using QbD Approach" No 73825 None T63 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 8 Mr. Sandip N. Kadam , 28 years, Research Student sandipkadam4@ ;kamy_kadam@ Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400019 Oral "Lead author" "Chromatography Coupled with Crystalization: Novel Hybrid Process for Purification of Xylitol from Fermentation Broth" No 73825 None T64 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20082 Mr Ketan D Patel , 27 years, Doctoral Research Fellow Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400019 International Symposium of Biochromatography and Nanoseparations SBCN 2012 IPB ENSTBB BORDEAUX 146 rue Léo Saignat - 33076 BORDEAUX CEDEX FRANCE Tél. + 33 (0)5 57 10 44 Bordeaux Aquitaine France 23-102012 - 26-10-2012 International Symposium of Biochromatography and Nanoseparations SBCN 2012 IPB ENSTBB BORDEAUX 146 rue Léo Saignat - 33076 BORDEAUX CEDEX FRANCE Tél. + 33 (0)5 57 10 44 Bordeaux Aquitaine France 23-102012 - 26-10-2012 AAPS annual meeting and exposition 2012 McCormick Place 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e No novelty. Not reco mme nded. None No novelty. Not reco mme nded. Poster "Lead author" "Taxargine - An Arginine anchored self nanoemulsifying cationic No 82887 None None --- Reco mme nded - 39 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme 3 ketan.uict@gmai IL 60616 Chicago Illinois USA 14-10-2012 - 18-102012 nanocarrier of paclitaxel for cancer treatment" T65 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20076 9 Ms. Azza Silotry Naik , 27 years, JRF azza.silotry8@g Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400019 ICABBBE River view Hotel Singapore, 382 Havelock Road, Singapore 169629 12-09-2012 - 13-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Functional lipids and bioactive compounds from oil rich indigenous seeds." No T66 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 9 Mr. Prasad V. Mandade , 28 years, PhD Research Fellow prasadmandade ;prasadmandade Institute of Chemical Technology ICT, N. P. Marg Matunga East , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400019 AICHE 2012 Annual Meeting David L. Lawrence Convention Center Pittsburgh, PA United States 28-10-2012 - 02-11-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Life Cycle System Analysis of Bio ethanol from AgroIndustrial Lignocellulosic biomass in India" No Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 30000 None --- Reco mme nded 91245 None DST Rs. 65000.0 0Request ed CICS - Rs. 20000.0 0Request ed None -- Reco mme nded. - 40 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T67 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20074 3 Dr. Sandip K Mishra , 46 years, Scientist sandipkmishra@ Institute of Life Sciences, NALCO Square , Bhubaneswar , Orissa -751023; T68 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 4 Ms. Sasmita Panda , 26 years, Senior Research Fellow asmi.panda@gm Institute of Life Sciences, NALCO Square , Bhubaneswar , Orissa -751023; 2nd World Congress on Cancer Science and therapy Hilton San Antonio Airport, 611 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, Texas 78216, USA 10-092012 - 12-09-2012 International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012 Moscone North and South (Convention Center) 747 Howard Street San Francisco California United States of America 09-09-2012 12-09-2012 T69 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 2 Ms Tilothama Bhotra , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow tilothama.bhotra ;tilu.b007@gmail .com INSTITUTE OF LIFESCIENCES NALCO SQUARE, CHANDRASEKHARPUR, BHUBANESWAR-751023 , Orissa -751023; International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) 2012 Moscone North and South (Convention Center) 747 Howard Street San Francisco, California Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Oral "Single author" "IMPORTANT CHROMATIN MODIFERS IN BREAST CANCER" No 99790 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. Poster "Lead author" "Hexaplex PCR Assay for Detection of Staphylococcus aureus, mecA, czrC, QacA/B and Pantone-Valentine Leucocidin genes with Simultaneous Discrimination from Coagulase Negative Staphylococci" Poster "Lead author" "16S rDNA sequencing in Characterizing SXTpositive Vibrio owensii isolated from Corals" No 88503 None None -- Reco mme nded. No 91127 None DST Rs. 116647. 00 Request ed ICMR Rs. -- Reco mme nded - 41 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources 116647. 00 Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e None Organis ers of the 6th Internat ional Confere nce on the Hsp90 Chaper one Machin e - Rs. 50393.3 5Sanctio ned -- Reco mme nded. 94103 09-09-2012 - 1209-2012 T70 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20079 3 Mr. Abhinav Joshi , 24 years, CSIR - JRF abhinav_kvpy@y Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University Registrar office, Central office , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh 221005 6th International Conference on the Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone Machine Les Diablerets Switzerland 19-09-2012 23-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Filarial Hsp90 : A potential drug target" No 63001 - 42 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T71 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20068 5 Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University Registrar office, Central office , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh 221005 11th International Conference on Goats. University of LaPalmas Gran-Canaria Spain 2309-2012 - 27-09-2012 T72 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20069 6 Mr. Somenath Ghosh , 26 years, CSIR-SRF somenath.bdn@ ;chaldar2001@y Dr.O.K. REMADEVI , 60 years, Scientist-G & Head, WBD okremadevi@icfr ;okremadevi@g Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Malleswaram 18th Cross, Bangalore - 560 003 Karnataka -560003; International Sandalwood Symposium 2012 EastWest Center, University of Hawaii, Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 21-10-2012 - 24-10-2012 T73 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 3 Mr. S H Jain , 56 years, Scientist-C ;shjain2@rediff Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Malleswaram 18th Cross, Bangalore - 560 003 Karnataka; International Sandalwood Symposium 2012 EastWest Center Hawaii Imin International Conference Center located at the University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus in Honolulu, Hawaii Honolulu USA 21-10-2012 Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Poster "Lead author" "Energy distribution in maintenance of immunity and reproduction with special reference to melatonin in Indian goat Capra hircus." Oral "Lead author" "SANDALWOOD BIODETERIORATION IN INDIAN CONDITIONS – CAUSES, IMPACTS AND REMEDIES" Yes 10000 0 None No 75463 None Oral "Lead author" "Biochemical colour reaction a tool to evaluate oil content in Sandal (Santalum album L.) trees" No 75463 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources CSIR Rs. 30000.0 0Request ed Internat ional Sandalw ood Foundat ion - Rs. 13750.0 0Commit ted Internat ional sandalw ood foundat ion - Rs. 13750.0 0Sanctio Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. - 43 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources ned DST - Rs. 75463.0 0Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e - 24-10-2012 T74 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 4 T75 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 9 Mrs Shilpa Jamwal , 30 years, SRF shilpajamwal083 ; Mr. Deepak , 29 years, Senior Research Fellow deepaknano@g ;deepakyadav_8 m International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Aruna Asaf Ali Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110067 Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 Tuberculosis 2012 Biology, Pathogenesis and Intervention Strategies 28 RUE DU DOCTEUR ROUX, 75015 PARIS, FRANCE Paris 11-09-2012 - 15-092012 NFA 2012 Nanaomaterials :Fundamentals and Application Hotel Patria, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia 03-10-2012 - 06-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Divergent lifestyle choices of Mycobacterial strains in host macrophages" No 48991 None None -- Reco mme nded. Poster "Lead author" "Paclitaxel Encapsulated (NIPAAm/VP) Polymeric Micelles against Breast Cancer Cell Line" No 46848 None None --- Reco mme nded. - 44 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T76 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 8 Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 NFA 2012 Nanaomaterials :Fundamentals and Application Hotel Patria,Strbske Pleso,Slovakia 03-102012 - 06-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Antifungal and Antibacterial activities of silvernanoparticles" No 46848 None T77 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 7 Mr. Mohammad Faiyaz Anwar , 29 years, SRF faiyazinnanotech nology@gmail.c om ;faiyaz.anwar@y Mr Rehan Khan , 31 years, PhD student rehankhan.toxic ;rehanjh@yahoo Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Not reco mme nded. No novel ty. Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 EACR-IACR "The Tumor Microenvironment" the Burlington Hotel Dublin Ireland 17-09-2012 - 1909-2012 No 60619 None T78 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 7 Mr Muneeb U Rehman , 29 years, PhD Student muneebjh@gmai ;m_rehman083 Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 8th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok Thailand 10-092012 - 13-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Glycyrrhizic acid modulates 1,2dimethylhydrazineinduced aberrant crypt foci and mucin depleted foci via regulating the hyperproliferation, inflammation, angiogenesis and apoptosis" Poster "Lead author" "Limonene attenuates doxorubicin-induced renal toxicity via amelioration of oxidative stress and inflammation" None No novelty Reco mme nded. No 21564 None None -- Reco mme nded. - 45 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme No Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 77377 None None -- Reco mme nded. No 10000 0 None None No biotech compon ent. Not reco mme nded. No 70207 None CSIR Rs. 70207.0 0Request ed CSIR -- Reco mme nded. T79 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 3 Prof.Manda Sarangapani , 52 years, Professor panimanda@gm Kakatiya university , Warangal , Andhra Pradesh -506009; 2012 AAPS Annual meeting and Exposition McCormick Place Chicago Illinois USA 14-10-2012 18-10-2012 T80 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20078 9 Mizoram University Tanhril, Aizawl-796009 , Mizoram 8th Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society Symposium APES2012, Wenjin Hotel Tsinghua Science Park, Haidian District Beijing China 11-10-2012 - 15-102012 T81 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 7 Dr. Muthukumaran R. BOSE , 46 years, Associate Professor m ;saif18rsic@gmai Mr Anurag kumar Sahu , 27 years, PhD student anuragsahhu@g Poster "Lead author" "Design and synthesis of 2-(2-Oxo-1,2-dihydroindol-3-ylidenemethyl)-3aryl-4(3H)-quinazolinones as cytotoxic agents for anti cancer activity" Oral,Poster "Lead author" "Dipolar and exchange coupling in (bissalicylaldiminatothiocarb hydrazono-dicopper(II), a sulphur bridged dimeric copper(II) complex." Mody Institute of Technology and Science , Lakshmangarh, Sikar , Rajasthan -332311 n; International Conference on Advance in Plant Sciences (ICAPS-2012) Empress Hotel Chiang Mai chiang mai province Thailand 14-11-2012 - 18- Poster "Lead author" "Assessment of Genetic Diversity within CP gene of Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) infecting tomato plant across world" - 46 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID ;anuragsahu200 m Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources - Rs. 70207.0 0Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Depart ment of Science and Technol ogy - Rs. 90601.0 0Request ed DST Rs. 92500.0 0Request ed -- Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. 11-2012 T82 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20080 9 Mr. SUBHADIP PAUL , 32 years, Ph.D. Student subhadippaul@g ;subhadip@nbrc. National Brain Research Centre, Near NSG Campus, NH-8,Manesar , Gurgaon , Haryana -122050 NEUROSCIENCE 2012 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70130. United States of America 13-10-2012 17-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Construction of Indian MRI brain template" No 79911 None T83 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20075 7 Ms MEGHA MAHESHWARI , 27 years, Integrated PhD Student meghathezeal@ ; .in National Brain Research Centre NBRC, Near NSG Campus, NH-8,Manesar , Gurgaon , Haryana -122050 NEUROSCIENCE 2012 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA USA 13-10-2012 - 17-10-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Role of Ube3a in pathophysiology of Huntington disease" No 79911 None - 47 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T84 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20075 5 National Brain Research Centre NBRC, Near NSG Campus, NH-8,Manesar , Gurgaon , Haryana -122050 Neuroscience 2012 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans Louisinia USA 13-10-2012 - 17-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Peripheral clearance of β-amyloid by a semipurified plant extract reverses Alzheimer's disease pathology." No 80000 None T85 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 4 Ms Neha Sehgal , 32 years, Senior Research Fellow nsehgal29@gmai ;kambi.niranjan Mrs K.M.Sharika , 29 years, SRF catchtheshark@ ;catchtheshark@ National Brain Research Centre NBRC, Near NSG Campus, NH-8,Manesar , Gurgaon , Haryana -122050 Neuroscience 2012 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans Louisiana USA 13-102012 - 17-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Role of supplementary eye fields in the proactive control of sequential saccades: a single-pulse TMS study" No 79911 None T86 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 4 Dr Chandish R. Ballal , 54 years, Principal Scientist ballalchandish@ ;ballalchandish@ National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (ICAR), H. A. Farm Post, Bellary Road, Bangalore 560 024 , Karnataka -560024 IOBC Working Group Meeting on - Integrated Control in Protected Crps, Mediterranean Region Faculty of Agriculture University of Catania Catania Sicily Italy 09-10- Oral "Lead author" "Morphometrics and biology of a new anthocorid Montandoniola indica, a potential predator of Gynaikothrips uzeli" No 75408 "ISTAD", 21-102011,Rs. 20000.00 ; Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None DST Rs. 79911.0 0Request ed NBRC Rs. 79911.0 0Request ed Organis ers - Rs. 31995.0 0Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. Receive d grant in last 3 years Not reco mme nded. - 48 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 2012 - 12-10-2012 T87 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20084 5 Ms. Sonia Sen , 31 years, Student sonia@ncbs.res.i n ;soniasen@gmail .com National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, Karnataka -560065 2012 European Fly Neurobiology Meeting (Neurofly) University of Padova Via U. Bassi, 58/B 35131 Padova ITALY 0309-2012 - 07-09-2012 T88 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 1 Mr Satish Kumar , 30 years, SRF ;satishkumar130 National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, Karnataka -560065 The 4th EMBO Meeting 2012, Nice (22–25 September 2012) Nice Acropolis Esplanade Kennedy 06302 Nice Cedex 4 France Telephone: +33493928300 Fax: +33493928255 Nice Acropolis Nice France 2209-2012 - 25-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Rewiring the brain: otd loss-of-function results in neuroblast lineage transformation in postembryonic brain development of Drosophila" Poster "Lead author" "Patterns of gene expression in Drosophila InsP3 receptor mutant larvae reveal a role for InsP3 signaling in carbohydrate and energy metabolism" No 66852 None None --- Reco mme nded. No 76750 None CSIR Rs. 76750.0 0Request ed DST Rs. 98443.0 0Request ed --- Reco mme nded. - 49 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T89 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 2 Ms. Lakshmi Revathi Perumalsamy , 28 years, Phd Student lakshimi@ncbs.r ;lakshmi.revathi National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, Karnataka -560065 The EMBO Meeting 2012 “ Advancing the life science. Nice Acropolis Esplanade Kennedy 06302 Nice Cedex 4 Nice France 22-09-2012 - 2509-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Spatial regulation of Notch underlies its antiapoptotic activity." Yes 55790 None T90 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20074 7 Mr.Umesh Kumar Shandilya , 27 years, PhD Scholar ukshandilya@gm ;umesh.shandily m National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal , Haryana 132001 International Scientific Association of Probiotic and Prebiotics (ISAPP)SFA Conference Garnish Guesthouse Cork Ireland 29-09-2012 - 02-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Effect of probiotic Dahi (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Biﬕdobacterium biﬕdum) administration on immunoglobulins levels and cytokine modulation in whey proteins-induced allegy mouse model" No 40000 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources DST Rs. 100590. 00 Request ed CSIR - Rs. 55790.0 0Request ed Student and Fellow Associat ion - Rs. 28000.0 0Commit ted Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. - Reco mme nded. - 50 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T91 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20081 0 Dr Rameshwar Singh , 57 years, Principal Scientist and Head m ;dmdivision@gm National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal , Haryana 132001 T92 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20074 0 Dr Anil Kumar Puniya , 46 years, Principal Scientist akpuniya@gmail .com ;puniya1234@re National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal , Haryana 132001 The 1st International Conference on Animal Nutrition and Environment Tropical Feed Resources Research and Development Center (TROFREC) Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 40002 THAILAND Tel: +66-4320-2368, Fax: +664320-2368 E-mail:; Khon Kaen THAILAND 1409-2012 - 15-09-2012 The 1st International Conference on Animal Nutrition and Environment Tropical Feed Resources Research and Development Center (TROFREC) Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 40002 THAILAND Tel: +66-4320-2368, Fax: +664320-2368 E-mail: Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Oral "Co-author" "Enzymatic profiles of rumen anaerobic fungi" No 55451 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Oral "Lead author" "Microbial and molecular diversity of rumen anaerobic fungi" No 55451 None None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. --- Reco mme nded. - 51 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 90133 "ICMR",0 8-122011,Rs. 91349.00 ; "CICS",08 -122011,Rs. 16541.00 ; Marine Biologic al Laborat ory - Rs. 182000. 00 Commit ted Receive d grant in last 3 years Not reco mme nded.; 1409-2012 - 15-09-2012 T93 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20078 8 Mr. Alhad Ashok Ketkar , 29 years, PhD student alhad4284@gma ;alhadketkar@ya National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, J M Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012 , Maharashtra -400012; Frontiers in Stem Cells and Regeneration MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY, 7 MBL STREET, WOODS HOLE, MA, USA WOODS HOLE Massachusetts USA 3009-2012 - 07-10-2012 Oral "Single author" "Frontiers in Stem Cells and Regeneration" Yes - 52 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T94 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 5 Mr.K.Narasimhul u , 36 years, Asst.Professor simha_bt@nitw. ;simha7762006 National Institute of Technology, Warangal Andhra Pradesh -506004; T95 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 7 Dr. S. Padmavathy , 57 years, Associate Professor of Botany rajpadmah@gm ;rajpadmah@yah Nirmala College for Women , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641018; International Conference on Tissue Science and Engineering DoubleTree by Hilton Chicago-North Shore Conference Center 9599 Skokie Blvd Skokie, Chicago, Illinois 60077, USA Phone: 1-847-6797000, Fax: 1-847-6790904 01-10-2012 - 03-102012 ICG Americas 2012 International Conference on Genomics Revolutionizing Medicine and Agriculture through Next-Gen Sequencing and Bioinformatics The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 34th st. and Civic Blvd. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 United States 27-09-2012 - 28-09-2012 Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Oral "Single author" "Bioreactors to investigate the mechanotransduction in Tissue Engineering" No 72000 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Oral "Single author" "A minimal self sufficient gene set for survival, derived by comparison of two green algae Oltmannsiellopsis viridis and Pseudendoclonium akinetum" No 98800 None None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. - 53 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T96 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20075 2 Dr. Karuna Shrivastava , 50 years, Associate Professor karuna.nerist@g ; North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and technology, Nirjuli , Itanagar , Arunachal Pradesh 791109 Poster "Lead author" "Genetic diversity among indigenous yeast strains isolated from amylolytic starters used in traditional alcoholic beverage preparations in Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India" T97 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20084 6 Mr. Sandeep Kumar Yadav , 25 years, PhD Scholar sandeepyadav@ ;sandeepyadav.b NTIONAL INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU Compus , New Delhi , Delhi -110067 13th International Congress on Yeasts, 2012 Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center/Extension Conference Centers, University of Wisconsin, Madison Madison Wisconsin USA 26-082012 - 30-08-2012 International Conference on Environmental Biological and Ecological Sciences and Engineering, ICEBESE 2012 NH Leonardo Da Vinci Via dei Gracchi, 324. 00192 Rome,Italy Tel: +39 06 328481 | Tel: +34 91 398 46 61 E-mail: Rome I Italy 26-09-2012 - 27-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "DYZ1 array, an important tool to differentiate between somatic and germline DNA of an individual using capillary electrophoresis" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs No 12000 0 "DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi",01 -082010,Rs. 62801.00 ; No 60273 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Nationa l Institut e of Immun ology Rs. 50000.0 0Commit ted Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Receive d grant in last 3 years - Not reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded. - 54 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T98 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20082 8 Dr Patil Sandeep Sudamrao , 33 years, DM resident in neonatology drsandeepsudpa ;drsandeepsudp Depat of Nephrology,BlockC,nehru Hospital,PGIMER Sector-12 , Chandigarh 160012 European academy of pediatrics societies2012(EAPS-2012) Istanbul I Turkey 04-10-2012 - 0910-2012 T99 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20084 3 Dr Bal Krishan Sharma , 31 years, Senior Research Fellow sharma3@gmail. com Post Graduate Institute of Medical education & Research, Chandigarh Dept of experiemental medicne& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh 160012 T100 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20084 2 Mr Bhupesh Singla , 31 years, PhD Student bhupesh297@g ;bhupesh2907@ Post Graduate Institute of Medical education & Research, Chandigarh Dept of experiemental medicne& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh - International Meeting on Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses, Oxford, England University of Oxford Christ Church & Examination Schools Oxford, England, UK 2209-2012 - 25-09-2012 International Meeting on Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses University of Oxford Christ Church & Examination Schools Poster "Lead author" "SERIAL QUANTITATIVE CREACTIVE PROTEIN (QCRP) CONCENTRATIONS TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATENESS OF ANTIBIOTICS IN NEONATAL SEPSIS: A NESTED CASE CONTROL STUDY" Poster "Lead author" "Serum levels of angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors : their individual as well as the collective prognostic relevance in locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma" Poster "Lead author" "Naturally occurring hepatitis B virus reverse transcriptase mutations in treatment-naïve chronic hepatitis B Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources CSIR Rs. 20000.0 0Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded. No 42223 None No 62914 "DBT",27 -012011,Rs. 40000.00 ; None Receive d grant in last 3 years - Not reco mme nded. No 62914 None None -- Reco mme nded. - 55 - S. No. Propo sal Code T101 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20076 4 T102 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20076 2 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper 160012 Oxford United Kingdom 22-09-2012 - 25-09-2012 patients" Mr. Mumtaz Anwar , 27 years, PhD Student mumtaz_anwar1 n ;mumtaz.anwar1 Mr Vinod Kumar , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow PhD vinsh777@gmail. com ;vinsh777@hotm Post Graduate Institute of Medical education & Research, Chandigarh Dept of experiemental medicne& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh 160012 4th EMBO meetingAdvancing the Life SciencesNice France 2209-2012 - 25-09-2012 Post Graduate Institute of Medical education & Research, Chandigarh Dept of experimental medicine& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh 160012 ISN Forefronts Symposium Tubulointerstitial Disease in Diabetic Nephropathy 2012 Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne Australia 0410-2012 - 07-10-2012 Poster "Lead author" "pregulation of β-Catenin mRNA levels and mutational alterations highly correlates with clinicopathological factors among Indian colorectal cancer patients" Poster "Lead author" "Association of UMOD T>C (rs4293393) variant with Diabetic Nephropathy in Indian Subjects" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e No 59061 None None -- Reco mme nded. No 76555 None None -- Reco mme nded. - 56 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T103 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20071 6 Mr Deep Raj Sharma , 31 years, PhD Student deepraj.apr82@ ;drdeepraj.shar Post Graduate Institute of Medical education & Research, Chandigarh Dept of experiemental medicne& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh 160012 16th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, 2012 Imperial College London, UK. 06-09-2012 - 09-092012 T104 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20071 5 Mr.WILLAYAT YOUSUF WANI , 31 years, PhD student willayat.wani@g ;waseem_willaya Post Graduate Institute of Medical education & Research, Chandigarh Dept of experiemental medicne& biotech, research block-b, Sector-12 , chandigarh 160012 16th Biennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRR2012) , Imperial College,London UNITED KINGDOM 06-09-2012 09-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Quercetin attenuates aluminum-induced apoptosis in rat hippocampus, by preventing cytochrome c translocation, Bcl-2 decrease, Bax elevation, caspase-3 and p53 activation." Poster "Lead author" "Protective Effect Of MitoQ Against Dichlorvos Induced Oxidative Stress And Ensuing Dopaminergic Neuronal Cell Death" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs No 69309 --- No 69309 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None DST Rs. 133809. 00 Request ed ICMR Rs. 93809.0 0Request ed CSIR - Rs. 93309.0 0Request Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e --- Reco mme nded. --- Reco mme nded. - 57 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T105 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20080 4 Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Sector-12 , Chandigarh -160012; No DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20078 1 New Zealand Applied Neurosciences Conference . AUT University North Shore Campus, Akoranga Drive, Northcote Auckland, New Zealand Auckland Region 14-09-2012 - 16-09-2012 (InCoB 2012) -11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok, Thailand. 03-10-2012 05-10-2012 Oral "Single author" "Is biological reductionism necessary to combat memory disorders: lessons from Indian herb" T106 Dr Akshay Anand , 41 years, Associate Professor akshay2anand@ ;akshay1anand@ Mr G Rajesh Kumar , 28 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR rajeshgkumar26 ;kvenkatesh71@ Poster "Lead author" "Interleukin 18 (-137G/C) Polymorphism in Atherosclerosis" No Principal, Univeristy College of Science, Osmania University , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500007 n; Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 88660 None None No novelty. Scope of R&D not clear. Not reco mme nded. 42230 None DST Rs. 42230.0 0– Request ed -- Reco mme nded. - 58 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T107 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20077 8 Principal, Univeristy College of Science, Osmania University , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500007 n; T108 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20076 6 Mr VENKATESH , 29 years, RESEARCH SCHOLAR kvenkatesh111 ;kvenkatesh71@ Mrs Sireesha Vaidya , 35 years, Research Fellow siripreetam@gm ;madhaviprav@g (InCoB 2012) -11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok, Thailand 03-10-2012 - 0510-2012 Molecular Diagnostics World Congress SanDiego,USA SanDiego California USA 25-092012 - 26-09-2012 Principal, Univeristy College of Science, Osmania University , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500007 n; Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Poster "Lead author" "Na+/H+ antiporter (NHX1) gene expression in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and its interaction studies" No 42230 None Poster "Lead author" "No evidence for the role of somatic mutations and promoter hypermethylation of FH gene in the tumorigenesis of nonsyndromic uterine leiomyomas." Yes 78542 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources DST Rs. 42230.0 0Request ed Vasavi Hospital ,Hydera bad Rs. 30000.0 0Request ed Mahyco Foundat ion - Rs. 10000.0 0Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e - Reco mme nded. -- Reco mme nded - 59 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T109 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20085 0 Mr. Priyadarshan Keluskar , 31 years, Research Scholar priyadarshan_56 Challenges in Malaria Research: Progress Towards Elimination University of Basel BaselStadt Switzerland 10-102012 - 12-10-2012 T110 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20079 0 Ms SANGEETHA VIJAY , 27 years, RESEARCH FELLOW sangircc@gmail. com ;drshariharan@g Prof. Arun Arya, Head Dept. of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara-39002 , Gujarat 390002 Regional Cancer Centre, PB No.2417 Medical College PO , Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala 695011; Poster "Lead author" "Inhibition kinetics of Plasmodium Lactate Dehydrogenase with herbal extracts suggest possible enzyme inhibitor molecular interaction" Poster "Single author" "Significance of BCR-ABL mutations, atypical FISH signal patterns and gene" INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING CELL THERAPIES 2012 DoubleTree by Hilton Chicago-North Shore, CHICAGO ILLINOIS USA 01-10-2012 - 03-10-2012 Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs No 55621 None No 82690 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources ICMR Rs. 70281.0 0Request ed None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded Subject to submiss ion of supervis ors endorse ment that the work carried out in their laborat ory Reco mme nded lab. - 60 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T111 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20082 5 Ms. Priya Tripathi , 43 years, Phd Scholar priya.tripathi7@ ;priyarose1@gm Research Cell CSM Medical University, Lucknow. 226003 , Uttar Pradesh Poster "Lead author" "Association of ADAM33 Gene Variants' T1, T2 and S1 In Genetic Susceptibility to Asthma and Its Severity In Indian Children" Yes 13269 7.1 None T112 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20074 5 Ms. Nivedita , 29 years, Ph.D. Student nivedita229@gm School of Environmental Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,; The American academy of pediatrics (AAP) National Conference & Exhibition 141 Northwest Point Blvd, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Phone 1-847-4344000, Fax 1-847-434-8000 General Email Registraiton Questions New Orleans Louisiana US 20-10-2012 - 23-10-2012 EMBO Meeting 2012 Nice Acropolis Esplanade Kennedy 06302 Nice Cedex 4 France 22-092012 - 25-09-2012 Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Poster "Single author" "Investigating the Effect of Phosphate Availability on Expression of Two Rice Receptor-Like Protein Kinases (Oslrk and Oslrr1) and Root Colonization During Piriformospora indica Interaction." No 59061 None None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e -- Reco mme nded Subject to submiss ion of supervis ors endorse ment that the work carried out in their Reco mme nded - 61 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e lab. T113 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20082 0 Mr Kaushik Kumar Dey , 30 years, Senior Research Fellow (SRF) kaushik1011@g ;kaushik1011@r School of Medical Science & Technology, IIT Kharagpur School of Medical Science & Technology Indian Institute of Techonology, Kharagpur , West Bengal -721302; 5th Oncology Biomarkers Renaissance Zurich Hotel Thurgauerstrasse 101 8152 Zurich Glattpark Switzerland 05-09-2012 06-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Aberrant Overexpression of Calcium-Binding Protein S100A7 and different prognostic protein as a Novel Diagnostic Early Detection Biomarker in Human Oral Cancer" No 52000 None DST Rs. 52000.0 0Request ed DST Rs. 39200.0 0Request ed DST Rs. 30000.0 0Request ed DST Rs. 7000.00 Request --- Reco mme nded. - 62 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T114 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20076 0 Mr Mohammad Shahid Mansuri , 29 years, PhD Student shahid581983@ ;hafeezbiotech@ SLS JNU 433, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi , Delhi 110067; manish96_sls@students.mail.j International Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology on Actin Dynamics Kongress- und Kulturzentrum Kolpinghaus Regensburg KolpinghausGaststätten- Betriebs GmbH Adolph-KolpingStraße 1 93047 Regensburg Germany Phone +49 (0) 941 595 00 0 Fax +49 (0) 941 595 00 80 Email: Regensburg Germany 1209-2012 - 15-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "A novel alpha kinase Ehak1 is involved in erythrophagocytosis in protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica by remodeling the actin dynamics" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme No Amou nt reques ted from DBT 61787 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e None None -- Reco mme nded. - 63 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T115 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20084 4 Dr.D.Bharathi , 52 years, Professor dbbharathi@yah Sri Padmavathi Mahila visvavidyalayam ( Women's University) Andhra Pradesh 517502; 4th International conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products Johns Hopkins University Montgomery Campus 9601Medical center Drive Rockville, MD 20850, USA Rockville USA Washington 06-092012 - 08-09-2012 Oral "Single author" "COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE MEDICINAL PLANTS PERTAINING TO BIO CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS IN STZ INDUCED DIABETIC MALE ALBINO RATS•" T116 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20076 5 Dr M V A N Suryanarayana , 45 years, Scientist mv_an.surya@y Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati , Andhra Pradesh -517502; Aninue-2012 Pullman Raja Orchid Hotel,Khon Kaen,Thailand 14-092012 - 15-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "IN VITRO EVALUATION OF HERBAL RESIDUES FOR TDDM, TDOM, VFA PRODUCTION AND PATHOGEN INHIBITION IN PIGS" Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs No 90625 "DST, New Delhi",21 -092010,Rs. 43920.00 ; "CSIR, New Delhi",14 -122011,Rs. 20000.00 ; Yes 43500 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Travel Grant Rs. 20000.0 0Commit ted Travel Grant Rs. 43920.0 0Sanctio ned None Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Receive d grant during last 3 years Not reco mme nded. --- Reco mme nded. - 64 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T117 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20072 1 Mr. RAVINDRA PURUSHOTTAM TURANKAR , 29 years, RESEARCH FELLOW turankarr83@g ;ravindraturanka m Stanley Browne Research Laboratory The Leprosy Mission Community Hospital, Nand Nagri, Shahdara , New Delhi , Delhi -110093; m The EMBO conference series:Tuberculosis 2012 CONFERENCE CENTRE OF THE INSTITUT PASTEUR, 28 RUE DU DOCTEUR ROUX, 75015 PARIS, FRANCE 11-09-2012 - 1509-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Molecular Typing based on single nucleotide polymorphism of M.leprae from Multi-case Families of Leprosy Patients and their surroundings" No 50000 None T118 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20067 8 Ms. Tanya Singh , 30 years, Ph.D Scholar ;tanyabioinfo@g Supercomputing Facility for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, IIT Delhi Hauz Khas , New Delhi 110016; 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok, Thailand 03-10-2012 - 05- Poster "Lead author" "Sanjeevini: A Freely Accessible Target Directed Lead Molecule Discovery Software Suite" Yes 23663 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Indian council of Medical Researc h - Rs. 47000.0 0Request ed Depart ment of Science & Technol ogy - Rs. 17500.0 0Request ed Depart ment of Science and Technol ogy - Rs. Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e --- Reco mme nded - Reco mme nded. - 65 - S. No. Propo sal Code T119 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20083 0 T120 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 5 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme n 10-2012 Dr.C.Senthamil Pandian , 37 years, Assistant Professor vetsenthamil@y ;msrs@tanuvas. Mr Suman Kalyan Guha , 27 years, Research Scholar sumankguha@tif ;suman7285@g Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai-600051 , Tamil Nadu -600051; The 1st International Conference on Animal Nutrition and Environment Pullman Raja Orchid Hotel, Khon Kaen Khon Kaen Thailand 14-09-2012 - 15-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "FRESH FECAL SAMPLE AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO RUMEN INOCULUM FOR PREDICTING ANIMAL PERFORMANCE" No Tata Institiute of Fundamental Research 1, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba , Mumbai , Maharashtra -400005 Molecular Parasitology Meeting Marine Biological laboratory, 7 MBL Street Woods Hole Massachusetts United States of America 22-092012 - 26-09-2012 Oral "Lead author" "Mild malarial infection negatively regulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis" No Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources 50000.0 0Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 33000 None None -- Reco mme nded. 74800 None Depart ment of Science and Technol ogy - Rs. 74800.0 0Request ed Council for --- Reco mme nded. - 66 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event T121 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20073 3 Dr. Satya Sundar Bhattacharya , 40 years, Assistant Professor satyasundarb@y Tezpur University Napaam, Tezpur Dist. Sonitpur, Assam Pin- 784028 -784028 Eco Summit 2012 Convention Center Columbus Ohio USA 3009-2012 - 06-10-2012 Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Oral "Co-author" "Enhancing bioavailability of three major plant nutrients in coal ash through composting and vermiculture Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme No Amou nt reques ted from DBT 72000 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Scientifi c and Industri al Researc h - Rs. 60000.0 0Request ed Tata Institut e of Fundam ental Researc h - Rs. 30000.0 0– Sanctio ned CSIR Rs. 145000. 00 Request ed Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e ---- Reco mme nded. - 67 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event ;evssatya@gmail .com T122 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20082 7 T123 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20082 6 T124 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20074 8 Mr SANJEEV KUMAR , 38 years, Research Assocaite sanjeev.kumar@ ;sanjeevgene@g Ms Anshul Puri , 31 years, PhD Scholar anshul@student s.teriuniversity.a ;anshulpuri1@g Dr. Athar Habib Siddiqui , 42 years, Reader ;atharhabib@gm Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e technologies" The Energy and Resources Institute Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road , New Delhi , Delhi -110003 Resilence of Agricultural crisis Gottingen, Germany Gottingen Kassel Germany 19-09-2012 21-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Organic management practices enhance AM biodiversity in tropical agricultural soil" Yes 36296 None None -- Reco mme nded. The Energy and Resources Institute Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road , New Delhi , Delhi -110003 Resilience of agricultural systems against crisis Georg-August Universität Gottingen central lecture building (ZHG) Platz der Gottingen Sieben 5 37073 Germany 19-09-2012 - 21-09-2012 Council for High Blood Pressure Research 2500 Calvert Street Northwest, Washington, DC USA 1909-2012 - 22-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Differential expression of alp gene and sporulation pattern of Glomus with Ri-T-DNA" Yes 36296 None None -- Reco mme nded. Oral "Lead author" "Angiotensin Receptor Agonistic Autoantibody Mediated Vascular Impairment via sFlt-1 Contributes to Decreased No 90000 None None -- Reco mme nded. University of hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad A.P, India , Andhra Pradesh 500046; prakashbabuphanithi@gmail.c - 68 - S. No. T125 Propo sal Code DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 8 Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID om Ms Debashree Sengupta , 29 years, PhD Student debashreehcu@ ;debashree.seng upta@rediffmail. com University of hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad A.P, India , Andhra Pradesh 500046; prakashbabuphanithi@gmail.c om Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e None CSIR, Govt of India Rs. 30000.0 0Request ed DST, Govt of India Rs. 20000.0 0Request ed CICS - Rs. 44000.0 0Request ed --- Reco mme nded. Aldosterone Production in Preeclampsia" EMBO(European Molecular biology Organizat ion)Meeting 2012 Nice Acropolis Esplanade Kennedy Nice Cedex 4 France 22-092012 - 25-09-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Molecular characterization and expression analysis of Gamma-glutamyl cysteine synthetase gene (VrγECS) from roots of Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek under low water regimes" No 69000 - 69 - S. No. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whethe r the findings being present ed are results of DBT project/ progra mme Amou nt reques ted from DBT T126 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20070 9 University of hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad A.P, India , Andhra Pradesh 500046; prakashbabuphanithi@gmail.c om EMBO Meeting 2012 Nice Acropolis Esplanade Kennedy 06302 Nice Cedex 4 France NICE France 22-09-2012 - 2509-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Analysis of nucleotide diversity of xa5, a bacterial blight resistant gene" No 70264 T127 DBT/C TEP/0 2/201 20079 2 Ms Waikhom Bimolata , 27 years, PhD student bimowai@gmail. com ;angel_wai5@ya Ms.Sarika Shiven Nair , 26 years, Research Associate sarika.shiven@g ;sarikashiven@y VIT University Vellore Campus Vellore - 632 014 Tamil Nadu, India -632014; 21st International Congress of Zoology Mount Carmel Haifa Israel 02-09-2012 - 07-092012 Oral "Lead author" "Season-dependant secretory activity of Mandibular Organ of a field crab (brachyuran; decapoda)- An Ultrastructural study" No 60000 Travel assistanc e received during last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Remark s Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None -- Reco mme nded None None -- Reco mme nded - 70 -