William Upton

William Upton
1 College Drive
Dublin 6W
Native Language
6 months as a kindergarten teacher
4 years studying for a B.A. (Language and Cultural Studies) Spanish and History in
University College Cork
1 year studying in Mexico
3 months travelling in Mexico and Guatemala
Irish Gaelic
14 years studying in formal education
B1 in the Leaving Certificate
1 year UCC course ‘Conversational Irish’ including a weekend spent in the Gaeltacht
2 weeks travelling in the Gaeltacht
7 years studying in formal education
1 month volunteering in Rhone-Alpes region
2 months living in Lyon
BA (Language and Cultural Studies) Spanish and History.
University College Cork 2005 – 2010
Including modules on translation and a year spent studying in Mexico. During the
year studying and travelling in Mexico I gained excellent conversational and written
skills as well as understanding in-depth the culture of Mexico.
Junior and Leaving Cert (Secondary School)
Templeogue College 1999 – 2005
460 points in the leaving cert including a B1 in French and Irish after 6 years study of
Primary school
Presentation Primary School 1991 – 1994
St. Joseph’s Boys National School 1994 – 1999
8 years of studying Irish from 4 years of age and 1 year of French at 12 years.
Translation Jobs
ATD Quart Monde - 1,400 words of an 8,000 word document
Other Experience
English kindergarten teacher
Harvard Cradle Kindergarten Beijing, China 2005 - 2006
6 months teaching English to children between 1-7 years old. Gained valuable
experience how to survive in a foreign culture and performed some proofreading.
Other relevant information
I tend to learn languages by living in the language environment, in that way, one can
learn the language as it's used in a daily basis.
In keeping with this, I have lived and travelled one year in Mexico and Guatemala, 3
months in France and a month in the Irish Gaeltacht where I gained a superior
understanding of the respective languages.
I re-enforce this knowledge with written and literary work to enhance my written and
formal skills. I am currently studying for the DELE Spanish certificate.