The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Houston Annual Meeting October 24, 2004 The meeting was held at the house of Steve Robbins. Present were Steve Robbins, Barbara Robbins, Alan Buck (w/Roslyn), Judy Pushkin, Ralph Katz, Carol Russell, Mary Metz, Scott Peacock, Bill Bridges, Jenny Davis, George Eiband, Cecelia Eiband, Cathy Comeaux-Wright, Sidney Buchanan, Dru Anne Lundquist, Jim Robinson, Joe White, Diana Linder, Bob Linder, Alan Dalby, Pam Burney, Shelton Alsup, Glenn Taylor (w/Martha, brother in law Lourens & his wife), Clif Evans, Patricia Bernstein, Christy Larimer-Compson, Alan McAdams, Alix McCowan, Doug McCowan (father), Don Towe (w/wife), Jack Porterfield, Janis Morse, Carol Gaines, Tom Sewell, Ruth & George Schnitzer, Andy Wicke, Sylvia Chambers, Hal Gordon, and David Goddard. Introductions & Announcements - Steve called the meeting to order at 7:15pm. He introduced the Board of Directors officers and welcomed all were in attendance. Steve announced that the Buxton Celebration went well and there were approximately 60 people there, including Alistair Donkin who made a special trip from England. This year we saw several occasions to celebrate – Mary Metz turned 80 while in Buxton, Jack Porterfield celebrated his 75th birthday, but then we were saddened with the passing of long time supporter, Art Goddard. Clif’s Notes – 2004 has been a great year for the Society with Mikado – the staff, chorus, principals, and the numerous awards at Buxton with recognition to all the cast and crew. It was a pleasure doing the show, and did not seem like work. He said a special thank you to the Society for being so easy to work with, and special thanks to the Board for all their hard work throughout the year and all their support of the show. He is looking forward to next year, and years to come. Alan Buck gave the Treasurer’s report and passed out the year end Statement of Activity (attached). He announced that we did well this year. We reviewed the statement, and the ending balance at fiscal year end (9/30/04) is $74k on hand. Ticket sales are very important to this number. He gave a special word of thanks to Mary Metz, Mary Speer and Judy Pushkin who help him out throughout the year. They have been his Three Little Maids. George motioned to accept the treasurer’s report, was seconded by Mary M. Motion carried unanimously. Mary gave the Patron Committee Report. In 2004, Patron’s under $1000 were at $51,326 including taxes, and tickets sold with patronage were $70,833. Patrons and Foundations over $1,000 were a total of $73,394, which is $14,000 more than last year. The total for 2004 of Patrons Sponsors and Foundations is $144,524. Steve continued to say that the total of ticket sales was $126k, which is not bad for a lesser show. He also mentioned that the 2004 Mikado had 900-1000 attendees LESS than the last performance of Mikado in 1997. We could have made much more money if the ticket sales had been higher. Pirates sales were $165k at lower ticket prices. We know we have made enough money this year to do what we want next year, but we have to plan for future years. Some reasons for lower tickets sales are that we had a smaller cast this year and some veterans were not in the show. This means we have to focus at the appropriate time on ticket sales for next year. Patrons and sponsors are in place. The bottom line – we do have money in the bank in order to do the show the Board had decided upon. Jenny Davis gave the Buxton Committee report. She gave a word of thanks to all who helped with all the arrangements, but a special thanks to Ken Robertson Scott and David for meeting us at the plane and guiding us around Chester. Everyone did what they were supposed to do for the show. She made a few comments about the adjudicators official report (attached) – we were awarded Best Chorus, Best Female, Best Director, Best Musical Conductor and of course, the International Champions. Judy Pushkin also recognized Jenny for all her work, and extended special thanks. The trip to Buxton went so smooth because of her. Alan B. announced that we broke even on the expenses, with only about $50 left over. Jim Robinson gave the Foundation Report. The Foundation was chartered in 1999 with a $5000 infusion from the Society to get started. Its objective was to provide financial support to the Society for productions and to provide educational support. The Foundation now has over $37k and seven members. The President, Steve Robbins, and Vice President, Mary Metz, are on the board from the Society. Jim is an elected member of the board, along with Diana Linder, Jack Porterfield, David Forrest (not present) and Louise Richman (not present). George Eiband gave the Nominating Committee Report – The maximum number of Board members is 20, and every other year half of the Board comes up for reelection. The nominating committee, comprised of (Board Members) Dru Ann Lundquist, George Eiband, and (non-Board Member) Tommy Lee, met October 8, 2004 to consider membership of the Board of Directors in light of routine rotation of membership and the decision of one outgoing member not seeking reelection to another term. As a result of that meeting, the Committee offers the following for consideration by the General Membership of the Society: The Committee notes the decision of Joe White not to seek another term as a Director of the Society and we wish to thank him for his several years of service to the Society and its Board. The Committee places the following names in nomination, each for a two year term of office as a Director of the Society. The names are submitted as a single slate, and this memo serves as the motion by the committee to place the slate in nomination. Each has been consulted by the Committee and has agreed to, if elected, serve another two year term – Bill Bridges, Sidney Buchanan, Cathy Comeaux-Wright, Christy Larimer-Compson, Jenny Davis, Ralph Katz, Scott Peacock, James Robinson and Mary Speer. Other nominations were opened to the floor, but no other names given. Mary Metz motioned to accept the nominations as presented by George, and was seconded by Diana Linder. The motion passed unanimously. Steve announced Next Year’s Show – We will be performing Gondoliers in 2005. Since Alistair was in town for the Buxton Celebration, a Production meeting was held at Mary Metz house on Saturday the 16th with Tom Boyd, Bonnie Ambrose, Clif Evans and Alistair to overcome some hurdles early regarding sets, costumes and music. New Business addressed by Steve – We will be starting an Email Committee to sell our CD’s and tout our winning in Buxton. A Madrid publishing company is using our Pirates CD as an English learning tool, and it has been translated into Castilian Spanish. Tommy Lee will be stepping down as head of the Auditions Committee, but will continue as a member. Jenny Davis has volunteered to now be the head of the Auditions Committee. Joe White will also be stepping down as the head of the Expanding Presence Committee, but will continue to be involved. Steve brought up other people who help the Society through out the year who make us a success - Michael Craig has our Society phone line in his office and Barbara Robbins helps Bonnie Ambrose with costumes. All Board members are in the process of putting together job descriptions to detail out what their responsibilities are throughout the year. Finally, the Humphries Foundation gave a $3500 grant after Steve returned from Buxton. Next Board meeting will be at the home of Cathy Comeaux-Wright on November 8th. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by George, seconded by Jenny D. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Comeaux-Wright Secretary APPROVED: Stephen M. Robbins, President