© ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR STANDARDISATION ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 CODING OF MOVING PICTURES AND AUDIO ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 4527 MPEG2001/N Pattaya, TH 3 – 7 December 2001 Title: Information technology — Multimedia content description Interface — Part 7: Conformance testing— Committee Draft Authors: M. Bober, S. R. Quackenbush, C. Seyrat, J. R. Smith Status: Approved ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 N4527 Date: 2001-12-07 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 Secretariat: XXXX Information technology — Multimedia content description Interface — Part 7: Conformance testing Titre — Titre — Partie n: Titre de la partie Warning This document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard. Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. Document type: International standard Document subtype: if applicable Document stage: (30) Committee Document language: E ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Copyright notice This ISO document is a working draft or committee draft and is copyright-protected by ISO. While the reproduction of working drafts or committee drafts in any form for use by participants in the ISO standards development process is permitted without prior permission from ISO, neither this document nor any extract from it may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form for any other purpose without prior written permission from ISO. Requests for permission to reproduce this document for the purpose of selling it should be addressed as shown below or to ISO’s member body in the country of the requester: [Indicate : the full address telephone number fax number telex number and electronic mail address as appropriate, of the Copyright Manager of the ISO member body responsible for the secretariat of the TC or SC within the framework of which the draft has been prepared] Reproduction for sales purposes may be subject to royalty payments or a licensing agreement. Violators may be prosecuted. iv ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Contents 1 1.1 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Organization of the document ...................................................................................................................... 1 2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 1 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 3 Conventions ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Terminology ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Symbols (and abbreviated terms) ................................................................................................................ 5 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-1 (Systems)......................................................................... 9 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Normative interfaces ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Textual Stream and Textual Encoder ........................................................................................................ 10 Textual Decoder ........................................................................................................................................... 11 BiM Streams and BiM Encoder .................................................................................................................. 12 BiM Decoder ................................................................................................................................................. 13 5 5.1 5.2 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-2 (DDL) .............................................................................. 14 Main goal of the DDL ................................................................................................................................... 14 Conformance checking of DDL Parser ...................................................................................................... 15 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-3 (Audio) ........................................................................... 16 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 16 Components of Conformance .................................................................................................................... 16 Extraction conformance.............................................................................................................................. 17 Instantiation Conformance ......................................................................................................................... 17 Application Conformance ........................................................................................................................... 18 Naming Scheme for Conformance Descriptions ...................................................................................... 18 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-4 (Visual) ........................................................................... 18 Conformance Testing of Descriptions in Textual Format ....................................................................... 18 Conformance Testing of Descriptions in Binary Format......................................................................... 19 Profiles and Levels ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Complexity of Descriptions ........................................................................................................................ 19 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-5 (MDS) ............................................................................. 19 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 19 Conformance testing of description extraction methods ....................................................................... 19 Conformance testing of description processing methods ..................................................................... 19 Conformance testing of descriptions ........................................................................................................ 19 Conformance testing of descriptions under MDS tool extensions ........................................................ 20 Conformance testing of descriptions under MDS tool embedding ........................................................ 20 Conformance Descriptions ......................................................................................................................... 21 Annex A (informative) Patent Statements ............................................................................................................. 24 A.1 Patent Statements ....................................................................................................................................... 24 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved v ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 List of Figures Figure 1 - MPEG-7 Normative Interfaces ...................................................................................................................10 Figure 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................11 Figure 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................12 Figure 4 .......................................................................................................................................................................13 Figure 5 .......................................................................................................................................................................13 Figure 6 - Consumption steps of an MPEG-7 description ..........................................................................................14 Figure 7 - The task of the DDL within MPEG and outside MPEG ..............................................................................15 Figure 8 .......................................................................................................................................................................16 vi © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 List of Tables Error! No table of figures entries found. © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved vii ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO/IEC 15938 may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard ISO/IEC 15938-5 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, JTC, Subcommittee SC 29. This second/third/... edition cancels and replaces the first/second/... edition (), [clause(s) / subclause(s) / table(s) / figure(s) / annex(es)] of which [has / have] been technically revised. ISO/IEC 15938 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information Technology — Multimedia Content Description Interface: Part 1: Systems Part 2: Description definition language Part 3: Visual Part 4: Audio Part 5: Multimedia description schemes Part 6: Reference software Part 7: Conformance testing Part 8: Extraction and Use of MPEG-7 descriptions viii © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Introduction This standard, also known as "Multimedia Content Description Interface," provides a standardized set of technologies for describing multimedia content. The standard addresses a broad spectrum of multimedia applications and requirements by providing a metadata system for describing the features of multimedia content. The following are specified in this standard: Description Schemes (DS) describe entities or relationships pertaining to multimedia content. Description Schemes specify the structure and semantics of their components, which may be Description Schemes, Descriptors, or datatypes. Descriptors (D) describe features, attributes, or groups of attributes of multimedia content. Datatypes are the basic reusable datatypes employed by Description Schemes and Descriptors Systems tools support delivery of descriptions, multiplexing of descriptions with multimedia content, synchronization, file format, and so forth. This standard is subdivided into eight parts: Part 1 – Systems: specifies the tools for preparing descriptions for efficient transport and storage, compressing descriptions, and allowing synchronization between content and descriptions. Part 2 – Description Definition Language: specifies the language for defining the standard set of description tools (DSs, Ds, and datatypes) and for defining new description tools. Part 3 – Visual: specifies the description tools pertaining to visual content. Part 4 – Audio: specifies the description tools pertaining to audio content. Part 5 – Multimedia Description Schemes: specifies the generic description tools pertaining to multimedia including audio and visual content. Part 6 – Reference Software: provides a software implementation of the standard. Part 7 – Conformance testing: specifies the guidelines and procedures for testing conformance of implementations of the standard. Part 8 – Extraction and Use: provides guidelines and examples of the extraction and use of descriptions. This document specifies the Multimedia Description Schemes (MDS) part of the ISO/IEC 15938 standard. This document specifies the MDS description tools and provides informative examples of descriptions. The normative syntax of the MDS description tools is specified in this document using the Description Definition Language (DDL) and the normative semantics is specified using text. © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ix COMMITTEE DRAFT ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Information technology — Multimedia content description interface — Part 7: Conformance testing 1 1.1 Scope Organization of the document This International Standard specifies a metadata system for describing multimedia content. This part of ISO/IEC 15938 specifies how tests can be designed to verify whether descriptions and description consuming terminals meet the requirements specified in parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of ISO/IEC IEC 15938. In this part of ISO/IEC 15938, description generators are not addressed specifically. A description generator may be said to be an ISO/IEC 15938 generator if it generates descriptions (binary or textual) compliant with the syntactic and semantic bitstream requirements specified in parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of ISO/IEC 15938. Characteristics of descriptions and description consuming terminals are defined for parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of ISO/IEC 15938. The characteristics of a description define the subset of the standard that is exploited in the description. Description consuming terminal characteristics define the properties and capabilities of the applied decoding process. An example of a property is the applied arithmetic accuracy. The capabilities of a description consuming terminals specify which descriptions the terminal can decode and reconstruct, by defining the subset of the standard that may be exploited in decodable descriptions. A description can be decoded by a decoder if the characteristics of the coded bitstream are within the subset of the standard specified by the decoder capabilities. Procedures are described for testing conformance of descriptions and description consuming terminals to the requirements defined in parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of ISO/IEC 15938. Given the set of characteristics claimed, the requirements that must be met are fully determined by parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of ISO/IEC 15938. This part of ISO/IEC 15938 summarises the requirements, cross references them to characteristics, and defines how conformance with them can be tested. Guidelines are given on constructing tests to verify descriptions and description consuming terminals conformance. This document gives guidelines on how to construct description test suites to check or verify description consuming terminals conformance. In addition, some test descriptions implemented according to those guidelines are provided as an electronic annex to this document. 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC 15938. At the time of publication of this document, the specific editions indicated below were valid. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC 15938 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau maintains a list of currently valid ITU-T Recommendations. ISO 8601, Data elements and interchange formats -- Information interchange -- Representation of dates and times. ISO 639, Code for the representation of names of languages. ISO 3166-1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions -- Part 1: Country codes. © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 1 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 ISO 3166-2, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions -- Part 2: Country subdivision code. Note (informative): The current list of valid ISO3166-1 country and ISO3166-2 region codes is maintained by the official maintenance authority Deutsches Institut für Normung. Information on the current list of valid region and country codes can be found at http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/index.html. ISO 4217, Codes for the representation of currencies and funds. Note (informative): The current list of valid ISO 4217 currency codes is maintained by the official maintenance authority British Standards Institution (http://www.bsi-global.com/iso4217currency). XML, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, October 2000. XML Schema, W3C Recommendation, 2 May 2001. XML Schema Part 0: Primer, W3C Recommendation, 2 May 2001. XML Schema Part 1: Structures, W3C Recommendation, 2 May 2001. XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001. xPath, XML Path Language, W3C Recommendation, 16 November 1999. Note (informative): These documents are maintained by the W3C (http://www.w3.org). The relevant documents can be obtained as follows: o Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006 o XML Schema: W3C Recommendation, 2 May 2001, http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema o (Second Edition), 6 October 2000, 2 May 2001, XML Schema Part 0: Primer, http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/ XML Schema Part 1: Structures, http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/ W3C Recommendation, 2 May 2001, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/ W3C Recommendation 2 May 2001, xPath, XML Path Language, W3C http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116. W3C Recommendation, Recommendation, 16 November RFC 2045 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies. RFC 2046 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types. RFC 2048, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures. RFC2045-CHARSETS. Registered Character set codes of RFC2045. RFC2046-MIMETYPES. Registered Mimetypes of RFC2046. 1999, Note (informative): The relevant lists can be obtained as follows: o 2 MIMETYPES. The current list of registered mimetypes, as defined in RFC2046, RFC2048, is maintained by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). It is available from ftp://ftp.isi.edu/innotes/iana/assignments/media-types/media-types/ © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 o 3 CHARSETS. The current list of registered character set codes, as defined in RFC2045 and RFC2048 is maintained by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). It is available from ftp://ftp.isi.edu/innotes/iana/assignments/character-sets. Terms and definitions 3.1 Conventions 3.1.1 Description tools This part of ISO/IEC 15938 specifies conformance for descriptions and bitstreams complying with ISO/IEC 15938. Descriptions are instances of description tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938. The important concepts are defined as follows: Description Tool (or tool) – refers to a Description Scheme, Descriptor, or Datatype. Description Scheme (DS) – a description tool that describes entities or relationships pertaining to multimedia content. DSs specify the structure and semantics of their components, which may be Description Schemes, Descriptors, or datatypes. Descriptor (D) – a description tool that describes a feature, attribute, or group of attributes of multimedia content. Datatype – a basic reusable datatype employed by Description Schemes and Descriptors. 3.1.2 Naming convention In order to specify the description tools, constructs provided by the Description Definition Language (DDL) specified in ISO/IEC 15938-2 are used, such as "element," "attribute," "simpleType" and "complexType." The names associated to these constructs are created on the basis of the following conventions: If the name is composed of multiple words, the first letter of each word is capitalized, with the exception that the capitalization of the first word depends on the type of construct as follows: Element naming: the first letter of the first word is capitalized (e.g. TimePoint element of TimeType). Attribute naming: the first letter of the first word is not capitalized (e.g. timeUnit attribute of IncrDurationType). complexType naming: the first letter of the first word is capitalized, and the suffix "Type" is used at the end of the name (e.g. PersonType). simpleType naming: the first letter of the first word is not capitalized, the suffix "Type" may be used at the end of the name (e.g. timePointType). Note: when referencing a complexType or simpleType in the definition of a description tool, the "Type" suffix is not used. For instance, the text refers to the "Time datatype" (instead of "TimeType datatype"), to the "MediaLocator D" (instead of "MediaLocatorType D") and to the "Person DS" (instead of PersonType DS). 3.1.3 Documentation convention The syntax of each description tool is specified using the constructs provided by the DDL specified in ISO/IEC 15938-2, and is presented in this document using a specific font and background as shown in the following example: <complexType name="ExampleType"> <sequence> © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 3 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 <element name="Element1" type="string"/> </sequence> <attribute name="attribute1" type="string" default="attrvalue1"/> </complexType> The semantics of each description tool is specified in text using a table format, where each row contains the name and a definition of a type, element or attribute as shown in the following example: Name Definition ExampleType Specifies an ... element1 Describes the … attribute1 Describes the … Diagrammatic notation is sometimes used to depict overviews of the description tools. Such overview diagrams generally depict aggregation and generalization relationships between description tools or the entities being described. In these diagrams, rectangular shapes containing a name denote description tools (DSs or Ds) that are used to describe entities. In some diagrams, multiple description tools are listed in a single rectangle. Large diamond shapes containing a name denote description tools (DSs or Ds) that are used to describe relationships. Furthermore, paths between rectangles or diamonds denote association, generalization or aggregation relationships. Generalization relationships are indicated by a solid path with a filled triangle pointing at the more general entity. Aggregation (composition) relationships are indicated by a solid path with a (filled) diamond at the aggregating (composing) entity. Aggregation relationship paths may be accompanied by an indication of the multiplicity (minOccurs, maxOccurs) of the relation in text form. The informative examples are included in separate subclauses, and are presented in this document using a separate font and background as shown in the following example: <Example attribute1="example attribute value"> <Element1>example element content</Element1> </Example> Moreover, the schema or set of description tools defined in this document follows a type-centric approach. The description tools are specified by defining the complexType or simpleType for each tool, but not declaring an element of this type at the global scope with the exception of the root element. However, in order to illustrate informative example descriptions in this document, the examples assume that an element of the example type (complexType or simpleType) has been declared, such as a member of another complexType or simpleType. For example, the description above assumes that the following declaration has been made: <element name="Example" type="mpeg7:ExampleType"> The term "reserved" is used in specifying the semantics of some description tools. The term "reserved" indicates that particular values are reserved for use in future extensions of ISO/IEC 15938. 3.2 Terminology For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 15938, the following terms and definitions apply. Additional relevant definitions for all sections of this document can be in ISO/IEC 15938-1, ISO/IEC 15938-2, ISO/IEC 15938-3, 159384 and ISO/IEC 14496-5 for Systems, DDL, Visual, Audio and MDS definitions, respectively. 4 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 3.2.1 Schema-related terminology Attribute A field of a description tool which is of simple type. Base type A type that serves as the root type of a derivation hierarchy for other types. Datatype A primitive reusable type employed by Description Schemes and Descriptors. 3.3.4 Derived type A type that is defined in terms of extension or restriction of other types. Description An instantiation of one or more description tools. Description Scheme A description tool that describes entities or relationships pertaining to multimedia content. Description Schemes specify the structure and semantics of their components, which may be Description Schemes, Descriptors, or datatypes. Description Tool A Description Scheme, Descriptor, or datatype. Descriptor A description tool that describes a feature, attribute, or group of attributes of multimedia content. 3.3.9 Instantiation Assignment of values to the fields (elements, attributes) of one or more description tools. Element A field of a description tool which is of complex type. Schema The set of related description tools, for example, those specified in ISO/IEC 15938. Type The format used for collection of letters, digits, and/or symbols, to depict values of an element or attribute of description tool. A type consists of a set of distinct values, a set of lexical representations, and a set of facets that characterize properties of the value space, individual values, or lexical items. 3.3 Symbols (and abbreviated terms) For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 15938, the symbols and abbreviated terms given in the following apply. Additional abbreviations are defined in ISO/IEC 15938 Parts 1-7. AV: Audio-visual © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 5 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 CS: Classification Scheme D: Descriptor Ds: Descriptors DCT: Discrete Cosine Transform DDL: Description Definition Language DS: Description Scheme DSs: Description Schemes IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force IPMP: Intellectual Property Management and Protection ISO: International Organization for Standardization JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group MDS: Multimedia Description Schemes MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group MPEG-2: Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information (see ISO/IEC 13818) MPEG-4: Coding of audio-visual objects (see ISO/IEC 14496) MPEG-7: Multimedia Content Description Interface Standard (see ISO/IEC 15938) MP3: MPEG-2 layer 3 audio coding QCIF: Quarter Common Intermediate Format SMPTE: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers TZ: Time Zone TZD: Time Zone Difference URI: Uniform Resource Identifier (see RFC 2396) URL: Uniform Resource Locator (see RFC 2396) W3C: World Wide Web Consortium XML: Extensible Markup Language 3.3.1 Arithmetic operators The mathematical operators used to describe this part of ISO/IEC 15938 are similar to those used in the C programming language. However, integer divisions with truncation and rounding are specifically defined. Numbering and counting loops generally begin from zero. 6 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Note: Check what of this is needed ! + Addition. - Subtraction (as a binary operator) or negation (as a unary operator). ++ Increment. -- Decrement. ? Multiplication. * Multiplication. ^ Power. / Integer division with truncation of the result toward zero. For example, 7/4 and -7/-4 are truncated to 1 and -7/4 and 7/-4 are truncated to -1. // Integer division with rounding to the nearest integer. Half-integer values are rounded away from zero unless otherwise specified. For example 3//2 is rounded to 2, and -3//2 is rounded to -2. DIV Integer division with truncation of the result toward minus infinity. For example 3 DIV 2 is rounded to 1, and -3 DIV 2 is rounded to -2. | | Absolute value. | x | = x |x|=0 | x | = x ˜ Used to denote division in mathematical equations where no truncation or rounding is intended. % Modulus operator. Defined only for positive numbers. Sign( ) Sign(x) INT ( ) Truncation to integer operator. Returns the integer part of the real-valued argument. NINT ( ) Nearest integer operator. Returns the nearest integer value to the real-valued argument. Half-integer values are rounded away from 0. sin Sine. cos Cosine. exp Exponential. Square root. log10 Logarithm to base ten. loge Logarithm to base e. log2 Logarithm to base 2. Abs( ) Absolute value. Abs(x) = x Abs(x) = 0 Abs(x) = x when x > 0 when x == 0 when x < 0 = 1x >0 0 x == 0 -1 x < 0 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved when x > 0 when x == 0 when x < 0 7 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 i b f (i) The summation of the f(i) with i taking integral values from a up to, but not including b. i a 3.3.2 Logical operators Check what of this is needed ! || Logical OR. && Logical AND. ! Logical NOT. 3.3.3 Relational operators Check what of this is needed ! > Greater than. >= Greater than or equal to. Greater than or equal to. < Less than. <= Less than or equal to. Less than or equal to. == Equal to. != Not equal to. max [,...,] the maximum value in the argument list. min [,...,] the minimum value in the argument list. 3.3.4 Bitwise operators Check what of this is needed ! & AND | OR >> Shift right with sign extension. << Shift left with zero fill. >> Shift right with sign extension. << Shift left with zero fill. 3.3.5 Assignment Check what of this is needed ! = 8 Assignment operator. © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 3.3.6 Mnemonics The following mnemonics are defined to describe the different data types used in the coded bitstream. 3.3.7 Constants 3,14159265358... e 2,71828182845... 4 4.1 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-1 (Systems) Introduction Interoperability in MPEG-7 Systems means all of the following: The goal of interoperability in MPEG-7 Systems is to unambiguously interchange MPEG-7 descriptions in the textual and binary representation formats such that the reconstructed DS/D structure is the same for all conformant description consuming terminals. To achieve this goal conformance and corresponding test procedures are defined for the textual and binary description streams, MPEG-7 DDL parsers as well as Textual and BIM decoders. Taking into account the fact that it seems impossible to test the semantics of the descriptors, the chosen interoperability point for MPEG-7 is the reconstructed DS/D structure. This means that if a certain description is given to many description consuming terminals, the common result they all share is the reconstructed DS/D structure represented by means of its canonical XML representation. This means that the various terminals do not have to implement similar internal representations of the DS/D structure but only the canonical XML representation has to be the same. The definition of the canonical representation of an XML document is defined in Canonical XM. 4.2 Normative interfaces The objective of this section is to describe MPEG-7 normative interfaces. MPEG-7 has two normative interfaces as depicted in Figure 1 and further described in this section. © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 9 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Access Unit Textual Format MPEG-7 Textual Encoder MPEG-7 Textual Decoder Content Description Content Description MPEG-7 Binary Encoder MPEG-7 Binary Decoder Access Unit Binary Format Figure 1 - MPEG-7 Normative Interfaces Content : These are the data to be represented according to the format described by this specification. Content refer either to essence or to content description. MPEG-7 Binary/Textual Encoder : These processes transform the content into a format compliant to this specification. The definition of these processes is outside the scope of this specification. They may include complex processing of the content such as features extraction. Textual Format interface : This interface describes the format of the textual access units. The MPEG-7 Textual Decoder consumes a flow of such Access Units and reconstruct the content description in a normative way. Binary Format Interface : This interface describes the format of the binary access units. The MPEG-7 Binary Decoder consumes a flow of such Access Units and reconstruct the content description in a normative way. MPEG-7 Binary/Textual Decoder : These processes transform data compliant to this specification into a content description. The format of the reconstructed content description is outside the scope of this specification. 4.3 10 Textual Stream and Textual Encoder © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Description packetized in Textual Format Access Units MPEG-7 Textual Stream under test Claims conformance to MPEG-7 Schema MPEG-7 Reference Textual Decoder MPEG-7 Reference DDL Parser Schema validation MPEG-7 Test Tools Figure 2 A MPEG-7 Textual Stream is tested by first decoding the stream with the MPEG-7 Reference Decoder. The resulting full description is then validated wrt. the MPEG-7 Schema using the MPEG-7 Reference DDL Parser.. If there are no violations then the Textual stream under test is defined to be compliant . Note: Single Access Units in itself need not be valid wrt. the MPEG-7 Schema, i.e. they can only be tested for wellformedness. The meaning of conformance for Access Units and the validity of partially instantiated descriptions is tbd. 4.4 Textual Decoder © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 11 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 MPEG-7 Test Suite Conforming To Description packetized in Textual Format Access Units MPEG-7 Schema and Textual Coding MPEG-7 Textual Reference Decoder Description in XML Canonical Equivalence MPEG-7 Textual Decoder under test Description in XML Figure 3 The conformance of the textual decoder is tested by comparing the canonical XML representation generated from the output of the textual decoder under test with the canonical XML representation generated from the output of the reference textual decoder for a set of pre-defined descriptions. 4.5 12 BiM Streams and BiM Encoder © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Description packetized in Binary Format Access Units Claims conformance to MPEG-7 Schema MPEG-7 Reference Binary Decoder MPEG-7 Reference DDL Parser Validation of the BiM syntax Schema validation of the resulting description Figure 4 A BiM Stream is defined to be conformant when (1) each AU of the stream can be decoded by the Reference Decoder without error and (2) the resulting full MPEG-7 description is successfully validated wrt. to the MPEG-7 Schema. 4.6 BiM Decoder MPEG-7 Test Suite Conforming To Description packetized in Binary Format Access Units MPEG-7 Schema and BiM MPEG-7 Binary Reference Decoder Description in XML Canonical Equivalence MPEG-7 Binary Decoder under test Description in XML Figure 5 The conformance of the binary decoder is tested by comparing the canonical XML representation generated from the output of the binary decoder under test with the canonical XML representation generated from the output of the reference binary decoder for a set of pre-defined descriptions. © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 13 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Note: It is not clear whether there is full equivalence between AUs in binary and textual domain. It is even not clear if there is a requirement for this. 5 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-2 (DDL) 5.1 5.1.1 Main goal of the DDL The validation The DDL allows one to express structured and typed data model in a formal way. This formal rules can be processed to provides certain functionalities to an application. Given this rules, a DDL parser can check conformance of the descriptions to their definition. Validation ensures that the received descriptions is conformant to the standard and thus has the intended meaning. 5.1.2 The interface with the application Moreover, the validation determines what is the nature (i.e. the type) of each description item (element or attributes). The validation is the way to improve the view that an application has on the data. It is a transformation that generates from raw untyped structured information into typed useful information. Integers are no more strings, DSs are more than XML elements. An MPEG-7 compliant application will rely on an MPEG-7 terminal. This terminal aims at decoding and providing valid descriptions to the application. The application will have access to the description through a dedicated API. The information available through this API is called an “information set”. Application semantic MPEG-7 semantic Schema No info set in Pars g Docum ent info set on dati Vali ckings XMLSchem a -7 che MPEG Docum ent info set M PEG-7 Docum ent info set ific ion spec Applicat Application Docum ent info set d eive Rec Infos added during parsing : Attribute values (in text format) Element values (in text format) (no type is validated) Infos added during MPEG-7 checkings : Datainheritance Attribute values (in native MPEG-7 type) (e.g. TimeDuration) Element values (in native MPEG7 type) Infos added during validation : Attribute default values Element default values Elements type Attributes type ==> Attribute values (in native format : integer, float, etc..) Element values (in native format) Application dependent infos added Figure 6 - Consumption steps of an MPEG-7 description Adapt this figure to reflect the “real semantic” of MPEG-7. This set of information can have different level of details. In , we present a set of possible “information sets”, ranging from usual XML one to an extended version (MPEG-7 information set). In its more advanced version information is typed, default values are accessible and specific MPEG-7 validation has been performed (interdependencies between descriptors values, aso..). An intermediate level (called “XMLSchema information set”) is presented, which gathers only XML Schema features. 14 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 5.1.3 Capability of handling extensions Finally, the DDL is the core tool which allows to extend and adapt MPEG-7 description schemes. DDL DS DS DS DS D DS D D DS DS D D D D D D D D MPEG-7 Not defined in the standard Figure 7 - The task of the DDL within MPEG and outside MPEG 5.1.4 Indentified conformance point Therefore we identify three conformance points for a DDL parser: 5.2 The validation The interface to the application The extensibility capability Conformance checking of DDL Parser Figure 8 sketch the conformance framework. A set of normative valid and invalid descriptions are presented to the parser. The output of the conformance parser is compared to the output of the checked parser. If the two parsers have the same results for the all test set, the DDL parser is conformant to ISO/IEC 15938-2 specification. © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 15 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 MPEG-7 Test Suite Conforming To Valid MPEG-7 Descriptions and Invalid Descriptions MPEG-7 DDL Reference Parser Validation Result Infoset Contributions MPEG-7 Schema Same MPEG-7 DDL Parser Validation Result Infoset Contributions Figure 8 The following features shall be checked: Evaluate the validation o In that case the compared ouput is a simple “valid/invalid” response to a description Evaluate the interface with the application o In that case the compared output is a dump of the infoset. There exists some XML format representing a infoset. We should define an comparison algorithms of these files. Evalute the extensibility capabilities o The capability of a parser to accept extended schema No real view on that issue, we might dump type hierarchies or every item definition. We might also have schema test suite. We we can’t only rely on MPEG-7 schema. As they are no levels defined, we suppose a conformant DDL parser being capable of dealing with the points 2 and 3. From a practical point of view point 1 might be sufficient for 80% of the case. 6 6.1 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-3 (Audio) Introduction The normative components of MPEG-7 are the definitions of descriptions and descriptions schemes. Definitions consist primarily of syntactic definitions, although there may also be semantic aspects to the normative definitions (for example, limits on the dynamic range of a descriptor’s value or limits on the number of elements in a vector). 6.2 Components of Conformance The issue of conformance arises for three elements of the MPEG-7 model: 16 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 1. conformance of extraction applications (“Extraction Conformance”) 2. conformance of instantiations of meta-data descriptors and descriptions schemes (“Description Conformance”) 3. conformance of MPEG-7 retrieval applications (“Application Conformance”). 6.3 Extraction conformance Most descriptors have no normative extraction methods and of those that do have normative extraction methods, many have free (non normative) parameters. Even in the case of Descriptors with fully specified normative extraction methods, it would be very difficult to define a general test of equivalence of two descriptors generated from the same input due to rounding errors (e.g. fixed point extractors for low-end devices). Therefore the procedure for testing extraction conformance is currently only recommended. It can become a requirement in further editions, especially when profiles and levels narrow down the range of valid extraction methods. 6.3.1 Testing by example Several audio files and associated valid instantiations will be provided on an ftp server. These files should be used by the provider of extraction software to test the conformance of it. 6.4 6.4.1 Instantiation Conformance Syntactic Conformance Textual Descriptions Conformant meta-data can consist of any number of syntactically correct instantiations of MPEG-7 descriptors or description schemes. Measure of Normative Behavior At the syntactic level, conformance testing is performed to check the correctness of the representation of individual audio descriptors. The meta-data descriptions shall be syntactically correct, as specified by ISO/IEC 15938-4 and semantically consistent with any restrictions imposed by the specific descriptors or description schemes. This test will be executed by a validating reference MPEG-7 DDL parser by validating the instantiation against the current version of the MPEG-7 schema. Binary Descriptions Binary descriptions shall be converted to textual descriptions using the BiM decoder. Then the test specified in section 5.1.1 shall be carried out. 6.4.2 Low-level semantic conformance This refers to formal tests that could be carried out on descriptions to test the semantic correctness of descriptors without referring to specific extraction methods. This would test constraints that are written down in the standard and normative but can’t be tested by a validating parser. Examples include: “the probabilities must add up to one” or the range of a descriptor value when specified. Identifying and implementing these tests will require a significant amount of work and we recommend including them in future versions of the conformance specification. © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 17 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 6.5 Application Conformance MPEG-7 Audio does not contain any normative retrieval methods and there is no requirement that a retrieval method must use all tools provided by the standard. Hence the only requirement for conformant applications is that they will not generate an error when faced with valid XML instances. This can be verified using example instances. 6.6 Naming Scheme for Conformance Descriptions For each descriptor and description scheme a base name (basename) is defined as shown in table xxx. The file containing the textual conformance descriptions shall be named as basename.xml and the file containing the binary conformance descriptions shall be named as basename.bim Information that may be desirable to include with the conformance materials, for example, information associated with the media file, the conformance extraction process, or the conformance descriptions shall be contained in a file named as basename.inf This file is optional. The media signal file from which the meta-data was extracted should be named for instance basename.wav This file is optional. These files shall be archived together into a single archive named for instance basename.zip 7 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-4 (Visual) Conformance for the Visual part of a description in textual or binary format is defined on the syntactic and semantic levels. Conformance testing in textual format is defined in 7.1 and conformance testing in binary format is defined in 7.2 7.1 Conformance Testing of Descriptions in Textual Format The descriptions shall be syntactically and semantically correct, as specified by ISO/IEC 15938-3. The syntactic conformance test can be performed by validating the description using a MPEG-7 DDL conformant parser. Since only syntactic contstraints are expressed in the DDL representation syntax, additional check of the semantic conformance is required. However, only certain sematic constraints, for example, limits on the range of a descriptor’s value, can be checked. This is due to the fact that extraction methods for many descriptions are nonnormative and therefore significant degree of flexibility in implementation is allowed. Such weak constaints should be checked. Lack of strict semantic conformance testing does not mean that the conformance to semantic specification is not required. Users of the standard are encouraged to perform a “sanity check” on the correctness of their implementations by comparing semantics extracted by their implementation and by the XM software implementation provided by the standard. 18 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 7.2 Conformance Testing of Descriptions in Binary Format Binary descriptions shall be converted to textual descriptions using a conformant BiM decoder. Then, the tests specified in section 7.1 shall be carried out on the resultant textual description. 7.3 Profiles and Levels No profiles or levels are defined at this stage. 7.4 Complexity of Descriptions Since no levels are defined, there is no need to specify the complexity of the description tools. 8 Conformance Testing with respect to 15938-5 (MDS) 8.1 Introduction This clause defines conformance to ISO/IEC 15938-5 (MDS) and conformance testing procedures. Conformance to ISO/IEC 15938-5 is defined in relation to descriptions in their textual, XML, form. Conformance to ISO/IEC 15938-5 of descriptions that are packetized into textual or binary access units is not defined in this clause, and descriptions in such form shall be decoded into their textual, XML, representation prior to testing for conformance to ISO/IEC 15938-5. Several types of conformance are discussed in the following subclauses: Conformance of description extraction methods (that may be used in an MPEG-7 encoder device) is discussed in subclause 8.2; Conformance of description processing methods (that may be used in an MPEG-7 terminal or decoder device) is discussed in subclause 8.3; Conformance of descriptions themselves is discussed in subclauses 8.4 to 8.7. 8.2 Conformance testing of description extraction methods Since extraction methods of descriptions are not explicitly specified for tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5, conformance testing of extraction methods is not required. 8.3 Conformance testing of description processing methods Since processing methods for use of descriptions are not explicitly specified for tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5, conformance testing of description processing methods is not required. 8.4 Conformance testing of descriptions Conformance to ISO/IEC 15938-5 (MDS) is determined by conformance testing of the textual form of descriptions, where the descriptions contain instances of the tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5. MDS conformance of a description is determined completely by the following: Validation of the description by the DDL parser according to MDS schema defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5, and Validation of the description according to MDS description tool semantics specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5. Editor's note: the MDS specification depends in a few cases on types defined in other parts such as Audio and Visual. A solution to this problem would be to not require conformance to the MDS part for elements/attributes in © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 19 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 the description that use types from other MPEG-7 parts. However, it has been pointed out that MPEG-7 currently has a single schema, and the dependency of the Audio and Visual parts on the MDS parts of the schema is significant. Therefore, this issue may need further consideration, also as it relates to the development of MPEG-7 profiles (e.g. a related question is whether profiles can be defined for each MPEG-7 part separately, or defined across the Audio, Visual and MDS parts). 8.5 Conformance testing of descriptions under MDS tool extensions Tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5 (MDS) are extensible in that new tools can be derived from the tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5. The possible extension mechanisms include XML Schema "extension," in which new attributes and/or elements are added to a type definition originally specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5, or XML Schema "restriction," in which values in a type definition originally specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5 are constrained to a specified set. For example, the following example shows the specification (in a schema other than defined by ISO/IEC 15938-5) of MyImageRegion DS, which extends the StillRegion DS defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5. <!-- Definition of MyImageRegion DS --> <complexType name="MyImageRegionType"> <complexContent> <extension base="mpeg7:StillRegionType"> <attribute name="foo" type="positiveInteger" use="optional"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> MDS conformance of a description that instantiates tools that are extensions of MDS tools is determined completely by the following: 8.6 Validation of MDS elements of the description by the DDL parser according to MDS schema defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5, Validation of the description according to MDS description tool semantics specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5, and Validation of elements and attributes defined outside of ISO/IEC 15938-5 is not required. Conformance testing of descriptions under MDS tool embedding Tools defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5 (MDS) can be used by tools defined outside of ISO/IEC 15938-5. Such "embedding" of MDS tools may include the use of a description tool (DS, D or datatype) originally specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5 as the type of an element in a new description tool not defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5. For example, the following example shows the specification (in a schema other than defined by ISO/IEC 15938-5) of the MyImageRegion DS, which embeds the StillRegion DS defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5. <!-- Definition of MyImageRegion DS --> <complexType name="MyImageRegionType"> <complexContent> <element name="Region" type="mpeg7:StillRegionType"/> </complexContent> <attribute name="foo" type="positiveInteger" use="optional"/> </complexType> 20 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 MDS conformance of a description that instantiates tools that use MDS tools is determined completely by the following: Validation of MDS elements of the description by the DDL parser according to MDS schema defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5, Validation of the description according to MDS description tool semantics specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5, and Validation of elements and attributes defined outside of ISO/IEC 15938-5 is not required. 8.7 8.7.1 Conformance Descriptions Introduction The following subclauses contain several (informative) textual descriptions that illustrate conformance to ISO/IEC 15938-5. The test descriptions included in the following subclauses are MDS conformance descriptions. Editor's Note: further develop examples (informative) to illustrate different features of MDS descriptions. Also, show examples of XML-schema/not DDL valid descriptions, highlight difference between syntactic and semantic validation, … 8.7.2 Description 1 The following MDS textual description is an example of an MDS conformant description. The description is valid according to the DDL parser using the MDS schema defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5, and valid according to MDS description tool semantics specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5. <Mpeg7 xmlns="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:mpeg7="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001 .\Mpeg7-2001.xsd"> <Description xsi:type="CreationDescriptionType"> <CreationInformation> <Creation> <Title/> <Creator> <Role href="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:cs:RoleCS:2001:PRODUCTION-ASSISTANT"/> <Agent xsi:type="PersonType"> <Name xml:lang="en"> <GivenName>John</GivenName> <FamilyName>Smith</FamilyName> </Name> <Name xml:lang="fr"> <GivenName>Jean</GivenName> <FamilyName>Smith</FamilyName> </Name> <Affiliation> <Organization> <Name>International Standards Organization</Name> </Organization> </Affiliation> <ElectronicAddress> <Email>john.smith@nowhere.non</Email> </ElectronicAddress> </Agent> </Creator> </Creation> © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 21 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 </CreationInformation> </Description> </Mpeg7> 8.7.3 Description 2 The following MDS textual description is an example of an MDS conformant description. The description is valid according to the DDL parser using the MDS schema defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5, and valid according to MDS description tool semantics specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5. <Mpeg7 xmlns="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:mpeg7="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001 .\Mpeg7-2001.xsd"> <DescriptionMetadata> <Confidence>1.0</Confidence> <Version>1.1</Version> <LastUpdate>2001-09-20T03:20:25+09:00</LastUpdate> <PublicIdentifier type="UUID"> 098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb </PublicIdentifier> <PrivateIdentifier>completeDescriptionExample</PrivateIdentifier> <Creator> <Role href="creatorCS"> <Name>Creator</Name> </Role> <Agent xsi:type="PersonType"> <Name> <GivenName>Yoshiaki</GivenName> <FamilyName>Shibata</FamilyName> </Name> </Agent> </Creator> <CreationLocation> <Region>jp</Region> <AdministrativeUnit>Tokyo</AdministrativeUnit> </CreationLocation> <CreationTime>2000-10-10T19:45:00+09:00</CreationTime> <Instrument> <Tool> <Name>Wizzo Extracto ver. 2</Name> </Tool> <Setting name="sensitivity" value="0.5"/> </Instrument> <Rights> <RightsID>RID#</RightsID> </Rights> </DescriptionMetadata> <Description xsi:type="ContentEntityType"> <MultimediaContent xsi:type="ImageType"> <Image> <!-- more elements here --> </Image> </MultimediaContent> </Description> </Mpeg7> 22 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 8.7.4 Description 3 The following MDS textual description is an example of an MDS conformant description. The description is valid according to the DDL parser using the MDS schema defined in ISO/IEC 15938-5, and valid according to MDS description tool semantics specified in ISO/IEC 15938-5. <Mpeg7 xmlns="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:mpeg7="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001 .\Mpeg7-2001.xsd"> <Description xsi:type="ContentEntityType"> <MultimediaContent xsi:type="MultimediaCollectionType"> <Collection xsi:type="ContentCollectionType"> <Content xsi:type="ImageType"> <Image> <MediaLocator xsi:type="ImageLocatorType"> <MediaUri>soccer1.jpg</MediaUri> </MediaLocator> </Image> </Content> <Content xsi:type="ImageType"> <Image> <MediaLocator xsi:type="ImageLocatorType"> <MediaUri>soccer2.jpg</MediaUri> </MediaLocator> </Image> </Content> </Collection> </MultimediaContent> </Description> </Mpeg7> © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 23 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Annex A (informative) Patent Statements A.1 Patent Statements MPEG-7 Patent Statements Sys DDL Visual Canon Audio MDS Ref. Sof. X X X CIE X X X X Denso X ETRI X X X X X X Expway X X X X X X X FhG X Fraunhofer X Geocast X X HHI Hitachi X X X X X X Hyundai X X X X X X X X IBM X X X X X X JVC X X X X X X X X X X KDDI LG Electronics X X X X X X Matsushita X X X X X X Mitsubishi Electric X X X X X X X X X X X X NEC NHK 24 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Philips X X X X X X Ricoh X X X X X X Samsung X X X X X X Sharp X X X X X Siemens X X X X X X Sony X X X X X X Toshiba X X X X X X X X Vivcom © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 25 ISO/IEC CD 15938-7 Bibliography ISO 8601, Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times. ISO 639, Code for the representation of names of languages. ISO 3166-1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 1: Country codes. ISO 3166-2, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 2: Country subdivision code. ISO 4217, Codes for the representation of currencies and funds. ISO/IEC 11172 Information technology – Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s. ISO/IEC 13818, Information technology – Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information. ISO/IEC 14496, Information technology – Coding of audio-visual objects. ISO/IEC 15938-1, Information technology – Multimedia Content Description Interface: Systems. ISO/IEC 15938-2, Information technology – Multimedia Content Description Interface: Description Definition Langauge. ISO/IEC 15938-3, Information technology – Multimedia Content Description Interface: Visual. ISO/IEC 15938-4, Information technology – Multimedia Content Description Interface: Audio. ISO/IEC 15938-6, Information technology – Multimedia Content Description Interface: Reference Software. XML, Extensible Markup Language, W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). XML Schema, XML Schema, W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). xPath, XML Path Language, W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). RFC 2396, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). RFC 2045, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). RFC 2046, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). RFC 2048, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). RFC 2045-CHARSETS, Registered Character set codes of RFC2045, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). RFC 2046-MIMETYPES, Registered Mimetypes of RFC2046, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). 26 © ISO/IEC – All rights reserved