LOCAL RULES X-RAY ROOM G26 (South Cloisters 009) Medical Imaging Department Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 1 of 12 12/02/2016 Radiography Procedures _________________________ Radiation Safety Policy The X-ray equipment will be used for phantom and in-vitro radiography only under the supervision of a qualified member of staff (see list of authorised staff below). All staff will be required to read this safety policy and the local rules and sign to confirm this has been done. All X-ray and associated equipment will be serviced regularly and maintained in good order. A service contract with a specialist company will be maintained. Three basic principles will be adhered to: Radiography by undergraduates will only be undertaken if required for educational purposes. Staff and postgraduate students may undertake phantom or in-vitro work for research purposes All exposures will be kept to a minimum (ALARP). All exposures will be taken in such a way as to comply with current health and safety legislation and dose limits and in particular the requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999. The employer is responsible for enforcing this policy and providing local rules. The radiation protection supervisor appointed by the employer is responsible for enforcing the local rules and investigating overexposures and other adverse incidents. Local Rules to comply with the requirements of the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 Radiation Protection Supervisor: Dr Rachel M Palfrey R.M.Palfrey@exeter.ac.uk Medical Imaging, Physics Building University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QL 01392 264086 Radiation Protection Adviser: PHE - contact through URPO (Brian Robertson) e.mail b.robertson@exeter.ac.uk tel int. 5339 or 07764959682. Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 2 of 12 12/02/2016 Dose investigation level Monitored doses of radiation should be very low and should not exceed 2 mSv per annum whole body dose in one year or 0.75mSv in a single quarterly wear period. Any doses in excess of these levels will be investigated by the radiation protection supervisor and reported to the URPO. Radiation Monitoring Staff should wear the thermoluminescent dosimeter issued to them or the electronic dosimeter provided in the X-ray room if X-ray production is expected to occur whilst teaching. If the electronic dosimeter is used the date and time used and any dose registered should be recorded by the wearer in the record book which is kept in the facility. Students should be issued with thermoluminescent dosimeters or other recognised radiation monitoring device for use in both academic and clinical placements. These are to be changed at the end of each clinical placement or every 4 months (IRR99). Controlled area X-rays The radiography room scanner area is a controlled area when any X-ray equipment is switched on at the electrical supplies in this room, and x-ray production is enabled by the use of the interlock key. Radiography is not carried out outside this room. Arrangements for staff working in the controlled area General Entrance into controlled area 1) Only staff wearing dosimeters and external contractors whose presence the RPS considers essential may enter the controlled areas whilst the radiography is being carried out. Students who have read the local rules are regarded as members of staff. 2) Persons who are under eighteen, are not normally allowed into the radiography room when the X-ray equipment is switched on at the electricity supply, and X-ray production is enabled due to the interlock key being in place. 3) Persons under the age of 18 years can be in the X-ray facility only in compliance with the additional rules on page 6 of this document. 4) Staff or students who are or become pregnant are strongly advised to inform their tutor and the radiation protection supervisor who is the employer’s representative, in writing. The recommendation is that this is done immediately when the pregnancy is known so that their duties may be reviewed if necessary. An individual risk assessment should then be completed by the RPS. 5) No-one may enter the X-ray facility when an exposure is being made. Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 3 of 12 12/02/2016 Using X-ray Equipment 1) The most senior member of staff present while an X-ray is being taken is the radiographer or authorised staff member in charge of the X-ray procedure and everyone else present must obey his or her instructions. 2) The exposure is selected using available guidance. This must be the minimum necessary to obtain the required information. The light beam diaphragm must be used for every exposure and the useful beam must be collimated to the minimum size which still allows the required region to be examined. The main beam may be directed downwards onto the examination table, towards the floor, the generator wall and adjoining side walls. No horizontal beam views may be taken where the beam is directed towards the operating console. 3) No one is to remain in the controlled area A (see facility layout) whilst the exposure is being made. 4) In the event of the exposure switch jamming, the operator must switch the equipment off at the mains, place a ‘Do not use’ notice on the equipment and inform the Radiation Protection Supervisor immediately.. Reporting of Faults and overexposures If any exposure does not terminate automatically the operator must switch off the Xray equipment at the mains electricity supply, put a large ‘Do not Use’ notice on the equipment and inform the RPS and X-ray room co-ordinator immediately. Any equipment failures, concerns about operating procedures or suspicions that an over-exposure of a member of staff or anyone else has occurred, must be reported to the RPS immediately. Wearing of Dosimeters 1) Dosimeters must be worn on the trunk at waist level when working in the radiography room. 2) Dosimeters must not be exposed to excessive heat or sunlight and Personal dosimeters must not be left in the X-ray room. 3) All monitored personnel must take great care of their monitor and ensure that it is returned when it is due for change. 4) Dosimeters must be worn beneath the lead aprons if worn. 5) Loss or damage of dosimeters must be reported to the RPS Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 4 of 12 12/02/2016 Duties of the Radiation Protection Supervisor 1) The role of the RPS is to maintain proper standards of radiation protection within the Controlled and Supervised Areas for which he/she is responsible as set out in the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999, the associated guidance and these Local Rules. This includes the use of appropriate methods to ensure that the dose received by staff and patients is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). 2) The RPS must be familiar with all radiographic procedures undertaken in the practice. 3) The RPS must ensure that all staff are familiar with, and follow the Local Rules. 4) The RPS must notify the University Radiation Protection Officer (URPO): If any dosimeter record shows a reading above the investigation level. If there is any change in practice procedures which might result in significant increase in doses received by members of staff e.g. Increasing utilisation of X-ray procedures, (increased numbers exposures, increased factors) If there is any change in equipment e.g. new X-ray apparatus If maintenance work is performed on X-ray equipment which could affect its radiation output. If maintenance work is performed on the structure of the X-ray room which could affect its radiation shielding properties. The RPS should keep the Local Rules and Schemes of Work for the department under constant review and when necessary revise them in consultation with the URPO. Summary of Arrangements for Personnel using X-ray equipment The warning lights are illuminated automatically when the equipment is switched on and cannot be switched on or off at any other time. Access to the radiography room is restricted to those involved in the procedure. If X-ray production is enabled by the use of the interlock key, an authorised member of staff must be present. The interlock key should be stored in a locked key box outside of use which only staff members have access to. See exception below* *In the case of stage 3 Medical Imaging students carrying out project studies, an authorised member of staff must be aware and available for help and advice. The project supervisor must check the experimental set-up before students can work independently in the X-ray room. Students must sign the form of agreement before working independently. The interlock key should be removed from storage by a staff member with clear guidance to students on use. Other students, regardless of stage must be supervised whilst working in the X-ray room. Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 5 of 12 12/02/2016 There must be a clear educational or research benefit to be gained from the exposure. Personal monitoring badges must be worn by all involved in a radiographic procedure where regular use is anticipated. The equipment must be switched off at the mains after each session. Additional rules for persons under the age of 18 years entering the X-ray imaging facility These persons; a. Must always be under the supervision of a HCPC registered radiographer b. Must not remain in the controlled area A or B during exposure (see facility layout below c. Must sign to indicate that they will obey all instructions given by the supervising radiographer d. Must remain in the corridor as instructed during exposure e. Must not interfere with any equipment or items in the imaging facility Facility layout X-ray tube HV Generator Controlled Area A Shield (lead glass) Control Panel Controlled Area B Corridor Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 6 of 12 12/02/2016 List of people Authorised to use the X-ray Equipment Any HCPC registered Diagnostic Radiographer employed by, or seconded by the University of Exeter Plus: Dr Julian Moger Dr Judith Meakin Dr Sharon Strawbridge The following people have been trained in the use of the X-ray equipment and have read the Local Rules. See list which is kept in the X-ray room. Signed: Dr Rachel Palfrey Radiation Protection Supervisor Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 7 of 12 12/02/2016 Contingency Plan for Failure to Terminate 1. If the X-ray machine fails to terminate the radiation exposure, the operator must press the emergency stop button or switch off the equipment at the mains isolator. 2. The equipment must be taken out of use until the fault has been rectified. 3. The failure must be immediately reported to the RPS, URPO and X-ray Engineer. 4. A site incident form and a radiation incident form must be completed, the latter being passed to the URPO with a copy to the RPS. 5. If possible, the DAP meter reading or exposure time should be recorded on the radiation incident form so that any excess exposure received by the patient can be calculated and, if necessary, the HSE notified. See the following risk assessment for further contingency plans. Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 8 of 12 12/02/2016 RISK ASSESSMENT/CONTINGENCY PLAN RISK REDUCING CONTROLS/SYSTEMS IN PLACE HAZARD Accidental exposure to radiation - X-Ray generator interlock (key) double locked -physical (lead glass) barrier -safety OFF button - Illuminated warning lights -Local Rules - education and skills training -documentary record of persons present -personnel monitoring - no persons permitted to remain in Controlled Area A during exposure - regular checks for integrity of lead protection LIKLIHOOD (WITH EXISTING SYSTEMS IN PLACE) 1 SEVERITY 2 RISK OF HARM TO PERSON PERSONS AFFECTED Minor risk < x1 per year Persons affected: University Staff Students Visitors ADDITIONAL CONTROLS & ACTION REQUIRED LEVEL OF RISK (max25) Removable radiation warning sign for entrance door 2 Open/closed radiation source -none identified N/A N/A N/A NONE Chemical Hazard -none identified N/A N/A N/A NONE Microbiological hazard -none identified N/A N/A N/A NONE Fire hazard -fire safety training (staff and students) - fire alarm -record of training undertaken -electrical checks 5 Death, injury Ongoing vigilance. Exit by nearest suitable exit in the event of fire. 5 Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 9 of 12 1 12/02/2016 Damage to equipment Damage to PPE -education re careful use -regular checks for integrity of lead protection 1 1 -Expense to department -Minor risk to staff from damaged PPE Regular Quality Assurance programme 1 Equipment Fault / Electrical fault -Regular service & maintenance contract -regular checks 1 1 -Electric shock -Inconvenience, -rescheduled teaching Maintenance of a fault log book 2 Display screen equipment -regular checks -variation in work pattern to optimise use 1 1 Eye strain, fatigue Manual handling: Lifting/transfer Pixie -education re not attempting to lift unaided 2 2 Musculo-skeletal injury Personal injury: Slips, trips, falls -removable warning signs re cables, wet floor 1 3 Musculo-skeletal or bony injury 3 Electric shock -regular equipment checks -safety STOP button -circuit breakers -warning notices -information poster 1 5 burns, serious injury, death 5 Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 10 of 12 12/02/2016 1 Warning notice 4 Environmental: Lighting Ventilation Noise Temperature -air conditioning unit Loss or theft of valuables -Security coded lock -high standards of integrity amongst users Loss or theft of teaching aids -Security coded lock -high standards of integrity amongst users Psychological: Stress, trauma -student support services -staff support services Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 11 of 12 1 1 Possible fumes through air conditioning 2 2 Users to take sensible precautions 1 4 1 2 Expense to the department 2 1 2 Time off from work/studies 2 12/02/2016 A separate risk assessment must be completed and regularly reviewed for those who are or might be pregnant and those who are breastfeeding / expressing milk (see http://www.exeter.ac.uk/staff/wellbeing/safety/guidance/mothers/ ). LIKLIHOOD Improbable Remote Possible Probable Likely 1 2 3 4 5 SEVERITY Very Minor Minor Major Severe Very severe 1 2 3 4 5 If Risk factor is over 5: take Remedial Action to improve Existing control measures or abandon the task If Risk factor is 5 or under, the risks are under adequate control, but should be carefully monitored Risks & Controls Communicated to: Name of Risk Assessor: users and visitors to the facility if necessary (present within a supervised area when the generator is active) Dr R.M.Palfrey Signature:……………………………………………………… Review Date: January 2016 Medical Imaging, University of Exeter Page 12 of 12 12/02/2016