ENVIRONMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY DECISION ON GROUNDS FOR REASSESSMENT OF A SUBSTANCE 19 June 2007 Application Code RES07002 Application Type Grounds for reassessment of a substance under section 62(1)(b) of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (the Act) Applicant R Forlong Chief Executive ERMA New Zealand Date Application Received 30 May 2007 Consideration Date 5 June 2007 Considered by A Committee of the Authority Purpose of the Application Azinphos-Methyl: to establish whether there are sufficient grounds to justify a reassessment of the broad-spectrum insecticide azinphos-methyl and its formulations. 1 Summary of decision 1.1 The Committee has decided under section 62(2) that there are grounds for the reassessment of azinphos-methyl and its formulations. 1.2 The substances have the following unique identifiers on the ERMA New Zealand Hazardous Substances Register: Azinphos-methyl (approval code HSR002815) Suspension concentrate containing 350g/L azinphos-methyl (approval code HSR000160; referred to in this decision document as “substance A”) Wettable powder containing 350g/kg azinphos-methyl (approval code HSR000161; referred to in this decision document as “substance B”) Cotnion 200 insecticide containing 200g/L azinphos-methyl (approval code HSR002486; referred to in this decision document as “substance C”) 2 Legislative criteria for application 2.1 The application was lodged pursuant to section 62(1)(b). The decision was determined in accordance with section 62(2). Unless otherwise stated, references to section numbers in this decision refer to sections of the Act. 2.2 Consideration of the application followed the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (Methodology) Order 1998 (the Methodology). Unless otherwise stated, references to clauses in this decision refer to clauses of the Methodology. 3 Background to the application 3.1 Azinphos-methyl was transferred to the HSNO framework via the Chemicals Transfer Notice (01 July 2006). Substances A and B were transferred to the HSNO framework via the Pesticides Transfer Notice (1 July 2004). While there are no products registered under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act against the HSNO approval for Substances A or B, two products registered against the approval for Substance A are included on an ACVM Register of cancelled Trade Name Products. On of the substances had its registration cancelled on 05 July 2006, the other on 07 August 2006. Substance C is the only substance containing azinphosmethyl that has been approved under Part V of the Act and that has a current ACVM registration. 3.2 Azinphos-methyl appears on the Chief Executive initiated reassessments priority list, which was released in March 2007. The generation of this list involved consultation with stakeholders and other interested parties. Azinphos-methyl was identified as being high priority for reassessment. 3.3 Azinphos-methyl is a broad-spectrum insecticide. In New Zealand, azinphos-methyl is registered for application to grapes, kiwifruit, pipfruit, stonefruit and potatoes for the control of leaf-rollers, greedy scales, codling moths, bronze beetles, cherry sawflies, grass grub beetles, oriental fruit moths and potato tuber moths. Formulations containing azinphos-methyl are applied by conventional ground spray equipment. 3.4 The Agency has classified azinphos-methyl as: 6.1A acute oral and inhalation toxicant 6.1B dermal toxicant 6.4A eye irritant 6.5B contact (skin) sensitiser 6.9A toxic to human target organs or systems 9.1A very ecotoxic in the aquatic environment 9.2D slightly harmful in the soil environment 9.3A very ecotoxic to terrestrial invertebrates 9.4A very ecotoxic to terrestrial invertebrates 3.5 The Agency has insufficient data to classify azinphos-methyl with respect to respiratory sensitisation. While the exact hazards of the formulations used in ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application RES07002 Page 2 of 5 commercial applications differ, the formulations retain at least the following hazards as triggered by the azinphos-methyl component: 6.1B, 6.4A, 6.5B, 6.9A, 9.1A, 9.3A, 9.4A. . 3.6 Both the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Authority (PMRA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have recently completed re-evaluations of azinphos-methyl. These re-evaluations were part of broader re-assessment programmes underway in both jurisdictions, which aim to determine whether older chemicals are acceptable according to current standards of safety and effectiveness. The findings of the re-assessments have led to the phase-out of the substance by the end of 2007 in Canada and 2012 in the US. The PMRA cites unacceptable risks to the health of agricultural workers as the reason for the phase-out. The EPA drew similar conclusions about the risks to workers and in addition found that the risks to aquatic ecosystems were unacceptable. 3.7 Azinphos-methyl is currently under review by the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA) who have recommended, in their preliminary findings, that more stringent controls be applied to products containing the substance, in order to mitigate the occupational, ecological and dietary risks associated with its use. 3.8 Azinphos-methyl is not listed under the Rotterdam Convention. 3.9 The Chief Executive considers that the outcomes of the reassessments undertaken by North American regulatory authorities, and the preliminary findings of the Australian review, constitute “new information” and as such are sufficient grounds upon which to initiate a reassessment of the substance in accordance with section 62(2)(a) of the Act. In addition, the Chief Executive notes that there are less hazardous alternatives to azinphos-methyl available (such as spinosyns and pyrethrins) and that a reassessment of the substance would align with the Agency’s risk reduction strategy, which aims to reduce the risks that hazardous substances and new organisms may pose to the New Zealand people and environment. Accordingly, the Chief Executive is requesting that the Authority decide whether there are grounds to reassess the approval of azinphos-methyl and its formulations. 4 Application process 4.1 The Chief Executive submitted the application, to establish whether there are sufficient grounds to justify a reassessment of azinphos-methyl and its formulations, on 30 May 2007. 4.2 Public notification of the application was not required under the Act. However, the Chief Executive advises that an indication of the intention to submit the application, along with a copy of the Evaluation Sheet (produced by the Agency in November 2006) was distributed to a number of government departments and other interested parties. 4.2.1 Both the Ministry of Health and HortNZ responded to acknowledge that there are sufficient grounds for the reassessment. 4.2.2 Agronica New Zealand Limited (the registrants of the only product containing azinphos-methyl currently available in New Zealand) also ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application RES07002 Page 3 of 5 responded, raising several questions regarding the quality and relevance of the data cited by the Agency in the Evaluation Sheet. 4.3 The application was considered on 5 June 2007 by the following members of the Authority, appointed in accordance with section 19(2)(b) of the Act: Professor George Clark (Chair), Mr Neil Walter and Dr Kieran Elborough. 4.4 The information available to the Committee comprised: the application and supporting documents (including the submissions); and a consideration paper from the Agency. 5 Consideration 5.1 In considering the application, the Committee took into account the information provided by the Chief Executive and the Agency (paragraph 4.4). The Committee considers that the information constitutes an adequate and appropriate basis for considering the application (clause 8). 5.2 Section 62(2) sets out grounds to be taken into account by the Authority in deciding whether or not a reassessment is justified. 62(2) Where any request has been made under section (1) of this section, the Authority may decide that grounds exist to reassess that substance or organism after taking into account that(a) Significant new information relating to the effects of the substance or the organism has become available; or (b) Another substance with similar or improved beneficial effects and reduced adverse effects has become available; or (c) Information showing a significant change of use, or a significant change in the quantity manufactured, imported, or developed has become available. 5.3 The Authority may also take into account factors other than those listed in section 62(2) if it is appropriate to do so in the context of the overall purpose and spirit of the Act. The purpose of the Act is to protect the environment, and the health and safety of people and communities, by preventing or managing the adverse effect of hazardous substances and new organisms (section 4). The principles relevant to the purpose of the Act pertain to safeguarding the life-supporting capacity of the environment; and the capacity of people and communities to provide for their own economic, social, and cultural wellbeing (section 5). Consequently, ‘other factors’ are considered where they are perceived as relevant to the purpose of the Act and the principles pertaining to this purpose. 5.4 The Committee has considered the information provided by the Chief Executive and the Agency and notes the following: Formulations containing azinphos-methyl have been registered for use in New Zealand since 1965. Currently, one product is registered for agricultural use in New Zealand (Cotnion 200 Insecticide); Regulatory authorities in the US and Canada have recently completed reassessments of azinphos-methyl. The findings of these reassessments have led to the phase-out of the substance, with all uses expected to be phased by 2007 in Canada and 2012 in the US. A review is currently underway in Australia, with ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application RES07002 Page 4 of 5 5.5 preliminary findings indicating that more stringent controls will be applied to products containing the substance although its use will not be phased out. There are less hazardous alternatives to azinphos-methyl available; The reassessment of azinphos-methyl and formulations containing it aligns with the principles of the ERMA New Zealand Risk Reduction strategy. The Committee unanimously agreed that there is new information from overseas regulatory authorities relating to the effects of the azinphos-methyl and that, in light of this new information, reassessment of the substance is warranted. The Committee acknowledges that there are alternatives to azinphos-methyl, adding weight to the justification for a reassessment of the substance. In addition, the Committee considers that a reassessment of azinphos-methyl and its formulations aligns well with the Agency’s risk reduction strategy, which seeks to reduce the risks New Zealanders may be exposed to via new organisms or hazardous substances. 6 Conclusion 6.1 In accordance with section 62, and having regard to the information provided by all relevant parties, as detailed above, the decision of the Committee is that: 6.1.1 grounds exist to reassess azinphos-methyl and its formulations. George Clark Date 19 June 2007 Chair ERMA New Zealand Decision: Application RES07002 Page 5 of 5