(HSA) Feb 9, 2011 Meeting Notes Welcome/General Notes: Note

(HSA) Feb 9, 2011 Meeting Notes
Welcome/General Notes:
Note: book fair proceeds were used for librarian to choose new books for library.
Dr. Karen Cortellino, President, Montville Board of Education & Cedar Hill BOE
Budget was introduced at last night’s meeting. Right now, it is under cap at 1.7%.
However, there are a few new initiatives on the table.
-At the MS, Dr Fried felt there needed to be some world language initiatives.
Children can enter HS as a level 2 with some MS experience. Idea is to present
languages as a potpourri like Spanish, Italian, Mandarin in 6th. In 7th, they can choose
a specific language then. Mandarin is covered by grant.
Q: French? A: not sure
-Other teacher will be a new addition. In HS, Dr Fried would like to introduce
Freshman Academy, i.e., like a college orientation but year long for freshman.
Nurtured for the entire year as to what experience and expectations will be like.
-There will be an introduction of two freshman sports for girls: Volleyball and
-There is a need for athletic secretary as two positions were combined into one. Turn
half time position from valley view into ft at HS.
-Some stipends in art reduced, may impact class size slightly. Reduction in one fine
arts teacher. There was some opposition so may need more discussion
-Director of special services has been working hard to get students back into
district/mainstreamed, particularly those with special needs, which has brought cost
savings for district. Work with parents and districts to ensure students are
accommodated with planned program to support students as they should be.
-Q: homework question came up. What was it? A: Possibly initiated by Race to
Nowhere, homework comes into question. Forcing people to question what we hope to
accomplish through homework and know what we hope to accomplish through it.
Perhaps it will springboard a good analysis.
-Q: new textbooks? A: not sure, will find out as part of her own budget questions.
-Q: ass’t principal updates for MS? A: no updates yet/one part time in place/positions
for 2nd ass’t principal will be posted. Will reach out to recruiting company and use for
HS principal and as well as ass’t principals in MS. Hoping to get in by summer.
-Q: how much does it cost? A: maybe $16k, but not sure. In past, used school board
association (which costs money as well) but they are not allowed to recruit from
(HSA) Feb 9, 2011 Meeting Notes
within districts while a independent recruiter can.
-Q: any chance of k aids coming back? A: tried hard/personally wants, but business
administrator pointed out that it is actually in the A5 statute that they are not
allowed in classrooms less than 25. But we had aids when the law was in affect…but
shouldn’t have according to the law. Maybe reviewers turned a blind eye. Directive
comes from Trenton.
It was decided to keep snow days as they are.
One PTO requested that Elementary Clubs be allowed to be funded by PTOs. Dr Fried
had some concerns about equity, After discussion, it seems that all five schools are
on board and the BOE supports heartily.
Changed public participation policy to answer questions as they are asked rather than
at the end.
Note, BOE just saw budget two days before they shared and discussed at public
meeting. This is not required. They will continue to vet as part of a public process as
BOE feels that public should have a say.
Principal's Report, Dr. Raj
Budget seems in good shape/ 81k under cap so far. Allowed to go up 2% from last
year. Good news. Fiscally resp. Less tax impact. Elem schools hit hard last year. Right
now, all programs currently in place should remain (at this point, but can change due
to unforeseen circumstances).
Next mtg is next tues here.
Budget is living doc until we present and put up for vote. Teacher retirements, hires,
can affect things. CH does not at this point expect staff changes.
Bullying workshop: new bullying law went into affect
When bullying happens off school grounds, but it is a school sponsored event, school is
responsible. If not school sponsored, school not technically responsible but “trickle
effect” might indicate that bullying is also happening at school.
Q: would cyberbullying be considered a school issue? A: only if it trickles into school.
CH website has monthly newsletter with CH highlights. Will start a new feature with
words from student council president to give student perspective
Enrichment is going well. Cleanliness of classrooms has been brought into question.
Note that custodians have not been able to clean at that point.
(HSA) Feb 9, 2011 Meeting Notes
Q: Per last BOE, custodians will clean bathrooms and grout, would be cleaned. Has it
been done? A: maybe over break due to chemicals. Will find out.
Q: Is there special cleaning when classrooms have a particular viral infection going
around? A: During this season, tell them to wipe down desks as an overall rule.
Cedar Hill Happenings
Bringing back clubs at Cedar Hill using Home & School funds: will discuss/Dr Raj is
concerned about equity. Maybe bring back club that attracted most children, but
would be nice to know what kids are thinking. Still have student council and safety
patrol which is district funded. Basically, HSA would provide stipends indirectly by
donating money to BOE, then BOE pays teachers. Some clubs, like Math 24,
require multiple schools to participate. Consider what clubs focus on skills than
are important to prep for MS and HS. This could be ongoing, so funds might be
available one year and not the next.
-Q: Is battle of the books a club? A: not sure, but it is still happening. Can check.
-Q: Can we charge for tools for school? A: Seems doable but need to make sure it
is paid to HSA, then a donation is made to BOE from HSA so BOE can pay stipend
to adhere to legal guidelines. Perhaps we could share cost. Important to know that
our teachers were willing to do it without stipend, but they are not allowed.
Enrichment going well – will end next Friday, 2/18 Committee was only three
people but it is running smoothly and turnouts have been great. 182 participants.
Last year was 22 classes, but this year was 15. People were saying they would
would have….but didn’t know HSA were looking. How can we remedy this?
Maybe next year, focus more on k parent orientation and also provide class topics
and see if people will just sign up for pre-arranged topics.
Boxtops for Education Contest – kicks off this week and ends Wednesday, 3/9 –
the class who collects the most Boxtops during that time frame will receive free
Fun Fair admission (the winning class must collect at least 200 Boxtops). The
winning class will be announced at Family Fun Night on March 11!
-Q: how much do we get per boxtop? A: .10$
Carnation Sale Fundraiser – orders due today, flowers will be delivered on Friday
2/11 Total Carnation Sale: Expenses = $620.00 (600 for flowers and 20 for
vases) PROFIT to CH = 1051.00; Committee for 2011/2012 School Year: Beth
Sanchez, Tania Mersing and Ann Marie Hermann. $1.050 was profit
(HSA) Feb 9, 2011 Meeting Notes
TREP$ - begins 3/4, registration for new students closes on Friday 2/11
enrichment program for 4th and 5th graders/have 45 4th graders registered so
far/starts March 11/April 30 4-6 is marketplace
-Q: can we alert other schools on marketplace? A: It did go into other schools’
Monday memos. We can do again. Plus, TREP$ website lists all marketplaces going
Student Council is sponsoring Healing Hearts this year – Thursday 3/10 and Friday
3/11 - $3 per heart, one heart per child. This program is fully run and funded by
the student council. HH is a community outreach program where 4” ceramic hearts
and painted and glazed with sentiments and then hearts are sent to hospitals in
NJ for patients undergoing cancer treatments as well as their caregivers.
Recipients can write thank you notes to general website.
Family Fun Night – Friday, 3/11 – BINGO, Games, DJ, Dancing, Pizza, Snacks,
Dessert! Elisa Sandler and Susan DeAngelis are co-chairing event. Flat fee of $15
per family. Trying for a minimum of 30 families. Event is in MS cafeteria. Open to
CH families.
Pagus Project Pajama Party – Friday, 3/25
-Character Ed committee initiating/event will be to share info on school, etc
-We adopted a second grade boy and they will try to get a picture and info out.
“Adopted” means that we will be funding his schooling.
Dan Gutman Author Visit – Friday, 4/1 – look for information on
“Lunch with the Author” contest for grades 2-5 and ordering Dan Gutman books
(Weird Wacky school series and others)
Golf Outing & Parent Dinner – Wednesday, 5/11 at Rockaway River Country Club –
we need volunteers to help with this event! Reg forms and solicitation letters will
be up on website soon. Please try to help get word out and/or offer support.
Next Board of Education Meeting will be next Tuesday, 2/15 at 8:00 p.m. at Cedar
Board of Education elections will be held on Wednesday, April 27, polls open from
7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
(HSA) Feb 9, 2011 Meeting Notes
Public Comment
Q: Is it a rumor that extra snow days incurred will be taken from spring break.,
starting at the beginning of the week A: Not a rumor as has been published on
official calendar all year. Bottom of calendar has snow day policy.
Q: how and when will they officially tell us? If we have more snow days, could
potentially have no spring break. Right now, kids have off only wed, thurs, friday.
Note: since meeting, a memo came out noting that calendar stays as is.
Made $83 on juice pouch recycling
Yearbook is in progress and busy. Soon, email will come out initiating purchase
Q: Family portrait day? Can we do as a fundraiser? A: HSA has been looking into it.
Judy Wright to send info about her sister’s school.
District Activity Night…put email out to 5th grade committee so we can get a 2 hr
volunteer from 3 parents per school. Valley View is running it this year/May 6. Need
to get email out within next week or so.
Door Prize Raffle – Cedar Hill Car Magnets and Spirit Wear