A. Course number and title :
EDEX J691: Inclusion: Co-Teaching Students with Disabilities
B. Course description :
This course functions as an overview of inclusive practices for students with disabilities.
Participants will study collaboration, co-teaching, and evidence-based instructional strategies for teaching students with disabilities and cultural and language diversity in general education classroom settings.
C. Course credit : 3 hours
D. Prerequisite or co-requisite courses :
EDEX 523, PSY 528, or consent of the instructor
E. Intended Audience :
Graduate students in education, special education, and related fields.
F. Instructors :
Jeanna M. Rathel, PhD
Office: 235-E Wardlaw
E-mail: rathelj@mailbox.sc.edu
Office Hours :
Michael Kelly, Ed.S
E-mail: pmkelly@mailbox.sc.edu
By appointment
Class time:
All coursework for EDEX J691 will be completed online via Blackboard at blackboard.sc.edu
and the virtual classroom at http://breeze.sc.edu/edexj691/.
Students enrolled in this course must have access to a computer with Internet access/microphone
(webcam desirable but not required) and an e-mail account on a regular basis. All assignments will be submitted electronically.
Thinking in terms of a traditional face-to-face course, approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes per class meeting will be spent ‘in class’ working with the materials in the course. This does not include ‘homework time’, which includes completing assignments and course readings. Live “in class” sessions will be conducted in the virtual classroom and attendance is required. Students should reserve Monday-Thursday from 1:00-
3:15 for class sessions.
To provide teachers and related professionals with strategies and skills needed to plan, facilitate, and implement effective inclusion experiences for students with disabilities.
Explain how access to the general education curriculum impacts outcomes for students with disabilities
Discuss the challenges of including students with exceptional learning needs in the general education classroom.
Explain what cooperative teaching is and how it benefits students.
Describe the roles of general education and special education teachers when they work collaboratively in the classroom
List various members of an IEP team and describe their roles and responsibilities in supporting students with disabilities.
Describe ways school-based IEP members can collaborate with one another to support students with disabilities.
Describe ways to involve parents in team meetings.
Locate and evaluate evidence-based inclusive teaching strategies including uses of technology.
Describe various accommodations that can be made for students with exceptional learning needs in order to have access and meet state standards.
Describe the roles of school counselors when working with students with disabilities.
III. Required Text:
Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (2010). The inclusive classroom: Strategies for effective instruction (4 th
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill, Prentice Hall.
Students will need to purchase the edition of the textbook that includes an access code for myeducationlab at http://www.ablongman.com/myeducationlab/ to access required online assignments.
Additional readings may also be assigned by the instructor. Some of these readings may only be available on the Internet.
ACADEMIC COURSE REQUIREMENTS (Instructor reserves the right to add or delete assignments throughout the semester)
Group Discussions & Professional Participation: 90 points
Students will complete all the activities within each of the course modules and attend virtual class meetings as per the course schedule. Students must attend ALL virtual meetings and participate in group discussions.
Quizzes: 80 points
There will be 8 graded module quizzes worth 10 points each for a possible total of 80 points. Student must complete all module assignments before taking the module quiz.
Research Article Presentations & Annotated Bibliography: 50 points
Students will locate, read, evaluate, and present four research articles on the topic of inclusion and evidence-based practices for students with disabilities. One article is due each week. Students will present their findings to their study group via the virtual classroom website. Each article should be from a peer-reviewed journal dated within the last five years. Students will complete an annotated bibliography and provide an electronic copy to their classmates via Blackboard.
Lesson Plan Adaptation: 50 points
Students will obtain a general education lesson plan for a topic covered in the South
Carolina Standards and adapt the lesson plan for an inclusive classroom (co-teaching) environment. Students will work in groups on this assignment and meet in the virtual classroom to develop their lesson plans. A lesson plan format will be provided.
The Graduate Bulletin states: “All courses offered through telecommunications meet the same University standards of prerequisites, sequence, etc. that are required in residence work and are subject to the same academic regulations.”
Candidates are responsible for all assigned work and are responsible for any announced changes/additions/deletions to the syllabus and schedule. It is the responsibility of each candidate to check the class web site and their e-mail regularly during the course for changes and other announcements. It is each student’s responsibility to confirm that the e-mail address in the Blackboard system is the e-mail address he or she checks regularly.
Assignments should be submitted before the posted due dates/times. Work submitted after the due date/time may not be scored, regardless of the excuse. All assignments are required. Failure to submit any assignment may result in a grade of F.
A grade of “Incomplete” may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. The guidelines from the Graduate Bulletin* will be followed. Graduate Bulletin: http://www.sc.edu/bulletin/grad/GGradschool.html
Group discussions and professional participation
Module quizzes (10 X 8)
Research articles and annotated bibliography
Lesson plan
Grades will be assigned according to the following scale:
Percentage of Points Earned
≤ 64%
Inclusive Practices
Collaboration, Consultation
Cooperative Learning
Differentiated Instruction for students with Diverse learning needs
Motivation, Affect, Attention, Memory, Study Skills
Social Emotional Development, Bullying
Applications of technology for accommodations
Science and Social Studies and standards based instruction
Career and technical education & transition
IRIS Modules (online)
VIII. Mode of Instruction
PowerPoint & Adobe Connect based Lecture
Group Discussion on Blackboard & Adobe Connect Meeting
Individual Review of IRIS Modules
Demonstration of articles and lessons
Modules in Blackboard
IX. Bibliography
Council for Exceptional Children – The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, advocates for individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice. http://www.cec.sped.org
The professional standards expected of beginning teachers working with students who experience disabilities can be found at: http://www.cec.sped.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Professional_Standards1&T emplate=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=6661
The CEC Ethical Principles for Special Education Professionals can be found at: http://www.cec.sped.org/content/navigationmenu/ProfessionalDevelopment/Professional
The SC Department of Education Office of Standards and Support provides statewide leadership and services to schools and districts to ensure the implementation of grade-level standards-based instruction for all students. http://ed.sc.gov/agency/Standards-and-Learning/Academic-Standards/