LAKE CITY CRC M I D MAY 27, 2015 PIANO CONCERT: Join us in the sanctuary for a free piano concert by Forrest Wakeman on May 31 at 7pm! THIS WEEK’S HEADLINES: W E E K N E W S ATTENTION GRADUATES! Graduate Recognition Sunday will be June 7 and we need some information from you. We need your name, which school or college you are graduating from, your degree earned and your future plans. There is an insert in the bulletin or a sheet at the Information Center to fill out. Please submit your information to the church office by May 31. PARENTS: Jeremy, the new youth director, is seeking out student information. If you have a son or daughter who is currently in 5th grade up through 11th grade, please e-mail Jeremy at with the following information as soon as possible: First and Last Name, Address, Grade, School they attend, ExtraCurricular's they are involved in, E-mail and/or phone number, and the best way to contact them. Thanks so much! VBS CRAFT NEEDS: They are looking for 24 oz. peanut butter jars with lids. You can drop off your jars to the Children’s Ministry table in the Narthex. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO THE G.A.L.L.A.H. (Girls And Love Lending A Hand) GOLF OUTING! 18 Hole Golf Scramble on July 11 with a 9am shot gun start at Missaukee Golf Club. This event is sponsored by the Lake City Woman’s Club to support local families in sudden crisis. You may register or sponsor a 4-person team for just $60 per person. This can be a mix of men and women. If an individual or business would like to donate items or sponsor a hole, please contact Lisa Ashton, Barb DeBoer, Barb Elliott or Janet Kolhagen. All sponsors will be recognized at the event. A flier is posted on the church bulletin board in the narthex hallway. Fliers and registration forms are available at the golf course. LOST AND FOUND ITEMS & DISHES: Please check the Lost and Found (in the Narthex by the mailboxes) and the kitchen for dishes and claim items that belong to you. Any items not claimed by June 1 will be taken to Friends Ministry. BACK PACKS FOR KIDS: Will be providing food packs to children throughout the summer months. You can help feed hungry kids by donating food items such as granola bars, oatmeal, individual macaroni/cheese cups, and canned pasta/ meat (a complete list is available at the Back Packs for Kids cart). You can also help fill food packs on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 1:15pm. Make a difference in a child’s life! Contact Jennifer Pugh for more information. SUMMER SOFTBALL: Our church is forming a co-ed team to play slow-pitch softball on the Falmouth Church League. We will be playing on Wednesday nights this summer. If you are interested, contact Keith or Aldyne Ebels. ATTENTION LADIES! Your Women’s Ministry Team has a “Meals-for Mom’s” ministry and also offers baby showers for all first born babies in the church family. Our church is growing rapidly and we really don’t want to miss any new babies! Please help us out by notifying the church office when your baby is born. We will announce it to the congregation (if wanted) and will get your “meal train” started. We truly love serving moms and families in this way and we would hate to leave anyone out. Thanks! BABY ITEMS: Our Baby Item Project is running now until June 21. There is a Play Pen in the narthex to drop off your donated items in. These items will be dispersed as needed by the Maternal Support Program through the Missaukee County Health Dept. They will be giving the items to new moms in the community. Please note: Food items are NOT needed. WORK HARD, PLAY HARD PROJECTS: The youth are looking for small jobs to help with this summer such as cutting and hauling wood, raking and other yard work, house cleaning, etc. If you have a job you would like help with contact Bob Clark. VERSE FOR TODAY I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given to me — the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. —Acts 20:24 White Envelope Offering: Bible Bee PRAYERS AND PRAISES: Daniel & Elizabeth Wilson (Dawn Sizeland’s cousins): God’s comfort with loss of infant daughter Don Nabazny (Robert Harju’s friend): Awaiting biopsy results Military Personnel: Luke Bailey, Richard Clipper, Randy Fenby, Steve Fisher, Angela Harvey, Tim Kimbel, Craig Kolhagen, Tom Meyering, Andy Neblock, David Sizeland, Franklin Troyer Missionaries: Jeff & Marilyn Greenway (Young Life in Nicaragua), Josh & Mandy Shaarda (Freedom in Christ Ministries in Uganda), Karlie Maxwell (serving in Uganda),Michael & Missie Anscomb (YWAM in New England) UPCOMING MEETINGS / EVENTS: May 31 Piano Concert June 7 Communion June 7 Graduate Recognition Sunday June 10 Staff Meeting June 11 Council Meetings June 13 Open Door VOLUNTEERS SERVING ON MAY 31 9am 11am Nursery Infant: Pam Joseph, Jessie Klimp, Julane Lamkin Toddler: Jonah & Rachel Hoekwater, Brittany Hoekwater Greeters South: Casey & Holly Sigafoose East: Steve & Deb VanderWeide Outside: Justin Hoekwater, Claude Lydick Ushers Phil & Kathy Winkle, Charles Workman Offering Tom Ebels, Ed Gonzalez, Ryan Vanderwal, Dan VerBerkmoes Coffee Hosts Phil & Kathy Winkle Library Paulette Roberts Story Hour Nikki Koetje Nursery Infant: Justin & Danielle Hoekwater, Alisha Dewey Toddler: David & Julia Judah, Courtney Nederhood Greeters South: Dale & Sharon Webster East: Don & Mary Bowers Outside: Justin Hoekwater, Claude Lydick Ushers Jim Dulzo, Keith Ebels, Jim Lambert Offering Tom Ebels, Ed Gonzalez, Ryan Vanderwal, Dan VerBerkmoes Coffee Hosts Rick & Carol Bradley Library Paulette Roberts Story Hour Jan Lydick COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS LIFEWALK 2015: Want to put action to your pro-life convictions? LifeWalk/5K 4 Life 2015, a fundraising event to support the ministry of Life Resources of Northern Michigan, Inc., offers an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of men, women and children in our area with just a little effort. Your involvement will save lives and support struggling families. Join us in Cadillac for the 5K 4 Life on Saturday, May 30 at 7am and the walk at 9am. Register online for all events at (click on Engage tab and find the dates). For more information or to pick up a pledge form, call Sue Ellen Bendelow at Life Resources (775-1545).