Artists Attending Bear Event

Artists Attending Bear Event
Linda Fulmer of Fulmer Bears-Jeromesville, OH
Linda left Nursing after a 30 year career in 1992 to pursue her creative interests before her biological clock ran out. She began
making antique porcelain dolls, from pouring slip into molds to a completely period costumed doll with hand made wig and
shoes. At a Doll and Bear show she purchased a $10 bag of scrap mohair and began making little bears as accessories for her
dolls. It wasn’t long before collectors were asking how much the bears were and the Bear business was off and running.
Although she loved costuming dolls she prefers her bears undressed. She has really enjoyed designing bears and watching
each one come alive. Her greatest rewards have come from the collectors, watching their smiles, laughs and delights with her
creations. She is now semi-retired from doing so many shows, but still enjoys creating bears when not busy with gardening,
decorating her house, grandchildren, great grandchildren and learning to sew on her new embroidery machine.
Donna Hinkelman of Bainbridge Bears – Benton Harbor, MI
Donna began her interest as a bear collector and it blossomed into a wonderful bear making adventure and career. All her bears
and a few other animals are fashioned from mohair and are many times enhanced with wonderful laces, clothing and jewelry
discovered in antique and thrift shops. It gives her joy when a lovely bear comes to life as a fancy lady decorated with the
fancy antique “finds”. She says it puts a smile on her face. Donna too gets excited when a collector chooses to adopt a one-ofa-kind sweet faced bear, dressed to the “nines” to sit in a prized child’s chair or to share in parties of honey, biscuits and tea
with a similar friend. Collectors make up a fun part of Donna’s life. She loves visiting and sharing stories and bear talk at
shows. Donna and her daughter, Beth Anne, travel together. Beth Anne drives the van and Donna navigates and reads the
map. They share ideas and talk, talk and talk some more. They speak daily and Beth Anne holds a very special place in
Donna’s heart. In 1993 Donna made her first bear from a piece of mohair. His name was Harrison and Donna was elated when
he won a Golden Teddy Award. She then won another golden Teddy for a sweet Victorian style bear named Karen Louise. In
all, she’s been nominated four times for this award which recognizes the “best in the world” in the field of teddy bear artistry.
Felicia Hymer, a.k.a. the Bear Scout, -Phoenix AZ
Felicia has been representing award-winning and cutting-edge artists from the United States, Canada, Germany,
England, Australia and New Zealand. She will be bringing hundreds of one-of-a-kind bears to the Country Joy event
on September 30th.
Felicia was a judge for the TOBY awards this year, and is known in the industry as an expert on soft sculpture.
She is a feature writer for Teddy Bear & Friends magazine and has written for Teddy Bear Today, Teddy Bear
Times, Teddy Bear Scene (British magazines) and Australian teddy bear publications. This year marks her 11th
anniversary as the Bear Scout, and she is currently featured in Teddy Bear Review magazine.
Mikki Klug of Cripple Creek Creations- Cincinnati OH
Mikki has loved animals all her life, currently sharing a ten acre farm with her husband of thirty-five years, four llamas, six
cats and a dog – all were unwanted strays – except her husband , of course.
Mikki first saw felting in a Teddy Bear and Friends magazine in 2004. She tried it, loved it and had a wonderful natural talent.
Her Felties are created from a variety of natural wool’s, including her own llamas, buffalo, alpaca, camel and angora. This
variety enables her to create unique and detailed creations.
Mikki has worked in the creative field for years, illustrating, designing and directing in the personal expressions, gift and toy
industries. Her work has been published in Teddy Bear and Friends, Teddy Bear Scene, Teddy Bear Review and other
publications. Mikki and her Felties won three ribbons in 2006 URSA awards and two 2007 TOBY awards.
Beth Anne Martin of Bears by Beth Anne – Coloma, MI
“Designing and creating teddy bears along with other animals is so gratifying.” These are the words of Beth Anne Martin. In
September of 1995 Beth Anne had a humble beginning when she took her hand at sewing her first bear. Under the guidance of
her mother and mentor, Donna Hinkelman of Bainbridge Bears, Beth Anne has made a part-time business into an overtime
frenzy…. And she is loving every aspect of it !!! Beth Anne says, “It’s so satisfying to create something that will last a
lifetime. I enjoy sharing a part of me with those who adopt my bears.”
“It’s interesting how many friendships I have made in the teddy bear world.” Whether it’s through Beth Anne’s Internet site,
signings, or many shows she takes her creations to each year, the people are what makes for an added bonus. With Beth
Anne’s husband of over 20 years and their two children, she feels that God has blessed her with all of the good things in life:
family, friends and bears.
Her creations span from a compact 5” size to a chubby 26” size and feature many bears along with pandas, rabbits, elephants,
and monkeys.
Cindy McGuire of China Cupboard Bears- Marion, OH
Cindy has been designing her wonderful bears for many years. Her business has grown over the years to become a cottage
industry and a full time career. She still does all the design work, faces and embellishing. Her bears have been shipped to
various areas of the world including Australia, Singapore, Germany, Canada, and Japan. In many cases Cindy has gotten to go
Cindy’s educational background includes a degree in Fashion Design. She has worked on Broadway in New York City as a
bridal buyer and has free- lanced in bridal design. Cindy has also worked as a floral designer and buyer.
Home life includes a very supportive biology teacher husband and four children. They also house four cats, three dogs, two
turtles, and two old world chameleons, as well as anything else that comes along.
Judy Senk of Stuf’d Stuff – Owosso, MI
Judy has been a teddy bear artist since 1982. Her basics in sewing began in a 4-H group at age 10, and have become part of her
life. She designed costumes for a local theater group and created a variety of items for local bazaars. That was before the
“bears” took over. Judy’s design work was further perfected while working as a display-advertising representative for a daily
newspaper. In 1988, after a 21 year career, she said good-bye and has since pursued her first love – designing and sewing
teddy bears. A charter member of the Teddy Bear Artist Association, Judy has been featured in “Teddy Bear Review”
Magazine and in “Teddy Bear and Friends”. In 1991 Judy was honored by being in the first group of American teddy bear
artists selected to visit and exhibit their work in Germany and Holland. Judy’s original designed, signed and dated bears are
lovingly crafted. Using only the finest German and British mohair, wool’s and rayon’s makes them today’s collector items and
tomorrow’s treasured heirlooms.
Patricia Taddie Simonelli of Simonelli Taddie Bears – Ypsilanti, MI
Pat is a retired interior decorator and avid antique collector. She loves to recycle old fabrics and antiques. She made her first
bear in 1988 when she bought an old Steiff bear from an antique shop. He had been thrown in a box under a table and was in
much need of love and repair. Pat instantly adopted him for $20.00 and named him Juarez. (He looked like he had been
through a war). Pat drew her first pattern with the help of Juarez and has been hooked ever since. Pat sews all her bears on an
antique featherweight Singer sewing machine and prefers the old vintage bears. She loves to accessorize her bears with antique
accessories, hooked wool pieces (she is also a rug hooker), and old hats recycled from antique wool felted hats. Panda bears
are her favorites because she dyes many of her own colors and also airbrushes to get that aged and unique look. Many of her
bears are one-of-a-kind because of the different mohair and colors she uses. All of Pat's bears have an antique key around their
neck because -“when you have adopted a Simonelli Taddie Bear he has unlocked the key to your heart”.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Country Breakfast Buffet Includes: (all you can eat)
 Scrambled Eggs
Home Fries
 Biscuits & Gravy
 Sausage
Tax and gratuity included
To Register Send This Form And Payment To:
Country Joy
PO Box 711, 38 South Main
Waynesville Ohio, 45068
Name________________________________________________________Nunber Attending________________
Signature________ ___________________________________________Adults $ 15.00 Children 3 to 10 $ 6.50
Check  Visa MC Discover  Card # __________________________ Exp. _______________