To: From: Subject: Date: Month End Close Distribution Financial Information Systems Department August 2006 Month End/Year End Close July 1, 2006 August 2006 Year End Close officially will begin on Thursday, August 31. Pre-Close Cost Sharing Accounts provided to ORA for year end funding by August 15 Distribution Adjustments input cutoff for OSAs from September 1, 2005 through July 31, 2006 payrolls August 23, 5:00 pm Distribution Adjustments approval cutoff for OSAs from September 1, 2005 through July 31, 2006 payrolls August 25, 5:00 pm Cleanup of Unapplied GFS Aid completed by School and Departments by August 31 All payroll items for FY06, such as bonuses or check cancellations, must be submitted to Payroll by August 31, 12pm Noon PCard fully approved by August 31, 4:00 pm Soft Close (Preliminary Expenditure Close) Will Call & Rush requests due to T&R August 18, 5:00pm Will Call & Rush Invoices due to AP August 18, 5:00pm T&R Request fully approved & backup received August 18, 5:00pm Invoices must be submitted with support to AP by August 18, 5:00pm Endowment Shortfall pullback and liquidation & final EFP Payout will be run and posted PTA Blackout maintenance period begins September 1, 7:00am Expenditure code/object maintenance Blackout period begins September 1, 7:00am Owning Organization Code maintenance requests due to Central Offices by September 1, 5:00 pm All expense distributions from Payables, Expense Reimbursements, and Pcard transactions for FY2006 will be completed by September 2, 7:00 am Any Additional Payables related expense must be accrued through iJournals The August 31, 2006 Payroll will be processed by September 3, 5:00pm (in Oracle) Distribution Adjustments input cutoff for OSAs from August 15th & 31st Payroll September 6, 5:00 pm iJournals (Central, Specialist, Public) cutoff to be originated September 7, 5:00 pm iJournals (Central, Specialist, Public) cutoff to be fully approved September 8, 5:00 pm Core journal origination and approvals cutoff September 8, 5:00pm Reporting on a next-day update schedule, Fund, EDW Expenditure, and Revenue, based on Soft Close results will be available on-line by September 12, 9:00 am; the reports will NOT be distributed in hard copy. All other RM3 Expenditure and Revenue reporting based on Soft Close results will be available on-line by September 14, 9:00 am; the reports will NOT be distributed in hard copy. Hard Close (Final Expenditure Close) iJournal Specialist & Central responsibilities will be reactivated September 13, 6:00 am iJournals access will be limited to Central & Specialist users (iJournals that were not completely approved by September 8, or any August iJournals initiated after the Soft Close cutoff will be included in the Hard Close). iJournals Specialist, iBudget fund transfer origination & approval cutoff for FY2006 September 15, 12pm iJournals Central origination & approval cutoff FY2006 September 15, 5:00 pm Core journal origination and approval cutoff September 16, 5:00 pm End PTA Blackout Maintenance 7:00am Fund, EDW Expenditure, and Revenue reporting based on Hard Close will be available on-line September 19, 9:00 am All other RM3 Expenditure and Revenue reporting based on Hard Close results will be available on-line by September 21, 9:00 am. Final Expenditure Detail Reports will be distributed in hard copy later in September. The reports will include all PTAs active in FY06. Operating Budget Closeout and Final Funding Process: Budget Units to meet with Budget Office during September 20 thru September 21 Fund Transfers are to be done centrally, via uploads of template spreadsheets from Budget Officers Final Fund Transfers deadline by September 22, 5:00 pm Final Central Office Fund Balance Clean-up completed September 23, 5:00 pm Final Year End Close September 24, 11:59 pm Final Central Office Adjustment Journals cut off September 29, 5:00pm Open FY2007 Fiscal Year 2007 will be open for business (iProcurement, iJournals, etc.) as of September 1 When using iJournals please be careful about the Posting Period (in the header) and select August 2006 or September 2006 as appropriate 2/12/2016 The Key Deadlines for the month-end/year-end close are as follows: iProcurement/Accounts Payable: iOU T&R iProcurement Deadline: August 18, 5:00 pm All Travel & Reimbursement transactions must be fully approved and back-up documentation received by the Travel & Reimbursement department for the following iProcurement categories: iOU Travel & Reimbursement Will-Call Deadline: August 18, 5:00pm Accounts Payable Invoice Cutoff: August 18, 5:00pm All AP Invoices, including Invoice Like Documents (ILD) due to Payables. Purchase Orders must be fully approved, invoices and supporting documentation received and associated control actions (e.g. receiving) must be complete by this deadline Accounts Payable Will Call & Rush Invoice Cutoff: August 18, 5:00pm PCard Transaction Approval Deadline: August 31, 4:00 pm All PCard transactions must be fully approved by this deadline Any unapproved transactions will be processed in the next fiscal year (FY2007) Org Suspense Accounts (LD): Deadline to input Distribution Adjustments and/or Salary iJournals for payroll transactions from September 1, 2005 through July 31, 2006: August 23, 5:00 pm Deadline to approve Distribution Adjustments and/or Salary iJournals for payroll transactions through July 31, 2005: August 25, 5:00 pm o Any unapproved Distribution Adjustment/iJournals for payroll transactions from Sept 1, 2005 through July 31, 2006 related to Org Suspense Accounts will be changed to “reject” status Deadline to input Distribution Adjustments for payroll transactions for August 15th & 31st : September 6, 5:00 pm Deadline to approve Distribution Adjustments for payroll transactions for August 15th & 31st : September 8, 5:00 pm o Distribution Adjustment/iJournals for payroll transactions through August 31, 2006 related to Org Suspense Accounts will be changed to “reject” status o Distribution Adjuster Responsibility will be disabled (end-dated) Distribution Adjustment responsibility will be enabled: September 20, 7:00 am iJournals (Soft Close): iJournals Public, Specialist (including Feeders) & Central input cutoff (SOFT): September 7, 5:00 pm iJournals Public, Specialist (including Feeders) & Central approval cutoff (SOFT): September 8, 5:00 pm Core journal input and approval cutoff (SOFT): September 8, 5:00 pm All August iJournals which are not approved by the above deadlines will be carried over into the Hard Close and can be approved at that time. 2/12/2016 Fund, Expenditure & Revenue Reporting (Soft , Preliminary Close): EDW based reports and Fund reports available September 12, 9:00 a.m. ReportMart3 available, Expenditure, and Revenue Detail Reporting by September 14, 9:00 am iJournals (Hard Close) – Central, Specialist, & iBudget Fund Transfers Only: iJournals Specialist & iBudget Fund transfer input and approval cutoff (HARD): September 15, 12:00pm (noon) iJournals Central input and approval cutoff (HARD): September 15, 5:00 pm All August iJournals which are not approved by the above deadlines will be changed to September 2006. All expenditure transactions for FY2006 must be entered by the Hard Close. Fund, Expenditure & Revenue Reporting (Hard Close – Final Expenditure Close): EDW based and Fund reports available September 19, 9:00 a.m. ReportMart3 available for Expenditure, and Revenue Detail Reporting on September 21, 9:00 am AUG-2006 (HARD – Final Expenditure) Statement printing begins. Distribution will begin as soon as possible, and pick-up of reports will be allowed (OSR). We anticipate distribution starting September 25. Operating Budget Reviews and Final Funding Process Meetings with Budget Office begin September 20 and continue through September 21 Final Operating Budget and other Fund transfers input and approval: September 22, 5:00 pm Final Central Office Core Journal input and approval: September 23, 5:00 pm Other Key Deadlines: Open PO/INV/AP/AR Calendars for September: August 31, 5:00 pm Sponsored PTA Closeout Blackout: September 1, 7:00 am - No PTA status changes allowed designed to prevent transactions from posting to PTA: o Status changes on Project or Award to Closed and/or On Hold o Transaction Controls at Project or Task level o Change “Chargeable” status at Task level o Change end-date and/or close-date at Project, Task, or Award level AP Module Closed: September 2, 8:00 am AR Module closed: September 11, 11:59 pm 2/12/2016 GA Module closed: September 18, 11:59 pm Sponsored PTA status maintenance resumes on September 19, 7:00 am GL Module closed for August-2006: September 24, 11:59 pm Expenditure/object code maintenance resumes on September 25, 7:00 am GL Module closed for FY2006 Adjustments (FAIR only): September 29, 5:00 pm 2/12/2016