Triggers for forum - HOME - IA & Mast cell diseases international

Triggers are anything which causes mast cell activation . Diary keeping is a good
tool to identify triggers . In Mastocytosis the mast cells are triggered by any
substance , not just proteins as is common in allergy . By any means – IGE ,
other immuno globulins , compliment , individual mechanisms . Allergy can exist
in mastocytosis as the same rate as in the general population . The allergy will be
magnified disproportionate to IGE level .
Hints of trouble :- labile BP – Bp varying with minimal movement ( fluid moving ) ,
reduced exercise tolerance ( slow walking ) .
This is the list from – The mastocytosis society in the US ;-)
Anesthetic agents
Antibiotics - mycin antibiotics
Bacteria or fungi
Certain foods
Cold (temperature)
Coloring & flavoring in foods
Coloring & flavoring in medications
Emotional upset
Environmental toxins
Exercise or exertion
Heat (temperature)
Infection with viruses, bacteria or fungi
Plasma expanders (i.e. dextran)
Room freshener sprays
Examples of manifestations – No 2 patients are the same in their triggers
Infection – worst when getting ill and when recovering
Hormones – mid month and when due on 34 day cycle -
Emotional stress ( extreeme )- flush , burn – up to full symptoms
Exercise – swelling moving up body , up to throat and chest
Physical stress , operations , tiredness – itching , swelling – up to full
Sulphites – see naughty list ( acidic based pathway in lungs leads to
broncoocnstriction , up to full symptoms quickly .
Caramel colouring – E 150 a-d - up to full symptoms , quickly
Corn flour – bowel swelling , spasms and bleeds . frequency and pain – up to
full symptoms on empty stomach
Geltine – flush ++++ burning and wheeziness ++++
Alcohol in anything inc meds , gells , cleaning products , personal care
in blood / drank = quick / full symptoms .
Vinegar again in anything – bowel spasms , frequency , bowel histamine travel =
full symptoms
Heat – dizzy , flush , drowsy – up to full symptoms. Sit under fan 24/7
Low blood sugar – agaitated , shaky , flush , itch , swell – up to full symptoms
High blood sugar – flush , swell , up to full symptoms
High cholesterol – increases number and severity of attacks
Air fresheners – itching mouth face , throat – up to full symptoms
Sulphite fumes from cooking – itching mouth face throat , chest tighten / fill – up
to full symptoms
BBQ fumes – same
DIY stores – polystyrine and paint – hot , flushed , confussed , dizzy , passout
Diesel fumes in traffic – hot , flushed , nausated , vomit – up to full symptoms
Blue powder used for cleaning in hospitals – itchy mouth / face , chest
All spray cleaners , cream cleaners – itchy mouth throat , tounge swell ,
voice drop – full symptoms
Examples of IGE allergies
Pollen – itch , flush , hot +++ , drowsy while pollen high , chest symptoms
Cats – itch , flush , throat close . traveling cat hair makes me itch
House dust – itch flush , swell – full symptoms
Opiates bar codines – itch , vomit +++ , bowel swell
Personal care – No sodium leureth sulphate in products inc toothpaste , no
gelatine , corn flour or sulphites . – itchy , alochol / sulphites give rash then
absorbed slowly causing chest tightness , short of breath , blue , if ihaled –
Drugs – Absolute NO’s
CT contrast – iodine
Clexane – low molecular weight heparins , Heparin of any kind
Mycin antibiotics
Plasma expanders
Medical examinaton gel , ecg stickers ( caution will flush )
Beta blockers ,- calcium channel blockers are alternative of choice . Pulse
is commonly fast due to histamine
Tricyclic antidepressants – mix poorly with epipens – VT VF
SSRI’s – changing patients serotonin level leads to increased symptoms .
Some patients have high serotonin , which with ssri , will give a serotonin
Opiates - Pethididne , Morphine , Fentnyl , buprenmorphine
Full list of drug issues in mast cell disease ;- and levels of histamine which cause
different symptoms
If alcohol / sulphites are an issue the following may be an issue
All thrush treatments inc nystatin
Any capsules – gelatine , corn flour . Check pills for corn flour , Maize starch , pre
gelatainised corn starch / flour / miaze starch . modified maize starch
Check liuqids for – maltilol, Asulphamine K ( potassium ) , caramel colouring
E150 a-d , ascetic acid / viniger . Alcohol.
Beware hand cleaning Alcohol, skin wipes .( Alcohol )
Anesthetic guide on this memory stick alongside articles regards symptoms .
Day to day considerations
High fluid intake - to keep up with fluid loss from fluid moving into tissues through
porous blood vessels as an effect of histamine in mastocytosis , This is before
infection or hyperglycemia or hot weather . Patient can lose 2l of circulating
volume before swelling is visable in skin .
Only water , fresh- not from concentrate orange juice or tea
Fresh milk
Natural high histamine time – 2 am
Patient should avoid high histamine foods