Triggers Triggers are anything which causes mast cell activation . Diary keeping is a good tool to identify triggers . In Mastocytosis the mast cells are triggered by any substance , not just proteins as is common in allergy . By any means – IGE , other immuno globulins , compliment , individual mechanisms . Allergy can exist in mastocytosis as the same rate as in the general population . The allergy will be magnified disproportionate to IGE level . Hints of trouble :- labile BP – Bp varying with minimal movement ( fluid moving ) , reduced exercise tolerance ( slow walking ) . This is the list from – The mastocytosis society in the US ;-) Alcohol Anesthetic agents Antibiotics - mycin antibiotics Bacteria or fungi Certain foods Cold (temperature) Coloring & flavoring in foods Coloring & flavoring in medications Emotional upset Environmental toxins Exercise or exertion Fatigue Fever Friction Heat (temperature) Infection with viruses, bacteria or fungi Mold MSG Narcotics Perfumes Pesticides Plasma expanders (i.e. dextran) Preservatives Room freshener sprays Smells Spices Stress Sunlight Examples of manifestations – No 2 patients are the same in their triggers Infection – worst when getting ill and when recovering Hormones – mid month and when due on 34 day cycle - Emotional stress ( extreeme )- flush , burn – up to full symptoms Exercise – swelling moving up body , up to throat and chest Physical stress , operations , tiredness – itching , swelling – up to full symptoms Sulphites – see naughty list ( acidic based pathway in lungs leads to broncoocnstriction , up to full symptoms quickly . Caramel colouring – E 150 a-d - up to full symptoms , quickly Corn flour – bowel swelling , spasms and bleeds . frequency and pain – up to full symptoms on empty stomach Geltine – flush ++++ burning and wheeziness ++++ Alcohol in anything inc meds , gells , cleaning products , personal care in blood / drank = quick / full symptoms . Vinegar again in anything – bowel spasms , frequency , bowel histamine travel = full symptoms Heat – dizzy , flush , drowsy – up to full symptoms. Sit under fan 24/7 Low blood sugar – agaitated , shaky , flush , itch , swell – up to full symptoms High blood sugar – flush , swell , up to full symptoms High cholesterol – increases number and severity of attacks Air fresheners – itching mouth face , throat – up to full symptoms Sulphite fumes from cooking – itching mouth face throat , chest tighten / fill – up to full symptoms BBQ fumes – same DIY stores – polystyrine and paint – hot , flushed , confussed , dizzy , passout Diesel fumes in traffic – hot , flushed , nausated , vomit – up to full symptoms Blue powder used for cleaning in hospitals – itchy mouth / face , chest wheeziness All spray cleaners , cream cleaners – itchy mouth throat , tounge swell , voice drop – full symptoms Examples of IGE allergies Pollen – itch , flush , hot +++ , drowsy while pollen high , chest symptoms Cats – itch , flush , throat close . traveling cat hair makes me itch . House dust – itch flush , swell – full symptoms Opiates bar codines – itch , vomit +++ , bowel swell Personal care – No sodium leureth sulphate in products inc toothpaste , no gelatine , corn flour or sulphites . – itchy , alochol / sulphites give rash then absorbed slowly causing chest tightness , short of breath , blue , if ihaled – wheezy Drugs – Absolute NO’s CT contrast – iodine Clexane – low molecular weight heparins , Heparin of any kind Mycin antibiotics Ciprofloxicillin Metroclopamide Meptid Plasma expanders Medical examinaton gel , ecg stickers ( caution will flush ) Beta blockers ,- calcium channel blockers are alternative of choice . Pulse is commonly fast due to histamine Tricyclic antidepressants – mix poorly with epipens – VT VF SSRI’s – changing patients serotonin level leads to increased symptoms . Some patients have high serotonin , which with ssri , will give a serotonin syndrome Opiates - Pethididne , Morphine , Fentnyl , buprenmorphine Full list of drug issues in mast cell disease ;- and levels of histamine which cause different symptoms Cautions If alcohol / sulphites are an issue the following may be an issue All thrush treatments inc nystatin Any capsules – gelatine , corn flour . Check pills for corn flour , Maize starch , pre gelatainised corn starch / flour / miaze starch . modified maize starch Check liuqids for – maltilol, Asulphamine K ( potassium ) , caramel colouring E150 a-d , ascetic acid / viniger . Alcohol. Beware hand cleaning Alcohol, skin wipes .( Alcohol ) Anesthetic guide on this memory stick alongside articles regards symptoms . Day to day considerations High fluid intake - to keep up with fluid loss from fluid moving into tissues through porous blood vessels as an effect of histamine in mastocytosis , This is before infection or hyperglycemia or hot weather . Patient can lose 2l of circulating volume before swelling is visable in skin . Only water , fresh- not from concentrate orange juice or tea Fresh milk Natural high histamine time – 2 am Patient should avoid high histamine foods