Clouds -

All About Clouds
A cloud is a mass of small water droplets or tiny pieces of ice that float
in the air. Clouds are an important part of Earth’s weather.
Clouds form when warm air rises. When air rises, it expands and the air
gets colder. Air rises for three reasons:
1. Sunshine-The warm air is light and therefore rises.
2. The terrain-Air may rise due to changes in the landscape.
3. A front-During a cold front cold air is pushed under warm air, pushing
air up. During a warm front warm air is forced up over the cold air.
As the air temperature begins to drop, the tiny water droplets group
together to become a cloud. When the water droplets become too heavy,
water falls to the Earth’s surface as rain or snow. Water supports all
forms of life on Earth.
Cirrus clouds are the highest clouds in the sky. Since they are so high
up, they are made of tiny ice crystals. They are curly or wispy. Cirrus
clouds will bring fair weather and usually are a sign of bad weather to
Cumulus clouds are big, white, and fluffy. They are made of tiny water
droplets. They sometimes look like shapes of animals or other objects.
Cumulus clouds are seen on bright, sunny days.
Stratus clouds are low in the sky and look like “blankets over the
Earth.” They are usually gray and bring rain and drizzle. Stratus clouds
sometimes come in the form of fog.
Nimbus clouds are puffy and dark. They often bring thunderstorms.
All About Clouds
Name _________________
Buddy ________________
Work with your computer buddy to complete this activity.
A ____________ is a mass of small water droplets or tiny ice crystals
that float in the air.
Clouds form when _____________________________.
Name two reasons why air rises.
_____________ clouds are seen are bright, sunny days.
_____________ clouds bring thunderstorms.
Stratus clouds are __________ in the sky and look like blankets covering
the Earth.
Cirrus clouds are the ______________ clouds in the sky.
Look out the window. Draw a picture of what kind of clouds you see. Label the