National Aquatic Centre Customer Charter

National Aquatic Centre Customer Charter
Table of Contents
The National Aquatic Management Structure ............................................................................................... 4
Customer Commitment ................................................................................................................................. 4
Health and Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Security.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Cleanliness and Hygiene ............................................................................................................................... 5
Equality ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Accessibility of facility ................................................................................................................................. 6
Response to Customer Comments................................................................................................................. 7
Service Response ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Value for Money ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Environmental Policy .................................................................................................................................... 9
Hygiene Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Quality Policy .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Customer Charter
Our Mission
The National Aquatic Centre is the premier venue for
Competitive Swimming, Diving and Water Polo in Ireland;
It is the National base for the training of High Performance swimmers
who are preparing for International
Its hosts National and Provincial Championships in all major aquatic
disciplines, and is the venue for
International Competitions at both Junior and Senior levels;
Through its links with Swim Ireland and its members clubs, the Centre
promotes and develops active
participations at all levels;
The Centre also promotes public health and accommodates public
access through its Leisure Pool (AquaZone) and its
Fitness Gym (ToneZone).
The National Aquatic Management Structure
Customer Commitment
We are passionately committed to our customers and will put them at the centre of everything we do. We
work hard to build committed, lasting, relationships that allow us to have customers for life. We build
these relationships my making and keeping promises and delivering on our commitments. We are focused
on creating a positive and rewarding customer experience.
Health and Safety
The National Aquatic Centre will do its utmost to provide a safe environment in which to pursue your
activity with all equipment and fixings regularly inspected and maintained and in working order, and
undertake risk assessments as and when appropriate.
The National Aquatic Centre has a security guard on site 24 hours a day. G4S or Group 4 Security are her
to ensure the safety of customers and staff. Regular Patrols of the Car Park and building ensure that all
parts of the centre are carefully monitored.
Please note that any valuables that are let in lockers and in the car part are at the customers own risks.
Management will not be held responsible for any theft.
Cleanliness and Hygiene
We will endeavour to keep the centre in a clean and tidy condition at all times. We have a team of
cleaners who will regularly check and clean all aspects of the centre, including toilets, showers and
disabled changing rooms. Checks are signed off every 2 hours in the morning and every hour in the
afternoon. If you feel that the standard of cleanliness is not up to standard, please contact reception or ask
to talk to a Duty Manger who can help fix the issue as soon as possible.
The national aquatic centre endeavour to treat all customer’s similarly irrespective of their ethnic
background, Religion, Sex, race etc.
Accessibility of facility
The national aquatic centre strives to ensure ‘access for all’ and implements a policy of supporting those
with specific needs or requirements. The flowing is a guideline for people with a disability and older
people who may require assistance with regards to using the facility:
Access Assistance
Induction Loop
Colour Band Systems
Location of Accessible Toilets
Location of Accessible Showers
Changing Room
Competition Pool
Leisure Pool
Health Suite
Evacuation Chair
Guide Dogs
Disability officers are: Emma Faulkner and Chris Melia.
A Disability Friendly Action Plan is also available for customers to read at reception with any additional
information that you may require.
Response to Customer Comments
The national aquatic centre will always listen to your views and suggestions on service, facility,
equipment provision, and programmes and deal with any complaints quickly. A normal turnaround of
letters can be expected within a week.
If you have any suggestions or comments please do not hesitate to speak to a Duty Manager or complete a
comment card.
Service Response
Comment Card Procedures
Comment boxes are designated in the following areas:
1. Main Reception
2. Gym Reception
Comment cards are collected daily
We aim to acknowledge all comments within 48 hours, if contact details are clearly provided.
We endeavour to resolve all comments and respond to the customer within 5 working days.
On all 3 websites , , and we have a Customer Comment
area, where customers can generate and email which is sent to the sales department which is then
uploaded to the Customer Comment Cards and send to the appropriate Department Head to respond too.
The Sales office is responsible for reading and responding to these emails. If the response
required is more complex it is then forwarded onto the Sales Manager.
We aim to acknowledge all emails within 24 hours
We endeavour to resolve all email comments and respond to the customer within 5 working days.
Value for Money
The national aquatic centre offers its members and customers value for money as we offer 18 different
types of membership offerings to suite all budgets. We are continuously improving our award winning
facilities to ensure the highest standards and quality products at the centre. Some memberships cost less
than €1 a day, which we feel offers outstanding value for money as we are a national facility and we offer
some of the most unique products in Ireland (Irelands International 50m Competition Pool, Aquazone
Irelands biggest Wavepark) in a safe Contemporary environment. We also offer different pricing options
for paying members including reduced swimming prices starting from €4.80.
Environmental Policy
Since its opening in early 2003, The National Aquatic Centre has provided an essential service which has
contributed greatly towards improving living standards, social living and fitness.
At the National Aquatic Centre our objectives are to conduct our core activities in an environmentally
responsible manner, to be at the forefront of environmental good practice within Ireland and to continue
to care for the environment.
The key areas used to achieve these objectives will be:•
Cardboard collection: Use of a cardboard compactor and bailer to compact and facilitate collection
for recycling.
Sharp bins and Sanitary bins: All applicable areas are fitted out with these collection bins which
are collected by a registered disposal company.
Refuse collection: Only non recyclable items are to be disposed of in conventional refuse
collection bins which are collected by a registered disposal company.
Ink Cartridges and Mobile Phones: Designated bins are strategically placed in office areas for the
recycling of these items.
2007–2011 saw our Electricity Consumption during Peak Periods drop by 43%. Some of these changes
would have happened behind the scenes with no changer to the running of the Facility.
Some of these improvements:
There was a large over haul of our BMS system.
A Total of 47 Variable speed drives were installed to the Air Handling units and the Pool
circulation pumps.
All heating systems and valves were fitted with new Insulation Jackets for things like Heat
Exchangers, control Valves and Calorifiers
Installation of a new folding Door to isolate the Leisure pool from the
Rest of the building when not in use.
New PIR’s (Passive Infrared Sensors) were mounted in toilets and Changing Rooms for the lights.
Installation of a new and Larger CHP (combined Heat & Power), from 310Kwh to 380Kwh,
reducing our import of Electricity from the National Grid by a further 70Kwh.
Through these measures, The National Aquatic Centre strives to play its part in protecting our
environment for the enjoyment of future generations.
Hygiene Policy
It is the policy of National Aquatic Centre to set, implement and maintain high standards of personal and
operational hygiene, to safeguard the health and well being of our Customers and Staff alike.
We are committed to providing a healthy and safe environment and to establishing systems and
procedures for controlling this centre to a high standard.
We will strive to provide the best of facilities, equipment and staff to ensure that the facility is maintained
in a hygienic condition at all times and that the centre will always be safe and in good condition.
All Staff will be trained in good hygiene practices and made aware of their responsibilities to ensure that
all tasks are performed in a hygienic manner.
Quality Policy
It is the policy of the National Aquatic Centre to consistently fulfil the requirements of the high standards
we set and to meet or exceed the reasonable expectation of those using the facility.
The effectiveness of the National Aquatic Centre is to ensure a quality management system is maintained
and continually improved through team work and the commitment of all staff.