MONTGOMERY COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Meeting Minutes March 13, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: William Hisert, Chair Eugene Richards, Vice Chair Robert Hoefs, Treasurer Carol Shineman, Secretary Charles Schwartz, Esq., Member Daniel Wilson, Member Kenneth F. Rose, Chief Executive Officer Barbara A. Thomas, Administrative Assistant Sheila Snell, Chief Financial Officer Crystal Ricciuti, Economic Dev. Specialist Paul L. Wollman, Esq., Agency Counsel A. Joseph Scott, III, Esq., Bond Counsel OTHERS PRESENT: Barbara Johnson, Chair Ec. Dev. Committee John B. Thomas, Liaison Randy Siver, Assistant Planner Mike Sampone, Peter Struzzi, Fred Gignoc, Pyramid Ted Leto, Jim Simpson, FFUM Church Thomas Jones, Chad Quackenbush, Shawn Coddington, Mohawk Valley Precast Linda Kellett, The Recorder Chris Einstein, CHA ABSENT: Phillip Vicinanzo, Member I. Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman William Hisert. II. Minutes A motion was made by Robert Hoefs and seconded by Eugene Richards to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2008 meeting. All members present were in favor. A motion was made by Eugene Richards and seconded by Carol Shineman to enter executive session to discuss land transactions and revolving loan fund. All members present were in favor and the executive session began at 7:05 p.m. Eugene Richards made a motion, which was seconded by Charles Schwartz to end executive session. All members present were in favor, and the executive session ended at 8:58 p.m. There is nothing to report. Chris Einstein of Clough Harbour Associates gave a presentation regarding long-term mitigation and costs of mitigation on the Florida Park site. The BeechNut project will be impacting wetlands, which are classified as both state and federal wetlands, meaning the Agency must deal with two sets of regulations. Charles Schwartz made a motion to enter executive session with a second by Eugene Richards. All members present were in favor and the executive session began at 9:09 p.m. to discuss land negotiations. Carol Shineman made a motion, with a second from Robert Hoefs to MCIDA 031308 1 exit the executive session. All members present were in favor. Executive session ended at 9:33 p.m. No action was taken at this time. III. Communications- All communications contained in the packet are self-explanatory. IV. Public Comment- There was no public comment. V. Chair’s Report – There was no Chair’s report. VI. Director’s Report Activities Report: Mr. Rose briefly discussed the report, noting there has been a great deal of work at this time. VII. Financial Report- The CFO reported that a financial report would be distributed after the audit report is complete. A comparison report dated March 2007 to March 2008 was distributed in order for board members to see a year’s financial activity. Revolving Loan Fund- Sheila reviewed the RLF, also indicating that the report was basically self-explanatory VIII. Unfinished Business Following discussion, the following resolution was offered by Robert Hoefs, and seconded by Eugene Richards to wit: RESOLUTION AMENDING AGREEMENT WITH McDONALD ENGINEERING, P.C. – PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL WORK GLEN CANAL VIEW BUSINESS PARK The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote upon roll call, which resulted as follows: William Hisert Eugene Richards Robert Hoefs Carol Shineman Phillip Vicinanzo Charles Schwartz Daniel Wilson VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes Yes The foregoing Resolution No. 08-12 was thereupon declared duly adopted. The following resolution was offered by Charles Schwartz, seconded by Carol Shineman to wit: RESOLUTION AMENDING AGREEMENT WITH CLOUGH HARBOUR & ASSOCIATES – FLORIDA BUSINESS PARK The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote upon roll call, which resulted as follows: MCIDA 031308 2 William Hisert Eugene Richards Robert Hoefs Carol Shineman Phillip Vicinanzo Charles Schwartz Daniel Wilson VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes Yes The foregoing Resolution No. 08-13 was thereupon declared duly adopted. The following resolution was offered by Carol Shineman, seconded by Charles Schwartz to wit: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO ENTER INTO AN OPTION AGREEMENT RELATING TO PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE GLEN CANAL VIEW BUSINESS PARK – THE MATERIAL HANDLING DEPOT, LLC The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote upon roll call, which resulted as follows: William Hisert Eugene Richards Robert Hoefs Carol Shineman Phillip Vicinanzo Charles Schwartz Daniel Wilson VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes Yes The foregoing Resolution No. 08-14 was thereupon declared duly adopted. Regarding Hartgen Archeological Associates, it is not necessary to take any action. IX. New Business A. B. Glen Park land transaction – no action taken RLF application – no action taken C. Florida Park Land Transaction – Attorney Scott distributed a resolution and gave an overview of such regarding a land transaction between MCIDA and the Target Distribution Center in relation to a Hero Group Inc./ BeechNut project The following resolution was offered by Charles Schwartz, seconded by Eugene Richards to wit: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF FLORIDA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, NEW YORK AND THE EXECUTION BY MONTGOMERY COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH TRANSFERS MCIDA 031308 3 The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote upon roll call, which resulted as follows: William Hisert Eugene Richards Robert Hoefs Carol Shineman Phillip Vicinanzo Charles Schwartz Daniel Wilson VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent Yes Yes The foregoing Resolution No. 08-15 was thereupon declared duly adopted. X. Adjournment A motion was made by Carol Shineman and seconded by Daniel Wilson to adjourn the meeting. The meeting ended at 9:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted __________________________________________ Barbara A. Thomas Administrative Assistant Attachments: MCIDA 031308 Resolution No. 08-12 Resolution No. 08-13 Resolution No. 08-14 Resolution No. 08-15 4