. NORTH LONDON WASTE AUTHORITY REPORT TITLE 2014/15 SECOND BUDGET REVIEW REPORT OF FINANCIAL ADVISER FOR SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITY MEETING DATE 29 SEPTEMBER 2014 1. SUMMARY OF REPORT This report is the second in the current year on the Authority’s finances. It concludes that the Authority is forecast to have a revenue surplus of £6.489m at 31 March 2015, i.e. an increase of £2.769m compared with the first budget review. Taken together, the transfer of waste from Hendon for treatment at Edmonton, the shredding of civic amenity waste and a forecast reduction in the residual waste stream could produce a saving in waste treatment costs of £4.323m in 2014/15. Information provided by constituent boroughs however, indicates that the Authority will see a reduction in non-household and chargeable household residual waste tonnages with a consequent reduction in income of £0.554m. The overall net effect of these changes is a saving of £3.769m. After including the release of revenue balances of £1m for Sites and Planning work approved at the June meeting, the net saving for all changes in this review is £2.769m. Because of the new contractual arrangements that are expected to be in place from December 2014, no forecast information is provided for 2015/16 and future years. A further review of the 2014/15 budget together with an up-to-date detailed assessment of the budget and resource requirements for 2015/16 reflecting the expected new contractual arrangements will be reported to the Authority in December. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS The Authority is requested to note:(i) The second review of the 2014/15 revenue budget. (ii) That a third review of the 2014/15 budget will be reported to the Authority meeting in December together with an up-to-date assessment of the budget and resource requirements for 2015/16. Signed by the Financial Adviser Agreed by Mike O’Donnell Date: 18 September 2014 3. Introduction At the Authority meeting in June I advised Members that the Authority was forecast to have a revenue surplus of £3.720m at 31 March 2015. As a result of the second review, forecast revenue balances at the year-end are now estimated to increase by a further £2.769m to £6.489m. This report provides details of the main changes and other issues that have arisen since the June meeting. 4. Second Budget Review 4.1 Transport, Disposal and Landfill Tax: (- £4.323m) 4.1.1 The current waste treatment contract with LondonWaste Ltd ends in December 2014. The Authority is currently negotiating a new contract with the company, results of which will be reflected in the third budget review reported to the December meeting. In this report all financial forecasts assume no change to the current prices. 4.1.2 Based on data for April to July 2014, officers are currently forecasting that total residual waste entering the waste stream in 2014/15 will be 578,101 tonnes i.e. a reduction of 5,031 tonnes (0.86%) on 2013/14 actual tonnage. 4.1.3 The 2014/15 budget, after an allowance for possible growth in the underlying waste stream (before recycling) and the proposed increase in borough recycling activity, provided for the treatment of 585,484 tonnes of residual waste. The residual waste stream is forecast to be 7,383 tonnes lower than budget. 4.1.4 Details of the percentage movement in forecast 2014/15 residual tonnage levels for each borough compared with 2013/14 may be summarised as follows:Table 1 Barnet Camden Enfield Hackney Haringey Islington Waltham Forest September Forecast (Second Review) % - 3.70 + 0.01 - 0.25 + 1.74 + 0.63 - 0.12 - 3.90 Overall Position - 0.86 The figures in table 1 reveal a mixed picture but in line with data reported to recent meetings, the trend of declining overall volumes is slowing and for some boroughs the Authority is currently forecasting an increase in 2014/15. In preparation for the forthcoming budget process the Authority will liaise with borough officers to determine whether the early year waste stream changes are likely to continue for the remainder of the year and beyond. The outcome of this review together with an up-to-date assessment by boroughs of their recycling ambitions will help inform an assessment of the impact that this could have on the Authority’s 2015/16 waste treatment services and budget requirements. Conclusions from these discussions will be reported to the December meeting of the Authority as part of the detailed update on 2015/16 budget prospects. Based on the July data, the saving in treatment costs and Landfill Tax in 2014/15 is estimated to be £0.317m. 4.1.3 At the June meeting it was reported that the transfer of tonnage from the Hendon waste stream to the Edmonton facility had begun and that based on a transfer of 50,000 per year an annual saving of up to £2.5m could be achieved. At that time officers were of the view that it was premature to assume this saving would be achieved but advised that Members would be kept informed of progress in future reviews. The transfer arrangements have now been in place for some months and are working well. Current information indicates that a budget saving of £2.540m could be achieved in 2014/15 based on current contract prices. 4.1.4 Also reported to the June meeting was the trial shredding and incineration of residual civic amenity waste that would otherwise be sent to landfill. The trial was successful and it is anticipated that some 89% of this waste stream will be shredded and incinerated. In 2014/15, taking into account the part year effect of this change and a slightly lower than budgeted tonnage, it is forecast that there could be a net saving to the Authority of £1.466m in 2014/15 at current contract prices. 4.2 Commingled Income Payment Scheme (CIPS)/Income from sale of recyclates. 4.2.1 Although tonnages sent by boroughs to the Authority’s MRF contractors are broadly in line with expectations, the downward trend in the sale prices for recyclates is continuing. The 2014/15 budget assumed an income of £25 per tonne however in the light of actual income for the first quarter of £23.71 boroughs may wish to review their own budget forecasts. Payments to boroughs in relation to their additional costs of collection are set by reference to the income received, thus making the scheme cost neutral for the Authority. 4.3 Sites and Planning Process Costs: – (+ £1.000m) 4.3.1 The second budget review reflects the Authority’s decision at its June meeting to increase the budget by £1m. 4.4 Charges to Boroughs for Non-Household Waste: (+ £0.545m) 4.4.1 Following an internal review of its trade waste operation and support services, Camden has formally advised the Authority of tonnages of residual and recyclable waste that are substantially different to those previously provided. If borne out by the year end declarations, there will be an estimated £0.545m reduction in the Authority’s income. The Authority has no means of making good this shortfall in 2014/15 so there will a commensurate reduction in its retained revenue balances at 31 March 2015. This plus the ongoing effect of this permanent reduction in income will have to be recovered through an increased levy in 2015/16 although the increase may be mitigated by other, favourable budget variances. 4.5 Charges to Boroughs for Household Waste: (+ £0.009m) 4.5.1 Camden has also reported changes to the tonnages of residual and recyclable chargeable household waste. The estimated reduction of £0.009m in the Authority’s income is considerably less than for non household waste but will similarly reduce the level of retained balances at 31 March 2015 and increase the levy in 2015/16. 4.6 Table 2 provides a summary of the current position. Table 2 2014/15 Original Budget 2014/15 First Review 2014/15 Second Review Variance Between 1st & 2nd Review £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 26,073 1,382 13,809 2,967 6,126 1,585 2,457 2,843 766 316 259 298 297 2,974 1,000 8,242 71,394 26,073 1,382 13,809 2,967 6,126 1,585 2,457 2,843 766 316 259 298 297 2,974 1,115 8,242 71,509 23,364 1,408 12,169 2,967 6,126 1,585 2,457 2,843 766 316 259 298 297 2,821 2,115 8,242 68,033 (2,709) 26 (1,640) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (153) 1,000 0 (3,476) Net Expenditure Contingency (105) (2,974) (75) (2,500) (5,654) 65,740 1,315 (105) (2,974) (75) (2,500) (5,654) 65,855 1,315 (105) (2,821) (75) (2,500) (5,501) 62,532 1,315 0 153 0 0 153 (3,323) 0 Total Net Expenditure 67,055 67,170 63,847 (3,323) Financed By: Balances b/fwd Return of Earmarked Reserve to Revenue Charges to Boroughs (Non-household waste) Charges to Boroughs (Household waste) Levy – Base Element Levy – HWRC Element (6,907) (1,000) (10,691) (2,005) (44,375) (2,077) (10,742) (1,000) (10,691) (2,005) (44,375) (2,077) (10,742) (1,000) (10,146) (1,996) (44,375) (2,077) 0 0 545 9 0 0 Total Resources Available (67,055) (70,890) (70,336) 554 (3,720) (6,489) Expenditure Main Waste Disposal Contract (ex CA Waste) Civic Amenity Waste Landfill Tax Composting Services MRF Services Transfer Stations and Other Sites Household Waste Recycling Centres Corporate and other Support Service Costs Operations Team Waste Reduction Programme – New Initiatives Technical and Planning Team Joint Communications Initiative Recycling Initiatives Commingled Income Payment Scheme Sites and Planning Process Costs Revenue Funding – Capital Programme Income Rents Sale of Recyclates Interest on Balances Estimated Dividend Stream (LondonWaste Ltd) Forecast Balances at 31 March 2015 Retained Balances 0 (5,000) (5,000) 0 (2,769) 5,000 5. Review of the Outlook for 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 5.1 Members will be aware that with effect from December 2014 the Authority expects to have a new contract with LondonWaste Ltd for waste treatment services and is considered elsewhere on this agenda. Subject to finalisation of the terms and prices and the award of the contract, the new arrangements will be reflected in the third review of the 2014/15 budget and the 2015/16 budget forecast that will be presented to the December meeting. 6. Conclusion 6.1 In the June report I drew attention to two operational changes which had the potential to reduce the Authority’s cost base. Given the initial successs of these changes, the second review allows for the estimated benefit of these changes in 2014/15 at current contract prices. Allowing for other changes, the second review is currently forecasing that balances could improve by a further £2.769m to £6.489m at 31 March 2015. The impacts of these changes and the proposed new contract will be examined in more detail in December when Members will be provided with details of the 2014/15 third budget review and an up-to-date assessement of the Authority’s 2015/16 budget and resource requirements. 7. Comments of the Legal Adviser 7.1 The Legal Adviser has been consulted in the preparation of this report and has no comments to add. Local Government Act 1972 - Section 100 as amended Documents used in the preparation of this report: Reports to the Authority 13 February 2014 and 26 June 2014 2014/15 budgetary control working papers Contact Officers: R A Bench - Head of Finance N Harris - Deputy Head of Finance North London Waste Authority Unit 1B Berol House 25 Ashley Road London N17 9LJ Tel: Email: 020 8489 5867/8609 robert.bench@nlwa.gov.uk nick.harris@nlwa.gov.uk rb/nlwa/201415 2nd budget review