Determine whether the following are arguments or non-arguments. If an argument, identify the conclusion. Write down your answers and then see next page for my answers. 1) The class was canceled because of lack of enrollment. Most of the students were unhappy about this. 2) If a person’s desk is organized then their mind is organized. Sue’s desk is organized. Thus, her mind is organized. 3) This Thai food is sure hot. Can you pass me some water? 4) Since the Gulf War, this committee has been in existence. 5) Only adult citizens can vote and Peter is not a citizen. So, he can’t vote. 6) We must begin to develop alternative energy sources, for our existence as an autonomous nation is at stake. 7) Most doctors want to set their own fees. So, doctors are natural opponents of socialized medicine. 8) Abortion raises serious moral questions because abortion involves taking a human life, and anything that involves taking a life raises serious moral questions. 9) I don’t like big-time college football and I don’t like pro football on TV either. In fact, I don’t like sports period. 10) Some people are good at math and some are not. Jeri is definitely not. 11) Heather didn’t come to the party because she was with her boyfriend. 12) Heather couldn’t have come to the party because she was with her boyfriend and whenever she’s with him, she doesn’t socialize. 13) Barry doesn’t have health insurance. So, he’s sure to be in favor of universal coverage. 14) The bigger the burger the better the burger. The burgers are bigger at Burger King. Answers: 1) The class was canceled because of lack of enrollment. Most of the students were unhappy about this. Answer: Non-argument (explanation and unsupported statement). 2) If a person’s desk is organized then their mind is organized. Sue’s desk is organized. Thus, her mind is organized. Answer: Argument and conclusion is 'her mind is organized'. This statement follows the conclusion keyword 'Thus'. 3) This Thai food is sure hot. Can you pass me some water? Answer: Non-argument (unsupported statements with no conclusion). 4) Since the Gulf War, this committee has been in existence. Answer: Non-argument (unsupported statement with no conclusion). 5) Only adult citizens can vote and Peter is not a citizen. So, he can’t vote. Answer: Argument and conclusion is 'he can't vote'. This statement follows the conclusion keyword 'So'. 6) We must begin to develop alternative energy sources, for our existence as an autonomous nation is at stake. Answer: Argument since there seems to be an intent to persuade and conclusion is 'We must begin to develop alternative energy sources'. 7) Most doctors want to set their own fees. So, doctors are natural opponents of socialized medicine. Answer: Argument and conclusion is 'doctors are natural opponents of socialized medicine'. This statement follows the conclusion keyword 'So'. 8) Abortion raises serious moral questions because abortion involves taking a human life, and anything that involves taking a life raises serious moral questions. Answer: Argument and conclusion is 'Abortion raises serious moral questions'. The other statements are premises as they are connected by the premise keyword 'and'. 9) I don’t like big-time college football and I don’t like pro football on TV either. In fact, I don’t like sports period. Answer: Non-argument (unsupported statements of opinion). 10) Some people are good at math and some are not. Jeri is definitely not. Answer: Non-argument (unsupported statements of fact and opinion, with no conclusion). 11) Heather didn’t come to the party because she was with her boyfriend. Answer: Non-argument (explanation). 12) Heather couldn’t have come to the party because she was with her boyfriend and whenever she’s with him, she doesn’t socialize. Answer: Argument and conclusion is 'Heather couldn’t have come to the party'. The other statements are premises as they are connected by the premise keyword 'and'. 13) Barry doesn’t have health insurance. So, he’s sure to be in favor of universal coverage. Answer: Argument and conclusion is 'he’s sure to be in favor of universal coverage'. This follows the conclusion keyword 'so'. Also an implied premise is 'if someone doesn't have health insurance then they are sure to be for universal coverage'. 14) The bigger the burger the better the burger. The burgers are bigger at Burger King. Answer: Argument and conclusion is implied, namely, 'the burgers are better at Burger King'. Arguments and Non-Arguments Answers to Exercise: 1. If you fail algebra then you can’t take calculus and Mia failed algebra. So, she can’t take calculus. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'she can’t take calculus'. It follows conclusion keyword 'So'. 2. All dogs are mammals. All trout are fish. All oaks are trees. And each other living thing also falls within some biological category. ANSWER: Non-argument (descriptions). 3. My car didn’t start this morning because it was very cold and the battery is weak. ANSWER: Non-argument (explanation). 4. He was talking to the rubber tree in the hall. Then he went outside and had a long conversation with the azalea bush. ANSWER: Non-argument (narrative). 5. He was talking to the rubber tree in the hall. Nobody in their right mind would talk to a rubber tree. Thus, he must be crazy. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'he must be crazy'. It follows conclusion keyword 'Thus'. 6. My trip to Europe was great. We went to Paris, London, and Amsterdam. They even let you smoke pot in Amsterdam. We’re going back next year. ANSWER: Non-argument (narrative). 7. John is uncoordinated. He has little interest in games. He prefers to read. ANSWER: Non-argument (unsupported statements of opinion). 8. Marie looks better since her vacation. I see she has a new boyfriend. ANSWER: Non-argument (unsupported statements of opinion). 9. Marie ought to be hired for the job since she has the best qualifications and anyone who has the best qualifications should get the job. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'Marie ought to be hired for the job'. Note the word 'and' connects premises. Note that the word 'ought' is an argument keyword. 10. Some people have tact and some do not. Kate is a person who does not. ANSWER: Non-argument (unsupported statements of opinion). 11. Those bleeding heart liberals ought to stop criticizing President Bush’s for his tax cuts. Can’t they see that Bush is doing a great job with the War on Terrorism? ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'Those bleeding heart liberals ought to stop criticizing President Bush’s for his tax cuts'. There is also an implied premise of 'If a president is doing great on a war then they should not be criticized for other actions'. 12. Either you should start voting or stop complaining and you refuse to vote. So, stop complaining. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'stop complaining'. It follows the conclusion keyword 'So'. 13. The Green Party is really helping the Republican Party. After all, they helped make Bush President. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'The Green Party is really helping the Republican Party'. There is also an implied premise of 'If a political party helps another party to the presidency then they are really helping that party'. 14. Sarah is trying out for the volleyball team because her sister is on the team. ANSWER: Non-argument (explanation). 15. Sarah ought to try out for the volleyball team. She’s a great basketball player. ANSWER: Argument. It has the argument keyword 'ought'. Conclusion is 'Sarah ought to try out for the volleyball team'. There is an implied premise 'If someone is a great basketball player then they should try out for volleyball'. 16. The smoother the sound the better the radio station. KOOL radio station has a smoother sound. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is implied, namely, 'KOOL is a better radio station'. 17. We must begin to withdraw from Iraq, for our casualties are not worth it. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'We must begin to withdraw from Iraq'. There is an implied premise 'If a war has casualties not worthy of it then a country should withdraw'. 18. But honey, don’t be angry with me. I was only 10 minutes late. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'you shouldn't be angry with me', which is implied by 'don’t be angry with me'. There is another implied premise 'If I was only 10 minutes late then you shouldn't be angry with me'. 19. Good study habits lead to good grades. Her straight A average shows that she really has good study habits. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'she really has good study habits' since it follows the conclusion keywords 'shows that'. 20. Joe couldn’t have committed the crime. He was sitting with me in Taco Bell when the crime was committed. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'Joe couldn’t have committed the crime'. Note the argument keywords 'couldn't have'. There is an implied premise 'the crime wasn't committed at Taco Bell' or that 'the crime took place at the same time that Joe was at Taco Bell'. 21. These Italian meatballs sure are spicy. Do you have any Rolaids? ANSWER: Non-argument (unsupported statement). 22. You should take an umbrella, since if it’s raining you should take an umbrella and it is raining. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'You should take an umbrella'. Note the premise keyword 'since' and the premise connector 'and'. 23. Bank fees will soon rise at Bank of America. So will bank fees at all of the major banks. ANSWER: Non-argument (unsupported statements of opinion. The word 'so' in this case is not a conclusion keyword since it means 'also' in this case. 24. But Karen, don’t be too hard on yourself. You were only trying to do a good job. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'you shouldn't be too hard on yourself', implied by 'don’t be too hard on yourself'. There is an implied premise 'If someone was only trying to do a good job then they shouldn't be too hard on themselves'. 25. John doesn’t own a gun. So, he’s sure to be for gun-control. ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'he’s sure to be for gun-control', since it follows the conclusion keyword 'so'. There is an implied premise 'If someone doesn't own a gun then they are sure to be for gun-control'. 26. The faster the computer the better it is. The computers are faster at Computer Land. ANSWER: Argument and the conclusion is implied, namely, 'The computers are better at Computer Land'. 27. Jeremy must be honest. Aren’t all Quakers honest? ANSWER: Argument and conclusion is 'Jeremy must be honest'. There are 2 implied premises, namely, 'All Quakers are honest' and "Jeremy is a Quaker'.