A Security Architecture in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks Rishal Rasheed*, Muhammed Ilyas H, Lomin Joy V, Abhilash K Pai Department of Computer and Information Science, College of Engineering, Cherthala Cochin University of Science And Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India Abstract— Mobile sinks are vital in many wireless sensor applications for efficient data collection, data querying, and localized sensor reprogramming. Mobile sinks prolong the lifetime of a sensor network. However, when sensor networks with mobile sinks are deployed in a hostile environment, security became a critical issue. They become exposed to varieties of malicious attacks. Thus, anti threats schemes and security services, such as mobile sinks authentication and pairwise key establishment, are essential components for the secure operation of such networks. Sink mobility required frequent exchange of cryptography information between the sensors and MS each time the MS updates its location which imposes extra communication overhead on the sensors. Here, data transmission starts only on requests from MS. Key establishment is the most fundamental cryptographic primitive in all kinds of applications where security is a concern. Key Management is the most important issue in the security of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Efficient key management helps to maintain the confidentiality of the secret information from unauthorized users. Sometimes, it is also useful for verifying the integrity of exchanged messages and authenticity of the sender. To maximize network lifetime in WSNs, the paths for data transfer are combined in such a way so that the total energy consumption over the path is minimized. To support high scalability and better data aggregation, sensor nodes are often grouped into disjoint, non overlapping subsets called clusters. Clusters create hierarchical WSNs which incorporate efficient utilization of limited resources of sensor nodes and thus extends network lifetime. In this proposed work key sharing is carried out by Elliptic Curve Cryptography and clustering is introduced to reduce number of transmissions. MD5 introduced to provide integrity and AES used to improve the symmetric key encryption. Keywords— AES, Clustering, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Hand Over, Key-Management, MD5, Public-key cryptography. I. INTRODUCTION Humans have relied on wired sensors for years, for simple tasks such as temperature monitoring, to complex tasks such as monitoring life-signs in hospital patients. Wireless Sensor Networks provide unforeseen applications in this new field of design. From military applications such as battlefield mapping and target surveillance, to creating context-aware homes where sensors can monitor safety and provide automated services tailored to the individual user; the number of applications are endless. Energy usage is an important issue in the design of WSNs which typically depends on portable energy sources like batteries for power .WSNs is large scale networks consisting of small embedded devices, with the capability to sense, compute and communicate sensed data. In WSNs the sensor nodes are often grouped into individual sets called a cluster as it provides network scalability, sharing of resources and efficient use of constrained resources that gives network topology stability and energy saving attributes[12]. Clustering schemes offer reduced data transmission overheads, and efficient resource utilizations and allocations, thus reducing the interferences among sensor nodes and decreasing the overall energy consumption. A large number of clusters will congest the area with small size clusters and a very small number of clusters will exhaust the cluster head with large amount of messages transmitted from cluster members. LEACH protocol is hierarchical routing based on clustering and find the optimal number of clusters in WSNs in order to save energy and enhance network lifetime. In WSN sensor nodes have limited storage space , processing power and communication bandwidth. This leads to the unique challenges in data management and information processing. In network data processing techniques, such as data aggregation, multicast and broadcast need to be developed. Network lifetime is the key characteristics used for evaluating the performance of any sensor network. A lifetime of the network is determined by residual energy of the system. So that the main and most important challenge in WSN is the efficient use of energy resources[13][14]. MS are vital in many WSN applications for efficient data gathering, localized sensor reprogramming, and for differentiating and revoking compromised sensor nodes. Although the sensor networks that make use of the existing key pre-distribution schemes for pairwise key establishment and authentication between sensor nodes and mobile sinks, the utilization of mobile sinks for data collection increases a new security challenge: in the basic probabilistic and q-composite key pre-distribution schemes, an attacker can easily obtain a large number of keys by capturing a small fraction of nodes, and hence, can gain control of the network by deploying a replicated mobile sink preloaded with some compromised keys to authenticate and then initiate data communication with any sensor node[1]. To address the above-mentioned problem, a multi-tier scenario is implemented with the help of cluster topology. Security and authentication is achieved using the Public keys and symmetric keys. Where symmetric key establishment is achieved using public keys. Elliptic Curve Cryptography is the underlying algorithm. Data encryptions are done using symmetric key. 64 bit AES Encryption algorithm is used here. Symmetric keys are transmitted only as per the requirement which helps to identify the freshness of data. Clustering topology is used to enhance the data aggregation and to increase the life of the network by reducing the multiple transmissions over the network. An Efficient algorithm is designed for safe Hand over of data from cluster heads to mobile sinks. MD5 hashing technique is used to preserve the Integrity of data. II. confidential information. Guessing secret keys by the adversary can be prevented by refreshing the keys frequently in between sessions. Key sharing mechanisms mainly achieved through single group key to modified versions of pairwise key sharing, KDC, Q-composite, polynomial pool based key pre-distribution etc[9][11]. Apart from the existing methods of basic key sharing mechanisms used in WSN, we would like to introduce an architecture that uses an hierarchy of key sharing mechanism for efficient key sharing and secure data transmission. We introduce public key sharing mechanism in a clustered topology to achieve the required security[5][7][8]. III. ARCHITECTURE RELATED WORK Nodes have to establish a secure communication link among them in the network to transmit sensitive information for many of the applications. Secure communication among sensor nodes requires authentication, integrity and privacy. For this, a secret key must be shared between the pair of communicating nodes. Network topology is unknown to nodes prior to deployment, keys are stored into ROMs of the node before deployment. The keys must be selectively stored so as to increase the probability that neighboring nodes must share at least one key in common. This is later modified as qcomposite key sharing. WSN depend on battery for its energy power source. Hence it is a major issue to design an energy efficient WSN. In sensor networks, an attacker can obtain the control of the network by reproducing nodes loaded with keys which are compromised. These compromised keys are then used to initiate the data communication by authenticating with any sensor node. The key management problem and security over data transmission are the key concern of this paper[2][3][4][6]. An adversary can extract the confidential information by acting as a legitimate user. Adversary can also harm network by possessing attack on the sensor nodes. Security threats in WSN are Passive Information Gathering and Message Corruption, Node Compromise, Node Tampering, Traffic Analysis, Acknowledgement Spoofing & altered routing information, Selective Forwarding & Sinkhole Attack, Wormhole Attacks, Hello Flood Attacks, DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks[10]. Informational security and operational security are the two major classification of security. Due to open medium communication and its accessibility, sensor nodes are forced to achieve Confidentiality, Authentication, Integrity, Freshness, Availability, Secure management and Quality of Service. Confidentiality of information is ensured through efficient key management. Authentication of legitimate nodes can be achieved with the help of keys which can be cracked by adversary by acting as a legitimate node and extract Fig. 1. Security Architecture for WSN Fig. 1. shows the architecture of the proposed system. System under consideration is considered as three levels where level one holds the mobile nodes, level two holds the Cluster Heads and level three holds the nodes which are used for the sensing of data. All nodes expect MS are stationary. Architecture is divided into clusters. Each cluster is controlled by respective cluster heads and there will be decendents connected to the CH. Architecture is designed such a way that the nodes start forwarding data only after the initiation of MS through CH. CH checks the packet authenticity for further transmission and response. Before the deployment, every node in the network will be assigned with an asymmetric key pair (Public Key and Private Key). Also every node contains Public key of MS and a CERTIFICATE (public key of node is encrypted by private key of sink). We also introduced the method of hand over which can be efficiently handled between selected intermediate nodes. If MS is moved out of the coverage of cluster head, CH can forward the packet through intermediate nodes to the neighboring cluster. Link between C4-C5 and C8C9 helps to achieve this process and hence avoiding packet loss. Packet is forwarded to next cluster if the MS is moved out of the range of present CH. Architecture can be deployed in two ways. First assume that the architecture is deployed with clusters and its CH, where details of clusters are assigned at each cluster head. Second method is to detect the respective clusters automatically similar to the method of CH election which is discussed in the coming sections. Every node search for cluster heads with minimum transmission distances. Here the CERTIFICATE is used as an identity to get access to clusters and hence to the network. Due to CERTIFICATE verification, an intruder cannot attack or join the cluster during the formation of clusters. IV. WORKING OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM This paper present a Multi-Tier Cluster based Security Scheme in WSN with mobile sinks. Paper focuses on secure and efficient transmission of data from node to sinks. Nodes are activated or send data only as per the request from mobile sinks and its cluster head. This helps to reduce unnecessary transmissions over the network. Initially Mobile Sink holds the entire node ID and their Public keys. Cluster Head hold the ID of mobile stations and its clusters’ public keys. Each cluster holds separate key for Broadcast messages which is used for symmetric encryption. Descendant hold the ID of mobile sinks and its cluster head’s public key. Selective nodes hold the ID and public keys of selective inter cluster node which is used for safe handover. This paper supports three type of communication. Unicast, Multi-cast and Broadcast communications. A. Unicast Communication Here mobile sink send unicast request packet to Cluster Head (CH). Mobile node encrypt message using mobile node’s private key and symmetric key is encrypted using destination nodes public key. This symmetric key is used for further communication between these two nodes. The CH receiving the packet will forward the packet to its intended descendant after the authentication check. On receiving the message by the destination, decrypt the session key. Descendant send back the sensed data to its CH. Hash of the data is obtained. Data is Encrypted using session key. Hash is encrypted using mobile nodes public key. After receiving the data (response packet) from its descendant, CH forward to the respective sink. B. Broadcast Communication Here mobile sink send broadcast request packet to Cluster Heads (CH). This packet will be encrypted using MS private key to confirm the authentication. The CH receiving the packet will forward the packet to its neighboring CHS (avoiding the sender) and to its decedents. Descendants send back the sensed data to its CH. Decedents encrypt the data using the shared symmetric key between the nodes in a cluster. After receiving the entire data from its descendants, CH aggregates the data and forward to the respective sink. CH encrypt the symmetric key using MS public key so that only MS can read the key and data. C. Multicast Communication Here mobile sink send multi-cast request packet to cluster Head (CH). The CH receiving the packet will forward the packet to its descendants. Descendant send back the sensed data to its CH. After receiving the entire data from its descendants, CH aggregates the data and forward to respective sink. This communication is similar to Broadcast Communication. Here the data is not forwarded to entire clusters. CH forwarded data only to the respective descendants. D. Security To make data transmission more secure, we encrypt data using symmetric keys. Here we use the AES for symmetric key encryption with a block size of 128 bits,we can use three different key lengths: 128, 192 and 256 bits. The algorithm described by AES is a symmetric key algorithm, meaning the same key is used for both encrypting and decrypting the data. Most AES calculations are done in a special finite field. The key size used for an AES cipher specifies the number of repetitions of transformation rounds that convert the input, called the plain text, into the final output, called the cipher text. The number of cycles of repetition are 10, 12, 14 cycles of repetition for 128-bit, 192-bit and 256-bit keys respectively. Each round consists of several processing steps, each containing four similar but different stages, including one that depends on the encryption key itself. A set of reverse rounds are applied to transform cipher text back into the original plain text using the same encryption key. Since the proposed system uses only symmetric keys for a short time, 128 bit key is preferred so as to enhance the encryption and decryption computation. This will also help to reduce the packet size which carry the key to nodes. Elliptic Curve Cryptography is used for asymmetric key encryption. This is an approach to public-key cryptography based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. Elliptic curves are also used in several integer factorization algorithms that have applications in cryptography. The primary benefit promised by ECC is a smaller key size, reducing storage and transmission requirements, i.e. that an elliptic curve group could provide the same level of security afforded by an RSA-based system with a large modulus and correspondingly larger key e.g., a 256- bit ECC public key should provide comparable security to a 3072-bit RSA public key. Hence the proposed system could assure high security with reduced key size. E. Cluster Head Selection Clustering is one of the important methods for prolonging the network lifetime in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It involves grouping of sensor nodes into clusters and electing cluster heads (CHs) for all the clusters. CHs collect the data from respective cluster’s nodes and forward the aggregated data to base station. A major challenge in WSNs is to select appropriate cluster heads. Second layer of our architecture holds the cluster head. All the data from mobile sink must pass through the cluster head. An authentication check by the cluster head prove the authenticity to transmit the data to the descendants. Initially MS assign CH. At the time of CH election, all the nodes forward energy details to CH upon request. Node with higher energy will be elected as the CH. Once the cluster head is elected, old CH forward the CERTIFICATE mentioning new CH's Identity encrypted by the old CH's private key. Nodes can join the new cluster head by forwarding their respective CERTIFICATE by confirming the authentication. This help to avoid the entry attempt of an intruder node into the cluster. F. Effective Handover Handover refers to the “transfer of transmission of data packets from one node to other or from one cluster to other cluster with high data delivery rate”. This happens when the MS move out of the CH range to forward the packet. We had assign intermediate node to forward data packets in between the clusters nodes. On receiving the handover packets, cluster head looks for its transmission range with the MS. If it is out of coverage, packet will get forwarded to next neighbor cluster. This can be efficiently done by calculating the location of the MS. All nodes under consideration other than MS are static. Handover enhances the good practice necessary to maintain high standards of Networks data transmission. V. ALGORITHMS Working of the architecture require following three set of Algorithms. Algorithm I is executed at the Cluster Head. Algorithm II execute at the nodes other than CH for data processing and data transmission. Algorithm III used for Cluster Head election and node joining to cluster. Algorithm I CH checks for packet Authenticity If type equals unicast and data request ◦ forward packet to respective descendant ◦ assign response=1 else if type equals multi-cast/broadcast and data response ◦ forward packet to all its descendants ◦ assign response = no of descendants if type equals unicast and data response and response!=0 ◦ forward the received packet back to MS ◦ response=response-1 if type equals multi-cast/broadcast and data response and response!=0 ◦ CH wait till it receives packet no = response ◦ aggregate data at CH ◦ find hash of the aggregated data ◦ hash+key encrypted using public key of MS ◦ forward the aggregated data, encrypted(key and hash) to MS If MS moves out of range ◦ forward the packet to respective handover node If type=1 ◦ generate a symmetric key ◦ generate hash of the data ◦ encrypt data using symmetric key ◦ encrypt hash+key using MS public key ◦ forward data to CH If type equals multi-cast ◦ encrypt data using group key ◦ obtain hash of data ◦ encrypt hash of data using MS public key ◦ forward the encrypted (data and hash) If type equals broadcast ◦ If packet received from CH ▪ similar steps of multi-cast ◦ else if packet received from handover node ▪ forward the packet ti its CH Algorithm III Assume that CHs are already assigned before deployment CHE = Energy of node at the time of cluster head election E(CH) represents energy of CH If E(CH)<=(60 % CHE) ◦ call for CH election every descendant forward their energy to CH CH elect node with MAX energy Broadcast the newly selected CH with authentication All other node forward CERTIFICATE to newly elected CH to join the cluster Algorithm III follows till the node reaches its energy to 20% of total assigned energy. After that it follows normal LEACH protocol. VI. TABLE I is a formatted unit of data packet that can be used in the proposed architecture. This formatted packet helps in guaranteed delivery and avoid duplicate delivery. These aspects in the packet include data integrity, Authenticity, Freshness, efficient routing between CH and descendants. TYPE REQ/RES DEST SRCE TTL DATA1 DATA2 TABLE I. Algorithm II Packet checked for authenticity PACKET FORMAT USED PACKET FORMAT USED IN THE ARCHITECTURE • Type : Two bits combination represent the different types of packets. We use '01' for unicast, '10' for multi cast and '11' for broadcast. Hand Over packets use type as '00'. • Request/Response : Whether the packet is a response from the previous forwarded message or a request to send a new message from the MS. We denote '0' for REQ (request) packets and '1' for RES (response) packets. • DEST : Hold address of the respective Destination node. • SRCE : Hold address of the respective Source node. • TTL : Represents the time to show the freshness of the data packet and also helps to show the validity and hence avoid redundancy of the packet. • Data1: Holds the encrypted message. • Data2: Holds the encrypted hash value and encrypted symmetric key which is optional depending upon the packet type. • TYPE + REQ/RES : '001' shows handover of the packets while '000' represent the CERTIFICATE exchange at the time of cluster head election and cluster formation. VII. ACHIEVEMENTS OVER ATTACKS In this section we focus on the properties that are achieved through the architecture and also how this architecture over come the attacks that are possible in WSN. WSN is a very interesting target because if offers a large attack surface and an interesting playground for creative attack ideas. So hierarchical security structure involved in the architecture ensure high security than any other WSN architecture. TABLE II shows the properties achieved in the architecture. TABLE II. Properties Authenticity Confidentiality Scalability Flexibility In this paper, we proposed a general multi layer security framework for authentication, clustering and secure key sharing and data transmission between mobile sinks and sensor nodes. The proposed scheme, based on the hierarchical security mechanism, substantially improved network resilience to mobile sink replication attacks compared to the single polynomial pool-based key predistribution approach. Using symmetric keys, asymmetric keys and hash in data transmission hinder an attacker from gathering sensor data, by deploying a replicated mobile sink or by replicating nodes in the network. We have further improved the security performance of the proposed scheme against stationary access node replication attack by strengthening the authentication mechanism between stationary sensor nodes and mobile nodes. We used the CERTIFICATE for all the authentication mechanism in the network. REFERENCES [1] Amar Rasheed, Rabi N. Mahapatra, “The Three-Tier Security Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS,VOL. 23, NO. 5,MAY 2012 [2] Liu, D. and Ning, P. “Establishing pairwise keys in distributed sensor networks” In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,2003. C HAN H., PERRIG A., AND SONG D. “Random key predistribution schemes for sensor networks”. In IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, 2003. Laurent Eschenauer and Virgil D. 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