Spectral Broadening and Self-compression of Down-chirped Fs Pulses in Transparent Bulk Kerr Media Ya. Grudtsyn1, A. Koribut1, S. Mamaev1, L. Mikheev1*, S. Stepanov1, V. Trofimov2, V. Yalovoy1 1-P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospek, 53, 119991 Moscow, Russia 2- M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vorob’evy Gory, 119992 Moscow, Russia *Author e-mail address: mikheev@sci.lebedev.ru There are two well known schemes for temporal self-compression of ultrashort pulses without the need for subsequent dispersion compensation: in filaments and dielectric gas-filled capillaries. We present a novel self-compression technique relying on spectrum broadening of down-chirped fs pulses in transparent Kerr media. For the first time, this phenomenon was observed in our paper [1]. Experimental results. Fig. 1. Principal scheme of the experiment. Femtosecond pulses at 475 nm with spectral width of 4.8 nm and pulsewidth of 60 fs were generated by a frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire laser system (Avesta Project Ltd). After these pulses are down-stretched to 160 fs in a prism pair with negative GVD, the laser beam was spatially filtrated and focused by a spherical mirror (R=320 cm) onto a 1-mmthick UV fused silica plate mounted on the end of a 45-cm-long vacuum cell. The window was placed 10 cm before the focal plane located inside the vacuum cell. The 1/e beam spot width on the plate was ~0.3 mm. At the incident beam energy of 0.5 mJ, its intensity on the plate reaches 1 TW/cm2. The incoming intensity on the output window of the cell was one order of magnitude less and did not practically influence the pulse spectrum. The beam coming out of the vacuum chamber was focused by a spherical mirror (R=200 cm) onto a 1-mm-diaphragm. Fraction of the beam passed through the diaphragm was directed into spectrometer, autocorrelator and beam profiler. Diaphragm location along the beam propagation axis was chosen so that the pulse width was minimal and spectrum width was maximal. This position was corresponded to the plane of the magnified image of the beam cross-section inside the vacuum cell, in which central part of the incident laser pulse was focused due to Kerr self-focusing. Input pulse = 4.8 nm (TL=70 fs) = 160 fs (down-chirped) Output pulse = 8 nm = 40 fs Fig. 2. Experimental results (from left to right): beam profiles, spectra and autocorrelation functions for input and output beams. Discussion I. Spectrum broadening The observed effect is discussed on the base of combined influence of self-phase modulation resulting in the formation of a modulated structure of the spectrum and four-wave mixing leading to parametric amplification of the side components. 1. Self-phase modulation (modeling) Experimental results were analysed on the base of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NSE) in a reference frame moving at the group velocity vg = c/n0: A( z , T ) i 2 2 A( z , T ) i (| A( z , T ) |2 A( z , T )) 2 z 2 T Dispersion Kerr nonlinearity A(T , z 0) A0 Exp[(1 iC )T 2 / T02 ] The complex valued function A represents the slowly varying pulse envelope of a linearly polarized optical wave at frequency ω0: C = - 2 is the chirp parameter, T0 = 160 fs is the input pulse duration, k0 is the wavenumber, 3 d 2n 2 2 c 2 d 2 2 n2 | A |2 I = 0.1 ps2/m is the group velocity dispersion parameter, = 475 nm, n2= 1.9 cm2/W /2/, I0 = A02 = 1 TW/cm2. (a) (b) Fig. 3. Variation of spectrum with intensity of the incident laser beam (a) and comparison of calculated and experimental values of spacing between successive bands in the spectra against intensity of the incident laser beam (b). Fig. 3 demonstrates that experimentally measured values of spacing between successive bands in the spectra and their dependence on the intensity of the incident laser beam agree well with results of the numerical modeling. This indicates that structure of the observed spectra originated from self-phase modulation. 2. Modeling of degenerate four-wave mixing (ωS = ωP + Ω and ωI = ωP − Ω). dAP/dz = iPAP2AP + 2iP(AS2 + AI2) AP + 2iP ASAIAP*exp(iΔz) dAS/dz = iSAS2AS + 2iS(AP2 + AI2) AS + 2iS AP2 AI* exp(-iΔz) dAI/dz = iIAI2AI + 2iI(AP2 + AS2) AI + 2iI AP2 AS*exp(-iΔz) Δ = kS + kI – 2kP If AS(z=0), AI (z=0)<< AP (depletion of pump can be neglected) parametric gain g ( P P0 )2 ( 2 P P0 )2 = 0. Numerical modeling at AS(z=0) = AI(z=0) = 0.5AP(z=0) shows that parametric gain g > 0 and side bands are expected to be parametrically amplified. II. Temporal self-compression Temporal profile of the input fs pulse causes Kerr-lens with temporally variable focus so that different temporal ‘slices’ of the pulse are focused at different distances from the sample. This allows extracting central part of the incident laser pulse, experienced strongest nonlinear interaction in bulk fused silica, by putting diaphragm in a proper crosssection of output beam (Fig. 4) or in the plane of the magnified image of the cross-section. Self-focusing along with the self-phase modulation results in the temporal pulse self-compression. On the one hand, selfphase modulation compensates for the initial negative chirp early introduced into the incoming pulse and, on the other hand, it causes spectrum broadening. Fig. 4. Diagram explaining the temporal pulse self-compression. Spectral broadening of fs pulses was also observed in other Kerr media: Fig. 5. Spectral broadening of down-chirped fs pulses in bulk MgF2, LiF, CaF2 и BaF2 at intensity of 1 TW/сm2. Conclusions Our results are the first to demonstrate spectral broadening as a result of nonlinear interaction of down-chirped fs pulses with normally dispersive transparent Kerr media, that is accompanied by temporal selfcompression of the pulse. Topical problem to be solved in the near future is the scalability of this technique towards higher energies and shorter output pulses. References 1. A.I. Aristov, Ya.V. Grudtsyn, L.D. Mikheev et al. Spectral broadening and selfcompression of negatively chirped visible fs pulses in fused silica. Quantum Electron. 42, 1097 (2012). 2. G. P. Agrawal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics, 4th ed. (Academic, 2007).