Waveplate Questionnaire We can prepare a quote using just the three basic criteria of: Desired retardance (quarter wave, half wave, etc.) Wavelength of operation Clear aperture (area and shape over which the design criteria apply) QUANTITY Additional factors which, while not essential to the preparation of your quote, may be beneficial in considering your application and also in helping us target your requirement more specifically. Please take a quick look down this list and add any information you would like us to consider. YOUR NAME:_____________________ COMPANY NAME:___________________ RETARDANCE (OBLIGATORY) Tolerance Order of waveplate Wavelength (OBLIGATORY) Tolerance Bandwidth CLEAR APERTURE (OBLIGATORY) Transmittance Surface quality # AR coating * CA wavefront distortion limit CA retardance uniformity BEAM DIAMETER Beam spatial profile Optical intensity (e.g. W/cm2) CW INCIDENT BEAM Y/N? PULSED INCIDENT BEAM Y/N? Pulse Repetition Rate Temporal pulse width Energy per pulse Pulse temporal profile HOLDER REQUIREMENT Y/N? Dimensions * Waveplates of higher refractive index materials require an AR coating. Lower index materials, such # as magnesium fluoride, might not always need coating. Surface quality specifications not accepted on Infrared waveplates. Please specify below any requirement such as achromatic, dual-wavelength, off-axis or constraints on environmental conditions, (e.g. temperature, humidity, vibration), flatness, material preference, etc. Issue 8. MCG / PDM 29.08.14