BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS Faculty of Natural Sciences Institute of Nuclear Techniques Use of UTEVA for the separation of Th, U, Np and Pu N. Vajda, Zs. Molnár, Sz. Osváth EiChrom Users’ Group Meeting 7 June 2002 Address: H-1111 Budapest XI., Mûegyetem rakpart 9/11, R building, III/317. Mailing address: H-1521 Budapest Phone: (36-1)4632523, (36-1)4631254; Fax: (36-1)4631954 Major goals of separation - nuclides to be analysed:237Np, 239,240Pu, 238Pu, 241Pu, 238 U, 235U, 234U, 232Th, 230Th, 228Th SPECTROMETRIES - simultaneous determination of Np & Pu & U & Th (& Am,Cm) ( and emitting nuclides of U fuel cycle) CHROMATOGRAPHY - relatively simple separation scheme consuming less labour and time than the traditional ion exchange procedures EXTRACTION CHROMATOGRAPHY - high sensitivity to measure environmental levels HIGH SELECTIVITY Why UTEVA? Why not other extractants of higher distribution ratios? UTEVA retains all the listed actinides. The separation can be improved by the presence of iron. Which loading and elution media? Which oxidation states? Which stripping sequence? Basic steps of chromatographic separation - retention of U&Th&Np&Pu on UTEVA from 8M HNO3 in presence of Fe(NO3)3 as "salting out" agent - stripping of Pu(III) while tetravalent nuclides are retained -I-/9M HCl - stripping of Th(IV) and Np(IV) - 4MHCl - stripping of U in the absence of complexing agent - 0.1M HCl Why Fe(NO3)3 as salting out agent? Samples usually contain iron that - is difficult to remove, - can be utilized for preconcentration as Fe(OH)2 - is a good salting out agent. 2/15. Basic steps of the combined analytical procedure - simultaneous preconcentration of U&TRU by coprecipitation - retention of U&Np&Pu&Th on UTEVA followed by their sequential elution - preconcentration and separation of Am&Cm using TRU - source preparation by micro coprecipitation providing further purification of the sources - source preparation by dissolving the a source in LSC - spectrometry by means of isotope dilution technique - spectrometry using LSC - spectrometry to determine Np yield 3/15. Studies about Np retention on UTEVA Different oxidation states of Np were adjusted: Np(IV) - iodide in HCl Np(V) - NaNO2 Np(VI)- BrO3- or MnO4Np(IV-VI)- no adjustment Models: equilibrium studies to determine Kd kinetic studies elution chromatographic studies to realize separations 4/15. Determination of distribution coefficients Retention of Np on UTEVA from nitric acid contact time: 1 minute Distribution coeffitient (1/g) 100,00 10,00 Np (IV-VI) Np (IV-VI)+Fe Np (VI) Np (VI)+Fe 1,00 0,10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Nitric acid concentration (M) Retention of Np on UTEVA from HCl contact time: 1 minute 140 Distribution coeffitient (1/g) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hydrochloric acid concentration (M) 5/15. Higher distribution ratios can be achieved from HCl acid but Np retention is suppressed by Fe complexes as it is revealed by the kinetic studies. Retention of Np on UTEVA from 9M HCl 1 0,9 Retained ratio of Np [-] 0,8 0,7 0,6 H: Np(IV-VI) I:Np(IV-VI) 0,5 J: Np(IV) 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Tim e[m in] Retention of Np on UTEVA from 9M HCl in presence of FeCl 3 1 0,9 Retained ratio of Np [-] 0,8 0,7 0,6 K: Np(IV), Fe(II) L:Np(V), Fe(III) 0,5 M: Np(IV-VI),Al 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Tim e[m in] It is likely that Np exists as tetravalent complex in 9M HCl. 6/15. The retention of Np in all oxidation states is improved by the presence of iron(III) nitrate salting out agent in 8M HNO3. It is likely that Np prevails as penta and hexavalent nuclide in concentrated nitric acid. Retention of Np on UTEVA from 8M HNO3 1 0,9 Retained ratio of Np [-] 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 A:Np(IV-VI) B:Np(V) Tim e [m in] C:Np(VI) Retention of Np on UTEVA from 8M HNO3 in presence of Fe(III)-nitrate 1 0,9 Retained ratio of Np [-] 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 50 100 150 Tim e [m in] 200 250 300 F:Np(VI),Fe E:Np(V),Fe D:Np(IV-VI),Fe 7/15. Elution chromatographic studies Columns were prepared from 0,5g of soaked UTEVA, column length was 34 mm. Elution sequence: 1st load 2nd elution: with the same solution as during loading 3rd elution: 8 M HNO3 and/or 9M HCl 4th Pu strip: 0.1M NH4I/9M HCl 5th Np/Th strip: 4M HCl 6th U strip: 0.1M HCl Separations in 9M HCl Only possible if no Fe is present in the load solution. In this case, Np probably as Np(IV) is well separated from the matrix and other actinides except Th. To determine the mechanism of the process tests were performed from the same load solution paralell with anion exchange resin (Bio Rad AG 1x8) column of the same size. It was supposed that only tetravalent Np is retained on the ion exchanger. 8/15. Retention of Np on UTEVA from HCl 1,20 1,00 % eluted 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 1 load 2 elution 3 elution 4 Np strip 5 Np strip 6 U strip 7 U strip UTEVA Fraction Retention of Np on anion exchange resin from HCl 1,20 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 resin 7 U strip 6 U strip 5 Np strip 4 Np strip 3 elution 2 elution 0,00 1 load % eluted 1,00 Fraction 9/15. Separation of actinides from HCl can be performed in special samples of low Fe content: e.g. separation and analysis of actinides from irradiated uranium Separation of actinides on UTEVA load and eluent: 9M HCl, Pu strip: 0.1 M NH4I/9M HCl, Np strip: 4M HCl, U strip:0.1M HCl 1 0,9 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 232U 0,3 239Np 0,2 0,1 239,240Pu Isotope 6 U strip 5 Np strip 228Th 4 Pu strip 2-3 eluent 0 1 load Eluted ratio 0,8 Eluent fractions 10/15. Separations in 8M nitric acid Without oxidation state adjustment Np exists in different forms, appearing in 2 elution peaks in the chromatogram: Retention of Np(IV-VI) on UTEVA from 8M HNO 3/Fe without oxidation state adjustment 0,350 0,300 0,200 0,150 0,100 0,050 7 U strip 7 U strip 6 Np strip 5 Np strip 4 Pu strip 4 Pu strip 4 Pu strip 3 elution 2 elution 2 elution 2 elution 0,000 1 load % eluted 0,250 Fraction 11/15. Hexavalent Np is prepared by boiling with KBrO3 or KMnO4 in 1M HNO3 Pentavalent Np is prepared by the addition of NaNO2. To study the retention mechanism aliquots of the load solution were passed through UTEVA and Bio Rad AG 1*8 columns. Retention of Np on UTEVA from 8M HNO3/Fe/NO2- 100,00% 90,00% 80,00% % eluted 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 10 UTEVA 9 U strip 8 U strip 7 Np strip 6 Np strip 5 Pu strip 4 Pu strip 3 elution 2 elution 1 load 0,00% Fraction Retention of Np on anion exchange resin from 8M HNO3/Fe/NO250,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 10 resin 9 U strip 8 U strip 7 Np strip 6 Np strip 5 Pu strip 4 Pu strip 3 elution 2 elution 0,00% 1 load % eluted 40,00% Fraction 12/15. Np is retained by the UTEVA as pentavalent and hexavalent complexes while tetravalent is preferred by the anion exchangers. The behaviour of Pu, U and Np was tested under the same conditions as that of Np. 100 ml of load solutions were prepared supposing that samples cannot be dissolved in small amounts of solutions. Pu, Th/Np and U strip solutions were analysed for all nuclides by preparing alpha sources -under reductive conditions- using NdF3 for micro-coprecipitation. Actinide separation on UTEVA from 8M HNO3/Fe3+/NO2- 100 90 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 U 0 Nuclide U strip 5 ml 15 Pu Pu strip 15 ml 13 eluate 10 ml 11 Th load 10 ml 9 load 10 ml 7 load 10 ml 5 Np load 10 ml 3 load 10 ml 1 % eluted 70 Fraction 13/15. Flow chart of the procedure Sample: soil,sediment,water, radioactive waste Tracers:232U-228U,236Pu,243Am-239Np Acid destruction:HNO3,HF,HCl Dissolution:1M HNO3+H3BO3 Filtration Fe(OH)2 coprecipitation Dissolution: 1M HNO3 Adjustments: - oxid.state: KBrO3 or NaNO2 - acidity: 8M HNO3 -salting out: Fe(NO3)3 UTEVA extraction chromatography effluent Pu strip Am+Cm separation: source Ca oxalate preparation: TRU Pu/NdF3 spectrometry TEVA source source preparation: Pu/LSC LSC Th,Np strip U strip oxidation source preparation: Th/NdF3 spectrometry source preparation: U/NdF3 spectrometry source preparation: Np/NdF3 spectrometry 14/15. Analysis of standard reference materials Modelling environmental samples Unfortunatelly, there are no SRMs for 237Np. Radionuclide 239,240 238 Pu Pu 238 U 234 U 237 Np Measured value "Reference value" Yield Act.conc. Confidence interval % Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg IAEA-135: sediment from Sellafield * 69 189,8 3,3 205-225.8 44,2 1,6 41.6-45 66 18,95 0,67 27-36.5 17,11 0,62 20.9-32 80 0,32 0,07 0,883 IAEA-368: sediment from Mururoa * 239,240 Pu 92 28,59 0,44 29-34 238 Pu 8,35 0,33 7.6-8.9 238 U 58 27,7 0,57 25-33 234 U 32,7 0,63 21.5-44.8 237 Np 100 <0.58 0,013 IAEA-384: sediment from Fangataufa 239,240 Pu 52 94,4 6,2 105,4-108,9 238 Pu 33,8 3 38,1-39,6 238 U 61 31,52 1,4 31,41-33,33 234 U 30,25 1,3 34,2-43,5 *valence state adjustment with bromate **valence state adjustment with nitrite Bold values: reference value; others: information ones 15/15.