CIVIL WAR THESIS PAPER RUBRIC Student Name: _________________________________________________ Period _____________________ 15-13 ContentQuality/Quantity: Information from reputable sources, paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details 12-10 9-7 6-4 3-0 Included facts, conclusions, and opinions from reliable sources. Included opinions of subject-matter experts. All research strongly backs up thesis statement and is accurate. Included facts, conclusions, and opinions from reliable sources. All research backs up thesis statement and is accurate. Included a mixture of facts from reputable sources and opinions from unreliable sources. Most of the research backs up thesis statement and is accurate. Included more opinion than fact. Information was taken from unreliable sources. Some of the research strongly backs up thesis statement or may be inaccurate. Little to no evidence and much is accurate. Most of the research does not back up or relate to thesis statement. Thesis Statement is clear, concise, original, and thought-provoking. Thesis Statement is somewhat concise and original. Thesis Statement is underdeveloped and not specific; it makes an attempt but doesn’t deliver. Thesis Statement is vague or not valid. Thesis Statement is missing. Paper contains enough detail/evidence to support the thesis well. All citations are appropriate and used accordingly. Paper contains enough details/evidence to support the thesis. All citations are appropriate. Paper is lacking a few key details to support the thesis but all citations are appropriate. Paper is lacking key details and not all of the details that require citations have them. Paper is lacking detail. There are few to no citations used. Writer shows a strong command of language and there are no errors in grammar/spelling. Paper is well organized and coherent, and there are few to no errors in grammar/spelling. Paper is organized but there are some errors in grammar/spelling. Paper is organized but there are significant errors in grammar/spelling. Paper is not organized into appropriate paragraphs and/or there are enough errors in grammar/spelling to distract the reader. Notes were extremely well organized and planned. Students extracted relevant information including key facts, details, and examples. Written in student’s own words/quoted correctly. Notes were organized. Extracted mostly relevant information. Students extracted mostly relevant information including key facts, details, and examples. Written in student’s own words/quoted correctly. Notes may be unorganized. Extracted some relevant information. Included facts that answered some of the research questions Some notes were written in student’s own words. Notes were unorganized. Extracted mostly irrelevant information. Some notes were copied directly from the original source. Few or no note cards were created Extracted no relevant information. Most/all notes were copied from original source. Outline is in the correct format and is very detailed. It is a clear “road map” for the essay. Outline is in the correct format and is fairly detailed. It is a solid “road map” for the essay. Outline is in the correct format. It is a basic “road map” for the essay, but may be lacking some details. Outline is in the correct format, but is not detailed enough to be a “road map” for the essay. Outline does not contain the correct components. 10-8 7-6 5-5 3-2 Student worked well each day. Mostly stayed on task and was focused. Research folder is complete and organized. Student was not always focused, but did complete most of the task. Research folder is complete. Self-Evaluation: __________ Thesis statement Self-Evaluation: __________ Evidence/Citations Self-Evaluation: __________ Conventions/Fluency Self-Evaluation: __________ Note taking Self-Evaluation: __________ Outline Self-Evaluation: __________ Work Ethic/Research Folder Self-Evaluation: __________ Student worked diligently each day. Always stayed on task and was completely focused. Research folder is complete and organized. Self-Evaluation Total: __________________/100 Student had a hard time staying focused and completing task. Research folder may be missing one piece. 1-0 Student did little to no work and was not focused on the task and/or two or more pieces are missing from the research folder. Teacher Evaluation Total: __________________/100