IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Adoption and Diffusion of Early Alert System at the University of Missouri at Saint Louis By Fon Sundaravej and Jessie Cheng College of Business Administration University of Missouri at Saint Louis Saint Louis, MO 63121-4400 1. Introduction The early alert system, a new campus-wide program, has been implemented in 2006 by the Center for Student Success to obtain students’ attention if they are at risk of academic failing. Students at the University of Missouri at St. Louis are expected to meet the academic standards of the courses in which they are enrolled. These include participating in classes through physical or virtual attendance, completing assignments, portfolios, and presentations in a timely and professional manner consistent with the discipline, and/or successfully completing the evaluation components of a course. If a student is not meeting these expectations, they will be made aware of this through the early alert system. The earlier a student is made aware of faculty concern for regarding their performance, the sooner interventions can be initiated to increase the student's potential to achieve academic success. Multiple resources are available on the University of Missouri at St. Louis campus to assist students to achieve success. By referring students through the early alert system, faculty members inform students of their concern and connect them to resources designed to support student success. Even though the early alert system is designed to identify, report, and provide feedback for students who are at risk in a course, not every failed student is referred. It is 1 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 optional for faculty members to use the system. Faculty members are able to use the system as soon as they identify a student at risk to provide the earliest intervention possible. Faculty members are able to base the risk of a student’s failure on seven warning signs, including excessive absences, missed assignments, failed exams or quizzes, missed portfolios or presentations, and other issues. In addition to report categories, faculty members may provide additional comments regarding their concerns. Faculty members may also opt to receive the e-mail notifying the referral progress and result or to review the referral report by themselves. Screen shots to display the system interfaces and functionalities can be found in Appendix A. Relating to the system process, early alert referrals are made from a faculty member to the Center for Student Success. Students are simultaneously notified of a referral via campus e-mail and are encouraged to meet with the faculty member to discuss the concerns further. Within twenty-four hours of a referral, the Center for Student Success will make contact with the student, and offer a meeting to the student to discuss the concerns and to connect the student to campus resources appropriate to the student's needs. As appropriate, the faculty member completing the referral will also receive feedback regarding the referral outcome. The pilot system was launched for the first time in spring 2006 semester for the College of Nursing and was claimed to receive a good success based on an administrative archive report from university assembly committee on recruitment, admissions, retention, and student financial aid. According to the reported results of the pilot program, of 68 total referrals, 65 were failing at the time of referral. 36 students did not respond to their referrals. From the number of these students, 7 received a final grade of B, 17 received a 2 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 final grade of C, 5 received a final grade of D, 5 received a final grade of F, and 2 were excused from the course. 26 students, on the other hand, met with the Retention Coordinator and/or their professor. From these students, 7 received a final grade of B, 11 received a final grade of C, 7 received a final grade of D, and 1 received a final grade of F. The rest of six referred students refused assistance and stated that they had obtained other assistance. All these six students successfully passed with a B or C. Based on this success, the school administration, as a result, has a desire for the implementation of the early alert system for entire campus. 2. Purposes of Research Based on the aforementioned system process, the success of the early alert system considerably depends on the system acceptance of faculty members. We believe that a study on the adoption and diffusion of the early alert system by faculty members who adopt the system can predict the system success or failure. The objective of this research is to investigate the influence process from influencers to potential adopters and from potential adopters to others. At the end of this research, we should be able to answer the following questions: 1. How and why does a faculty member, who is considered as a potential adopter, adopt the early alert system innovation? 2. How and why does or does not a faculty member diffuse, tend to diffuse, or refuse to diffuse the early alert system innovation to other faculty members? 3. Background Theory The study replicates Anand Jeyaraj’s research on the Effect of Influence Tactics and Contingency Factors on the Adoption and Diffusion of IS/IT Innovations in Social 3 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Networks. His research focuses on the processes by which individuals are influenced to adopt innovations or influence others to adopt innovations within organizations. Research questions, conceptual model, study content, and sample interview guide are clearly defined and become a useful guideline for the current study. The conceptual model of Anand’s study includes three major factors: the potential adopter, influencer, and organizational context. He identifies definitions for these three factors. The potential adopter is known as the person who accepts the innovation or the target users of IS/IT innovations. The influencer is the person who influences a potential adopter to accept the innovation, is responsible for upholding organizational policies, or is themselves early adopters of the innovation. Lastly, the organizational context is defined as the situation in which the potential adopter and influencer perform their activities to determine their responses and behavior. A series of actions enacted by both potential adopters and influencers within an organization is elaborated into different categories: actions aimed at the entire organization, influencer actions aimed at the potential adopter only, pre-adoption actions of the potential adopter, and adoption actions of the potential adopter. Actions aimed at the entire organization are actions that affect the entire population of the organization and generally managed by upper management. Influencer actions aimed at the potential adopter only are actions above the influences that the potential adopter may experience from the organizational context. Pre-adoption actions of the potential adopter are actions performed by the potential adopter prior to adoption of the innovation to help potential adopters clarifying the use of the innovation, including its benefits and limitations. Adoption actions of the potential adopter are performed by the 4 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 potential adopter in adopting the innovation and happen toward the end of the innovation adoption process. The description of a series of actions is shown in Table 1. Action Description Actions Aimed at the Entire Organization Awareness The introduction of the innovation by venders, external consultants, or Creation the IS department through different mechanisms such as sales presentations, announcement, etc. Issuing of The enforcing of norms for obligatory use of the innovation by mandate organizational members or groups. Withdrawal of The retraction of norms for obligatory use of the innovation by Mandate for organizational members of groups. Use Development The design and development of new innovation or customization of existing innovations by vendors, external consultants, or the IS department through formal or informal processes. Implementation The placement of the completed or customized innovations in production for use by organizational members or groups. Training The formal instruction on using the innovation given to organizational members or groups by vendors, external consultants, or the IS department. Changes in The introduction of new personnel at the senior management levels of Personnel the organization such as executives or managers. Influencer Actions Aimed at the Potential Adopter Only Building Includes obtaining support of co-workers, requesting action at a Coalitions formal conference. Appeals to Includes making formal appeals to higher levels, obtaining informal Higher support from higher-ups. Authority Bargaining Includes offering an exchange, reminding past favors, offering to help. Acting in a Includes threatening to stop working, engaging in work slowdown, Clandestine distorting or lying. Manner Presenting Includes explaining reasons, justifying ideas, using logic. Rational Arguments Applying Includes threatening job security, threatening unsatisfactory Sanctions performance evaluation. Using Includes making others feel important, acting in friendly manner, Friendliness and praising, acting humbly. Ingratiation Being Assertive Includes checking, repeatedly reminding, simply ordering, pointing to rules, expressing anger. Pre-Adoption Actions of the Potential Adopter 5 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Review The potential adopter engages in learning through a variety of reference materials such as books, manuals, user guides, online help, handouts, etc. Observation The potential adopter engages in learning by observing other individuals. Inquiry The potential adopter engages in learning by seeking information from other individuals through direct or indirect questions. Seeking The potential adopter engages in learning by seeking assistance from Assistance other individuals through joint learning or walk-through sessions. Developing The potential adopter develops own solutions to overcome limitations own… of the innovation. Requesting The potential adopter requests for new or enhanced solutions to for… overcome limitations of the innovation. Adoption Actions of the Potential Adopter Full Adoption The potential adopter using the innovation to is fullest possible extent. Partial Adoption A use of only a subset of features of the innovation or use of the innovation for only a restricted set of tasks. Experimentation Playing around in it attempting to understand the features and/or functions of the innovation or using the innovation for only a limited time. Non-Adoption The potential adopter rejecting or not using the innovation. Table 1: A Series of Actions in Anand Jeyaraj’s Research on the Effect of Influence Tactics and Contingency Factors on the Adoption and Diffusion of IS/IT Innovations in Social Networks 4. Reasons for Qualitative Research The current study deploys the qualitative research method due to two main reasons. First, the qualitative research helps understanding how personal experience of faculty members who deal with the early alert system is created and given meaning. According to Denzin & Lincoln (1994), in qualitative research, researchers study subjects in their natural settings, attempting to understand the meanings of actions. This socially constructed nature of reality allows an intimate relationship between the researcher and the studied subject. As a result, researchers can capture the individual’s point of view in detail by using the qualitative research method. Apart from the rich description of the social reality provided by qualitative research, this study does not seek to report findings in terms of complex statistical measures. Only small numbers of randomly selected cases are interpreted and analyzed. 6 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Owing to a short introduction of the early alert system to the campus community, the major audiences who are the school’s administrative officers only look for a descriptive report of findings rather than statistic records from the maximum number of subjects. Consequently, qualitative research is sufficient to serve our needs. Qualitative research engages multiple modes of data collections and analyses (Myers, 1997). The current study uses interviews, observation, documents, and records to collect data. As for the qualitative mode of analysis, semiotics which is primarily concerned with the meaning of signs and symbols in language is considered in this study. According to Myers (1997), with semiotics, words and signs can be assigned to primary conceptual categories and these categories represent important aspects of the theory to be tested. This study exploits one form of semiotics which is content analysis. This technique makes replicable and valid references from data to their contexts. The researcher searches for structures and patterned regularities in the text and makes assumptions on the basis of these regularities. Lacity & Janson (1994) analyze the content analysis into the following steps: develop a coding scheme, map the text into the scheme, calculate frequencies or percentages, and conduct hypotheses tests. The steps of research methodology with content analysis using in the current study are explained in the following section. 5. Research Methodology 5.1 Research Design and Data Collection The interview guide of the current study replicated Anand’s study. More questions analyzed from a series of actions were added to the current study. There are 21 total questions. The questions can be separated into four distinct sections: lead-in 7 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 questions, influences to adopt questions, influence to diffuse questions, and an end question. The interview guide of the current study can be viewed in Appendix B. After a completion of the interview guide, the data collection process started. The data were expected to gather from at least ten faculty members who were using the early alert system. A list of these professors was taken from the school database system. Therefore, an information release form needed to be approved from Assistant Vice Provost for Student Affairs who is in charge of the early alert system. After an approval had been received, an e-mail invitation was sent to 17 faculty members who were experiencing the system. A list of the faculty members was randomly selected based on the following criteria to reduce biases and generalize the results: - Faculty members who teach in different departments - Faculty members who refer many or few students - Faculty members who are seeking tenure or non-tenure track. Out of the 17 faculty members, 10 of them from 10 different departments agreed in the interview participation. A list of all 10 interview appointments can see below. All interview appointments were conducted through e-mail. An e-mail reminder had been sent a day before the interview appointment to the faculty members who scheduled the interview in the following week to ensure their availability. Only one faculty member requested a list of interview questions ahead of time. Only the first faculty member had two interviews, whereas the rest of nine had a single interview. The follow-up interview with the first faculty member was conducted due to the addition of the interview questions. The first interview was conducted at the first week of October 2006, while the last interview was conducted around mid of November 2006. Before each interview, the 8 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 research topic, research objective, and confidentiality policy were specified to every participant. All interviews were tape recorded and notes were taken by either one of two researchers. Interview periods lasted from 7-27 minutes. Interviews were transcribed and reviewed by both researchers to ensure data correction. All interview transcriptions are found in Appendix C. Name Professor 1 Position Lecturer Department Department 1 Professor 2 Lecturer Department 2 Interview Date/Time Monday Oct 2nd, 06 at 12-12.30 PM and Monday Oct 16th, 06 at 12-12.15 PM (follow-up interview) Thursday Oct 19th, 06 at 3-3.30 PM Professor 3 Senior Lecturer Department 3 Tuesday Oct 24th, 06 at 3.30-4 PM Professor 4 Associate Professor Department 4 Tuesday Oct 31st, 06 at 12.45-1.15 PM Professor 5 Assistant Professor Department 5 Wednesday Nov 1st, 06 at 1.30-2 PM Professor 6 Lecturer Department 6 Thursday Nov 2nd, 06 at 11.15-11.45 AM Professor 7 Curators Professor Department 7 Thursday Nov 2nd, 06 at 3.30-4 PM Professor 8 Lecturer Department 8 Friday Nov 10th, 06 at 10-10.30 AM Professor 9 Instructor Department 9 Wednesday Nov 15th, 06 at 1.15-1.45 PM Professor 10 Lecturer Department 10 Thursday Nov 16th, 06 at 8.30-9 AM Table 2: A List of Interview Appointments 5.2 Data Analysis The data were individually analyzed by each researcher to strengthen the content validity. Researchers later compared the analyzed results and discussed conflict issues to obtain an agreement. The data had been analyzed until both researchers agreed in the same interpretation appeared in the text mapping table and content analysis table in Appendix D. From the content analysis table, frequencies or percentages of data were summarized in the descriptive data analysis section, whereas data patterns were described in the cross data analysis section. 9 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 5.2.1 Descriptive Data Analysis Tremendous interpretations from the gathered data generate many insights in the current study. We are able to view data in different angles, categorize them, and present them as follows. • Demographic Data As expected, we obtained ten participants from different departments across campus. Four of them earn Ph.D. degree. Three out of ten are male and seven are female. • Job Title The following table demonstrates the number of participants’ tenure seeking based on their job title. There are seven non-tenure track faculty members and three are tenure track faculty members. 1 Instructor 7 Non-Tenure Track 5 Lecturers 1 Senior Lecturer 1 Assistant Professor 3 Tenure Track 1 Associate Professor 1 Curators Professor Table 3: Number of Tenure and Non-Tenure Faculty Members • Job Description Based on the tenure type of faculty members, the job descriptions between tenure and non-tenure are varied. For seven non-tenure faculty members, their main job responsibility is teaching, while the three tenure faculty members’ job responsibilities are teaching, publishing papers, and providing campus services. • Work Experience The average teaching experience of all ten participants is 8.4 years. The least work experience is half a year or only one semester; whereas the most work experience is 10 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 35 years. Their teaching experience includes both part-time and full-time experience at the current school. The work experience of participants can also be differentiated into three categories. Five out of ten participants belong to the first group. They are all young faculty members who have 0-3 years work experience. Three of the participants, which we call junior faculty members, were categorized into the second group, according that they have 4-10 years work experience. Finally, two participants have more than ten years work experience; therefore belong to the third senior faculty member group. • Number of Classes per Faculty Member Each participant has varied number of classes taught at the current semester. The average number of classes per faculty member is 1.9, which are almost two classes for the current semester that we conducted the interview. The least number of classes is one, while the most number of classes is four. If we separate the faculty members who teach only one class for the current semester and the faculty members who teach two to four classes for the same semester, we will find that there are equal numbers of faculty members for each group. • Number of Students in One Class Besides the number of classes that the participants were teaching while we conducted an interview with them, we are also interested in the number of students in each class. The average number of students in one class is 66. The smallest class has 9 students, while the biggest has 231. The total number of classes that the ten participants were teaching is 19. From these 19 classes, we are able to group them into three different class sizes. We used a cut 11 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 off at 20 students or under for the small class. We determined 21-89 students for the medium-size class and 90 or more students for the large-size class. This is because we have classes that contain 9, 9, 15, and 16 students, and jump to 22, 23, 30, 35, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 50, and again jump to 90, 93, 110, 200, and 231 students. As a result, there are four small classes, nine medium-size classes, and five large-size classes. • First Hear There are three adoption modes of the early alert system. Four participants claimed that they first heard about the system from the Provost’s campus wide e-mail. Five participants first heard the early alert system from a meeting, conference, or presentation on campus. Only one participant stated that she first heard the system from her colleague. • Influencer Based on the data, we observe the influencer in terms of the number of influencers that an adopter adopted the system from and the authority ranking of the influencer compared to the adopter. As for the number of influencers, we can divide the participants into two groups: the participants who have only one influencer and the participants who have more than one influencer. Six out of ten have only one influencer, whereas three have two influencers. The last participant can not determine her influencer. The below table, in addition, represents the influencers in terms of their authority ranking compared to the adopter. Provost and Department Chair are accounted of the influencers with higher authority than the adopter. It appears that there are six counts for this category. Director of Teaching and Learning Center and the presenter in a presentation, meeting, or conference are counted as Senior Administrators on campus. 12 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 These Senior Administrators have different authority from the adopter. In other words, they are not direct supervisors of the adopter. There are four counts for the second category. The last group of influencers is colleague who has the same authority as the adopter. They appear only two counts. As a result, influencers from higher authority are the champion influencer of the early alert system to the surveyed faculty members. Provost: 3 Department Chair (Direct Supervisor): 3 Senior Administrator from Different Department: 4 Colleague: 2 Higher Authority: 6 (Champion Influencer) Different Authority: 4 Same Authority: 2 Table 4: Authority of Influencers Compared to Adopters • Adopted Action Participants had learned the success story and objectives of the early alert system before they decided to adopt it. Some of them claimed that they heard the successful results of the pilot system in the previous semester before starting to use the system. “It demonstrated some successes from the initial semester that it was used at the College of Nursing”. “That was an e-mail from some times ago and said something that the system was design to improve students’ success and to help the student retention, and quoted some statistics I think from preliminary test program and said something like 28 percent of people that had excuses or dropped courses and managed to be salvages so they did not leave the university”. Many influencers asserted to the adopters that the system can help the students who have potential failure in class. “The discussion was involved around the issue of retention here in UM at St. Louis. The fact is that students who do not do well in class are far more likely to return. It is certainly a critical issue of the university”. “They just said it was a new system. They were very concerned about the student retention of the university and wanted to increase or enhance the students’ performance in classes and showed us a demonstration of how it worked online and showed how to get in with, explained basically how it would work”. 13 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “Just said it’s a method to help students stay on track or get on track when they are kind of losing it”. “She, I think, faxed me or something like that and mentioned there is a new way to send out alerts to the students that are potentially gonna fail your class or there is a problem in communicating with them just like a paper tracks a record. And, so then I started using it”. Based on the adopted action data, we can divide the adoption mode into two categories: face-to-face and non-face-to-face modes. However, keep in mind that one participant may adopt the system from more than one influencer. Thus, numbers in the below table are amounts of communication mode in each group. Meeting, conference, presentation, and conversation are accounted of the face-to-face communication, while email and fax are determined as the non-face-to-face communication. The below table demonstrates that participants adopted the early alert system from both mediums: six counts for face-to-face mode and four counts for non-face-to-face mode. There is only one participant who cannot determine the influencer and the adopted action. Meeting/Conference/Presentation: 5 Face-to-Face: 6 Conversation: 1 E-Mail: 3 Not Face-to-Face: 4 Fax: 1 Table 5: Adoption Modes • Other Sources There are three participants relying on information from other sources to learn more about the early alert system before their adoption. The first participant admitted that she first heard the early alert system from a campus wide e-mail sent by Provost. However, she stated that nobody really influenced her to adopt the system. Instead, she learned the system by herself from the Provost’s e-mail. Almost the end of the interview, however, she admitted that her influencer to the system was one of her colleagues. Therefore, even though she first heard and learn how to use the system from the Provost’s 14 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 e-mail, we decided to put e-mail as the other source of information for this participant because she claimed that her colleague was her main influencer. “Either Dean or somebody sent out a faculty wide e-mail regarding the early alert system. That was how I knew about it”. “Um…who influenced me? Really, I mean nobody”. “You know Dr. Paul, one of my friends, down the hall. She mentioned about the early alert system. She actually influenced me to kind of do it too”. The second participant first heard about the early alert system from a new faculty orientation and also paid attention to a campus wide e-mail regarding to the system. “All new faculty members are required to attend a faculty orientation at the beginning of the semester. And during our training, they introduced us to the early alert system and encouraged that we should try to use it”. “I have been sent a couple of e-mails early on this semester. One by Peggy Cohen and one by somebody else probably. I think I got more than one e-mail. Again, it was a kind of announcing that they gave us a wrong Web address for it”. The last participant also heard about the early alert system from the new faculty orientation. Apart from the orientation, she did search more information regarding to the system from MyGateway. “I did do searching online, you know, MyGateway and the faculty piece of that to look”. However, the rest of seven participants claimed that they did not rely on information from other sources to learn more about the early alert system. • Source Dominance Based on the above three participants who relied on more than one source for the early alert system information before their adoption. Two participants affirmed that people played more important role than the information they gathered by themselves in order to adopt the system, while the other participant had an opposite opinion. As you can see from the below message, he stated that for him information played more important 15 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 role than people in order to adopt the system. However, this particular participant also admitted that presenters in the orientation in fact encouraged him to use the system. Thus, his answer implied that both people and the information given by such people influenced him to adopt the system. “It would be the information that I was given in the orientation and the suggestion that they (presenters) had that we try to use it. They really encouraged us to use it”. • First Adoption Period Nine participants adopted the early alert system for the first time at the current semester most likely after the first exam. Only one participant used the pilot system in an earlier semester. “The first time I use the early alert system was…um…I am trying to think if I used it last spring…but I know I used it last summer for sure. I might not use it last spring”. • Adoption Reason Participants named a variety of reasons to adopt the early alert system. Some participants gave more than one reason to adopt the system. Four participants believed the system might be useful for the students. “I think the students appreciate that we notice that they are not doing well. And I think I have noticed that once I put them on alert, they start coming class again. They are coming up to see me”. “One (reason) was because it might be useful to the student. That might help them get their works in order in time to improve by the end of the semester”. “And a part of an aware of the student retention is the problem here in the university”. “I was happy to try it to have some helps to rescue some students that are doing very badly”. Two participants said the system was good for large-size classes. 16 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “I have a big lecture room. I have a hundred fifty students in my auditorium. So, now we have a structure to let them know that they are not coming or they are not performing well, that I care. I want to know who they are when they come up to see me. I think it is very important for the students”. “You know, I teach large classes and there are always lot students that seem to get lost. By the way, there is a site, so may be it is something that I can try… I used it in one of smaller classes that I also teach and those classes are far more likely that I can have contact with the students. And for larger classes that I teach, sometimes I only know the student names. That is about it”. Another two participants admitted that they used the system because they had a lot of failed students in their classes. “You know forty-one people failed my first midterm, out of about 200. That’s high. So, immediately when I saw that a lot of people have failed. I said you know, we have to do something to help these people. And though I was not exactly sure about what the early alert system is gonna do. But I thought at least it worth a try”. “I have some students who did not pass the test and they needed help”. Three participants admitted that the system was paperless or had less processing time. “It does not take a lot of time to do it”. “Because it is more efficient than what we did before. What we did before requires a lot of paperwork, and spend time filling out, it really did not do any good”. “Because it is fast. And I do not have to look for the paper form to fill out. To send to the students, I just get online and pull it out and attach to our department gateway page, I think, for faculty, to pull up the link and then get in to my classes and fill out the report and get sent to Jen and she can handle it from there. That pulls off less works for me compared to the past”. And the rest of reasons that the participants adopted the early alert system are the department chair’s encouragement, faculty’s duty, system availability, and student’s ignorance. “And the other reason was because my Chair asked us to. So, you know, you do it”. 17 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “Well, partly because we were encouraged to do so as a faculty”. “First, it was made available”. “Well, I contacted the students myself. I talked to the mass of class, concerning about their attendance, not turning things in, and actually one of them that I submitted was not attending class at all, and so I had emailed them, but I have not got any response, so I’ve tried to using that system”. • Satisfaction Level In this study, there are five satisfaction levels for the system. On a scale of one to five, one represents no satisfaction and five represents complete satisfaction. The average satisfaction level of the early alert system is 3.72, which is above average. One participant rated it one. None rated it two. Two participants rated it three. Up to four participants rated it four, with which one of them said four or five. So, we rated it 4.5. And two rated it with full scores of five. There is one participant said that he could not judge it now. Based on this rating, the satisfaction level is divided into two categories: low satisfaction level which is the scale of one to three and high satisfaction level which is four to five. There are three participants belonged to the low satisfaction level group and six participants in the high satisfaction level group. • Preference Participants elaborated reasons in both directions of why they like or dislike the early alert system. They liked the system because they appreciated hard working of staff at the Center for Student Success. The system was easy to use. They were glad to have someone helping the students. They liked to receive feedbacks from their referrals. Finally, they liked to keep records of communication for the future reference. 18 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “I was pleased with the partners that are working in the system, you know, sent out an e-mail to the student. I am happy with that. The system is easy to use. The interface on the Web is easy to use. It runs efficiently, I guess, in the follow-up e-mails from people that are working in the system”. “I think it’s a great idea can help somebody makes an effort to find out what’s going on to the students, and helped them solve the issues…I think that opportunity for them to attend the classes… is time management is probably one of the main problems with students who are not attending or not getting things done, and I think having those opportunities to help class to solve problem is something that I can’t offer. So something like that is the Early Alert can offer but I can’t”. “And I especially like the feedback that I get from the counselors. Like I submitted an early alert for a student and I get three days later an e-mail back from a counselor, saying I have contacted the student or I am not able to contact the student. They have details of the student”. “I like that now we can get in and see if the students have been contacted by anybody, if the students have calls and made appointments. To find out what the followup is, I can just look into it. And I like that I have a record of our communication to the students. You know, if there is an issue, if I have any kind of issues, I fill out on the early alert for the students that I have a record of it. It just makes my life a lot easier once the students want to appeal grades or, you know, whatever”. “The piece that the way they do the follow-up for me was helpful to see which students lost, which was not”. In the meantime, participants stated many reasons why they disliked the system. For example, they did not like to receive too many e-mails notifying every single step of communications between staff at the Center for Student Success and the student. They had a concern on the students’ ignorance. They were not sure that the end result of the system would be successful. They claimed that the school still did not have enough resources to help the student. They experienced a miscommunication at the early stage while they used the system. Finally, they had a concern on the student privacy issue. “The only thing irritating me is all the email… I don’t have time to read all of the e-mails. But that is a nice thing. I click the e-mail notification when I thought it was just notify student via e-mail. I did not realize that system letting me know every single step along the way. So, that’s the only thing”. 19 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “It’s not about the early alert people, cuz I think they really done well, you know, the people over there, students success center. But the students don’t respond well, they are sending them emails and calling them, and the students, some of them, just not respond it”. “I have not really seen any significant result, although it is probably too early to tell. I do know that a few students that I referred take active participation in the process. So, that is good but, on the other hand, what I know is the report that I get back from the system is that it does not seem to be a lot of follow-up. Like if the student does not return the email, then it seems that things get stopped. I am not saying that is the fault of the system but it is just one of the problems”. “When I triggered the system, they had, they sent me an e-mail back, I guess, the student does not going. This was two months ago. The thing that happened last two months. They sent me an e-mail that the student should contact them. In my opinion, they are going to contact the student. That e-mail got me confused. In the long run, they did contact the student. So, that first e-mail was a little misleading. That was what I dislike about it. And we will see at the end of the semester how much it really helps”. “To my knowledge, it does not do anything. I do not believe there is any significant amount of resources over there actually helping the students… So far I do not like anything about it. The thing that I dislike, I guess, mainly is the lack of resources. And there is also a real problem with the message sent to the students, which is that this is really high school and I am not responsible for anything”. “I am not sure it is very effective and gets the student to do anything. I had, may be, nine or ten students that I asked, you know, kind of get notification about. And only one of those came to my office and talked with me. And I have another one, you know, talked with me for a couple of minutes after class. And the other of them, I never heard from. So, the student’s responsiveness is an issue and I am not sure how they can address that issue. My another concern about it is that I am not sure how well it used to as a privacy lost regarding the student grade exposure because university is not supposed to expose the student grade to anybody but student without any consent permission. Basically, the system alerts other party about the student grade. And I do not know they thought about that or aware of that. May be Peggy thought about it and cover legally because she said it is in one of the university programs. That may be something that would be a problem”. • Difficulty None of participants experienced any difficulty while they used the early alert system. Many of them admitted that the system is very easy to use. “No, it’s really easy”. 20 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “No. I think it’s very easy to use”. “No. It is actually a lot easier to use than what I anticipated”. “No. The computer aspect of it is fine”. “There is no difficulty on that”. “No, it was very easy to manage”. “No, I haven’t. It is really straight forward, really easy”. • Function Utility As mentioned earlier at the beginning of this paper regarding the system functionality, a faculty member can perform four different functionalities on the early alert system, which are checking the warning sign checkboxes, checking the notification checkbox, writing comments in the comment box, and viewing the referral report to discover the referral progress and result. The answers from every participant tell us that - Every participant checks the warning sign checkboxes. - Eight participants check the e-mail notification checkbox. - Seven participants write comments in the comment box. - Five participants view the referral report. Interestingly, two out of ten participants do not know the existence of the referral report. Based on the above findings, we can categorize participants in terms of function awareness and function utilization. The function awareness can be divided into two groups. - Complete function awareness: There are eight participants who have complete function awareness of all four function existence on the system. 21 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods - Fall 2006 Not-Complete Function Awareness: There are two participants who do not know all four function existence on the system. The function utilization refers to the degree of function numbers used by a participant. There are three groups of the function utilization. - Complete function utilization means the participant who uses all four functions in the system. There appears to be two participants who have complete function utilization. - High partial function utilization means the participant who uses three out of four functions in the system. There are up to six participants belonged to this group. - Low partial function utilization means the participant who uses less than or equal to two functions in the system. There are two participants in this group. • Frequency There are eight participants who admitted that they used the early alert system to all students who had potential failure in class. The other two participants said it depended on their judgment of whom they should put into the system. “Well, see that, a matter of judgment. I turned over the name of anybody who got an F, or who has missed a lot of classes. For those people who got a D, I didn’t turn them over. Because I thought, well, that’s kind of marginal, they were not really failing, I wasn’t sure they were one of the figures people who got a D or not. If I go to the workshop, I think I need to ask that”. “Well, not exactly. I made a kind of arbitrary dividing moment, based on the grade of the first test and those that I felt really had done very poorly and I had to do something or else they are not gonna survive in the course”. 22 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods • Fall 2006 Diffusion to Others and Diffused Person As shown below, three out of ten participants diffused the early alert system to their colleagues by face-to-face conversation. The rest of them did not influence anybody to adopt the system. “Actually I talked to couple of people. I talked to Peggy and she had turned over a smaller too. And I did talk to Steve Belly do you know him? So yeah, I talked to people (other professors) about it, afterwards”. “Not formally. Informally, in conversation with colleague, like the lady who is teaching Spanish, Diane. Her office is across from me. We talked about it. They don’t have as much as experience with technology, so I can show them on how to do it. And they are using it now. And they do not have problem”. “I encourage other people to use it like my (department) faculty members when they have an issue with one of their students…Because I am a course coordinator, so I have some (department) faculties that are out on site. So, when they have issues with the students, I encourage them to fill out the early alert or to let me know and I can fill out the early alert so that I have a record of what the issue is and the student has been notified and an appropriate action have been taken to record the situation”. • Diffusion Plan From the above mentioned seven participants who did not diffuse the early alert system to others, only one participant seems to be proactive to approach others in the system diffusion. “Yeah, I will talk with people about it. I do not know if people use it or not but I will ask. I want to find out how effective other faculties think it is. So, I probably talk with someone about that”. Another four participants are inactive to influence people to adopt the system. All these four participants stated if someone asked questions, they would recommend the early alert system to that person. “Um…all of us, instructors, we work on our own. You know what I mean? So, I do not know what other people do, but whenever we kind of commiserate about the students who is doing so poorly, oh…you should put them on the early alert. Yeah, and that’s pretty much how I influence it”. 23 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “I guess I cannot say that I have any plan to do that, although I certainly share my experiences and feel very positive to the outcomes that seem to be developing. I do not think that I will just go up to another faculty member and say hey you use the system”. “If the professors tell me that they are having troubles with students that I would ask them if they had put them on the early alert system”. “If one came up, I probably would”. The rest of two professors claimed that they would not diffuse the early alert system to anybody with the following reasons. “I will not influence someone to use or not use it at this point because I do not feel that I have enough information”. “Not that I know. Everybody has the same opportunity that I have. They all got the same e-mail. If they decided they do not want to use it, nothing I can say to let them use it. Actually, I have not discussed about it with anybody, maybe I should have done that but I have not done that. I have not discussed about it with any of my colleagues”. • Diffused Action From the above three participants who admitted that they already diffused the early alert system to others and five participants who stated that they would diffuse the system, they elaborated a variety of their diffusion reasons. For example, many of them believed the system was a helpful tool to help the students who performed poorly, especially in large classes. Some of them demonstrated how to use the system to their colleagues. “If students are not doing well, I think it is much helpful in a large lecture class. Because in a small class, you might not need it. You can talk to them in small classes. But in such a larger class, it’s quick and easy way to let everybody who didn’t perform well on the exam, who aren’t coming that you are noticing. Also, for the instructor who does not interact with the students, it is helpful”. “I just told them they can turn people over, and they were a lot of actions going on, really, they got ride on it, I was impressed”. 24 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “But if we have a conversation that is talking about a student who is having problem, I will not hesitate to mention that the system is available and potentially useful”. “Well, I will mention that I have been using it and kind of describe the experience in terms of the responses that I got from the system or program and also, you know, my responses from students that I brought them in the system. And I will probably ask them about their experiences, especially the student responses in an effective way to deal with the students who potentially have some difficulties”. “It’s a certainly available option to help students who are not being successful in class”. “It was not very technical like I am able to play computer”. “I just directed them towards the link and briefly described what I would say in the comment section and what they need to do in order to use it”. However, one participant seemed not to clearly understand how the system worked. She believed the early alert system could be used by the students, which is incorrect. The professor in fact is the one who interacts with the system by referring a student to the Center for Student Success. Then, staff from the Center for Student Success will contact and work with the student to solve the referred issue. Basically, the student does not directly interact with the system per se. “I do not believe that some of my students have utilized it and helped through it”. • Help Action Aside from the verbal diffusion of the eight participants who diffused or tend to diffuse the early alert system to others, four of them admitted that they directed or would direct people to MyGateway site where the link to the early alert system existed at. Some of these four participants also demonstrated others how to use the system. “Just tell them to use it. If they have questions, I’ll tell them to get into MyGateway”. 25 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “Just direct them to the site that is easy to find. It’s pretty self-explanatory, very easy to use”. “And say it is on MyGateway site. You log it through here and you do this and you do and then they come and say they are using it”. “I just directed them towards the link and briefly described what I would say in the comment section and what they need to do in order to use it”. • Comment At the end of the interview, many participants shared several useful concerns, comments, and suggestions regarding to the early alert system. The participants expressed both negative and positive thoughts. For example, a participant was skeptical on the end results of the early alert system. “I’m interested to know about the turn-around rate once the students get the advising coordinator. It would be interesting to see how many students actually go and see that person. By doing that, I don’t know how that person actually does. Does that person just yell hey are you attending class? What does that person actually do? A lot of those people on the alert just come to see me, which is great. I don’t know, contact advisor, coordinator, or advisor, I kinda need to know what they are saying to these students. Is it more than just are you attending? Or are you going to class? Or actually giving advice for my class? That’s all I wanna know”. In addition, a participant concerned on the student ignorance by the referral or the student may miss the notification. With this problem, nothing could help the student become successful in class. “I was trying to think of some ways that it could be more useful but I think it is still a basic problem of communication. On one level, we are compounding the problem because you are bringing in another node to communicate between the faculty member and the student. But I guess, on the other hand, the reality is it is not bad in many situations. That might be necessary to kinda wake the students up. The biggest problem that I see is that the students do not check their e-mail”. Moreover, a participant believed the school did not have enough counselors or tutors to help the student individually. 26 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “The main thing I like to say is give us some counselors, give use some tutors. You know, I thought it would happen after I refer a student. Someone who sits down with the student and says do you have a place to study, do you have sufficient life”. Another participant concerned on the current system unfamiliarity. However, he believed if the students became more familiar with the early alert system, the system may be useful in the future. His explanation implied that the students are still unfamiliar with the current system; however, he believed the system may be more helpful in the future. “I think if the students become more familiar with it and more used to having teachers use it in classes in regular basis, it will be a good system and helpful”. A participant, additionally, put his concern on the system resistance at the early age of the system usage. However, he still believed that the early alert system may be more popular in a long run if the system could be proved useful for faculty members and students. “I was around when the gateway was first arrived. There was a lot of resistance in using it. You have to learn new thing. You have to login. Your format has to fit in. Every professor has different ways. I was reluctant also but I got into it, I think, in one year. I start using it. And I began rapidly using that. So, yeah, everything like that gonna have some kind of resistance. Now the gateway is on us completely, especially a large course. Yeah, that is gateway. I do not know. It is probably not your topic”. In the meantime, many participants expressed their positive impression on the early alert system. One participant liked the idea of having tutors to assist the students. “I actually talked to some guy ever there, I forgot his name already, some guy in the students’ success workshop, cuz he left me a phone message. I guess maybe I turned over more people, you know, a lot of people actually I don’t know, anyway he called me. And I talked to him about it. He told me that they were doing, they were suggesting tutors for people, and they were inviting them to give study skills workshop and time management workshop. I think that’s great. A lot of them are because of time management I think”. Some participants liked the system in terms of tracking results and all communication records among faculty members, administrative staff, and students. “The early alert system is tracking the results, the final results. You know that they can find everything that what happened to each student”. 27 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 “I give a lot of information in my narrative to back up my documentation. So, if there is an issue going on, I can just, you know, they were told. And then also, the students know exactly what the problem is, so they can seek help to clarify the situation because sometimes it is not there when it really is”. There was one participant who did not have any thought to share with us. Also, a recommendation from another participant to alert the students for all academic deadlines such as the last day to register or withdraw classes seems not to be able to become practical in the future update of the early alert system because the students are not the system users. Only faculty members and staff who are in charge on the early alert system can log into the system to perform tasks. The deadlines are meaningless for these users. “Maybe they could find a way to alert all students of the deadline, like dropping a class without a grade or excuse”. 5.2.2 Cross Data Analysis The cross data analysis in this study both creates and does not create patterns to prove our assumptions. We are presenting what we found as follows. • The authority of influencers does not determine the adopter’s satisfaction level. Below table demonstrates no pattern between authority of influencers and the adopter’s satisfaction level. The column differentiates higher, different, and same authority of influencers, while the row defines high and low satisfaction level of the adopter. Keep in mind that one adopter may have more than one influencer, mentioned earlier in the descriptive data analysis section. Therefore, the number in the below table determines the influencer quantity across authority and satisfaction level. There is no pattern found from this table. 28 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Satisfaction/Authority of Influencer High Low Fall 2006 Higher 3 2 Different 2 2 Same 2 Table 6: Authority of Influencers and Satisfaction Level of Adopters Pattern • The adoption mode determines the satisfaction level. The following table tells us that the non face-to-face adoption mode can determine the high satisfaction level. In contrast, based on the analyzed data, we may be able to assume that the face-to-face adoption mode determines low satisfaction level. However, due to limited numbers of subjects, this data should be interpreted with caution. The difference between high and low satisfaction level for the face-to-face adoption mode is only two counts. Further investigation is needed in order to confirm the findings. Again, keep in mind that one adopter may have more than one adoption action such as through colleagues, Provost’s e-mail, or presentations. Thus, the number in each cell represents the amount of adoption interaction across satisfaction level and adoption mode. Satisfaction/Adoption Mode High Low Face-to-Face 2 4 Non Face-to-Face 3 Table 7: Adoption Mode and Satisfaction Level Pattern Our interpretation to find out why non face-to-face adoption mode results in high satisfaction level might be because our participants who have some degree of computer or technology competence are open to adopt some other innovations such as the early alert system. Contrarily, the participants who adopt an innovation through traditional face-to-face mode may tend to decline a new system adoption due to their lack of technology ability. This may answer the reason why the above data look like what we have. However, further investigation is needed to prove our assumption. Below is a quote of a participant who adopted the early alert system though a Provost’s e-mail and seemed to positively accept the early alert system even though he 29 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 stated during the interview that he could not rate a satisfaction level. Such participant admitted that he was reluctant when he first started using a previous technology called MyGateway but he had been using it. For him, the early alert system may be in the same situation as MyGateway early on. This case shows that a participant with some degree of technology competence is easy to adopt a newer innovation. “I was around when the gateway was first arrived. There was a lot of resistance in using it. You have to learn new thing. You have to login. Your format has to fit in. Every professor has different ways. I was reluctant also but I got into it, I think, in one year. I start using it. And I began rapidly using that. So, yeah, everything like that gonna have some kind of resistance. Now the gateway is on us completely, especially a large course. Yeah, that is gateway. I do not know. It is probably not your topic”. • System ease of use determines the satisfaction level. The below table shows a pattern between the system ease of use and satisfaction level. However, there is no pattern found in this table to conclude that the system difficulty of use determines the low satisfaction level because we have no data to make this assumption. We only can see that if a participant has an easy-to-use system, his or her satisfaction level tends to be high. Satisfaction/Ease of Use High Low Yes 6 3 No Table 8: Ease of Use and Satisfaction Level Pattern • Function utilization does not determine the satisfaction level. The analyzed data below does not show any pattern across function utilization and satisfaction level. We used to believe that the participants who have high partial to complete function utilization tend to have high satisfaction level. Meanwhile, the participants who have low partial function utilization tend to have low satisfaction level. These assumptions seem to be incorrect based on the gathered data from the current study. The column tells the different levels of function utilization, and the row represents 30 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 the different levels of satisfaction. We found no pattern to conclude that the function utilization can determine satisfaction level. Satisfaction/Function Utilization High Low Complete 1 1 High Partial 3 2 Low Partial 2 Table 9: Function Utilization and Satisfaction Level Pattern We might be able to explain this situation from our interview conversation. One participant, who rated high satisfaction for the early alert system, admitted that one irritating function is the e-mail notification. She stated that she should check off the email notification box to reduce her e-mail reception generated by the system because of her tremendous numbers of her student referrals. To avoid her problem, she should instead use the report review function when she wanted to know the referral progress for her students. This can imply that the number of functions used does not have any relationship with the satisfaction level. Instead, awareness of function suitability may better determine the satisfaction level. That means, if the participant knows how and when to use a function appropriately, his or her satisfaction level should be higher than a participant who does not clearly understand how or when to use it. “The only thing irritating me is all the email… I don’t have time to read all of the e-mails. But that is a nice thing. I click the e-mail notification when I thought it was just notify student via e-mail. I did not realize that system letting me know every single step along the way. So, that’s the only thing”. Another example from a different participant who did not have complete function utilization but had the highest satisfaction level seemed to gain a full knowledge on how to utilize the system to enhance her job and to meet her maximum satisfaction level. She was aware that she might receive tremendous numbers of e-mails by making a lot referrals and checking the e-mail notification checkbox. Consequently, she used the report review function to find out what was going on to her referrals. The finding from 31 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 this participant confirms our assumption that the awareness of function suitability better determines the satisfaction level rather than the number of function utilization. “The e-mail notification…yeah…er….no, I don’t. I do not get the e-mail notification system because I fill with e-mails everyday. So, I don’t do that. What I do is I go in the system and look and find out that things are going”. • Class size does not determine the satisfaction level. We believed that the participants who taught large or medium lecture classes tended to satisfactory adopt the early alert system rather than the participants who taught small classes. Based on the analyzed data in the below table, on the other hand, we found no pattern to confirm our assumption. The amounts in the below table is the number of classes across different class sizes and satisfaction levels. Again, the numbers of results we have here are too small to prove the hypothesis. Further investigation is needed. We still cannot reject the assumption that class size might have some patterns with the adoption of the early alert system, though it does not show any pattern across class size and the satisfaction level. However, we can not find any proof from our current data, since all participants in this study are adopters of the early alert system. In order to find a relationship between class size and the adoption action, we need to gather data from non adopters as well as adopters of the early alert system. Satisfaction/Class Size High Low Small 3 1 Medium 4 5 Large 3 2 Table 10: Class Size and Satisfaction Level of Adopters Pattern • Diffusion action or diffusion plan determines the satisfaction level. The below table shows that diffusion action or diffusion plan of participants can determine the satisfaction level. The column determines if the participant diffused or tends to diffuse the system to other or not, while the row shows the different satisfaction 32 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 levels. Below data tell us that the participant who diffused or tends to diffuse the early alert system have high satisfaction. However, due to a low number of subjects who refused the system diffusion, we can not determine that the participants who did not and do not plan to influence anybody else to adopt the early alert system have the low satisfaction level. What we found here confirms our original assumption on the relationship between the diffusion action or diffusion plan and satisfaction level. Satisfaction/Diffusion Action or Diffusion Plan High Low Yes 6 2 No 1 Table 11: Ease of Use and Satisfaction Level Pattern 6. Conclusion Even though the cross data analysis from above section does not represent many patterns as we expected, the descriptive data analysis at least answers our research questions. From our analyzed data, we found that the faculty members adopted the early alert system mostly from the influencers who have higher authority than them, for instance, Provost or Department Chair. In many cases, the faculty members adopted the system from more than one influencer. The faculty members adopted the early alert system from both face-to-face and non face-to-face communication modes. Interestingly, we learn that the faculty members satisfactory adopted the early alert system through non face-to-face communication modes such as e-mail or fax, but tended to unsatisfactory adopt the system through face-to-face modes such as meeting, conference, presentation or direct conversation. However, their overall satisfaction level of the system is above average. The faculty members named a variety of reasons why they liked or disliked the system. Most of them adopted the system with a concern on the students’ academic success and failure. 33 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 In addition, we found that most faculty members diffused or tend to diffuse the early alert system to their colleagues by direct conversation and demonstration to MyGateway Website. They believed that the system was a helpful tool for the students who were performing poorly in class. In the meantime, some faculty members refused to diffuse the system to others because of a lack of enough information and a faith in individual preference. 7. Limitations The current research contains many limitations needed to mention. First, the study requires more subjects to strengthen the findings. To be optimum, every faculty member who adopted the early alert system should be interviewed. However, the cooperation from subjects is a primary concern. Moreover, the time limitation to conduct the study is another problem. Second, one more researchers should be involved in the research to strengthen the validity of the results. Although, one of our two researchers who is the developer of the early alert system can contribute many insights regarding to the system, there is a possibility that her ideas might dominate the research design and data analysis. Even though two researchers independently analyzed the data and could resolve disagreements, the third researcher should better help reduce bias and domination of thoughts. Third, pilot interviews should be conducted to improve or correct the interview questions in the interview guide before a real interview. To do so, the researchers can also have opportunities to practice the interview in order to be familiar with the interview process, interaction with the interviewee, and disruption during the interview. Due to the limited time of the current study and lack of interview experience by researchers, we had 34 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 to conduct one follow-up interview to ask more added questions and to confirm the previous answers. We believe the second interview can be waived if we had conducted a pilot interview. 8. Implications to Researchers and Practitioners There are several implications from the current study to both researchers and practitioners. For further investigation of the current study, researchers can utilize the analyzed data to conduct a questionnaire for the quantitative measurement to increase a volume of subjects and generalize the results. In addition, the current study could extend into an action research by taking an advantage that one of our researchers is the insider of the information technology department who develops the system. Additionally, if the study has to be conducted again, the computer literacy of each participant to mediate the relationship between adoption mode and satisfaction level is encouraged to add into the future study. With the computer literacy measurement, we may be able to tell if a participant with computer competence satisfactory adopts the early alert system through non face-to-face mode, or if a participant with minimal computer competence satisfactory adopts the system through face-to-face mode. The current study does not explain this issue. Practitioners can also learn from the findings of the current study in different ways. In terms of the adoption of the early alert system, we learn that the champion influencers are school administrative staff with high authority such as Provost or Department Chair. As a result, these people should further encourage the faculty members to continue or start using the system in the following academic years. The analyzed data also demonstrate that the faculty members adopted the early alert system 35 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 by both face-to-face and non face-to-face mediums. That means both communication methods are effective to influence the faculty members to adopt the early alert system. Regarding to the diffusion of the early alert system, the data tell practitioners that the faculty members diffused the system because they had perceived the success from the pilot system. Thus, influencers should emphasize the previous results and keep track on the current results for the next following years. Apart from the previous success of the pilot system, the faculty members saw the early alert system as a potentially useful tool for failing students. Therefore, the statistical results that can confirm that the system can in fact help failing students to maintain their classes should be mentioned to the faculty members. We also learn that the diffusion mode of the early alert system from a faculty member to others is face-to-face only. Consequently, the administrative staff, especially who have high authority, should open a discussion about the system among faculty members who experienced and have never used the system. The system demonstration through MyGateway is found to be another way to diffuse the system by faculty members. The influencers should discuss about this source as well. We believe that our implications can help improve the early alert system in next academic years and ultimately enhance teaching and learning of the faculty members and students at the University of Missouri at Saint Louis. 36 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 References Jeyaraj, Anand, The Effect of Influence Tactics and Contingency Factors on the Adoption and Diffusion of IS/IT Innovations in Social Networks, Dissertation Research. Denzin, Norman K., Lincoln, Yvonna S., “Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitative Research,” Handbook of Qualitative Research, CA: Sage, 1994. Lacity, Mary C., Janson, Marius A. “Understanding Qualitative Data: A Framework of Text Analysis Methods,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 11 (1994): 137155. Myers, Michael D., “Qualitative Research in Information Systems,” Internet. (1997) Available:, January 2007. 37 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Appendix A: Early Alert System Screen Shots for Faculty Members Picture 1: Login Screen Picture 2: Course List Screen 38 Fall 2006 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Picture 3: Student List Screen From the student list screen, the faculty member can perform the following functions: - Mark a checkbox(s) for a warning sign(s) such as failed quiz, failed exam, excessive absence, missing assignments, missing presentations, missing lab, and others - Mark a checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress - Add a comment in a comment or note box. Picture 4: Report Screen From the report screen, the faculty member can view the course report for the referral progress after a referral submission. 39 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Appendix B: Interview Guide Specify Goal of Research to Participant: We are Ph.D. students in the Philosophy of Science & Qualitative Research Methods class, taught by Dr. Mary C. Lacity from the department of Business Administration. As a class requirement, we need to implement a qualitative research project to gain experience in using the qualitative research methodology. The topic of our study is to learn influences that faculty members in the University of Missouri at Saint Louis adopt the early alert system. During the course of the interview, we will be asking you to explain your own perceptions and experiences regarding to the system. Explain Confidentiality Policy: We tape record the interviews for our own research purposes. Only professor and both of us review the transcripts. Your identity will be kept confidential. We do not identify you or your title on our research paper. Questions for the Interview: Before we start asking questions about the adoption and diffusion of the early alert system, let me ask some specific questions about yourself. Lead-in questions: 1. What is your official job title and your job description? 2. How long have you been working in this position? Influences to adopt questions: 3. How did you first hear about the early alert system? 4. Who influence you to adopt the system? [This question would be based on the answer number 3 by the interviewee.] 5. What did he/she/they say or do to influence you to adopt the system? [This question would be based on the answer number 4 by the interviewee.] 6. Did you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system? 7. If someone influence you to adopt the system and you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system, which one plays a more important role for you to adopt the system between the influence from other people or the information gained by yourself about the system? [This question would be based on the answer numbers 4 and 6 by the interviewee.] 8. Once you heard about the system, when did you first start adopting the system? 9. Why did you decide to adopt the system? 10. On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 represents no satisfaction and 5 represents complete satisfaction), what is your satisfaction level with the system? 11. What do you like or dislike about the system? [This question would be based on the answer number 9 by the interviewee.] 12. Have you experienced any difficulty while using the system? If so, how did you solve the problem? 13. Have you used the following functions in the system? 40 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 - Mark a checkbox(s) for a warning sign(s) such as failed quiz, failed exam, excessive absence, missing assignments, missing presentations, missing lab, and others - Mark a checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress - Add a comment in a comment box - View the referral report for the referral progress after a referral submission 14. Do you use the system for every student who has an academic potential failure? 15. How many classes are you teaching this semester? 16. How many students are there in your classes? Influence to diffuse questions: 17. Did you influence anyone to adopt the system? 18. If you did, who are the people you influenced to adopt the system? If you didn’t, do you plan to influence anyone to adopt the system? Why or why not? [This question would be based on the answer number 17 by the interviewee.] 19. If you did or plan to influence people to adopt the system, what did or will say or do to make them adopt the system? [This question would be based on the answer number 18 by the interviewee.] 20. If you did or plan to influence people to adopt the system, what did or will help them to use the system? [This question would be based on the answer number 18 by the interviewee.] End question: 21. Are there any other items related to the early alert system that you would like to add? Thank you very much for your time. We really appreciate your help. 41 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Appendix C: Interview Transcriptions Interview 1 on Monday October 2nd, 2006 at 12.00-12.30 PM Q: This interview is for our course Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods which is taught by Dr. Mary Lacity. As our course requirement, we need to implement a qualitative research project. For our study, we want to know about how the faculty members in UMSL adopt the early alert system. A: Oh, yeah…that’s right…the early alert system. Ok. Q: We want to ask your perceptions and experience about the system. A: Yeah, sure. Q: Can I ask you some questions specific about yourself? What is your official job title? A: Biology Lecturer and Lab Coordinator. I teach introductory biology majors and coordinate all the TAs. Q: Do you have a business card? A: No. Q: That’s fine. A: I just have a bunch of students. I don’t give my card. Q: How long have you been working in this position? A: Ten years. Q: Ten years…Now let me ask you some questions about the influence to adopt the early alert system. So, how did you first hear about the early alert system? A: Either Dean or somebody sent out an e-mail. So, that all I learned about it. Either Dean or somebody sent out a faculty wide e-mail regarding the early alert system. That was how I knew about it. And then, I went trough the steps on the computer and it was nice, especially for the large class. Q: We want to know who influenced you to use the early alert system. A: Um…who influenced me? Really, I mean nobody. I learn about the early alert system. I have a lot of student who did not do well on the first exam. I also teach a video course, which is basically independent study. Those students have to learn on their own what the course is about. And I just supervise and give the exam, and some of them did not do well. It is just a very nice and easy way to let them know that I notice that they are not doing well and they need to come to see me if they need any help. Q: So you gain the information about the early alert system by yourself? You adopted it rely on those information? A: Yeah, though email, really. Q: We want to know when did you start adopting the early alert system? A: Just this semester. I have no idea before this semester about it. So, yeah, just this semester. Just couple weeks ago. Q: So, when did you hear about it? A: It was early this semester. May be either late August or early September. Q: We want to know the satisfaction level, what is your satisfaction level on a scale of 1 to 5? One represents no satisfaction and five represents complete satisfaction. What is your satisfaction level? A: This is five. Or either 4 or 5. I think the students appreciate that we notice that they are not doing well. And I think I have noticed that once I put them on alert, they start coming class again. They are coming up to see me. I have a big lecture room. I have a hundred 42 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 fifty students in my auditorium. So, now we have a structure to let them know that they are not coming or they are not performing well, that I care. I want to know who they are when they come up to see me. I think it is very important for the students. Q: What do you like or dislike about the early alert system? A: The only thing irritating me is all the email. I just need to unclick it because you’re just telling me…I’ve given an advisor or coordinator whatever. That’s fine but I just…I don’t have time to read all of the e-mails. But that is a nice thing. I click the e-mail notification when I thought it was just notify student via e-mail. I did not realize that system letting me know every single step along the way. So, that’s the only thing. Q: Did you refer anybody else about the early alert system? A: I don’t think so. You know Dr. Paul, one of my friends, down the hall. She mentioned about the early alert system. She actually influenced me to kind of do it too. But for me, I don’t know if I will influence someone to use the early alert system. Q: Do you plan to introduce it to someone? A: Do I plan to? Um…all of us, instructors, we work on our own. You know what I mean? So, I do not know what other people do, but whenever we kind of commiserate about the students who is doing so poorly, oh…you should put them on the early alert. Yeah, and that’s pretty much how I influence it. Q: If you plan to influence somebody else, what are you going to tell them? A: Just simple what I said. If students are not doing well, I think it is much helpful in a large lecture class. Because in a small class, you might not need it. You can talk to them in small classes. But in such a larger class, it’s quick and easy way to let everybody who didn’t perform well on the exam, who aren’t coming that you are noticing. Also, for the instructor who does not interact with the students, it is helpful. Q: What are you going to do to help them use the system? A: Are you talking about me with the students or other instructors? Q: Other instructors A: Um…I mean that’s all I would do. Just tell them to use it. If they have questions, I’ll tell them to get into Mygateway. It is very easy to use. So easy. Q: Do you have any item relating to the system want to add or to make a comment? A: I’m interested to know about the turn-around rate once the students get the advising coordinator. It would be interesting to see how many students actually go and see that person. By doing that, I don’t know how that person actually does. Does that person just yell hey are you attending class? What does that person actually do? A lot of those people on the alert just come to see me, which is great. I don’t know, contact advisor, coordinator, or advisor, I kinda need to know what they are saying to these students. Is it more than just are you attending? Or are you going to class? Or actually giving advice for my class? That’s all I wanna know. Q: I think that is pretty much it. Thank you very much. A: You are welcome. You are welcome. No problem. Follow-Up Interview on Monday October 16th, 2006 at 12.00-12.30 PM Q: Thank you for meet us again. Last time we talked about who influence you and whether you relied on some information about the Early Alert System. What we want to know is which one played a more important role, the people who influenced you, or the information? 43 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: Probably the people, more than information, at first, I mean, because I knew without they I heard a lot of emails that were there, and I am so busy with my courses. I have overloaded this semester. That, I don’t have all the information in front of me. And if somebody, my friend just goes “Hey, you should put them on the Early Alert”, and I was like, “oh, yeah, that’s right! I forgot about that.” So, I think people would probably be more influential. With other people, you know. Q: How many classes do you teach this semester? A: Hmm, I was involved in… one, two, three, four different courses. And so I do lecture or the discussion sections, and lab supervisor for the introductory biology course. And then I supervised lab of the other entri-biology course, and I am the supervisor for the tele-course, for the non-majors. And I grade for the distance-learning course. Q: So did you use Early Alert System for every course? A: I did, yea. I did it for my video course, my non-major tele-course, and for my… ya…so any course that involved grading on my part I use the Early Alert System. Q: and I want to ask you about your experience about the following functions in the system. Do you use the check box(s) for warning sign(s)? A: Yes. Q: Do you use the check box(s) to receive a notified email for the referral progress? A: I did, I wish I didn’t, because I’m getting all these emails. Q: You can go back and … A: I know, I know. Because I have like two hundreds students, so I keep getting everything for everyone of those students when I checked on I am like oh god…so…. Q: and do you use the comment box to add a comment? A: I did for one student, so just occasionally. Q: Do you view the referral report for the referral progress after a referral submission? A: No, I mean my direct is the interactions to the students, I just care they are progressing well, I want them to know that I care, that I can see their progress, expects and some others. So I don’t want to say that I don’t care what other people do to help the students, I just have to be aware of how were the students performing in my class. You know, it’s great that other people are trying to help the students in a positive way, and so, I think if it can help the students to approach me and ask some questions about what they are not doing and what they need help on and then I think it’s great. But regarding the other stuff, I don’t really care how they are getting to me as long as they are getting to me. Q: So the time you used this system, have you experienced any difficulties? A: No, it’s really easy, ya. Q: Great! Do you use this system for every student who has a potential failure? A: Oh, every student who is not doing well, who preformed poorly on my exams, I have, every student I used it. That’s why I wish I didn’t check that box. Send me a lot of notification each time when you do something, oh my god…two hundred… Q: You can go back and uncheck it. A: ye, ye, next time I will. But I, you know, I think it’s great. I think they are honest. The students has come up to me and said hey I got the early alert notice. One student was crying, and she was really upset. She thought it might be the truth she was in trouble. And I said well you are troubles on the way that you are not doing very well, but come to see me if you have questions. That’s good. Q: I think we are done. Thank you very much! 44 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: You have to see a lot of people? Q: 10. We have 9 more people that need to interview. A: 9? Q: Yeah. Before Thanksgiving. A: This is for your Ph.D. Q: Yes. A: Oh, really? What is your dissertation on? Q: Adoption of the early alert system. A: Both of you? The same? Q: Yeah. A: I don’t know you can do that. Q: This is for seminar class. A: Oh, okay. I thought this is for your dissertation. Q: No, this is just a term project. A: What’s about your dissertation research? Q: It’s still long way to go. A: Oh, you’re not there yet. Q: This is my first year and this is her second year. A: No, not too long. I did it after I had my second baby. Those are all my babies (pointing to picture frames of her six boys). I have six boys. Q: Wow. Did you get pregnant while you’re doing your Ph.D.? A: I had one of my babies in January and I defended my dissertation in March. And I got a job offer here the same month. Just two months later. Q: All boys… A: All boys. Q: You kept having because you wanted a girl? A: No no…I like my boys. I like girl too but I mean I like what I got. Q: Thank you for your time. A: No problem. Good luck. Interview 2 on Thursday October 19th, 2006 at 3.00-3.30 PM Q: This interview is for our course Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods which is taught by Dr. Mary Lacity. As our course requirement, we need to implement a qualitative research project. For our study, we want to know about how the faculty members in UMSL adopt the early alert system. A: Oh, yeah…that’s right…the early alert system. Ok. Q: We want to ask your perceptions and experience about the system. A: Yeah, sure. Q: First I would like to ask you some specific questions about yourself? What is your official job title and your job description? A: Lecturer in finance. Yea, Lecturer is my official title. I teach four sections of the BA3500 every semester Q: How long have you been working in this position? A: Actually this is my fifth year doing a full time, I got 4 years as a part time, and I…so this is my fifth year for full time. Q: Thank you. Um…how did you first hear about the early alert system? 45 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: um… there was email from Glen Cope. She sent emails talking about it and getting seminars and I never actually made to the seminars or workshops, but I thought it was a really good idea. I read them. And I just thought it was a really good idea. I think the more you can do to help students, you know, catch the problem early on it can be. Q: So who influenced you to use the early alert system? A: Glen Cope. She is the Provost, ya. I remember when we discussed with, you know, like the coordinator, a coordinator next door, I just thought it was a really good idea. Q: Did you rely on some information about this early alert system when you adopted it? Any other resources? A: Any other resources? No just the email from Glen Cope. Q: ok…um…so when did you start using the early alert system? A: After the first midterm, this semester. Q: This semester? A: yeah. You know forty-one people failed my first midterm, out of about 200. That’s high. So I, immediately when I saw that a lot of people have failed. I said you know, we have to do something to help these people. And though I was not exactly sure about what the early alert system is gonna do. But I thought at least it worth a try. Q: That is the reason you adopt it? A: Yea, that’s the reason. I might have done this anyway, but it was just really high this year. I have as many as 38 failed my first mid-term, but most semesters it seriously like 20 out of 200, it used to be about 10%, but this semester it was high. So I started using it right away. Q: So, when did you hear about it? A: ya, I got the email during the summer, so I knew about it. I was on campus in summer. I knew about that and I sort of plan to go to one of the workshops, but I’ve never got around to it. And I knew I thought it was a good idea, but then when my first midterm came out, and I got more graded, that forty-one people have failed. I said …that’s too high. That’s what… a forty percent….oh, 20 percent. Q: So what is your satisfaction level of this system? On a scale of 1 to 5? One represents no satisfaction. Five represents complete satisfaction. A: um….I would like to say it about 4…and it’s not about the early alert people, cuz I think they really done well, you know, the people over there, students success center. But the students don’t respond well, they are sending them emails and calling them, and the students, some of them, just not respond it. And I started looking at just now I have midterm two, and 19 people got an F again. So about half of them, didn’t, I mean, I want them to do something different but they….. they failed again . ya, out of the 41failed the first time, 19 of them failed again. Q: and those people didn’t response? A: Well, I don’t know. Cuz I have just noticed a lot of emails and the students just ignore them at all. I don’t know who will be the correct one… Q: Have you experienced some difficulties when using this system? A: No. I think it’s very easy to use. I just had a little survey and picked … most of mine were from the first exam, I gave about three people who haven’t come to class, and they didn’t take the first exam. I have a make up date at the end of the semester for people who, you know, their jobs, ….. for coming, or their baby sit or the coverage sick or something, and I let them take a make up. About three people who did that for the first 46 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 exam, but they haven’t been answered so much. So I was worried about their passing. The survey was very easy to use. Q: What functions have you used in the system? We have like, mark a checkbox(s) for a warning sign(s) such as failed quiz, failed exam, excessive absence, missing assignments, missing presentations, missing lab, and others A: Yes, I marked the boxes of …. Exam failure or something like that …. Q: Do you mark a checkbox to receive a notified e-mail? A: um…you know, I must have, because I’ve been getting lots of emails, so yea, I guess I did. I’ve been getting a lot of feedback from them. Q: Did you add a comment in a comment box? A: No, I didn’t add any comment. Q: Did you view the referral report for the referral progress after a referral submission? A: Oh, no I didn’t do that. That’s a good idea. Q: So….you didn’t even realize that you can do that? A: I didn’t. I didn’t realize I can get a report. I kept record of mine, who I turned over and didn’t, I get a folder. Why? Because I think the students may come to me and ask, and know really have that I have a record anyway. Q: So do you use the system for every student who has a potential failure? A: Well, see that, a matter of judgment. I turned over the name of anybody who got an F, or who has missed a lot of classes. For those people who got a D, I didn’t turn them over. Because I thought, well, that’s kind of marginal, they were not really failing, I wasn’t sure they were one of the figures people who got a D or not. If I go to the workshop, I think I need to ask that. Q: Did you influence anybody else to adopt the early alert system? A: Actually I talked to couple of people. I talked to Peggy and she had turned over a smaller too. And I did talk to Steve Belly do you know him? So yea, I talked to people about it, afterwards. Q: So what did you say to those people you influenced? A: I just told them they can turn people over, and they were a lot of actions going on, really, they got ride on it, I was impressed. Q: So how many people do you have already talked to? Who are they? A: Oh, other professors Q: What did you do to help them using the system? A: Um…actually Peggy helped me, because she told me that we can just mark up. When I talked to her about it I said, well, I want to use the early alert system, and she told me we have to go to the website and whatever. And then she said who you turned over and I said 41 people failed in the exam so I started a little bit. And then Steve Belly started the conversation, he just came along when I was doing something and asked about it. So. Q: Are there any item about the system want to add? A: Um….I actually talked to some guy ever there, I forgot his name already, some guy in the students’ success workshop, cuz he left me a phone message. I guess maybe I turned over more people, you know, a lot of people actually I don’t know, anyway he called me. And I talked to him about it. He told me that they were doing, they were suggesting tutors for people, and they were inviting them to give study skills workshop and time management workshop. I think that’s great. A lot of them are because of time management I think. So I discuss with them different alternative and that is the thing I 47 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 discussed with people in the past also. But I just think it’s great to have a program. I guess that’ll really help, or really do. A lot of people, you know, the 41 students and the people who got Ds, they came to me, and said, you know, I need…well, I am quite encourage to do that, when I give the message I said, “if you need to see me, please come and talk to me?” Well, some people do and I am actually tutoring some people individually myself. I do as many as I can. You know, if they come to see me, I make time for them. Yea I think it’s a good program, but I think whatever they can do to assist us… I mean I have 200 students. Q: yea, it’s a lot. A: It is difficult, but I just gear up and they needed, if they make time for me, I make time fot them, it’s that way. A: good! Q: but usually, they don’t have time for me. [laughing] Because they have jobs, they have families…yea, so. Q: I think that is pretty much it. Thank you very much. A: all right. Ok. Just see how things go. Interview 3 on Tuesday October 24th, 2006 at 3.30-4.00 PM Q: We are Ph.D. students in the Philosophy of Science & Qualitative Research Methods class. A: Okay Q: The topic of our study is to learn influences that faculty members in the University of Missouri at Saint Louis adopt the early alert system. A: Okay Q: First, I want to ask some questions specific about yourself. What is your official job title and your job description? A: I am a senior lecturer in Sociology. My job description is basically teaching. Q: Thank you. And how long have you been working in this position? A: I have been here at the University of Missouri at St. Louis, technically, since 1990. But I have been full-time here since 1994. I have been teaching in Sociology since 1976. Q: For this school? A: No, not for this school, for different. I taught here in 89 or 90. Q: How did you first hear about the early alert system? A: Um…I guess …I think I heard about it first actually in the policy committee meeting in College of Arts and Sciences. I am trying to think who it was. I think it was Robert Harris from the Department of Psychology who was…. I think the university faculty sent a committee of the student retention came to do a presentation. That was the last year. Q: So if I ask you who influence you to adopt the system, you will say Robert Harris? A: Um…no one particular individual influenced me. It was couple sites in the college that the system was available. You know, I teach large classes and there are always lot students that seem to get lost. By the way, there is a site, so may be it is something that I can try. Q: When did you first adopt the system? A: Just this semester. I think this is the first semester that it is really available. I know they tested it at the College of Nursing. May be last year. So, the general faculty uses it this semester. I used it after the first round of my exam on my class. 48 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Q: Did you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system? A: No. I don’t think so. Outside the presentation that Rob Harris did, that is really all. I really knew about it. It demonstrated some successes from the initial semester that it was used at the College of Nursing. I cannot remember some other departments may be participated it. Seems like it is Social Work. There was a report that it was useful. Well, it encouraged me. Q: What did they say in the presentation to influence you to adopt the system? A: I cannot remember anything specific that he said. I know the discussion was involved around the issue of retention here in UM at St. Louis. The fact that students who do not do well in class are far more likely enough to return. It is certainly a critical issue of the university. And I am always supportive and encourage students to stay in school. It became another tool that I thought it may be useful, potentially useful. Q: The reason you decide to adopt the system because you teach large-size classes? A: Mainly, it is because of that. I used it in one of smaller classes that I also teach and those classes are far more likely that I can have contact with the students. And for larger classes that I teach, sometimes I only know the student names. That is about it. Q: How many students are there in your lecture? A: I have two classes. One is the Introduction to Sociology and the other is Alcohol Drugs and Society. And one of the Drugs has around 110 students and the intro class is about 140. And I also have…there is a kind of multiple sections. One of the sections that I teach is an Internet only course section and those are the students that they are off sometimes. More likely they have problems and others. And those are the students that I typically have left and do not know how to contact with. So, this is a kind of a nice system to bolster about. Q: What is your satisfaction level with the system, on a scale from 1 to 5? 1 represents no satisfaction and 5 represents complete satisfaction. A: I have to say at this point…may be just 3. I have not really seen any significant result, although it is probably too early to tell. I do know that a few students that I referred take active participation in the process. So, that is good but, on the other hand, what I know is the report that I get back from the system is that it does not seem to be a lot of follow-up. Like if the student does not return the email, then it seems that things get stopped. I am not saying that is the fault of the system but it is just one of the problems. Q: Have you experienced any difficulty while using the system? A: No. It is actually a lot easier to use than what I anticipated. I thought there is a lot processing that makes it difficult to navigate the students. But it is really simple. Q: Have you used the following functions in the system? Mark a checkbox(s) for a warning sign(s) such as failed quiz, failed exam, excessive absence, missing assignments, missing presentations, missing lab, and others A: Yes Q: Mark a checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress A: Yes Q: Add a comment in a comment box A: Yes Q: View the referral report for the referral progress after a referral submission A: Oh, yes. Go back to the report the check the results. Q: Do you use the system for every student who has an academic potential failure? 49 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: Yes, I did. For the students who failed the first exam or missed the first exam, sure I do. Whole bunch. Q: Did you influence anyone to adopt the system? A: I do not think I influence anyone. We did talk about it in one of the department meetings. That might go back to the early question. We do have a department chair encouraged us to use it. Q: Do you plan to influence anyone to adopt the system? A: Um…I guess I cannot say that I have any plan to do that, although I certainly share my experiences and feel very positive to the outcomes that seem to be developing. I do not think that I will just go up to another faculty member and say hey you use the system. But if we have a conversation that is talking about a student who is having problem, I will not hesitate to mention that the system is available and potentially useful. Overall, I am not overly satisfied but I am positive about it. Q: Are there any other items related to the early alert system that you would like to add? A: I guess not really. I was trying to think of some ways that it could be more useful but I think it is still a basic problem of communication. On one level, we are compounding the problem because you are bringing in another node to communicate between the faculty member and the student. But I guess, on the other hand, the reality is it is not bad in many situations. That might be necessary to kinda wake the students up. The biggest problem that I see is that the students do not check their e-mail. [laugh] Q: Or they check but they do not response. A: Yes. We do not know that they may check it all the time but do not response. Q: That is pretty much it. A: Okay Q: Thank you very much. Thank you. Interview 4 on Tuesday October 31st, 2006 at 12.45-1.15 PM Q: The research is about the early alert system adoption. Because you request for the interview guide before hand, we can pretty much go to the first question. A: Yeah. Are you Ph.D. students? Q: Yeah. A: Excellent. Q: This is for our seminar course to learn the qualitative research method. First, we would like to ask your official job title and your job description. A: I am an Associate Professor. And my job description is to teach, offer classes, do research, and provide university services. Q: You are a professor in History department, right? A: Yeah, but I am an Associate Professor. It is the different rank from Professor. Q: How long have you been in this position? A: About six years. Q: How did you first hear about the early alert system? A: I believe I first heard about it through the Center of Teaching and Learning that Peggy Cohen runs. Q: Is it a presentation or conference? 50 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: Yeah, they have regular conferences or speakers come in and I often go to those. And I believe that was I first heard about it. Or I might hear about it form the Student Success seminar. I think it was also talked about there. Q: So, if I ask who influence you to adopt the system, what will you say? A: Two influenced me. One was hearing about it, I think, through the Center for Teaching and Learning. One of those has been educated teachers over the Millennium center. And the second was the Chair of my department that brought it up during a department meeting and said that he would like us to use it at least for introductory courses. Q: Did you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system? A: I do not believe so. I do not know any other teachers right now who are using it. I mean I am sure some of teachers that I know are using it but I have not discussed it with any of them. Q: When did you first hear about it? And once you heard about it, when did you first start adopting it? A: I am not sure when I first hear about it. It may be last semester. I am not sure because they started talking about it for a while before they started doing it. And then the beginning of this semester, they just write you an e-mail, telling you about it. And I first use it right around the sixth week of classes because by that time I had graded for everybody. You know, I have something to look at. Q: Why did you decide to adopt the system? A: Two reasons. One was because it might be useful to the student. That might help them get their works in order in time to improve by the end of the semester. And the other reason was because my Chair asked us to. So, you know, you do it. Q: What is your satisfaction level with the system, on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 represents no satisfaction and 5 represents complete satisfaction)? A: Which is the lowest? Q: One represents no satisfaction. A: I guess I will say one now. And it may go up if I frequently use it by the end of the semester. I don’t feel like I have a settled opinion yet. But at this moment I would say one. Q: Because you have not seen the result? A: To my knowledge, it does not do anything. I do not believe there is any significant amount of resources over there actually helping the students. So, what happened is I write an e-mail, I make a note in the system about the problem that generates an e-mail to the students, notifying them that sometimes get the students to speak with me. When it actually reaches someone over there, what they do is they write to the student, encouraging the student to come to talk with me. And so, that is fine but I do that all semester long and I do not need to go that extra trouble, reporting to over there and having them come back with nothing happens in between. I thought they would help the student. You know, do something, encourage them for a study habit. Q: It looks like adding an extra step for you? A: Yeah, but for no reason. I mean I knew from the start that it is adding an extra step but I thought I would get something from it or my students would get something from it. Q: What do you like or dislike about the system? 51 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: So far I do not like anything about it. The thing that I dislike, I guess, mainly is the lack of resources. And there is also a real problem with the message sent to the students, which is that this is really high school and I am not responsible for anything. Because I have a student comes to me after he met with a counselor or got an e-mail back and fourth with the counselor occasionally in seventh or eighth week of class, saying they have not been studied or they have missed a lot of classes which I already knew because I am taking attendances, and so what should they do. If the students are working and they are having troubles, there are all kinds of things that you can do. May be they need more visual works. May be they need to do something practical. You know, because people learn in different ways. But if someone does not try to learn or not do any of the work, someone can give any reason like they can be sick, they have new job responsibilities. They are real reasons. But if they have not been trying, I do not know what to try next because all I can say is do the practice quizzes. People failing the quizzes do the practice quizzes. But they don’t do it. Q: In terms of application, you experienced any difficulty while using the system? A: No. The computer aspect of it is fine. Q: The system provides a lot functions. I just want to know if you have used the following functions in the system. A: What number are you on? Q: 13 A: Oh, yeah. Quiz…all those checkboxes. I did not mark the checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress. I did not do that. I have done the comment. I have viewed the referral report. And do you use the system for every student who has an academic potential failure…Um, it is yes and no. I hope that I have. Giving my grade is not set up to generate a midterm grade and the course grade. So, for example, in one of my courses, the final project is 45% of the grade. So, even the students are doing well on the early part of the course but they have not started on the project, then that midterm grade is really deceptive. How can I go from a B in the midterm to a D in the final? Well, it is because you did not do anything on the term paper. So, anyway, I have been trying to first use for the student, yeah. I first did in the introductory course as we have been asked. And then, you know I thought what the heck. I still have to do all of them. Q: So, did you use it for every course you are teaching? A: Yeah. For all my courses. Q: How many courses are you teaching this semester? A: 3 Q: How many students are there in your courses? A: My total number of students this semester is about 120. Q: In each course? A: No. I have about 50 students in one course. And then I have 35 each in two others. Q: Did you influence anyone to adopt the system? A: No. I did when I asked the professor next door to me if he was doing it. And he said oh I forgot. And he said he will gonna go to do it for his introductory class and I have not checked back with him. I mean, I did not influence but I were just curious to know if anyone else is using it. Q: What did you tell him to use it? 52 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: No. At that point, I was just using it and I did know what the result would be and he has been told to do it by the Chair. So, I know once he remembers, he will do it. Q: Do you plan to influence somebody to use it? A: I will not influence someone to use or not use it at this point because I do not feel that I have enough information. But if the information I have by far came out, I will use it because I have been committed to use it. You know, if the Chair says to use it, so I have to use it. I do not know if you will go for the university or will you go to become a professor. Two of you. Yes? Q: Hopefully. A: Yes? Professors have three jobs: teaching, research, and services. That is being committee, being part of parking problems, all those things. The only one for what you get paid is doing research. OK? Teaching is a punishment.…it is true. The reason I have so many students now is because my scholarly production is not what it should be. And that is true. I am not publishing as much as I should be. So, what happens when you do that is you have more teaching added on to punish you and get you trough doing your research. So, that is my goal in life is to get more on my research published. So, I can get my teaching load reduced. Then, I can do more research. I have no raise for six years. And I love my students. I am very involved with them and I care about them but I also have to think about my family and the way they calculate pension. And teaching is the dead end track. The more time you put in your teaching, the less time you do your research. Earlier in my career, I have less teaching assigned. And if I spend less time with the students and concentrate on my own projects, then I still have less teaching. This is what you have been told when you are hired and get reviewed. I am not saying oh this is unfair. This is the university that is trying to become tier three research institution. We are currently in tier four research institution. And so, they need to do things like setting up an early alert system. So, when the university gets evaluated, they can say oh we just start it. At least, we are trying it out. Noone is going to expect the result like it is in a place for only one year. When they come to evaluate next year, the administration can get a brownie point for having it in place. It is a lot of things like that going on campus right now. I am on several committees. The only purpose is to prove to the high education counsel that we are working on this problem. Sorry girls. I do not want to…It is an important career. You just have to know what kind of institution you are at. If you are placed in a community college, for example, evaluation is based on teaching. You published. Yeah, fine. Your payment is based on teaching. Q: How many publications do they expected? A: For historian, in terms of books, it is pretty light. For example, a published book is like about every four years and then a couple of articles in a year. That is because our articles or books tend to be long. Are you Psychologist? Q: No. Business. A: Business. I do not know what it is like in Business. You know, for example, in Economics, the papers are much shorter and they expect a lot more of them. I am not familiar enough with the Business. I like the Business school here a lot, though. They are doing a good job. Alright, I am the one who is talking too long. Q: Do you have any other items to add? A: No. I do not anything to add until I know more about the early alert system. The main thing I like to say is give us some counselors, give use some tutors. You know, I thought 53 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 it would happen after I refer a student. Someone who sits down with the student and says do you have a place to study, do you have sufficient life. You know, all of those that they should think. Q: Anything else do you want to add? A: I hope you will get an A on your paper. Q: Thank you. A: I want to be honest with you. And we will see. Q: Thank you. Interview 5 on Wednesday November 1st, 2006 at 1.30-2.00 PM Q: Our research topic is about the adoption of the early alert system. We are Ph.D. students from the Business Administration department. A: Okay Q: And this is for our seminar in Philosophy of Science & Qualitative Research Methods. A: Okay Q: We have to interview at least ten faculty members and you are the sixth. A: Alright [laugh] Sounds good. Q: So, first we would like to ask your official job title and job description. A: Um…okay. I am Assistant Professor in Anthropology. That is my official title. I am a new faculty member here. I am trained in Archeology and that is my specialty in the department. I am one of three Archeologists that we have here. Here I do my research in Mexico and I am teaching in Central America. And my job description, I guess, will include teaching a variety of undergraduate introductory classes mainly in introduction to Archeology classes, some method classes, and both regional and tropical classes to deal with Archeology and Anthropology in Latin America. I also, I guess, parts of my job description include grant gaining, obtain research funding, and publication writing, serving a committee. I do student advising. For all of our major, we have to do senior theses. I have to advise students. Q: This is your first semester? A: Yes, this is my first semester. Q: How did you first hear about the early alert system? A: All new faculty members are required to attend a faculty orientation at the beginning of the semester. And during our training, they introduced us to the early alert system and encouraged that we should try to use it. Q: Do you remember who influenced you to use the system? A: Peggy Cohen from… I can not remember… Q: The Teaching and Learning? A: Yeah, she was in charge in the teaching and learning orientation and I am not sure it was her or somebody else to actually introduce us the system. I believe it was her, though. Q: What did she say to influence you to use the system? A: They just said it was a new system. They were very concerned about the student retention of the university and wanted to increase or enhance the students’ performance in classes and showed us a demonstration of how it worked online and showed how to get in with, explained basically how it would work. They told us we would, I guess, notify the system about our students that start having a difficulty in classes and then they would 54 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 be notified by somebody who is parts of the early alert program. And there is an option of going to that person or coming to me or doing nothing about it. That is, basically, how they explained to us and they suggested us to try to use it. And if we want to use it, we should let the students know ahead of time and I put it on the syllabus and they will be aware of what was supposed to be in place. Q: Did you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system? A: Did I what? Q: Did you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system? A: Um…I have been sent a couple of e-mails early on this semester. One by Peggy Cohen and one by somebody else probably. I think I got more than one e-mail. Again, it was a kind of announcing that they gave us a wrong Web address for it. I think nobody in the department or Chair suggested us to use it. Q: If you compare between the information you gain by yourself or the people who influence you, which one place a more important role? A: And how I adopted it? Q: Yeah. A: would be the information that I was given in the orientation and the suggestion that they had that we try to use it. They really encouraged use to use it. Q: Once you heard about the system… A: Um-hm.. Q: When did you first start using it? A: Er…um…kind of mid of October. After the first exam in my class. Q: Why did you decide to adopt the system? A: Well, partly because we were encouraged to do so as a faculty. And a part of an aware of the student retention is the problem here in the university. And I do support programs or methods that are designed to keep students learning and kind of aware of their own progress. Mainly, I think it because a lot of students who are doing poorly… When I am teaching in another university, the students who do poorly do not come for help, unless you find a way to kind of connect to them. And the class I am teaching is a kind of big class with 90 people and it is hard to make you to know everybody personally and have time to talk individually with the student. And they early alert system is a kind of one way to let the students know how they are doing and encourage students to come and get help without forcing them to do so. It is a kind of making as an option available to them, so they can have a choice whether they want to come for additional help or not. They also know that you are expecting some concerns about their grade and their performance. So, it gives a teacher feel like I am doing something to help them if I cannot connect a student in the class. Q: What is your satisfaction level with the system, on a scale from 1 to 5? 1 represents no satisfaction and 5 represents complete satisfaction. A: It is hard to say right now because I just use it for one time. I want to just say it is about 3. I was very pleased with the…um….I think…may be I place it 4 [laugh]. I was pleased with the partners that are working in the system, you know, sent out an e-mail to the student. I am happy with that. The system is easy to use. The interface on the Web is easy to use. It runs efficiently, I guess, in the follow-up e-mails from people that are working in the system. I am not sure it is very effective and gets the student to do anything. I had, may be, nine or ten students that I asked, you know, kind of get 55 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 notification about. And only one of those came to my office and talked with me. And I have another one, you know, talked with me for a couple of minutes after class. And the other of them, I never heard from. So, the student’s responsiveness is an issue and I am not sure how they can address that issue. My another concern about it is that I am not sure how well it used to as a privacy lost regarding the student grade exposure because university is not supposed to expose the student grade to anybody but student without any consent permission. Basically, the system alerts other party about the student grade. And I do not know they thought about that or aware of that. May be Peggy thought about it and cover legally because she said it is in one of the university programs. That may be something that would be a problem. Q: Have you experienced any difficulty while using the system? If so, how did you solve the problem? A: Not yet. No. Not at all. Q: The system provides a lot functionalities. I will just go over each function and learn if you have used these following functions. A: Okay. Q: The checkbox for a warning sign such as failed quiz, failed exam, excessive absence, and others. A: Yeah, I checked that. Q: The checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress. A: Yes. Q: The comment box. A: Yes. Q: The icon to view the referral report for the referral progress after a referral submission. A: I have not done that. No. Q: Do you use the system for every student who has an academic potential failure? A: Yeah, I did after the first exam. I just graded the second exam. I have to grade them. I have to see how the grade is and I probably... I will look at who is doing poorly in class and I will alert the student. Q: How many class are you teaching this semester? A: This semester is just one. Q: 90 students? A: Yeah, 90 students. Normally, I teach two classes but this semester is, partly, my first semester. So, I teach only one class. Q: Did you influence anyone to adopt the system? A: Not yet. I probably talk to some other faculties about it at some points. So far I have not done that yet. Q: Do you plan to? A: Er…Yeah, I will talk with people about it. I do not know if people use it or not but I will ask. I want to find out how effective other faculties think it is. So, I probably talk with someone about that. Q: What will you say or do to make them adopt the system? A: Well, I will mention that I have been using it and kind of describe the experience in terms of the responses that I got from the system or program and also, you know, my responses from students that I brought them in the system. And I will probably ask them 56 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 about their experiences, especially the student responses in an effective way to deal with the students who potentially have some difficulties. Q: What will you help them to use the system? A: The students or other faculties? Q: No. Other faculties. A: Well, probably just talk to them, individually one on one, saying that I have been using it and it is effective tool and it is working, for me, in some degrees to the students that come to me for help. You know, may be when more people start using it, it might become more widely recognized and accepted by the students as well. This is a kind of what everybody is trying to deal with it. And not everybody is feeling comfortable with it. One of the things, you know, that is trying to encourage people to believe. But it seems like an idea, especially with a large class, I think. There still be an interaction going on. Q: Do you have any other items relating to the early alert system to add? A: I cannot say that I do. No. I have been curious just to know if, um…I do not know if you know it or not. Outside classes that teachers are told in classes that students are generally aware of the system as another media. Do you know? Anyway, no, I do not have any comment about it. I just use it for one time. I probably use it again after this exam and I will continue to use it for this semester to come up with a better idea how it works. I think if the students become more familiar with it and more used to having teachers use it in classes in regular basis, it will be a good system and helpful. Q: That is all we have. Thank you. A: Okay. You are welcome. Interview 6 on Thursday November 2nd, 06 at 11.15-11.45 AM Q: The research is about the adoption of the Early Alert System, and you are using the system, right? A: Yes. Q: First we want to ask your official job title and your job description. A: um… I have been hired through the Special Education Department as Lecturer. Q: English Department? A: Special Education, which is under Teaching and Learning department. Q: So how long have you been in this position? A: um… I was an adjunct last year, and so I’ve been hired full time this year, this fall. Q: So how did you first hear about the early alert system? A: um… During orientation, I went to orientation sections in the beginning of May described it. Q: Is the orientation for the faculty? A: um. Q: If we ask who influence you to adopt the system, can you tell? A: um…I guess the person, I don’t even remember, because we saw a lot of different people during the orientation, but whoever presented the information. Q: Do you remember what did he say about the system? A: Just said it’s a method to help students stay on track or get on track when they are kind of losing it. Q: Did you rely on some other information, information from other sources? A: No. 57 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Q: Once you hear about the system, when did you first adopt it? A: Well, I contacted the students myself; I talked to the mass of class, concerning about their attendance, not turning things in, and actually one of them that I submitted was not attending class at all, and so I had emailed them, but I have not got any response, so I’ve tried using that system. Oh I think I turned in three students. Q: So…when did you first adopt the system? A: um….it was early in the year, that I had a student, you know, has missed I think three out of the four classes, so… Q: in the year or the semester? A: This semester. Yea, probably the third week of school. Q: Why did you decide to adopt this system? A: Because the student doesn’t response to me, my efforts to get them do what they’re supposed to do. Q: What is your satisfaction level of the early alert system? On a scale from 1 to 5, 1 represents no satisfaction and 5 represents complete satisfaction. A: um…I guess I would say… maybe a 3, cuz I haven’t seen yet what, you know, the results….out of the three students I have…e…that I was referred, one of them was still very shaky, one of them was doing well and one of them just dropped my class. It’s kind of mix review, I guess. Q: What do you like or dislike about this system? A: Well, I think it’s a great idea can help somebody of the class, making effort to find out what’s going on to the students, and helped them solve better issues…I think that opportunity of them attend the classes… is time management is probably one of the main problems with students who are not attending or not getting things done, and I think having those opportunities to help class to solve problem is something that I can’t offer. So something like that is the early alert can offer but I can’t. Q: Have you experience any difficulties in using this system? A: No. Q: The system provides a lot of functions, just go over each and ask you if you have experienced each function of not. A: ok. Q: The checkbox for warning signs? Like failed quiz, failed exam… A: Yes Q: Checkbox to receive a notified e-mail? A: um~hm Q: Comment box? A: I didn’t use it, but yes, I’m glad they have. Q: View the referral report for the referral progress after a referral submission A: Yea, I got a few of them. Q: Do you use the system for every student who has a potential failure? A: um…Yea. Q: How many classes you teach? A: Three. Q: Three? How many students in each class? A: Um, I have 30 in one, 40 in another and 15 in the …so. Q: Did you influence anybody else to adopt this system? 58 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: I don’t think so. Q: Do you plan to? A: I’ll say those professors, and if the professors tell me that they are having troubles with students that I would ask them if they had put them on the early alert system. Q: If you want to influence other people to use this system, what would you like to say to them? A: um…woo…I do have, you know, meetings for classes and, you know, it’s a certainly available option to help students who are not being successful in class. Q: What would you do to help them in using this system? A: um…just direct them to the site. It’s easy to find. It’s pretty self-explanatory once you get there. It’s very easy to use. Q: Are there any other items you would like to add to this system? A: um…the early alert system is tracking the results, the final results that they can find everything that what happened to each student that …. Q: That’s pretty much it. Thank you for your time. Interview 7 on Thursday November 2nd, 2006 at 3.30-4.00 PM Q: This is a qualitative research. It is about the early alert system. First, we want to ask your official job title and your job description. A: Ok, I am a curator professor of Physics. And my job description is to teach Physics courses which I do, and to do research and publish papers which I do, and to go to meetings, and to perform services which I also do, services means going to be a member of the community to help running the university, I supposed. Q: How long have you been working in this position? A: 35 years. Q: That’s such a long time. How did you first hear about the early alert system? A: First heard about what system? Q: The early alert system. A: Er…I got an e-mail from the Provost, Glen Cope. She said we are going to institute something called the early alert system. Yeah ok. Q: Can I say Glen Cope is the person who influences you to adopt the system? A: I am pretty sure of that. Provost Cope, C-O-P-E. Q: Alright. What did she say to influence you to adopt the system? A: I can not remember. That was an e-mail from some times ago and said something that the system was design to improve students’ success and to help the student retention, and quoted some statistics I think from preliminary test program and said something like 28 percent of people that had excuses or dropped courses and managed to be salvages so they did not leave the university. I do not remember really perfectly, but that was something like that. Q: Did you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system? A: I did not ask from anyone else. Q: Once you heard about the system, when did you first start adopting the system? A: First, I was using this semester. The day would be in my…err err ok…about September 25th. It was the first time I used it because that was after a test. I thought some students are doing very poorly. Q: Why did you decide to adopt the system? 59 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: Well, because it err…,I guess, two reasons. First, it was made available. Second, I was happy to try it to have some helps to rescue some students that are doing very badly. Third, it did not take a lot of time to do it. Ok, it does not take a lot of time to do it, so… Q: On a scale from 1 to 5, what is your satisfaction level with the system? A: I do not really know on how to answer that. Err, the participation of the early alert system that I had added is simply to identify a set of students out of my course that were in danger…very much in danger of failing that something benching was not done. So, I sent their names to the office, I guess. I have never met anyone from that office. I sent the names in. And as I understand, that office contacted them by e-mail and informed them that I made that statement or judgment or something and asked them to coming to that office or I do not know what they did. They said something to them over there and asked them to make an appointment with me to see me from the list of…err err, excuse me…[He was looking for a list of students from his computer.] I have 93 students in this class and the early alert system that I sent the early alert notification online to 7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 12 of them. Q: So basically, you teach one class this semester? A: Basically, yes, I teach one class this semester. Q: And 93 students, you referred 12? A: 12 students of 93, yes, I did not understand your question. Q: Did you refer 12? A: Yes, that is what you are asking. Yes. Q: What do you like or dislike about the system? A: Well, I cannot really say. I cannot really say because I have not kept detail specific record on what percentage fraction of my students failed. Now, we have to quantify that. I do not and rarely rarely give a F grade. Very rarely. What happened is most students who are ahead of failure just stop coming to the class or they dropped it or they do something else. They just not there at that time by the end of the semester. That is usually what happens. Now as what I understand, the early alert system can save few of them. That would be very good. But I am not sure in this case it is working very well because out of all those 12 from early alert, I received from the students only two e-mails, saying that they had been contacted by the office. Out of twelve only two and out of those two, only one made an appointment to come and see me. So, that one, who made an appointment comes to see me, I sat down and analyzed her test and gave her some materials that she had to have to get ready for the test and we figured out more less what she can do to improve as far I can not remember her name. I usually see 8 or 10 students everyday. I do not remember her name…er…whether she will do that and survive, I do not know. The others…I can tell you these…what?...those 12 students, 1, 2, 3, 4, four have been excused and decided not to continue this course. So, they got excused. Q: Have you experienced any difficulty while using the system? A: Well, I have not done very much. All I did is send them in. There is no difficulty on that. Now as I understand there are some other things you can do, but I never take time to read those. Q: Have you used the following functions in the system? Mark a checkbox for warning signs? A: Yes Q: Did you check the checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress? 60 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: Yes Q: Did you add a comment in a comment box? A: Yes, I said that I thought I was wrong that person had failed the first test Q: Did you view the referral report for the referral progress after a referral submission? A: No…no. Q: Do you use the system for every student who has an academic potential failure? A: Do I do for every student? Well, not exactly. I made a kind of arbitrary dividing moment, based on the grade of the first test and those that I felt really had done very poorly and I had to do something or else they are not gonna survive in the course, yeah. Q: Did you influence anybody else to adopt the system? A: Did I influence anybody else? You mean my colleague or faculty members? A: No. Q: Do you plan to influence anyone to adopt the system? A: Do I plan to influence? Q: Yeah, recommend or… A: Not that I know. Everybody has the same opportunity that I have. They all got the same e-mail. If they decided they do not want to use it, nothing I can say to let them use it. Actually, I have not discussed about it with anybody, maybe I should have done that but I have not done that. I have not discussed about it with any of my colleagues. Q: Are there any other items related to the early alert system that you would like to add? A: I would like to add, err, Physics is hard science. It is different from most Humanity courses in the following aspects. And that is that every lecture builds on previous information, ok, develop a formula , prove equation, that something describe some aspects. And then the next step is building upon that, leading to another formula, or another equation, or another principal. I believe the students that do very poorly are ones who think that they do not have to come to class and think they can wait until it is almost a time for test and they can study very hard for a day or two and they can catch up or learn everything. I think you can probably do this when you just have to learn material and skip the material back out. Now parts of my test are that way: simply how much did you learn and you know what this is, but no all of these. Much of them depend on reasoning and the ability to reduce a thing which is true from proposition which is given to you, yeah. Do you understand on what I said? You guys are science major or something like that? Q: Business. A: Business, yeah. So, I think that that may account for some of the problems. Other problems that a few of them have had are really identifiable. They are not prepared mathematically. I have calculus, some kind of calculus as core requisite for this course. That means every student in this course has to have fulfilled all the prerequisites. They have to take calculus. Most of them, more than half of them, have already had calculus one level or another. But there are always some students in every semester did not have anything and I do not know. I kept sending e-mail to dean that you can not let student take this course without knowing any sort of calculus. They are not prepared for Mathematics. They have to at least have college algebra and geometry. Some kinds of calculus are so important. I do not require students to use calculus in solving the problems on the test, but I use in the lecture how it develops. And that is about the level of this course. You did not ask me what I teach. May be you knew it already. It is 61 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 important because I do not teach other courses in the same way. I teach Physics 101, 102 for some times. They are introductory Physics. They are gear towards Biology major and Health Science major, not for hard sciences. All chemistry or mathematic major, they take more rigorous Physics. The same course content, but much more rigorous, absolutely, calculus is prerequisite for solving problems. Q: Alright, any other comments? A: Can I ask a question? Q: Um-hm. A: What are you guys doing? Why are you collecting this information? Q: This is for our seminar in philosophy of science and qualitative research method. A: I see. So, are you interviewing a large number of professors? Q: Ten. We are interviewing 10 faculty members. We analyze content and see the result of the adoption rate of the faculty members on the early alert system. A: Well, I would say that…let me ask you a question Are you responsible for sending me the e-mail? Somebody sent me an e-mail in this afternoon for an appointment and I said that is fine. Is that one of you? Q: Yes. A: Let me ask you a question. How many e-mails did you send to different faculty? Q: So far I have sent 12, I think. A: 12. And you have ten interviews. Have you received satisfactory responses from faculty, says oh yeah…I am willing to help. Come in and I am happy to talk to you? Q: Err, you are the seventh. Four of twelve did not response my e-mail at all. A: At all. So, 7 are more than half. Q: Yeah, I need 3 more professors before thanksgiving. A: Ok, err, well, you know like all such things, I think professor are very much busy and care so much about their time. Anything like this comes down to the administration. It has to be some kind of doable. You know what I mean? Minimal demands of extra time. If it demands a lot of extra time, it will fail because very few faculties will do it. Me, I guess, I am willing to do that and send the names in. I also encourage that office to let the students make appointment to see me but they did not do it. But at least one or two did out of the twelve. I have a feeling that by that time of our first test which was September 19th that was 3 or 4 weeks in the semester, most of those people who got such a poor grade had already decided to drop the class and get out. Q: The result of this research will not only for the class, but also present to the project manager of the early alert system. She wants to see how professors response and how professors think the system, then she can improve the process of the system. A: Well, I understand. You know. I was around when the gateway was first arrived. There was a lot of resistance in using it. You have to learn new thing. You have to login. Your format has to fit in. Every professor has different ways. I was reluctant also but I got into it, I think, in one year. I start using it. And I began rapidly using that. So, yeah, everything like that gonna have some kind of resistance. Now the gateway is on us completely, especially a large course. Yeah, that is gateway. I do not know. It is probably not your topic. I also have discussed with Dr. Cohen. I have a presentation about how I teach the large course. Why I do that, basically, because to me it is challenging and I really enjoy it. And I took a lot of time to learn on how to do it. There was a problem with a course like this, the introductory to Physics courses, especially for Biology or 62 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Health Science people. People who are for sure not gonna be a hard scientist. When I took this course, they have been talked for several years by different one of us. And it has been for us that have taught like you would teach any Physics courses: a lot of problem solving. I notice that these biology major (students) in this course, many many of them were senior. In other words, this is a course that they are supposed to take in their sophomore year probably, you know. But they put it off, put if off, put if off until their senior year and they come in with rigid fear. And I used to have something same from the school of education. They put it off, put it off. They want to be a science teacher in high school. I set myself a task trying to figure out how I can make this course less threatening and they will not put it off. But at the same time, I have been aware that I have to teach content because most of these people, most of these students, prepare to go somewhere else after UMSL. They will get a BS degree, for example, in Biology and try to go medical school, nursing school, occupational therapy, and all kinds of those schools. All of them have clear idea what they want to do. The entrance exam in all of those schools has Physics section. I collected these Physics sections from as many entrance exams as I could. I realized that I have to teach them to do that. In addition to do that, I have to write a letter for them, letter to get admitted to some places. And I asked them to give me feedback after they had taken the entrance exam on what they thought they are well prepared to do and not so well prepare to do. So, I was getting those feedbacks and I continue to modify the course. After eliminating the rigidly fear problem, I realized that after a while most of these come from a fear of having to memorize formulas and equation. Physics, like all hard science of any kind, is a discipline which tries to develop reasoning ability, reductive reasoning. So, I start with teaching a science method, observe data from the physical world around you, then, the formation of hypotheses about what that data mean, test those hypotheses, it can be either accepted or rejected, maybe you cannot come the conclusion, and you realize that you have to collect other data. That is what science is. What is predictable not emotional: the thing that changes data day to day, time to time. Over the course of years, I think I have a success. I really have a good student evaluation. I work really hard with them and help them. That is why this early alert people I am ready to help them and be with them, almost any student no matter how poorly he or she has done, up until the third of the way through the course I can help if they just come and let me do it. But it is just like I said, there are core students in class from 93 students. I guess, I got a core about 15 which come very regularly. My office hours are all the time. I work very hard. I have research projects going to. But if a student knocks the door, I open it. Q: Your office is so huge. A: It is a laboratory. It is not an office. I do have an office upper stair. I almost never use it. It does not have a blackboard. Do you see that blackboard? Student comes in and asks me a question and I help them. They can sit down and I help them on the black board. Q: Alright, I think that is pretty much it. A: I do not know whether I can help you out or not. Q: Sure. You do. Thank you very much. A: You are very welcome. Tell me again. Are you in school of education? Q: Business. A: Are you in a Ph.D. program? Q: Yeah. 63 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: I see, wonderful, I wish you the very best of luck. Q: Thank you very much for your time. We really appreciate your help. Interview 8 on Friday November 10th, 2006 at 10.00-10.30 AM Q: We are Ph.D. students from Business Administration department and we are doing this for a quantity research about the early alert system adoption by faculty member. We have to interview ten faculty members who use the early alert system. First we want to ask your official job title and job description. A: I am a Spanish Lecturer and I teach Spanish in the foreign language department from fall 2003. What lecture do is, we are non-regular faculty. We are faculties who teach Spanish full time or teach language full time but we are not tenure track. And we are required to teach between 11 and 15 credit hours per semester. Q: How many classes do you teach this semester? A: Okay…er…I am teaching 4 classes this semester but one is an overload. Usually, I only teach 3 because some of our Spanish classes or French classes at the beginning level are 5 credit hours. So usually lecturers teach two classes at the lower level. That means 10 credit hours. And we teach another one in addition to that but usually 3 credits. So usually, we teach around 13 hours per semester. But this semester, a teacher is retired and we have to cover her classes. So, I will have to teach overload but we got more pay of course but how many I am teaching. I teach three 3 credit hours and one 5 credit hours. Q: So how many students are there in your classes? A: It is varied from semester to semester. But the one 3 credit hour that I have, that I have been teaching here since I started, is conversation class. Their top allowance is 20 students because, you know, the foreign language conversation is hard to do if more than that. But this semester I have 23 because there were too many in the waiting list. In Spanish 2, on the other hand, usually it allows 23 students. Usually, we have more than that with waiting list, but this semester may be because I am teaching at 2 o’clock. That time is not popular. I only have 9 students. [laugh] And I have 9 in Spanish for Business which is advance or junior level course. And that is usual. It tends to be lower number. I also have 9 in that class. And the other one, Spanish 3, third semester Spanish, I have 22 students, I started with 25 and couple of them have dropped. So, I now have 22. Q: Regarding to the adoption, how did you first hear about early adopt system? A: First, through the e-mail that was sent to all faculties about the system. Because last semester we had a little piece of paper that we fill out by hand to report students who absent more than three days and that will send to the students just tell that students that, you know, teachers have been aware that you miss more than three classes and they may or may not affect your grade. It was very informal and very short. This semester, first, anyway, one of the main persons who developed that, I think it was from the office of student success. They sent an e-mail to all faculties, letting us know about that. And then our department chair here sent us an e-mail with instructions on how to use it. And then it is shown in mygateway site. It is very easy to access from mygateway, just go to faculty and staff and you see early alert there. Q: Who actually influenced you to use it? A: First, the office of student affair, then the department chair. I mean they let us know. And last week we received the reminder from one of our faculties who have been using it. I have already been using it. But she said to us how great it was to make sure we use 64 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 that because it is more formal than what we were doing last semester. So, we were encouraged by everybody here to use it. Q: What did they say to you to encourage you to use it? A: They just felt that UMSL was adopting additional processes and we are gonna work in close contact with the students to help them to succeed. And the office of the student success will contact the students. Every time I use it, I feel a student, for example, the student who has missed so many classes, has failed a quiz, has failed to take a quiz, or something like that, I put it there and I know I need to get feedback. The counselor says I contacted the student or the student can not be contacted because their student mailbox is full [laugh], have to leave a message by phone, whatever. So, all the counselors get back to me, and the students lost but student gets scared at first. They think they are failing the course. I have to let them understand to let them know that we are aware and the system is working. Later on, he gets the lower grade than he should, he thinks he should have. Then, he knows the reason. Q: Did you also rely on the information from other sources in order to adopt the system? A: No, I check my e-mail every day, you know, I was aware of that, actually. I respond to the students who have problems. I kinda report them that. And it has been good so far. Q: So when you heard about the system, when did you first adopt it? A: I say about 5 weeks after the semester started. I mean it was available before then, but before the fifth week we really do not know what students are going to fail the class permanently. So, we can’t start saying this student is not coming to class that they may have dropped. We do not know about it. So, I wait until all the students up to the fourth week for the students who gonna drop the class have already dropped. So, the one that I have is the one remaining, is the one I has to keep an eye on. So, I start using it. Q: Why did you decide to adopt system? A: Because it is more efficient than what we did before. What we did before requires a lot of paperwork, and spend time filling out, it really did not do any good. The students got a notice that you have missed 3 classes. And that was it. And I have couple students coming up on Monday, the last day to drop with an excused grade, and I had a student coming up way after that day, saying they did not know about it, about any of that. Now this, I can tell the counselor that they tell them and I tell them. So, the students can not fail. He or she is warned anytime of this deadline. Q: What is your satisfaction level of this system on the scale of 1 to 5? One represents no satisfaction and five represents complete satisfaction. A: I would say 5. Q: What do you like or dislike about the system? I guess you like it. A: I like it. I like it. I can not think of anything that I do not like at all. So far they have really performed well. And I especially like the feedback that I get from the counselors. Like I submitted an early alert for a student and I get three days later an e-mail back from a counselor, saying I have contacted the student or I am not able to contact the student. They have details of the student. The student may be absent for the medical reason. He is supposed to give you a medical excuse. If he does not give you a medical excuse, please report him back to us. So, it is very very detail. So, I really like it. Q: Have you experienced any difficulty while you are using the system? A: No, it was very easy to manage. Q: Based on the answer earlier, I assume you use the check box for warning signs. 65 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: Um-hm. Q: Did you use the checkbox to receive the e-mail notification? A: Yes Q: Did you also make a comment in the comment box? A: Yes, for some students. Q: Did you ever log back and click the icon to see the report? A: Yes, I have done that. Q: Did you use the system for every student who has potential to fail the class? A: Yes. Q: Did you influence anyone else to use the early alert system? A: Not formally. Informally, in conversation with colleague, like the lady who is teaching Spanish, Diane. Her office is across from me. We talked about it. They don’t have as much as experience with technology, so I can show them on how to do it. And they are using it now. And they do not have problem. Q: What did you say or do to help them using the system? A: It was not very technical like I am able to play computer and say it is on mygateway site. You log it through here and you do this and you do and then they come and say they are using it. Q: Are there any other items you want to add to the system? A: To add to the system, I have not thought about that. Let’s see. Maybe they could find a way to alert all students of the deadline, like dropping a class without a grade or excuse. May be they could do something like that to alert all the students because the way they having now is only in the semester schedule. The semester schedule says this is the deadline. And we teachers will put it on the syllabus. But to be honest, students never read the syllabus and they never read the schedule. So, if you (students) don’t be able to handle it, I will do it but not every teacher does it. So, to send an e-mail this is the last day to change to audit or drop it. So, it should be good if they should be able to handle this. Just send a mass e-mail to remind the deadline. Q: That is pretty much it. Thank you very much. A: You are welcome. Interview 9 on Wednesday November 15th, 2006 at 1.15 – 1.45 PM Q: We are Ph.D. students from the Business Administration department. We are conducting a research on the Early Alert System adoption by faculty members at UMSL. A: The Early Alert System…okay…alright. Q: So, can I ask your official job title and your job description? A: I am Clinical Nursing Instructor. I am one of the faculties here. I teach Senior Synthesis which is a course for our seniors. Q: How long have you been in this position? A: Two thousand….um….four…two and a half years, I guess. Two and a half year. Q: How did you first hear about the early alert system? A: Jennifer Taylor told me about it. She is kinda our born for the early alert system. Q: What did or he? A: She is Retention Coordinator. Q: What did she say about the early alert system? 66 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: We tried the early alert system here in the College of Nursing first, I think. I think we are the first one to use it. So, she, I think, faxed me or something like that and mentioned there is a new way to send out alerts to the students that are potentially gonna fail your class or there is a problem in communicating with them just like a paper tracks a record. And, so then I started using it. Q: Did you also rely on some other information from other sources? A: No. Jen. At that time Jen was really our only…because I do not think other colleges were using it at that time, I think. We are the only one to use it. Jen really helped hook this system together. Q: Once you hear about the system, when did you first start adopting it? A: The first time I use the early alert system was…um…I am trying to think if I used it last spring…but I know I used it last summer for sure. I might not use it last spring. Q: When did you first here about it? A: It was right, may be, about a month before I started using it. Q: Why did you decide to adopt the system? A: Because it is fast. And I do not have to look for the paper form to fill out. To send to the students, I just get online and pull it out and attach to our Nursing gateway page, I think, for faculty, to pull up the link and then get in to my classes and fill out the report and get sent to Jen and she can handle it from there. That pulls off less works for me compared to the past. Q: What is your satisfaction level of the system? A: I love it. I think it’s great. Q: On the scale of one to five. One represents no satisfaction and five represents complete satisfaction. A: Oh, I say five. Q: Five? A: Yeah, I really like it a lot. I do. I like that now we can get in and see if the students have been contacted by anybody, if the students have calls and made appointments. To find out what the follow-up is, I can just look into it. And I like that I have a record of our communication to the students. You know, if there is an issue, if I have any kind of issues, I fill out on the early alert for the students that I have a record of it. It just makes my life a lot easier once the students want to appeal grades or, you know, whatever. Q: Did you experience any difficulty while you were using the early alert system? A: No, I haven’t. It is really straight forward, really easy. Q: Did you use the checkbox of the warning signs? A: Yeah, I always check boxes, appropriate boxes. And I always write a specific note in a comment section to the students that I concern about the system this…and you have to do this in order to pass my course. Or in order to get the score up, you need to do this or you need to make an appointment with me or get a statistic average or whatever. That way I have a record that they have been told. Q: Did you check a checkbox to get an e-mail notification? A: The e-mail notification…yeah…er….no, I don’t. I do not get the e-mail notification system because I fill with e-mails everyday. So, I don’t do that. What I do is I go in the system and look and find out that things are going. Q: Icon to view a report? 67 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: Yeah, for the report. That way I can do it when I make sure the student have seen it. Because I send out a lot alerts and I get a hundred e-mails a day. Q: Do you use the system for every student who has a potential failure in your class? A: Yeah. Everybody. Q: How many students are there in your class? A: This semester I have forty-four, forty-five. Q: For two classes? A: No, for one class. Q: Did you influence anyone to adopt the system? A: I encourage other people to use it like my clinical faculty members when they have an issue with one of their students. Because I am a course coordinator, so I have some clinical faculties that are out on site. So, when they have issues with the students, I encourage them to fill out the early alert or to let me know and I can fill out the early alert so that I have a record of what the issue is and the student has been notified and an appropriate action have been taken to record the situation. Q: What did you do to help them to use the system? A: I just directed them towards the link and briefly described what I would say in the comment section and what they need to do in order to use it. Q: Are there any other items you want to add to the system? A: No, I don’t. You know, I like it because it is very simple, very easy to use. I use a comment section to narrate exactly what the problem is. I do not just check fail the test or quiz. I put what the average was. You know, you receive this average of the test number one, the average of the test number two. You…I want to remind you that you have 76 test average in order to pass this course. So, you have to get this on next two times in order to pass. So, I give a lot of information in my narrative to back up my documentation. So, if there is an issue going on, I can just, you know, they were told. And then also, the students know exactly what the problem is, so they can seek help to clarify the situation because sometimes it is not there when it really is. Q: That’s pretty much it. A: Okay. Q: Thank you very much. A: No problem. Interview 10 on Thursday November 16th, 2006 at 8.30–9.00 AM Q: It is about the adoption of the early alert system. A: Okay… Q: First, we would like to ask your official job title and your job description. A: Lecturer. And I teach Social Work 3100. Q: How long have you been in this position? A: Since August. Q: This August? A: Yeah. This is my first semester. Q: How did you first hear about the early alert system? A: In faculty orientation, new faculty orientation. Q: If we ask who influenced you to adopt the system, what would you say? 68 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: Actually, when they talked about it in the new faculty orientation, it is just make sense that it seems to me that people drop out of school. So, that was really my only conversation with anybody about it. Q: Do you remember what did they say to influence you to adopt the system? A: I have no clue. [laugh] I do not remember. I have no idea what they said. Q: Did you rely on some information through some other sources? A: No. I did do searching online, you know, mygateway and the faculty piece of that to look. I was so surprise that the way that worked was not necessarily what I am expecting. Q: Oh, really? A: Yeah. I am not sure if I answer that particular question. Q: If we want to ask you to compare the influence through the information and the people who influence you, which one plays more important role? A: The people. The faculty orientation really got me start wanting to do it. Q: Once you hear about the system, when did you first adopt it? A: After the first test. Q: When? A: The end of September, I guess. Q: Why did you decide to adopt the system? A: I have some students who did not pass the test and they needed help. Q: What is your satisfaction level of the system from the scale of one to five: one represents no satisfaction and five represents complete satisfaction? A: Probably four. I was real happy with the feedback that they gave. The person did contact. The person did not. The problem be the beginning and probably the students get hooked up with them was the part where I, why it is not five. I do not know does that make sense. Q: What do you like or dislike about the system? A: I think I just said. The piece that the way they do the follow-up for me was helpful to see which students lost, which was not. When I triggered the system, they had, they sent me an e-mail back, I guess, the student does not going. This was two months ago. The thing that happened last two months. They sent me an e-mail that the student should contact them. In my opinion, they are going to contact the student. That e-mail got me confused. In the long run, they did contact the student. So, that first e-mail was a little misleading. That was what I dislike about it. And we will see at the end of the semester how much it really helps. Q: Did you experience some difficulties when you use the system? A: No. Q: Did you check the warning sign? A: Yes. Q: Did you check the checkbox to receive the e-mail notification? A: Yes. Q: Did you make a comment in a comment box? A: I have no idea. Q: Did you go back to look for the report of what happened for all communications? A: I did not know I could. Q: Do you use this system for every student who has potential failure? 69 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 A: I used the system right after the first test and after the first paper which is just a week apart and it was really a sort of the same group of the students. So, yeah, I would take that I did. I have not gone back to see if they still have the problem. Now I figure they are already in the system. Q: How many students are there in your class? A: The first test was really disappointing. I want to say six. Q: How many students are there in your class? A: Totally 16 and I think I sent 6 to the early alert. Yeah. My class was the first class in the school of Social Work. And people are transferring from a junior college. And I think there is a difference between what we expect at UMSL versus what they expect from the community college. And the first test was a surprise for them. Q: Did you influence anybody else to use the system? A: You know, I have not talked with anybody about it. Q: Do you plan to? A: If one came up, I probably would. Q: If you want to tell some other people, what would you like to say? A: I do not believe that some of my students have utilized it and helped through it. I will help them get a kind of feedback if I am talking with somebody about it. Q: Are there any other items relating to the system you want to add? A: I do not think so. I do not know. Q: That is all we have. Thank you very much for your help. A: Okay. Sorry I was so late. Q: It is okay. Thank you. A: You are welcome. 70 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Appendix D: Table of Content Analysis Variable Question P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Associate Professor Teach, Research, Provide Services 6 Years Assistant Professor Teach, Research, Publish Writings ½ Year Conference from Teaching & Learning Center Teaching & Learning Center Director / Department Chair Conference / Department Meeting New Faculty Orientation No x What is your official job title and your job description? Lecturer Lecturer Senior Lecturer Teach, Coordinate TAs Teach Teach How long have you been working in this position? How did you first hear about the early alert system? 10 Years 9 Years (4 parttime and 5 fulltime) Provost’s EMail 16 Years (4 part-time and 12 full-time) Policy Committee Meeting Influencers Who influence you to adopt the system? Colleague Provost / Teaching & Learning Center Director Department Chair Adopted Action What did he/she/they say or do to influence you to adopt the system? Did you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system? If someone influence you to adopt the system and you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system, which one plays a more important role for you to adopt the system between the influence from Conversation / E-Mail Presentation E-Mail No People x Job Title Job Description Work Experience First Hear Other Sources Source Dominance Provost’s EMail P6 Lecturer Teach 1½ Year (1 part-time and ½ full-time) New Faculty Orientation P7 P8 P9 P10 Curators Professor Teach, Research, Provide Services 35 Years Lecturer Instructor Lecturer Teach Teach Teach 3 Years 2 ½ Years ½ Year Provost’s EMail Provost’s EMail Colleague New Faculty Orientation Teaching & Learning Center Director Presenter Provost Provost / Department Chair Colleague x Presentation Presentation E-Mail E-Mail Fax x No E-Mail No No No No MyGateway x Information x x x x People 71 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods First Adoption Period Adoption Reason Satisfaction Level Preference Difficulty Warning Sign Checkboxes other people or the information gained by yourself about the system? Once you heard about the system, when did you first start adopting the system? Why did you decide to adopt the system? Fall 2006 September at this Semester After the 1st Midterm Exam of this Semester This Semester The 6th Week of this Semester Mid October after the 1st Exam 3rd Week of this Semester September 25th of this Semester After the 5th Week of this Semester Last Summer End of September after the 1st Exam Good for Large Class Lots of Failed Students Good for Large Class Useful for Students / Chair’s Encouragement Faculty’s Duty / Student Retention Useful for Students Paperless Fast / Paperless Lots of Failed Students On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 represents no satisfaction and 5 represents complete satisfaction), what is your satisfaction level with the system? What do you like or dislike about the system? 4.5 4 3 1 4 3 Availability / Useful for Students / Less Time Processing x 5 5 4 Dislike – Notified E-Mail Dislike – Students’ Ignorance Dislike – Student Ignorance Dislike – No Good Result / Lack of Resources / Useless Messages Like – Have Someone to Help Students x Like – Feedback Like – Records of Communication Dislike – Miscommunicat ion Like - Feedback Have you experienced any difficulty while using the system? If so, how did you solve the problem? Have you used the following functions in the system? - Mark a checkbox(s) for a warning sign(s) such as failed quiz, failed exam, excessive absence, No No No No Dislike – Doubtful Results / Student Privacy Like – HardWorking / Easy to Use No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 72 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 missing assignments, missing presentations, missing lab, and others Notified Checkboxes Comment Boxes Referral Reports Frequency Number of Classes Number of Students Diffusion to Others Diffused Person Diffused Action Diffusion Plan - Mark a checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress - Add a comment in a comment box - View the referral report for the referral progress after a referral submission Do you use the system for every student who has an academic potential failure? How many classes are you teaching this semester? How many students are there in your classes? Did you influence anyone to adopt the system? If you did, who are the people you influenced to adopt the system? If you didn’t, do you plan to influence anyone to adopt the system? Why or why not? If you did or plan to influence people to adopt the Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No (Do not know its existence.) Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No (Do not know its Existence.) All Depends All All All All Depends All All All 2 (one of them has 4 sections.) 1 (with 4 Sections) 2 3 1 3 1 4 1 1 50/231 200 110 / 140 50 / 35 / 35 90 30 / 40 /15 93 23 / 9 / 9 / 22 44 or 45 16 No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No x Colleagues x x x x x Colleagues Colleagues x x Conversation x x x x x Conversation / Demonstration Conversation x Useful in Large Class x Potential Useful if any Problem No To Find any Effective Results from Another Option to Help Students No x x Probably but with Confusion 73 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Help Action Comments system, what did or will say or do to make them adopt the system? If you did or plan to influence people to adopt the system, what did or will help them to use the system? Are there any other items related to the early alert system that you would like to add? Fall 2006 Others Direct to MyGateway / Answer Questions Answer Questions No x Talk One on One Direct to Website x Direct to MyGateway Direct to MyGateway x Doubtful Results Helpful Tutors Student Ignorance School Ranking System Unfamiliarity Tracking Results System Resistance Deadline Reminder Communication Records x Text Mapping Table Variable Job Title Job Description Question What is your official job title and your job description? P1 Lecturer and Lab Coordinator. I teach introductory … majors and coordinate all the TAs. P2 P3 Lecturer. I am a Senior Lecturer. I teach four sections of the … every semester. My job description is basically teaching. P4 P5 I am an Associate Professor. And my job description is to teach, offer classes, do research, and provide university services. 74 I am Assistant Professor. And my job description, I guess, will include teaching a variety of undergraduate introductory classes mainly in introduction to Archeology classes, some method classes, and both regional and tropical classes. I also, I guess, parts of my job description include grant gaining, obtain research P6 I have been hired as a Lecturer. P8 P9 I am a curator professor. P7 I am a Lecturer. I am Instructor. Lecturer. P10 And my job description is to teach courses which I do, and to do research and publish papers which I do, and to go to meetings, and to perform services which I also do, services means going to be a member of the community to help running the university, I supposed. We are faculties who teach full time but we are not tenure track. I teach … which is a course for our seniors. And I teach ... IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Work Experience How long have you been working in this position? Ten years. Actually this is my fifth year doing a full time, I got 4 years as a part time, and I…so this is my fifth year for full time. First Hear How did you first hear about the early alert system? Either Dean or somebody sent out a faculty wide e-mail regarding the early alert system. That was how I knew about it. There was email from Glen Cope. She sent emails talking about it. Influencers Who influence you to adopt the system? Um…who influenced me? Really, I mean nobody…One of my friends, down the hall. She mentioned about the early alert system. She actually influenced me to kind of do it too. Glen Cope. She is the Provost. / Peggy helped me, because she told me that we can just mark up. When I talked to her about it I said, well, I want to use the early alert system, and she told me we have to go to the website Fall 2006 funding, and publication writing, serving a committee. I do student advising. This is my first semester. I have been here at the University of Missouri at St. Louis, technically, since 1990. But I have been full-time here since 1994. I think I heard about it first actually in the policy committee meeting in College of Arts and Sciences. About six years. We do have a department chair encouraged us to use it. Two influenced me. One was hearing about it, I think, through the Center for Teaching and Learning. One of those has been educated teachers over the Millennium center. And the second was the Chair of my I believe I first heard about it through the Center of Teaching and Learning that Peggy Cohen runs. 75 All new faculty members are required to attend a faculty orientation at the beginning of the semester. And during our training, they introduced us to the early alert system and encouraged that we should try to use it. Peggy Cohen from… I can not remember… Yeah, she was in charge in the teaching and learning orientation and I am not sure it was her or somebody else to actually introduce us the system. I I was an adjunct last year, and so I’ve been hired full time this year, this fall. 35 Years. I teach … from fall 2003. Two and a half year. This is my first semester. During orientation, I went to orientation sections in the beginning of May described it. I got an e-mail from the Provost, Glen Cope. She said we are going to institute something called the early alert system. First, through the e-mail that was sent to all faculties about the system. Jennifer Taylor told me about it. In faculty orientation, new faculty orientation. I guess the person, I don’t even remember, because we saw a lot of different people during the orientation, but whoever presented the information. Q: Can I say Glen Cope is the person who influences you to adopt the system? A: I am pretty sure of that. First, the office of student affair, then the department chair. Jennifer Taylor told me about it. Actually, when they talked about it in the new faculty orientation, it is just make sense that it seems to me that people drop out of school. So, that was really my only conversation with anybody about it. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods and whatever. Adopted Action What did he/she/they say or do to influence you to adopt the system? Fall 2006 department that brought it up during a department meeting and said that he would like us to use it at least for introductory courses. I think the university faculty sent a committee of the student retention came to do a presentation… It demonstrated some successes from the initial semester that it was used at the College of Nursing. I cannot remember some other departments may be participated it. Seems like it is Social Work. There was a report that it was useful. Well, it encouraged me… I cannot remember anything specific that he said. I know the discussion was involved around the issue believe it was her, though. They just said it was a new system. They were very concerned about the student retention of the university and wanted to increase or enhance the students’ performance in classes and showed us a demonstration of how it worked online and showed how to get in with, explained basically how it would work. They told us we would, I guess, notify the system about our students that start having a difficulty in classes and then they would be notified by somebody who is parts of the 76 Just said it’s a method to help students stay on track or get on track when they are kind of losing it. That was an email from some times ago and said something that the system was design to improve students’ success and to help the student retention, and quoted some statistics I think from preliminary test program and said something like 28 percent of people that had excuses or dropped courses and managed to be salvages so they did not leave the university. I do not remember really perfectly, but that was something like that. They just felt that UMSL was adopting additional processes and we are gonna work in close contact with the students to help them to succeed. And the office of the student success will contact the students. She, I think, faxed me or something like that and mentioned there is a new way to send out alerts to the students that are potentially gonna fail your class or there is a problem in communicating with them just like a paper tracks a record. And, so then I started using it. I do not remember. I have no idea what they said. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Other Sources Did you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system? Q: So you gain the information about the early alert system by yourself? You adopted it rely on those information? A: Yeah, though email, really. No, just the email from Glen Cope. of retention here in UM at St. Louis. The fact that students who do not do well in class are far more likely enough to return. It is certainly a critical issue of the university. And I am always supportive and encourage students to stay in school. It became another tool that I thought it may be useful, potentially useful. No. I don’t think so. Fall 2006 I do not believe so. 77 early alert program. And there is an option of going to that person or coming to me or doing nothing about it. That is, basically, how they explained to us and they suggested us to try to use it. And if we want to use it, we should let the students know ahead of time and I put it on the syllabus and they will be aware of what was supposed to be in place. I have been sent a couple of emails early on this semester. One by Peggy Cohen and one by somebody else probably. I think I got more than one e-mail. Again, it was a kind of announcing that they gave us a wrong Web address for it. I think nobody in the department or Chair suggested us to use it. No. I did not ask from anyone else. No. No. I did do searching online, you know, mygateway and the faculty piece of that to look. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Source Dominance If someone influence you to adopt the system and you also rely on information from other sources in adopting the system, which one plays a more important role for you to adopt the system between the influence from other people or the information gained by yourself about the system? First Adoption Period Once you heard about the system, when did you first start adopting the system? Probably the people, more than information, at first, I mean, because I knew without them I heard a lot of emails that were there, and I am so busy with my courses. I have overloaded this semester. That, I don’t have all the information in front of me. And if somebody, my friend just goes “Hey, you should put them on the Early Alert”, and I was like, “oh, yeah, that’s right! I forgot about that.” So, I think people would probably be more influential. With other people, you know. May be either late August or early September. Fall 2006 x x x It would be the information that I was given in the orientation and the suggestion that they had that we try to use it. They really encouraged us to use it. x x x x The people. After the first midterm, this semester. Just this semester. I think this is the first semester that it is really available. I first use it right around the sixth week of classes because by that time I had graded for everybody. Kind of mid of October. After the first exam in my class. It was early in the year, that I had a student, you know, has missed I think three out of the four classes. First, I was using this semester. The day would be in my…err err ok…about September 25th. It was the first time I used it because that I say about 5 weeks after the semester started. The first time I use the early alert system was…um…I am trying to think if I used it last spring…but I know I used it last summer for sure. I might The end of September, I guess… After the first test. 78 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 was after a test. Adoption Reason Why did you decide to adopt the system? Satisfaction Level On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 represents no satisfaction and 5 represents complete satisfaction), what is your satisfaction level with the system? I think the students appreciate that we notice that they are not doing well. And I think I have noticed that once I put them on alert, they start coming class again. They are coming up to see me. I have a big lecture room. I have a hundred fifty students in my auditorium. So, now we have a structure to let them know that they are not coming or they are not performing well, that I care. I want to know who they are when they come up to see me. I think it is very important for the students. Either 4 or 5. You know forty-one people failed my first midterm, out of about 200. That’s high. So, immediately when I saw that a lot of people have failed. I said you know, we have to do something to help these people. And though I was not exactly sure about what the early alert system is gonna do. But I thought at least it worth a try. You know, I teach large classes and there are always lot students that seem to get lost. By the way, there is a site, so may be it is something that I can try… I used it in one of smaller classes that I also teach and those classes are far more likely that I can have contact with the students. And for larger classes that I teach, sometimes I only know the student names. That is about it. Two reasons. One was because it might be useful to the student. That might help them get their works in order in time to improve by the end of the semester. And the other reason was because my Chair asked us to. So, you know, you do it. Well, partly because we were encouraged to do so as a faculty. And a part of an aware of the student retention is the problem here in the university. Because the student does not response to me. First, it was made available. Second, I was happy to try it to have some helps to rescue some students that are doing very badly. Third, it did not take a lot of time to do it. Ok, it does not take a lot of time to do it. Because it is more efficient than what we did before. What we did before requires a lot of paperwork, and spend time filling out, it really did not do any good. I would like to say it about 4. I have to say at this point…may be just 3. I guess I will say one now. I think…may be I place it 4. I guess I would say… maybe 3. I do not really know on how to answer that. I would say 5. 79 not use it last spring. Because it is fast. And I do not have to look for the paper form to fill out. To send to the students, I just get online and pull it out and attach to our Nursing gateway page, I think, for faculty, to pull up the link and then get in to my classes and fill out the report and get sent to Jen and she can handle it from there. That pulls off less works for me compared to the past. I say five. I have some students who did not pass the test and they needed help. Probably four. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Preference What do you like or dislike about the system? The only thing irritating me is all the email… I don’t have time to read all of the e-mails. But that is a nice thing. I click the e-mail notification when I thought it was just notify student via e-mail. I did not realize that system letting me know every single step along the way. So, that’s the only thing. It’s not about the early alert people, cuz I think they really done well, you know, the people over there, students success center. But the students don’t respond well, they are sending them emails and calling them, and the students, some of them, just not respond it. I have not really seen any significant result, although it is probably too early to tell. I do know that a few students that I referred take active participation in the process. So, that is good but, on the other hand, what I know is the report that I get back from the system is that it does not seem to be a lot of follow-up. Like if the student does not return the email, then it seems that things get stopped. I am not saying that is the fault of the system but it is just one of the problems. Fall 2006 To my knowledge, it does not do anything. I do not believe there is any significant amount of resources over there actually helping the students… So far I do not like anything about it. The thing that I dislike, I guess, mainly is the lack of resources. And there is also a real problem with the message sent to the students, which is that this is really high school and I am not responsible for anything. 80 I was pleased with the partners that are working in the system, you know, sent out an e-mail to the student. I am happy with that. The system is easy to use. The interface on the Web is easy to use. It runs efficiently, I guess, in the follow-up emails from people that are working in the system. I am not sure it is very effective and gets the student to do anything. I had, may be, nine or ten students that I asked, you know, kind of get notification about. And only one of those came to my office and talked with me. And I have another one, you know, talked with me for a couple of minutes after class. And the other of them, I never heard from. So, the I think it’s a great idea can help somebody makes an effort to find out what’s going on to the students, and helped them solve the issues…I think that opportunity for them to attend the classes… is time management is probably one of the main problems with students who are not attending or not getting things done, and I think having those opportunities to help class to solve problem is something that I can’t offer. So something like that is the Early Alert can offer but I can’t. Well, I cannot really say. And I especially like the feedback that I get from the counselors. Like I submitted an early alert for a student and I get three days later an e-mail back from a counselor, saying I have contacted the student or I am not able to contact the student. They have details of the student. I like that now we can get in and see if the students have been contacted by anybody, if the students have calls and made appointments. To find out what the follow-up is, I can just look into it. And I like that I have a record of our communication to the students. You know, if there is an issue, if I have any kind of issues, I fill out on the early alert for the students that I have a record of it. It just makes my life a lot easier once the students want to appeal grades or, you know, whatever. The piece that the way they do the follow-up for me was helpful to see which students lost, which was not. When I triggered the system, they had, they sent me an e-mail back, I guess, the student does not going. This was two months ago. The thing that happened last two months. They sent me an email that the student should contact them. In my opinion, they are going to contact the student. That email got me confused. In the long run, they did contact the student. So, that first e-mail was a little misleading. That was what I dislike about it. And we will see at the end of the semester how much it really helps. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 student’s responsiveness is an issue and I am not sure how they can address that issue. My another concern about it is that I am not sure how well it used to as a privacy lost regarding the student grade exposure because university is not supposed to expose the student grade to anybody but student without any consent permission. Basically, the system alerts other party about the student grade. And I do not know they thought about that or aware of that. May be Peggy thought about it and cover legally because she said it is in one of the university programs. That may be something that would be a 81 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 There is no difficulty on that. No, it was very easy to manage. No, I haven’t. It is really straight forward, really easy. No. Yeah, I checked that. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah, I always check boxes, appropriate boxes. Yes. I did not mark the checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress. I did not do that. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I do not get the e-mail notification system because I fill with emails everyday. So, I don’t do that. Yes. Yes. I have done the comment. Yes. I didn’t use it, but yes, I’m glad they have. Yes. Yes, for some students. I have no idea. Oh, yes. Go back to the report the check the results. I have viewed the referral report. I have not done that. No. Yeah, I got a few of them. No. Yes, I have done that. And I always write a specific note in a comment section to the students that I concern about. What I do is I go in the system and look and find out No, it’s really easy. No. I think it’s very easy to use. No. It is actually a lot easier to use than what I anticipated. No. The computer aspect of it is fine. Yes. Yes, I marked the boxes of …. Exam failure or something like that. Yes. Oh, yeah. Quiz…all those checkboxes. Notified Checkboxes - Mark a checkbox to receive a notified e-mail for the referral progress I did, I wish I didn’t, because I’m getting all these emails. You know, I must have, because I’ve been getting lots of emails, so yea, I guess I did. I’ve been getting a lot of feedback from them. Yes. Comment Boxes - Add a comment in a comment box I did for one student, so just occasionally. No, I didn’t add any comment. Referral Reports - View the referral report for the referral progress after a referral No, I mean my direct is the interactions to the students, I I didn’t. I didn’t realize I can get a report. Warning Sign Checkboxes problem. Not yet. No. Not at all. No. Have you experienced any difficulty while using the system? If so, how did you solve the problem? Have you used the following functions in the system? - Mark a checkbox(s) for a warning sign(s) such as failed quiz, failed exam, excessive absence, missing assignments, missing presentations, missing lab, and others Difficulty 82 I did not know I could. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods submission Fall 2006 just care they are progressing well, I want them to know that I care, that I can see their progress, expects and some others. So I don’t want to say that I don’t care what other people do to help the students, I just have to be aware of how were the students performing in my class. You know, it’s great that other people are trying to help the students in a positive way, and so, I think if it can help the students to approach me and ask some questions about what they are not doing and what they need help on and then I think it’s great. But regarding the other stuff, I don’t really care how they are getting to me as long as they are getting that things are going… Yeah, for the report. That way I can do it when I make sure the student have seen it. Because I send out a lot alerts and I get a hundred emails a day. 83 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Frequency Do you use the system for every student who has an academic potential failure? Number of Classes How many classes are you teaching this semester? to me. Every student who is not doing well, who preformed poorly on my exams, I have, every student I used it. I was involved in… one, two, three, four different courses. And so I do lecture or the discussion sections, and lab supervisor for the introductory biology course. And then I supervised lab of the other entri-biology course, and I am the Well, see that, a matter of judgment. I turned over the name of anybody who got an F, or who has missed a lot of classes. For those people who got a D, I didn’t turn them over. Because I thought, well, that’s kind of marginal, they were not really failing, I wasn’t sure they were one of the figures people who got a D or not. If I go to the workshop, I think I need to ask that. I teach four sections of the BA3500 every semester. Fall 2006 Yes, I did. Yeah. For all my courses. Yeah. Yeah. Well, not exactly. I made a kind of arbitrary dividing moment, based on the grade of the first test and those that I felt really had done very poorly and I had to do something or else they are not gonna survive in the course. Yes. Yeah. Everybody. Yeah, I would take that I did. I have two classes. One is the Introduction to Sociology and the other is Alcohol Drugs and Society. 3 This semester is just one. 3 I teach one class this semester. I am teaching 4 classes this semester. One class. I teach …(1 class). 84 IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Number of Students How many students are there in your classes? supervisor for the tele-course, for the nonmajors. And I grade for the distancelearning course. 50/231 (Data are obtained from the early alert system database.) I have 200 students. And one of the Drugs has around 110 students and the intro class is about 140. Fall 2006 I have about 50 students in one course. And then I have 35 each in two others. 85 90 students. I have 30 in one, 40 in another and 15 in the …so. I have 93 students in this class. It is varied from semester to semester. But the one 3 credit hour that I have, that I have been teaching here since I started, is conversation class. Their top allowance is 20 students because, you know, the foreign language conversation is hard to do if more than that. But this semester I have 23 because there were too many in the waiting list. In Spanish 2, on the other hand, usually it allows 23 students. Usually, we have more than that with waiting list, but this semester may be because I am teaching at 2 o’clock. That This semester I have forty-four, forty-five. Totally 16. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Diffusion to Others Did you influence anyone to adopt the system? I don’t think so. Diffused Person If you did, who are the people you influenced to adopt the system? x Actually I talked to couple of people. I talked to Peggy and she had turned over a smaller too. And I did talk to Steve Belly do you know him? So yeah, I talked to people about it, afterwards. Oh, other professors. Fall 2006 I do not think I influence anyone. No. Not yet. I don’t think so. No. x x x x x 86 time is not popular. I only have 9 students. And I have 9 in Spanish for Business which is advance or junior level course. And that is usual. It tends to be lower number. I also have 9 in that class. And the other one, Spanish 3, third semester Spanish, I have 22 students, I started with 25 and couple of them have dropped. So, I now have 22. Not formally. Informally, in conversation with colleague, like the lady who is teaching …, Diane. Her office is across from me. We I encourage other people to use it like my (department) faculty members when they have an issue with one of their students. I have not talked with anybody about it. Because I am a course coordinator, so I have some (department) faculties that are out on site. So, when they x IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Diffusion Plan If you didn’t, do you plan to influence anyone to adopt the system? Why or why not? Um…all of us, instructors, we work on our own. You know what I mean? So, I do not know what other people do, but whenever we kind of commiserate about the students who is doing so poorly, oh…you should put them on the early alert. Yeah, and that’s pretty much how I influence it. x I guess I cannot say that I have any plan to do that, although I certainly share my experiences and feel very positive to the outcomes that seem to be developing. I do not think that I will just go up to another faculty member and say hey you use the system. Fall 2006 I will not influence someone to use or not use it at this point because I do not feel that I have enough information. 87 Yeah, I will talk with people about it. I do not know if people use it or not but I will ask. I want to find out how effective other faculties think it is. So, I probably talk with someone about that. If the professors tell me that they are having troubles with students that I would ask them if they had put them on the early alert system. Not that I know. Everybody has the same opportunity that I have. They all got the same email. If they decided they do not want to use it, nothing I can say to let them use it. Actually, I have not discussed about it with anybody, maybe I should have done that but I have not done that. I have not discussed about it with any of talked about it. They don’t have as much as experience with technology, so I can show them on how to do it. And they are using it now. And they do not have problem. have issues with the students, I encourage them to fill out the early alert or to let me know and I can fill out the early alert so that I have a record of what the issue is and the student has been notified and an appropriate action have been taken to record the situation. x x If one came up, I probably would. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 Diffused Action If you did or plan to influence people to adopt the system, what did or will say or do to make them adopt the system? If students are not doing well, I think it is much helpful in a large lecture class. Because in a small class, you might not need it. You can talk to them in small classes. But in such a larger class, it’s quick and easy way to let everybody who didn’t perform well on the exam, who aren’t coming that you are noticing. Also, for the instructor who does not interact with the students, it is helpful. I just told them they can turn people over, and they were a lot of actions going on, really, they got ride on it, I was impressed. But if we have a conversation that is talking about a student who is having problem, I will not hesitate to mention that the system is available and potentially useful. x Help Action If you did or plan to influence people to adopt the system, what did or will help them to use the system? Just tell them to use it. If they have questions, I’ll tell them to get into Mygateway. Steve Belly started the conversation, he just came along when I was doing something and asked about it. I do not think that I will just go up to another faculty member and say hey you use the system. x Well, I will mention that I have been using it and kind of describe the experience in terms of the responses that I got from the system or program and also, you know, my responses from students that I brought them in the system. And I will probably ask them about their experiences, especially the student responses in an effective way to deal with the students who potentially have some difficulties. Well, probably just talk to them, individually one on one, saying that I have been using it and it is effective tool and it is working, for me, in some degrees to the students that come to me for 88 It’s a certainly available option to help students who are not being successful in class. Just direct them to the site that is easy to find. It’s pretty selfexplanatory, very easy to use. my colleagues. x x It was not very technical like I am able to play computer. I just directed them towards the link and briefly described what I would say in the comment section and what they need to do in order to use it. I do not believe that some of my students have utilized it and helped through it. And say it is on mygateway site. You log it through here and you do this and you do and then they come and say they are using it. I just directed them towards the link and briefly described what I would say in the comment section and what they need to do in order to use it. I will help them get a kind of feedback if I am talking with somebody about it. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 help. Comments Are there any other items related to the early alert system that you would like to add? I’m interested to know about the turn-around rate once the students get the advising coordinator. It would be interesting to see how many students actually go and see that person. By doing that, I don’t know how that person actually does. Does that person just yell hey are you attending class? What does that person actually do? A lot of those people on the alert just come to see me, which is great. I don’t know, contact advisor, coordinator, or advisor, I kinda need to know what they are saying to these students. Is it more than just are you attending? Or are you going to class? Or actually giving advice for my class? That’s all I wanna know. I actually talked to some guy ever there, I forgot his name already, some guy in the students’ success workshop, cuz he left me a phone message. I guess maybe I turned over more people, you know, a lot of people actually I don’t know, anyway he called me. And I talked to him about it. He told me that they were doing, they were suggesting tutors for people, and they were inviting them to give study skills workshop and time management workshop. I think that’s great. A lot of them are because of time management I think. I was trying to think of some ways that it could be more useful but I think it is still a basic problem of communication. On one level, we are compounding the problem because you are bringing in another node to communicate between the faculty member and the student. But I guess, on the other hand, the reality is it is not bad in many situations. That might be necessary to kinda wake the students up. The biggest problem that I see is that the students do not check their email. The main thing I like to say is give us some counselors, give use some tutors. You know, I thought it would happen after I refer a student. Someone who sits down with the student and says do you have a place to study, do you have sufficient life. 89 I think if the students become more familiar with it and more used to having teachers use it in classes in regular basis, it will be a good system and helpful. The early alert system is tracking the results, the final results. You know that they can find everything that what happened to each student. I was around when the gateway was first arrived. There was a lot of resistance in using it. You have to learn new thing. You have to login. Your format has to fit in. Every professor has different ways. I was reluctant also but I got into it, I think, in one year. I start using it. And I began rapidly using that. So, yeah, everything like that gonna have some kind of resistance. Now the gateway is on us completely, especially a large course. Yeah, that is gateway. I do not know. It is probably not your topic. Maybe they could find a way to alert all students of the deadline, like dropping a class without a grade or excuse. I give a lot of information in my narrative to back up my documentation. So, if there is an issue going on, I can just, you know, they were told. And then also, the students know exactly what the problem is, so they can seek help to clarify the situation because sometimes it is not there when it really is. I do not think so. IS 7021: Philosophy of Science and Qualitative Research Methods Fall 2006 90