MINERAL DEPOSITS EPSC-452 MID-TERM TEST INSTRUCTIONS: Answer only one question. If asked to write reactions among silicate minerals, use the stoichiometric compositions provided in the following list: alunite (KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6; biotite (KAl(Fe,Mg)3Si3O10(OH)2); chlorite (Fe,Mg)6AlSi3O10(OH)8); epidote (Ca2Al2Si3O4(OH)); kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4); K-feldspar (KAlSi3O8); muscovite (KAl3Si3O10(OH)2); Marks: 25 5 5 7 8 25 1) In contrast to the presidents of many mining companies, you are a geologist and believe that model-driven grass-roots mineral exploration holds the most hope of success for your company, “New World Mining Inc.” One of your current objectives is to discover a large copper deposit that can be mined by open pit methods in the newly independent country of Nueva Esperanza. a) Your geological staff have reported showings of copper with traces of gold in rocks containing large phenocrysts in a fine-grained matrix. What is the likely composition and petrochemical affinity of these rocks? In what tectonic environment are they likely to have formed? Why are these rocks particularly favourable hosts for the type of mineralization that you are seeking? Explain your answers. b) You believe that mapping hydrothermal alteration is essential to developing targets for drilling. What type of alteration should your staff look for in developing these targets? What was the composition of the fluid that likely caused this alteration and how would you determine this composition with the aid of a microscope? Explain your answers. c) From experience, you know that ore stage hydrothermal alteration is commonly obscured by later hydrothermal alteration. What is the nature of this later alteration? Write a balanced reaction that relates this later alteration to the earlier ore stage alteration, show this reaction on a phase diagram and use it to discuss the physicochemical evolution of the hydrothermal system. d) Using information gained from a study of samples in the field and under the microscope and your understanding of the physicochemical controls of metal transport and deposition, develop and support a model of ore genesis hat you believe will lead to the discovery of a large economic copper deposit. 2) A junior Canadian mining company, “Utopia Minerals” has employed you to provide practical training for their geological staff and help them to evaluate an epithermal gold-bearing prospect that they have discovered in the Oro Grande region of Chile. 5 6 6 8 a) The Utopia Minerals geologists are confused over the usage of the terms “high sulphidation” and “low sulphidation”. Explain these terms to them and indicate the fO2-pH conditions under which these two deposit types form. b) The prospect that Utopia Minerals is evaluating in Oro Grande is characterized by extensive kaolinite alteration that passes northwards into muscovite/illite alteration and southwards into alunitic alteration. What type of epithermal deposit is Utopia Minerals evaluating? Write a balanced reaction involving the minerals, muscovite and kaolinite, and show how this reaction can be used to determine the direction of pH change in the prospect. In which direction (relative to the kaolinite zone) would you recommend that Utopia minerals concentrate their exploration for economic gold mineralization. Explain your recommendation. c) Based on your recommendation, Utopia minerals have undertaken a stable isotope study of alteration and fluid inclusions to help them understand the genesis of the deposit. On a plot of D vs 18O show the distribution of the estimated compositions of the fluids responsible for alteration relative to those of commonly encountered natural fluids. What conclusion(s) do you draw from the analysed compoisitions? d) Develop and support a model for the genesis of the deposit that Utopia Minerals is hoping to find at Oro Grande.