Rubric for Grading and Evaluating Essays (from inside cover of Insightful Writing) Standard → Grade ↓ Invention: Ideas/ Support Arrangement: Organization of Essay and Within Paragraphs A Far Exceeds Standards *Addresses assignment thoughtfully. *Strong, consistent sense of purpose and audience. *Clear thesis. *All body paragraphs are fully developed with appropriate, specific details. *If required, sources are used, cited, and integrated skillfully. *Introduction skillfully builds context and contains focused thesis. *Order of all paragraphs is logical and appropriate for essay’s purpose. *Each body paragraph skillfully supports essay’s purpose and is unified, coherent, with transitions and topic sentence. *Closing paragraph skillfully brings essay to logical end. B Exceeds Standards *Addresses assignment. *Good sense of purpose and audience. *Clear thesis. *Most body paragraphs are developed with appropriate details. *If required, sources are usually used, cited, and integrated. *Introduction builds context and contains focused thesis. *Order of all paragraphs is logical and appropriate for essay’s purpose. *Each body paragraph supports essay’s purpose and is mostly unified and coherent, with transitions and topic sentence. *Closing paragraph brings essay to logical end. C Meets Standards *Addresses assignment. *General sense of purpose and audience. *Adequate thesis. *Most body paragraphs are developed with details. *If required, sources are usually used and cited, but sometimes not integrated skillfully. *Introduction builds some context and contains thesis. *Order of most paragraphs is logical and appropriate for essay’s purpose. *Most body paragraphs support essay’s purpose and are usually unified, coherent, with some transitions and topic sentences. *Closing paragraph brings essay to end. D Needs Some Revision to Meet Standards *Addresses assignment superficially or partially. *Little sense of purpose and audience. *Unclear thesis. *Few body paragraphs are developed. *If required, sources are sporadically used and cited, and not well integrated. F Needs Much Revision to Meet Standards *Assignment not addressed. *No sense of purpose and audience. *No thesis. *Few body paragraphs are developed. *If required, sources are rarely used and cited, and not integrated, or are not used; or are used but not cited (plagiarism). *Introduction builds little context and contains flawed thesis. *Order of some body paragraphs is not logical or appropriate for essay’s purpose. *Some body paragraphs do not support essay’s purpose, and some lack unity, coherence, transitions, or topic sentences. *Closing paragraph is ineffective or combined with a body paragraph. *Introduction builds little or no context and contains no thesis. *Order of paragraphs is not logical or appropriate for essay’s purpose. *Most body paragraphs do not support essay’s purpose, and are not unified and coherent. *Transitions and topic sentences are rarely used. *Essay lacks closing paragraph. [explanatory text TK] Style: Voice/Tone/ Sentence Quality/ Word Choice (Diction) *Voice/tone are always distinctive, appropriate, engaging. *Sentence quality is almost always high, appropriate, fluent, varied. *Diction is consistently appropriate, fresh, clear. Style: Grammar, Usage, Punctuation, Spelling, Format *Voice/tone are usually distinctive, appropriate, engaging. *Sentence quality is usually high, appropriate, fluent, varied. *Diction is usually appropriate, fresh, clear. *Voice/tone are inconsistent. * Sentence quality is adequate, not as fluent and varied. *Diction is usually appropriate and clear. *Demonstrates strong understanding of sentence boundaries. *Grammar, usage, punctuation almost always help promote essay’s ideas. *Demonstrates proficient use of Standard Written English. *All format standards are skillfully used. *Essay contains a few sentence boundary problems. *Grammar, usage, and punctuation are adequate, with some errors. *Demonstrates adequate use of Standard Written English. *Most format standards are used. *Voice/tone need some development. *Sentence quality is low, sometimes not fluent or varied, and idiomatic. *Diction is sometimes inappropriate, unclear, and limited. *Voice/tone need much development. *Sentence quality is low, not fluent, not varied, unidiomatic. *Diction is often inappropriate, unclear, and limited. *Essay contains more sentence boundary problems. *Errors in grammar, usage, and punctuation begin to hinder communication *Shows limited experience with Standard Written English. *Some format standards are not used. *Shows little understanding of sentence boundaries. *Numerous errors in grammar, usage, and punctuation hinder communication *Shows lack of experience with Standard Written English. *Many format standards are not used. *Demonstrates strong understanding of sentence boundaries. *Grammar, usage, punctuation help promote essay’s ideas. *Demonstrates highly proficient use of Standard Written English. *All format standards are skillfully used. Other (Instructor’s Choice)