1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction The city of Kuala Lumpur (KL) is located at the confluence of the Klang and the Gombak Rivers. It was founded in the late 19th century as a settlement principally to serve the tin miners that worked the riverside areas and the traders that attended to the mining community’s needs. From this somewhat modest beginning, KL had grown over the years, and is today Malaysia’s oldest and largest city rated also as one of Asia’s richest capital. The transformation of KL into an ultra modern metropolis has not been without trials and challenges to the Government. As development took root and kept changing the face of the city, existing infrastructures came regularly under pressure to service demands that were way beyond their design limits. This called for repeated Government intervention to upgrade and modernize affected facilities and keep the situation from spiraling out of hand. In the history of the city, there have been numerous occasions when government sponsored programs were implemented to improve the city’s services to be in line with emerging demands. One such facility that will be the subject of this thesis is the main drainage system of KL for flood protection and drainage of the city. The phenomenal land use changes taking place in and around the city during the last two decades have caused a total change to the physical and hydrological character of the region, which in turn has subjected the river system serving KL to be out of tune to deal with floodwater drainage. 2 To counter the effect, Government has invested in a phased program to rehabilitate and upgrade the existing drainage infrastructure. The early phases of this program that began in the eighties, utilized a traditional approach that involved channel improvement works to speed up the flow of the flood wave through the city and the construction of upstream storage facilities to regulate down the magnitude of floodwaters flowing into the city. There is however, a limit to the application of such solutions and it became quite apparent in the late nineties, when this limit was being reached. A completely new approach for flood control was deemed necessary for KL. Since a few years back, flooding problem in the Kuala Lumpur city centre has worsened as a result of rapid development in the catchment areas, obstruction in waterway flow and limited space available for river improvement works. Therefore, the establishment of an accurate Flood Forecasting System in the Klang River Basin is an important and effective non-structural measure to complement the structural flood mitigation works. It will not only reduce flood damages due to unexpected flooding of properties and provide warning against traffic disruption but also will over time result in a better understanding of flooding in the basin. It is operational since 2002; evaluation and re-calibration should be carried out from time to time to make sure the accuracy of the MIKE 11 Modeling System with FLOOD WATCH as the decision support system. 1.2 Statement of Problem The forecasting component consists of data acquisition in real-time (Telemetric System) and the flood forecast modeling system (MIKE 11 Flood Forecasting Module). If one of these components failed to operate, the Flood Forecasting will not provide any 3 results. This has happened before when failure in the Telemetric System cause MIKE 11 to give erroneous results When setting up the modeling, all the parameters such as cross-section, hydrodynamic, rainfall runoff, boundary data, time series and network setup must be matched with the simulation file. If any one of these parameters do not match with the simulation file, it will not generate any discharge and water level result that we needed. 1.3 Study Area The Klang River Basin is located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia and encompasses the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and parts of the State of Selangor. The study area is generally hot and wet throughout the year without much variation. Nevertheless, the climate can be loosely defined by the following seasons: The north-east monsoon from December to March A transitional period from April to May The south-west monsoon from June to September; and A transitional period from October to November It is also characterized by uniform high temperature, high relative humidity, heavy rainfall and little wind. The average annual rainfall depth in the study area is about 2,400 mm. The highest rainfall occurs in the months of April and November with a mean of 280 mm. The lowest rainfall occurs in the month of June with a mean of 115 mm. The wet seasons occur in the transitional periods between the monsoons, from March to April and from October to November. In addition to rain associated with the monsoons, rainstorms derived from convection occur occasionally throughout the year during late afternoons. The rainstorms 4 last for a short duration, are isolated and usually of very high intensities. The temperature throughout the year is quite constant with a mean of 27ºC. The highest temperature increased at 1pm with an average of 32ºC and the lowest temperature decreased at 7am with an average of 23ºC. As the relative humidity is very closely related to the surrounding temperature, its variation throughout the year is also with minimum an average value of 82%. The evaporation depth for open water is measured to be around 1500 mm per annum or monthly mean of around 125mm/month. The study area is the most densely populated area in the country with an estimated population of over 3.7 million (about 18 percent of the national population) and growing at almost 5 percent per year. The Basin has an annual growth rate of approximately 5% and land use is dominated by urban residential development (44%), followed by forest reserves (34%), agriculture (15%) and commercial/industry (7%). Urbanization and industrialization in the river basin has been rapid with major portions of agricultural and ex-mining land being converted. As a result of the extensive and rapid urban development in the basin area, problems emerged in the form of river over bank floods; flash floods that afflict clogged drainage systems and river environment degeneration. This prompted the commissioning of a number of flood mitigation and river environment enhancement programs as the problems and the associated social and economic costs were escalating with more urbanization. The Klang River Basin has an area of about 1288 sq km, which encompasses the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, parts of Hulu Langat, Kuala Langat, Gombak, Sepang, Petaling and Klang districts in Selangor State. The municipalities that fall within the Basin boundaries include Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, Klang, Kajang, Shah Alam, Selayang and Ampang Jaya. 5 Figure 1.3.1: General Location Plan of Klang River Basin. Figure 1.3.2: Local Authorities Within Klang River Basin. 6 The Klang River originates from the Main Range about 25 km Northeast of Kuala Lumpur at an altitude of about 1330 m. As is typical of rivers on the west side of the Main Range, the river valley falls westerly to eventually meet the sea at the Straits of Malacca. It flows through the most densely populated region in Malaysia, including the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. The Klang River system is fed by 11 main tributaries comprising a number of tributaries of which the Gombak, Batu, Ampang, Kerayong, Kuyoh, Bunus and Damansara are major tributaries. The main Klang River has a length of about 120 km. The upper basin above the existing dams (Klang Gates Dams and Batu Dams) is mountainous with fairly steep slopes and still covered by tropical jungle. 1.4 Study Objective This study is to review the flood mitigating measures implemented through the SMART Project. It also simulate the Flood Forecasting in Klang River Basin in order to compare the existing river system in Klang River Basin with and without the Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) which is now in the process of construction in the city center of Kuala Lumpur. For this study, the objective is to add-in the SMART alignment in the network setup in the Flood Forecasting System for Klang River Basin by one of the component of MIKE 11 Modeling System that is MIKE ZERO as the decision support system to analyze the effects of SMART to the flood flow in Klang River Basin. 7 1.5 Study Outline Basically, the forecasting component consists of two main parts: data acquisition in real-time (telemetric system) and the flood forecast modeling system (MIKE 11 Flood Forecasting Module). In between these two components, the FLOOD WATCH decision support system is installed to manage and assist the Flood Forecasting System operator to collect the data for the forecast, generate the forecast and issue the bulletin/report. In addition, FLOOD WATCH provides important tools for better assessment and overview of the river system condition at the Time of forecast (ToF). MIKE 11 Modeling System – to perform the calculation required to predict the variations in discharge and water level in the river system as a result of catchments rainfall and inflow/outflow through boundaries in the river system. The MIKE 11 Flood Forecasting (FF) model is based on the Rainfall-Runoff (RR) and Hydrodynamic (HD) model of the Klang River Basin, developed and calibrated under the flood mitigation component. It is the automatic real time updating routine to minimize the deviations between observed and simulated discharge and water levels at the time of forecast. FLOOD WATCH - is a decision support system combining an advanced time series database with the MIKE 11 modeling system and the Geographical Information System ArcView. FLOOD WATCH was selected as the core to run the flood forecasting system. It includes all activities involved in the preparation of a forecast: Management of input data, processing of data, modeling and output of the forecast. 8 Figure 1.5.1: Outline of the FLOOD WATCH System for Klang River Basin. 9 Table 1.5.1 Procedures of Study Procedures of Study Input – 1. Data input from outsource 2. Boundary Estimates - Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) Processing – 1. Quality Checking and Processing of Data 2. Data Conversion to MIKE 11 Modeling – 1. Network setup, Cross-section setup, Boundary data setup, Hydrodynamic input, Simulation parameters input. 2. Model Simulation - Simulates a 3 Hours Forecast 3. Transfer of Model Results to the FLOOD WATCH Database Output – 1. Forecast Bulletin/Report 2. GIS Display of Data Conclusion – 1. Summary and Recommendation