Copablepharon fuscum

Scientific Name: Copablepharon fuscum (Troubridge & Crabo, 1995)
Common Name: Sand-verbena Moth
Phylum: Mandibulata
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Noctuidae
Conservation Status:
Global Status (2004): G1G2
National Status: N1N2 (United States); N1 (Canada)
State/Province Statuses: Washington (S1?), British Columbia (S1)
(NatureServe 2012).
Range, Distribution & Abundance:
The known distribution of this species is limited to coastal areas of
southwestern British Columbia (Strait of Georgia and Vancouver Island) and
northwestern Washington (Island, San Juan, Jefferson, and Clallam Counties).
The moth was first described in 1995 based on specimens collected at
Saanichton, British Columbia, and at Deception Pass State Park, Whidbey
Island, Washington (Troubridge & Crabo 1995). It is now known from a total of
twelve sites, five in Canada, and seven in Washington (Gibble & Fleckenstein
2013). Just five of the known Washington sites were confirmed extant in 2012;
the species was not detected during 2012 surveys at two Washington sites
where this species was found in 2002 (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013).
The distribution of this moth species is strongly tied to the distribution of its
only known host plant, yellow sand-verbena (Abronia latifolia). This plant is
found on ocean beaches in British Columbia (Southern Gulf Islands, Queen
Charlotte Islands, and Vancouver Island) and Washington (San Juan Islands
and coastal mainland), as well as on open ocean beaches along the coasts of
Oregon and California (Troubridge & Crabo 1995). It is not known if C. fuscum
occurs (or once occurred) at any Oregon or California localities (Troubridge &
Crabo 1995; Crabo 2012 pers. comm.). Abronia latifolia has declined
throughout its range on the Oregon and California coasts due to exotic species
invasion, intensive recreational use and urban development (COSEWIC 2003,
Troubridge & Crabo 1995). In particular, the introduced European beach
grass, Ammophila arenaria (L.) (Gramineae), has stabilized most of the dune
habitat on the Pacific Coast, supplanting the native beach vegetation
(Troubridge & Crabo 1995). However, additional sampling is needed to
determine the presence or absence of C. fuscum at coastal sites in Oregon and
California (COSEWIC 2003, Crabo 2012, pers. comm.). Additional surveys at a
number of Washington sites are also needed (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). See
Gibble & Fleckenstein (2013) for details and maps of sites that have recently
been surveyed for A. latifolia and C. fuscum in Washington. A list of sites that
are in need of surveys for C. fuscum is also provided (Gibble & Fleckenstein
Forest Service/BLM Lands: Copablepharon fuscum is Suspected on a small
parcel of Spokane District BLM land on Cattle Point (San Juan Island), based
on very close proximity to known records of this moth at the DNR-managed
Cattle Point NRCA (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). The Abronia latifolia host
plant is prevalent on Cattle Point and has been documented on National Park
Service, DNR and private land sites (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013, Gibble 2013,
pers. comm.). This plant has not yet been confirmed on Cattle Point BLM land,
but is considered very likely to occur there, based on the proximity to nearby
populations of this plant, as well as the recently confirmed presence of
appropriate habitat that would support this plant (Murphy 2013, pers. comm.).
According to Murphy (2013, pers. comm.), the Cattle Point BLM area is the only
BLM land on the San Juan Islands that is likely to support A. latifolia, based
on extensive botanical surveys of BLM land in this region (Murphy 2012, 2013).
BLM sites on Lopez Island (Iceberg Point, Chadwick Hill, Watmough Bay, Point
Colville) do not support A. latifolia (Murphy 2013, pers. comm, Murphy 2012,
BLM 2010), despite the presence of large patches of this plant elsewhere on
Lopez Island (e.g., western coast) (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013, Floristic Atlas of
the San Juan Islands 2013, COSEWIC 2003). Similarly, BLM land on Henry
Island (Kellet Bluff) does not support this plant (Murphy 2013, pers. comm,
Murphy 2013).
Abundance: Abundance estimates and total population sizes have not been
documented for the sand-verbena moth. Gibble & Fleckenstein (2013) did not
attempt to estimate population sizes due to great day-to-day and annual
fluctuations in moth activity and population level, as well as limitations in the
survey methodology that was employed. However, at each site where sandverbena moths were detected, they appeared at all light traps (between one and
four) within the first hour after dusk and typically numbered between five and
fifteen moths per trap (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). Troubridge & Crabo (1995)
note that although this species is known from very few localities, it can be
locally abundant where it occurs. It was the most common noctuid at
Deception Pass, Washington in late May and June, 1995 (Troubridge & Crabo
Habitat Associations:
The sand-verbena moth is limited in distribution by the presence of its only
host plant, yellow sand-verbena (Abronia latifolia) (Troubridge & Crabo 1995).
This plant grows exclusively at sea level in sandy coastal habitats (dunes,
beaches, and spits) that lack dense plant cover and have large expanses of
sand (WildEarth Guardians & Xerces Society 2010).
Known C. fuscum populations are associated with large, concentrated
populations of the host plant. In recent surveys in Washington, all sites where
C. fuscum was found were estimated to contain greater than 400 square meters
of A. latifolia foliar cover (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). However, not all sites
with large populations of host plant (> 400 square meters) were found to
support this species (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). The concentration/density
of host plants may also be an important habitat variable for this species.
Scattered host plants and host plant patches appear less optimal than large,
dense patches (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013).
Life History:
Copablepharon fuscum adults fly from early May to early July, taking flight at
dusk and during the night (Page 2007, PNW Moths 2012). Adult moths feed on
the nectar of the sand-verbena, using their long proboscis to reach the interior
of the trumpet-shaped flowers (COSEWIC 2003). They can be seen moving from
flower to flower much like bumblebees feeding on clover (Page 2007). Adult
females lay eggs in the sand-verbena’s flowers and possibly in the sand around
the plant (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). Eggs hatch within approximately 2
weeks (COSEWIC 2003; British Columbia Invertebrates Recovery Team 2008).
Larvae burrow into the sand during the day and emerge at night to feed on
sand-verbena leaves and flowers (Page 2007). Pupation takes place below
ground in the sand, underneath verbena patches (COSEWIC 2003; British
Columbia Invertebrates Recovery Team 2008). Adults emerge after a pupation
period of approximately 10 days (reviewed in WildEarth Guardians & Xerces
Society 2010). The adult life span is 7-21 days (reviewed in WildEarth
Guardians & Xerces Society 2010). Photographs of the larva, pupa, and adult
are available in Tatum (2012).
Conservation Considerations:
Copablepharon fuscum is a habitat specialist dependent upon another habitat
specialist (A. latifolia) in a highly threatened habitat type, making the long-term
security of this species questionable (WildEarth Guardians & Xerces Society
2010, Troubridge & Crabo 1995). Gibble & Fleckenstein (2013) discuss a
number of specific threats to this species that were recently observed during
their surveys of Washington sites. Most of the Washington beaches visited
during their surveys showed evidence of increased competition with A. latifolia
by encroaching vascular and nonvascular plants. In some cases the sand
deposits had nearly 100% vegetative cover, and A. latifolia plants were stressed
and not flowering. These observations suggest that stabilization of sand
deposits by invasive plant species is the greatest threat to the host plant and
by extension, to C. fuscum, at Washington sites (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013).
Colonizing species of concern included native shrubs, forbs and grasses as well
as nonnative species, all of which can compete with A. latifolia for space and
resources (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). Dune stabilization by competing plants
was particularly a concern at American Camp, where Sisymbrium altissimum is
abundant on the dunes, and at Fort Worden, where a variety of native and
non-native plants have colonized the dunes. Dune stabilization was also
apparent at a number of other sites where A. latifolia populations appeared to
be in decline, such as at Waldron Island and Fisherman Bay Spit on Lopez
Island (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013).
Additionally, this species is threatened by recreation and development within
its ocean-front habitat (WildEarth Guardians & Xerces Society 2010,
Troubridge & Crabo 1995). Intentional habitat conversion has affected habitat
at several Washington sites in recent years (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). Paved
roads and parking lots have been developed on probable past habitat at several
sites, most notably Deception Pass and Fort Worden state parks and American
Camp (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). Significant human use of a number of the
beaches, most notably Deception Pass, Fort Worden, and Rocky Beach, has
also been observed (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). Both the host plant and moth
larvae are vulnerable to disturbance by foot or vehicular traffic (Gibble &
Fleckenstein 2013).
Rising sea levels and increased storm surges due to climate change pose
further threats to this species (WildEarth Guardians & Xerces Society 2010).
Sea level rise will allow extreme tides and storms to reach higher onto the
beach, posing a significant threat to A. latifolia, since this plant occupies a
fairly narrow strip of sand between the high tide line and encroaching trees and
shrubs at several sites (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013). Coastal erosion of the
beaches is a significant concern at all known sites with the possible exception
of American Camp where the population extends away from the beach on
higher ground (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013).
Spraying of the insecticide Btk (Bacillus thuringensis var. kurstaki) for control
of the European gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is also a significant threat to C.
fuscum (WildEarth Guardians & Xerces Society 2010). Btk is lethal to C.
fuscum and although it has not yet been used near C. fuscum sites, prevention
or control of application could be difficult (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013).
Tachinid flies (Family Tachinidae), also used for gypsy moth control, would be
equally dangerous to C. fuscum populations (Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013).
Herbivory of A. latifolia by black-tailed deer (Odocoilues hemionus columbianus),
eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus), and European hare
(Oryctolagus cuniculus) has been documented and may pose a minor threat
(Gibble & Fleckenstein 2013).
A number of additional threats are listed in the Canadian Recovery Strategy
(B.C. Invertebrates Recovery Team 2008) and the Endangered Species Act
Petition for this species (WildEarth Guardians & Xerces Society 2010).
Prepared by: Sarah Foltz Jordan, Xerces Society
Date: 2 February 2013
Edited by: Sarina Jepsen, Xerces Society
Date: 4 March 2013
Final edits by: Rob Huff, FS/BLM, Portland OR
Date: 9 December 2013
List of pertinent or knowledgeable contacts
Maps of species distribution
Photograph of species host plant
ATTACHMENT 1: References
British Columbia Invertebrates Recovery Team. 2008. Recovery strategy for
Sand-verbena Moth (Copablepharon fuscum) in British Columbia. Prepared for
the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Victoria, BC. 18 pp. Available at:
Bureau of Land Management (BLM). 2010. BLM Lands of San Juan County.
Significant Ecological, Cultural, Historical, Recreational, Geological,
Educational and Scientific Values. Available at: (Accessed 4 Feb. 2013).
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 2003.
COSEWIC assessment and status report on Sand-verbena moth
(Copablepharon fuscum) in Canada. Ottawa, ON. 39 pp. Available at:
h_e.pdf (Accessed 4 Dec 2012) Species At Risk Act (SARA) Registry. 2009.
Species Account for Sand-verbena Moth. Available at: (Accessed
4 Dec 2012).
Crabo, Lars. 2009, 2012. Lepidopterist, Bellingham, WA. Personal
communication with Sarah Foltz Jordan, Xerces Society.
Floristic Atlas of the San Juan Islands. 2013. Abronia latifolia records.
Washington University of Washington Herbarium (WTU), Burke Museum.
Available at:
(Accessed 6 Feb. 2013).
Gibble, W. and J. Fleckenstein. 2013. Copablepharon fuscum (sand-verbena
moth) and Abronia latifolia (yellow sand-verbena) Washington State Surveys.
Natural Heritage Report 2013-02. Prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
14 January 2013. 16 pp. + appendix.
Gibble, Wendy. 2013. Program Manager, Rare Plant Care and Conservation
Program, Seattle, WA. Personal communication with Sarah Foltz Jordan,
Xerces Society.
Murphy, M. 2012. Preliminary Plant List for Iceberg Point, Lopez Island,
Washington from field visits in 2005-2012. Available by request from Madrona
Murphy, Kwiaht: Center for the Historical Ecology of the Salish Sea.
Murphy, M. 2013. Plant list for small islands managed by the BLM in San Juan
County, Washington. Available by request from Madrona Murphy, Kwiaht:
Center for the Historical Ecology of the Salish Sea.
Murphy, M. 2013. Botanist and Genetic Technician, Kwiaht: Center for the
Historical Ecology of the Salish Sea, Lopez, WA. Personal communication with
Sarah Foltz Jordan, Xerces Society.
NatureServe. 2012. “Copablepharon fuscum.” NatureServe Explorer: An online
encyclopedia of life [web application]. Feb. 2009. Version 7.1. NatureServe,
Arlington, Virginia. Available at:
(Accessed 4 Dec 2012).
Pacific Northwest Moths. 2013. Species profile for Copablepharon
fuscum (Troubridge & Crabo, 1996), Sand-verbena Moth. Profile number 933287. Available at: (Accessed 4 Jan. 2013).
Page, N. 2007. Sand-verbena Moth Profile. British Columbia Ministry of
Environment Invertebrate Conservation Series. Available at: (Accessed 4 Jan. 2012).
Ross, Dana. 2009. Lepidopterist, Corvallis, OR. Personal communication with
Sarah Foltz Jordan, Xerces Society.
Tatum, J. 2012. Butterflies and Moths of Southern Vancouver Island. Available
at: (Accessed 4
Jan. 2012).
Troubridge, J.T. and L.G. Crabo. 1995. A new species of Copablepharon
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from British Columbia and Washington. Journal of
the Entomological Society of British Columbia 92: 87-90. Available at: (Accessed 4 Jan.
WildEarth Guardians & The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.
2010. Petition to list the Sand-verbena Moth (Copablepharon fuscum) under the
U.S. Endangered Species Act. Petition submitted to the U.S. Secretary of
Interior Acting through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, February 4th 2010.
19 pp. Available at: (Accessed 4 Jan.
List of pertinent, knowledgeable contacts:
Lars Crabo, Lepidopterist (regional moth expert), Bellingham, WA.
Madrona Murphy, Botanist and Genetic Technician, Kwiaht: Center for the
Historical Ecology of the Salish Sea, Lopez, WA.
Wendy Gibble, Program Manager, Rare Plant Care and Conservation Program,
Seattle, WA.
John Fleckenstein, Zoologist, Washington Natural Heritage Program, Olympia,
Map of Species Distribution
Records of Copablepharon fuscum in Washington relative to BLM lands.
Records of Copablepharon fuscum on San Juan Island, showing proximity of
known records to BLM land on southeast San Juan Island (Cattle Point).
Photograph of species host plant
Copablepharon fuscum host plant: Abronia latifolia. Photograph by Celeste
Mazzacano and Sarina Jepsen, Xerces Society, used with permission.